Is smoothly a word

Asked by: Jonas McCullough

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Phonetics. without aspiration. in a smooth manner; smoothly. to make smooth of surface, as by scraping, planing, or pressing.

Is more smoothly a word?

Grammatically, the most correct form is ‘smoother‘. It’s a monosyllabic word, just as fast -> faster, quick -> quicker, etc. NOTE: when smooth is used as an adverb, it may become ‘more smoothly’ E.g. with the friction taken out, the wheel rolled more smoothly.

What does the smoothly mean?

easily and without interruption or difficulty: The road was blocked for two hours after the accident, but traffic is now flowing smoothly again. Lead is added to fuel to make car engines run more smoothly. The pregnancy’s gone very smoothly so far. If all goes smoothly, we should arrive by nine o’clock.

Is smoothly an adjective?

adjective, smooth·er, smooth·est. free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a smooth road. generally flat or unruffled, as a calm sea.

What is noun form of smoothly?

smoothness. The condition of being smooth.

32 related questions found

Is swimmingly a proper word?

without difficulty; with great success; effortlessly: She passed the exam swimmingly.

What is the verb form of beautiful?

Verb form of beautiful is beauty.

Is smoothly a adverb?

SMOOTHLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is the verb for smooth?

smooth. verb. smoothed; smoothing; smooths also smoothes.

What is the synonym of smoothly?

even, flat, flush, horizontal, level, plane. sleek, glossy, polished, shiny, silky, soft, velvety. easy, effortless, well-ordered. flowing, regular, rhythmic, steady, uniform. suave, facile, glib, persuasive, slick, smarmy (British, informal), unctuous, urbane.

How do you use smoothly in a sentence?

Smoothly sentence example

  1. The little mustang responded smoothly under his loving guidance. …
  2. It goes smoothly , too. …
  3. In practice the system works perfectly smoothly , the gold flowing in and out of the country through the agency of private banking establishments in proportion to the requirements of the circulation.

Will run smoothly means?

to run smoothly: to work well, to develop without any problems, to go as planned. verb. smoothly means «easily», «painlessly», «without any problems».

What does facilely mean?

working or moving easily or smoothly. without depth; superficiala facile solution. archaic relaxed in manner; easygoing.

What is the root word of smoothly?

1520s, «in a smooth manner, blandly,» from smooth (adj.) + -ly (2).

How do you say something is smooth?

Soft and smooth — thesaurus

  1. soft. adjective. a soft material or surface is one that is pleasant to touch and not rough or stiff.
  2. sleek. adjective. sleek fur or hair is smooth and shiny.
  3. silky. adjective. very soft, smooth, or shiny.
  4. velvety. adjective. …
  5. waxy. adjective. …
  6. satiny. adjective. …
  7. feathery. adjective. …
  8. slick. adjective.

What is an example of smooth?

Smooth is defined as to get rid of wrinkles, lumps or ridges in something. An example of smooth is to iron a piece of clothing. The definition of smooth is even, flat and not rough. An example of smooth is a baby’s skin.

Is shy a adverb?

Kids Definition of shy

shyly adverb She smiled shyly. 1 : to avoid or draw back in dislike or distaste He shied from publicity. 2 : to move quickly to one side in fright The horse shied at the thunder.

What is the adverb for smoothly?

1in an even way, without suddenly stopping and starting again Traffic is now flowing smoothly again. The engine was running smoothly.

What is adverb for good?

Summary: Good is an adjective. It modifies a noun. Well is an adverb.

What is a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What is the adjective of word beauty?

beautiful, lovely, fetching, attractive, elegant, gorgeous, knockout, ravishing, comely, fair, handsome, pretty, stunning, cute, hot, sightly, taking, bonny, exquisite, shapely, aesthetic, bonnie, esthetic, likely, lovesome, seemly, good, goodly, good-looking, drop-dead, fine-looking, easy on the eyes, well-favored, …

What’s the meaning of ravishing?

: unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking.

Table of Contents

  1. Is smoothly an adverb or adjective?
  2. What part of speech is smoothly?
  3. Is smoothly a noun?
  4. What is the noun of smoothly?
  5. What type of word is beauty?
  6. Who is the world Beautiful Girl 2020?
  7. What features make a woman attractive?
  8. Which nationality is most attractive?
  9. What country is easiest to get laid in?
  10. Which country have most handsome man?
  11. How can I get laid fast?
  12. What country has the most one night stands?
  13. Which country is best for hookups?
  14. Which country is easy to find a girl?
  15. Are eyes the most attractive feature?
  16. What shape eyes are attractive?
  17. What color eyes are most attractive?
  18. What hair color is most attractive?

adverb – Word

Is smoothly an adverb or adjective?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsmooth‧ly /ˈsmuːðli/ ●○○ adverb 1 in a steady way, without stopping and starting again Traffic flowed smoothly.

What part of speech is smoothly?


Is smoothly a noun?

smoothly adverb – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What is the noun of smoothly?

smoothness. The condition of being smooth.

What type of word is beauty?

As detailed above, ‘beauty’ can be an interjection, a noun or an adverb. Noun usage: Chris is a beauty. Noun usage: That phrasing is a beauty.

Who is the world Beautiful Girl 2020?

Yael Shelbia, 19, has landed atop the annual “Most Beautiful Girl in the World” list for 2020.

What features make a woman attractive?

Characteristic features of the female “sexy face” in comparison to the “unsexy face”:

  • Suntanned skin.
  • Narrower facial shape.
  • Less fat.
  • Fuller lips.
  • Slightly bigger distance of eyes.
  • Darker, narrower eye brows.
  • More, longer and darker lashes.
  • Higher cheek bones.

Which nationality is most attractive?

The world’s 50 most attractive nationalities have been revealed

  1. Ukrainian. Taking out the top spot were the Ukrainians.
  2. Danish. 4 of 51Attribution: iStock.
  3. Filipino. 5 of 51Attribution: iStock.
  4. Brazilian. 6 of 51Attribution: iStock.
  5. Australian. 7 of 51Attribution: iStock.
  6. South African. 8 of 51Attribution: iStock.
  7. Italian.
  8. Armenian.

What country is easiest to get laid in?

The easiest country to get laid for an Indian, for example, would include Malaysia, Thailand or Pakistan. But if you are an American, the case is a bit different, and your focus should be on European countries like Ukraine, Sweden, or Russia.

Which country have most handsome man?

Top 18 Countries With The Sexiest Men In The World

  • Australia.
  • Argentina.
  • Japan.
  • Norway.
  • Germany.
  • Sweden.
  • Philippines. Distinct features and beautiful tans make women fall for Filipinos.
  • Brazil. Intense looks and athletic frames make Brazilian men extremely desirable.

How can I get laid fast?

Ways to get Laid Fast and much more usually: 14 techniques for getting More Sex

  1. Don’t quit and hit.
  2. Get actually proficient at intercourse.
  3. Perform some first date the way that is right.
  4. Don’t waste amount of time in the friend area.
  5. Reside in a spot with good gender ratio’s.
  6. Go where you’re many wanted.

What country has the most one night stands?

This survey found that Austrian men had the highest number of sex partners of males around the world of 29.3 partners on average. New Zealand women had the highest number of sexual partners with an average of 20.4.

Which country is best for hookups?

The 10 Best Countries for Dating, Ranked by Perception

Country Dating Rank Best Countries Overall Rank
Italy 1 15
Brazil 2 29
Spain 3 19
New Zealand 4 13

Which country is easy to find a girl?

Cambodia. This is the easiest country to find a girlfriend.

Are eyes the most attractive feature?

The eyes are considered to be the most attractive facial feature. Each person’s eyes are incredibly unique, including their eye colour. The coloured part of the eye is called the iris and controls pupil size. No two people will share the same eye colour, shape or appearance.

What shape eyes are attractive?

The male composite face illustrates that we find both oval-shaped eyes and blue eyes to be the most attractive on men. Blue is the second most common eye color, but it is still much rarer than brown. Oval is also not one of the six common eye shapes. Instead, it’s more of a combination of round and almond.

What color eyes are most attractive?

While men were 1.4 times more likely than women to wish their partner had a different eye color, both genders favored the color blue. Surprisingly, green, brown, and hazel were more preferred on a partner than gray eyes – the color respondents considered the most attractive.

What hair color is most attractive?

A third of the men found brown hair to be the most attractive; 28.6 percent said they prefer black hair. That means of the total polled, 59.7 percent said they prefer women with dark hair. When it came to women of other hair colors 29.5 percent of men preferred blondes and 8.8 percent of women preferred redheads.

Last Updated: February 7, 2022 | Author: Diana Compton

Is smoothly a real word?

in a smooth manner; smoothly.

Is more smoothly correct grammar?

Grammatically, the most correct form is ‘smoother’. It’s a monosyllabic word, just as fast -> faster, quick -> quicker, etc. NOTE: when smooth is used as an adverb, it may become ‘more smoothly’ E.g. with the friction taken out, the wheel rolled more smoothly.

Does everything go smoothly?

“A circumnavigation in less than eighty days is likely, if everything goes smoothly from the start to the finish.”

What is another word for if everything goes smoothly?

all being well all things being equal
if everything goes as expected if everything goes as hoped
if everything goes well if everything is as it should be

What is the superlative of smooth?

With a smooth swing, he hit the ball.

smooth ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌

adjective smooth
comparative smoother
superlative smoothest

Is more right grammatically correct?

The fact is ‘more right’ is the grammatically correct form. It’s a comparative but there is not a word ‘righter’. For adjectives that do not have their own comparative or superlative form, English simply puts ‘more’ and ‘most’ in front of them.

Will run smoothly means?

to run smoothly: to work well, to develop without any problems, to go as planned. verb. smoothly means “easily”, “painlessly”, “without any problems”.

Is smoothly an adverb or adjective?

SMOOTHLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is another word for running smoothly?

What is another word for running smoothly?

functioning well operating smoothly
running well working soundly
working well in fine shape
in great shape ticking over

Will go smoothly synonym?

What is another word for smoothly?

easily effortlessly
facilely painlessly
fluently handily
lightly swimmingly
simply uncomplicatedly

What is the word evenly?

in equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way. “a class evenly divided between girls and boys” synonyms: equally. Antonyms: unequally, unevenly. in an unequal or partial manner.

Is smooth a synonym or antonym?

Some common synonyms of smooth are bland, diplomatic, politic, suave, and urbane. While all these words mean “pleasantly tactful and well-mannered,” smooth suggests often a deliberately assumed suavity.

What is the synonym of nicely?

In this page you can discover 43 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nicely, like: pleasingly, graciously, charmingly, amiably, pleasantly, rightly, winningly, creditably, excellently, distinctively and felicitously.

What is a diverting?

1a : to turn from one course or use to another : deflect divert traffic to a side street diverting funds to other projects. b : distract trying to divert her attention. 2 : to give pleasure to especially by distracting the attention from what burdens or distresses children diverting themselves with their toys.

Is there a word nicely?

nicely adverb (PLEASANT)

well, pleasantly, or in a satisfactory way: Those trousers fit you nicely.

плавно, гладко, ровно


- гладко; ровно; плавно
- хорошо, гладко, благополучно

Мои примеры


put the plans into effect quickly and smoothly — быстро и гладко привести планы в действие  
smoothly varying function — плавно изменяющаяся функция  
smoothly bounded region — гладко ограниченная область  
smoothly heteromorphic series — гладко гетероморфный ряд  
smoothly extendable — гладко расширяемый  
the car rides smoothly — у машины плавный ход; у машины лёгкий ход; машина идёт плавно  
smoothly functioning schedule of supply — бесперебойный подвоз  
all my arrangements run smoothly — все шло как по маслу  
life runs smoothly for her — её жизнь течёт спокойно; её жизнь течёт гладко  
this river runs smoothly — эта река течёт спокойно; эта река течёт плавно  
smoothly running — отлаженный  

Примеры с переводом

This car rides smoothly

Этот автомобиль едет плавно.

Is the engine running smoothly?

Двигатель работает нормально?

Life ran smoothly in its ordinary grooves.

Жизнь текла гладко в своём привычном русле.

Everything was working smoothly, there was no flap.

Всё шло гладко, не было никакой паники.

A great deal of time and effort has gone into ensuring that the event runs smoothly.

Очень много времени и сил ушло на обеспечение того, чтобы мероприятие прошло гладко.

Traffic has been flowing smoothly from east to west.

Автомобили плавно движутся с востока на запад.

‘And now,’ he said smoothly, ‘we will continue the conversation’

— А теперь, — ровным голосом сказал он, — мы продолжим разговор.

He smoothly interpolates fragments from other songs into his own.

Он незаметно / аккуратно вставляет кусочки чужих песен в свои собственные.

The car accelerated smoothly away.

Автомобиль плавно ускорился.

The whisperous, hissing sound of smoothly sliding waters.

Шепчущий, шипящий звук спокойно струящихся вод.

Apart from one or two flare-ups the match went fairly smoothly.

Если не считать пары стычек, матч прошёл достаточно спокойно.

Credit must go to Fiona for making sure everything ran smoothly.

Надо отдать должное Фионе за то, что она позаботилась о том, чтобы все прошло гладко.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The grain flowed smoothly down the elevator chute.

The band smoothly segued from one song to the next.

Andy kept things running smoothly (=happening in the way they should) while I was away.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

smooth  — гладкий, плавный, гладко, ровно, приглаживать
smoother  — миротворец, сглаживающее устройство, дорожный утюг, утешитель
smoothness  — гладкость, плавность, ровность
smoothing  — сглаживание, сглаживающий, сглаживать
smoothy  — сердцеед, неотразимый мужчина, галантный кавалер, ловкач

We can use adjectives to modify nouns and adverbs to modify verbs. That’s the most basic way to put it, yet it can still be confusing (even for native speakers). Don’t worry; this article will help you understand how “smooth” and “smoothly” differ.

What Is The Difference Between “Smooth” and “Smoothly”?

“Smooth” is an adjective. Adjectives are used to modify nouns, so you might see something like “he is so smooth” used, where “he” is the modified noun. “Smoothly” is an adverb that works to modify verbs only. A phrase like “that is going smoothly” works well to show this.

smooth or smoothly

“Smooth” is one of the more common adjectives that can be used interchangeably with its adverbial form. Unfortunately, this is a common trend that a lot of native speakers fall victim to.

It is not grammatically correct to use “smooth” in place of “smoothly.” You should avoid doing so yourself, even in spoken English, where the formal rules are dropped in favor of simplicity.

You might see the following phrases used in spoken English:

  • You did that so smoothly.
  • You did that so smooth.

“Smooth” is not correct here, but it is a common slang form. “Did” is a verb, so only “smoothly” works to modify it.

How to Use “Smooth” In A Sentence

  1. I like how smooth you can be when you’re talking in that way. I wish I had your skills with words.
  2. I think this is a really smooth fabric, and I’d be happy to sit on a sofa that’s made out of it.
  3. Oh, yeah, real smooth moves, dude. Thanks so much for sharing that with us. I’m glad you could.
  4. That wasn’t smooth at all! Why did you think you could get away with something like that without us realizing it?
  5. I want the smooth one! Can you give that one to me so that the others can get the rougher ones?

“Smooth” should only work when it is modifying a noun or pronoun. It is an adjective form, so it is only correct when used in this manner.

How to Use “Smoothly” In A Sentence

  1. He danced smoothly, which is part of the reason I was so interested in going up to him.
  2. I need this to go smoothly. If it doesn’t, I’m worried that things will backfire quite nastily for me.
  3. Is it going as smoothly as you wanted it to? I hope we’ve done everything we can to help you out.
  4. It’s not been happening smoothly, but we’re getting through it! Hopefully, it won’t be much longer before we’re done.
  5. I need this to be done smoothly. If you can’t get it right, then I’m afraid I’ll have to find someone else to help.

“Smoothly” is an adverb form, and it works whenever we are modifying a verb. This is standard practice in English, and it’s best to remember the “-ly” suffix whenever you are modifying a verb.

Is It “Go Smooth” or “Go Smoothly”?

“Go smoothly” is the only correct form because “smoothly” is an adverb, and “go” is a verb. “Go” is modified by “smoothly” to show how an action was carried out. “Go smooth” is incorrect, but you will find it used informally in spoken English, where the rules are ignored.

  • Correct: I hope you can get it to go smoothly.
  • Incorrect: I need this to go smooth. Otherwise, I’m in trouble.

Is It “More Smooth” or “More Smoothly”?

“More smooth” is correct when you modify a noun or pronoun form. It is a comparative adjective, showing that something is “more smooth” than it might have been before. “More smoothly” is correct as a comparative adverb form and only works when modifying a verb.

  • You are more smooth than I remember. (Noun = “you”)
  • We need this to go more smoothly need time. (Verb = “go”)

What Word Type is “Smoothly”?

You can use “smoothly” as an adverb because of the “-ly” suffix. It is an adverb form that works to modify other verbs in a sentence. There is only ever one adverb to modify one verb, and we use it to show how an action is carried out in a more specific manner.

Is It Right To Say “Smoothly”?

“Smoothly” is not right to say if it’s the only word you include as part of a sentence. Some adverbs are able to be used as one-word sentence responses to something someone might say. “Smoothly” isn’t one of these words, as there’s no appropriate response to use.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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