Is simple minded one word

Asked by: Trever Von II

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having or showing a single aim or purpose: a single-minded program. dedicated; resolute; steadfast: He was single-minded in his concern for truth.

What do you call someone who is single minded?

adjective. Someone who is single-minded has only one aim or purpose and is determined to achieve it. They were effective politicians, ruthless and single-minded in their pursuit of political power. Synonyms: determined, dogged, fixed, dedicated More Synonyms of single-minded.

Is single minded an adjective?

SINGLE-MINDED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does Singlemindedness mean?

Single-mindedness is the inability to «recognize and respond» to the feelings of others. From Slate Magazine. Pursued diversion with a child’s singlemindedness. From The Atlantic.

How do you use single minded in a sentence?

Single-minded sentence example

  1. It comes from courage to speak out and remaining single-minded. …
  2. He was marked by the modesty of true genius, and his life was given to the single-minded pursuit of truth.

15 related questions found

What does single minded zeal mean?

: having one driving purpose or resolve : determined, dedicated. Other Words from single-minded Synonyms & Antonyms Learn More About single-minded.

Is it bad to be single minded?

One of the most crucial ways that being single-minded helps you in life is that it allows you to indulge yourself at the task in hand completely. When you multitask, your brain jumps from one task to another without spending enough time at either of the tasks to complete them with perfection.

What is a simple minded person?

The definition of simple-minded is someone who is unsophisticated, foolish or mentally impaired. An example of someone who would be described as simple-minded is a person who cannot understand or grasp most concepts and who is lacking in insight. adjective.

Is a single minded proposition?

The most difficult sentence to write on a creative brief is the Single-Minded Proposition. It has many other names — One Key Thing, Unique Selling Proposition, Single Most Important Thing — but one purpose: To inspire your creative partners to come up with the Big Idea.

Is single mindedness a word?

having or showing a single aim or purpose: a single-minded program. dedicated; resolute; steadfast: He was single-minded in his concern for truth.

What is single minded person?

Someone who is single-minded has only one aim or purpose and is determined to achieve it. They were effective politicians, single-minded in their pursuit of political power. … a single-minded determination to win. Synonyms: determined, dogged, fixed, dedicated More Synonyms of single-minded.

Is single mindedly a word?

Having one overriding purpose or goal: the single-minded pursuit of money. 2. Steadfast; resolute: He was single-minded in his determination to stop smoking. sin′gle-mind′ed·ly adv.

What does single minded love mean?

The definition of single minded is a focus on one thing at the expense of anything else. … An example of single minded is a person who cares about only his own happiness and who will do anything to make himself happy.

What word means single minded?

synonyms for single-minded

determined. relentless. steadfast. stubborn. artless.

What do you call a person who is close minded?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for close-minded, like: narrow-minded, intolerant, unpersuadable, illiberal, resistant, bigoted, hidebound, shortsighted, accept, closed-minded and blind.

What is a single-minded proposition example?

Here are some examples of outstanding SMPs that helped the creative department push out some astonishing work: Avis: We‘re Number Two, So We Try Harder. M&Ms: The Milk Chocolate Melts In Your Mouth, Not In Your Hand. Nike: Just Do It.

Who is a single-minded proposition?

So, what is an SMP? Not to be confused with a tagline or strapline, a single-minded proposition is the one compelling reason that a consumer would want to buy your product or use your service. It should be viewed as the most important thing that you can say about your brand.

Why is single-minded important?

Single-mindedness is the relentless pursuit of a goal, objective or end state. To become single-minded, the leader must make a decision to focus on only one thing, to the exclusion of everything else – one idea, one project, one goal, one end state. Everything else is secondary to the pursuit of this goal or objective.

What is a simple person like?

Simple people, or people who claim minimalism, simplicity, and easy-going lives, are relaxed, patient, and present in their everyday lives.

Is being called simple-minded an insult?

This is one of many words — such as moron, dummy, and dimwit — that insult a person’s intelligence. However, the word simple implies more than lack of intelligence; it suggests being innocent or naive too. So a simpleton could be considered a hillbilly or yokel as well as a dullard or dunce.

What is a simple-minded person called?

brainless, childlike, crude, dumb, idiotic, ignorant, moronic, naive, slow, stupid, uncomplicated, unschooled, unstudied, unworldly, feeble-minded, clueless, untutored.

Why is being single minded bad?

The bad single minded: When one becomes so preoccupied with a task that they lose all grip with their daily responsibilities and accountability to others, this is obviously a form of self delusion. We often label these personality types as «self-centered» or «self obsessed», carrying a negative connotation.

What are we single minded about keeping quiet?

Man is single-mindedly involved in completing his tasks and get the life going. He is so intricately involved that there is no scope for self analysis. To move out of this absent-mindedness, the poet calls for keeping quiet.

What is single minded devotion?

: having only one purpose, goal, or interest : focused on one thing. He worked with single-minded dedication/determination/devotion to help the poor.

  • 1

    simple-minded adj. 1) бесхитростный 2) туповатый, глупый

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > simple-minded

  • 2

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > simple-minded

  • 3




    а) глупый, туповатый


    б) слабоумный; умственно неполноценный


    2) бесхитростный, простой


    Англо-русский современный словарь > simple-minded

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > simple-minded

  • 5
    simple minded

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > simple minded

  • 6


    1) Общая лексика: бесхитростный, глуповатый, простодушный, простосердечный, туповатый, наивный человек, простофиля , простой , недалёкий, «деревенщина», простоватый, «неотёсанный», эдакий дурачок, эдакая дурочка, «добрая душа»

    2) Разговорное выражение: «наивняк»

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > simple-minded

  • 7


    глупый, туповатый

    слабоумный; умственно неполноценный

    бесхитростный, безыскусственный, простой

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > simple-minded

  • 8
    simple minded

    (a) бесхитростный; глуповатый; туповатый

    * * *

    простодушный, бесхитростный, глупый, туповатый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > simple minded

  • 9






    Новый англо-русский словарь > simple-minded

  • 10


    1. бесхитростный

    2. туповатый, глуповатый

    НБАРС > simple-minded

  • 11

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > simple-minded

  • 12






    English-Russian smart dictionary > simple-minded

  • 13

    1. a бесхитростный

    2. a туповатый, глуповатый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. dim-witted (adj.) childish; childlike; dim-witted; dull; foolish; idiotic; moronic; unintelligent

    2. harmless (adj.) harmless; innocuous; jejune; naive

    English-Russian base dictionary > simple-minded

  • 14
    simple-minded appeal

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > simple-minded appeal

  • 15

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > simple-hearted

  • 16



    простодушный, простой, бесхитростный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > simple-hearted

  • 17

    1. n собир. простой люд; беднота

    2. n простой человек; бедняк

    3. n простак, недотёпа

    4. n составляющее, ингредиент, составная часть, элемент

    5. a простой, нетрудный, несложный

    6. a несоставной, простой, с простой структурой; неразложимый

    7. a скромный, незатейливый, незамысловатый; непритязательный

    8. a простодушный, бесхитростный, наивный; искренний

    9. a простоватый, глуповатый, недалёкий

    10. a придурковатый

    11. a рядовой; простой

    12. a сущий, чистый; явный, очевидный

    13. a тех. простейший

    14. a мат. простой, элементарный

    simple debt — простой долг, долг из договора не за печатью

    15. a геол. однородный

    16. a биол. контролируемый одним геном

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. asinine (adj.) asinine; brainless; dense; fatuous; foolish; ignorant; inane; insensate; mindless; nitwitted; senseless; shallow; sheepheaded; silly; soft; spoony; stupid; unintelligent; unwitty; weak-headed; weak-minded; witless

    2. clear (adj.) clear; intelligible; lucid; understandable; unmistakable

    3. customary (adj.) common; customary; ordinary; usual

    4. easy (adj.) easy; effortless; facile; light; royal; smooth; untroublesome

    5. informal (adj.) informal; unceremonious; unpretentious

    6. mean (adj.) humble; lowly; mean; undistinguished

    7. natural (adj.) artless; guileless; humble; inartificial; ingenuous; innocent; naive; natural; neat; simplehearted; sincere; unaffected; unartful; unartificial; unassuming; unschooled; unsophisticated; unstudied; untutored; unworldly

    8. plain (adj.) bald; discreet; dry; homely; inelaborate; modest; plain; unadorned; unbeautified; undecorated; unelaborate; unembellished; unembroidered; ungarnished; unornamented; unostentatious; unpretentious; unvarnished

    9. pure (adj.) absolute; perfect; pure; pure and simple; sheer; unadulterated; unalloyed; undiluted; unmitigated; unmixed; unqualified

    10. retarded (adj.) backward; dim-witted; dull; feebleminded; half-witted; imbecile; moronic; quarter-witted; retarded; simpleminded; slow; slow-witted

    11. uncomplicated (adj.) bare; elementary; mere; mild; rudimentary; simplex; simplistic; uncomplicated

    12. unimportant (adj.) immaterial; inconsequential; insignificant; nonessential; trifling; trivial; unimportant; unnecessary

    13. fool (noun) butt; chump; dupe; easy mark; fall guy; fish; fool; gudgeon; gull; mark; monkey; patsy; pigeon; sap; saphead; sucker; victim

    Антонимический ряд:

    artful; artificial; complex; complicated; compound; connected; designing; difficult; double; elaborate; embellished; exacting; fancy; intelligent; worldly

    English-Russian base dictionary > simple

  • 18

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > simple

  • 19

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > bat-minded

  • 20

    1. a слабовольный, бесхарактерный; малодушный; нерешительный

    2. a слабоумный; придурковатый; умственно неполноценный

    Синонимический ряд:

    simple (adj.) brainless; fatuous; foolish; mindless; senseless; silly; simple; unintelligent; witless

    English-Russian base dictionary > weak-minded

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • simple-minded — [sim′pəlmīnd′id] adj. 1. artless; unsophisticated; simple hearted 2. foolish; stupid 3. mentally retarded simple mindedly adv. simple mindedness n. * * * sim·ple mind·ed or sim·ple·mind·ed (sĭmʹpəl mīnʹdĭd) adj. 1. Lacking in subtlety or… …   Universalium

    • simple-minded — adjective 1. ) unable to understand difficult or complicated ideas 2. ) showing a lack of intelligent thought: a simple minded plan ╾ ,simple mindedness noun uncount …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • simple-minded — [sim′pəlmīnd′id] adj. 1. artless; unsophisticated; simple hearted 2. foolish; stupid 3. mentally retarded simple mindedly adv. simple mindedness n …   English World dictionary

    • Simple-minded — Sim ple mind ed, a. Artless; guileless; simple hearted; undesigning; unsuspecting; devoid of duplicity. Blackstone. {Sim ple mind ed*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • simple-minded — index non compos mentis, obtuse, opaque, simple Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • simple-minded — adj not very intelligent, and unable to understand complicated things …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • simple-minded — ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone as simple minded, you believe that they interpret things in a way that is too simple and do not understand how complicated things are. Sylvie was a simple minded romantic… His politics were also… …   English dictionary

    • simple-minded — UK / US adjective 1) unable to understand difficult or complicated ideas 2) showing a lack of intelligent thought a simple minded plan Derived word: simple mindedness noun uncountable …   English dictionary

    • simple-minded — adjective unable to understand complicated things, and not showing much understanding of the world: a simple minded desire for a return to the past …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • simple-minded — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. foolish, ingenuous; simple, moronic, imbecilic. See folly, ignorance. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. unintelligent, childish, moronic; see dull 3 , naive , stupid 1 . III (Roget s Thesaurus II) (or… …   English dictionary for students

    • simple-minded — adj. 1 natural, unsophisticated. 2 feeble minded. Derivatives: simple mindedly adv. simple mindedness n …   Useful english dictionary

    простодушный, бесхитростный, глупый, туповатый


    - бесхитростный
    - туповатый, глуповатый

    Мои примеры


    a superstitious and very simpleminded man — суеверный и очень простодушный человек  
    simple minded — бесхитростный; глуповатый; туповатый  
    simple-minded — простосердечный; бесхитростный; простодушный  

    Примеры с переводом

    He took a simpleminded approach to the problem.

    Он подошёл к данной проблеме бесхитростно.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    simple-mindedness  — глуповатость, бесхитростность

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.








    They both have guns in their hands, so a simple-minded sergeant would surmise they shot each other.

    У обоих было оружие в руках, так что простодушный сержант осмелится предположить, что они застрелили друг друга.

    The stage image of the musician is a simple-minded charming guy.

    Сценический образ музыканта — простодушный обаятельный парень.

    In the specials, Schaeffer is a somewhat simple-minded character, who’s easily confused when he encounters new situations.

    В полнометражках, Шеффер — несколько бесхитростный персонаж, который легко смущается, сталкиваясь с новыми ситуациями.

    This is a simple-minded ordinary girl, resting, lazily and lonely, sprawling and playing with her pet.

    Это бесхитростная обыкновенная девушка, отдыхающая, лениво и одиноко раскинувшись и играя со своим любимцем.

    A cowardly alchemist dropout Whitehead, suspiciously friendly Cutler, and the simple-minded Jacob, and Friend.

    Трусливый алхимик-недоучка Уайтхед, подозрительно дружелюбный Катлер, и простоватые Джейкоб и Друг.

    The twins were good-natured, simple-minded helpers, and everybody loved them.

    Близнецы были добродушными и бесхитростными помощниками, и все любили их.

    Here it is, the brutal scowl of capitalism: lured simple-minded kolkhozniks and used them as a «cheap work force».

    Вот он, звериный оскал капитализма — сманили простодушных колхозников и пользовались ими в качестве «дешевой рабочей силы».

    Huck likes the agility with which fraudsters deceive the simple-minded inhabitants of small towns encountered on their way.

    Геку нравится ловкость, с которой мошенники обманывают простодушных обитателей небольших населённых пунктов, встречающихся на их пути.

    And such cases of mental healing these ignorant and simple-minded people regarded as physical healing, miraculous cures.

    И эти невежественные и простодушные люди принимали такие случаи душевного исцеления за исцеление физическое, чудесное выздоровление.

    Had a simple-minded character and cheerful disposition, which in society brought him widespread attention…

    Имел простодушный характер и веселый нрав, которые в обществе принесли ему всеобщее внимание…

    In the eyes of these simple-minded people the power to feed carried with it the right to rule.

    В глазах этих простодушных людей способность накормить наделяла правом властвовать.

    However, the Dominicans themselves, despite all their natural serenity, do not make an impression of naive and simple-minded.

    Впрочем, сами доминиканцы, несмотря на всю свою природную безмятежность, не производят впечатление наивных и простодушных.

    The image of the good, simple-minded giant, who at any time ready to help, just purchased the all-Union love.

    Образ доброго, простодушного великана, который в любое время готов прийти на помощь, сразу приобрел всесоюзную любовь.

    These simple-minded Tibetans would not wholly give up their ancient magic and charms.

    Эти простодушные тибетцы не желали полностью расставаться со своей древней магией и талисманами.

    In themselves Nepalese are very friendly and rather simple-minded people.

    Сами по себе непальцы очень дружелюбные и довольно простодушные люди.

    I was being simple-minded and naive but because I think too much now, I know how to connect with people through music.

    Я был простодушным и наивным, но так как я много думаю теперь, я знаю, как общаться с людьми посредством музыки.

    A good and simple-minded woman can not imagine what kind of world they are living — the dearest and, perhaps, the only people close to her.

    Добрая и простодушная женщина никак не предполагала, в каком мире живут её самые дорогие и, пожалуй, единственно близкие ей люди.

    He disappeared into his bedroom and returned in a few minutes in the character of an amiable and simple-minded

    Он исчез в своей спальне и вернулся через несколько минут в характере из любезным и простодушный

    When a simple-minded girl confesses to him in her sin, he retreats and says that «through this» he can not cross.

    Когда же бесхитростная девушка признается ему в своем грехе, он, отступая, произносит, что «через такое» переступить не сможет.

    Aren’t gullible or simple-minded people most easily hypnotizable?

    Разве не легковерные и простодушные люди наиболее легко поддаются гипнозу?

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат simple-minded

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    artless, guileless, innocuous, jejune, naive,, simple, unsophisticated, dim-witted, simplistic.

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