Is shepherded a word

Asked by: Kyleigh Monahan MD

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(54 votes)

shepherd verb [T usually + adv/prep] (SHEEP)

to move sheep from one place to another: The dogs shepherded the sheep into the pens.

Is there such a word as shepherded?

1. guide, conduct, lead, steer, convoy, herd, marshal, usher She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft.

Is shepherd a verb?

shepherd verb [T usually + adv/prep] (PEOPLE)

to make a group of people move to where you want them to go, especially in a kind, helpful, and careful way: He shepherded the old people towards the dining room.

What is Shepard?

noun. a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep. a person who protects, guides, or watches over a person or group of people. a member of the clergy.

How do you use a shepherd?

tend as a shepherd, as of sheep or goats.

  1. The shepherd re-collected his flock and went down the hillside.
  2. The shepherd has penned the sheep in the five-acre field.
  3. The shepherd is bringing his flock down from the hills.
  4. The shepherd tended a flock.
  5. The shepherd pastured his sheep on the village common.

32 related questions found

What is the feminine of shepherd?

Explanation: The feminine gender of shepherd is shepherdess. A female person who rears and tends the sheep are called as Shepherdess.

What is a shepherd in Psalm 23?

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. The speaker says that the Lord (God) is like a shepherd to him. This sets up an explicit metaphor in which humanity, or at least the community of believers, is a flock of sheep tended by God. … Instead, he means that with God as his protector, he won’t lack anything he needs.

Is Shepard male or female?

Jennifer Hale voices the female Shepard. Since the player can choose the gender of Shepard, much of the dialogue revolving around the character is gender-neutral with only a few exceptions. However, in some other Mass Effect media, Shepard is called «he» regardless of player choice for the gender.

What is shapard?

A shepherd is a person who herds flocks or groups of animals. … Such a person protects sheep from animals that would attack them, keeps them from wandering, and otherwise takes care of the flock. The word is also a verb that describes care of a group — sheep, other animals, even people.

Is the word shepherd male or female?

Explanation: The feminine gender of shepherd is shepherdess. A female person who rears and tends the sheep are called as Shepherdess.

Is shepherd common noun?

The phrase «German shepherd» is not considered a proper noun. The names of animals and different breeds thereof are considered common nouns,…

How many ways can you spell shepherd?

Shepherd, Shepard, Sheppard, Shephard and Shepperd are surnames and given names, and alternative spellings and cognates of the English word «Shepherd».

What does sheepherding mean?

: the activities of a worker engaged in tending sheep.

What is an example of impersonation?

Impersonation is when someone pretends to be another person. If you pretend to be your twin brother all day at school, that’s impersonation. … Other kinds of impersonation are harmful, including when a thief takes someone’s identity (including Social Security number and bank information) in order to steal their money.

What’s the meaning of rears?

1 : the back part of something: such as. a : the unit (as of an army) or area farthest from the enemy. b : the part of something located opposite its front the rear of a house. c : buttocks. 2 : the space or position at the back moved to the rear.

Who is in charge of a library?

A librarian is a person who is in charge of a library or who has been specially trained to work in a library.

Who is a shepherd and what does he do?

A shepherd’s primary responsibility is the safety and welfare of the flock. Some flocks may include as many as 1,000 sheep. The shepherd will graze the animals, herding them to areas of good forage, and keeping a watchful eye out for poisonous plants. Shepherds often live in trailers or other mobile quarters.

What is shepherding in the Bible?

A shepherd in the Biblical sense is one who has a relationship with responsibilities to “the flock”. The word shepherd actually means companion, friend, attendant or guide. Thus as Spiritual leaders, whether they are Christian pastors, teachers, etc are under Christ’s leadership.

What does a shepherd symbolize in Christianity?

Pastoral evokes a past world of rural innocence, such as the Garden of Eden before the Fall of humankind. Men, women and nature live in harmony. The shepherd often represents, too, the goodness of a life close to nature in contrast to the artificial life of the town.

How old is Garrus?

In accordance with this timeline, Shepard would be 29 years old in the first game, making Garrus 25 years old. Turian aging is very similar to human aging, unlike with most other species. In the Mass Effect universe, both typically live until ~140 years old.

Is female Shepard canon?

Video games are mediated to us via playthroughs, which contain both constant fictional truths (Shepard is human) and variables (Shepard is female). The constants are part of canon, part of the game itself, while the variables are only true in that specific playthrough.

Which version of Shepard is canon?

The character is clearly a woman. «Yup, Commander Shepard was originally a woman,» said Cooper. That settles it once and for all: FemShep is the one true Commander Shepard. This is definitely canon, right, BioWare?

What do the rod and staff represent in Psalm 23?

The staff and the rod are a part of the same tool, both working together in God’s gentle hands to remind us of His everlasting faithfulness and love. As children of God, we can take a deep breath knowing He is always with us, always protecting us, always guiding us, and always offering us a place of peace and rest.

What do green pastures represent in the Bible?

As for lying down in green pastures, the shepherd creates enclosures where the sheep can rest at night in safety as well as eat. In this sense, the green pastures are a place for us to rest under the shepherd’s (God’s) watchful eye.

What does Psalms 23 teach us?

Psalm 23 is a psalm of King David expressing confidence and trust in the Lord. At every turn, it reveals the close relationship David shares with his God. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. … With God as our shepherd, there is nothing we will ever lack.

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

They shepherded the bill through Congress.

Они провели данный законопроект через конгресс.

He shepherded the old people towards the dining room.

Он проводил стариков в столовую.

She carefully shepherded the children across the street.

Она осторожно перевела детей через дорогу.

The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.

Гиды отвели остальных участников туристической группы в автобус.

Возможные однокоренные слова

shepherd  — пастух, пастырь, овчарка, чабан, пасти, вести, присматривать, гнать

  • 1

    Синонимический ряд:

    led (verb) conducted; directed; escorted; guided; led; piloted; routed; steered; ushered

    English-Russian base dictionary > shepherded

  • 2
    she shepherded them out of the room

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > she shepherded them out of the room

  • 3

    1. сущ.
    1) а) пастух, чабан Syn: herdsman, herder б) овчарка, пастушья собака Syn: sheepdog
    2) перен. пастырь Syn: pastor ∙ shepherd’s pie shepherd’s plaid
    2. гл.
    1) пасти (стадо овец) Syn: pasture
    2) перен. смотреть, присматривать( за кем-л.) ;
    держать под наблюдением, следить
    3) вести, провожать;
    сопровождать (людей) He shepherded the old people towards the dining room. ≈ Он проводил пожилых людей в столовую.
    пастух (овец) — *’s crook пастуший посох( с крючком) пастушок, персонаж пасторали — * girl пастушка пастырь — the Good S. (религия) пастырь добрый (Иисус Христос) (австралийское) (сленг) золотоискатель, застолбивший участок, но не работающий на нем овчарка, пастушья собака пасти, выгонять, загонять( овец) — the boys were *ing up in the mountains мальчики пасли овец в горах проводить, провести — to * a crowd into a train посадить людей в поезд — to * schoolchildren across the road переводить школьников через дорогу — to * tourists through the town водить туристов по городу — she *ed them out of the room она проводила их из комнаты присматривать, следить — to * puppies присматривать за щенками (австралийское) (сленг) удерживать за собой застолбленный золотоносный участок, не работая на нем (военное) (жаргон) загнать( противника) на невыгодные позиции (военное) (жаргон) держать под наблюдением
    shepherd вести, гнать( людей) ~ держать под наблюдением, следить ~ пасти ~ пастух;
    shepherd’s crook пастушеский посох с крючком ~ пастырь;
    shepherd’s pie картофельная запеканка с мясом;
    shepherd’s plaid( шерстяная) ткань в мелкую черную и белую клетку ~ смотреть, присматривать (за кем-л.)
    ~ пастух;
    shepherd’s crook пастушеский посох с крючком
    ~ пастырь;
    shepherd’s pie картофельная запеканка с мясом;
    shepherd’s plaid (шерстяная) ткань в мелкую черную и белую клетку
    ~ пастырь;
    shepherd’s pie картофельная запеканка с мясом;
    shepherd’s plaid (шерстяная) ткань в мелкую черную и белую клетку

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > shepherd

  • 4

    1. [ʹʃepəd]

    1. 1) пастух ()

    2) пастушок, персонаж пасторали

    2. пастырь


    сл. золотоискатель, застолбивший участок, но не работающий на нём

    4. = shepherd dog

    2. [ʹʃepəd]

    1. пасти, выгонять, загонять ()

    the boys were shepherding up in the mountains — мальчики пасли овец в горах

    2. 1) проводить, провести

    to shepherd schoolchildren across the road — переводить школьников через дорогу

    to shepherd tourists through the town — водить /сопровождать/ туристов по городу

    she shepherded them out of the room — она проводила /вывела/ их из комнаты

    2) присматривать, следить


    сл. удерживать за собой застолблённый золотоносный участок, не работая на нём

    1) загнать () на невыгодные позиции

    2) держать под наблюдением

    НБАРС > shepherd

  • 5




    а) пастух, чабан


    б) овчарка; пастушья собака






    2) смотреть, присматривать ; держать под наблюдением, следить

    3) вести, провожать; сопровождать

    He shepherded the old people towards the dining room. — Он проводил стариков в столовую.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > shepherd

  • 6

    a вчт. мат. ориентированный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. aimed (adj.) aimed; explicit; marked; personal; pointed

    2. controlled (adj.) assisted; conducted; controlled; guided; orderly; organized; purposeful; supervised

    3. addressed (verb) addressed; aimed; applied; bent; buckled; buckled down; cast; concentrated; dedicated; devoted; focused; gave; gave/given; inclined; laid; leveled or levelled; levelled; pointed; presented; set; superscribed; threw/thrown; trained; turned; zero in; zeroed in

    4. conducted (verb) carried on; conducted; kept; operated; ordained; ran/run

    6. guided (verb) escorted; guided; led; piloted; routed; saw/seen; shepherded; showed/shown or showed; ushered

    8. ordered (verb) bade; bade or bid/bidden or bid; charged; commanded; enjoined; instructed; ordered; required; told; warned

    9. ran (verb) administered; administrated; headed; ran; superintended

    English-Russian base dictionary > directed

  • 7

    1. a управляемый

    2. a ведомый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. controlled (adj.) aimed; assisted; conducted; controlled; directed; orderly; organized; purposeful; supervised

    2. led (verb) conducted; directed; escorted; led; piloted; routed; saw/seen; shepherded; showed/shown or showed; steered; ushered

    English-Russian base dictionary > guided

  • 8

    1. светодиод; светоизлучающий диод

    2. вести; светодиод

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. directed (verb) conducted; directed; escorted; guided; piloted; routed; saw/seen; shepherded; showed/shown or showed; steered

    6. went (verb) carried; extended; ran; reached; stretched; went

    English-Russian base dictionary > LED

  • 9

    управлять; управляемый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. drove/driven (verb) drove; drove/driven; motored; tooled; wheeled

    2. guided (verb) conducted; directed; escorted; guided; led; routed; saw/seen; shepherded; showed/shown or showed; ushered

    English-Russian base dictionary > piloted

  • 10

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. intended (adj.) aimed; calculated; designed; directed; intended; planned; pointed at; proposed; trained

    2. directed (verb) carry on; conducted; directed; managed; operated; supervised

    3. guided (verb) escorted; guided; led; routed; saw/seen; shepherded; showed/shown or showed; ushered

    English-Russian base dictionary > steered

См. также в других словарях:

  • Shepherded — Shepherd Shep herd, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shepherded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shepherding}.] To tend as a shepherd; to guard, herd, lead, or drive, as a shepherd. [Poetic] [1913 Webster] White, fleecy clouds . . . [1913 Webster] Shepherded by the slow,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • shepherded — un·shepherded; …   English syllables

  • shepherded — shep·herd || ʃepÉ™(r)d n. one who tends and herds sheep; spiritual leader, clergyman v. tend and herd sheep; lead, guide, direct …   English contemporary dictionary

  • shepherd — [[t]ʃe̱pə(r)d[/t]] shepherds, shepherding, shepherded 1) N COUNT A shepherd is a person, especially a man, whose job is to look after sheep. 2) VERB: usu passive If you are shepherded somewhere, someone takes you there to make sure that you… …   English dictionary

  • Shepherd — Shep herd, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shepherded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shepherding}.] To tend as a shepherd; to guard, herd, lead, or drive, as a shepherd. [Poetic] [1913 Webster] White, fleecy clouds . . . [1913 Webster] Shepherded by the slow, unwilling …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shepherding — Shepherd Shep herd, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shepherded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shepherding}.] To tend as a shepherd; to guard, herd, lead, or drive, as a shepherd. [Poetic] [1913 Webster] White, fleecy clouds . . . [1913 Webster] Shepherded by the slow,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rings of Uranus — The scheme of Uranus s ring moon system. Solid lines denote rings; dashed lines denote orbits of moons. The planet Uranus has a system of rings intermediate in complexity between the more extensive set around Saturn and the simpler systems around …   Wikipedia

  • Galactic Milieu Series — A family tree of the main characters of the Galactic Milieu series The Galactic Milieu Series of science fiction novels by Julian May is the sequel (and prequel) to her Saga of Pliocene Exile. It comprises four novels: Intervention, Jack the… …   Wikipedia

  • Donald Betts — Member of the Kansas Senate from the 29th district In office January 08, 2003 – January 12, 2004 Succeeded by Oletha Faust Goudeau Personal details Born February 8, 1978 …   Wikipedia

  • Brinnin, John Malcolm — ▪ 1999       American biographer, critic, and poet (b. Sept. 13, 1916, Halifax, N.S. d. June 26, 1998, Key West, Fla.), shepherded the boisterous Welsh poet Dylan Thomas throughout his U.S. speaking tours and wrote freely of the experience after… …   Universalium

  • shepherd — I UK [ˈʃepə(r)d] / US [ˈʃepərd] noun [countable] Word forms shepherd : singular shepherd plural shepherds a man whose job is to look after sheep II UK [ˈʃepə(r)d] / US [ˈʃepərd] verb [transitive] Word forms shepherd : present tense I/you/we/they… …   English dictionary

Definitions For Shepherded


  • A person whose job is to take care of sheep


  • To guide (someone or something)

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Examples of Shepherded in a Sentence

  • She carefully shepherded the children across the street.
  • They shepherded the bill through Congress.

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был пастырем



More than 50 million of sheep are shepherded on the island’s green lands.

Более 50 миллионов овец пасутся на зеленых просторах острова.

Eileen said he shepherded three musicals currently on Broadway, and they’re all hits.

Айлин сказала, он был пастырем трех мюзиклов, которые сейчас идут на Бродвее, и все они — хиты.

When he wrote to Timothy how to treat Christians in the Church whom he shepherded, he said:

Павел писал Тимофею, как вести себя с христианам в Церкви, которой он был пастырем так:

Abbas noted that we reject any negotiations shepherded by one country.

Аббас отметил, что «мы отвергаем любые переговоры, проводимые одной страной.

They need to be shepherded, guided, accepted.

Им нужно, чтобы их оберегали, направляли, признавали.

You personally shepherded my application through?

Вы лично занимались моим заявлением на поступление?

He had disciples whom he shepherded for some years.

Он хорошо относился к своим подчиненным, которые служили у него многие годы.

They shepherded the injured to hospitals in their own cars.

Они развозят раненых по больницам на своих автомобилях.

But sure enough, shortly thereafter, they were shepherded into a grand hall for a formal signing ceremony.

Однако вскоре после этого, они были отправлены в большой зал для официальной церемонии подписания.

After a village had been surrounded, all the inhabitants were forcibly shepherded into the main square.

«По окружении деревни всех жителей силой сгоняли на главную площадь.

Now that Rubin had shepherded smartphones from concept to phenomenon, they no longer held much interest.

Как только Рубин превратил смартфоны из концепции в феномен, они перестали представлять для него интерес.

The Europeans imagine business in Russia as something shepherded by the authorities, deprived of independence, interests or initiative.

Российский бизнес в глазах европейцев представляется как нечто, ведомое властями, лишенное самостоятельности, интересов и инициативы.

It was a success: The simulations showed that a distant planet had shepherded 2015 TG387 into its funky orbit.

Их ждал успех: симуляции показали, что далёкая планета могла выкинуть 2015 TG387 на её странную орбиту.

But these days, people are so well shepherded that they react only the way that the purveyors of propaganda want them to.

Люди настолько ведомы, что реагируют исключительно так, как того желают хозяева пропаганды.

Yes, he shepherded his creation, but only up to a point.

After the chain is folded into a protein, it is then released and shepherded by another molecular machine to the exact location where it is needed.

После того, как цепочка свернулась в белок, он высвобождается, и с помощью, уже другого молекулярного механизма, переносится именно в то место клетки, где он необходим.

Representative Iden also shepherded a law legalizing fantasy spots and that bill, too, is awaiting approval in the Senate.

Представитель Иден также руководил работой над законом, легализующим фантастические ролики, и этот законопроект также ожидает утверждения в Сенате.

Pérez turned to the IMF’s guidance for market reforms and shepherded through several sensible measures such as privatizations, political decentralization in local elections, subsidy cuts, and tariff reductions.

Перес обратился к руководству МВФ по рыночным реформам и принял несколько разумных мер (приватизация, политическая децентрализация местных выборов, сокращение субсидий и снижение тарифов).

Working with peasant associations and UNDP staff, ISTA has shepherded the process nearly to completion.

Работая совместно с ассоциациями крестьян и ПРООН, ИСТА довел этот процесс практически до завершения.

Both Earth and Venus have collected co-orbiting dust rings, as the planets have shepherded the particles with powerful gravitational tugs.

И Земля, и Венера собрали вращающиеся пылевые кольца, планеты оказались для частиц мощными гравитационными буксирами.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 130. Точных совпадений: 130. Затраченное время: 107 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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