Is roarings a word

рев, шум, свист, запал, бурный, кипучий, живой, шумный


- рёв, шум, грохот, гул

the roaring of the wind — шум ветра

- вет. запал


- шумный, бурный; громкий

roaring night — а) бурная ночь; б) бурно проведённая ночь
roaring applause — бурные аплодисменты
roaring voice — громовой голос

- редк. буйный, разгульный
- процветающий; оживлённый

roaring trade — процветающая /оживлённая/ торговля
in roaring health — отличного здоровья

- в грам. знач. нареч. эмоц.-усил. очень, чрезвычайно

roaring drunk — чертовски пьяный, пьяный в стельку
roaring hungry — очень голодный, голодный как волк
the roaring forties — ревущие сороковые (широты) (Атлантический океан между 40u00B0 и 50u00B0 южной широты)

Мои примеры


a roaring party that annoyed the neighbors mightily — бурная вечеринка, которая очень разозлила соседей  
roaring steam — шумный поток  
roaring pain — нестерпимая боль  
roaring boy — буян, уличный хулиган  
roaring inferno — журн. пожар, бушующий огонь  
the roaring waters of Niagara Falls — ревущие воды Ниагарского водопада  
to do a roaring trade — разг. вести бойкую торговлю  
roaring forties — ревущие сороковые широты; ветры сороковых широт  
tiger roaring in the jungle — тигр, ревущий в джунглях  
roaring lion — лев рыкающий  
roaring noise — сигнал сирены  

Примеры с переводом

The show was a roaring success.

Пьеса имела шумный успех.

A roaring fire was in the grate.

В камине гудел огонь.

We had a roaring good time.

Мы офигительно провели время.

Mr Trotter sat by the roaring fire.

Мистер Троттер сел у ревущего огня.

It’s a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.

Плох тот учитель, который может сохранять порядок в классе, только крича на детей.

We had a roaring good time at the party.

На вечеринке мы обалденно повеселились.

The stallholders were doing a roaring trade in burgers.

Владельцы торговых палаток бойко торговали гамбургерами.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…we refused to be demoralized by our humiliating defeat and vowed to come roaring back the following week…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

roar  — рев, шум, рык, хохот, раскат, реветь, рычать, орать, взреветь, проорать
roarer  — горлопан, крикун, запаленная лошадь

1. [ʹrɔ:rıŋ]

1. рёв, шум, грохот, гул

the roaring of the wind — шум ветра

2. [ʹrɔ:rıŋ]

1. шумный, бурный; громкий

roaring night — а) бурная ночь; б) бурно проведённая ночь

roaring applause — бурные аплодисменты

roaring voice — громовой голос

3. процветающий; оживлённый

roaring trade — процветающая /оживлённая/ торговля

in roaring health — отличного здоровья


эмоц.-усил. очень, чрезвычайно

roaring drunk — пьяный в стельку

roaring hungry — голодный как волк

the roaring forties — ревущие сороковые (широты) ()

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «roaring» в других словарях:

  • roaring — roar‧ing [ˈrɔːrɪŋ] adjective do a roaring trade ( in something) informal COMMERCE to sell a lot of something very quickly: • The food sellers were doing a roaring trade in spiced sausages. * * * roaring UK US /rɔːrɪŋ/ adjective [before noun] ● …   Financial and business terms

  • roaring — ► ADJECTIVE informal ▪ complete; unqualified: a roaring success. ● do a roaring trade (or business) Cf. ↑do a roaring trade ● the roaring forties Cf. ↑the roaring forties ● the roaring twenties …   English terms dictionary

  • roaring — [rôr′iŋ] n. 1. the act of an animal, person, etc. that roars 2. the loud, deep sound made by an animal, etc. that roars 3. a disease of horses, characterized by loud, hoarse, rasping breathing adj. 1. a) that roars; loud; noisy b) boisterous,… …   English World dictionary

  • Roaring — Roar ing, n. 1. A loud, deep, prolonged sound, as of a large beast, or of a person in distress, anger, mirth, etc., or of a noisy congregation. [1913 Webster] 2. (Far.) An affection of the windpipe of a horse, causing a loud, peculiar noise in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Roaring — Roar Roar, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Roared}; p. pr. & vvb. n. {Roaring}.] [OE. roren, raren, AS. r[=a]rian; akin to G. r[ o]hten, OHG. r?r?n. [root]112.] 1. To cry with a full, loud, continued sound. Specifically: (a) To bellow, or utter a deep, loud …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • roaring — roar|ing [ˈro:rıŋ] adj 1.) [only before noun] making a deep, very loud, continuous noise ▪ the roaring wind and waves 2.) roaring fire a fire that burns with a lot of flames and heat 3.) do a roaring trade (in sth) BrE informal to sell a lot of… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • roaring — adjective 1 (only before noun) making a deep, very loud, continuous noise: the roaring wind and waves 2 roaring fire a roaring fire burns with a lot of flames and heat 3 do a roaring trade (in) BrE informal to sell a lot of something very quickly …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • roaring — roar|ing [ rɔrıŋ ] adjective 1. ) a roaring fire burns very brightly and produces a lot of heat 2. ) making a loud deep noise: a roaring waterfall be a roaring success BRITISH to be very successful: The show was not the roaring success he… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • roaring — roaringly, adv. /rawr ing, rohr /, n. 1. the act of a person, animal, or thing that roars. 2. a loud, deep cry or sound or a series of such sounds. 3. Vet. Pathol. a disease of horses, caused by respiratory obstruction or vocal cord paralysis,… …   Universalium

  • roaring — [[t]rɔ͟ːrɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n A roaring fire has large flames and is sending out a lot of heat. 2) ADJ: ADJ n If something is a roaring success, it is very successful indeed. The government s first effort to privatize a company has been a… …   English dictionary

  • roaring — UK [ˈrɔːrɪŋ] / US [ˈrɔrɪŋ] adjective 1) a roaring fire burns very brightly and produces a lot of heat 2) making a loud deep noise a roaring waterfall • do a roaring trade (in something) to sell large quantities of something in a short period of… …   English dictionary

Translation for «roarings» to russian

  • Examples
  • Similar phrases

Translation examples

  • рев

  • шум

  • свист

With the roar of rockets echoing from the Gaza Strip, silence from the Palestinian Authority is unacceptable.

На фоне повторяющегося подобно эху рева реактивных снарядов, летящих из полосы Газа, молчание Палестинской администрации неприемлемо.

One day, in one of those preserves, in Colombia’s Andes mountains, which the Spanish conquest never reached, the earth cried out with the roar of a thousand wild beasts, and the remote, miserably poor, sacred land of the Paeces crumbled in an avalanche that was the climax of centuries of abandonment.

Однажды в одной из таких резерваций, в колумбийских Андах, которых так и не достигли испанские завоеватели, со звуком рева тысячи диких зверей на отдаленную, ужасающе бедную священную землю паэков обрушилась снежная лавина, которая стала кульминационным моментом многовековой заброшенности.



[ grunts ] [ engines roaring ]

[ворчанье] [рев двигателя]

[dinosaur roaring] [jenny]

[Динозавр рев] [Дженни]

[dinosaur roaring, snarling]

[Динозавр рев, рычание]

(roaring and growling)

(рев и рычание)

Hear me roar!

Услышь мой рев!

Growl, roar, ululate.

Рычу, реву, вою.



Asullen rush and roar.

Раскатистым и могучим ревом.

— [dinosaur roaring] — [bell tolling]

— [Динозавр рев] — [Колокол толлинга]

There was a sudden, deafening roar from somewhere nearby.

Внезапно где-то совсем рядом возник оглушительный рев.

They heard the roar of voices and the thudding of the rams;

Они слышали воинственный рев и гулкие удары таранов;

A roar of celebration erupted from the hole behind her.

Из-за спины Полной Дамы вырвался торжествующий рев.

A rumbling sound was added to the storm’s roar.

Раскатистый гул взрыва слился с ревом бури на миг перекрыв его.

The giant gave a roar that echoed around the silent Forest;

Грохх испустил рев, эхом прокатившийся по безмолвному Лесу.

there was a roar, and he whizzed three times over the heads of the crowd.

с бешеным ревом описал он три свистящих круга, снижаясь на толпу.

They walked out onto the pitch to tumultuous roars and boos.

Они вышли на поле под оглушительный рев трибун и свистки болельщиков команды противника.

and then spoke over the roar of sound that was now filling the packed stadium;

И с этого мгновения его голос превратился в громовой рев, заполнивший до предела забитый стадион;

With a roar from the crowd to speed them upward, the fourteen players rose toward the leaden sky.

Подгоняемые ревом толпы, четырнадцать игроков взмыли в свинцовое небо.

There was a deafening, screeching roar again and the white-blue fire shot from the exhaust.

Раздался оглушительный, хриплый рев, из выхлопной трубы вырвалось голубовато-белое пламя.

What is that roar?

Что там за шум?

It’s the roar of the engine.

Это все шум двигателя.

…though its waters roar and foam…

…пусть шумят и вздымаются воды…

You play it strangely — roar and hiss.

О чем колеса шумит оборот?

There’s a kind of roaring in my ears.

В ушах какой-то шум.

I only hear the roar of the wind.

Я слышу лишь… шум ветра.

If it don’t roar, it don’t soar.

«Если это не шумит, значит, это не взлетит».

Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone!

Шум костров, отменное пиво, сочное жареное мясо!

And he catches up and wins With a roar!

И вырывается вперед, и побеждает. Какой шум на трибунах!

A roaring, billowing noise behind him gave him a moment’s warning.

За его спиной раздался звук, напоминающий шум прибоя.

They roared and boomed and trumpeted, until stones began to crack and fall at the mere noise of them.

Они трубили, гудели, голосили – от одного этого шума камни стали сами трескаться и осыпаться.

He was being dragged downward, the roaring growing louder… And then, from far away, he heard screaming, terrible, terrified, pleading screams.

Его тащило куда-то вниз, шум усиливался. Откуда-то издалека донесся жуткий, пронзительный вопль мольбы.

One shivering second of silence, the shock of the moment suspended: and then the tumult broke around Harry as the screams and the cheers and the roars of the watchers rent the air.

Какое-то мгновение вокруг еще стояла тишина. Потом зал очнулся и взорвался шумом, криками, восклицаниями и стонами.

A second Dementor was crouching low over him, gripping his wrists in its slimy hands, prising them slowly almost lovingly apart, lowering its hooded head towards Dudley’s face as though about to kiss him. “GET IT!” Harry bellowed, and with a rushing, roaring sound, the silver stag he had conjured came galloping past him.

Над ним низко склонился второй дементор. Взявшись склизкими лапами за его запястья, он медленно, почти любовно стал отводить его руки. Закрытая капюшоном голова опускалась к лицу Дадли, словно дементор хотел его поцеловать. — Получи! — завопил Гарри. Мимо с мощным шумом пронесся серебристый олень.

And that whistling, roaring sound?

ј что это за свист вокруг, переход€щий в рЄв?

Thundering across the countryside, the feel of a powerful animal between your legs, the wind roaring in your ears. Lungfuls of God’s fresh air.

Лететь по пересеченной местности, чувствуя под собой мощное животное, ветер свистит в ушах, вдыхаешь полной грудью свежий воздух.

They had barely time to fly back to the tunnel, pulling and dragging in their bundles, when Smaug came hurtling from the North, licking the mountain-sides with flame, beating his great wings with a noise like a roaring wind.

Времени на возвращение в пещеру было в обрез. Едва успели карлики затащить в пещеру последние свертки, с севера, рассекая со свистом воздух, облизывая склоны горы языками пламени и хлопая крыльями с такой силой, будто проносится ураган, налетел Смауг.

Definitions For Roaring


  • A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)
  • A deep prolonged loud noise


  • Very lively and profitable


  • Extremely


  • Extremely or very

English International (SOWPODS)

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Words with Friends

The word Roaring is worth 9 points in Scrabble and 11 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Roaring in a Sentence

  • A roaring party that annoyed the neighbors mightily
  • The roaring mining town attracted job seekers eager to share in the boom
  • We had a roaring good time.
  • We had a roaring good time at the party

Synonyms for Roaring

Antonyms for Roarings

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На этой странице: roaring, roar

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

roaring [ˈrɔːrɪŋ]
a roaring fire я́рко пыла́ющий ками́н
a roaring success гро́мкий успе́х
to do a roaring trade вести́*(impf) бо́йкую торго́влю

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

roar [rɔːr]
n (of animal) рёв m no pl
(of crowd, engine, wind) рёв; (of laughter) взрыв
vi (animal, person) реве́ть (impf)
(crowd, engine, wind) реве́ть (impf)

to roar with laughter хохота́ть (impf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

roaring‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


Asked by: Ramona Kling

Score: 4.2/5
(75 votes)

A roar is a type of animal vocalization that is generally deep and resonating. Many mammals have evolved to produce roars and other roar-like vocalizations for purposes such as long-distance communication and intimidation.

What does the term roaring mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : making or characterized by a sound resembling a roar : loud roaring applause. 2 : marked by prosperity especially of a temporary nature : booming. 3 : great in intensity or degree in the roaring heat a roaring success.

What is a roaring person?

complete; utter; out-and-out: a roaring idiot; a roaring success. SEE MORE. adverb. very; extremely: roaring drunk.

How do you spell roaring as in crying?

  1. bawling,
  2. baying,
  3. bellowing,
  4. calling,
  5. hollering,
  6. holloing.
  7. (or hallooing),
  8. roaring,

What does roaring start meaning?

Informal characterized by excitement, intensity, or boisterous behaviour.

45 related questions found

How do you use roaring in a sentence?

Roaring sentence example

  1. When he lifted his head, her body was roaring with need. …
  2. He should be roaring in joy. …
  3. The sound of a roaring ocean filled the chamber.

What type of word is roaring?

roaring (adjective) roaring (adverb) rip–roaring (adjective)

What is a slang word for crying?

weep , sob , bawl, blubber, blub (UK, slang), wail , burst into tears, break down into tears, give way to tears, shed tears, shed a tear, choke up, sniffle, turn on the waterworks (informal), cry your eyes out (informal), tear up, dissolve into tears, be teary, boohoo, snivel, squall, whimper , moan , howl , groan , …

What’s a word for crying?


1 wail, keen, moan. 2 sob, bawl, whimper. 3 yowl, bawl, clamor, vociferate, exclaim, ejaculate, scream.

What is a person who lacks courage called?

1. Cowardly, timid, timorous refer to a lack of courage or self-confidence. Cowardly means weakly or basely fearful in the presence of danger: The cowardly wretch deserted his comrades in battle.

What does the term Roaring Twenties mean?

: the 1920s when referring to the way many people lived then in a wild and lively way.

Have a roaring good time meaning?

boisterously wild and exciting; riotous: Have a rip-roaring good time.

What does the idiom a roaring trade mean?

Definition of do a roaring business/trade

: to be very busy and successful as a store or business The ice cream stand does a roaring business/trade.

What is a roaring fire?

a roaring fire: a large, warm fire (usually in a fireplace) with lots of flames and fuel. idiom. to roar: to make a very loud noise (as a lion does)

Is the word roaring an onomatopoeia?

Common onomatopoeias include animal noises such as oink, meow (or miaow), roar, and chirp. … Thus, words that imitate sounds can be said to be onomatopoeic and echomimetic.

Why were the 1920s considered roaring?

The Roaring Twenties, sometimes stylized as the Roarin’ 20s, refers to the decade of the 1920s in Western society and Western culture. … Nations saw rapid industrial and economic growth, accelerated consumer demand, and introduced significant new trends in lifestyle and culture.

How do you describe someone who cries easily?

crybaby Add to list Share. A crybaby is someone who cries very easily and complains a lot. If you have a younger sister, you’ve probably called her a crybaby from time to time. You might be tempted to call someone whose feelings are very easily hurt, who is extremely sensitive and quick to burst into tears, a crybaby.

How do you describe someone crying?

For example, take the gesture “she wiped at her eyes.” Wiping tears away is a common reaction to crying. … Tears welled up in their eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek. He felt his throat closing up.

How would you describe a loud crying?

1. Scream, shriek, screech apply to crying out in a loud, piercing way. … Shriek usually refers to a sharper and briefer cry than scream; when caused by fear or pain, it is often indicative of more terror or distress; shriek is also used for shrill uncontrolled cries: to shriek with laughter.

How do you say crying a lot?

cry a lot synonym | English Thesaurus

  1. vb bawl, bewail, blubber, boohoo, greet (Scot. …
  2. n bawling, blubbering, crying, greet (Scot. …
  3. vb bawl, bell, bellow, call, call out, ejaculate, exclaim, hail, halloo, holler (informal) howl, roar, scream, screech, shout, shriek, sing out, vociferate, whoop, yell.

What word means a quiet crying sound?

pule Add to list Share. To pule is to cry, but not loudly. Puling is weak, soft crying. It’s a pathetic sound.

How do you say im crying in different ways?


  1. bellowing.
  2. blubbering.
  3. crying.
  4. groan.
  5. lament.
  6. lamentation.
  7. plaint.
  8. sobbing.

Can humans roar?

Humans are unique in being able to express complex concepts and emotions with speech, but it doesn’t mean we’re not animals – roars are among a wide range of human nonverbal vocalisations that still mediate our interactions.

What does the O in roar stand for?

ROAR. Reach Out and Read (national pediatric literacy program) ROAR. Right Of Admission Reserved.

What does Dinosaur roar mean?

In the language of the dinosaurs, the word «roar» is equivalent to the human phrase «I love you


a roaring party that annoyed the neighbors mightily

the roaring mining town attracted job seekers eager to share in the boom


We had a roaring good time.

we had a roaring good time at the party

Recent Examples on the Web

In that case, our oceans could be glutted with rip-roaring cybernetic frogs, Jurassic-Park style.

Stav Dimitropoulos, Popular Mechanics, 28 Feb. 2023

Somehow, Sofi Tukker member Sophie Hawley-Weld’s soft vocals come off as vulnerable and uneasy against the brooding production, whose atmospheric melodies erupt into rip-roaring techno.

Katie Bain, Billboard, 17 Feb. 2023

Led by a stellar cast — Viola Davis is consistently incredible, while Lashana Lynch and Thuso Mbedu prove themselves to be absolute stars in the making — it’s a rip-roaring time.

Savannah Salazar, Vulture, 16 Sep. 2022

Riley would be off to a rip-roaring start in the Pac-12.

Dallas News, 6 Jan. 2022

From there, Babylon takes viewers on a rip-roaring ride through the last days of the silent film era.

Megan Mccluskey, Time, 23 Dec. 2022

Early voting was off to a rip-roaring start last week, with Georgians turning out in mammoth numbers to cast their ballots before the Friday deadline.

Brigid Kennedy, The Week, 5 Dec. 2022

Cregger wraps this multilayered contemporary social commentary in a rip-roaring, utterly horrifying flick that’s inspired by classic horror filmmaking and tropes.

Katie Walsh, Los Angeles Times, 7 Sep. 2022

Anthony Richardson’s Heisman campaign got off to a rip-roaring start last week with a dominant performance in Florida’s upset victory over Utah.

Los Angeles Times, 9 Sep. 2022

With the Mars Hill crowd roaring, St. Luke’s responded to the Panther run with nine straight points from the free throw line and went on to a 63-56 victory in the Class 2A state semifinals Monday evening at Legacy Arena in Birmingham.

Ben Thomas |, al, 27 Feb. 2023

Then came the least roaring comeback, perhaps, in Final Four history.

Bryce Miller, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

Then the Bradley roared off, clanking and roaring, down some unknown road.

Carl Nolte, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 Mar. 2023

To me this is a silly question asked by old quivering misers and answered with a roaring NO by their doom-gurus.

Clem Chambers, Forbes, 16 Mar. 2023

And then the bear roaring for the title — those are touch points of visual excitement.

Vulture, 1 Mar. 2023

But even as business owners in both countries begin to dream of a return to the roaring trade of 10 years ago, the rapprochement faces an early road — or, rather, sea — block.

Michael E. Miller, Washington Post, 12 Mar. 2023

The meeting was full of technological optimism, rapid transition from a closed state to the open roaring economy with the many young people, and this optimism is infectious.

Alex Zhavoronkov, Forbes, 7 Mar. 2023

After a roaring January start to the year, February didn’t show nearly as much love to stocks.

William Power, WSJ, 5 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘roaring.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Other forms: roarings; roaringly

Definitions of roaring

  1. adjective

    very lively and profitable

    “doing a
    roaring trade”


    booming, flourishing, palmy, prospering, prosperous, thriving


    having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome

  2. noun

    a deep prolonged loud noise

  3. noun

    a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal)

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘roaring’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Советы для улучшения вашего английского произношения

Разбейте roarings на звуки — произнесите каждый звук вслух

Запишите свой голос, произнося roarings в полных предложениях, затем прослушайте свою речь. Вы сможете легко отмечать свои ошибки.

Работайте над своей интонацией. Ритм и интонация важны для того, чтобы другие поняли, что вы говорите. Послушайте на Youtube, как говорят носители языка.

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