Is slept walked a word

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Bob Moore:

Did you hear the piece on NPR this morning about sleep walking? They interviewed a teenage girl who at one point uttered the sentence «I slept walked.» I don’t think I have ever heard anything like that before. She not only analyzed «sleep walk» as a verb-verb compound (where I would have called it a noun-verb compound), but she inflected both verbs to make it past tense. Is this a complete one-off, or is this pattern that is more common than I am aware of?

Bob is referring to a quote in «Lack Of Sleep, Genes Can Get Sleepwalkers Up And About», Morning Edition 8/27/2012, where Miranda Kelly says

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I usually don’t realize when I do it. Like every couple months I’ll wake up in an odd place, and realize «Oh, I slept walked.»

This is certainly not «a complete one-off». From the web:

[link] Any One Ever Slept Walked While Pregnant?

[link] Have you ever slept walked?

[link] Who here sleepwalks, or has slept walked before?

[link] My brother told me I slept walked into his bedroom and told him «winter is coming» then went back to bed. Impending ice age?

[link] I slept walked to the toilet and woke up pooping. Easily one of the most disorienting events of my life.

On the ChaCha forum, someone asked «Is it sleep walked or slept walked?» The official response: «The answer would be slept walked.»

Of course there are plenty of hits for «sleeped walked», and even more for «sleep walked», which I take to be the standard form. But my favorite is the top-rated response on Yahoo! Answers for the question «What is the past tense of ‘sleep walk’?» — «Slapped Whelks».

August 27, 2012 @ 11:46 am
· Filed by Mark Liberman under Variation


Asked by: Mr. Steve Hessel

Score: 4.2/5
(25 votes)

Origins. Thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, the Sleepwalkers, shapeshifting Earth-born humanoid cat beings, were once worshipped by humans as gods.

What story is Sleepwalkers based on?

In a slight difference from other films featured so far, Sleepwalkers is based on an unpublished short story by Stephen King and the man himself is on screenplay duties here.

What were the creatures in Sleepwalkers?

Sleepwalkers are an ancient and forgotten nomadic race of vampiric shape-shifting werecats. They possess magical powers, and among their gifts is the ability they call «dimming», which is to make themselves and any other object in their presence invisible to sight.

What is with the cats in Sleepwalkers?

Trivia. It was stated that cats are used by humans to hunt down Sleepwalkers to near extinction in the past due to them being their weaknesses. This knowledge later proved useful by the cats that participated in the attack on Charles and Mary.

Why is Mark Hamill uncredited in sleepwalkers?

It’s earnings doubled its budget with over $30 million dollars. Sleepwalkers features an uncredited Mark Hamill performance that was only added at the last minute after audience screen tests to help introduce the mythos of the cat creatures.

43 related questions found

Why is Sleepwalkers rated R?

Rated R for strong violence and sensuality, and for language.

Is there such thing as a Werecat?

A werecat (also written in a hyphenated form as were-cat) is an analogy to «werewolf» for a feline therianthropic creature.

Are the sleepwalkers dead cats real?

Sleepwalkers is not a film that cat lovers will enjoy. Although fake and mechanical cats were substituted for real cats in the violent scenes, the visual effect is very disturbing. The opening scene of the film is particularly ghoulish. It is the prior home of Mary and Charles from which they fled.

What mythical creature is afraid of cats?

As are many magical creatures in the book, the boggart is mortally afraid of cats.

What is a sleepwalker pill?

Sleep Walker dietary supplement is one of the finest natural mood enhancers available on the market today. … Sleep Walker was designed for multi-purpose use – 2 capsules to boost your mood or 4 party pills for the maximum euphoric pleasure. Start your night properly with Sleep Walker, from Red Dawn.

What is the meaning of sleepwalker?

intransitive verb. 1 : to walk while or as if while asleep. 2 : to proceed in a passive often lethargic manner sleepwalked through the workday. Other Words from sleepwalk More Example Sentences Learn More About sleepwalk.

Is sleepwalking a sleep disorder?

Sleepwalking is classified as a parasomnia — an undesirable behavior or experience during sleep. Sleepwalking is a disorder of arousal, meaning it occurs during N3 sleep, the deepest stage of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Another NREM disorder is sleep terrors, which can occur together with sleepwalking.

Why do the Werecats not like Angela?

He carried a deep dislike of the herbalist Angela because of a trick she played on him. When she passed by and saw him torturing a bird instead of simply killing and eating it, she cast a spell on him that forced him to chirp like a bird whenever he tried to speak.

What is a Wolfcat?

The Lykoi (commonly called wolf cat, and sometimes werewolf cat) is a natural mutation from a domestic shorthair that looks like the popular idea of a werewolf. … DNA testing has been done by UC Davis to confirm that the cats do not carry the Sphynx/Devon Rex gene. The breed was developed in Vonore, Tennessee.

What is a Werefox?

Werefoxes belong to the same supernatural class as Werewolves, Werejaguars, and Werecoyotes. … Werefoxes are born, made, or created as a result of an alpha Werewolf’s bite bringing forth the person’s true inner self. Like Kitsune, they are known for their cunning and trickster nature.

How many times has Mark Hamill appeared as Luke Skywalker?

Mark Hamill is best known for his portrayal of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy — Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope (1977), Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi (1983) — a role he reprised in Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens ( …

What was Mark Hamill in?

American actor Mark Hamill is best known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the sci-fi epic ‘Star Wars’ and its sequels, ‘The Empire Strikes Back,’ ‘Return of the Jedi,’ ‘The Force Awakens‘ and ‘The Last Jedi.

What is another name for sleepwalker?

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism or noctambulism, is a phenomenon of combined sleep and wakefulness.

Is slept walked a word?

On the ChaCha forum, someone asked «Is it sleep walked or slept walked?» The official response: «The answer would be slept walked.» Of course there are plenty of hits for «sleeped walked», and even more for «sleep walked», which I take to be the standard form.

Is sleep walking one word?

sleepwalk Add to list Share. To sleepwalk is to walk around despite being sound asleep. If you wake up outside in your PJ’s, then, chances are, you were sleepwalking. A fancier word for sleepwalk is sonamubulate, and the act of sleepwalking is known as sonambulism by doctors who study and treat sleep disorders.

What should you do if someone is sleepwalking?

The best thing to do if you see someone sleepwalking is to make sure they’re safe. If undisturbed, they will often go back to sleep again. Gently guide them back to bed by reassuring them. Do not shout or startle the person and do not try to physically restrain them unless they’re in danger, as they may lash out.

What was sleepwalker pills made of?

Sleepwalker is food for the «Brain». Formulated with B vitamins, caffeine and amino acids, your day is now «A dream come true».

What ingredients are in sleepwalker?

Supplement Facts

  • Vitamin B1 – 15 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 – 22 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 – 50 mg.
  • Proprietary “Focus/Mood” Blend – 1334mg. Caffeine. L-Phenylalanine. DL-Phenylalanine. Skullcap. Gaba.

Таблица неправильных глаголов

В английском языке глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные. Неправильные глаголы — это такие глаголы, у которых форма прошедшего времени ( Past tense form ), а также форма причастия прошедшего времени ( Past participle ) образуется не так, как у правильных глаголов. Правильные глаголы образуют эти формы путём прибавления –ed к первой форме. Подробнее про глаголы.

Нет общего правила для неправильных глаголов. Их нужно просто выучить.

Base form Past simple Past participle Перевод
arise arose arisen возникать, появляться
awake awakened / awoke awakened / awoken будить, проснуться
backslide backslid backslidden / backslid отказываться от прежних убеждений
be was, were been быть
bear bore born / borne родить
beat beat beaten / beat бить
become became become становиться, делаться
begin began begun начинать
bend bent bent сгибать, гнуть
bet bet / betted bet / betted держать пари
bind bound bound связать
bite bit bitten кусать
bleed bled bled кровоточить
blow blew blown дуть
break broke broken ломать
breed bred bred выращивать
bring brought brought приносить
broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted распространять, разбрасывать
browbeat browbeat browbeaten / browbeat запугивать
build built built строить
burn burned / burnt burned / burnt гореть, жечь
burst burst burst взрываться, прорываться
bust busted / bust busted / bust разжаловать
buy bought bought покупать
can could could мочь, уметь
cast cast cast бросить, кинуть, вышвырнуть
catch caught caught ловить, хватать, успеть
choose chose chosen выбирать
cling clung clung цепляться, льнуть
clothe clothed / clad clothed / clad одевать (кого-либо)
come came come приходить
cost cost cost стоить, обходиться (в какую-либо сумму)
creep crept crept ползать
cut cut cut резать, разрезать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело
dig dug dug копать
dive dove / dived dived нырять, погружаться
do did done делать, выполнять
draw drew drawn рисовать, чертить
dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt грезить, мечтать
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven управлять (авто)
dwell dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled обитать, находиться
eat ate eaten есть, кушать
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fight fought fought драться, сражаться, бороться
find found found находить
fit fit fit подходить по размеру
flee fled fled убегать, спасаться
fling flung flung бросаться, ринуться
fly flew flown летать
forbid forbade forbidden запрещать
forecast forecast forecast предсказывать, предвосхищать
foresee foresaw foreseen предвидеть
foretell foretold foretold предсказывать, прогнозировать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
forgive forgave forgiven прощать
forsake forsook forsaken покидать
freeze froze frozen замерзать
get got gotten / got получать, достигать
give gave given давать
go went gone идти, ехать
grind ground ground молоть, толочь
grow grew grown расти
hang hung / hanged hung / hanged вешать, развешивать
have, has had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hew hewed hewn / hewed рубить
hide hid hidden прятаться, скрываться
hit hit hit ударять, поражать
hold held held держать, удерживать, фиксировать
hurt hurt hurt ранить, причинить боль
inlay inlaid inlaid вкладывать, вставлять, выстилать
input input / inputted input / inputted входить
interweave interwove interwoven воткать
keep kept kept держать, хранить
kneel knelt / kneeled knelt / kneeled становиться на колени
knit knitted / knit knitted / knit вязать
know knew known знать, иметь представление (о чем-либо)
lay laid laid класть, положить
lead led led вести, руководить, управлять
lean leaned / leant leaned / leant опираться, прислоняться
leap leaped / leapt leaped / leapt прыгать, скакать
learn learnt / learned learnt / learned учить
leave left left покидать, оставлять
lend lent lent одалживать, давать взаймы
let let let позволять, предполагать
lie lay lain лежать
light lit / lighted lit / lighted освещать
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать, производить, создавать
may might might мочь, иметь возможность
mean meant meant значить, иметь ввиду
meet met met встречать
miscast miscast miscast неправильно распределять роли
misdeal misdealt misdealt поступать неправильно
misdo misdid misdone делать что-либо неправильно или небрежно
misgive misgave misgiven внушать недоверия, опасения
mishear misheard misheard ослышаться
mishit mishit mishit промахнуться
mislay mislaid mislaid класть не на место
mislead misled misled ввести в заблуждение
misread misread misread неправильно истолковывать
misspell misspelled / misspelt misspelled / misspelt писать с ошибками
misspend misspent misspent неразумно, зря тратить
mistake mistook mistaken ошибаться
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood неправильно понимать
mow mowed mowed / mown косить
offset offset offset возмещать, вознаграждать, компенсировать
outbid outbid outbid перебивать цену
outdo outdid outdone превосходить
outfight outfought outfought побеждать в бою
outgrow outgrew outgrown вырастать из
output output / outputted output / outputted выходить
outrun outran outrun перегонять, опережать
outsell outsold outsold продавать лучше или дороже
outshine outshone outshone затмевать
overbid overbid overbid повелевать
overcome overcame overcome компенсировать
overdo overdid overdone пережари(ва)ть
overdraw overdrew overdrawn превышать
overeat overate overeaten объедаться
overfly overflew overflown перелетать
overhang overhung overhung нависать
overhear overheard overheard подслуш(ив)ать
overlay overlaid overlaid покры(ва)ть
overpay overpaid overpaid переплачивать
override overrode overridden отменять, аннулировать
overrun overran overrun переливаться через край
oversee oversaw overseen надзирать за
overshoot overshot overshot расстрелять
oversleep overslept overslept проспать, заспаться
overtake overtook overtaken догонять
overthrow overthrew overthrown свергать
partake partook partaken принимать участие
pay paid paid платить
plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled обращаться к суду
prepay prepaid prepaid платить вперед
prove proved proven / proved доказывать
put put put класть, ставить, размещать
quit quit / quitted quit / quitted выходить, покидать, оставлять
read read read читать
rebind rebound rebound перевязывать
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt перестроить
recast recast recast изменять, перестраивать
redo redid redone делать вновь, переделывать
rehear reheard reheard слушать вторично
remake remade remade переделывать
rend rent rent раздирать
repay repaid repaid отдавать долг
rerun reran rerun выполнять повторно
resell resold resold перепродавать
reset reset reset возвращать
resit resat resat пересиживать
retake retook retaken забирать
retell retold retold пересказывать
rewrite rewrote rewritten перезаписать
rid rid rid избавлять
ride rode ridden ездить верхом
ring rang rung звонить
rise rose risen подняться
run ran run бегать
saw sawed sawed / sawn пилить
say said said сказать, заявить
see saw seen видеть
seek sought sought искать
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent посылать
set set set ставить, устанавливать
sew sewed sewn / sewed шить
shake shook shaken трясти
shave shaved shaved / shaven бриться
shear sheared sheared / shorn стричь
shed shed shed проливать
shine shined / shone shined / shone светить, сиять, озарять
shoot shot shot стрелять, давать побеги
show showed shown / showed показывать
shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk сокращаться, сжиматься
shut shut shut закрывать, запирать, затворять
sing sang sung петь
sink sank / sunk sunk тонуть, погружаться (под воду)
sit sat sat сидеть
slay slew / slayed slain / slayed убивать
sleep slept slept спать
slide slid slid скользить
sling slung slung бросать, швырять
slink slunk slunk красться, идти крадучись
slit slit slit разрезать, рвать в длину
smell smelled / smelt smelled / smelt пахнуть, нюхать
sow sowed sown / sowed сеять
speak spoke spoken говорить
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded ускорять, спешить
spell spelled / spelt spelled / spelt писать или читать по буквам
spend spent spent тратить, расходовать
spill spilled / spilt spilled / spilt проливать, разливать
spin spun spun прясть
spit spit / spat spit / spat плевать
split split split расщеплять
spoil spoiled / spoilt spoiled / spoilt портить
spread spread spread распространиться
spring sprang / sprung sprung вскочить, возникнуть
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen воровать, красть
stick stuck stuck уколоть, приклеить
sting stung stung жалить
stink stunk / stank stunk вонять
strew strewed strewn / strewed усеять, устлать
stride strode stridden шагать, наносить удар
strike struck struck ударить, бить, бастовать
string strung strung нанизать, натянуть
strive strove / strived striven / strived стараться
sublet sublet sublet передавать в субаренду
swear swore sworn клясться, присягать
sweep swept swept мести, подметать, сметать
swell swelled swollen / swelled разбухать
swim swam swum плавать, плыть
swing swung swung качать, раскачивать, вертеть
take took taken брать, взять
teach taught taught учить, обучать
tear tore torn рвать
tell told told рассказать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросить
thrust thrust thrust колоть, пронзать
tread trod trodden / trod ступать
unbend unbent unbent выпрямляться, разгибаться
underbid underbid underbid снижать цену
undercut undercut undercut сбивать цены
undergo underwent undergone испытывать, переносить
underlie underlay underlain лежать в основе
underpay underpaid underpaid оплачивать слишком низко
undersell undersold undersold продавать дешевле
understand understood understood понимать, постигать
undertake undertook undertaken предпринять
underwrite underwrote underwritten подписываться
undo undid undone уничтожать сделанное
unfreeze unfroze unfrozen размораживать
unsay unsaid unsaid брать назад свои слова
unwind unwound unwound развертывать
uphold upheld upheld поддерживать
upset upset upset опрокинуться
wake woke / waked woken / waked просыпаться
waylay waylaid waylaid подстерегать
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
weave wove / weaved woven / weaved ткать
wed wed / wedded wed / wedded жениться, выдавать замуж
weep wept wept плакать, рыдать
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted мочить, увлажнять
win won won победить, выиграть
wind wound wound заводить (механизм)
withdraw withdrew withdrawn взять назад, отозвать
withhold withheld withheld воздерживаться, отказывать
withstand withstood withstood противостоять
wring wrung wrung скрутить, сжимать
write wrote written писать

  • #1


What is difference between the following two sentences:

«The thief robbed them while they slept.»

The thief robbed them while they were sleeping.»

I do not understand why the «slept» form of the verb «sleep» is used in the first sentence. «Slept» implies a completed action but in fact when they were robbed they were still sleeping so the action (of the verb «sleep») was in progress.

Thank you!

  • suzi br

    • #2

    It is a good question and your reason for asking makes sense.

    It is certainly true that both of there versions would be acceptable. Perhaps because the whole phrase using the conjunction WHILE automatically conveys a progressive meaning.

    I will be interested to know what others have to say about this.


    • #3

    Some verbs in the simple past can indicate continued states or actions, not completed, such as the second in each of these sentences:

    They sat down at the table and


    They went to bed and


    They fell over and


    in the gutter.

    While they slept, ate, or lay there, other things happened — people came and photographed them, for example, or burglars removed the silverware. You can say the same thing with the progressive: while they were eating, lying there, or sleeping . . .

    • #4

    Thank you for your answers.

    Does it mean that verbs whose actions usually last longer can indicate sates or actions in progress? For instance «hit» in «I hit him» is a short action but, on the other hand, «walk» in «Yesterday I walked for three hours» is a longer action.
    In this regard, can I say «While I walked I saw him.»?

    suzi br

    • #5

    Thank you for your answers.

    Does it mean that verbs whose actions usually last longer can indicate sates or actions in progress? For instance «hit» in «I hit him» is a short action but, on the other hand, «walk» in «Yesterday I walked for three hours» is a longer action.
    In this regard, can I say «While I walked I saw him.»?

    Not really.
    It means a few verbs ALWAYS work this way, as Entangledbank has stated above, but walked is not one of them, generally.

    As you have given this example it does not sound idiomatic and you would need to use the progressive form of walk.

    But … as part of a longer sentence I can imagine this:
    As I walked through the palace gardens I saw him ducking and diving trying to avoid the princess.

    • #6

    Can I say «As I was walking through the palace gardens I saw him ducking and diving trying to avoide the princess.»?

    suzi br

    • #7

    Can I say «As I was walking through the palace gardens I saw him ducking and diving trying to avoide the princess.»?

    Yes, certainly, that would be the most obvious way to say it.

    I am exploring alternatives which are less common with the original poster because that was the focus of his question.


    • #9

    What is the difference?
    1- She listened to the radio while she washed her car
    2- She listened to the radio while she was washing her car

    What are you trying to emphasize in your sentence? We can help you choose the appropriate option if you will provide context.

    • #10


    I came across the same problem: the verb must be in Past Continuous tense but in the text there is Past Simple.

    There are some confusing sentences:

    1) John was in the boat and his friends were on the river bank. They were holding the boat with a rope. The dog was on the bank and watched his master. (it’s from the Call of the Wild).

    2) At night we heard a strange noise in our neighbours’ house. While my mum was phoning the police, I watched the house.

    3) Every night, while all the people were sleeping, he worked in his garage, repairing the car.

    In first two examples: dog was watching his master for a long time, and the narrator was watching the house for a long time as his mum was phoning. Two actions in progress.

    The same with the third example: the people were sleeping and he was working at the same time.

    So, why Past Simple? I just can’t get it.


    • #11

    To my knowledge, «The dog was on the bank and watched his master.» The words «was» and «watched» are in parallel form here. However, you can say: the dog was on the bank, watching his master. Both are similar in meaning.
    Your 2) and 3) have a point of time each: «at night» and «every night». So they generally go with Past Simple when describing the past and Simple Present when describing a present situation. When the speaker intends to emphasize the action in progress, past or present progressive form is possible.

    The following is cited from The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language for your reference:


    1. She was reading while he watched TV. 2. She read while he was watching TV.
    3. She was reading while he was watching TV. 4. She read while he watched TV.

    Hope this helps.

    • #12

    To my knowledge, «The dog was on the bank and watched his master.» The words «was» and «watched» are in parallel form here. However, you can say: the dog was on the bank, watching his master. Both are similar in meaning.
    Your 2) and 3) have a point of time each: «at night» and «every night». So they generally go with Past Simple when describing the past and Simple Present when describing a present situation. When the speaker intends to emphasize the action in progress, past or present progressive form is possible.

    The following is cited from The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language for your reference:

    View attachment 63414

    1. She was reading while he watched TV. 2. She read while he was watching TV.
    3. She was reading while he was watching TV. 4. She read while he watched TV.

    Hope this helps.

    Sure, it really helped. As I can see, spoken language isn’t the same that a lot of students’ books teach us.


    • #13

    3) Every night, while all the people were sleeping, he worked in his garage, repairing the car.

    The same with the third example: the people were sleeping and he was working at the same time.

    So, why Past Simple? I just can’t get it.

    That, in my opinion, is more idiomatic as «Every night, while all the people were asleep, he worked in his garage, repairing the car.»


    • #14

    John was in the boat and his friends were on the river bank. They were holding the boat with a rope. The dog was on the bank and watched his master.

    I couldn’t find those sentences in Jack London’s novel. It looks to me like a simplified version for learners, with a restricted use of tenses.

    • #15

    John was in the boat and his friends were on the river bank. They were holding the boat with a rope. The dog was on the bank and watched his master.

    I couldn’t find those sentences in Jack London’s novel. It looks to me like a simplified version for learners, with a restricted use of tenses.

    It is a simplified version. But I’m still trying to understand the use of tenses because my students sometimes ask me about it.

    That, in my opinion, is more idiomatic as «Every night, while all the people were asleep, he worked in his garage, repairing the car.»

    It’s less confusing now, thanks. :)

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  • Is saw cut one word
  • Is saw a real word
  • Is sanitize a word