Is shipping a compound word

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∙ 5y ago

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Yes. «Shipshape» is made up of two separate words: ship and

It is an adjective meaning something is in good shape or neat
and tidy.

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∙ 5y ago

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Q: Is shipshape a compound word

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1. The criteria of compounds

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words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the
language as free forms.

describing the structure of a compound one should examine three types
of relations, namely the relations of the members to each other; the
relations of the whole to its members; and the correlation with
equivalent free phrases.

compounds are made up of a determining and a determined part, which
may be called the determinant and the determinatum.

A compound is indivisible. It’s impossible to insert words or
word-groups between its members.

sunbeam, a bright sunbeam, a bright and unexpected sunbeam. But no
insertion is possible between sun and beam, for they are not words
they are morphemes. The second stem beam is the basic part the
The determinant serves to differentiate it from other beams.

determinatum is the grammatically most important part which undergoes
inflection: sunbeams, brothers- in –law, passers-by etc.

for the semantics of the compounds, their meanings are not a mere sum
of the meanings of their components. A compound is often very
different in meaning from a corresponding syntactic group.

blackboard and black board not every black board is a teaching aid
and vice-versa.

the other hand there are non-idiomatic compounds with a perfectly
clear motivation. Here we add the meanings of constituents to create
the meaning of a whole.

seaman – when was first used there was no doubt (a profession
connected with sea).

English compounds consist of free forms, it is difficult to
distinguish them from phrases.

phrase “the top dog” – a person occupying the foremost place;

compound “underdog” – a person who has the worst of an

separating compounds from phrases and also from derivatives is no
easy task, and scholars are not agreed upon the question of relevant

writes, that “the criteria for determining the word units in a
language are of three types: 1) phonological; 2) morphological; 3)
syntactic. No one type of criteria is normally sufficient for
establishing the word unit. Rather the combination of two or three
types is essential”.

doesn’t mention the graphic criterion (namely spelling). It is a
mistake, in ME the written form is as important as the oral.

can see in the dictionaries of different authors and even of the same
author that some words are spelled differently: headmaster –
head-master, airline – air line – air line.

lack of infirmity in spelling is the chief reason why many authors
consider this criterion insufficient. Some combine it with the phonic
criterion or stress.

is a marked tendency in English to give compounds a heavy stress on
the first element. Some scholars consider this unity of stress to be
of primary importance.

Bloomfield writes: ”Wherever we hear lesser or least stress upon a
word which would always show a high stress in a phrase, we describe
it as a compound member: `ice-cream is a compound but `ice `cream is
a phrase although there is no denotative difference in meaning.

`blackboard, `black `board; `blackbird, `black `bird etc.

rule doesn’t hold good with adjectives. Compound adjectives are
double stressed: `gray-`green, `easy-`going, `new-`born.

expressing emphatic comparison are heavily stressed on the first
element: `snow-white, `dog-cheap.

stress can be no help in solving the problem of compounds because
word stress may depend on phrasal stress or upon syntactic function
of the compound.

light-headed has a single stress when it’s used attributively, in
other cases the stress is even.

the stress may be phonological and help to differentiate the meaning
of compounds:

– “extra work”

`work – “hard work injuring ones health”

– “a piece of furniture”

`case – “ a paper cover for books”

for morphological criteria they are manifold.

compares the compound shipwreck
and the phrase (the)
wreck of (a) ship
They comprise the same morphemes. Although they don’t differ in
meaning, they stand in different relation to the grammatical system
of the language. From this example it follows that a word is
characterized by structural integrity non-existent in a phrase.

should remember E.Nida that no one type of criteria is normally
sufficient for establishing whether the unit is a compound or a
phrase. We have to depend on the combination of different types of
criteria. But even then the ground is not very safe and we meet here
a “stone-wall problem” that has received so much attention in
linguistic literature.


problem of distinguishing a compound from a derivative is actually
equivalent to distinguishing a stem from an affix.

most cases the task is simple enough. The immediate constituents of a
compound are free forms and a combination containing bound forms as
its immediate constituents, is a derivative.

there are cases which present difficulties.

such nouns as man, berry, land are very often used as the second
element in a word. They seem to have acquired valency similar to that
of affixes. As you remember they are called semi-affixes. Such
elements as –like, -proof, and –worthy can be referred to as
semi-affixes as well.


of compounds

great variety of compound types brings about a great variety of
classifications. Compound words can be classified according to the
type of a composition and the linking element; according to the
number of stems; according to the number of constituent parts;
according to the part of speech to which the compound belongs;
according to the structural pattern within a part of speech.

classification according to the type of composition permits us to
establish the following groups:

The predominant type without any linking element: heartache,

Composition with a vowel or a consonant as a linking element:

Compounds with linking elements presented by preposition or
conjunction stems: matter-of-fact; up-to-date; son-in-law;
forget-me-not; what’s-her-name (n).

Compound-derivatives or derivational compounds: kind-hearted;

classification of compounds according to the structure of immediate
constituents distinguishes:

consisting of simple stems: film-star

where one of the constituents is a derived stem: chaine-smoker.

where at least one of members is a clipped stem: maths-mistress;
H-bag (handbag) or X mas (Christmas).

in which at least one of the constituents is a compound stem:

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There are various classes of words in the English Language ranging from nouns to prepositions. All these have been discussed in the post, Parts of Speech. However, some words are regarded as compound words. This post gives 1000 Compound Words Examples out of the several thousands of examples of compound words in English.

There is no end to how many compound words there are in English; but with these 1000 Compound Words Examples in English, though not exhaustive, you can research further on other compound words not captured here or, probably, generate your own.

Before I list the 1000 Compounds Word Examples in English, it would be great to describe compound words. The question then comes: what is a compound word? Let us proffer an answer to this important question…

What is a Compound Word?

Compound words in English are usually formed when we join two or more words together. In other, words, a compound word is the combination of two or more free morphemes to form a new word.

Compounding: A Word Formation Process

This takes us to the concept of Compounding, which is one of the word formation processes in English. Compounding takes place when two or more free morphemes that can stand severally on their own are brought together to create a new word. It could happen that the meaning of a compound word could be related to or different from the meaning or connotation it its constituent parts when considered severally.

Types of Compound Words

There are three types of compound words and these include: closed compound words, hyphenated compound words and open compound words. See more…

Closed Compound Words

In the closed compound words, the words involved are combined together. Closed compound words, most likely, are usually monosyllabic units already established in the language for a long time. Examples include: flowerpot, keyboard, notebook, bookstore, basketball, etc.

Hyphenated Compound Words

For the hyphenated compound words, a hyphen is used to join the words involved; for example: mother-in-law, merry-go-round, off-the-cuff, etc. The use of a hyphen in this instance helps to prevent ambiguity.

Open Compound Words

In the open compound words, there is a space between the compound words that are written together such as school bus, living room, carbon dioxide, snow white, blood red, etc.

What Determines Types of Compound Words

What determines if a compound word is classified as closed, hyphenated or open could depends on whether we use it as a noun, adjective or verb.

Verbs are usually open. For example:

  • You must always back up the files on your computer.
  • It is not good for students to carry over their courses
  • Police usually follow up on a new lead.

Adjectives and nouns are usually closed or hyphenated. For instance:

  1. You can access backup copies of your files in case of any eventuality.
  2. The students had many carryovers in their courses.
  3. The police had already worked on the follow-up lead.

Adjective–adjective compounds, as well as, verb–verb compounds, such as blue-green and freeze-dried, are often hyphenated. Compounds that contain articles, prepositions or conjunctions, such as rent-a-cop, mother-of-pearl and salt-and-pepper, salt-and-sugar, hard-and-fast, etc. are also often hyphenated.

Longer words usually fall under the category of open compound words such as distance learning, player piano, lawn tennis, etc.

It is important to note that usage or forms of compound words in American English and British English Usage varies and is usually contingent on the individual choice of the writer rather than on a hard-and-fast rule; therefore, it is possible to encounter closed, hyphenated, and open forms for the same compound noun, such as the trio of:

  • Container ship, container-ship or containership
  • Particle board, particle-board or Particleboard.

Classifications of Compound Words

The constituent words in a compound word can be classified based on their Word Classes or Parts of Speech. We can call this type of classification a Syntactic Classification. The constituent words may be from similar Part of Speech or may be of different parts of speech. Let us see some examples:


This is an instance where both constituent words in the compound words are nouns. Examples include: airport, wallpaper, textbook, doorknob, waterbed, wastebasket, football, cufflinks, housewife, lawsuit, wallpaper, basketball, sodium chloride, classroom, workstation, tapeworm, crankshaft, etc.


The noun-verb compound word has a noun as the first constituent and a verb as the second constituent. For example: browbeat, sidestep, manhandle, safeguard, water borne, value-added, rocket-propelled, sunbathe, airlift, etc.


The noun-adjective combination has a noun as the first constituent and an adjective as the second constituent. Examples include: snow white, world population, overcoat, trustworthy, blood red, handpicked, world famous, heartbroken, heart problem, prize worthy, lead strong, worldwide, lifelong, tax-free, sky blue, self-important, spoon-fed, praiseworthy, water-repellant, air-tight, bulletproof, etc.


This is an instance where the first constituent word in the compound word is an adjective and the other one a noun. Examples include: blackboard, smartphone, whiteboard, badmouth, blue sky, red light, four wheel, full-time, long-term, etc.


This instance is when the first constituent is an adjective while the second word in the compound word is a verb. Examples of this instance include: whitewash, blacklist, highlight, proofread, shortlist, etc.


In this instance, both constituents of the compound words are verbs. Examples include: typewrite, test-drive, freeze-dry, etc.


This is an instance where the first constituent word in the compound word is a verb and the other one a noun. Examples include: dreadnought, typewriter, breakfast, cutthroat, pickpocket, killjoy, spoilsport, know-nothing, breakwater, carrycot, etc.


In this instance, we have a combination of a verb and a preposition forming the compound word respectively. Examples of this instance include: Roll off, roll on, stick on, walk on, stand by, walk through, see through, lay by, cut through, lookout, Work on, take down, take away, tear up, etc. Some of these examples also pass for Phrasal Verbs. You can take a look at the over 500 Phrasal Verbs discussed here.


In this combination of compound words, we have a preposition coming first and followed by a noun. Examples of this combination include: overview, downsize, upgrade, underworld, oversight, undergraduate under-development, etc.

Preposition Noun (Phrase) Combinations

Examples of Preposition-Noun Phrase include: Off-the-record, over-the-counter, off-the-cuff, round-the-block, off-the-deep-end, off the hook, off the wall, off-your-head, off-your-own-bat, off-your-rocker, round-the-twist, round-the-corner, etc.


This combination comprises a preposition and a verbs in the first and second constituents respectively. Examples include: overhang, counterattack, undercut, overpay, counterbalance, overrate, underlie, outrun, outvote, overreact, oversleep, overwork, undersell, undervalue, etc.

Other Combinations

There are other possible combinations like:

  • Adjective-adjective (blue-green)
  • Adverb-preposition (forthwith)
  • Verb-adverb (tumbledown)
  • Preposition-adjective (overripe, off-white)
  • Verb-adverb (takeout)
  • Preposition-adverb (without)
  • Compound Adverbs (moreover, however, nonetheless, furthermore, meanwhile)
  • Determiner-Noun Combinations or wh-forms (anyhow, somewhere, nowhere, sometimes, anytime)

You can attempt to fit the 1000 examples of compound words provided below into their appropriate combinations. I’m sure that should not be difficult for you to do.

It is also important to note that compound words in English, save for exceptions, are usually stressed on their first words.

1000 Compound Words Examples

It is really impossible to give an exhaustive list of all the compound words in English; especially, those that fall under the open class segment as there is no end to compound words that could be therein generated. But the list below contains 1000 Compound Words Examples in English. For emphasis, there are thousands of other examples. So, the list is not limited to what is provided below. Take a look…

1000 Compound Words Examples (A-D)

  • Above-board
  • Afterglow
  • Afterimage
  • Afterlife
  • Afternoon
  • Airbag
  • Airbase
  • Airborne
  • Aircraft
  • Airfield
  • Airlift
  • Airline
  • Airmen
  • Airplane
  • Airport
  • Airtight
  • Airtime
  • All-over
  • Allspice
  • Alongside
  • Anybody
  • Anyhow
  • Anymore
  • Anyone
  • Anyplace
  • Anytime
  • Anyway
  • Arm-twist
  • Ashtray
  • Baby bed
  • Baby boom
  • Baby boomers
  • Baby carriage
  • Baby-faced
  • Babyhood
  • Babyminder
  • Babysit
  • Babysitter
  • Backache
  • Backbeat
  • Backbench
  • Backbenchers
  • Backbend
  • Backbite
  • Backblast
  • Backbone
  • Backbreaker
  • Backdrop
  • Backfire
  • Background
  • Backhand
  • Backlash
  • Backlog
  • Backpack
  • Backside
  • Backslap
  • Backslide
  • Backspace
  • Backspin
  • Backstage
  • Backstroke
  • Backtrack
  • Backward
  • Ballpark
  • Ballroom
  • Bandwagon
  • Bankbook
  • Bankroll
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Beachcomb
  • Bedclothes
  • Bed lamp
  • Bedrock
  • Bedroll
  • Bedroom
  • bedspread
  • Bellbottom
  • Bellboy
  • Bellhop
  • Below
  • Berrylike
  • Billboard
  • Billhook
  • Bitterroot
  • Bittersweet
  • Bitterweed
  • Bitterwood
  • Blackball
  • Blackberries
  • Blackbird
  • Blackboard
  • Blackjack
  • Blacklist
  • Blackmail
  • Blackout
  • Blackpool
  • Blacksmith
  • Blacktop
  • Blowgun
  • Bluebell
  • Blueberry
  • Bluebird
  • Bluefish
  • Bluegrass
  • Blueprint
  • Boardwalk
  • Body bag
  • Body-boarding
  • Body blow
  • Bodybuilder
  • Body hair
  • Bodywork
  • Bodyguard
  • Bodywork
  • Boldface
  • Bookcase
  • Bookend
  • Bookkeeper
  • Bookmark
  • Bookmobile
  • Bookseller
  • Bookshelf
  • Bookstore
  • Bookworm
  • Bootstrap
  • Bowlegs
  • Bowtie
  • Brainchild
  • Brainwash
  • Brotherhood
  • Brow beat
  • Bugspray
  • Butterball
  • Buttercup
  • Butterfingers
  • Butterflies
  • Buttermilk
  • Butternut
  • Butterscotch
  • Bypass
  • Cabdriver
  • Candlelight
  • Candlestick
  • Candyfloss
  • Candytuft
  • Cardboard
  • Cardsharp
  • Cardstock
  • Carefree
  • Caretaker
  • Careworn
  • Carfare
  • Cargo
  • Carhop
  • Carload
  • Carpetbagger
  • Carpool
  • Carport
  • Carrack
  • Carryall
  • Carsick
  • Cartwheel
  • Catchword
  • Cattail
  • Catwalk
  • Caveman
  • Centercut
  • Cheeseburger
  • Cheesecake
  • Classmates
  • Classroom
  • Clockwise
  • cocksure
  • Coffeemaker
  • Comeback
  • Comedown
  • Commonplace
  • Commonwealth
  • Cornmeal
  • Counterattack
  • Counterproductive
  • Courthouse
  • Courtyard
  • Crewcut
  • Crossbow
  • Crossbreed
  • Crosscut
  • Crossover
  • Crosswalk
  • Dairymaid
  • Daisywheel
  • Daybed
  • Daybook
  • Daybreak
  • Daydream
  • Daylight
  • Daytime
  • Deadbeat
  • Dead body
  • Deadbolt
  • Dead drop
  • Dead-end
  • Deadeye
  • Deadfall
  • Dead heat
  • Dead letter
  • Deadlight
  • Deadline
  • Dead load
  • Deadlock
  • Deadlocked
  • Dead mail
  • Dead march
  • Dead metaphor
  • Dickhead
  • Dick test
  • Dishcloth
  • Dishpan
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwater
  • Diskdrive
  • Dog-tired
  • Dogwood
  • Doorstop
  • Double agent
  • Double-barrelled
  • Double-bedded
  • Double bond
  • Doublecross

1000 Compound Words Examples (D-N)

  • Double-date
  • Double-decker
  • Downbeat
  • Downcast
  • Downcourt
  • Downtime
  • Downtown
  • Downtrodden
  • Downunder
  • Drawbridge
  • Driveway
  • Duckbill
  • Duckpin
  • Duckweed
  • Earache
  • Eardrop
  • Eardrum
  • Earring
  • Earthbound
  • Earthquake
  • Earthward
  • Earthworm
  • Egghead
  • Eggshell
  • Elsewhere
  • Everything
  • Extraordinary
  • Eyeballs
  • Eyebath
  • Eyebeam
  • Eye-catching
  • Eyeglasses
  • Eyelash
  • Eyelid
  • Eyesight
  • Eyewitness
  • Fatherhood
  • Fatherland
  • Firearm
  • Fireball
  • Fireboat
  • Firebomb
  • Firebreak
  • Firecracker
  • Firefighter
  • Fireflies
  • Firehouse
  • Fireproof
  • Firewater
  • Fishbowl
  • Fisherman
  • Fisheye
  • Fishhook
  • Fishlike
  • Fishmonger
  • Fishnet
  • Fishpond
  • Fishtail
  • Football
  • Foothill
  • Footlights
  • Footlocker
  • Footnote
  • Footprint
  • Footprints
  • Footrest
  • Footwear
  • Forbearer
  • Forbid
  • Forebode
  • Forearm
  • Forebear
  • Forebrain
  • Forecast
  • Forecastle
  • Foreclose
  • Foreclosure
  • Foredoom
  • Forefather
  • Forefeet
  • Forefinger
  • Forefoot
  • Forego
  • Foregone
  • Foreground
  • Forehand
  • Forehead
  • Foreknowledge
  • Foreleg
  • Foreman
  • Foremost
  • Forepaws
  • Foresee
  • Foreshadow
  • Foresight
  • Forestall
  • Forethought
  • Foretell
  • Foretold
  • Forever
  • Forewarn
  • Foreword
  • Forget
  • Forgive
  • Forklift
  • Format
  • Fortnight
  • Friendship
  • Fruitcup
  • Gearshift
  • Glassmaking
  • Goodbye
  • Goodnight
  • Grandaunt
  • Grandchild
  • Grandchildren
  • Granddaughter
  • Grandfather
  • Grandmaster
  • Grandmother
  • Grandnephew
  • Grandnieces
  • Grandparent
  • Grandson
  • Grandstand
  • Granduncle
  • Grasshopper
  • Grassland
  • Graveyard
  • Gumball
  • Haircut
  • Hamburger
  • Hammerhead
  • Handbook
  • Handcuff
  • Handgun
  • Handmade
  • Handout
  • Headache
  • Headdress
  • Headlight
  • Headline
  • Headquarters
  • Heaven-sent
  • Heavenward
  • Helpdesk
  • Helpline
  • Helpmate
  • Hereafter
  • Hereby
  • Herein
  • Hereupon
  • Herself
  • Highball
  • Highchair
  • Highland
  • Highway
  • Himself
  • Homemade
  • Hometown
  • Honeybee
  • Honeybees
  • Honeycomb
  • Honeycreeper
  • Honeydew
  • Honeymoon
  • Honeypot
  • Honeysuckle
  • Hookup
  • Hookworm
  • Horseback
  • Horsefly
  • Horsehair
  • Horseman
  • Horseplay
  • Horsepower
  • Horseradish
  • hotbed
  • hothead
  • Houseboat
  • Household
  • Housekeeper
  • Housetop
  • Housework
  • However
  • Intake
  • Interstate
  • Ironwork
  • Itself
  • Jackpot
  • Jailbait
  • Jellybean
  • Jellyfish
  • Jetliner
  • Jetport
  • Jumpshot
  • Jumpstart
  • Keyboard
  • Keyhole
  • Keynote
  • Keypad
  • Keypunch
  • Keystone
  • Keystroke
  • Keyway
  • Keyword
  • Lacklustre
  • Lifeblood
  • Lifeboat
  • Lifebuoy
  • Lifeguard
  • Lifejacket
  • Lifelike
  • Lifeline
  • Lifelong
  • Lifesaver
  • Lifestyle
  • Lily-livered
  • Lifetime
  • Lifework
  • Limelight
  • Limestone
  • Longhand
  • Longhouse
  • Lukewarm
  • Mainland
  • Mainline
  • Matchbox
  • Meantime
  • Meanwhile
  • Moneybag
  • Moneylender
  • Moonbeam
  • Moonflower
  • Moonlight
  • Moonlit
  • Moonscape
  • Moonshine
  • Moonstruck
  • Moonwalk
  • Moorfields
  • Moorfowl
  • Moorland
  • Mopboard
  • Moreover
  • Mothball
  • Motherhood
  • Motorcycle
  • Nearby

1000 Compound Words Examples (N-S)

  • Nevermore
  • Newborn
  • Newfound
  • Newsboy
  • Newsbreak
  • Newscaster
  • Newsdealer
  • Newsletter
  • Newsman
  • Newspaper
  • Newsperson
  • Newsprint
  • Newsreel
  • Newsroom
  • Newsstand
  • Newsworthy
  • Nightfall
  • Noisemaker
  • Northeast
  • Notebook
  • Noteworthy
  • Nowhere
  • Nursemaid
  • Nutcracker
  • Offbeat
  • Off-record
  • Oilbird
  • Oilcan
  • Oilcloth
  • Oilfield
  • Oilman
  • Oil-rich
  • Oneself
  • Onetime
  • Outbalance
  • Outbid
  • Outboard
  • Outdoor
  • Outflank
  • Outflow
  • Outlive
  • Outnumber
  • Overabundance
  • Overboard
  • Overcoat
  • Overflow
  • Overland
  • Overshoes
  • Overview
  • Pacemaker
  • Pancake
  • Passbook
  • Passkey
  • Passover
  • Paycheck
  • Peppermint
  • Pickup
  • Pinhole
  • Pinstripe
  • Pinup
  • Pinwheel
  • Pipe-borne
  • Play-actor
  • Playback
  • Playbill
  • Playbook
  • Playboy
  • Play day
  • Play dough
  • Playground
  • Playhouse
  • Playthings
  • Ponytail
  • Popcorn
  • Postcard
  • Poverty grass
  • Poverty level
  • Poverty line
  • Poverty trap
  • Poverty-stricken
  • Priesthood
  • Punchbag
  • Punchboard
  • Punchbowl
  • Racquetball
  • Railroad
  • Railway
  • Rainbow
  • Raincheck
  • Raincoat
  • Raindrop
  • Rainstorm
  • Rainwater
  • Rattlesnake
  • Rattletrap
  • Repairman
  • Riverbanks
  • Rollerblade
  • Rollercoaster
  • Roller-skating
  • Rubberband
  • Sailboat
  • Salesclerk
  • Sand dune
  • Sandlot
  • Sandstone
  • Saucepan
  • Scapegoat
  • Scarecrow
  • Schoolbook
  • Schoolboy
  • Schoolbus
  • Schoolhouse
  • Schoolwork
  • Seaport
  • Seashore
  • Setback
  • Shadyside
  • Sharecropper
  • Sharpshooter
  • Sheepskin
  • Shipbottom
  • Shoelace
  • Shoemaker
  • Shortbread
  • Showoff
  • Showplace
  • Sideburns
  • Sidekick
  • Sideline
  • Sideshow
  • Sidestep
  • Sidetrack
  • Sidewalk
  • Silver age
  • Silver ash
  • Silver beech
  • Silver bell
  • Silver berry
  • Silver-blue
  • Silver-bodied
  • Silver bromide
  • Silver-bush
  • Silver cord
  • Silver dollar
  • Silver fern
  • Silver fir
  • Silverfish
  • Silver grass
  • Silver-gray
  • Silver-green
  • Silver-haired
  • Silversmith
  • Sisterhood
  • Sixfold
  • Skateboard
  • Skintight
  • Skylark
  • Skylight
  • Skyscraper
  • Slapstick
  • Slowdown
  • Slumlord
  • Smartphone
  • Snakeskin
  • Snowball
  • Snowbank
  • Snowbird
  • Snowboard
  • Snowdrift
  • Snowfall
  • Snowflakes
  • Snowshovel
  • Softball
  • Software
  • Somebody
  • Someday
  • Somehow
  • Someone
  • Someplace
  • Something
  • Sometimes
  • Somewhat
  • Somewhere
  • Soulmate
  • Soundproof
  • Southeast
  • Southwest
  • Soybean
  • Spacewalk
  • Spearmint
  • Spillway
  • Spokesperson
  • Stagehand
  • Stage-manage
  • Standby
  • Standoff
  • Standout
  • Standpipe
  • Standpoint
  • Starfish
  • Steamboat
  • Steamship
  • Stepson
  • Stockroom
  • Stonewall
  • Stoplight
  • Stopwatch
  • Storerooms
  • Stronghold
  • Subway
  • Sunbaked
  • Sunbathe
  • Sunbeams
  • Sunbelt
  • Sunberry
  • Sunblock
  • Sunburn
  • Sunday
  • Sundial
  • Sundown
  • Sunfish
  • Sunflower
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunlit
  • Sunrays
  • Sunroof
  • Sunup
  • Supercargo
  • Supercharge

1000 Compound Words Examples (S-W)

  • Supercool
  • Superego
  • Superfine
  • Supergiant
  • Superhero
  • Superhighways
  • Superhuman
  • Superimpose
  • Superman
  • Supermarket
  • Supermen
  • Supernatural
  • Superpower
  • Superscript
  • Supersensitive
  • Supersonic
  • Superstar
  • Superstrong
  • Superstructure
  • Supertanker
  • Superweapon
  • Superwoman
  • Sweetheart
  • Sweetmeat
  • Swift-footed
  • Swordfish
  • Tablecloth
  • Tablespoon
  • Tabletop
  • Tableware
  • Tadpole
  • Tagalong
  • Tailbone
  • Tailcoat
  • Tailgate
  • Taillight
  • Taillike
  • Tailpiece
  • Tailspin
  • Takeoff
  • Takeout
  • Takeover
  • Talebearer
  • Taleteller
  • Tapeworm
  • Taproom
  • Taproot
  • Taskmaster
  • Taxicab
  • Taxpayer
  • Teacup
  • Teammate
  • Teamwork
  • Teapot
  • Teaspoon
  • Teenager
  • Telltale
  • Tenderfoot
  • Tenfold
  • Textbook
  • Themselves
  • Therefore
  • Throwaway
  • Throwback
  • Thunderbird
  • Thunderbolt
  • Thunderclap
  • Thundercloud
  • Thunderflash
  • Thunderhead
  • Thundershower
  • Thunderstorm
  • Thunderstruck
  • Timekeeper
  • Timepieces
  • Timesaver
  • Timesaving
  • Timeshare
  • Timetable
  • Tonguefish
  • Tongue-lash
  • Toolbox
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothpick
  • Touchdown
  • Township
  • Turnabout
  • Turnaround
  • Turnbuckle
  • Turncoat
  • Turndown
  • Turnkey
  • Turnoff
  • Turntable
  • Typewrite
  • Typewriter
  • Underachieve
  • Underact
  • Underage
  • Underarm
  • Underbelly
  • Underbid
  • Undercharge
  • Underclothes
  • Undercover
  • Undercurrent
  • Undercut
  • Underdevelop
  • Underdog
  • Underestimate
  • Underexpose
  • Underfoot
  • Underground
  • Upbeat
  • Upbringing
  • Upcoming
  • Upcourt
  • Update
  • Upend
  • Upgrade
  • Upheaval
  • Upheld
  • Uphill
  • Uphold
  • Upkeep
  • Upland
  • Uplift
  • Uplink
  • Upload
  • Upmarket
  • Uppercase
  • Upperclassman
  • Uppercut
  • Uppermost
  • Upright
  • Uprising
  • Uproar
  • Uproot
  • Upscale
  • Upset
  • Upshot
  • Upside
  • Upstage
  • Upstairs
  • Upstanding
  • Upstart
  • Upstate
  • Upstream
  • Upstroke
  • Uptake
  • Upthrust
  • Uptight
  • Uptime
  • Uptown
  • Upturn
  • Upward
  • Upwind
  • Vainglory
  • Viewpoint
  • Vineyard
  • Violin cello
  • Volleyball
  • Voltmeter
  • Vouchsafe
  • Waistline
  • Walkways
  • Walleyed
  • Wallpaper
  • Wardroom
  • Warehouse
  • War advocacy
  • War baby
  • War bride
  • War chest
  • War cloud
  • War correspondent
  • War crime
  • War criminal
  • War cry
  • Warfare
  • Warlike
  • Warmonger
  • Warmblooded
  • Warpath
  • Washboard
  • Washbowl
  • Washcloth
  • Washhouse
  • Washout
  • Washrag
  • Washroom
  • Washstand
  • Washtub
  • Wastebag
  • Wastebasket
  • Wastebin
  • Wasteland
  • Wastepaper
  • Wastewater
  • Watchband
  • Watchdog
  • Watchmaker
  • Watchman
  • Watchtower
  • Watchword
  • Waterbed
  • Water beetle
  • Water birch
  • Waterbird
  • Water biscuit
  • Waterboarding
  • Water boatman
  • Waterborne
  • Waterbottle
  • Water boy
  • Water buck
  • Water buffalo
  • Water bug
  • Watercolour
  • Watercooler
  • Watercourse
  • Watercraft
  • Waterfall
  • Waterfowl
  • Waterfront
  • Waterline
  • Waterlog

1000 Compound Words Examples (W-Z)

  • Watermark
  • Watermelon
  • Waterpower
  • Waterproof
  • Waterscape
  • Watershed
  • Waterside
  • Waterspout
  • Watertight
  • Waterway
  • Waterwheel
  • Waterworks
  • Wavelength
  • Wavelike
  • Waxwork
  • Waybill
  • Wayfarer
  • Waylaid
  • Wayside
  • Wayward
  • Weathercock
  • Weatherman
  • Weatherproof
  • Weekday
  • Weekend
  • Weeknight
  • Wetland
  • Whatever
  • Whatsoever
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Wheelbase
  • Wheelchair
  • Wheelhouse
  • Wheelhouse
  • Whereabouts
  • Whipcord
  • Whip hand
  • Whiplash
  • Whiplike
  • Whipsaw
  • Whip snake
  • Whipstitch
  • Whipstock
  • Whiptail
  • Whip through
  • Whip top
  • Whiteboard
  • Whitecap
  • Whitefish
  • Whitehall
  • Whitehead
  • Whitewall
  • Whitewash
  • Widespread
  • Wipeout
  • Wisplike
  • Without
  • Wood ant
  • Woodblock
  • Woodborer
  • Wood-burning
  • Woodcarver
  • Woodcarving
  • Woodchip
  • Wood coal
  • Woodcock
  • Woodcraft
  • Wood-creeper
  • Woodcutter
  • Wood duck
  • Woodshop
  • Yachtsman
  • Yachtsman
  • Yachtsmen
  • Yachtsmen
  • Yard bird
  • Yard birds
  • Yard land
  • Yard lands
  • Yard wand
  • Yard wands
  • Yard work
  • Yard works
  • Yardarms
  • Yardman
  • Yardmaster
  • Yardmasters
  • Yardstick
  • Yardsticks
  • Yearbook
  • Yearbooks
  • Yearlong
  • Yellow fin
  • Yellow fins
  • Yellow ware
  • Yellow wares
  • Yellowhammer
  • Yellowhammers
  • Yellowlegs
  • Yellowtail
  • Yellowtails
  • Yellowthroat
  • Yellowthroats
  • Yellowwood
  • Yellowwoods
  • Yokefellow
  • Yokefellows
  • Yokemate
  • Yokemates
  • Youngberries
  • Youngberry
  • Youth quake
  • Zoo technical
  • Zoogeographer
  • Zoogeographers
  • Zoogeographies
  • Zoogeography
  • Zookeeper
  • Zoosperms
  • Zootechnics

Closing Words and Related Posts

It is possible that some of these 1000 Compound Words Examples could be written differently in other instances where they appear; but remember that this also depends on the choice of the writer to select any of the three types of compound words that we have. However, there are some of these compound words that have to be written based on acceptable convention. You can check out other related posts as listed below:

9 Types of Nouns with Examples

10 Examples of Complex Sentences

100 Examples of Synonym Words

100 Examples of Compound Sentences in English

25 Examples of Complex Sentences

50 Examples of Simple Sentences

  • 1
    compound word

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > compound word

  • 2
    compound word

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > compound word

  • 3
    compound word

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > compound word

  • 4
    compound word

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > compound word

  • 5
    compound word

    сложное слово (слово, состоящее из нескольких словарных слов)

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > compound word

  • 6
    compound word

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > compound word

  • 7
    compound word

    Patent terms dictionary > compound word

  • 8
    compound word

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > compound word

  • 9
    compound word

    сложное слово

    English-Russian glossary of linguistics terms > compound word

  • 10
    compound word

    Англо-русский современный словарь > compound word

  • 11
    compound word


    složeno slovo · сложено слово


    Dictionary English-Interslavic > compound word

  • 12
    (a) compound word

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) compound word

  • 13

    English-Russian glossary of linguistics terms > compound

  • 14

    1. n физ. хим. соединение; смесь; состав

    2. n лингв. сложное слово

    3. n тех. компаунд-машина

    4. a спец. составной, сложный

    5. v смешивать, составлять; соединять

    6. v юр. приходить к компромиссному соглашению; выкупать; погашать повременные платежи

    7. v юр. отказываться от возбуждения иска, жалобы

    8. v юр. начислять или рассчитывать сложные проценты

    9. v юр. осложнять; усугублять

    10. n огороженная территория вокруг фабрики или жилья европейца

    11. n огороженные бараки для рабочих алмазных приисков

    12. n воен. временный лагерь для военнопленных

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. composite (adj.) combined; complex; complicated; composite; difficult; intricate; involved; mixed; multifarious; multiple; varied

    3. mixture (noun) admixture; aggregate; alloy; amalgam; amalgamation; blend; combination; commixture; composite; compost; fusion; immixture; interfusion; intermixture; mix; mixture; mix-up; preparation; solution; suspension; synthesis

    4. increase (verb) aggrandize; augment; beef up; boost; build; complicate; confound; enlarge; exacerbate; expand; extend; heighten; increase; intensify; magnify; make complex; make intricate; manifold; multiply; plus; push

    5. join (verb) associate; bond; bracket; coadunate; coagment; coalesce; combine; concrete; confuse; conjoin; conjugate; connect; couple; incorporate; join; link; marry; one; relate; synthesize; unite; wed; yoke

    6. mix (verb) admix; amalgamate; blend; comingle; commingle; commix; fuse; immingle; immix; interblend; interflow; interfuse; intermingle; intermix; make up; meld; merge; mingle; mix; stir

    Антонимический ряд:

    element; minimize; separate; simple

    English-Russian base dictionary > compound

  • 15



    , хим. соединение; смесь; состав

    составной, сложный

    compound addition [substraction] — сложение [вычитание] именованных чисел

    1. смешивать, составлять; соединять:

    to compound a medicine — составлять /приготовлять/ лекарство

    a cake compounded of the best ingredients — кекс из самых лучших продуктов

    her charm was compounded of beauty and kindness — красота и доброта делали её обаятельной

    1) приходить к компромиссному соглашению (

    с кредитором); выкупать; погашать повременные платежи

    they finally compounded their differences and shook hands — они в конце концов уладили свои разногласия и обменялись рукопожатием

    2) отказываться от возбуждения иска, жалобы ()

    3. начислять рассчитывать сложные проценты

    4. осложнять (); усугублять ()


    1. огороженная территория вокруг фабрики жилья европейца ()

    2. огороженные бараки для рабочих алмазных приисков ()


    временный лагерь для военнопленных

    НБАРС > compound

  • 16

    1. сущ.
    1) слово to write a word ≈ сделать запись to coin a word ≈ создать/придумать новое слово to mispronounce слово ≈ неправильно произнести слово to distort smb.’s words ≈ переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов to hang on (to) smb. ‘s words ≈ придираться к чьим-л. словам of few words ≈ немногословно She took the words right out of my mouth. ≈ Она читает мои мысли (говорит то, о чем я хотел сказать) to get a word in edgewise ≈ ввернуть словечко, сделать дельное замечание to have the last word ≈ сказать послпеднее слово (положить конец спору, распре) to take smb. at her/his word ≈ поймать на слове кого-л. Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. ≈ Об этом никому ни слова. There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. ≈ В газетах нет ни слова о происшествии. She would like to say a few words about the incident. ≈ Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии. not to mince any words ≈ рассказать все без утайки angry words cross words sharp words choice word harsh word hasty words high-sounding words hollow words hypocritical words sincere words weasel words archaic words obsolete words borrowed words compound word dialectal words regional words foreign words four-letter words obscene words monosyllabic words nonce words portmanteau word simple words taboo word guide word household word in a word in one word put in a word say a word word in one’s ear it is not the word take at his word on the word with the word
    2) часто мн. разговор, речь to put in a good word for smb. ≈ произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л. to have words ≈ крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л. (with smb.) warm words, hot words ≈ брань, крупный разговор fair words ≈ комплименты
    3) замечание
    4) обещание, слово to break one’s word ≈ не сдержать обещание, нарушить клятву one’s solemn word ≈ торжественное обещание one’s word of honor ≈ слово чести She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. ≈ Она пообещала мне, что отправит сообщение. She’s a woman of her word. ≈ Она человек слова. man of his word ≈ человек слова upon my word ≈ Честное слово!
    5) вести;
    известие, сообщение
    6) приказание to give word ≈ отдать распоряжение word of command ≈ команда
    7) пароль
    8) девиз;
    лозунг ∙ hard words break no bones посл. ≈ брань на вороту не виснет a word spoken is past recalling посл. ≈ слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь a word to the wise ≈ умный с полуслова понимает big words last word sharp’s the word! in so many words code word
    2. гл. выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения
    слово — primary * корневое слово — half a * полслова — to be not the * for it быть недостаточным для выражения или определения чего-л. — tactlessness is not the * for it! «бестактность» — это не то слово /это слишком слабо сказано/! — I am repeating his very /actual/ *s я повторяю его собственные слова, я дословно передаю сказанное им часто pl речь, разговор, слова — concluding *s заключительное слово — to have a * with smb. поговорить с кем-л. — to take (up) the * заговорить;
    перебить( кого-л.) — to put smth. into *s, to give *s to smth. выразить что-л. словами — to put one’s thoughts into *s высказать /сформулировать/ свои мысли — to get /to put/ in a * вставить слово, вмешаться в разговор — *s fail me у меня не хватает слов — I have no *s to express my gratitude мне не хватает слов, чтобы выразить благодарность — a truer * was never spoken совершенно верно!;
    лучше не скажешь — bold in * only смелый только на словах — «A * to the Reader» «К читателю» (введение к книге) pl размолвка, ссора — high /hard/ *s разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор — they had *s, *s passed between them они поссорились, между ними произошла ссора замечание, совет — a * in season своевременный совет — a * in smb.’s ear намек (тк. в ед. ч.) вести;
    известие, сообщение — to receive * of smb.’s coming получить известие о чьем-л. приезде — please send me * as soon as possible пожалуйста, известите меня как можно скорее — please leave * for me at the office пожалуйста, оставьте мне записку в канцелярии (тк. в ед. ч.) обещание, заверение — to give one’s * дать слово;
    обещать — to keep one’s * сдержать слово — a man of his * человек слова — to be as good as one’s * сдержать слово — to be better than one’s * сделать больше обещанного — to take smb. at his * поверить кому-л. на слово;
    принять чьи-л. слова всерьез — his * is as good as his bond на его слово можно положиться;
    его слово — лучшая гарантия — take my * for it (разговорное) уверяю вас, поверьте мне рекомендация, совет — to say /to put in/ a good * for smb. хвалить или отстаивать кого-л.;
    замолвить за кого-л. словечко — to give smb. one’s good * рекомендовать кого-л. (на должность и т. п.) (тк. в ед. ч.) приказ, приказание — * of command( военное) команда — to give the *, to say the * отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/ — * to be passed! (военное) (морское) слушайте все! — his * is law его слово — закон — sharp’s the *! поторапливайся, живей! — mum’s the *! тихо!, ни слова об этом! пароль, пропуск пословица, поговорка слух, молва( the W.) (религия) Слово господне (о священном писании, особ. о Евангелии;
    тж. W. of God, God’s W.) — to preach the W. проповедывать евангелие /христианство/ Слово, Бог-слово, Христос (тж. Eternal W.) — ministers of the W. (христианское) духовенство pl (музыкальное) (театроведение) текст, слова ( песни) ;
    либретто( оперы) ;
    текст (роли) (полиграфия) слово (условная единица объема, равная 5 печатным знакам) — 8000 *s = 1 печатный лист — a book of 160000 *s книга в 20 печатных листов (компьютерное) слово;
    кодовая группа;
    группа символов (биология) кодовое слово (в генетическом коде) > for *, to a * дословно, буквально, слово в слово > a man of few *s немногословный человек > a man of many *s велеречивый человек;
    болтун > by * of mouth на словах, устно > in a /one/ * одним словом, короче говоря > in other *s другими словами, иначе говоря > in a few *s в нескольких словах, вкратце > without many *s без лишних слов > not a *! (разговорное) ни слова!, ни гу-гу!, молчок! > in * and deed на словах и на деле > a play on /upon/ *s игра слов, каламбур > big *s хвастовство > upon /on/ my * (даю) честное слово > my *! подумать только! > in the *s of… говоря словами /по выражению, по словам/ такого-то… > in so many *s определенно, ясно, недвусмысленно;
    прямо, откровенно > on /with/ the * как только было сказано;
    без промедления;
    тут же, сейчас же > to hang on smb.’s *s ловить чьи-л. слова;
    внимательно прислушиваться к кому-л. > beyond *s неописуемый, невыразимый > conduct beyond *s поведение, не поддающееся описанию > a * and a blow необдуманный поступок, скоропалительное действие > to eat /to swallow/ one’s *s брать свои слова обратно;
    извиняться за сказанное > fair /good/ *s комплименты > fine *s красивые слова > fine /fair, soft/ *s butter no parsnips, *s are but wind (красивые) слова ничего не стоят > he has a kind /a good/ * for everyone у него для каждого человека найдется доброе слово > last *s последние /предсмертные/ слова > the last * (in smth.) последнее слово, новейшее достижение > the last * has not yet been said on this matter последнее слово по этому поводу еще не сказано, вопрос еще окончательно не решен > to have the last * сказать последнее слово (в споре) > not to know the first * about smth. ничего не понимать в чем-л., не знать азов чего-л. > he hasn’t a * to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься > to suit the action to the * смотреть, чтобы слово не расходилось с делом;
    сказано — сделано > a * spoken is past recalling слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь > *s are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money только дурак верит на слово > a * to the wise умный с полуслова понимает > hard *s break no bones брань на вороту не виснет выражать словами;
    подбирать слова, выражения;
    формулировать — I should rather * it differently я бы сказал /сформулировал/ это иначе — how should it be *ed? как бы это выразить?
    address ~ вчт. адресное слово
    alphabetic ~ вчт. буквенное слово
    associatively located ~ вчт. слово найденное ассоциативным поиском
    banner ~ вчт. начальное слово
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство
    binary ~ вчт. двоичное слово
    block descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор блока
    buzz ~ вчт. основное слово
    call ~ вчт. вызывающее слово
    ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами
    check ~ вчт. контрольное слово
    code ~ кодированное слово
    command ~ вчт. имя команды
    comparand ~ вчт. характеристический признак
    computer ~ вчт. машинное слово
    constant ~ вчт. константное слово
    control ~ вчт. управляющее слово
    data ~ вчт. слово данных
    descriptor ~ вчт. дескриптор
    digital ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    double ~ вчт. двойное слово
    edit ~ вчт. редактирующее слово
    empty ~ вчт. пустое слово
    entry ~ док. порядковое слово описания
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    full ~ вчт. слово
    function ~ вчт. функциональная команда
    ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    half ~ вчт. полуслово
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    to have words (with smb.) крупно поговорить, поссориться (с кем-л.)
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog от него слова не добьешься
    I should ~ it rather differently я сказал бы это, пожалуй, иначе;
    a beautifully worded address прекрасно составленная речь
    identifier ~ вчт. идентификатор
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    in so many ~s ясно, недвусмысленно;
    hard words break no bones посл. = брань на вороту не виснет
    index ~ вчт. модификатор
    information ~ вчт. информационное слово
    isolated ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    key ~ вчт. ключевое слово
    the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) последнее слово (в какой-л. области) the last ~ (in (или on) smth.) = последний крик моды
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    lock ~ вчт. блокировочное слово
    long ~ вчт. двойное слово
    matching ~ вчт. слово с совпавшим признаком
    nonreserved ~ вчт. незарезервированное слово
    numeric ~ вчт. цифровое слово
    offensive ~ оскорбительное слово
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    optional ~ вчт. дополнительное слово
    packed ~ вчт. упакованное слово
    parameter ~ вчт. параметр
    partial ~ вчт. часть слова
    primary ~ вчт. встроенная операция
    processor status ~ вчт. слово состояния процессора
    program status ~ вчт. слово состояния программы
    in a ~, in one ~ одним словом;
    короче говоря;
    to put in (или to say) a word (for smb.) замолвить (за кого-л.) словечко
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде
    request ~ вчт. слово запроса
    reserved ~ вчт. зарезервированное слово
    ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.)
    search ~ вчт. признак
    secondary ~ вчт. вторичная команда
    selected ~ вчт. выбранное слово
    the last ~ has not yet been said on this subject вопрос еще не решен;
    sharp’s the word! поторапливайся!, живей!
    she had the last ~ ее слово было последним, = она в долгу не осталась
    spoken ~ вчт. произносимое слово
    status ~ вчт. слово состояния
    to take (smb.) at his ~ поймать (кого-л.) на слове;
    on (или with) the word вслед за словами
    test ~ вчт. тестовое слово
    unmarked ~ вчт. непомеченное слово
    ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово!
    upper half of ~ вчт. старшее полуслово
    warm (или hot) ~s брань, крупный разговор;
    fair words комплименты
    wide ~ вчт. длинное слово
    word вести;
    известие, сообщение;
    to receive word of (smb.’s) coming получить известие о (чьем-л.) приезде ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму ~ выражать словами ~ девиз;
    big words хвастовство ~ заверение ~ замечание;
    to say a few words высказать несколько замечаний (по поводу чего-л. — на собрании и т. п.) ~ замечание ~ известие ~ обещание, слово;
    to give one’s word обещать;
    a man of his word человек слова;
    upon my word! честное слово! ~ обещание ~ пароль;
    to give the word сказать пароль ~ пароль ~ приказ ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение ~ приказание ~ пропуск ~ (часто pl) речь, разговор;
    can I have a word with you? мне надо поговорить с вами ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах ~ слово ~ вчт. слово ~ совет ~ сообщение ~ формулировыать ~ элемент информации
    ~ выражать словами;
    подбирать выражения;
    to word a telegram составить телеграмму
    ~ слово;
    word for word слово в слово;
    by word of mouth устно;
    на словах
    a ~ in one’s ear на ухо, по секрету;
    it is not the word не то слово, это еще слабо сказано
    ~ приказание;
    word of command воен. команда;
    to give (или to send) word отдать распоряжение
    he hasn’t a ~ to throw at a dog он и разговаривать не желает;
    a word spoken is past recalling посл. = слово не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь
    a ~ to the wise = умный с полуслова понимает
    written-in ~ вчт. записанное слово

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > word

  • 17



    archaic / obsolete words — устаревшие слова

    dialectal / regional words — диалектные слова

    four-letter / obscene words — непристойные, неприличные слова, ругательства

    angry / cross / sharp words — резкие, оскорбительные слова

    hollow / hypocritical words — неискренние, лживые слова

    to distort smb.’s words — переиначить чьи-л. слова, исказить смысл чьих-л. слов

    to say a few words about smth. — высказать своё мнение о чём-л.

    She took the words right out of my mouth. — Она прямо читала мои мысли.

    Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone. — Об этом никому ни слова.

    There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. — В газетах не было ни слова о происшествии.

    — harsh word
    — hasty words
    — high-sounding words
    — sincere words
    — borrowed words
    — compound word
    — foreign words
    — monosyllabic words

    — guide word
    — in a word
    — in one word


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Word order[/ref]

    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]Word classes[/ref]

    2) разговор, речь

    to put in a good word for smb. — произнести оправдательную речь в адрес кого-л.

    3) замечание, высказывание

    She said a few words about his last book. — Она сказала несколько слов о его последней книге.

    4) размолвка, ссора

    to have words with smb. — крупно поговорить, поссориться с кем-л.

    5) обещание, слово

    She gave me her word that she would deliver the message. — Она дала мне слово, что доставит сообщение.


    6) вести; известие, сообщение

    to get the word out, to spread the word — сообщать

    He sent us word that he would be late. — Он прислал нам сообщение о том, что будет поздно.


    7) приказ, приказание, распоряжение, команда

    Don’t move till I give the word. — Не двигайся, пока я не подам знак.



    9) девиз; лозунг




    поговорка, пословица


    11) ; = the Word of God Слово Божие, Библия


    12) текст , либретто


    man of his word, woman of her word — человек слова, хозяин своего слова

    to hang on / to smb.’s words — внимательно слушать, ловить каждое слово

    to take smb. at her / his word — поймать кого-л. на слове

    to put in / say a word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.

    It’s too beautiful word words. — Слов нет — это прекрасно.

    He hasn’t a word to throw at a dog. — От него слова не добьёшься.

    Hard words break no bones. посл. — Брань на вороту не виснет.

    A word spoken is past recalling. посл. — Слово — не воробей, вылетит — не поймаешь.

    A word to the wise. посл. — Умный с полуслова понимает.

    — last word
    — in so many words
    — code word
    — fair words
    — have a word in smb.’s ear
    — It is not the word!
    — Upon my word!
    — Sharp’s the word!
    — Mum’s the word!



    1) формулировать, выражать словами; подбирать выражения

    Unfortunately, your idea is coarsely worded. — К сожалению, ваша идея плохо сформулирована.


    They worded it a long while. — Они долго говорили об этом.







    заговаривать , приставать

    Англо-русский современный словарь > word

  • 18

    Patent terms dictionary > word

  • 19



    There was no word of the incident in the newspapers. — В газетах не было ни слова о происшествии.

    She would like to say a few words about the incident. — Она хотела бы сказать несколько слов о происшествии.

    Actions speak louder than words. He — на бумаге сказано — делом показано. /Не спеши языком, торопись делом

    — high-sounding words
    — sincere words
    — compound word
    — hollow words
    — foreign words
    — nonce words
    — taboo word
    — words in one’s ear
    — word for word

    — upon my word!
    — say a few words
    — tell smb, smth in one’s own words
    — have a word with smb

    write a word

    — get a word in edgewise
    — coin a new word
    — mispronounce a word
    — distort smb’s words
    — hang on smb’s words
    — have the last word
    — take smb at her word
    — put in a word for smb
    — not to say a word
    — not to mince any words

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > word

  • 20

    1) слово

    2) (машинное) слово (единица данных, обрабатываемая аппаратными средствами вычислительной техники)

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > word

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • Compound word — Compound Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Compound word — Word Word, n. [AS. word; akin to OFries. & OS. word, D. woord, G. wort, Icel. or[eth], Sw. & Dan. ord, Goth. wa[ u]rd, OPruss. wirds, Lith. vardas a name, L. verbum a word; or perhaps to Gr. rh twr an orator. Cf. {Verb}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • compound word — compound word, a word made up of two or more words which keep their separate forms. Steamship is a compound word made up of the two words steam and ship. Blackbird, bookkeeper, breakwater, and strawberry are compound words …   Useful english dictionary

    • compound word — noun A word composed of two or more stems. Examples include pancake, two tone and school bus – it may or may not have a space or hyphen. Syn: compound …   Wiktionary

    • compound word — n. (Grammar) words which are made of two or more words …   English contemporary dictionary

    • Compound — Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] Compound …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Compound addition — Compound Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Compound crystal — Compound Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Compound engine — Compound Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Compound ether — Compound Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Compound flower — Compound Com pound, a. [OE. compouned, p. p. of compounen. See {Compound}, v. t.] Composed of two or more elements, ingredients, parts; produced by the union of several ingredients, parts, or things; composite; as, a compound word. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    Cover image for article

    The words pancake, living room, and merry-go-round have something in common.

    They are all examples of compound words.

    The noun compound means something made up of two or more separate components. Compound can also be an adjective meaning consisting of two or more parts or components.

    A compound word is one word, or one unit of meaning, that is created by joining two or more separate words together.

    Image showing definition of compound words

    What Are Compound Words?

    A compound word is a word made up of usually two but sometimes more words that are joined together. The two (or more) that make the compound word are independent words; they have their own distinct meanings. When those words are joined and form a compound word, that compound word has its own new meaning.

    The Three Types of Compound Words

    Compound words can take three possible forms: closed, open, or hyphenated. In closed form, there is no space between the joined words. In open form, there is a space between the “joined” words that still act as one unit, and in hyphenated form—you guessed it! There is a hyphen between the joined words.

    Image showing the forms of compound words

    These general “rules”—which are somewhat fluid and flexible—provide guidance as to what format a compound word takes.

    • Closed compound words are usually nouns: They put on makeup.

    • Open compound words are usually nouns or verbs: I have to make up (verb) that exam at my high school. (noun)

    • Hyphenated compound words are usually adjectives or adverb-adjective combinations: I have to take a make-up (adjective) exam. I will be well-prepared. (adverb + adjective)

    The key word in each of those examples is “usually.” Some compound words break the rules. We’ll see how soon.

    1. Closed Compound Words

    To review: closed compound words are usually made up of two separate words that are put together to form a new word. There is no space between the two words in a closed-form compound word; the compound appears as one single word.

    Examples of Closed Compound Words

    Image showing closed compound words

    • Cup + cake becomes cupcake

    • Basket + ball becomes basketball

    • Key + board becomes keyboard

    • Extra + ordinary becomes extraordinary

    • Birth + day becomes birthday

    You can see through these examples that the meaning of the compound word is not just a merger of the independent definitions of the individual words that join together to make that compound.

    However, there is a relationship between the individual word meanings and the compounds. Compound words have been integrated into language as speakers have discovered those relationships. It makes perfect sense to call a cake that could fit into a cup a cupcake and to call a ball thrown through a basket (now a hoop) a basketball.

    The rules for compound words, listed earlier in the post, include the word usually. That word means the rules are not hard and fast, and there are examples of compound words that break those rules.

    For example, compound words that are verbs are usually open form, but here are rule-breaking closed-form compound verbs that remind us to hold those rules loosely:

    • I need to proofread my essay.

    • I think the clerk shortchanged me.

    • I have to babysit my little sister.

    2. Open Compound Words

    In an open compound word, there is a space between the two independent words, though they are still treated as one unit with a new “compound meaning.”

    Examples of Open Compound Words

    Image showing open compound words

    • Living room: as a unit, this compound noun refers to a room in a house.

    • High school: as a unit, this compound noun refers to a school that has students in grades 9-12.

    • Post office: as a unit, this compound refers to a building where mail is collected, sorted, and sent.

    • Give up: as a unit, this compound verb means to stop trying.

    • Ask for: as a unit, this compound verb means to request something.

    3. Hyphenated Compound Words

    Hyphenated compound words have hyphens between each of the independent words that serve as connectors. The hyphens are a visual cue that the words form one unit.

    Image showing hyphenated compound words

    Some compound words are always hyphenated.

    • Merry-go-round

    • Mother-in-law (and brother-, sister-, and father-in-law)

    • Self-esteem

    Did you notice that all of those examples are nouns? Remember: the rules are flexible!

    Examples of Hyphenated Compound Adjectives:

    Image showing compound word rulese

    When compound words are used as adjectives (officially known as compound adjectives), the hyphenation rules change depending on where the compound adjective comes in the sentences.

    If the compound adjective comes before the noun it modifies (describes), you should usually add a hyphen:

    • High-speed chase

    • Part-time employee

    • Full-time job

    • Fire-resistant pajamas

    • Good-looking person

    • Well-respected politician

    • Up-to-date records

    Of course, there are exceptions. Remember, those “rules” are flexible. Some compound adjectives that precede the nouns they modify never take a hyphen. For example, ice cream and high school:

    • High school students
    • Ice cream sundae

    There’s really no “why” to explain these exceptions; we’ve just adopted these forms and made them part of our language.

    Examples of Open-Form Compound Adjectives

    If the compound adjective comes after the noun it modifies, the hyphen is usually omitted.

    • Make sure the files are up to date. “Up to date” modifies, but comes after, the noun “files.”

    • The cat is two years old. “Two years old” modifies, but comes after, the noun “cat.”

    Though post-noun modifiers don’t technically take hyphens, according to Merriam-Webster, usage trends indicate the hyphens are often included anyway, if the compounds “continue to function as unit modifiers.” So there’s that flexibility again.


    What About Adverb Compounds?

    It’s easy to find examples of closed, open, and hyphenated adverbs.

    As for the closed-form examples, we probably don’t even register them as compound words much of the time.

    • Sometimes

    • Thereafter

    • Somewhere

    Open-form adverbs occur when the adverb is the first word in the compound and ends in —ly. You should not hyphenate after an —ly adverb.

    • We made the discovery early on.

    • Her opinion is highly regarded.

    • They entered the dimly lit room.

    What to Do If You’re Not Sure Which Form Is Right

    While those flexible rules can help you, there may still be times when you feel confused about which compound form to use. Don’t stress too much.

    According to Merriam Webster, the rules are more like patterns. You may see differences in different publications depending on editorial choice and style. For example, I looked on Amazon for a teapot. I saw mostly teapots, but also a few tea pots. Out of curiosity I put “tea pot” into a New York Times search bar, and found articles from the 1800s that included “tea-pot” in the title!

    While interesting, those stylistic changes and choices shouldn’t be too surprising. Language is fluid and ever-evolving. Compound words themselves are proof of that evolution.

    Keep Clarity the Focus

    Image of woman talking

    The purpose of hyphens in compound words is to ensure clarity. For example,

    • I bought over-the-counter medication.

    • He passed the medicine over the counter.

    In the first example, I know by the hyphen that the medicine «I» bought did not require a prescription. «Over-the-counter» is one unit—one compound—describing a type of medicine.

    In the second example, «over the counter» is serving another purpose and, while the words form a phrase to tell me where «he» passed the medicine, hyphens do nothing to make the purpose of the phrase clear and are therefore unnecessary.

    Now look at these examples:

    • He owned a little-used car.
    • He owned a little used car.

    In the first example, I know the man owns a car that has not been driven much. The car is described by the compound modifier «little-used.»

    In the second example, it seems that the man owns a used car that is also small, or little. In this example, putting a comma after «little» would help to separate the two words, «little» and «used,» and show that they aren’t intended to work as a compound.

    ProWritingAid Can Help

    hyphenation suggestion in prowritingaid

    Though you’re a compound-word expert now, if you find yourself with lingering doubts, remember that ProWritingAid is here to help. It will let you know if you’ve added an unnecessary hyphen after an -ly adverb, or if you’ve left one out of a pre-noun compound adjective. You don’t have to write alone!

    Take your writing to the next level:

    20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

    20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers

    Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas.

    This guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers.

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