Is shut down one word

Asked by: Garth Cummerata

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(3 votes)

Shutdown is one word, no hyphen, as a noun, and two words as a verb, to shut down.

Which is correct shutdown or shut down?

Two words as a verb, one word as a noun. Use shut down to describe exiting the operating system and turning off the device in a single action. Don’t use shut down to describe turning off a device or as a synonym for close. To turn off your computer, select Settings, and then select Shut down.

What do you mean by shutdown?

: the cessation or suspension of an operation or activity. shut down. verb. shut down; shutting down; shuts down.

Is turn off and shut down the same?

turn off is like physically pulling the plug, it’s a hard power off. shutdown is like pressing the soft switch on most modern PC’s which will initiate an OS system shutdown.

How do you use shut down in a sentence?

1. They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons. 2. Smaller contractors had been forced to shut down.

43 related questions found

What is a shutdown autism?

Shutdown. During shutdown, a person may either partially or completely withdraw from the world around them. They may not respond to communication anymore, retreat to their room or lie down on the floor.

Is shut up a bad word?

The phrase is probably a shortened form of «shut up your mouth» or «shut your mouth up». … Its use is generally considered rude and impolite, and may also be considered a form of profanity by some.

Is shut down the same as power off iPhone?

The iPhone or iPad will power down and turn off completely. This is quite simple, and the Settings menu approach to initiating a system shut down is a bit like the  Apple menu shut sown approach on a Mac, or the Start menu power down method available on a Windows PC.

What is the difference between turn off and restart?

The difference between Restart and Shutdown is that Restart temporarily shuts down the computer and starts it again while shut down completely powers off the computer.

What is the difference between log off restart and shutdown?

Log Off closes started programs by user, while services still running in background. Other users can log on with other credentials and other user rights. Restart of windows closes all running programs and services and starts PC from begining booting up of PC and Windows OS.

What is the function of shutdown?

To shut down or power off a computer is to remove power from a computer’s main components in a controlled way. After a computer is shut down, main components such as CPUs, RAM modules and hard disk drives are powered down, although some internal components, such as an internal clock, may retain power.

What is shutdown maintenance?

Simply put, Shutdown Maintenance is maintenance that can only be performed while equipment is not in use. Shutting down machinery can be costly, but sometimes due to the nature of the defective part/machine, shutdown maintenance is the only viable maintenance procedure.

What is shutdown project?

Turnarounds and Shutdowns are major projects that require that require sound planning, execution and control. They directly affect the bottom line of the company. Shutdown projects are usually short in duration, from 1 month up to 6 months, and require significant deployment of experienced personnel.

Is turn off one word?

The act of turning off something. The letter warned of an impending shutoff if payment was not made promptly. Alternative spelling of shutoff.

What is the past tense of shutdown?

The past tense of shut down is also shut down. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of shut down is shuts down. The present participle of shut down is shutting down. The past participle of shut down is shut down.

How do you write a shutdown?

To create a shutdown command that shuts the computer down immediately, type shutdown.exe -s -t 00 .

Is now safe to turn off computer?

Many computer users were trained never to turn their PCs off by pressing the power button on their desktop PC’s case. … This used to cause problems in the previous millennium, but it’s now perfectly safe to shut down with the power button.

Is it better to power off or restart your phone?

The professor suggested that if the mobile phone is suddenly stuck and dead, it is better to choose «restart the mobile phone«; if the mobile phone frequently occurs in the above situation, it is recommended to select «power off and then on».

Does turning off your phone reboot it?

Volatile memory is erased when power is turned off. A restart does not turn the power off, so that volatile memory area would not get erased on a restart.

Is it OK to turn off iPhone everyday?

There’s nothing wrong with shutting down your phone and mobile devices, but it’s not necessary. It’s generally safe to leave them on overnight. Your mobile devices aren’t constantly plugged in, so there are fewer failure types you can encounter.

How do I force shutdown my iPhone 12?

To force restart iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 12, or iPhone 13, do the following: Press and quickly release the volume up button, press and quickly release the volume down button, then press and hold the side button. When the Apple logo appears, release the button.

Is it bad to power off your phone every day?

Powering down your smartphone at night won’t help preserve the battery, since it’s unlikely that you’d be using the device at that time, anyhow. “It comes to how hard you use your phone,” says Weins. … Periodically draining your battery to zero percent and letting your smartphone die is advised, though sparingly.

What age can you cuss?

Other research has found that children start swearing around age two and that it becomes more adult-like by ages 11 or 12, authors at the Association for Psychological Science noted in 2012. “By the time children enter school, they have a working vocabulary of 30 to 40 offensive words,” the report continued.

Is Simp a bad word?

One dictionary notes that the word is derived from a ‘simple man’ and defines it as “a man who puts too much value on a woman for no reason.” Another dictionary definition views the word as a slang insult that is used “for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive to women, especially out of a failed hope of …

How long does an autistic shutdown last?

The major difference between an autistic meltdown and burnout is that burnout is usually longer lasting. In most cases, it lasts for weeks or even months. I have known many individuals who have had to quit their jobs or school or go on medical leave because they are so worn down.

Do you write “login” or “log in”? “Shutdown” or “shut down”? “Payoff” or “pay off”?

The answer is that both forms are right, but in different places.

If you’re using one of these terms as a verb, then it’s two words:

How do I log in as a different user?

If you’re using it as a noun or an adjective, it’s one word:

This widget keeps track of user logins.

That’s the fourth failed login attempt in the last hour.

Here’s a paragraph that gets the distinction exactly backwards:

Wrong example: Three years after announcing the acquisition, the company has announced they will shutdown the service on April 30, 2014. The shut down means all mobile apps will cease to function and all of the hosted videos will no longer be available.

“They will shutdown” should be “they will shut down,” and “The shut down means” should be “The shutdown means”:

Corrected: Three years after announcing the acquisition, the company has announced they will shut down the service on April 30, 2014. The shutdown means all mobile apps will cease to function and all of the hosted videos will no longer be available.

Some style guides will have you use a hyphen instead of writing the term as one word. The same rules still apply:

How do I log in as a different user?

This widget keeps track of user log-ins.

That’s the fourth failed log-in attempt in the last hour.

Why bother making this distinction? Because it transcribes the distinction we automatically make in speech. When we say “they will shut down service,” we pronounce “shut down” as two words, with approximately equal accents. When we say “The shutdown means all mobile apps will cease to function,” we pronounce “shutdown” as one word, with the accent on the first syllable. This is a meaningful and helpful distinction in speech, and your writing should preserve those helpful distinctions whenever it’s possible to do so.

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∙ 11y ago

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It depends on the situation, but generally it would be considered as two — shut and down.

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Is pat down one word or two?

The correct way to write this is pat down. So your answer is two words.An example sentence is: This officer will give you a pat down to see if you have drugs on you.

Is wrist watch one word or two words?

no it is not an one word it is of two word

Is upstairs one word or two?

Upstairs is one word.

Is trade show one word or two?


Is nationwide one word or two?

one word

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2) Морской термин: прекращать

3) Разговорное выражение: прекратить

4) Техника: запирать, останавливаться, глушить , свёртывать

5) Математика: выключение, перекрыть, прервать

6) Экономика: закрыть предприятие

7) Сленг: побеждённый, потерпевший поражение, побеждать в спортивном состязании

8) Вычислительная техника: завершать, закрытый

9) Нефть: закрыта, отключение, простой, остановлена , остановка

10) Космонавтика: отключить

11) Деловая лексика: закрывать , прекращать работу

12) Бурение: выключить, остановить, прекратить

13) Нефтегазовая техника остановка

14) Нефтепромысловый: останавливать

15) Автоматика: выключать, останавливать, отключать, перекрывать

16) Макаров: выключаться, закрываться, заслонить, скрыть от взора, выключать , закрыть , остановить , закрыть , выключить

17) Майкрософт: завершать работу

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

shut down — перевод на русский

/ʃʌt daʊn/

Martin, you’re going to shut down the beaches on your own authority?

Ты распорядился закрыть пляжи?

The army intervened, and some factories had to shut down because the female workers were scared to go out.

Армия вмешалась, пришлось закрыть несколько фабрик, потому что работницы боялись выйти на улицу.

We should shut down all access… until we find that Flynn.

Думаю, нам надо полностью закрыть любой доступ к системе… пока мы не найдём этого Флинна.

Lord President, we must shut down the Matrix.

Господин Президент, мы должны закрыть Матрицу.

Anybody want to shut down the Federal Reserve?

Может кто-нибудь хочет закрыть Федеральный резерв?

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You must shut down your transmitter.

— Вы должны отключить передатчик.

The humans are not able to shut down a deflection barrier.

Люди не могут отключить силовой барьер.

It has to be shut down, Alex.

Его нужно отключить, Алекс.

Can you shut down on drive?

Можно отключить двигатель?

Computer, shut down all transporter systems and shuttle bays.

Компьютер, отключить все транспортационные системы и доступ в ангары шаттлов.

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He wants to shut down the protection grid.

Он хочет выключить защитную сетку.

Have him shut down his engines.

Заставьте его выключить двигатели.

All I have to do is enter my command code and shut down the program.

Мне только надо ввести контрольный код и выключить программу.

We have to shut down the system.

Мы должны выключить систему.

should we shut down his program then, till we figure out how to fix him?

Нам выключить программу, пока мы не определим, как ее починить?

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My house was shut down.

Мой дом закрыт.

You mean your business was shut down?

Вы хотите сказать, ваш бизнес был закрыт?

Shut down and closed by the attorneys.

Закрыт и опечатан адвокатами.

The president wants Babylon 5 shut down permanently.

Президент желает, чтобы Вавилон 5 был закрыт навсегда.

From now on, the entire earthly Underground network will be shut down.

отныне весь земной метрополитен будет закрыт.

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Somebody started asking questions, and the Taxi Service shut down.

Потом кто-то начал задавать вопросы, и службу такси прикрыли.

Come on, I’m sick and y’all shut down my corner.

Да брось, мне хреново, мой угол прикрыли.

No, man, Stifler’s got shut down.

Нет старик Стифлера прикрыли.

— Could be when Manticore shut down a lab tech unloaded him on the black market.

— Наверное когда Мантикору прикрыли он был продан на черном рынке.

They wanted to gain access to offworld technology, which they’re unable to do since we shut down their side operation.

Они хотели получить доступ с инопланетным технологиям, которого они лишились после того, как мы прикрыли их тайную операцию.

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The best course of action is to shut down, take our losses,… .. and get outta this mess before it really gets out of hand.

Лучший курс действий, это закрыться, смириться с потерями,… и выбраться из этого бардака прежде чем он выйдет из-под контроля.

But as far as Earth goes, this quarantine’s got us pretty much shut down.

Но если Земля будет продолжать карантин, нам скоро придется закрыться.

We should shut down and retool.

Надо закрыться и переоборудовать студию.

She might shut down in your presence.

В вашем присутствии она может просто закрыться.

We’re going to have to shut down the home for a while.

Нам придется на некоторое время закрыться.

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I’m shutting down the gate.

Я закрываю врата.

I’m shutting down my practice.

Я закрываю практику. О, Боже!

I’m shutting down all research into the artifact and the accident.

Я закрываю все исследования по артифакту и аварии.

And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark international until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be.

Поэтому я намерен объявить, что закрываю производство вооружений на заводах «Старк Интернэшнл» до тех пор, пока мне не удастся определить будущее компании.

I’m shutting down this project.

Я закрываю этот проект.

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Your daughter’s kidneys are shutting down.

Почки вашей дочери отказывают…

His kidneys are shutting down due to the direct toxicity to the proximal tubule epithelium.

Его почки отказывают из-за отравления эпителия проксимального канальца.

— Waste. — Which means the kidneys are shutting down.

Это значит, что его почки отказывают.

All the major organs are shutting down.

Все главные органы отказывают.

(Kutner) kidneys are shutting down.

Почки отказывают.

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The stupid maid didn’t think of shutting down the main pipe.

Идиотка горничная не додумалась перекрыть воду.

Computer, shut down that conduit.

Компьютер, перекрыть этот энергопровод.

I’m gonna cancel the president’s stop and shut down the money.

Я намерен отменить президентскую задержку и перекрыть финансовые потоки.

Shut down the O2.

Перекрыть кислород.

If you’re looking for a body in the drinking water, we’ll have to shut down.

Нам придется все перекрыть, если люди узнают, что вы ищите труп.

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Unimatrix Zero is shutting down.

Униматрица ноль отключается.

Her cortical node is shutting down.

Ее кортикальный узел отключается.

Brain shuts down in cryosleep.

Мозг отключается во время криосна.

Her bone marrow’s shutting down.

Её костный мозг отключается.

You have aplastic anemia, which means your bone marrow has shut down.

У вас апластическая анемия. Это значит, что ваш костный мозг отключается.

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