Is snapshotted a word

Yes, snapshotting is a recognized word!

The OED says that snapshotting derives from the verb to snapshot, which in turn derives from the noun a snapshot. [paywalled link]

They provide this citation:

ˈsnapshotting adj.

  • 1978   Nature   7 Dec. 647/2
    Mr Sankhala also remarks that the snap-shotting tourist is so preoccupied with shutter speeds, lens apertures and focussing that he fails to see anything around him.

That entry is from the Second Edition of 1989, and has not yet been updated for the Third Edition.

Snapshotting a process or file in the context of computing is probably newer than that citation.

On inflectional morphology applied to verb+particle compounds

I’ve asserted that if snapshot is a verb, then it should come as no surprise to learn that it has an ‑ing inflection by way of snapshotting. However, the asker has suggested in comments that not all verbs have ‑ing inflections. They have offered timeout as one example of a verb that lacking ‑ing form.

The first statement is true only in a special, technical way involving defective verbs. The second statement is based on a misunderstanding.

That’s because the ‑ing inflection is one of the few perfectly regular features of English verbs. The only verbs to lack nonfinite inflections like present participles (same form as gerunds) and past participles also lack infinitive forms: specifically, the modals.

We therefore say that modal verbs are “defective” in English because they lack certain inflections. So for example the modal verb should has no nonfinite forms like *shoulding or *shoulded, nor can it be used as either a bare- or to-infinitive. You cannot make someone *should anything.

But timeout is not a modal, and it is not defective. It works exactly as snapshot does.

But unlike snapshots, timeouts is only ever a noun and never a verb — just as logins, screwups, and hangouts are. Just as the plural of the noun passerby is the noun passersby where we think of those pieces individually when we want to inflect them, you must first break up compounds that were originally made up of a verb plus a particle smashed together when you want to inflect them as verbs.

  • NOT: *timeouting a process, BUT RATHER: timing out a process, timing a process out

    NOT: *timeouted a process, BUT RATHER: timed out a process, timed a process out
  • NOT: loginning a user, BUT RATHER logging in a user, logging a user in

    NOT: a *loginned user, BUT RATHER a logged in user
  • NOT: *screwupping the grammar, BUT RATHER: screwing up the grammar, screwing the grammar up

    NOT: *a screwupped grammar, BUT RATHER: a screwed up grammar
  • NOT: *hangouting casually, BUT RATHER: hanging out casually, casually hanging out

    NOT: we *hangouted yesterday, BUT RATHER: we hung out yesterday

Just as tomorrow was once written to-morrow, nowadays was once written now-a-days, and passersby once written passers-by, often when first coined these compounds begin life as open ones separated by blanks or as conjoined ones written with hyphens, but these all seem to get worn down with time.

  • a few time-outs > a few timeouts
  • some snap shots > some snap-shots > some snapshots
  • snap-shotting > snapshotting

Snapshotting or Snapshooting?

On the subject of snapshotting,
there is also a long-attested noun snap-shooting, meaning the process of taking snap-shots — or snap shots or snapshots :)

Via the citations given in the OED,[paywalled link] we can see the historical progression from writing this word as an open compound to writing it as a hyphenated one to writing it with neither hyphens nor spaces:

  • 1872   Gentleman’s Mag.   Dec. 664
    Snap shooting, as it is termed, is very effective sometimes by experienced gunners.
  • 1883   Cent. Mag.   Aug. 493
    Snap-shooting is generally understood to consist in putting the gun to the shoulder and firing the instant it is in position.
  • 1979   G. Macdonald Camera   iv. 57
    Snapshooting was..a..haphazard affair… Most snaps were still portraits of family and friends.

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  • VerbBFsnapshotSGsnapshotsPRsnapshotting
    1. simple past tense and past participle of snapshot.
    2. More Examples
      1. Used in the Middle of Sentence
        • This game is so hard that I find myself taking a snapshot every few seconds in case I get killed.
        • The article offered a snapshot of life in that region.
        • It remains to show that the resulting snapshot is feasible, i.e., that each postshot (basic) message is received in a postshot event.
    • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
      1. Verbs
        • Verb forms
          • Participles
            • Past participles
            • Verb simple past forms

        Source: Wiktionary

        Meaning of snapshotted for the defined word.

        Grammatically, this word «snapshotted» is a verb, more specifically, a verb form.

        Definiteness: Level 1

        Definite    ➨     Versatile

        snapshotted is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

        The word ‘snapshotted’ is made up of 11 letters.

        Using the word ‘snapshotted’ in Scrabble will fetch you 17 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 18 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

        Check out the Anagrams of snapshotted

        Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of snapshotted

        Words Ending With ‘snapshotted’

        There is 1 word which ends with ‘snapshotted

        Words Starting With ‘snapshotted’

        There is 1 word which starts with ‘snapshotted

        Words Containing ‘snapshotted’

        There is 1 word which contains ‘snapshotted

        Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘snapshotted’

        Info Details
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        Points in Words with Friends for snapshotted 18
        Number of Letters in snapshotted 11
        More info About snapshotted snapshotted
        List of Words Starting with snapshotted Words Starting With snapshotted
        List of Words Ending with snapshotted Words Ending With snapshotted
        List of Words Containing snapshotted Words Containing snapshotted
        List of Anagrams of snapshotted Anagrams of snapshotted
        List of Words Formed by Letters of snapshotted Words Created From snapshotted
        snapshotted Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
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