Is seatbelt one word


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1 апр. 2021

  • Японский
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  • Английский (американский вариант)

Seatbelt as a noun but if you write seat belt everyone will get what you mean, you could even hyphenate it so seat-belt

  • Английский (американский вариант)

You have found a controversial word. There does not seem to be a truly correct answer.
Collins English dictionary has it as 1 word. Others seem to list it as 2 words.…

  • Японский

@Geeverny I saw both so I’m confused.
I guess you can use both then

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seat belt or seatbelt?

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    I would call that a wagon. A wagon has a taller cargo area (the area behind the rear seat) than a hatchback.

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    It’s mounted in a car. Also, it’s mounted on the dashboard or on the windshield.

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    Get off the car or get out of the car?

    Are both correct?


    They’re correct, but do not mean the same thing.
    Get in =inside
    Get on = on top of, like the hood

    Get out= come out from inside
    Get off…

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    I call this photo a car stereo. It seems that the language is heading towards ‘sound system’.

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    No, «e» and «a» are pronounced differently.

  • What do you call this? Windshield or Windscreen?


    Windshield in the US.

  • Do you call it cable car or chairlift?


    Both can be used :) however a chairlift can also be used to refer to what is on staircases for the elderly or disabled to travel up and down on.

  • If I’m in a car or a plane should I say buckle your seatbelt or fasten your seatbelt?


    Both work, not much of a difference

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    What’s the catch here??

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    Thank you.

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seat belt

ремень безопасности

I never wore a seat belt before, but I do now. — Раньше я никогда не пристёгивался, но теперь пристёгиваюсь.


Англо-русский современный словарь.

Смотреть что такое «seat belt» в других словарях:

  • seat belt — seat belts also seatbelt N COUNT A seat belt is a strap attached to a seat in a car or an aircraft. You fasten it across your body in order to prevent yourself being thrown out of the seat if there is a sudden movement. The fact I was wearing a… …   English dictionary

  • seat belt — also safety belt AmE n a belt attached to the seat of a car or plane which you fasten around yourself for protection in an accident …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • seat belt — seat ,belt noun count a strong belt in a car or airplane that you fasten around yourself to hold you in your seat: SAFETY BELT …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • seat belt — ► NOUN ▪ a belt used to secure someone in the seat of a motor vehicle or aircraft …   English terms dictionary

  • seat belt — seat′ belt n. aum a configuration of straps designed to keep a vehicle passenger firmly secure • Etymology: 1945–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • seat belt — n. 1. a device consisting of an anchored strap or straps that buckle across the hips to hold a seated passenger safely in place as during a collision 2. such a device combined with a SHOULDER HARNESS, as in an automobile: Also written seatbelt n …   English World dictionary

  • Seat belt — This article is about the safety device. For the band, see The Seatbelts. A 3 point seat belt …   Wikipedia

  • seat belt — noun a safety belt used in a car or plane to hold you in your seat in case of an accident • Syn: ↑seatbelt • Hypernyms: ↑safety belt, ↑life belt, ↑safety harness • Part Holonyms: ↑car seat, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • seat belt — A passive restraint system which encircles the hips to prevent the occupant from being ejected from the vehicle. Often the seat belt is part of the shoulder harness. The use of seat belts is mandatory in every province and state in North America… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Seat belt — A belt used to hold an individual in their seat. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States. Over 70% of those killed were not wearing seat belts. Seat belts can help reduce death and injury by up to …   Medical dictionary

  • seat belt — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms seat belt : singular seat belt plural seat belts a strong belt in a car or plane that you fasten around yourself to hold you in your seat …   English dictionary

Table of Contents

  1. Is seat belt a noun or verb?
  2. What type of noun is seatbelt?
  3. Is belt a noun?
  4. What’s another word for seat belt?
  5. How does a seatbelt work?
  6. Can wearing a seatbelt kill you?
  7. Does wearing a seatbelt make a difference?
  8. How does a 3 point seatbelt work?
  9. What is the loop in the seatbelt for?
  10. What is the seat belt challenge?
  11. What year car doesn’t need seat belts?
  12. Is it compulsory to wear seat belts in the back of a car?
  13. Who is exempt from wearing seat belts?
  14. Does everyone in the car have to wear a seatbelt?
  15. Can you sit in the back seat without a seatbelt?
  16. Do you get penalty points for not wearing a seatbelt?
  17. Do you have to wear a seatbelt in the back seat NC?
  18. How many pounds do you have to weigh to sit in the front seat?
  19. When can a child sit in a backless booster?
  20. Do lap belts count as seat belts?
  21. Do limousines have seat belts?
  22. Should passengers wear seat belts pros and cons?
  23. Can I put a lap belt in my car?
  24. Can I change a lap belt to a 3 point belt?
  25. What happens when you don’t wear your seatbelt correctly?
  26. Do vintage cars have to have seat belts?
  27. When did cars first start having seat belts?
  28. When did cars get seat belts?
  29. What year did seat belts become mandatory in cars?

A recent update to the Associated Press Stylebook, the so-called “journalist’s bible,” unearthed a previously unknown fissure in the BuzzFeed copy desk: the word “seat belt.” According to AP, it’s “seat belt, two words.”

Is seat belt a noun or verb?

noun. a belt or strap in an automobile, airplane, etc., fastened around or sometimes diagonally across the midsection to keep the person safely secured, as during a sudden stop.

What type of noun is seatbelt?

As detailed above, ‘seatbelt’ is a noun.

Is belt a noun?

Belt has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word belt most often refers to a band of flexible fabric, like leather, worn around the waist to keep your pants from falling down. Similar to the band around your waist, a belt can be a long, thin area with something distinctive about it.

What’s another word for seat belt?

What is another word for seat belt?

harness restraint
safety belt safety harness
strap lap belt
safety strap belt
support fitting

How does a seatbelt work?

The seat belt functions by keeping the occupant in a more static motion despite a sudden stop or change in momentum. A car moves with inertia, which is an object’s tendency to move until something works against the motion of that object. When the vehicle hits something, or is hit by something, that inertia changes.

Can wearing a seatbelt kill you?

When functioning properly, and worn properly, seat belts can save lives. When seat belts malfunction they can kill you, even in an accident that would have otherwise caused minor injuries or no injuries at all.

Does wearing a seatbelt make a difference?

Seat belts dramatically reduce risk of death and serious injury. Among drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45%, and cut the risk of serious injury by 50%. People not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash.

How does a 3 point seatbelt work?

The new belts secured both the upper and lower body; its straps joined at hip level and buckled into what Bohlin called “an immovable anchorage point” below the hip, so that they could hold the body safely in the event of a crash.

What is the loop in the seatbelt for?

It’s a completely separate piece of material from the lap belt. As was stated elsewhere it’s just there to keep the “male” part of the buckle from sliding all the way down to the anchor point on the side of the seat. Some manufacturers use little plastic buttons in the same place, for the same reason.

What is the seat belt challenge?

It started out as a way for people to show off their safety skills. The idea is that you would get into a car, put on your seat belt, then take and post a selfie using the #seatbeltchallenge hashtag to show off how good you are at staying safe in the car (don’t click that link if you’re at work, BTW).

What year car doesn’t need seat belts?

In California, vehicles were required to have seat belts for all seating positions as early as January 1, 1964. Under the California Vehicle Code, vehicles older than this date are typically not required to have safety equipment installed in the vehicle.

Is it compulsory to wear seat belts in the back of a car?

As a matter of fact, Section 138 (3) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules makes it compulsory for rear passengers to wear a seat belt. However, the lack of awareness and enforcement has led to a majority of rear occupants giving seatbelts a miss.

Who is exempt from wearing seat belts?

There are some exemptions from wearing a seat belt. There is no legal requirement to wear a seat belt if you’re: a driver who is reversing, or supervising a learner driver who is reversing. driving a goods vehicle, on deliveries, that is travelling no more than 50 metres between stops.

Does everyone in the car have to wear a seatbelt?

California’s seat belt law holds primary enforcement. This is for all riders that are 16 years of age or older in all seats. Children under the age of 16 must wear the proper restraint protection based on their age, weight, and height.

Can you sit in the back seat without a seatbelt?

Not wearing a seatbelt in the back seat is simply dangerous no matter who you’re riding with or what vehicle you are in. Even at the risk of “not looking cool,” please buckle up no matter where you sit. Remember, it is just as dangerous to be in a crash in the front seat as in the back.

Do you get penalty points for not wearing a seatbelt?

Drivers caught not wearing a seat belt will face points on their driving licence under plans to increase penalties for motoring offences. Drivers can lose their licence if they build up 12 or more points within three years. …

Do you have to wear a seatbelt in the back seat NC?

All drivers and passengers age 16 and older must wear their seat belts in both the front and back seats. Children less than age 16 are covered by the NC Child Passenger Safety law.

How many pounds do you have to weigh to sit in the front seat?

Weight limits for most seats range from 20–65 pounds (lb). Height limits also vary. Generally, children must be at least 4 feet 9 inches tall before they stop using a car seat.

When can a child sit in a backless booster?

Backless booster seat age requirements: From the time kids surpass the weight or height limits allowed by their car seat to about 8 to 12 years of age (depending on the child’s size).

Do lap belts count as seat belts?

Seat belts, both the lap belt and shoulder harness, must be in good working order. You may not operate your vehicle unless you and all your passengers 16 years of age or over, or who weigh 60 lbs. or more, are wearing seat belts. If you wear a lap and shoulder belt, your chances are three to four times better.

Do limousines have seat belts?

Federal regulations require most vehicles to be fitted with seat belts. So a stretch limo that has backward-facing and/or sideways-facing seats isn’t required to have seat belts.

Should passengers wear seat belts pros and cons?

Studies have shown that wearing a seat belt is the most effective method to reduce injury or prevent death during an accident. In fact, not wearing a seat belt is the single contributing factor that causes more deaths in motor vehicle crashes.

Can I put a lap belt in my car?

While lap belts are fine for car seats where the child is secured by the car seat’s 5 point harness, lap belts are NOT ok for booster seats as boosters need shoulder belts. Unfortunately, you can not have a shoulder belt added to a center seat that has just a lap belt.

Can I change a lap belt to a 3 point belt?

SeatbeltServices can replace lap belts with a 3 point seatbelt that supports the whole body during the crash causing the impact energy spread out on the whole body minimising the injuries to the lowest. This replacement can be done in Saloons, Hatchbacks, Estates and MPVs cars.

What happens when you don’t wear your seatbelt correctly?

Being buckled up during a crash helps keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle; being completely ejected from a vehicle is almost always deadly. If you don’t wear your seat belt, you could be thrown into a rapidly opening frontal air bag. Such force could injure or even kill you.

Do vintage cars have to have seat belts?

Until 1966, cars were often made without seat belts. Many manufacturers offered seat belts as extras to the car. Therefore, if you own a classic car and no seat belts are fitted as standard, you have no legal obligation to have them fitted.

When did cars first start having seat belts?


When did cars get seat belts?


What year did seat belts become mandatory in cars?



Автоматический перевод

ремень, ремень безопасности

Перевод по словам

seat  — сиденье, место, местонахождение, билет, сидеть, усаживать, вмещать, сажать
belt  — пояс, ремень, приводной ремень, зона, подпоясывать, гнать, опоясывать


Fasten your seat belt.

Пристегните ремни.

She unbuckled her seat belt.

Она отстегнула ремень безопасности.

Were you wearing a seat belt?

Вы были пристёгнуты ремнём безопасности?

Seat belts are an absolute must.

Ремни безопасности абсолютно необходимы.

Don’t be a nitwit — wear a seat belt!…

Не будь идиотом — пристегнись!

You are required by law to wear a seat belt.

По закону, вы обязаны пристёгиваться.

It’s unsafe to drive without putting on seat belts.

Ездить в автомашине, не пристегнув ремни, опасно.

Once the plane was airborne I loosened my seat belt.

Как только самолёт поднялся в воздух, я ослабил ремень безопасности.

Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law.

Вести машину непристёгнутым скоро может стать нарушением правил.

The accident serves as a harsh reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt.

Данная авария служит суровым напоминанием о важности пристёгивания ремнём безопасности.

Don’t unbuckle your seat belt until the flight attendant says it is safe to move around the cabin.

Не расстёгивайте ремень безопасности до тех пор, пока бортпроводник не скажет, что передвигаться по салону — безопасно.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Seat belt usage in the state is now mandatory.  

The law mandates that every car have seat belts.  

The captain has turned off the “fasten seat belt” sign.  

…we despair of ever getting those hammerheads to buckle their seat belts without prodding…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.



From seat + belt.


  • IPA(key): /ˈsiːtbɛlt/


seatbelt (plural seatbelts)

  1. Alternative spelling of seat belt
    • 2021 December 29, Dominique Louis, “Causal analysis: crashworthiness at Sandilands”, in RAIL, number 947, page 32:

      However, the challenges for the railway world are much greater than for automotive as we generally have more occupants, higher speeds, greater masses, higher energies, and an absence of seatbelts or airbags to contend with.


  • Abel test, settable, testable

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