Is setup one word

Setup or Set Up

When do you use setup vs. set up?

It’s an easy mistake to make when you are writing in a hurry.

But there’s a simple way to remember how to use setup vs. set up correctly.

All you need to do is know that one is a noun and adjective, and the other is a verb.

Setup is a noun

It indicates the way in which something, especially an organization or equipment, is organized, planned, or arranged.

Set up is a verb

It says to place or to erect something in position.

However, there are differences between British and American English usage.

When is set-up hyphenated?

In US English, the word setup is usually a single word.

But in British English, you often see it hyphenated as set-up.

Both are correct for the noun and adjective forms of the word.

But it is more common to see the single word form used.

When do you use setup?

When is set up one word? If it’s a noun and it is easy to recognize.

There will always be an article before it, and it can take an adjective.

It can also use the quantifier, some, instead of an article.

You use either a setup or the setup to indicate that something is arranged, planned, or organized.

Here are some examples to show you how easy it is to get it right.

Under the current setup, two co-directors run the company.

What a setup he has for his new patio and barbeque.

The hotel changed the setup of the ballroom for the wedding.

He tried a new setup for his drum kit.

You can also use the noun to indicate a trick or scheme to deceive someone.

They wanted me out. The meeting was a setup to get rid of me.

The criminals fell for the setup the police had planned.

Although less common, you can use setup as an adjective.

The setup instructions were very confusing.

The computer program came with a whole host of setup tools.

He had some setup problems with his new phone, so he took it back to the store.

It’s worth noting that you could also use set-up and be perfectly correct in all these examples.

When do you use set up?

Set up is a verb, and in fact, a phrasal verb.

Because of this, both the root verb (set) and the particle (up) are necessary for meaning.

Also, phrasal verbs never take a hyphen, so you won’t confuse it with the noun.

As with most phrasal verbs, you can insert a pronoun between the root verb and particle. (Set it up.)

You can use it in any verb phrase form or tense construction.

You use it when you want to indicate that something is in place, to erect, or to assemble.

Here are some examples to show you.

set up a phone

After you buy a new phone, you need to set it up correctly.

The roadies set up the stage for the band in less than an hour.

They had set up the chairs for the wedding in the garden but had to change plans because it rained.

I’m going to set up a new bank account for my son.

My father retired last year but now says he might set up a new business.

Brian is setting up the new computer for his daughter.


It’s easy to make sure you don’t make a mistake with the words setup vs set up.

Is setup one word or two?

Simply remember that the verb is two words, and the noun or adjective is one word or hyphenated.

Other words related to this issue include to make up and makeup or to change over and changeover.

You can find a list of the most common phrasal verbs vs. nouns in this word set list prepared by Washington State University.

For most writers, a quick check with an online grammar checker should give you the correct form to use if you are in any doubt.

Related reading: Death Throes Or Death Throws – Here’s How To Get It Right

Two words as a verb, one word as an adjective and a noun. Don’t hyphenate. Capitalize Setup when it refers to the Setup program. Unpack everything before you set up your computer.

Which is correct set up or setup?

Setup is a noun that refers to an arrangement. Set up is a phrasal verb that refers to making preparations for something.

What does it mean teardown?

1a : to cause to decompose or disintegrate. b : vilify, denigrate trying to tear down his reputation. 2 : to take apart : disassemble tear down an engine. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About teardown.

Is being set up meaning?

a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.

What a set up?

set-up noun (TRICK) a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.

Is set-up a phrasal verb?

SET UP (phrasal verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is set-up example?

Setup is defined as the way in which something is arranged, or a contest where the victory is predetermined because the two contestants are not evenly matched. An example of a setup is how food and drinks are arranged at a party. An example of a setup is when a strong debater is matched with a weak debater.

Is set up a phrasal verb?

Is setup one word or two words or hyphenated?

Setup is one word when it is a noun (e.g., “it was a setup!”) or an adjective (e.g., “follow the setup instructions”). It is two words- set up- when it functions as a verb (e.g., “I’m going to set up the computer”). Some writers and publishers use set-up, with a hyphen, instead of setup.

What is another way of saying set up?

“set up an election”. Synonyms: tack together, ensnare, assemble, put, put up, install, set, put together, arrange, frame, found, lay out, tack, instal, launch, put in, effect, gear up, order, effectuate, entrap, rear, pitch, fix, ready, piece, rig, establish, erect, raise, prepare.

Is set up hyphenated?

The noun setup is usually styled as a solid compound (that is, as a single word) in American English and as a hyphenated compound (set-up) in British English.

Is setup a verb?

“Setup”. Is Not a Verb. Despite what many people –mostly in the computer field– think, “setup” is not a verb. It’s simply not. Whether or not “setup” is a word at all may spark a debate in some circles, but assuming it is then it may act as many parts of speech, but not as a verb.

Asked by: Jailyn Marvin

Score: 4.9/5
(20 votes)

Should I use setup or set up?

  1. Setup is a noun that refers to an arrangement.
  2. Set up is a phrasal verb that refers to making preparations for something.

Is setup one word or two words?

Two words as a verb, one word as an adjective and a noun. Don’t hyphenate. Capitalize Setup when it refers to the Setup program. Unpack everything before you set up your computer.

Which is correct set up or setup?

Set-Up vs. Set Up. The noun setup is usually styled as a solid compound (that is, as a single word) in American English and as a hyphenated compound (set-up) in British English.

What a set up?

set-up noun (TRICK)

a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.

How do you use set up in a sentence?

set up in a sentence

  1. The bases were set up in the middle of the office.
  2. We have custodial accounts set up for all of our children,
  3. An individual would have to set up a brokerage account first.
  4. List called Andrade Monday and they set up their practice round.
  5. For three hours crew members set up lighting and sound systems.

40 related questions found

How do I use setup?

Using Setup in a Sentence

When to use setup: Setup is a noun that usually means an arrangement but can also mean a place to live or a trick or trap to make someone appear guilty who is innocent. For example, The setup for the fundraiser will take several hours, so we’d better get started.

What is set up example?

Setup is defined as the way in which something is arranged, or a contest where the victory is predetermined because the two contestants are not evenly matched. An example of a setup is how food and drinks are arranged at a party. An example of a setup is when a strong debater is matched with a weak debater.

What does set up someone mean?

— phrasal verb with set verb. /set/ to create the appearance that someone has done something wrong, or to trick someone: The documents support his claim that he was set up and wasn’t anywhere near there that night.

What is opposite of set up?

Antonyms for set up. close (down), phase out, shut (up)

What does set up mean in slang?

a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do: When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.

Is set up past tense?

The past tense of set up is also set up. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of set up is sets up. … The past participle of set up is set up.

What is another word for setting up?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for set up, like: set, establish, arrange, originate, end, patronize, entrap, assemble, configure, found and begin.

What is mean by set in?

1 : placed, located, or built as a part of some other construction a set-in bookcase a set-in washbasin. 2 : cut separately and stitched in set-in sleeves.

Is clean up hyphenated?

While cleanup is more common as an adjective and a noun, sometimes it appears as a hyphenated clean-up. Some spellchecks flag this as an error, so it’s probably best to stick with the single word cleanup.

What is set up in Tagalog?

Translation for word Set-Up in Tagalog is : itinayo.

Is Buzz off a bad word?

—used as a rude or angry way to tell someone to go away He told me to buzz off.

What does set up for success mean?

1 the favourable outcome of something attempted. 2 the attainment of wealth, fame, etc.

What is the meaning of you set me up?

To make it look like someone is guilty of some crime or wrongdoing; to frame someone. Those drugs aren’t mine—someone is setting me up!

Have been set up meaning?

If you are set up by someone, they make it seem that you have done something wrong when you have not. [informal] He claimed yesterday that he had been set up after drugs were discovered at his home.

Who was set up in which year?

When diplomats met to form the United Nations in 1945, one of the things they discussed was setting up a global health organization. WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World Health Day.

Who established interim government or provisional government?

The Interim Government of India, also known as the Provisional Government of India, formed on 2 September 1946 from the newly elected Constituent Assembly of India, had the task of assisting the transition of British India to independence.

How do I setup a home computer?

Setting up a desktop computer

  1. Unpack the monitor and computer case from the box. …
  2. Locate the monitor cable. …
  3. Connect one end of the cable to the monitor port on the back of the computer case and the other end to the monitor.

What is experiment setup?

What is the experimental setup? When you set up an experiment, you have to have one set up where you introduce the independent variable (the experimental set up) and one where you do not (the control). The two groups are treated EXACTLY alike except for the ONE variable being tested.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of words in the English language that confuse writers on a daily basis. Words that sound the same, words that are spelled the same, words that have only slightly different meanings, etc.

Today’s two words are confusing because they have two different functions and meanings, yet just a single space separates them from each other.

What is the Difference Between Setup and Set up?

In this post, I will cover the differences in use and function between setup vs. set up. I will give real life examples from national newspapers and magazines, and you will be able to test your knowledge at the end with a quiz.

After reading this post, you won’t ever again think to yourself, “Should I use setup or set up?”

When to Use Setup

how to use setup or set upWhat does setup mean? Setup (one word) is a noun and is defined as the way in which something is constituted, arranged, or planned.

  • This house has a great setup for hosting parties.
  • In the setup of many present-day families, both parents are working.
  • Under the current setup, Yahoo’s core assets are overshadowed by those stakes, giving Yahoo’s actual businesses a valuation of less than zero. –USA Today

Another meaning of the one-word setup is a scheme or trick intended to incriminate or deceive someone.

  • He didn’t talk. The entire thing was a setup.
  • The police lured the gang leader into the setup.

The one-word setup is sometimes hyphenated to appear as set-up. There is nothing wrong with this, but it much more frequently appears as a single word, especially in American English.

setup versus set up grammar

For point of reference, here is chart that graphs setup vs. set-up. Setup, spelled as one word, is much more common, and many popular style guides, including The AP Stylebook, list it without any hyphen.

When to use Set up

correct English words and phrasesWhat does set up mean? Set up (two words) is a verb phrase and is used to describe the actions of putting things in order, installing software on a computer, arranging a date, creating a trap for someone, among other meanings.

  • Before we play chess, we need to set up the board.
  • This computer still needs to be set up with software.
  • Can you set up a lunch meeting for me next week?
  • You set me up didn’t you?
  • He created a “smart store” that can be set up quickly and stowed just as effortlessly. –New York Post

Quiz and Sentence Examples

  1. I haven’t quite finished the ______ of this computer yet.
  2. I want to ______ my business here, but I can’t afford it.
  3. In this video, we unbox and ______ a new iPad pro.
  4. The iPad is very user friendly; its ______ is a breeze .
  5. The victim helped ______ the suspect in a sting operation.

Display the answers below.

Trick to Remember the Difference

The easiest way to remember set up vs. setup is to look at how each word works in a sentence.

The one-word setup functions as a noun. A good indicator of a noun is an article. If you see a or the in front of the word in question, it’s probably a noun.

  • A setup.
  • The setup.

The two-word set up functions as a verb. You can usually see if it’s a verb by looking to see if another verb or the word “to” is nearby.

  • To set up.
  • Will set up.
  • Helped to set up.


Is it set up or setup? That depends on the context of your sentence. Both words have different meanings and different functions.

Setup is a noun and means the way in which something is arranged.

Set up is a verb and refers to the action of putting things in order or arranging them.


  1. Setup
  2. Set up
  3. Set up
  4. Setup
  5. Set up


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Setup and Set up?
  • 2 When to Use Setup
  • 3 When to use Set up
  • 4 Quiz and Sentence Examples
  • 5 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary
  • 7 Answers

Is it setup or set up? And is set up hyphenated? These two words are confusing to writers because they’re either a noun, adjective, or a verb. 

Find out how to use set up, setup, and set-up correctly to write better in British and American English. I’ll also show you some sentence examples. 

Setup vs. Set Up – What’s the Difference?

Setup is one word when it is a noun (e.g., “it was a setup!”) or an adjective (e.g., “follow the setup instructions”). It is two words—set up—when it functions as a verb (e.g., “I’m going to set up the computer”).

How Do You Use the Word Set Up?

Some writers and publishers use set-up, with a hyphen, instead of setup. In any case, the one-word form and the hyphenated form do not function as verbs.

Use the noun setup to refer to the way in which something is positioned. And use the phrasal verb form set up to prepare for something or put things in order.

The verb phrase set up is made of a transitive or intransitive verb and a preposition. Merriam-Webster defines it as to place in a higher position or to place in view.

Set is an irregular verb in the present and past tense. Irregular verbs are verbs where the past form does not end in -ed. Set only changes spelling when it’s in the progressive tense.

As a transitive verb, set up is followed by a direct object. Therefore, you can set something up or set up something.

Some examples of this phrase in a sentence include:

  • Set up the birthday decoration before the guests arrive.
  • Thanks for assisting me in setting my new laptop up.
  • You’re getting good at setting up these flower arrangements.

Set up is simple. It starts with registering for an online account, which includes deciding on that master password. – (The Guardian)

It takes less than five minutes to set up, and this guide will help. (The Washington Post)

Set Up Synonyms

  • Arrange.
  • Build. 
  • Build up.
  • Assemble.
  • Construct.
  • Create. 
  • Establish.
  • Open.
  • Go Into. 

How Do You Use the Word Setup?

The one-word setup functions as a noun which means the way in which something is positioned. Take a look at these sentence examples:

  • My setup is all about simplicity and functionality.
  • The setup of the device is easy if you follow the instructions.
  • She made the classroom setup conducive to learning 
  • We need user-friendly templates and an option for a custom setup of the blog.
  • This year’s carnival setup is unicorn-themed.

“The goal of setup is to make sure a new guitar or bass sounds and plays its best, or to get your longtime favorite playing as well as it did the day you bought it.” – (nytimes/wirecutter)

Many households were unprepared for the entire family’s transition to working from home. “In some homes, there needed to be four or five setups,” says Jeff Miller. (The Washington Post)

You can also use the word as an adjective because it can modify another noun. A noun functioning as an adjective is precisely how it sounds like. It’s a noun that becomes a word to describe a fellow noun. Here are some sentence examples:

  • The setup time for the new software is only ten minutes.
  • Our setup crew is trying their best to make the installation smoother. 

In the first example, the adjective setup movies the noun time. And in the second example, the noun crew is modified by the word setup.

The usage of setup can also be a scheme to deceive someone–for example:

  • The syndicate member walked unto the setup.
  • Cops are planning to create a setup to catch the thief. 

Setup is also an American English spelling of the noun. Note that there’s more than one way to spell this word without a change in definition. 

Is Set Up Hyphenated?

English spellings can be tricky. Another version of the American spelling setup is set-up, which is the British spelling form.It’s a hyphenated compound noun that also means the way in which something is positioned–for example:

  • Her PC setup is not suitable for gaming. 
  • The setup is already complete.

Set-up can also be the British spelling for the noun functioning as an adjective. Check out these examples of the adjective in a sentence:

  • The set-up shift at the office is easier to follow.
  • The company requires a set-up fee of $10 for your furniture.

Both words are correct as long as you use them as a noun or adjective. That means lovely setup and lovely set-up are the same. And setup time and set-up time have the same meaning. So are current setup and current set-up. 

But make sure to use only one spelling consistently throughout your text. If you have an American audience, stick to the one-word noun. But if your audience comes from the UK, use the hyphenated spelling.

The noun function for setup and set-up can also mean a scheme to deceive someone. 

  • The business aspect is just a set-up for the networking company’s scam.
  • The cops’ setup plan turned out to be a success.

Setup Synonyms

Here are some synonyms to consider if you’re looking for a substitution for setup:

  • System.
  • Structure.
  • Situation.
  • Layout.
  • Composition.
  • Foundation.
  • Order.
  • Plan.
  • Organization.
  • Organization.
  • Arrangement.
  • Format.
  • Configuration. 

The following are synonyms for setup as in a scheme to deceive someone:

  • Trick.
  • Conspiracy.
  • Trap.
  • Frame.
  • Frame-up. 
  • Put-up job.

Do You Say Setup or Set Up a Meeting?

To set up a meeting is the correct choice among the two English spellings. Remember that you aim to perform an action on a meeting, so use the verb phrase set up. You can also say set a meeting up.

As a noun, you can say meeting setup or meeting set-up. This phrase refers to the arrangement or structure of the meeting.

The trick to remembering the difference is to look for an article. If you need to use a, an, or the before the word, use the one-word noun setup.

Setup vs. Set Up Examples

Setup as a Noun

  • She’s an award-winning event stylist who once made a fairytale-like wedding setup.
  • The new iPad’s setup is a breeze.
  • I never memorized the chess board setup.
  • The gang leader was lured into the setup. 
  • The entire strategy is a setup to get more victims. 

Setup as an Adjective

  • The setup guide is written in another language.
  • Navigate the setup screen.
  • This setup shift has been perfect for the restaurant.
  • Why are the setup instructions not on the presentation?

Set Up as a Verb

  • Please set up the eBook reader before the class starts.
  • Let’s set up a meeting for tomorrow. 
  • We should set Anne and Allan up so they can go on a date.

Summary of Setup vs. Set Up

This guide has given you explanations and examples of the difference between setup and set up. It also answered the common question, is set up hyphenated? Here’s a rundown of the essential details:

  • Setup is a noun or adjective that means arrangement.
  • The British spelling for setup is set-up.
  • Set up is a verb that means to put things in order.

 Learn about more hyphenated words and when to use a hyphen or em dash on our site!

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