Is spawn a word

Asked by: Eldred Stroman

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Spawn is the eggs and sperm released or deposited into water by aquatic animals. As a verb, to spawn refers to the process of releasing the eggs and sperm, and the act of both sexes is called spawning. Most aquatic animals, except for aquatic mammals and reptiles, reproduce through the process of spawning.

What does spawn mean in text?

SPAWN means «Give Birth» and «Regenerate.» The word SPAWN is widely used both online and off to mean «Give Birth.» It is also used in online gaming to mean «Regenerate.»

What is spawn explain?

1 : the eggs of aquatic animals (such as fishes or oysters) that lay many small eggs. 2 : product, offspring also : offspring in great numbers. 3 : the seed, germ, or source of something.

What does spawn mean in gaming?

In video games, spawning is the live creation of a character, item or NPC. Respawning is the recreation of an entity after its death or destruction, perhaps after losing one of its lives.

Does spawn mean child?

Spawn is to give birth to or produce. An example of spawn is when you have a child. … Spawn is defined as the offspring of a person or animal. An example of spawn is a person’s children.

24 related questions found

Where does the term spawn come from?

Technically, the mass of small eggs laid by animals like fish, frogs, mollusks is called spawn. But the word has been borrowed to mean offspring, or the act of making them in general.

What is spawn on Roblox?

Spawn is used to run a function in a separate thread without yielding the current one. It will run simultaneously with the rest of the tasks, but won’t delay/affect the main thread. spawn(function() —Do whatever here end)

What’s spawning in fish?

The expulsion of gametes from the body into the surrounding water is called «spawning» resulting in fertilisation. Fish spawns during a specified periods of the year which coincides with the several environmental factors that are available during the said period only.

What is spawn Codm?

Spawns, spawns, spawns

Right now, it uses a system commonly referred to as «group spawns». This prioritises respawning a player close to a teammate – as long as they’re not currently in combat – to the point where it doesn’t seem to matter how many enemies could be in the area.

Is spawn good or bad?

In spite of his evil sides, I have come nevertheless to the conclusion, that Spawn is one of the most virtuous characters in his universe. He is a crusader, on a mission to cleanse the world of villains like Tony Twist or Jason Wynn. But he’s not some stereotype hero without flaws and always doing the right thing.

What does spawn mean in business?

V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary

In business, spawn is used figuratively to describe creating or initiating new ideas or strategies.

How does spawning work?

Spawn is the eggs and sperm released or deposited into water by aquatic animals. … The process of spawning typically involves females releasing ova (unfertilized eggs) into the water, often in large quantities, while males simultaneously or sequentially release spermatozoa (milt) to fertilize the eggs.

Is Spawn a derogatory word?

Usually Disparaging. a swarming brood; numerous progeny:Diners at the restaurant were annoyed by the two inconsiderate parents and their unruly spawn.

Is Spawn powerful?

There’s an argument to made for Spawn being one of the most powerful comic book characters of all time. He has the traditional super power set of strength, invulnerability and flight on top of other abilities like teleportation and telekinesis.

Do fish eat when spawning?

In fact, during the actual spawning process fish of every species tend to quit actively feeding and choose instead, to put all of their resources on procreation. In fact, those panfish that are biting are actually in the pre- or post-spawn phase and will be feeding.

How do fish mate?

In most cases, the female drops eggs in the water which are immediately fertilized by sperm from the male. Another way is for fertilization to occur within the females body before she drops them into the water. With the third and final method, the female retains the eggs within her body and the young are born alive.

What does wait () do Roblox?

As stated in the documentation, the wait function returns the actual elapsed time. With that bit of information, we can adjust the time of day accordingly. If the elapsed time is longer than 0.25 seconds, then we’ll skip the time of day forward proportionally.

How strong is spawn?

Powers and abilities. Spawn’s body is quite dense, weighing over 450 pounds and is composed completely of necroplasm. This gives him superhuman strength, speed and durability. While he still has internal organs, they are only semi-functional, however their damage or destruction does not hinder Spawn at all.

How do you use spawn in a sentence?

Spawn in a Sentence ?

  1. Big earthquakes tend to spawn smaller aftershocks that continue to rock the area for several hours or days.
  2. The plan for the hotel went on to spawn several other similar blueprints.
  3. If a film is popular enough, it will often spawn a merchandise business as well.

How do you Respawn in muck?

Respawning in Muck

If your health bar drops to zero in the game, you’ll immediately die and will leave a gravestone behind. Other players can interact with the gravestone and use the Revive Totem to resurrect the dead player. Players should note that respawning mechanism only works during the day.

transitive verb. 1a : to produce or deposit (eggs) —used of an aquatic animal. b : to induce (fish) to spawn. c : to plant with mushroom spawn. 2 : bring forth, generate the idea spawned controversy.

Is spawn a real word?

spawn noun (EGGS)

What do you mean by planting spawn?

Spawn is also defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “the mycelium of fungi, especially of mushrooms grown to be eaten, used for propagation”. The simple definition of spawning is the planting of mushroom spawn in the prepared compost/substrate.

What are spawn and their types?

Other types of Mushroom spawn are; Woodchip spawn – Made from woodchips of different hardwoods. Straw spawn – Pasteurized straw inoculated with mycelium. Sawdust spawn plugs – Sawdust spawn in the shape of a plug with Styrofoam on the end. Liquid spawn – Water enriched with mushroom spores or mycelia slurry….

What is Master Spawn?

Master spawn or master culture bottles / bags are further used for inoculation of large number of other grain bags / bottles prepared by the same technique and resultant is the commercial spawn….

What is plug spawn?

Plug spawn is mycelium grown into hardwood dowels which can be easily tapped into holes drilled into a log. It’s a natural choice for small projects because it is easy to use, requires no special tools and is available in small quantities.

How do you use spawn plugs?

Plug Spawn Inoculation

  1. Use a 5/16” bit and drill 1” holes in a diamond pattern all over the perimeter of the log, omitting either end.
  2. Place plugs into your holes, using a hammer if the fit is snug.
  3. Brush melted paraffin or beeswax over each plugged hole. We use a crockpot to melt the wax and a paint brush or wax dauber to apply it!

How do I make spawn plugs?

Let’s walk through the process of making your very own plug spawn step by step.

  1. Step 1: Soak Plugs for 24 hours. Soak the dowels in clean water for about 24 hours.
  2. Step 2: Drain and Sterilize. After a 24 hour soak, the dowels should be sufficiently hydrated.
  3. Step 3: Inoculate Plugs.
  4. Step 4: Colonize, Then Use or Store.

What is spawn mycology?

Spawn is the living fungal culture, called mycelium, grown onto a substrate. It provides the backbone to any mushroom growing operation. Think of it as the equivalent of seeds for a mushroom farm.

Where do you keep mushroom spawn?

Keep spawn at room temperature if you will be using it in the next few days. For longer storage, refrigerate the spawn for up to 3 months.

How do I make my mother spawn?

The various steps involving in preparation of mother spawn are listed.

  1. Soak the sorghum grains in clean water to remove chaffy and damaged grains.
  2. Cook the grains in a vessel for 30 minutes just to soften them.
  3. Take out the cooked grains and spread evenly on the platform to remove excess water.

What is sawdust spawn?

Sawdust spawn consists of mycelium grown into hardwood sawdust and is the preferred spawn of many commercial growers for growing Shiitake, Oyster, Nameko, Lion’s Mane, Comb Tooth, Olive Oysterling, Maitake, Chicken of the Woods, and Chestnut mushrooms on logs.

Can you reuse mushroom spawn?

It can’t get much easier than that. And if you thought that first batch of mushrooms was good, it gets even better, as you can reuse the Fungi Ally mushroom grow kit! Just allow the block to rest for 2-3 weeks and begin the process anew….

How long does mushroom spawn last?

2 months

What do you do with used mycelium?

RE-INOCULATE FRESH SUBSTRATE Spent substrate as an inoculant for a fresh substrate gives the reused mycelium a nutrient boost. When preparing a new substrate, crumble and mix the old one in with it. Incubate and fruit again. The downside being, the flushes aren’t as exuberant as a first run with fresh spores….

How do I start a mushroom farm?

In fact, here’s how to get started in just six easy steps.

  1. Get your spawn and substrate. You’ll need a spawn to start the culture.
  2. Prepare the substrate. First, chop the straw into short pieces.
  3. Pack the plastic bags. Now it’s time to pack plastic bags with the straw and spawn.
  4. Incubation.
  5. Fruiting.
  6. Harvest.

Where is Lion’s Mane found?

Lion’s mane (Hericium species) are common saprophytic (decomposing) fungi found on decaying trees throughout the Northern United States and Canada. There are three species of Hericium that are found in Eastern North America….

How long does it take for a lion to grow a mane?

two years

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    spawn a word

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    1) Общая лексика: steam

    5) Военный термин: Wallops station, Weapons School, Weather Service, Women’s Services, Word Send, war scale, war service, war site, war strength, war-like stores, warhead section, weapon specification, weapon system, weather squadron, weather station, wind shield , windsonde, wing station, wireless section, wireless set, стабилизатор вооружения

    16) Сокращение: Samoa, Walk Sequence rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Weapon Subsystem , Work Station, waste stack, weather stripping, wetted surface, yard, writer to the signet , WAN (Wide Area Network) Server, Waardenburg Syndrome, Wadley Southern Railway Company, Wage Supervisor, Walkersville Southern (railroad), Walking Stick, Wall Slide (strength-building exercise), Wall Street, Wally Szczerbiak (basketball player), Ward Save (Warhammer gaming), Ware Shoals Railroad Company, Warp Star (gaming), Warpstorm (forum), Warren Sapp (football player), Warren Shepell Consultants Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada), Warsong (gaming, World of Warcraft), Wartungssystem, Washington Star, Watch Supervisor, Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses), Water Solubility, Water Sports, Wave Shape, Wave Soldering, Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons), Wayward Spouse, Weapon Science, Weapon Skill (Warhammer gaming), Weapon Specification/System, Weapon(s) Specification, Weapon(s) System, Web Services, Web Site, Weber-Schafheitlin Integral, Wechselstrom (German: Alternating Current), Weebl’s Stuff (website), Week Starting, Weekly Summary, Weird Silence, Wembley Stadium (England), Wesley Snipes (actor), West Seattle (Washington), West Side, West-Saxon (linguistics), Western Samoa, Western Shelter (manufacturer), Wet Season, Wheelin’ Sportsmen, White Sheet, Whittaker — Shannon (sampling theorem), Widescreen, Width Skew, Wilderness Society, Wildlife Services, Wildlife Society, Will Shortz (creator of popular wordless crossword puzzle Sudoku), Will Smith (actor), William Shakespeare, William Shatner (actor), Williams Syndrome, Win Shares (arcane baseball stat), Wind Shear, Wind Speed, Wing Stow, Wing Support, Winston Salem (North Carolina), Winter Sonata (Korean TV show), Winter Springs (Florida), Wintersemester (German: winter semester), Wire Send, Wisselstroom (Dutch: Alternating Current), Women in Science, Women’s Studies, WonderSwan, WordStar, Work Safe, Work Server, Work Space, Work Statement, Work Status, Work Surface, Worker Safety and Health, Worksheet, Workstation, World Senior, World Series, World Service (BBC), World Services, World Studies (course/class), Write Set, Writer to the Signet, Written Submission, Wrought Steel, water surface

    18) Вычислительная техника: Web Server , (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) WorkStation

    20) Бумажная промышленность: wire side

    25) SAP. график рабочего времени

    29) Программирование: Web-сервисы

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > WS

  • 5

    1) Общая лексика: steam

    5) Военный термин: Wallops station, Weapons School, Weather Service, Women’s Services, Word Send, war scale, war service, war site, war strength, war-like stores, warhead section, weapon specification, weapon system, weather squadron, weather station, wind shield , windsonde, wing station, wireless section, wireless set, стабилизатор вооружения

    16) Сокращение: Samoa, Walk Sequence rate category abbreviation on letter mail key line, Weapon Subsystem , Work Station, waste stack, weather stripping, wetted surface, yard, writer to the signet , WAN (Wide Area Network) Server, Waardenburg Syndrome, Wadley Southern Railway Company, Wage Supervisor, Walkersville Southern (railroad), Walking Stick, Wall Slide (strength-building exercise), Wall Street, Wally Szczerbiak (basketball player), Ward Save (Warhammer gaming), Ware Shoals Railroad Company, Warp Star (gaming), Warpstorm (forum), Warren Sapp (football player), Warren Shepell Consultants Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada), Warsong (gaming, World of Warcraft), Wartungssystem, Washington Star, Watch Supervisor, Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses), Water Solubility, Water Sports, Wave Shape, Wave Soldering, Waylon Smithers (The Simpsons), Wayward Spouse, Weapon Science, Weapon Skill (Warhammer gaming), Weapon Specification/System, Weapon(s) Specification, Weapon(s) System, Web Services, Web Site, Weber-Schafheitlin Integral, Wechselstrom (German: Alternating Current), Weebl’s Stuff (website), Week Starting, Weekly Summary, Weird Silence, Wembley Stadium (England), Wesley Snipes (actor), West Seattle (Washington), West Side, West-Saxon (linguistics), Western Samoa, Western Shelter (manufacturer), Wet Season, Wheelin’ Sportsmen, White Sheet, Whittaker — Shannon (sampling theorem), Widescreen, Width Skew, Wilderness Society, Wildlife Services, Wildlife Society, Will Shortz (creator of popular wordless crossword puzzle Sudoku), Will Smith (actor), William Shakespeare, William Shatner (actor), Williams Syndrome, Win Shares (arcane baseball stat), Wind Shear, Wind Speed, Wing Stow, Wing Support, Winston Salem (North Carolina), Winter Sonata (Korean TV show), Winter Springs (Florida), Wintersemester (German: winter semester), Wire Send, Wisselstroom (Dutch: Alternating Current), Women in Science, Women’s Studies, WonderSwan, WordStar, Work Safe, Work Server, Work Space, Work Statement, Work Status, Work Surface, Worker Safety and Health, Worksheet, Workstation, World Senior, World Series, World Service (BBC), World Services, World Studies (course/class), Write Set, Writer to the Signet, Written Submission, Wrought Steel, water surface

    18) Вычислительная техника: Web Server , (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) WorkStation

    20) Бумажная промышленность: wire side

    25) SAP. график рабочего времени

    29) Программирование: Web-сервисы

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ws

См. также в других словарях:

  • spawn a word — beget an idea, create a concept …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Spawn of Tiamat — in universe subject = a described object = a fictional creature category = context Infobox D D creature name=Spawn of Tiamat alignment= type= subtype= source= first= mythical= based=In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role playing game, Spawn of… …   Wikipedia

  • Spawn — The word spawn can have several meanings: * Biological spawning *Spawn (computing), an operating system function that executes a child process *Spawn (comics), a fictional character in the comic series of the same name. ** , a video game based on …   Wikipedia

  • spawn — I UK [spɔːn] / US [spɔn] noun [uncountable] the eggs of a frog or fish protected by a transparent layer II UK [spɔːn] / US [spɔn] verb Word forms spawn : present tense I/you/we/they spawn he/she/it spawns present participle spawning past tense… …   English dictionary

  • spawn — [14] Spawn is ultimately the same word as expand, and etymologically it denotes the ‘spreading out’ of a fish’s eggs by its shedding them into the water. The word comes from espaundre, an Anglo Norman variant of Old French espandre ‘spread, shed’ …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • spawn — [14] Spawn is ultimately the same word as expand, and etymologically it denotes the ‘spreading out’ of a fish’s eggs by its shedding them into the water. The word comes from espaundre, an Anglo Norman variant of Old French espandre ‘spread, shed’ …   Word origins

  • Necroplasm — Spawn s eyes glowing green with necroplasm Spawn bleeding necrop …   Wikipedia

  • Miracleman — Superherobox| caption=Cover to Miracleman #3. Howard Chaykin, artist. comic color=background:#c0c0c0 character name=Miracleman real name=Micky Moran publisher=Eclipse Comics (USA), Quality Communications (UK) debut=Marvelman #25 (UK) Miracleman… …   Wikipedia

  • Marvelman — Miracleman redirects here. For other uses, see Miracle Man (disambiguation). Marvel Man and Marvel Man (comics) both direct here, for the Marvel Comics super hero formerly known as Marvel Man, see Quasar (Wendell Vaughn). Marvelman Cover to… …   Wikipedia

  • Alan Moore — For other people named Alan Moore, see Alan Moore (disambiguation). Alan Moore Born Alan Oswald Moore 18 November 1953 (1953 11 18) (age 57) Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, UK …   Wikipedia

  • List of Rurouni Kenshin characters — The image shows several of the main characters of Rurouni Kenshin, the faction of Shishio Makoto, and the Kyoto Oniwabanshū Kenshin has the large picture on the top. The main characters and Kyoto Oniwabanshū characters on the top row include,… …   Wikipedia

икра, порождение, отродье, мицелий, порождать, метать икру, плодиться


- икра (рыб и земноводных)
- икринка
- мальки
- многочисленное потомство

young spawns — детвора

- презр. отродье
- порождение, следствие (какого-л. явления, обстоятельства)
- источник, рассадник

spawn of noise — источник шума

- бот. мицелий, грибница


- метать икру
- плодиться, размножаться
- зарождаться
- плодить, порождать, создавать
- кишеть, быть переполненным; являться средоточием или рассадником (чего-л.)
- извлекать икру (из рыб)

Мои примеры


the incident that spawned a generation of student protests — происшествие, породившее целое поколение студенческих протестов  
a TV show that spawned a host of imitations — телепередача, породившая множество подражаний /похожих передач/  
to spawn roe — метать икру, нереститься  
the spawn of Satan — сатанинское отродье  
spawn-run compost — компост с проросшей грибницей  
spawn maker — производитель мицелия  
manure spawn — навозный мицелий  
mushroom spawn — шампиньонная грибница; грибница  
grain spawn — посевной мицелий на зерне; зерновой мицелий  
powder spawn — посевной мицелий на порошковидном субстрате  
spawn running room — камера плодоношения  
spawn running — произрастание и разрастание мицелия  

Примеры с переводом

The salmon swims upstream to spawn

Лосось плывет на нерест вверх по течению.

New technology has spawned new business opportunities.

Новые технологии открыли /породили/ новые возможности для бизнеса.

The health-food craze spawned a multimillion-dollar industry.

Помешательство на здоровой пище породило многомиллионную промышленность.

Sometimes I think those little brats are the spawn of Satan himself.

Иногда мне кажется, что эти маленькие паршивцы — отродье самого Сатаны.

Pacific salmon return to Alaskan streams to deposit their spawn.

На нерест тихоокеанский лосось возвращается в реки Аляски.

The general atmospheric conditions in which hurricanes are spawned are known.

Атмосферные условия, вызывающие ураганы, известны.

Возможные однокоренные слова

spawning  — нерест
spawner  — самка, источник, генератор, производитель

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: spawn
he/she/it: spawns
ing ф. (present participle): spawning
2-я ф. (past tense): spawned
3-я ф. (past participle): spawned


The health-food craze spawned a multimillion-dollar industry.

the incident that spawned a generation of student protests

a TV show that spawned a host of imitations


Pacific salmon return to Alaskan streams to deposit their spawn.

sometimes I think those little brats are the spawn of Satan himself

Recent Examples on the Web

Then the third round of deadly storms in less than two weeks hit the very same region on Tuesday, spawning nearly two dozen tornadoes, which killed at least five people in Missouri.

Jennifer Gray, CNN, 8 Apr. 2023

An average of 1,200 tornadoes hit the country yearly, and the United States will probably get more killer supercells spawning tornadoes and hail as the world warms, according to a recent study.

Lisa Baumann, Chicago Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

The fierce storms that started Friday and continued into the weekend spawned deadly tornadoes in 11 states as the system plodded through Arkansas and onto the South, Midwest and Northeast.

CBS News, 5 Apr. 2023

The fierce storms started last Friday and continued into the weekend spawned deadly tornadoes in 11 states as the system plodded through Arkansas and onto the South, Midwest and Northeast.

Scott Mcfettridge, Fortune, 5 Apr. 2023

The fierce storms that started Friday and continued into the weekend spawned deadly tornadoes in 11 states as the system plodded through Arkansas and onto the South, Midwest and Northeast.

Scott Mcfetridge And Sean Murphy,, 5 Apr. 2023

The water temperature was 37 degrees, still colder than smelt prefer for spawning.

Paul A. Smith, Journal Sentinel, 2 Apr. 2023

The path for spawning salmon also will be eased by the surfeit of water.

James Rainey, Los Angeles Times, 1 Apr. 2023

The series became a global sensation, averaging 24 million viewers in the U.S., spawning several international spin-offs (and arguably the whole Real Housewives franchise), and returning the likes of Teri Hatcher and Felicity Huffman to the limelight.

Erik Maza, Town & Country, 29 Mar. 2023

The introduction of any new system spawns perturbations that create surprises, both wanted and unwanted.

IEEE Spectrum, 28 Mar. 2023

Drifting small spawn sacks tied with bright mesh colors and worked in the deep pools under a float will be most productive for steelhead trout as the waters clear from the Vermilion River to Conneaut Creek, including the productive Rocky and Chagrin rivers.

D’arcy Egan, cleveland, 30 Dec. 2022

The eggs or spawn of a fish.

Arkansas Online, 13 May 2021

The latest installment of the Millarworld universe, Jupiter’s Legacy tells the story of the world’s first superheroes in the 1930s and their superpowered spawn in the present day.

Jacob Siegal, BGR, 2 May 2021

Hardpoint and control maps can be inconsistent with spawn locations and the movement is so fast that players can get back into the action quickly.

Dallas News, 2 Apr. 2022

Most were female, and the millions of eggs that each could produce during a spawn never made it into the water within which they were meant to hatch.

Andrew S. Lewis, New York Times, 2 Feb. 2023

Found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate oceans worldwide, manta rays are filter feeders that feast on the large amounts of zooplankton and coral spawn found along the Great Barrier Reef.

Melissa Cristina Márquez, Forbes, 11 Oct. 2022

Spinning tackle fishermen are wading to float marabou jigs and maggots and small spawn bags tied in colorful mesh.

D’arcy Egan, cleveland, 9 Dec. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘spawn.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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