Is said a sight word

I’m back with a new sight word reader to share with you! The word “said” is used so many times in text. It’s an important sight word for beginning readers to learn!

Sight Word Reader-said

In this download, there are these 3 booklets:

  • Hello
  • Jungle Sounds
  • Farm Animal Sounds

Each of these sight word readers focus on the word “said”. They also mostly use words that were learned in previous sight word readers. The child can also use the pictures to help them read the sentences.

Said Sight Word

You can download the FREE sight word readers here —> Sight Word Reader- said

Printing Directions:

Print pages 2-13 on paper. (Page 1 is my Terms of Use.) You can also print the pages front and back. If you have troubles printing, make sure Adobe is up to date. You can download the most current version here.

After printing, cut out the pages and staple them together. Enjoy reading!

Looking for more sight word readers?

Check out my bundle pack that includes 22 sight words and 66 printable booklets! Find out more about the bundle here.

On this worksheet, students will color the word, color the letters in the word, trace the word, and write the word in a sentence.

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Students will trace and circle the word Said. Then they’ll cut out the letters and glue them on the paper to make the word.

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Trace the word. Write it in the sentence. Then draw a picture.

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On this printable, students will color by number, circle the word, count the letters, trace, and print the word.

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This page has large outline letters for painting or coloring the sight word Said.

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Use glitter, stickers, or markers to trace the giant sight word.

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Use an ink dabber, markers, or crayons to color the word said every time it appears on this worksheet.

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Trace the word Said five times on the primary-ruled paper. Then try to write it two times.

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Cut out the letters in the word Said and glue them in the correct spaces on the worksheet.

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See Also

Sight Word Units

Check out our weekly sight word units, with printable worksheets and assessment materials.

More Individual Sight Words

We have worksheets for over 150 different sight words.

Как можно облегчить “вхождение” в чтение? В этом поможет “волшебная кнопка”, благодаря которой ребенку будет проще бегло читать незнакомые английские тексты начального уровня.

Этой кнопкой являются высокочастотные слова (sight words), составляющие примерно 2/3 лексики, встречающейся в детских книжках начального уровня.

К sight words относят:

  • Слова, которые не подчиняются правилам чтения phonics, например, was, two, laugh
  • Слова, которые нельзя «показать», например, the, been
  • Множество других слов, которые провинились тем, что всплывали и всплывают в детском чтиве с завидным постоянством

Существуют списки sight words, разработанные Дольчем  в середине XX века. Всего слов 220, и они разбиты на уровни. Например, уровень Pre-K включает 40 слов: a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you.

В дополнение к этому списку есть еще и список из 90+ существительных. Учить, так учить! Доктор Фрай пошел дальше и разработал список из 1000 слов, запомнив которые ребенок сможет бегло читать обычные газеты, книги.

Основной смысл заучивания списков заключается в том, чтобы в долговременную память ребенка попало как можно больше высокочастотных слов, автоматически узнаваемых впоследствии в процессе чтения. Тогда ребенок не тратит время на декодирование, читает бегло и уверенно.

Как вводить эти слова:

  • постепенно, не больше 2-3 в день
  • с помощью карточек, записав на доске или повесив над столом а ля слово дня
  • в играх, проводилках, прописях
  • через книги, специально разработанные для первого чтения (например, на книжках от Oxford Reading Tree всегда пишут, на какие слова направлен фокус)

Обязательно ли заучивать все три сотни из списка Дольча, чтобы ребенок зачитал? Нет. Из всего списка лишь 10% слов не подчиняются никаким правилам и являются камнем преткновения при чтении и письме. Остальные вполне подлежат фонетическому декодированию.

Ресурсы вам в помощь – списки, готовые карточки любых размеров и т.п. – хорошая организация списка Фрая.

Автор статьи – анломама, преподаватель, автор марафонов о живой природе Ася Виноградова

A little book with activities for the word ‘said’.

Use this teaching resource to help consolidate student recognition of the sight word ‘said’.

Print and fold the page along the lines to create a little book of activities.

Students read and write the sight word in tasks that include:

  • Rainbow Colour It (Students write the word using different colours for each letter)
  • Count It (Students count the number of letters)
  • Circle It
  • Trace It
  • Fix It (Students fill in the missing letters)
  • Box It
  • Find It


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  • Miss Colley

    Miss Colley

    3 years ago

    Is there more booklets than just «said»? These look great!

    • Paul (Teach Starter)

  • Emma Gallagher

    Emma Gallagher

    3 years ago

    Hello. Is this resource editable please?

    • Emma Gallagher

      Emma Gallagher

      3 years ago

      Thank you Paul! :)

    • Paul (Teach Starter)

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Sight Word SAID Worksheet

Alesia Netuk2023-01-09T15:14:33-05:00

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When teaching a child to read, it is essential that you teach both sight words and phonics.   Sight Words are especially important because they are found so frequently I materials that little people read. Today I have a Said sight word page download for you.  This is a sample page of our larger sight word packet that contains all of the dolch sight words.

Sight words are (usually) words that are difficult to sound out.  Frequently words that children read can contain up to 80% of sight word text!  Because children have to read sight words so frequently, it is essential to make sure that children can read these words fluently (accurately and quickly).  When teaching sight words, though, you don’t want to just teach them using flash cards.  Children need to read sight words IN CONTEXT.   Sight words are more easily remembered and understood when you read them in the context of a sentence.

In addition,  it it great to practice writing sight words in the context of a sentence (or, cutting and pasting sight words into a sentence).  The more practice, the easier reading becomes!   If you differentiate the sight word activities, students will continue to have fun learning.   If you are looking for a fun game to play while learning sight words, consider Zingo!  It is just like Bingo, except with sight words.  My children love to play it!  I love that you can get it for different levels!

said Sight Word Worksheet -for preschool, kindergarten, or first grade - Build sight word fluency with these interactive sight word worksheets

The «Said» Sight word page has a few activities to help students read and write the word fluently.  On the worksheet, students are asked to read, trace, write, spell, color and write a sentence using the sight word.  To get your free sight word worksheet, enter in your email into the form below.  The worksheet will be automatically emailed to you. If you have any trouble, please email me at [email protected]

Said Sight Word Worksheets

How to Grow a Confident Reader

1. Enter you email on this form to get your free download
2. Get tips to help you grow a confident new or struggling reader

When you join Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading
you will learn how to break free from patching together reading lessons
and learn how to grow a confident reader.

This product is also on TPT:

In addition, we offer some really great sight word mini fluency books. Here is some information on our two favorite sight word products:

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We are working our way through our sight words and J is recognizing them and looking for them whenever she can. Today I will share with you our ‘said’ sight word worksheets.

Once again I encourage you to grab your sight word checklist in order to see what the words in the first set are by clicking here.  Let’s walk.

My daughter is now working on her sight words. To help her, I created some free preschool sight word worksheets for the word 'said''

I am a firm believer in teaching both phonics (so that my children can decode the words) as well as sight words. Today’s worksheets are based on the sight word ‘the’ and I am sure your preschooler will enjoy them as much as my daughter did.

Sight Word ‘said’: Painting and Stickers

With these pages, your preschooler can paint the word ‘the’  with their fingers or with a paintbrush. Simply let your preschoolers decide what they would prefer to do.

There is also a duplicate page so that your preschooler can either use stickers or whatever materials you have on hand to fill their sight words.

Trace ‘said’

My daughter is now working on her sight words. To help her, I created some free preschool sight word worksheets for the word 'said''


There are also a few other activities included in this kit.

Do a Dot: This continues to be a big hit with my daughter and I still have to print each sheet 5 times. Maybe it’s time for an erasable dot marker??


We haven’t been using our stamping set often (maybe 3 times since we bought it last year) and so I figured this was the perfect way to justify the purchase.

Say, Build, Stamp:

This sheet can be used as a review sheet at the end. Your preschooler will say the word, build it with either playdough or magnetic letters, and then stamp the word. Pretty simple.

My daughter is now working on her sight words. To help her, I created some free preschool sight word worksheets for the word 'said''

To get your free ‘said’ sight word worksheets, simply click the blue button below.

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  • Is said a long a word
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