Is sadder even a word

Asked by: Yoshie Bragulat

asked in category: books and literature Last Updated: 19th October, 2020

The English Language Top 11 Saddest Words or Phrases

  • GoodbyeAdios, adieu, sayonara or cheerio.
  • It Might Have Been –
  • Time For Bed –
  • Lonely –
  • Terminal –
  • Heartbroken –
  • Regrets –
  • Back To School –

Click to explore further. Simply so, what is the most depressing word?

In a world full of infinitely diverse possibilities «no» is the single most depressing word which brings a halt to the endless permutations of ideas, actions and experiences.

Additionally, what is the happiest word in the English language? The happiest word: Laughter – followed by happiness, love, happy, laughed, laugh, laughing, excellent, laughs, and joy.

In respect to this, what are some depressing words?

Synonyms for depressing

  • bleak.
  • daunting.
  • disheartening.
  • dismal.
  • dispiriting.
  • distressing.
  • dreary.
  • gloomy.

Is Sadder even a word?

«More sad» instead of «sadder» is not correct, but it is heard from time to time, as is «ain’t sad.» It is associated with a poor education.

Asked by: Mrs. Marguerite Zulauf

Score: 4.5/5
(69 votes)

The basic progression is sad, sadder, saddest; but some people will say «more sad» and «most sad»; and they are acceptable. The construction is also used with some other adjectives such as hot or cold.

Does the word sadder exist?

The word ‘sadder’ is grammatically correct, because an adjective of mono syllable doesn’t take the adverb ‘more’ before it in comparative degree and ‘most’ in superlative degree.

How do you use sadder in a sentence?

Sadder sentence example

Nothing is truer or sadder . «I’m sorry,» he said, looking sadder than I’d ever seen him. Adam Chandler leaves Pine Valley a sadder place for he will be missed by his many fans. Cline’s mournful vocals make a sad, desperate song even sadder and are the icing on the cake of a classic love song.

What is the synonym of sadder?

adj.unhappy, depressed. adj.unfortunate, distressing.

Is there any word saddest?

adj. sad•der, sad•dest. 1. affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad.

41 related questions found

What is the saddest language?

It’s official: Chinese is the saddest language. Research published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences proved that every human language is biased toward the positive, but that the degree to which this bias occurs can vary widely between different languages.

Who is the saddest person?

Tomasz Liboska — The saddest man in the world | LensCulture. The saddest man in the world lives in Bytom.

What can I say instead of sad?

20 words to use instead of ‘sad’

  • Hopeless.
  • Depressed.
  • Mournful.
  • Despairing.
  • Miserable.
  • Downcast.
  • Gloomy.
  • Heartbroken.

What are 5 synonyms sad?

synonyms for sad

  • bitter.
  • dismal.
  • heartbroken.
  • melancholy.
  • pessimistic.
  • somber.
  • sorry.
  • wistful.

What’s a word for deep sadness?

Melancholy is beyond sad: as a noun or an adjective, it’s a word for the gloomiest of spirits. Being melancholy means that you’re overcome in sorrow, wrapped up in sorrowful thoughts. The word started off as a noun for deep sadness, from a rather disgusting source.

Do you say sadder or more sad?

The basic progression is sad, sadder, saddest; but some people will say «more sad» and «most sad»; and they are acceptable. The construction is also used with some other adjectives such as hot or cold.

What is the saddest word ever in the world?

«Death,» said an unknown poet from the edge of the kingdom, «is the most feared, and the saddest of all words.» The king dismissed this immediately.

Is funner grammatically correct?

Many people, perhaps most people, strongly prefer more fun and most fun as the comparative and superlative forms of fun. Still, plenty of others label things funner and funnest. Many dictionaries acknowledge this use, but still label the adjective form as informal.

What does madder mean in English?

1 : a Eurasian herb (Rubia tinctorum of the family Rubiaceae, the madder family) with whorled leaves and small yellowish panicled flowers succeeded by dark berries broadly : any of several related herbs (genus Rubia) 2a : the root of the Eurasian madder used formerly in dyeing also : an alizarin dye prepared from it.

What’s a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

How do you say really sad?

Feeling sad or unhappy — thesaurus

  1. sad. adjective. feeling unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.
  2. unhappy. adjective. feeling sad or upset.
  3. gloomy. adjective. feeling sad and without hope.
  4. melancholy. adjective. …
  5. sorrowful. adjective. …
  6. subdued. adjective. …
  7. bleak. adjective. …
  8. wistful. adjective.

What is a sad story called?

tearjerker. Noun. ▲ An emotionally charged film, novel, song, opera, television episode, etc. sentimental story.

How do you express sadness in text?

How to Express Sadness in Text

  1. Voice the emotions you’re feeling.
  2. Describe what made you sad.
  3. Use “I” statements.
  4. Add a few sad emojis.
  5. Communicate your needs.
  6. Tell the person if there’s something they can do.
  7. Mention the importance of the conversation.

How do you express extreme sadness?

One’s heart sinks, Broken-hearted, A heavy heart

The idiom ‘one’s heart sinks’ is used to express a sudden feeling of unhappiness. However, ‘broken-hearted’ describes a strong feeling of sadness. ‘A heavy heart’ is an idiom that describes being weighed down by a feeling of sadness.

What are some depressing words?

  • dismal,
  • drear,
  • dreary,
  • heartbreaking,
  • heartrending,
  • melancholy,
  • mournful,
  • pathetic,

Who is the most saddest girl in the world?

Cathy Glass. The bestselling author of Damaged tells the true story of Donna, who came into foster care aged ten, having been abused, victimised and rejected by her family.

Who is the saddest rapper?

Sad Rap Artists

  • Thaiboy Digital. 89,804 listeners. …
  • Koi. 25,702 listeners. …
  • Yung Lean. 355,810 listeners. …
  • Xavier Wulf. 162,493 listeners. …
  • Stein27. 1,767 listeners.
  • Maurice A God. 63 listeners.
  • Tommy Wright III. 24,415 listeners. …
  • suicideyear. 59,368 listeners.

What is the happiest word?

In the end, they had a huge list of words as ranked by happiness. The happiest word: Laughter. The least happy: Terrorist.

Which is the saddest fruit?

Blueberries are the saddest fruits.

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Is there a sadder word in any language in the world?

Един ли язык глухих во всем мире?

There is no sadder words than «Things could have been different».

There is no sadder words than «Things could have been different».

Much sadder than the English words.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Learn how to use sadder in a sentence and make better sentences with `sadder` by reading sadder sentence examples.

  • The US is in a sad state and growing sadder.
  • I suppose I was not ready for another World War II sad if not sadder novel at this time.
  • What’s sadder is that the republicans in both houses are on board.
  • And what was even sadder.
  • Lauren seems sadder and wiser than when she was left at the alter in ONE NIGHT FOR LOVE.
  • I am a huge dog lover but can’t read any of the sadder tales that seem to be the big sellers.
  • It gets sadder but does it have a happy ending or a sad one.
  • Just somewhere in the middle, that makes her story even sadder.
  • T T sadder words have never been spoken.
  • With each chapter, it seemed to get sadder and sadder.
  • Nina is in sad shape, made all the sadder by the fact that it is all her own doing.
  • And now I feel even sadder that I paid $2.
  • If true it’s sad, and if not it’s sadder still that we haven’t heard differently.
  • Most of these people are children, to make the situation even sadder.
  • What makes this even sadder is that it is difficult to screw up a Cuban sandwich.
  • Overall, it was a sadder, more pensive feel than I like in my mysteries.
  • I was disappointed by chewy meat, sad looking sushi rolls, and even sadder mushy fruit.
  • The world would be a sadder, stupider place if Dr . Frasier Crane had never left Boston for Seattle.
  • Each character is more wounded, sicker, sadder than the last.
  • You come away disillusioned, sadder but wiser.
  • «Would it be a lonelier and sadder world ? » he continued.
  • She is sadder and wiser, but no less determined to find her own way.
  • Sadder yet that she was the best we had.
  • This was a bit sadder than the others, Dale really tugged at my heartstrings.
  • That she became a mother of a severely autistic child makes it even sadder.
  • It makes his situtation, however, even sadder.
  • That is an even sadder thought.
  • It is even sadder that we buy into it and allow it to happen.
  • That is even sadder.
  • Like a sadder, updated Willy Loman, he broke our hearts.
  • It is a sad word to hear and even sadder to deal with.
  • The big basket only made ’em look all the sadder.
  • My guess is it is people whose lives are in such a tangle that they derive comfort from listening to stories that are sadder and screwier than their own.
  • Sadder but wiser supporter of President Carter.
  • She continues her life, just a little sadder.
  • Sadder for our great country.
  • A sad, and getting sadder, story.
  • Not a single politician has ever made me happier or sadder.
  • I’m sadder now but wiserL9.
  • Sadder still is that Battier once would have been one of them.
  • When your old house doesn’t exist anymore, that makes things sadder in general.
  • The girls’ transition back to civilization is sadder, but no less believable.
  • The ending could have been much sadder.
  • The story is made far sadder, however, by the revelations provided by Flynn.
  • The second story is far darker and much sadder.
  • The even sadder part is the parents didn’t say a word about the bad behavior on and off the court.
  • Nothing is sadder than seeing your favorite grow old.
  • I do however feel this one is sadder than the first one.
  • Just when you think it can’t get any sadder, it does.
  • It is even sadder when we chose someone who is arrogant, stubborn, over calm and rational.
  • But even sadder as a result.
  • Sad for Jan, and even sadder for America and the world.
  • In my eyes, somehow, it makes him sadder.
  • There’s nothing sadder than spilling hard earned breastmilk on the counter.
  • Neglect is sadder and more brutal than destruction.
  • After all, what is sadder than the fading bravado of a once-charismatic roue?.
  • It starts out sad, it gets sadder, and much sadder before it finally gets somewhat happy.
  • It definitely was a much sadder story than I thought it would be.
  • I’m far sadder for them.
  • This did not end at all like I was expecting and was in fact sadder then I had thought possible.
  • It has a flavor of a time that many of us have forgotten, sadder for the loss.
  • The story was sad at times and the funny parts were even sadder in some ways.
  • Perhaps sadder is these are realities for so many teens today.
  • The food was even sadder for us because the empty promised great hype and were saving H.
  • Almost sadder is the fact that young boys have very little value in this system.
  • That’s far sadder than euthanasia.
  • There is nothing sadder than a parent who experiences the loss of their child like this.
  • And even sadder, this abusive life convinced America that all men were that way.
  • And the even sadder thing is that Ryan got out the giant pliers and the rubber ring, and THWAP.
  • Sadder still, Zelazny left out the plot so, what the hell is going on.
  • In fact, it’s one of the sadder dining experiences I’ve had.
  • It’s one of the sadder stories, which I think accounts for why I didn’t like it very much.
  • It is more poignant, a little sadder, but with a happy ending.
  • He started off as a sad man, and regrettably finished up as an even sadder man.
  • Buckingham addresses why women get sadder as they age instead of get happier.
  • What is there sadder under the sun than a day that is gone and notyhing done.
  • Even sadder that the reason they cannot is due to decades of republican propaganda and deceit.
  • And what makes it even sadder is how loud he brags about his transparency.
  • I found the story of Mathinna sadder than the story of Sir John’s lost expedition.
  • Generally speaking, minor triads or three note chords sound sadder than major triads.
  • After reading about these parishes, I was even sadder.
  • But as the beginning of Clinton’s second term nears, Arkansans are sadder but wiser.
  • The only thing sadder than that is a fat kid with no money staring at a bakery counter.
  • Though unlike the others I felt this one was sadder.
  • It looks even sadder the moment Keyes opens his mouth.
  • It is an even sadder state of affairs between races in our country than I thought, or was aware.
  • Dead and Gone was somewhat darker and sadder than the previous ones for me.
  • Fortunately, the slower, sadder songs fit her beautifully.
  • There’s nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child. Erma Bombeck.
  • The story is a bit sadder than previous ones in the series, but then again, it does include a war.
  • This is one of the sadder bars in Pittsburgh.
  • You feel depressed and everything around you seems to become a lot sadder.
  • And I’ve never had a sadder empanada in my life.
  • And unfortunately just when you think it couldn’t possibly get any sadder, it does.
  • And her character becomes much more likeable, which makes the ending even sadder.
  • It’s even sadder, though, to see a beloved series go on and on past its prime.
  • Oil Ocean is one of my favorites because of the sadder pace, though.
  • I definitely shed a few tears during some of the sadder parts.
  • I enjoyed the 1st of the series but this one seemed to be a bit darker or sadder.
  • What’s even sadder, is there’s not even a release date out there.

Similar words: Sadhana, Sadras, Sadi, Sadick, Saddle Shoe, Saddle Horse, Saddle Sore, Sadducism, Saddle Stitch, Sadducees, Saddle Horn, Sadleir, Sadhu, Sadomasochism, Saddle, Sadistically, Sad Looking, Saddle Horses, Sad Sack, Saddletree

Предложения со словом «sadder»

Even the huge icon of Madonna in the hall becomes a bit paler and sadder.

Даже огромная икона Божией Матери в холле становится как будто бледнее и печальнее.

Is there anything sadder than a band rocking out to a completely empty room?

Что может быть печальнее выступления группы в абсолютно пустом зале?

I thought I’d be sadder, but I feel good.

Думала, я буду грустнее , но всё хорошо.

Blogs, newsmagazines, and daytime talk shows agonized over the notion that feminism — all that freedom, all those choices — was actually making women sadder.

Блоги, общественно — политические журналы, дневные ток — шоу переживали по поводу утверждения, что феминизм — вся эта свобода, все эти возможности выбора — в действительности, делали женщин печальнее.

There’s nothing sadder to me than associations held together by nothing but the glue of postage stamps.

Для меня самое печальное — общаться по почте. Когда близость держится одним клеем на марке.

Do you know, the only thing sadder than Tom and Katie Bueller is a sputtering Ferris Bueller caught in a lie.

Печальнее, чем Том и Кэти Бьюллеры — только плюющийся Феррис Бьюллер, пойманный на лжи.

He had grown sadder day by day under the influence of some hidden trouble; among all the faces round the table, his was the most woe-begone.

Его физиономия, становясь под гнетом тайных горестей день ото дня все печальнее, казалась самой удрученной из всех физиономий, красовавшихся за обеденным столом.

I do not know which was the sadder to reflect upon, his efforts to become a creditable kitten, or his fostermother’s despair of ever making him one.

Не знаю, что было печальнее — его ли старания сделаться почтенной кошкой, или отчаяние его приемной матери, когда из этого ничего не получалось.

And finally, a sadder slice of our lives.

И, наконец — то, грустная часть наших жизней.

It occurred to Mr. Satterthwaite that his friend had interpreted that blush quite wrongly, Sir Charles seemed a sadder and older man when he spoke again.

Мистеру Саттерсвейту показалось, что его друг превратно понял смущение девушки. Сэр Чарлз внезапно стал выглядеть печальным и постаревшим.

That actually made me sadder than anything… the fact that I just felt so numb.

И это меня расстроило больше всего. То, что я совершенно ничего не чувствовал.

Paddy read out loud, slowly, his tone growing sadder and sadder.

И Пэдди начал медленно читать вслух, с каждой минутой голос его звучал все тише, все горестней.

But the children were even sadder when they opened their books and found a jumble of boring words.

Но бедным детям было совсем грустно Когда они открывали свои любимые книги, то находили там только скучные, беспорядочные слова.

It seemed even sadder, in retrospect, beside the bustle and prosperity of Atlanta.

Сейчас же, оглядываясь назад из шумной, процветающей Атланты, она и вовсе загрустила.

I do not wish my bitterest enemy a sadder time in his life than the time I passed during the last night of my residence under Mr. Dunross’s roof.

Не желаю самому злому моему врагу проводить время так печально, как провел я последний вечер моего пребывания в доме мистера Денроса.

On this forgetfulness I bestow my sad Latin voice, sadder than revolt, and more…

Своим латинским голосом я отдаю дань этому забвению, голосом, более грустным , чем бунт намного грустнее

It was in their eyes, blue as Paddy’s but sadder, without his gentleness.

Это видно по их глазам — глаза у них голубые, как были у Пэдди, но много печальнее, и нет во взгляде отцовской кротости.

He arrived there and found distress, and, what is still sadder, no smile; a cold hearth and cold hearts.

Он приходил сюда, но видел лишь нищету и уныние и — что еще печальнее — не встречал ни единой улыбки: холодный очаг, холодные сердца.

Sometimes things are sadder in retrospect.

Иногда все печальнее в ретроспективе.

What’s sadder than former billionaire Caroline Channing asking for money for pants?

Что может быть печальней, чем бывшая миллиардерша Кэролайн Ченнинг, выпрашивающая денег на новые брюки?

The faint, sad voice was fainter and sadder than ever.

Слабый, грустный голос был слабее и грустнее обыкновенного.

He was sadder than ever, as Madame Lefrancois saw from the amount of food he left on his plate.

Никогда еще он так не грустил . Г — жа Лефрансуа судила об этом по тому, как много еды оставалось у него теперь на тарелках.

He looked sadder and more hurt than me.

Он выглядел еще печальнее, чем я.

And what makes it even sadder was the album was released in November of 1971.

Еще печальнее то, что альбом был выпущен в ноябре 1971,

But to me, what is even sadder is that my own daughter plays the leading role in this pitiful display.

Но ещё печальнее для меня то, что моя собственная дочь играет главную роль в этом мерзком спектакле.

Edith came down upon her feet a little bit sadder; with a romance blown to pieces.

Расстроенная Эдит опустилась на землю — ее домысел лопнул, как мыльный пузырь.

The grey eyes rested on Luke’s vivid, impatient face and grew more beautiful, but unmistakably sadder. He sensed it only; she had no tears there, her lids didn’t droop, or the corners of her mouth.

Он все — таки почуял это, хотя не увидел ни слезинки, и она не опустила глаз, и не дрогнули, не опустились углы губ.

And nothing makes me sadder than to see people of the Greatest Generation, people like my own Nana and Bobo, getting overcharged by some great big company. Even if it was an accident.

И ничто не огорчает меня больше, чем то, что людей великого поколения, людей, как мои бабушка и дедушка, обдирает какая — то большая компания, даже если и по ошибке.

There’s nothing sadder than a con man conning himself.

Нет ничего грустнее мошенника, который обманывает самого себя.

For example, in theatre, an actor may need to appear sadder or in a more negative state of mind.

Например, в театре актеру может понадобиться казаться более грустным или в более негативном состоянии ума.

We grow sadder and wiser — a process which that seems to satisfy a human need no less elemental than that of thirst slaked by the raising of a drink to the lips.

Мы становимся печальнее и мудрее — процесс, который, по — видимому, удовлетворяет человеческую потребность не менее элементарную, чем жажда, утоляемая поднесением напитка к губам.

What is even sadder is that the comments are incorrect.

Что еще печальнее, так это то, что комментарии неверны.

Often they were described as paler and sadder versions of the person they had been while alive, and dressed in tattered gray rags.

Часто их описывали как более бледные и печальные версии человека, которым они были при жизни, и одетые в рваные серые лохмотья.

In 2018, researchers at the University of California, Irvine, concluded that pop music has become ‘sadder’ since the 1980s.

В 2018 году исследователи из Калифорнийского университета в Ирвине пришли к выводу, что поп — музыка стала печальнее с 1980 — х годов.

Nolan is unrepentant at first, but over the years becomes sadder and wiser, and desperate for news.

Поначалу Нолан не раскаивается, но с годами становится все печальнее и мудрее, а также отчаянно нуждается в новостях.

Мои примеры


sadder but wiser — умудрённый горьким опытом  

Примеры с переводом

The experience left her sadder but wiser.

После этого случая она стала печальнее, но мудрее.

The ultimate fate of the tribe was even sadder.

Дальнейшая судьба этого племени была ещё печальнее.

He came out of the relationship sadder but wiser.

Он вышел из этих отношений печальнее, но мудрее, чем был.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sad  — печальный, грустный, унылый, тяжелый, минор
sadism  — садизм
sadness  — печаль, уныние
sadly  — грустно, уныло

If we assume that

it is

not about money but about not



to really understands how to properly treat the disease, then it is even sadder.


context icon

Если же предположить, что тут дело не в алчности и хитрости, а в том,


although arriving with a noble mission, the United Nations did not turn out to


the frog that the Iraqi princess might kiss.


context icon

хотя Организация Объединенных Наций прибыла в этот район с благородной миссией, она не стала<< лягушкой, которую захотел бы поцеловать иракский царевич.


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context icon

context icon

context icon

The situation with Ethereum is even sadder for the bulls: the pair ETH/USD has lost almost 30%,

having fallen from the mark of 302.1 to 211.6.

context icon

Еще более грустно для быков выглядит ситуация с эфириумом- пара ETH/ USD потеряла почти 30%, рухнув

с отметки в 302. 1 до 211. 6.

Moreover, he has turned into a hero of memes and

political anecdotes, which is even sadder for him than the streams of compromising evidence:

it is

hard to run for an important post when nobody takes you seriously.


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К тому же, он превратился в героя мемов

и политических анекдотов, а это для политика даже печальнее, чем потоки компромата: трудно на что-то претендовать, когда тебя никто не воспринимает всерьез.



has to


said that the portraits of the young people, the teacher and the skinhead we received were even sadder.


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Надо сказать, что портреты молодого человека, преподавателя и скинхеда получились еще более печальные.


It is sad that even many of those who have heard of Armageddon nevertheless continue

to live according to the measure of yesterday.

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Прискорбно, что многие, даже слышавшие об Армагеддоне, продолжают жить мерою вчерашнего дня.

It is always sad to part even if the acquaintance was extremely short and too rainy.


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Нам тоже было немного грустно, расставаться всегда


даже если это знакомство было крайне коротким и сильно дождливым.


The last time of anything is sad, but sometimes not knowing it


the last time is even worse.

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And the sad part


you don’t even realize how incredible it is that you actually



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А грустно


что ты даже представить себе не можешь, насколько невероятно то, что ты исцеляешься.

It was a sad sight watching my dad and Uncle fight like children, but even sadder was that Marvin had to ask for a ride home.

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it is sad

that the richest nations, through military spending,


denying development opportunities to the poorest, it is sadder still that the poor


complicit in destroying their own future.


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Хотя говорят, что самые богатые государства, через военные расходы, отказывают

в возможностях развития самым бедным, еще печальней то, что сами бедные потворствуют им в перечеркивании своего собственного будущего.


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Let’s not make this


than it is.

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Давай не будем усугублять.

Even sadder


that so many people killed for nothing to keep secret this story.


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Еще печальнее то, что так много людей погибли ни за что держать в секрете эту историю.


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I mean, how sad is it that I can’t even interrupt a wedding right?

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it is

not time to perform a regular cleaning of your notebook, it may simply end pretty sad moments even in failure.

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Если не вовремя провести обычную чистку Вашего ноутбука, то это может попросту завершится довольно печально, моментами даже плачевно.

Even a little sad, after all we created this company, it


for us as a grown child.


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Немного грустно даже, все-таки мы эту компанию много лет создавали, она для нас как дите, которые долго растили, а теперь приходиться прощаться.


So, it


a little bit sad even if the game


not below the standards of the epoch.

Or was it a deeper, sadder smile that masked the disappointment he felt in a young

man who


pissing away a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

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Или это была печальная улыбка, скрывающая разочарование потому что один молодой человек

просрал единственную возможность всей своей жизни?

Results: 52912,
Time: 0.6861





veuve noire

  • #1

Maybe it’s a stupid question, but i was wondering how we must say : sadder, or more sad? i think it’s sadder, but i can’t find it in the dictionnary, so i have a doubt :confused:

Thanx for answering ;)

  • cropje_jnr

    veuve noire

    • #3

    okay, thank you :)


    • #4

    Well, it’s not definitely sadder — though sadder is more common.
    There is nothing wrong with writing more sad:
    «The rest is even more sad. The estate sold off, no servants. Just the two of them …»


    • #5

    Ah yes, quite true.

    Comme le disent les utilisateurs français: je suis allé trop vite ;)

    • #6

    wouldnt one say in french «more sad» as in «plus triste»

    another example is «quicker» but it would be transated as «plus vite»

    • #7

    I don’t agree with panjandrum.
    Check your grammar book for comparatives using.
    For one syllable adjectives or adverbs you add «er» : faster
    For one syllable adjectives with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant you double the consonant and add «er» : sadder!

    • #8

    That rule is correct, however, I think there is some literary licence here. ‘She looked even more sad than she had done for years’ would be acceptable in a more literary text. Sadder is correct though.

    • #9

    Just another thought — you could, for example, say that ‘she had a more sad and painful life than she had wished for’ whereas you wouldn’t say ‘she had a more hard and painful life….it would have to be ‘harder and more painful’. So maybe there is just a bit more flexibility with sad.


    • #10

    I don’t agree with panjandrum.
    Check your grammar book for comparatives using.
    For one syllable adjectives or adverbs you add «er» : faster
    For one syllable adjectives with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant you double the consonant and add «er» : sadder!

    You have correctly quoted the guidelines for making comparatives. These are guidelines, not inflexible rules. You’re right, sadder is the normal comparative. However, that does not mean that more sad is incorrect.

    • #11

    Exemple bien choisi, Laineuse!

    veuve noire

    • #12

    merci à tous pour vos réponses !

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