Is rustiest a word

Is the word Rustiest?

Weakened or impaired by neglect, disuse, or lack of practice.

What do u mean by rust?

1 : a reddish coating formed on metal (as iron) when it is exposed especially to moist air. 2 : a plant disease caused by fungi that makes spots on plants.

What is the proper name for rust?

iron rust

What is the plural of metal?


What is the plural of medal?

Word forms: plural medals.

What is another word for metal?

What is another word for metal?

alloy hardware
ingot mineral
ore casting
deposit foil
leaf load

What are the 10 metals?


  • Gold.
  • Silver.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Nickel.
  • Aluminum.
  • Mercury( Liquid metal)
  • Titanium.

What is the strongest metal?


What is another name for stainless steel?

Synonyms for Stainless steel:

  • bauxite,
  • aluminium,
  • cadmium,
  • Cast iron,
  • chromium,
  • aluminum,
  • barium.

What is another name for clean?

What is another word for clean?

spotless cleansed
cleaned scrubbed
washed immaculate
pristine polished
sparkling speckless

Is chromium a steel?

Chromium steels are types of steel, with which iron can be alloyed with chromium. In principle, chromium does not have to be necessarily contained in stainless steel, but chromium is one of the most common alloying elements in stainless steel grades and is contained in most commercially used stainless steel grades.

What is another word for unsullied?

What is another word for unsullied?

stainless immaculate
pristine spotless
impeccable untouched
clean squeaky-clean
unblemished undefiled

What does untarnished mean?

: not dulled or damaged : not tarnished an untarnished reputation untarnished copper.

What is the definition of unsullied?

: not soiled or tarnished : not sullied an unsullied reputation.

What is an unsullied person?

The Unsullied (Astapori Valyrian: Dovoghedhi) are elite warrior-eunuchs bred and trained in Astapor, one of the three major cities of Slaver’s Bay. They are slave-soldiers famed for their skills and discipline in battle. They are also often purchased from Astapor by some of the Free Cities, such as Qohor.

How does the unsullied pee?

When the wound finally heals, the hole remains and whenever they need to urinate, they put a straw (usually wooden) into the hole and urinate through it. They might even squat down to urinate if a straw is not available so that they don’t soil their clothes.

Can eunuchs reproduce?

Eunuchs can now choose a gender of their liking and some can even give birth to babies, thanks to a special procedure developed at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. At least 18 of the treated patients have also given birth to babies,” said Dr DK Gupta, head of the department of paediatric surgeries.

What does politesse mean?

: formal politeness : decorousness.

What does shibboleth mean?

A shibboleth is a kind of linguistic password: A way of speaking (a pronunciation, or the use of a particular expression) that is used by one set of people to identify another person as a member, or a non-member, of a particular group.

What does au revoir mean?

good wishes

Is politesse in English word?

noun. formal politeness; courtesy.

How do you use politesse?

politesse in a sentence

  1. You have to be a Republican leader to understand that politesse.
  2. The politesse of their first deliberation did not mask severe disagreement.
  3. And he sheaths his most pointed questions to politicians in politesse.
  4. Even Miss Manners would understand that Israeli slip in politesse.

What is the meaning of etiquette?

: the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life.

Why do French pronounce r?

4 – French R Vs Spanish R The French R sound is produced at the back of the mouth, where you’ll pronounce the G of “get” in English. In France, the French R is never the Spanish rolled R, nor is it the very guttural Spanish J as in Jesus. The sound really comes from the upper throat, not the lower throat.

Do you pronounce the r in Au revoir?

Au revoir is often pronounced like you describe when people speak quickly, speaking distinctly there should be a “re” before and a “r” after “vwah”. Since you are going to have a foreign accent anyway, you can pronounce it exactly as it is written, which is the correct pronunciation anyway.

Definitions For Rustiest


{{en-superlative of, rusty}}



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См. также в других словарях:

  • Rustiest — Rusty Rust y, a. [AS. rustig.] [Compar. {Rustier}; superl. {Rustiest.}] 1. Covered or affected with rust; as, a rusty knife or sword; rusty wheat. [1913 Webster] 2. Impaired by inaction, disuse, or neglect. [1913 Webster] [Hector,] in this dull… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rustiest — rust·y || rÊŒstɪ adj. covered with rust, oxidized; having a reddish orange coloring like that of rust; faded, worn out; out of practice, needing a refresher course …   English contemporary dictionary

  • rustiest — superlative of rusty …   Useful english dictionary

  • rusty — rusty1 rustily, adv. rustiness, n. /rus tee/, adj., rustier, rustiest. 1. covered with or affected by rust. 2. consisting of or produced by rust. 3. of or tending toward the color rust; rust colored. 4 …   Universalium

  • Rustier — Rusty Rust y, a. [AS. rustig.] [Compar. {Rustier}; superl. {Rustiest.}] 1. Covered or affected with rust; as, a rusty knife or sword; rusty wheat. [1913 Webster] 2. Impaired by inaction, disuse, or neglect. [1913 Webster] [Hector,] in this dull… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rusty — Rust y, a. [AS. rustig.] [Compar. {Rustier}; superl. {Rustiest.}] 1. Covered or affected with rust; as, a rusty knife or sword; rusty wheat. [1913 Webster] 2. Impaired by inaction, disuse, or neglect. [1913 Webster] [Hector,] in this dull and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Robots (film) — Infobox Film name = Robots caption = Rodney (left) and Fender (right) in the promotional poster for Robots . director = Chris Wedge Carlos Saldanha (co director) producer = Bill Joyce Christopher Meledandri John C Donkin Jerry Davis writer = Ron… …   Wikipedia

  • rusty — [[t]rʌ̱sti[/t]] rustier, rustiest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A rusty metal object such as a car or a machine is covered with rust, which is a brown substance that forms on iron or steel when it comes into contact with water. We spent years… …   English dictionary

  • rusty — adjective (rustier, rustiest) 1》 affected by rust.     ↘rust coloured.     ↘(of black clothes) discoloured by age. 2》 (of knowledge or a skill) impaired by lack of recent practice. Derivatives rustily adverb rustiness noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • rusty */ — UK [ˈrʌstɪ] / US adjective Word forms rusty : adjective rusty comparative rustier superlative rustiest 1) a rusty metal object is covered in rust a rusty old car 2) a) a skill that is rusty has not been used recently I warn you, my piano playing… …   English dictionary

  • rusty — /ˈrʌsti / (say rustee) adjective (rustier, rustiest) 1. covered or affected with rust. 2. consisting of or produced by rust. 3. of the colour of rust; rust coloured; tending towards rust. 4. faded or shabby; impaired by time or wear, as clothes,… …  

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Rustiest is an adjective.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

Synonyms and antonyms of rustiest in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «rustiest» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «rustiest» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of rustiest to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of rustiest from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «rustiest» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

más oxidada

570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

più arrugginito

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of rustiest


The term «rustiest» is used very little and occupies the 177.423 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «rustiest» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of rustiest

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «rustiest».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «rustiest» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «rustiest» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about rustiest


Discover the use of rustiest in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to rustiest and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


The Works of John Webster: With Some Account of the Author, …

Nay, he is the rustiest-jawed,* the foulest- mouthed knave in railing against our
sex: he will rail against t women — Aurel. How ! how ? Maq. I am ashamed to
speak’t, I. Aurel. I love to hate him : speak. Maq. Why, when Emilia scorned his
base …

John Webster, Alexander Dyce, 1859


The works of John Webster: now first collected with some …

Fer. For maintenance. Maq. Advancement and regard. Aurel. O villain ! O
impudent Mendoza! Maq. Nay, he is the rustiest-jawed t, the foulest mouthed
knave in railing against our sex : he will rail against J women — Aurel. How? how
? Maq.

John Webster, Alexander Dyce, 1830


The Malcontent. The Tracian Wonder. A Monumental Column. …

For maintenance. MAQ. Advancement and regard. Arman. O villain! O impudent
Mendoza! MAQ. Nay, he is the rustiest-jawed 1′, the foulest mouthed knave in
railing against our sex :X’he will rail against: women— ‘ ‘ AUREL. How? how?


The End of the Mind: The Edge of the Intelligible in Hardy, …

It becomes the scholar again, seeking celestial Rendezvous, Picking thin music
on the rustiest string, Squeezing the reddest fragrance from the stump Of summer
. The venerable song falls from your fiery wings. The song of the great space of …


The Content of Science: A Constructivist Approach to Its …

One of Robert’s parents is a science teacher. Robert associates water and salt
with rusting and. through talking to his parents. is vaguely aware that air has
some part to play. Robert’s nail actually turned out to be the rustiest in the class.

Peter J. Fensham, Richard F. Gunstone, Richard Thomas White, 1994

blackbirds were there, sitting a little way apart on the bare ground; these were
silent, the raggedest, rustiest-looking members of that little company; for they
were moulting, and their drooping wings and tails had many unsightly gaps in
them …

William Henry Hudson, 2011


A Quest of Her Own: Essays on the Female Hero in Modern Fantasy

Coraline’s mother demonstrates this line of thinking entirely as she begrudgingly
selects “the oldest, biggest, blackest, rustiest key” from her string and proceeds to
unlock the door in the drawing room, which has been completely bricked up (8).


The Selected Plays of John Marston

Nay, he is the rustiest-jawed, the foulest-mouthed knave in railing against our sex
; he will rail against women — 30 AUrelia. HOW, how? 6-8 feelingly . . . richly . . .
jewels: Maquerelle contrives to solicit a handsome bribe. The bribing action …

John Marston, Macdonald Pearman Jackson, Michael Neill, 1986


The Content Of Science: A Constructivist Approach To Its …

rustiest in the class. Although a naturally reserved boy. Robert was obviously
delighted with his rusty nail. It is interesting to compare the different ways in
which Marcus and Robert selected locations for their nails. Marcus placed his
nail ‘in a …

Peter J. Fensham; Richard F. Gunstone; Richard T. White all of Monash University, Australia., 2013


The Inspector, Literary Magazine and Review

When they came to the castle, the princess said, » Whatever my father may offer
you, » do not accept it; but ask for the ugliest horse, the rustiest sword, and » the
dirtiest shirt in the serpent-town, and you will not repent ;» and after these words, …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term rustiest is used in the context of the following news items.

Jordan Spieth Shakes Off Post-Victory Rust In Opening 71

His pitching proved the rustiest part of his game right from his first missed green on No. 8. Spieth short-sided himself and from a tight lie in the fairway attempted … «Golf Channel, Jul 15»

‘American Pickers’ TV show seeking leads for taping in Newton

One of cable’s rustiest, dustiest and unique shows is looking for potential places to film in Newton and Jasper County. History Channel’s “American Pickers” has … «Newton Daily News, Jun 15»

Would 2 performances of Jay-Z’s least-known songs make you a …

There are two ways to watch this obsolete rapper play his rustiest material and — surprise! — they both involve Tidal. You can stream the performance or, if you … «VentureBeat, May 15»

‘Rust’, by Jonathan Waldman

One who revels in rust is the photographer Alyssha Eve Csük, whose career is based on a decade of unauthorised entry to the “rustiest place in America”: the … «Financial Times, Apr 15»

Chuck Schumer and that ‘most dangerous place’ joke

But the meaning of the saying, the rustiest old saw in the feature-writer’s tool shed, is clear. Schumer is a ham, a publicity hound, a quote machine. (Though as … «Washington Post, Apr 15»

The Most Destructive Natural Disaster in the History of the Modern …

She’s a photographer named Alyssha Eve Csuk, and she grew up in the Rust Belt, beside the rustiest spot in America. She’s from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, … «Slate Magazine, Mar 15»

A wildfire duet

The musicians who played on it were not the rustiest: Lloyd Parks on bass, Carlton Barrett (drums), Willie Lindo (rhythm guitar), Winston ‘Bo Pee’ Bowen (lead … «Jamaica Observer, Nov 14»

College golf: Vulcans sophomore Tengan rises at Waikoloa …

But while the Lady Vulcans’ score rose at Waikoloa Kings’ Course, one of their rustiest golfers also became one of their steadiest. Sophomore Alison Tengan … «West Hawaii Today, Oct 14»

Sea Sunday: Profile Ship Visitor Bryony Watson

The ship was the smallest, rustiest ship I had ever seen, and, a year on, I have thankfully only seen one in worse condition. “The ship was thirty years old, and … «Independent Catholic News, Jul 14»

Howard Davies’ rusty chat-up lines fail to impress

… gnomes out of cardboard, the sort of thing you might see on an expensive Christmas card, which offered an entry point even to the rustiest old bloke. She was … «Management Today, Jul 14»


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rustiest is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

The word ‘rustiest’ is made up of 8 letters.

Using the word ‘rustiest’ in Scrabble will fetch you 8 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 9 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

Check out the Anagrams of rustiest

Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of rustiest

Words Ending With ‘rustiest’

Following are 3 words which end with ‘rustiest

Words Starting With ‘rustiest’

There is 1 word which starts with ‘rustiest

Words Containing ‘rustiest’

Following are 3 words which contain ‘rustiest

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘rustiest’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for rustiest 8
Points in Words with Friends for rustiest 9
Number of Letters in rustiest 8
More info About rustiest rustiest
List of Words Starting with rustiest Words Starting With rustiest
List of Words Ending with rustiest Words Ending With rustiest
List of Words Containing rustiest Words Containing rustiest
List of Anagrams of rustiest Anagrams of rustiest
List of Words Formed by Letters of rustiest Words Created From rustiest
rustiest Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
rustiest Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
rustiest Definition at Dictionary Click Here
rustiest Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
rustiest Info At Wikipedia Click Here
rustiest Search Results on Google Click Here
rustiest Search Results on Bing Click Here
Tweets About rustiest on Twitter Click Here

Total Number of words Ending with Rustiest found =3

Rustiest comprises of 8 letters. Below are Total 3 words Ending with Rustiest (Suffix). RUSTIEST is itself is a word in english. rustiest is made up of letters R, U, S, T, I, E, S and T. Where R is 18th , U is 21th , S is 19th , T is 20th , I is 9th and E is 5th Letter of Alphabet series.

Also see | Words containing Rustiest | Words made out of letters of Rustiest

9 letter Words Ending with rustiest

1). Crustiest 2). Trustiest

8 letter Words Ending with rustiest

1). Rustiest

Frequently asked questions:

  • Which words ends with rustiest?
  • What are the words having suffix rustiest?
  • List of all words ending with rustiest.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same legth as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.

est, iest, tiest, stiest, ustiest, rustiest,

  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.
From rusty (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

Collocations for «rustiest»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «rustiest» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. a rusty [frame, car, chassis, screw, nail, bolt, hinge]
  2. rusty [metal, iron]
  3. the [frame, metal] is rusty
  4. the [frame] is getting rusty
  5. the [frame] is starting to get rusty
  6. the [frame] has gone rusty
  7. the [field, grass] has turned a rusty brown
  8. a rusty [red, brown] [scarf, dress, car]
  9. my [English, Spanish, French] is a [bit, little] rusty
  10. my [English] is [getting, pretty] rusty
  11. am a bit rusty on my [English]
  12. she was rusty after not having [played, practiced]

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