Is sheep a singular word

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Sheep is on the Basic English 850 List.


  • enPR: shēp, IPA (key): /ʃiːp/
  • SAMPA: /Si:p/
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A flock of sheep
  1. (countable) A sheep is an animal that people keep on farms and eat for food.
    My grandfather has a sheep farm and we get all our wool there.

Related words[change]

  • black sheep
  • sheepdog
  • sheepish
  • shepherd

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  • BE850
  • Nouns
  • Countable nouns
  • Mammals

овца, баран, овчина, паства, овечья шкура, робкий человек, застенчивый человек


- зоол. овца (Ovis)

bighorn sheep — снежный баран (Ovis canadensis)
Pamir sheep — памирский архар (Ovis ammon polii)

- с.-х. овца, баран

sheep in fleece — неостриженная овца
sheep in lamb — суягная овца
breeding [dairy, mutton] sheep — племенная [молочная, мясная] овца
entire male sheep — некастрированный баран
flock of sheep — стадо /отара/ овец
stray sheep — овца, отбившаяся от стада /от отары/

- робкий, застенчивый человек
- ограниченный, безвольный человек

to follow like sheep — идти (за кем-л.) как баран; слепо повиноваться

- шотл. унив. жарг. второкурсник
- выделанная баранья кожа; овчина
- церк. паства

Мои примеры


cheese made from sheep’s milk — сыр из овечьего молока  
a dog that was molesting sheep — собака, которая нападала на овец  
sheep breeder — овцевод  
sheep farm — овцеферма  
to tend a flock of sheep — пасти стадо овец  
a flock / herd of sheep — стадо овец  
sheep baa / bleat — овцы блеют  
a wolf in sheep’s clothing — волк в овечьей шкуре  
breeder sheep — племенная овца  
cheviot sheep — овца породы «шевиот»  
dairy sheep — молочная овца  
sheep-dog — овчарка  

Примеры с переводом

A young sheep is a lamb.

Детёныш овцы называется ягнёнком.

The meat of the sheep is mutton.

Мясо овцы — баранина.

Sheep are tended by a shepherd.

Овец пасёт пастух.

‘Sheep’ remains the same in the plural.

Слово «овца» (в английском языке) остается неизменным во множественном числе.

These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep.

Этих собак первоначально разводили в Шотландии для выгона овец. (чтобы они помогали пасти овец)

People can clone a sheep nowadays.

Сегодня люди умеют клонировать овец.

Sheep are usually fleeced in summer.

Овец обычно стригут летом.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…he came to see that the members of the cult were sheep who naively went along with whatever their leader dictated…

A local sheep farmer has a booth at the county fair and is selling wool yarn.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

sheepish  — глуповатый, робкий, застенчивый

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): sheep
мн. ч.(plural): sheep

Asked by: Mr. Chet Wolf

Score: 4.6/5
(63 votes)

No, “sheeps” is not a gramatical


And/or (sometimes written and or) is a grammatical conjunction used to indicate that one or more or all of the cases it connects may occur.

English word. The plural of sheep is also sheep. English has a number of nouns whose plural is the same as the singular.

Do you say sheeps or sheep?

The answer is that they all – usually – use the same word whether they are in the singular or the plural. If you have one sheep and then you acquire a second sheep, you now have two sheep, not two “sheeps”. Other words exhibit this strange behaviour too, often other sorts of animal.

Why do you not say sheeps?

I have found different explanations, such as, «it is because they were seen as uncountable, as in ‘a herd of sheep'», «because it comes from German, which does not have the plural ‘s'» and that it is because it is a neutral Old English noun which does not change in the plural.

What are two sheep called?

«Sheep» is one of a few irregular nouns in English whose plural form is identical with the singular. So you have to say «one sheep», «two sheep», «three sheep» and so on.

Can I say sheeps?

No, “sheeps” is not a gramatical English word. The plural of sheep is also sheep. English has a number of nouns whose plural is the same as the singular.

32 related questions found

Is sheep male or female?

Male sheep are called rams, the females ewes, and immature animals lambs.

What is noun of sheep?

The word ‘sheep‘ is a noun which names a type of domestic animal. ‘Sheep’ can be both singular, referring to just one sheep, or it can be plural, referring to a flock of sheep. Sheep are actually closely related to goats.

What does sheep mean in slang?

The definition of a sheep is a woolly mammal with horns, or a slang term for a person who follows the crowd, is meek and is easily led. A fuzzy white animal that can be shaved to get wool is an example of a sheep. A person who does what his friends says and doesn’t think for himself at all is an example of a sheep.

Is laughters a word?

The noun laughter can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be laughter. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be laughters e.g. in reference to various types of laughters or a collection of laughters.

What is 1 sheep called?

An adult female is referred to as a ewe (/juː/), an intact male as a ram, occasionally a tup, a castrated male as a wether, and a young sheep as a lamb.

Can you say 2 Fishes?

The most common plural form of fish is indeed fish. However, under certain circumstances, you can use fishes as the plural form of fish. … Fish can refer to multiple fish, especially when they are all the same species of fish. Fishes, however, usually refers to multiple species of fish, especially in scientific contexts.

What is a female sheep called?

A ewe is a female sheep over 1 year of age. Most ewes who are 1 year or older have had at least one lamb. This is because sheep are bred around 9 months old to have lambs when they are a little over 1 year old.

Is herd of sheep correct?

Herd: The word ‘herd’ is a collective noun that is used to describe a group of grazing animals like sheep. Example: A herd of sheep. … Pride: The word ‘pride’ is a collective noun that is used to refer to a group of lions. Therefore, this is the correct option.

Can I say deers?

Deer is the preferred plural form of deer, a hoofed mammal. … Deers is an accepted plural, but it is rarely used. The word deer comes from the Old English word, deor, which means four-legged animal, beast. Also the Dutch word, dier and the German word, tier.

How do you say many sheep?

Suffix ‘-s’ is not added to “sheep” to make it plural. We can say one sheep or 100 sheep. Sheeps is wrong and so is sheepes or sheepen. Let us take examples for both singular and plural usage of the noun.

What does a sheep emoji mean?

? An emoji of a sheep can have various meanings according to context but it is most often related to sleep. A person can use it to express cowardice or say that he «is counting sheep» or even express docility.

Is a sheep a goat?

Sheep are closely related to goats in the taxonomy of classification of organisms up to a certain point. They are from the family of Bovidae, and the sub family of Caprinae. The genus Ovis and the species aries refer to sheep while at the genus and species level of Capra aegagrus hircus is for domestic goats.

How dumb is a sheep?

Despite the popular belief that sheep are stupid, they are actually incredibly intelligent. They have very impressive cognitive ability and just like humans, they form deep and lasting bonds with each other, they stick up for one another in fights, and they grieve when they lose a friend.

What is the adjective for sheep?

Today a billion sheep are being farmed worldwide. The term ovine (which is a noun as well as an adjective) is mostly used in scientific and medical writing—which means you could impress your friends by dropping it into a casual conversation.

What is the word for sheep meat?

Mutton refers to the flesh of the mature ram or ewe at least one year old; the meat of sheep between 12 and 20 months old may be called yearling mutton. The meat of sheep 6 to 10 weeks old is usually sold as baby lamb, and spring lamb is from sheep of age five to six months.

Do sheep know their names?

Like dogs, sheep can learn their own name and even do tricks. … Sheep can recognise at least 50 individuals’ faces and remember them for years. They can also tell if other sheep (and humans) are happy, or sad, stressed or calm by reading facial expressions!

What do you call a baby sheep?

Sheep A baby sheep is called a lamb. A ewe can have a single lamb or twins. Triplets sometimes occur. Goats A baby goat is called a kid.

How long do sheep live as pets?

If fed and managed properly, most pet sheep maintain good health and live for a long time. The natural life span of a sheep is 10 to 12 years. Some will live longer. The most common health problem of sheep, especially lambs, is gastro-intestinal parasites (worms).

Is sheeps a Scrabble word?

No, sheeps is not in the scrabble dictionary.



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The noun sheep is both the singular and the plural form.

A sheep became separated from the flock.

All of the sheep are in the south pasture.

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What is a singular noun for sheep?

Sheep is a singular noun. The plural of sheep is a herd of

What is plural Plearle noun of sheep?

Sheep is both singular and plural.

Is sheep singular or plural?

It is both a singular or plural noun.

What is the plural for the sheep was watched by the farmer?

Singular: The sheep was watched by the farmer.Plural: The sheep were watched by the farmer.The noun sheep is both the singular and the plural form of the word.

What is the singular form of swine?

‘Swine’ is both a singular and a plural noun. ‘Sheep’ is another one.

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It is true that «sheep» comes from an Old English word that is the same in the (nominative and accusative) plural as it is in the (nominative and accusative) singular.

But this isn’t the reason why «sheep» is the plural form in modern English — or if it is, it’s only a small part of the explanation.

Some Old English neuters have (nom & acc) plurals identical to their (nom & acc) singulars, others don’t. For example, the OE word for «ship» is «scip» in the singular, «scipu» in the plural — whereas the word for «sheep» is «sceap» in both singular and plural. As has been pointed out, «sceap» would originally have had a plural «sceapu», but this had been almost entirely lost in OE.

However, to that I have to say «so what?» — because «house», «land», «thing», and «tree» are all words which were identical in their OE (nom & acc) singular to their OE (nom & acc) plurals — respectively, «hus», «land», «þing», and «treow».

(And it’s not as though the plural suffix of the word «ships» bears any resemblance to the «-u» of «scipu», either, does it?)

So, an invariant plural in OE rarely leads to an invariant plural in modern English. (And yes, «hus», «land», «þing», «treow» are all neuter, too, just as «sceap» is.)

One other thing that «sheep» and «deer» have in common, apart from being OE neuters with invariant plurals, though, is that both terms describe animals, and there’s a certain tendency to have invariant plurals for certain animals, especially those normally found in herds. Of course, there are many other animals to which this doesn’t apply.

We could note that «elk» is very often used as the plural of «elk» (although a regular plural «elks» exists), despite the fact «elk» was an OE masculine with a regular plural ending «-s». «Antelope» is often (not always) used as a plural, and didn’t exist in OE at all. «Buffalo» is often (not always) used as a plural, and didn’t exist in OE, and has a regular plural in Spanish and Portuguese. Mari-Lou A points out that «fish» has long been used as a plural of itself: this usage was first attested c.1400; before then, and in OE, «fish» had had a regular plural (OE «fiscas») («fishes» today is mainly used to denote multiple types of fish, at least in standard English).

Overall, then, the OE etymology is only a small part of the explanation.

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