Is sloppier a word

  • 1

    1. n сл. великолепное представление

    2. n сл. пирушка, попойка

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. duller (adj.) deader; dimmer; duller; flatter; more lackluster; more lusterless; more mat; more muted; more purblind; more uncomprehending

    2. more eyeless (adj.) more eyeless; more sightless; more stone-blind; more unseeing; more visionless

    3. more hidden (adj.) more concealed; more hidden

    4. more intoxicated (adj.) drunker; more alcoholized; more cockeyed; more disguised; more drunken; more fried; more inebriated; more inebrious; more intoxicated; more looped; more muddled; more pixilated; more polluted; more rum-dum; more slewed; more slopped; more soshed; more sozzled; more squiffed; more stoned; more tanked; more unsober; more zonked; sloppier; stiffer; tighter; wetter

    5. cover (noun) blind; blindfold; cover; curtain; screen; shade; veil; venetian blind; visor

    English-Russian base dictionary > blinder

  • 2

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. closer (adj.) closer; denser; more compact; more confining; more cramped; more crowded; more packed; narrower; tauter; tenser; thicker

    2. faster (adj.) faster; firmer; more fixed; more set; more tenacious; securer

    3. leaner (adj.) leaner; more compact; sparer

    4. more arduous (adj.) more arduous; more trying; tricksier

    5. more intoxicated (adj.) blinder; drunker; more alcoholized; more cockeyed; more disguised; more drunken; more fried; more inebriated; more inebrious; more intoxicated; more looped; more muddled; more pixilated; more polluted; more rum-dum; more slewed; more slopped; more soshed; more sozzled; more squiffed; more stoned; more tanked; more unsober; more zonked; sloppier; stiffer; wetter

    6. rougher (adj.) rougher; stickier; trickier

    7. stingier (adj.) cheaper; meaner; more cheeseparing; more closefisted; more close-fisted; more costive; more hardfisted; more hardhanded; more ironfisted; more mingy; more miserly; more narrow-fisted; more narrowhearted; more niggard; more niggardly; more parsimonious; more penny-pinching; more penny-wise; more penurious; more pinching; more pinchpenny; more save-all; more scrimy; more tightfisted; more ungenerous; more ungiving; scrimpier; stingier

    8. tauter (adj.) snugger; tauter; tenser

    9. more securely (other) faster; more closely; more compactly; more densely; more firmly; more securely; more solidly; more tightly; more unshakeably

    English-Russian base dictionary > tighter

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sloppier — Sloppy Slop py, a. [Compar. {Sloppier}; superl. {Sloppiest}.] [From {Slop}.] Wet, so as to spatter easily; wet, as with something slopped over; muddy; plashy; as, a sloppy place, walk, road. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sloppier — slop·py || slÉ‘pɪ / slÉ’p adj. slovenly, untidy; careless; wet, slushy, muddy; oversentimental, silly (Informal); unappetizing; splashed with liquid …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Sloppiest — Sloppy Slop py, a. [Compar. {Sloppier}; superl. {Sloppiest}.] [From {Slop}.] Wet, so as to spatter easily; wet, as with something slopped over; muddy; plashy; as, a sloppy place, walk, road. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sloppy — Slop py, a. [Compar. {Sloppier}; superl. {Sloppiest}.] [From {Slop}.] Wet, so as to spatter easily; wet, as with something slopped over; muddy; plashy; as, a sloppy place, walk, road. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sloppy — adjective (sloppier; est) Date: 1672 1. a. wet so as to spatter easily ; slushy < a sloppy racetrack > b. wet or smeared with or as if with something slopped over 2. slovenly, careless < a sloppy dresser > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Emo — This article is about the style of music. For other uses, see Emo (disambiguation). Emo Stylistic origins Hardcore punk, indie rock Cultural origins …   Wikipedia

  • Leave It to Beaver — Season one title screen Also known as Beaver Genre Sitcom Created by …   Wikipedia

  • Patent Reform Act of 2005 — The Patent Reform Act of 2005 (USBill|109|H.R.|2795) was United States patent legislation proposed in the 109th United States Congress. Texas Republican Congressman Lamar S. Smith introduced the Act on 8 June 2005. [ Dennis Crouch,… …   Wikipedia

  • Gunge — as it is known in the British Isles, or slime as it is known in America and other parts of the world is a thick, gooey, runny substance similar in consistency to paint. It has been a feature on many children s programmes for many years around the …   Wikipedia

  • Uniforms of the Canadian Forces — Prior to unification in 1968, the uniforms of the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) were similar to their counterparts in the forces of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries, save for… …   Wikipedia

  • List of The Dresden Files characters — The Dresden Files series features a diverse cast of complicated characters. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Harry Dresden 1.2 Karrin Murphy 1.3 Bob …   Wikipedia

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Синонимы и антонимы слова sloppier в словаре английский языка


Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «sloppier», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

Перевод слова «sloppier» на 25 языков

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Переводы слова sloppier с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «sloppier» на английский языке.

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Тенденции использования слова sloppier




Слово используется мало

На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «sloppier» в разных странах.

Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова sloppier

Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «sloppier».


На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «sloppier» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «sloppier» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове sloppier


Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом sloppier.

When I drank, I had a very different attitude towards my playing. It was sloppier but I kind of liked it that way. It was like the alcohol was telling my mind what to do.


Поиск случаев использования слова sloppier в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову sloppier, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.

While the first two periods are played with relentless movement up and down
both ends of the rink, lack of conditioning begins to take its toll, as both teams get
sloppier and sloppier. For two-thirds of the game, you feel like Ken Dryden …


The Brief Thomson Handbook

… sloppy, sloppier, sloppiest hope, hoped, hoping slope, sloping Rule: Double
the consonant when a one-syllable stem ends in one vowel and one consonant
slap, slapped, slapping big, bigger, biggest slop, sloppy, sloppier, sloppiest shop,

David Blakesley, Jeffrey Hoogeveen, 2007


98 Ways to Find a Great Guy

It’s getting later and later and everyone’s getting sloppier and sloppier, except
you. There could be any number of reasons for this, from performance-
enhancing drugs, to your preternaturally high tolerance for hard alcohol, or
maybeyou’ve …


The The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business: The …

The days are long gone when you could get by with pulling into town ten minutes
before you go on stage, have a couple of shots and a beer, and slowly let the
night get sloppier and sloppier. Today, to find a sustainable level of success that

dance. And it was a very sweet dance, with Bea’s legs wrapped around his waist
and her tongue in his ear, and his girded obelisk jutting out nicely from beneath
her beautifully-shaped behind. But as the night wore on, and he became sloppier


Sherman Exposed: Slightly Censored Climbing Stories

Thus, the finer physicists try to measure things, the sloppier the results. An exact
parallel is seen in the climbing world when we try to measure the petty
differences between climbers. Rating systems are constantly tweaked finer and
finer to …


Sibling Aggression: Assessment and Treatment

X has helped Y become sloppier, and Y has helped X become neater. Y could
not be sloppy without X being neat, and X could not be neat without Y being
sloppier. They interdependently define themselves and each other through their …

I just worked speed and angles and broke him down, and that made him mad, so
he kept getting sloppier and sloppier, and that made it so I could start landing
heavier shots.” “What about his weapons?” “He tried the stun gun, but I knocked …


Digital Signal Processing 101: Everything you need to know …

As we truncate the number of coefficients (which is also the filter’s impulse
response), we get a progressively sloppier and sloppier transition from passband
to stopband as well as less attenuation in the stopband. This can be seen in the …


Handbook of Systemic Psychotherapy

The sloppier the son is, the more his mother assumes responsibility for him and
takes care of him; the sloppier he gets, the more she takes care of him. Maria
Aarts (2009, p. 107) very impressively describes such an escalating convolution
in …

Andreas Fryszer, Rainer Schwing, 2014


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин sloppier в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

Big Dawg Newcomer A Speedy Surprise

I was supposed to run the 10 a.m. heat, but I wanted to run a fast time and the course just gets sloppier and sloppier as the day goes on,» Stewart explained. «, Июл 15»

#TBT: Sloppy Chicago Bears Top Sloppier Packers, 23-7

Greetings, Bears fans. With this being the 30th anniversary of the Super Bowl-winning Chicago Bears of 1985, here at Bear Goggles On we’ll be revisiting the … «BearGoggles, Июл 15»

Rhode Island Trucking Group Blasts Senate-Approved Toll Plan …

“They revised it, it got sloppier, and they revised it again and it got even sloppier.” The plan still would require collection of tolls from large trucks but offers $13.5 … «Transport Topics Online, Июн 15»

Rhode Island Trucking Group Blasts Senate-Approved Toll Plan

“They revised it, it got sloppier, and they revised it again and it got even sloppier.” The plan still would require collection of tolls from large trucks but offers $13.5 … «Transport Topics Online, Июн 15»

Are Outdoor Hockey Games Really Sloppier?

On Saturday the San Jose Sharks will host the Los Angeles Kings at Levi’s Stadium in what will be the 15th outdoor regular season game in NHL history. «Deadspin, Фев 15»

METZ announce new album, METZ II, premiere “Acetate” — listen

According to a press release, the 10-track effort promises to be “much heavier, darker, and sloppier,” its lyrical tone stemming “from a year of loss and doubt, … «Consequence of Sound, Фев 15»

Torrey Smith: Heinz grass is ‘terrible’

Bad weather is expected to make the conditions even sloppier. The forecast calls for 100 percent chance of rain, and the most significant rainfall is expected to … «ESPN, Янв 15»

Why Dogs Are Sloppier Than Cats

Cats tend to be simple, elegant drinkers. Dogs are not. At a recent summit on fluid dynamics, researchers from Virginia Tech and Purdue tried to explain why, … «Slate Magazine, Ноя 14»

This Is Why Dogs Are Sloppier Drinkers Than Cats

New research points to the scientific reason why dogs seem to be messier drinkers than cats. While cats gently dip their tongues into the water’s surface, dogs … «TIME, Ноя 14»

Why Dogs Are Sloppier Drinkers Than Cats

Cats and dogs both lap up liquids with their tongues, but new research describes in detail why dogs are inherently sloppier drinkers. The findings also help to … «Discovery News, Ноя 14»


« EDUCALINGO. Sloppier [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

Definitions For Sloppier


{{en-comparative of, sloppy}}

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The word Sloppier is worth 12 points in Scrabble and 15 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Sloppier in a Sentence

  • Your work has been very sloppy lately.
  • A sloppy child who always seems to have spilled something on his clothes

Antonyms for Sloppier






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Убрать слово из словаря

амер.  |sˈlɑːpɪər|

брит.  |ˈslɒpɪə| Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером.  британское произношение слова sloppier

— используется как срав. степ.(comparative) для прилагательного sloppy

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

The police is sloppier than you men imagine it to be.

I’d like to get above this before it gets any sloppier.

Хорошо бы улететь повыше, пока не задело.

You’re sloppier than you think.

The quirkier and sloppier, with crazy ingredients I’ve never heard of, the better.

Чем необычнее и неопределеннее, чем больше сумасшедших ингредиентов, о которых я никогда не слышал, тем лучше.

Neither is sloppier than the other, they just differ in the rule for making a negative sentence.

Ни один из них не является более небрежным, чем другой, они просто отличаются в правилах для составления отрицательного предложения.

This does not necessarily mean that neatniks are more moral than sloppier folks.

Это не обязательно означает, что чистюли более нравственны, чем неряшливые люди.

The Chinese use big nets to trawl but are often sloppier and easier to spot.

Китайцы используют большие сети, чтобы тралить, но часто действуют неаккуратно и их легче обнаружить.

This means you’ll be sloppier in your safety, and you’ll probably do something that can compromise your privacy.

Это означает, что вы будете слабы в своей безопасности, и вы, вероятно, сделаете что-то, что может поставить под угрозу вашу конфиденциальность.

In a warming Arctic climate more ice will melt and make the sediments even sloppier and more slippery, so that fast ice flow can occur long into the future.

В условиях потепления климата в Арктике лед будет таять и сделать отложениях еще более небрежный и более скользкой, так что быстрый лед потока может произойти в будущем.

Getting sloppier every time.

Y’all’s half of it is a little sloppier.

I will endeavor to be sloppier in my personal habits.

He may have been sloppier than he thought.

A pirate is someone who is a little bit sloppier, messier, but is still a very effective fighter.

Пират более непослушный, непокорный, но очень эффективный боец.

sloppier, but because *it leads to a better result*.

You can afford to be a little sloppier on pre-contest dieting since it will still burn fat when you are taking in a lot of calories since your metabolism is going haywire.

Вы можете позволять быть немногим более небрежным на пре-состязании дитинг в виду того что оно все еще сгорит сало когда вы примете в много калории в виду того что ваш метаболизм идет хайвире.

He may have been sloppier than he thought.

Other results

You sleep hard and deep, and the muscles become floppier, which creates snoring.

Вы спите долго и глубоко, и мышцы становятся более расслабленными, что вызывает храп.

My father, Daddy Ploppy, was known as Ploppy the Slopper.

When the scientists created a mutant receptor with a much floppier lid they saw that LSD bound and detached much quicker and that this shorter binding induced different signaling changes in the neuron.

Когда учёные создали мутировавший рецептор с крышкой, открывавшейся гораздо легче, они видели, как ЛСД соединялся и отсоединялся гораздо быстрее, и такое кратковременное соединение вызывало иные изменения сигналов в нейроне.

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