Is road trip one word

In the words of nobody in particular, “If you’re not using the final Thanksgiving break of your college career to take a road trip to New York City with other restless souls like yourself, then you’re probably doing something else.”

When the prospect of using our fall break to road trip to the Big Apple in lieu of watching every season of iCarly on Netflix from our ill-decorated bedrooms back home came to our attention, my friends and I knew what we must do. We planned the trip in a very detailed manner several weeks before our departure. I brought my wardrobe plan with me to every school assembly through the entire months of September and October to take advantage of the forced quiet time and plan and re-plan my every piece of clothing for the trip. A sampling of my inner monologue follows:

Do I wear the black pea coat over the wine button down and paisley tie on Sunday morning, or is that better saved for eveningwear? Is brown still in? What if someone notices that this Burberry bowtie is a fake? I know argyle is out, but can I wear it in an ironic way? WWKD (What Would Kanye Do)? Leopard print cardigan it is.

We knew that if we were going to pull this trip off, we had to be thrifty. We petitioned our families for non-perishable foodstuffs that we could cook for ourselves in the City to save money. I went to the local food outreach facility and listed my roommate and myself as needy so that we could get a few bags of canned goods and expired candy bars for the road (I understand that this seems a little shady, but NO REGRETS JUST LOVE.) We planned to steal cream cheese and a spinach wrap or two each from the cafeteria on the night of our departure to take on the road with us.

We stuffed the trunk until it literally would not fit a single furry boot more, and then smashed items in the various crevices (crevicae? crevisum? crevicee?) of the car interior, filling the back window with our snacks, our foot room with inflatable mattresses and blankets. Our route was simple enough:

We drove 16 hours straight, each taking a shift at the wheel. When it was time for my 2-6 am driving shift, I took a caffeine pill with a caffeinated soda to wake myself up. I then puked into the garbage can at a gas station in South Carolina. Several times. I recovered soon enough and we were on our way again. After leaving another gas station, we had very nearly made it to the main highway after a pit stop before realizing that I had left my phone ON THE ROOF OF THE CAR like the irresponsible muggle that I am. Luckily it was still intact, though any arguments for my sanity were far gone by that point.

We arrived in the City the next afternoon. It was just as lovely as I remember. I don’t know what it is, but to me, a spiraling cityscape is just as beautiful as a mountain range or seaside. What can I say? I ❤ NY.

We spent the trip doing very New York things:

Sending letters to Santa from Macy’s in Times Square.

Santa hears all requests.

Reading the Village Voice and playing the harmonica (no song in particular, just joyful blats along the line) on a street corner in Jersey City like the vagabonds that we were.

Riding the subway and **not** thinking about the movie The Midnight Meat Train and what happened to those innocent subway-riders. So much blood.

Seeing Bonnie and Clyde, a new show that closed a month after opening (We liked it, though!)

Ice skating in Bryant Park. Waiting for Kate Beckinsale to show up with our missing glove. She never did come, though.


Browsing for books in Strand.

Taking this photo.

Eating food from carts.

“Mystery meat on a stick.”

Judge not, lest ye yourself should also eat and/or become mystery meat on a stick.


Eating really flat pizza, which is apparently a thing.

Eating Chinese food at this restaurant that got a B rating for cleanliness BUT WE WERE THANKFUL.

Getting cocoa and cookies from Magnolia Bakery and loitering outside Radio City Music Hall, because it felt right.

Seeing Kim Catrall on the street.

Seeing Kim Catrall on the street.


And reuniting with this PRECIOUS LAMB (remember her?) who I hadn’t seen in months and had never seen on American soil!

We spent the afternoon finding filming locations from Sex and the City, like all self-respecting, educated young adults ought.

When our trip came to an end, we made our way back to the Sunshine State to spend Thanksgiving with our families. The concrete jungle was kind to us, and although I never saw Bernadette Peters in the street, I could feel her with me. And I still do, even now.

AND that’s our trip in a nutshell!

Or should I say AN APPLE????

I shouldn’t.

Goodbye. Forever, probably.

Or at least until next time.

Whenever that will be.



A road trip is a journey taken by a group or individual in an automobile. Roadtrip is a misspelling of road trip. Road trip is an open compound noun, meaning it is two words that have a unique meaning when used together.  

A road trip is a common form of summer vacation for families in the United States. 

Road trips can cover many days and include multiple stops in several states or a road trip can be just a short overnight trip. 

The most important characteristic of a road trip is that it involves driving to your destination. 

A trip that is taken on a train, plane or boat is never considered a road trip. 

Roadtrip or Road Trip

Using Road Trip In a Sentence

Here are some examples of sentences using road trip:

  • This summer we will take a road trip to the beach.
  • We just got home from a long road trip. 
  • I thought we might visit a few national parks on our road trip. 

Sometimes people use ‘road trip’ as a verb. This is not standard usage. 

For example:

  • We will road trip to see the Statue of Liberty.
  • I couldn’t afford to fly so I decided to road trip. 

These sentences can also be written:

We will go on a road trip to see the Statue of Liberty

I couldn’t afford to fly so I decided to take a road trip. 

Is road trip a compound noun?

Road trip is a singular, open, compound noun. It is two words that have been joined to create their own meaning. A road trip is a vacation where the group or individual drive a car or van to their destination. 

Can road trip be a verb?

Road trip is a noun, but can be used as a verb in non standard or very informal English. People who enjoy traveling by car can also be called road trippers. 

Some examples:

We decided to road trip to the concert. 

My family always road tripped, we never flew. 

I love to road trip in the summer.

In the first minute of this video the word Road Trip is used as a verb and a noun!

Is road trip one word or two?

Road trip is two words, it is an open compound noun. The two words, used together have a unique meaning; a journey by car, van or other vehicle. Roadtrip is a misspelling of road trip. 

Compound nouns consist of two words together that have a unique definition. 

Road means the actual street on which cars drive. 

Trip means a journey, or to fall, or to cause someone to fall. 

It is only when the words are used together that the meaning becomes a journey taken by car or other vehicle. 

Other examples of open compound nouns are:

Hot Dog

Voice Mail

High School

Cell Phone

Trash Can

Open compound nouns are compound nouns that are not connected with a hyphen and are separated by a space. 

What is another word for road trip?

If you are planning a road trip, you could also call it a:




Long Drive



Long Haul


Car Trip 


This is a list of words I use in place of road trip. I looked at a few lists online, but felt many missed the point. These are the ones that made sense to me.

These words are often related to road trip journeys:



Cross Country

Car Camping 

RV ing 

See the Country

National Parks

What is the difference between a trip and a road trip?

A road trip is a journey taken in a car or van, a trip can be any journey. A trip, when referring to a vacation, can be taken on a plane, train, boat or on foot. Trip can also mean to fall down or to cause someone else to fall down. 

I talked to a bunch of frequent road trippers and the gave me a lot of ideas about when they consider a trip to be a road trip. You can see the definitions they gave me here.

Roadtrip is the name of a song by Dream. 

I had never heard the song Roadtrip, but you should check it out, it was pretty good. 

How can I plan to take a road trip?

If you are interested in taking a road trip, it is very simple to plan!

First, choose a destination. 

It is recommended that you do not drive more than 400 miles a day. So consider using to search in that radius. 

Once you have your destination, make a timeline. 

Decide when you hope to arrive and how long you hope to stay. 

When you have that, book hotel rooms or make plans for other overnight lodging. 

You can read here to determine if camping might be a good choice for your trip. 

Plan at least a month in advance, this is proven to make your trip less stressful. 


If planning ahead is not your style, check out my tips for a spontaneous road trip. 

Want to take a LONG road trip? I surveyed a bunch of road trippers and here are some numbers to help you budget for a month long road trip. 

Enjoy your trip!

Everyone loves a good “road trip.” You’d probably love it even more if you knew how to spell it. This article will help you figure out whether it’s one or two words. We’ll also include all the language rules that make this the case!

“Road trip” is two words. We use it as a phrasal noun, which means it has to be kept as a phrase (more than one word). Phrasal nouns typically use the first word as a modifier (“road”) and the second word as the action or activity (“trip”). “Roadtrip” is incorrect.

Roadtrip or Road trip?

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “road trip” is by far the most popular choice of the two. This graph makes it quite clear that the two-word variation is the only one that is grammatically correct. We should avoid using “roadtrip” (as you can see from the graph).

Whenever or When ever - Statistics

The Cambridge Dictionary and The Oxford Dictionary provide entries for “road trip” as a phrasal noun. This is more than enough for us to understand that the two-word variation is the only correct one and the only one we should use.

Both dictionaries also mention that “road-trip” can be hyphenated, but this only applies in the verb form. However, there isn’t a single mention of “roadtrip” as a one-word variation, so make sure you do not use this.

Is “Roadtrip” One Word?

“Roadtrip” is not correct as one word. We cannot group it in this way because it takes away from the meaning of the phrasal noun. “Road” needs to be kept separate to show how the word “trip” is modified in our writing.

AP Stylebook rules sometimes allow us to group words together, but these rules rarely apply to phrasal nouns.

Some native speakers will still try to ignore AP Style rules in favor of simplifying the language. Unfortunately, using “roadtrip” as one word is not a way to simplify the language. We must always keep them as two words.

Incidentally, we would be able to write “road-trip” as a hyphenated form (thanks to AP Style rules). However, this only applies when we’re working with the verb form:

  • We road-tripped around the country.

How about checking out a few of these examples to show you which is the correct form:

  • Correct: If you’d like to go on a road trip with me, you’re going to need to pack your bags pretty soon.
  • Incorrect: I thought you said this would be a fun roadtrip! I’m not having fun at all.
  • Correct: Whatever you say about this road trip, I don’t want you telling anyone what happened back there!
  • Incorrect: I did enjoy the roadtrip, but I didn’t enjoy the company. I don’t think I’ll do it with him again.

Is “Road trip” Two Words?

“Road trip” should always be written as two words. It is known as a phrasal noun, and we can use “road” as an adjective to modify the word “trip.” This shows that we’re going to be taking a long journey on the roads (sometimes without a specific destination).

Whenever we use phrasal nouns, we have to remember to build them with adjectives and nouns (or verbs). “Road” is the adjective, and “trip” is the noun. As long as we remember this combination, we’ll remember that it’s two words.

Here are some examples that should clear things up for you:

  1. Are you ready for our road trip? I have so many things packed and ready to go!
  2. It’s going to be the biggest road trip we’ve ever been on! I really cannot wait to see what we’re going to find!
  3. Let’s go on a road trip! I’m so bored being cooped up like a chicken!
  4. I didn’t like the road trip. It was too long, and I had a headache the entire time!

Tip To Remember The Difference

We’ll finish up with a quick tip that should clear up any confusion (if you still have any). Once you’ve understood this part, you’ll never forget the spelling again.

“Road trip” is always two words. “Road trips” are often long and require a lot of patience. Including a space in a word is also longer than removing it. Therefore, we can remember always to include the space between “road trip” to show it’s a long journey.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • 1
    Bad Road Trip

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Bad Road Trip

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    Русско-английский спортивный словарь > турне

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    Русско-английский спортивный словарь > выезд

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    1) road

    больша́я доро́га — main road

    шоссе́йная доро́га — highway

    просёлочная доро́га — country road

    пла́тная доро́га — toll road

    сверну́ть с доро́ги — leave the road

    пройти́ да́льше по доро́ге — go down the road

    туда́ не прое́хать по доро́ге — the place is not accessible by road

    по доро́ге домо́й — on the way home

    не сто́йте на доро́ге — keep / get out of the way

    доро́гу! — make way!

    дава́ть / уступа́ть кому́-л доро́гу — let smb pass; make way for smb; yield the right of way

    4) trip, journey [‘ʤɜː-]

    да́льняя доро́га — long way / journey

    отправля́ться в доро́гу — set out [start on] one’s journey

    взять что́-нибудь почита́ть в доро́гу — take something to read on the trip

    вы́пить на доро́гу — have one for the road

    с доро́ги — 1) after the journey 2) on the way; while travelling

    я то́лько что с доро́ги — I’ve just arrived

    вы, наве́рное, уста́ли с доро́ги — you must be tired from the / your trip

    пиши́те с доро́ги! — write on the way!

    в доро́ге — on the road; (while) travelling

    он про́был в доро́ге три дня — he was on the road for three days

    5) way, road

    пойти́ по но́вой доро́ге — advance along a new road

    пойти́ по плохо́й / криво́й доро́ге, вы́брать неве́рную доро́гу (делать что-л предосудительное) — go astray; fall into bad ways

    идти́ свое́й доро́гой — go one’s own way


    желе́зная доро́га — railway брит.; railroad амер.

    желе́зная доро́га ме́стного значе́ния — local line

    е́хать по желе́зной доро́ге — go by rail / train

    всю доро́гу (всё время) прост. — all the time / way, without (a) letup

    вы́биться / вы́йти на (широ́кую) доро́гу — make / find one’s way in life

    вы́вести кого́-л на (широ́кую) доро́гу — set smb on his feet; help smb on to the high road (of)

    вы́йти на большу́ю доро́гу — become a highway robber

    забу́дь сюда́ доро́гу! — don’t even think of coming here again!

    идти́ прямо́й доро́гой (к) — 1) take the shortest route (to) 2) go the straight road (to)

    идти́ прямо́й доро́гой к катастро́фе — go the straight road to disaster

    находи́ть доро́гу к се́рдцу — win smb’s heart

    одна́ доро́га (остаётся) — there is only one way (out) (for); there is only one thing smb can do

    перебежа́ть доро́гу кому́-л — steal a march on smb; snatch from under smb’s nose

    по доро́ге — 1) on the way 2) the same way / direction

    мне с ва́ми по доро́ге — we go the same way; I am going your way

    мне с ва́ми не по доро́ге — we go different ways, our ways part

    пробива́ть себе́ доро́гу — 1) force one’s way through 2) make one’s way in life

    прокла́дывать доро́гу — clear the way (for); blaze the trail (for)

    разбо́йник с большо́й доро́ги — highway robber

    стать кому́-л поперёк доро́ги — bar smb’s road; be in smb’s way

    ска́тертью доро́га! — (a) good riddance

    туда́ и доро́га ! разг. — 1) (it) serves right! 2) it won’t be missed!; that’s where it belongs!

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > дорога

  • 5
    параллельный маршрут

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > параллельный маршрут

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    1) General subject: excursion, journey , paseo, passage , ramble, repair , ride, sail, sally, sashay, tour, trip, visit, voyage, road trip , mission (поездка сотрудника государственной или некоммерческой организации), official mission (поездка сотрудника государственной или некоммерческой организации)

    6) Diplomatic term: swing

    8) South African slang: trek

    10) Archaic: repair , repairer

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > поездка

  • 7
    Дорожные приключения

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Дорожные приключения

  • 8
    фактическое расстояние поездки

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > фактическое расстояние поездки

  • 9

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > послерейсовый

  • 10

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > предрейсовый

  • 11
    управление нестандартными рейсами

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > управление нестандартными рейсами

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    1) road, way прям. и перен.

    показать кому-л. дорогу — to show smb. the way

    загораживать дорогу кому-л. — to stand in smb.’s way, to block smb.’s way

    «подсобная дорога» — (проходит за линией домов; предназначена в основном для подъезда транспорта, обслуживающего магазины) service road

    большая дорога — highway, highroad, main road; перен. the right direction

    уступать дорогу — (кому-л.) to let smb. pass; to make way for smb. перен.

    trip, journey; passage

    в дорогу, на дорогу — for the journey/trip

    по дороге — on/along the way (to), en route


    вывести кого-л. на широкую дорогу — to set smb. on his feet

    перебегать кому-л. дорогу — to steal a march on smb.; to snatch smth. from under smb.’s nose

    пробивать/прокладывать себе дорогу — to force one’s way through; to make one’s way in life перен.

    стать кому-л. поперек дороги — to stand in smb.’s way, to bar smb.’s road

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > дорога

  • 13



    1. устать, отдохнуть, перекусить и т. п. — (




    with бытье (


    : human) (to be tired, get some rest, have a bite to eat


    ) immediately following a trip or journey: (be tired (rest up


    )) from a (the, one’s) trip

    (be tired (rest up


    )) after one’s (the) journey
    (one has been) on the road
    (in limited contexts) (come in) off the road.

    2. написать, послать телеграмму кому и т. п. —


    (to write, send


    a telegram


    ) during a trip: (from some place) on the way (to…)

    while on the road
    while (one is) traveling.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-271

  • 14
    с дороги


    1. устать, отдохнуть, перекусить и т.п. с дороги [




    with быть (


    : human)]

    (to be tired, get some rest, have a bite to eat


    ) immediately following a trip or journey:

    (be tired <rest up etc>) from a (the, one’s) trip;

    (be tired <rest up etc>) after one’s (the) journey;

    — [in limited contexts](come in) off the road.

    ♦ [Галя:] Твой брат, наверно, устал с дороги, умыться хочет… (Розов 1). [G.:] Your cousin is probably tired from the trip, would like to wash up… (1a).

    ♦ «Лихоманка вас забери! — ругалась Ильинична, уже в полночь выпроваживая гостей. -…Служивый наш ишо [ungrammat = еще] не отдыхал с дороги» (Шолохов 3). «Drat you!» Ilyinichna scolded as she turned the guests out at midnight. «…Our soldier hasn’t even had time for a rest after his journey» (3a).

    ♦ На другое утро приезжие спали с дороги до десятого часа (Толстой 5). Next morning, after the journey, the travelers slept till ten o’clock (5a).

    ♦ «Ну, допросили? A теперь покормить надо — человек с дороги» (Шукшин 1). «Well, have you asked all your questions? It’s time to eat now-our guest has been on the road a long time» (1a).

    ♦ Она вдруг посмотрела на меня искоса и снизу так, как будто влюбилась в меня с этого, как бы первого взгляда, как будто я какой-нибудь ковбой и только что с дороги вошёл сюда в пыльных сапогах… (Аксёнов 1). She suddenly looked up at me with a sidelong glance, as if she had just now fallen in love with me, love at first sight, as if I were some cowboy and had just come in off the road in my dusty boots… (1a).

    (to write, send


    a telegram


    ) during a trip:

    (from some place) on the way (to…);

    while (one is) traveling.

    ♦ «Ты напиши с дороги». — «Непременно, непременно» (Федин 1). «Write on the way.» «Definitely, definitely» (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с дороги

  • 15
    с дороги


    1) after one’s (smb.’s) journey (trip); one (smb.) has been on the road

    Вымыть его [ребёнка], самой умыться с дороги, причесаться, переодеться — всё это заняло время… (И. Грекова, Кафедра) — The business of washing him and herself after the trip, of combing her hair and changing into other clothes — all took time…

    — Ну, допросили? А теперь покормить надо — человек с дороги. Садись пока, Георгий. (В. Шукшин, Калина красная) — ‘Well, have you finished your interrogation? What about giving him something to eat — he’s been on the road. Take a seat, Georgi.’

    2) during one’s (smb.’s) journey (trip); on the road; en route Fr.

    В письме этом, писанном с дороги, из Екатеринбурга, Вася уведомлял свою мать, что едет сам в Россию, возвращается с одним чиновником. (Ф. Достоевский, Братья Карамазовы) — In the letter written on the road from Ekaterinburg, Vassya informed his mother that he was returning to Russia with an official.

    Тарашкин наказал Ивану посылать вести с дороги. Тревога его немного улеглась, когда он получил из Челябинска открытку. (А. Толстой, Гиперболоид инженера Гарина) — Tarashkin had instructed Ivan to keep in touch with him during his journey. He was somewhat relieved when he got a postcard from Chelyabinsk.

    Потом он спрятал записку и прочитал письмо, что было послано с дороги, опущено в Казани. (Ю. Бондарев, Выбор) — He put away the note and read the letter which had been mailed en route from Kazan.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с дороги

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    1. поесть, выпить, закурить Д-281 (to eat, drink


    , have a smoke) before setting out on a trip: (have a bite (a cigarette


    )) before going (hitting the road)

    (have a bite (have one, left have one


    )) for the road.

    2. to be used on a trip, while traveling

    for the (one’s) trip (journey).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-281

  • 17
    на дорогу


    1. поесть, выпить, закурить на дорогу (to eat, drink


    , have a smoke) before setting out on a trip:

    (have a bite <a cigarette etc>) before going (hitting the road);

    (have a bite <have one, let’s have one etc>) for the road.

    ♦ Тётя Зина сказала, что дядю Сашу надо отвести домой… Мы выпили на дорогу (Кожевников 1). Aunt Zina said that Uncle Sasha had better be taken home….We had a drink for the road (1a).

    2. to be used on a trip, while traveling:

    for the (one’s) trip (journey).

    ♦…Он вынул бумажник и спросил, не нужно ли мне денег на дорогу (Герцен 1)….He took out his notecase and asked if I did not need some money for the journey (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на дорогу

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    немощёная доро́га — dirt road

    асфальти́рованная доро́га — macadamized road

    нам по доро́ге — we are going the same way

    прегради́ть доро́гу — bar the way (for)

    отправля́ться в доро́гу — start on a trip

    я про́был в доро́ге 3 дня — the trip took me three days

    — стоять на дороге

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > дорога

  • 19



    in order to be used on a trip, while traveling

    for the trip (the road, the ride)

    on the trip (the road).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-275

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    в дорогу


    in order to be used on a trip, while traveling:

    for the trip <the road, the ride>;

    ♦ Возьми в дорогу что-нибудь почитать. Take something to read on the trip.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > в дорогу

  • road trip — перевод на русский

    a road trip for marco?

    Поездка для Марко?

    road trip’s over. wait in the car.

    Поездка закончена. Подожди меня в машине.

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    Road trip!


    «A few days ago he left on a mysterious road trip, «but I’m almost certain he’s searching for his father.

    На днях он уехал в странное путешествие, и я почти уверена, что его цель — найти своего отца.

    A sweltering 800-mile road trip to New Orleans.

    Путешествие к Новому Орлеану длиной 1290км

    And after… this is gonna be like, a real road trip through the deep France

    В Нормандии. А потом… Это путешествие действительно будет на автомобиле?

    For what it’s worth, your road trip sounds amazing.

    Считая чего это стоит, твоё путешествие звучит потрясающе.

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    What are you doing, planning a road trip or something?

    А чем ты занимаешься? Планируешь дорожное путешествие?

    It’ll be like a total road trip.

    Это будет как отличное дорожное путешествие.

    The road trip -— I’m going with you to Mia’s wedding.

    Дорожное путешествие… Я еду с тобой на свадьбу Mии.

    Road trip.

    Дорожное путешествие.

    Road Trip 2…

    Дорожное путешествие 2

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    I heard you and Hayley talking about this Burning Man… so I says to mein self, «Road trip!»

    А услышал как вы говорили о горящем мужике… я сразу понял, что это дорожное приключение!

    Road trip.

    Дорожное приключение.

    Justin and I need to go On a romantically inspired road trip.

    Джастину и мне нужно отправиться в романтически вдохновленное дорожное приключение.

    So a road trip, huh?

    Итак, дорожное приключение, да?

    Road trip.

    Дорожное приключение.

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    I just stepped out to buy some snacks for the road trip.

    Я выскочила на пять минут, купить кое-что в дорогу.

    Um, most people would want the opposite of Trank if you’re leaving for a road trip first thing in the morning.

    Большинство людей предпочли бы сто-то противоположное Транку, если собираются в дорогу рано утром.

    You taking a road trip?

    Собираетесь в дорогу?

    Huh, I was going to take a road trip today, too.

    Я тоже собирался в дорогу сегодня.

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    If you’re interested, Walt and I are taking a road trip to SUNY Binghamton in a couple of weekends.

    Если тебе интересно, Уолт и я собираемся поехать в Бингхэмптонский университет через пару выходных.

    So, he wanted to get me out of here for a little while and he planned this road trip to DC, and I think it’s because JFK was his idol.

    Отец хотел меня немножко отвлечь. И придумал поехать в Вашингтон. Наверное, потому, что Джон Кеннеди был его героем.

    Do you really think that I want to take a road trip with you, America’s most boring, self-righteous vampire?

    Неужели ты думаешь, что я хочу поехать с тобой, самым скучный, самодовольным вампиром Америки?

    There’s no way you’re going on a road trip.

    Ты не можешь поехать.

    Billy and Meredith can road trip.

    Поехать могут Билли и Мередит.

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    I don’t know. He took this road trip in May and nobody’s heard from him all summer.

    Он уехал путешествовать в Мае и никто не слышал о нём всё лето.

    But I do like a nice road trip.

    Но люблю путешествовать.

    «And when this is all through, we’re going on a road trip together.»

    И когда всё это закончится, мы отправимся путешествовать.

    I’ve never been on road trip, only told where to go and what to do.

    Я никогда не путешествовала, мне только говорили куда идти и что делать.

    I’ve never been on road trip.

    — Я никогда не путешествовала. — Мы клоны.

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    I decided to take a little road trip… on my way to Jeannie’s wedding out in Denver.

    Около недели назад я решил прокатиться к Джинни в Дэнвер, чтобы помочь ей.

    I think it’s worth a road trip.

    Думаю, стоит прокатиться.

    And if we feel like a road trip, which I’m sure we will, — a giant building shaped like a basket. — Mm-hmm.

    А если нам захочется прокатиться, а нам точно захочется, то и здание в форме огромной корзины.

    Drink up. We’re going on a little road trip.

    Мы собираемся прокатиться.

    Well, it looks like we’re going on a road trip.

    М: Похоже, нам пора прокатиться.

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    Hey, a road trip sounds good, man.

    Эй, поездочка — это неплохо, чувак.

    My first American road trip.

    Моя первая американская поездочка.

    — Well, so much for our great road trip to San Diego, Bob.

    — Да уж клевая у нас поездочка в Сан-Диего вышла, а, Боб?

    Road trip!


    What is this, some type of psycho road trip?

    Что это, поездочка в никуда для двух психопатов?

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    A little bit of a road trip?

    Дорожное приключение?

    And Klaus wants to take him on some vampire-slaying road trip.

    И Клаус хочет забрать его В дорожное приключение по убийству вампиров

    Dude, it’s the ultimate Oregon road trip adventure.

    Чувак, это будет абсолютное дорожное приключение до Орегона.

    -This little road trip idea of yours it certainly makes for a handy excuse to spend some quality time with your working-class hero, doesn’t it, Joey?

    -Эта твоя идея маленькой дорожной поездки. она, конечно, служит удачным оправданием провести немного хорошего времени с твоим героем рабочего класса, не так ли, Джоyи?

    Dexter, Hannah is gonna talk us through her road trip with Wayne Randall and help us find the rest of the bodies.

    Декстер, Ханна собирается рассказать нам о ее дорожном приключении с Уэйном Рэндоллом и помочь нам найти оставшиеся трупы.

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    : a trip taken by a sports team to play one or more away games


    : an extended trip in a motor vehicle


    intransitive verb

    Example Sentences

    The team won three of five games on its road trip.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    According to photos captured by The Daily Mail, the pair were on a road trip together, as they were seen standing beside a white Mercedes Sprinter camper.

    Skyler Caruso, Peoplemag, 30 Mar. 2023

    Phoenix concludes a three-game road trip Friday against Sacramento (43-29).

    Duane Rankin, The Arizona Republic, 24 Mar. 2023

    Mary’s was tested early with a road trip to Florida against top-tier teams.

    Nate Weitzer,, 16 Mar. 2023

    See the Grand Canyon and the red rocks of Sedona on a road trip through Arizona, ride down Route 66, or even drive across the country.

    Elizabeth Rhodes, Travel + Leisure, 14 Mar. 2023

    Last week, four Americans on a road trip to Matamoros, in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, were shot and kidnapped.

    Minyvonne Burke, NBC News, 11 Mar. 2023

    Penitas Police Department / AP The episode stands in stark contrast to the government and media frenzy over the abduction of four Americans on a road trip to Mexico for plastic surgery.

    CBS News, 11 Mar. 2023

    What comes next The Bulls conclude their road trip Saturday against the Houston Rockets, then return home to face the Sacramento Kings on Wednesday.

    Julia Poe, Chicago Tribune, 8 Mar. 2023

    Simply add cold milk to your shaker bottle or glass before heading out on that road trip or enjoying a day running errands around town – pure refreshment without sacrificing nutrition!

    Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 28 Feb. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘road trip.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1953, in the meaning defined at sense 1

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of road trip was
    in 1953

    Dictionary Entries Near road trip

    Cite this Entry

    “Road trip.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    Last Updated:
    2 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged


    road trip — серия выездных матчей; путешествие на машине
    return-trip road — возвратная ветка дороги

    Перевод по словам

    road  — дорога, путь, шоссе, улица, рейд, дорожный
    trip  — поездка, путешествие, экскурсия, рейс, спотыкаться, опрокидывать


    We tuned our bikes before the road trip.

    Перед поездкой мы отрегулировали свои велосипеды.

    Hot dogs are the ideal road trip food — inexpensive, portable, ubiquitous.

    Хот-доги являются идеальной дорожной пищей: они недороги, малогабаритны и продаются повсеместно.

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