Is role model one word

  • #1

I’m here because one of my friends asked me about the word good example /model /role model.
is there a certain term for the word?
I mean a word which describes the person who is a good example, model or a role model.

    • #2

    ‘Role model’ is the term most frequently used and I cannot think of a single word which fits the bill. Terms such as ‘paragon of society’ sound antiquated and only replace one phrase with another. Anyway, it is not equivalent.

    • #3

    I don’t think we use a one-word synonym for «role model.» Perhaps you can give us the exact phrase in which you want to use this expression for us to be able to suggest another term.

    • #4

    OK. If I want to say that I’m the role model for my brothers and sisters?
    is it correct?

    I appreciate all your effort in helping me to find the right word
    thanks a lot

    • #5

    Yes, it is a good sentence.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A role model is a person whose behaviour, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.[1] The term role model is credited to sociologist Robert K. Merton,[2][3] who hypothesized that individuals compare themselves with reference groups of people who occupy the social role to which the individual aspires.,[4] an example of which is the way young fans may idolize and imitate professional athletes or entertainment artists.

    In the second half of the twentieth century, U.S. advocates for workplace equity popularized the term and concept of role models as part of a larger social capital lexicon—which also includes terms such as glass ceiling, networking, mentoring, and gatekeeper—serving to identify and address the problems barring non-dominant groups from professional success. Mainstream business literature subsequently adopted the terms and concepts, promoting them as pathways to success for all career climbers. In 1970 these terms were not in the general American vocabulary; by the mid-1990s they had become part of everyday speech.[5] Although the term role model has been criticized more recently as «outdated»,[6] the term and its associated responsibility remains prominent in the public consciousness as a commonly used phrase, and a «powerful presence» in the entertainment industry and media.[7]

    Role models can also be national. for example, Chilean politicians and intellectuals had France as the prime role model during much of the 19th century until they shifted to Germany in the last decades of the century.[8] In short, a role model is a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.

    Effect on career opportunity and choice[edit]

    According to historian Pamela Laird, a person’s chosen role models may have a considerable impact on his or her career opportunities and choices. The suitability of a role model depends, in part, on the admirer’s perceived commonality with the model, who should provide an image of an ambitious yet realistic goal. For example, Laird suggests that, Benjamin Franklin served as the role model for countless nineteenth-century white businessmen, including notables such as Thomas Mellon, B.F. Goodrich, and Frederick Weyerhäuser. Laird suggests that the lack of commonalities between potential role models and would-be admirers helped perpetuate barriers to American minorities and women as they tried to advance in a business world dominated by white men, thus spurring late twentieth-century efforts to develop suitable role models for these groups.[5]

    Parent role models also significantly influence a person’s «education and training aspirations, task self-efficacy, and expectancy for an entrepreneurial career».[9]

    Celebrity role models[edit]

    The ever-widening reach of the media in popular culture has elevated certain celebrities to worldwide acclaim. This boom of media coverage and constant exposure to these individuals resulted in a change of mindset toward celebrities in both adults and youth alike. According to a survey of teachers in the United Kingdom conducted in 2008 by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, young people most frequently chose sports stars as role models, followed by pop stars. Many, however, simply aspired to be «famous for being famous», believing that fame and fortune could be easily accessed through reality television.[10]


    According to Rita Pierson, teachers, because of the large amount of time spent with children, have such a huge impact on children that they’re being advised to be likeable in order to build strong emotional relationships with children.[11]

    Athlete role models[edit]

    There is significant discussion as to whether athletes should be considered role models.[12] Some athletes have been asked to behave as if they were role models for their local communities,[13] and some such as Hank Greenberg have deliberately tried to set a good example[14] but generally regarding athletes as role models has been criticised due to their appointment often being based solely on sporting ability rather than any morality[15][16] – it has been suggested that the discipline and control shown continuously by sportspeople on the field leads to a belief from viewers that these same qualities are continuously shown off the field. These and other factors such as the elements of competition, excitement and success are what make people want to emulate them.[17]
    Charles Barkley has stated that he believes athletes are not the figures that children should be emulating and that it is the parent’s responsibility to be role models,[13] that the role is deliberately applied by the media out of jealousy in order to make life more difficult for sportspeople, and that it sets up the sportspeople as an unattainable target for most.[14]

    See also[edit]

    • Celebrity
    • Identification (psychology)
    • Role engulfment


    1. ^ «Role model». Random House, Inc. 2013. Retrieved 25 January 2014.
    2. ^ Kaufman, Michael T. (24 February 2003). «Robert K. Merton, Versatile Sociologist and Father of the Focus Group, Dies at 92». New York Times. Retrieved 25 January 2014.
    3. ^ Calhoun, Craig J., ed. (2010). Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science. New York: Columbia UP. ISBN 978-0-231-15112-2.
    4. ^ Gerald Holton (4 December 2004). «Robert K. Merton — Biographical Memoirs» (PDF). Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 148 (4): 506–517. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-08-11. Retrieved 2007-08-07. He developed a theory of the reference group (i.e., the group to which individuals compare themselves, which is not necessarily a group to which those individuals belong), and elaborated on the concepts of in-group and out-group
    5. ^ a b Laird, Pamela Walker (2006). Pull: Networking and Success since Benjamin Franklin. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674025530.
    6. ^ Whannel, Garry (2013). Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781134698714.
    7. ^ Tomlinson, Alan (2010). A Dictionary of Sports Studies. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199213818.
    8. ^ Sanhueza, Carlos (2011). «El debate sobre «el embrujamiento alemán» y el papel de la ciencia alemana hacia fines del siglo XIX en Chile» (PDF). Ideas viajeras y sus objetos. El intercambio científico entre Alemania y América austral. Madrid–Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana–Vervuert (in Spanish). pp. 29–40.
    9. ^ Robert F. Scherer, et al. «Role Model Performance Effects on Development of Entrepreneurial Career Preference.» Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice 13.3 (1989): 53-71.
    10. ^ «The Beckhams are the celebrities most children aspire to be, as celebrity culture increases its influence, says ATL». Association of Teachers and Lecturers. 14 March 2008. Archived from the original on 28 September 2011. Retrieved February 21, 2011.
    11. ^ Pierson, Rita (3 May 2013). «Every Kid Needs A Champion». Retrieved 2014-05-20.
    12. ^ «Storytelling: Can a sports hero be a role model? Yes, thankfully».
    13. ^ a b Steinberg, Leigh. «Why Do We Make Athletes Role Models?». Forbes.
    15. ^ «Dobie: Athletes aren’t automatic role models».
    16. ^ «The New Sports Role Model».
    17. ^ «Op-Ed: Winning Isn’t Everything – The Tiger Woods Brand». April 3, 2012.
    role model

    модель [образец] для подражания

    Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters. — Звезды спорта для тысяч мальчишек являются образцом для подражания.


    Англо-русский экономический словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «role model» в других словарях:

    • Role model — Episodio de House Un senador afroamericano en campaña por la presidencia sufre una desc …   Wikipedia Español

    • Role Model — «Role Model» Сингл Эминем из альбома The Slim Shady LP …   Википедия

    • role model — role .model n someone whose behaviour, attitudes etc people try to copy because they admire them ▪ I want to be a positive role model for my sister …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • role model — n. a person who is unusually effective or inspiring in some social role, job, etc. and so serves as a model for others …   English World dictionary

    • role model — n a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others <watching our parents and other role models deal with conflict (Melody Beattie)> …   Medical dictionary

    • role model — role models N COUNT A role model is someone you admire and try to imitate. Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black …   English dictionary

    • role model — role ,model noun count * someone whose behavior is considered to be a good example for other people to copy …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • role model — ► NOUN ▪ a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated …   English terms dictionary

    • role model — noun someone worthy of imitation every child needs a role model • Syn: ↑model • Hypernyms: ↑leader • Hyponyms: ↑ideal, ↑paragon, ↑nonpareil, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

    • Role model — The term role model was introduced by Robert K. Merton [Robert K. Merton article on Wikipedia] . Merton says that individuals compare themselves with reference groups of people who occupy the social role to which the individual aspires. [cite… …   Wikipedia

    • role model */ — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms role model : singular role model plural role models someone whose behaviour is considered to be a good example for other people to copy …   English dictionary


    What does it take to be a role model? Why are they so essential to a child’s development? Here’s why role models play a crucial role in childhood.

    Do you want to be a good role model?

    The vast majority of us do — especially parents. 

    Parents are the first role model a child ever has, and their actions shape their children’s behavior. 

    The challenge is:

    It’s stressful to provide good examples all the time. 

    When we were kids, we assumed our role models were perfect.

    But the reality is, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. The same goes for our models. 

    We need to redefine the meaning of role models and their importance to children. Children need to know what makes a good role model so they can recognize them when they see them. 

    What Is the Role Model Definition?

    A role model is a fictional or real person whose behaviors and qualities are admired by others.

    Another word for a role model is ‘mentor’. Sometimes, role models are referred to as idols or heroes. 

    They provide excellent examples of “what to do” and “what not to do.”

    Are role models perfect? Not at all.

    Idols are human beings who excel. But they don’t excel at everything.

    They are human beings, which means they have faults.

    It also means anyone can be a role model — a parent, friend, spouse, co-worker, literally anyone. 

    what is a role model

    Why Is a Role Model Important?

    Role models inspire us to become better people. 

    Some models we follow consciously. Others act as examples in our lives on a more subconscious level. The most common subconscious level of modeling is children who look up to their parents as heroes.

    Albert Bandura, a social cognitive psychologist, explains,

    Role models help children to learn behaviors as opposed to learning from the consequences of their behaviors.

    Most of the time, children learn from how parents act, not what parents tell them. Children internalize their parent’s actions, thinking:

    “This is how it’s done. If they do it, that means I can.”

    That’s why parents need to explain that they’re not perfect and point out which behaviors to follow and which to avoid. This way, the child understands that human beings are not perfect, and it’s okay to show vulnerabilities to others which is a critical life lesson.

    Mentors are essential for a child’s development, and parents are often the first examples their children follow.

    The biggest question is:

    What makes a parent a role model? 

    role model example

    What Does It Mean to Be a Role Model?

    Be the person you want your child to become. 

    Do you want your child to be kind? Be kind.

    Do you want your child to be patient? Be patient.

    Do you want your child to be respectful? Be respectful.

    Decide what qualities you want to develop in your child, then embody those qualities to the best of your ability.

    Showing is always better than telling. Actions speak louder than words.

    Dr. Shefali Tsabary, trainer of Mindvalley’s Conscious Parenting Mastery Quest, explains:

    All we need to do is model. When our children realize we are perfectly okay with our okayness, it encourages a feeling of competence within them.

    Your level of health of fitness is what health and fitness mean to your child. Your job success is how they will view success in their future careers. They look to your personal relationships to model their own social interactions. 

    Everything you say, everything you do, and everything you are, is watched and absorbed by your children.

    So, what example do you set for them? 

    Who Are Some Good Role Models?

    These extraordinary people are chosen based on their strongest attributes. You don’t have to choose just one; you can have multiple models to help you embody different attributes.

    Role Model Qualities
    Mahatma Gandhi Honesty, service, forgiveness, non-violence.
    Leonardo da Vinci Curiosity, creativity. 
    Mother Teresa Servant leadership, love, selflessness.
    Martin Luther King Self-confidence, determination, leadership, passion.
    Michelle Obama Respect, honesty, communication, motivation.
    Emma Watson Self-love, humility, integrity, courage. 

    Why do role models matter?

    Role models are crucial for a child’s development. 

    Instinctively, they’ll follow who they look up to within their proximity. And parents are often the first examples they encounter. 

    Your behaviors and actions give specific messages to your child. And you want to convey the right messages that empower their growth.

    So, why not become the best hero in your child’s eyes and show your child the way?

    : a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others

    Example Sentences

    Athletes should remember that they are role models.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    Who were your role models growing up?

    Amel Mukhtar, Vogue, 29 Mar. 2023

    Who is your biggest role model?

    Leah Campano, Seventeen, 23 Mar. 2023

    Finally, one student asked Morgan whom her role model was.

    Kevin Baxter, Los Angeles Times, 22 Mar. 2023

    And a role model is what Johnathan Hines is to his pre-K students at Barack Obama Elementary Magnet School of Technology in Atlanta. Hines, who previously played professional basketball overseas, has taught pre-K for nine years.

    Nicquel Terry Ellis, CNN, 19 Mar. 2023

    On his wife’s birthday in 2019, McIlroy gave a shout-out to both his life partner and his role model on Instagram.

    Effie Orfanides, Peoplemag, 28 Feb. 2023

    His role model and ideological wellspring has long been Meir Kahane, a Brooklyn rabbi who moved to Israel in 1971 and, during a single term in the Knesset, tested the moral limits of the country.

    Ruth Margalit, The New Yorker, 20 Feb. 2023

    Who were your role models growing up, both personally and in racing?

    Viju Mathew, Robb Report, 17 Feb. 2023

    As an artist, and specifically, a lyricist, her role models include Bob Marley, Lauryn Hill, and Carole King.

    Mankaprr Conteh, Rolling Stone, 17 Feb. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘role model.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1947, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of role model was
    in 1947

    Dictionary Entries Near role model

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    “Role model.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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    Last Updated:
    9 Apr 2023
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    role model — перевод на русский

    /rəʊl ˈmɒdl/

    «Idols Productions will make a role model out of him»

    «Идол Продакшнс» сделает из него образец для подражания…»

    You will not hear me say, bottom line, game plan, role model, scenario, or hopefully.

    Вы не услышите от меня: «Подводя итоги, предпологаемый доход, образец для подражания, сценарий или надеюсь!»

    -He’s a fine role model.

    — Хороший образец для подражания.

    He’s my role model.

    Он мой образец для подражания.

    I can’t believe you’re just gonna stand by… as your daughters grow up… in a world where this-— this is their role model.

    Просто невероятно, что вы хотите оставаться в стороне, когда ваши дочери растут в мире где вот это — образец для подражания.

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    I will use him as a role model and lead my homeland, the Korean Peninsula.

    Я использую его как пример для подражания и буду радеть за мир своей родины.

    What happens when a child has insanely violent role models like these?

    Что происходит, когда у ребенка такой пример для подражания?

    And I have an incredible role model.

    И у меня есть прекрасный пример для подражания


    Подумать только, а ведь некоторые говорят, что он плохой пример для подражания.

    You’ve given every kid who’s ever been bullied, who had to keep his true identity a secret but somehow managed to survive, his own crusader, his own role model.

    Вы дали каждому мальчишке, над которым издеваются, которому приходится скрывать свою истинную сущность, но при этом как-то выживать, его собственного защитника, его пример для подражания.

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    She has so many good qualities that I advised Wanda to take her as a role model.

    Она имеет все качества. Я говорю Ванде, чтоб она брала с нее пример.

    Say hello to each other This is our newcomer And that’s our senior reporter and a bad role model

    Познакомьтесь. подающий плохой пример.

    And your Sharks have provided wonderful role models… … forourinner-cityyouth to look up to.

    И образ жизни ваших «Акул» — прекрасный пример для нашей городской молодёжи.

    Is television sensation Bender a bad role model for Earth ‘s children?

    Правда ли, что новая телесенсация, Бендер, подаёт плохой пример детям Земли?

    You can’t censor me just because I’m an obscenely bad role model.

    Вы не можете запретить показывать меня только потому, что я подаю плохой пример.

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    He’s pretty much my role model.

    Он для меня ролевая модель.

    You’ll be meeting Rebecca Dearborn, my personal role model.

    Вас встретит Ребекка Деаборн, моя персональная ролевая модель.

    No matter what, a role model of yours is the main suspect.

    — Как бы там ни было, твоя ролевая модель — подозреваемый.

    This is your new role model, Dex?

    Это твоя новая ролевая модель, Декс?

    I’m sure you don’t think little Miss Teen Mother Role Model did anything wrong, but she did.

    Уверена, ты не думаешь, что маленькая Мисс Ролевая Модель Мамы-Подростка может сделать что-то не так, но она сделала.

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    FRASIER: There were worse role models.

    Были примеры для подражания и похуже.

    What I suspect I’m seeing is a reaction to the absence of a male role model.

    Полагаю то, что я наблюдаю, является реакцией на отсутствие мужского образца для подражания.

    And when it happens, it’s not just a-— a bad politician. It’s— — It’s a bad role model.

    И, и когда так происходит, это не просто плохой политик, это, это это плохой образец для подражания, он дис-дискредитирует расу.

    I thought I could find him a better role model than that piece of shit!

    Я хотела найти для него достойный образец для подражания — взамен этого куска дерьма…

    — Yes, our young people don’t have any role models.

    — Да, у нашей молодежи нет примеров для подражания.

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    You’ll find another role model.

    Найди другую модель для подражания.

    All you need is a positive female role model and happens to be one. Right upstairs

    Все, что тебе нужно — позитивная женская модель для подражания, и одна такая есть наверху.

    And no good role models.

    Так и не увидел достойную модель для подражания.

    Or should I tell you, I am not a role model.

    Или должен ли я сказать тебе, Я не модель для подражания.

    I’m not a role model.

    Я не модель для подражания

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    You don’t need a role model .

    Тебе не нужен образец.

    A role model for us all.

    Образец для нас всех

    And you -— you’re a-a role model.

    И ты образец для других.

    Mr. Cobblepot, you are the coolest role model a young person could have.

    Мистер Кобблпот, вы — лучший образец для молодежи.

    She’s been a crucial inspiration to my work. A role model to all dancers, and even more than that, a deeply appreciated presence on our stage.

    Она вдохновляла меня в моей работе, она образец для всех танцовщиц, и более того, она очень ценила свое пребывание на нашей сцене.

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    He could really use a good male role model.

    Ему бы не помешало как-то усвоить мужские модели поведения.

    And maybe you’re worried that, without that role model, you don’t know what kind of father you’re going to be.

    И возможно тебя тебя тревожит, что без этой модели поведения ты не знаешь, каким отцом ты будешь.

    You would be such an amazing role model for a little girl.

    Ты будешь замечательной моделью поведения Для маленькой девочки.

    Looks like the two of us are gonna have to do some role modeling for each other.

    Похоже, нам обоим придется быть друг для друга моделью поведения.

    You’re my role model, you know, for men, for relationships.

    Понимаешь, ты для меня модель поведения, поведения с мужчинами, в отношениях.

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    Cinderella was never my role model.

    Золушка никогда не была моим кумиром.

    You’re supposed to be my role model and moral compass.

    Ты должен быть моим кумиром, моральным компасом.

    Now, what we need is a smoking role model, a real winner.

    Нам нужен курящий кумир. Звезда.

    You are a role model for girls the world over, because you are beautiful, skinny, cool and stylish.

    Ты — кумир для девушек всего мира, потому что ты красивая, стройная, крутая и стильная.

    Okay, the first page is all about who my role models are—

    Так, в первой странице говорится о моих кумирах…

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    But isn’t it right that some of your role models are criminals?

    Но разве это правильно, что некоторые из ваших моделей являются преступниками?

    Aren’t some of your role models criminals?

    — Разве неправда, что некоторые из ваших моделей на самом деле преступники?

    And so, if what you’re looking for is a role model…

    Так что.. если вы ищете модель

    Natalie Portman’s my role model.

    Натали Портман моя любимая модель.

    What is a role model?

    Кто такая модель?

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    • образец для подражания
    • пример для подражания
    • пример
    • ролевая модель
    • для подражания
    • модель для подражания
    • образец
    • модели поведения
    • кумиром
    • моделей

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    Ролевая модель

    Role model

    Ролевая модель — это человек, поведение, пример или успех которого имитируются или могут быть эмулированы другими людьми, особенно молодыми людьми. Термин «ролевая модель» приписывается социологу Роберту К. Мертону, который придумал эту фразу за свою карьеру. Мертон предположил, что люди сравнивают себя с референтными группами людей, которые занимают социальную роль, к которой стремится индивид. Примером может быть то, как поклонники будут боготворить и подражать профессиональным спортсменам или артистам развлечений. Хотя термин «ролевая модель» подвергся критике как «устаревший», термин и связанная с ним ответственность остаются заметными в общественном сознании как часто используемая фраза и «мощное присутствие» в индустрии развлечений и СМИ. A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. The term «role model» is credited to sociologist Robert K. Merton, who coined the phrase during his career. Merton hypothesized that individuals compare themselves with reference groups of people who occupy the social role to which the individual aspires. An example being the way fans will idolize and imitate professional athletes or entertainment artists. Although the term «role model» has been criticized as «outdated», the term and its associated responsibility remains prominent in the public consciousness as a commonly used phrase, and a «powerful presence» in the entertainment industry and media.

    Значение слова role model в словаре английский языка

    Определение ролевой модели в словаре — это человек, которого считают другие, особенно молодые люди, как хороший пример для подражания.

    The definition of role model in the dictionary is a person regarded by others, esp younger people, as a good example to follow.

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    Синонимы и антонимы слова role model в словаре английский языка

    Перевод слова «role model» на 25 языков

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    Переводы слова role model с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «role model» на английский языке.

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    Тенденции использования слова role model




    Слово используется достаточно часто

    На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «role model» в разных странах.

    Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова role model

    Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «role model».


    На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «role model» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «role model» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

    Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове role model


    Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом role model.

    As a parent, I have a job as a role model to my children, and by extension, to other young people.

    I didn’t have a role model. My role model was Michael Jordan. Bad role model for an Indian dude… I didn’t have anyone who looked like me. And by the time I was old enough to have what could have been a role model, they were my peers. Aziz Ansari is my peer. Kal Penn is my peer.

    The reason Jennifer Lawrence is allowed to be a body-positive role model to young girls and ‘chubby’ women is because she is representative of conventional beauty.

    I will follow my father’s footsteps by doing what is right, and God will take care of the rest. My father is my role model. My living role model is Cory Aquino.

    That’s so important for children when they’re growing up, to have a strong male role model.

    I know I have a responsibility as a role model to children and I try to fulfill that.

    I think everyone needs to be a role model, period.

    I’d like to be the role model to teach other people who have Down’s syndrome to be actors and actresses and to be themselves and not try to be a big shot.

    It’s amazing to be able to play the sport that I grew up loving so much and that I have a strong passion for. I’m just having a ball. There’s a lot of pressure that comes with being in the spotlight and being a superstar and a role model, but I’m enjoying it.

    I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect’ on my T-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your T-shirt; it’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.’


    Поиск случаев использования слова role model в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову role model, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


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    Nani Palkhivala A Role Model

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    Maj Gen Nilendra Kumar, 2009


    Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend:: On Being a Mentor to …

    This guide offers helpful advice on how teachers, administrators, and career advisers in science and engineering can become better mentors to their students.

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    Tyra Banks: From Supermodel to Role Model

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    Life Skills Activities for Secondary Students with Special Needs

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    Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин role model в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

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    Role model? Justin Bieber wants to help his siblings be the best …

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    I don’t want to be a role model: Charli XCX

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    « EDUCALINGO. Role model [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

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