Is rioted a word

Table of Contents

  1. What is the meaning of Rayot?
  2. What rioter means?
  3. Do you spell rioters?
  4. Is riot a bad word?
  5. What does upheaval mean?
  6. Is upheaval good or bad?
  7. What is an emotional upheaval?
  8. What is another word for upheaval?
  9. What is the opposite of upheaval?
  10. What is another word for discontent?
  11. What is the part of speech of upheaval?
  12. What’s a social upheaval?
  13. Is discontentment a word?
  14. What is the opposite of discontent?
  15. What is opposite word of discontent?
  16. What’s another word for annoyance?
  17. What’s the difference between discontent and malcontent?
  18. What’s another word for unsatisfied?
  19. What does unfulfillment mean?
  20. What does discontent mean?
  21. What does the word dissatisfied mean?
  22. What part of speech is malcontent?
  23. What does malcontent mean in English?
  24. Is Malcontently a word?
  25. Is a menagerie?
  26. Is a zoo a menagerie?
  27. Is Menagerie a French word?
  28. How can you use the word menagerie in a sentence?

RIOTED is a valid scrabble word.

What is the meaning of Rayot?

1a : a violent public disorder specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent. b : public violence, tumult, or disorder. 2 : a random or disorderly profusion the woods were a riot of color.

What rioter means?

/ˈraɪ.ə.tər/ one of a group of people who meet in a public place and behave in a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled way, often as a protest: Police and rioters clashed violently.

Do you spell rioters?

Correct spelling for the English word “rioters” is [ɹˈa͡ɪ͡ətəz], [ɹˈa‍ɪ‍ətəz], [ɹ_ˈaɪə_t_ə_z] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is riot a bad word?

The word rioting can be used as both a verb and a noun. Violent protests are sometimes called riots. But the term riot is often extremely loaded and used in a way that’s intended to be dismissive of protests and portray protesters as lawless, destructive, or violent.

What does upheaval mean?

1 : the action or an instance of upheaving especially of part of the earth’s crust. 2 : extreme agitation or disorder : radical change also : an instance of this. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About upheaval.

Is upheaval good or bad?

An upheaval is always considered to be a bad thing at the time that it occurs, even if it results in improvements. “We had lived in poverty in a slum in London.

What is an emotional upheaval?

An emotional upheaval can be considered any [unexpected] surge of emotion that causes significant psychological distress for an individual. Most people consider emotional upheavals to be directly related to past experiences of trauma, repressed emotions, and/or mental illness.

What is another word for upheaval?

What is another word for upheaval?

tumult uproar
disarray mayhem
overthrow pandemonium
alteration catastrophe
explosion outbreak

What is the opposite of upheaval?

Opposite of a dramatic and wide-reaching change in conditions, attitudes, or operation. stagnation. fixedness. fixity.

What is another word for discontent?

SYNONYMS FOR discontent 2 uneasiness, inquietude, restlessness, displeasure.

What is the part of speech of upheaval?

noun. strong or violent change or disturbance, as in a society: the upheaval of war.

countable noun [usually adjective NOUN] An upheaval is a big change which causes a lot of trouble, confusion, and worry.

Is discontentment a word?

Unhappiness caused by the failure of one’s hopes, desires, or expectations: disappointment, discontent, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, letdown, regret.

What is the opposite of discontent?

▲ Opposite of experiencing discontent, dissatisfaction. contented. satisfied. pleased.

What is opposite word of discontent?

Opposite of dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances. contentment. satisfaction. contentedness. pleasure.

What’s another word for annoyance?

What is another word for annoyance?

irritation exasperation
anger vexation
bother displeasure
grief aggravation
harassment indignation

What’s the difference between discontent and malcontent?

As adjectives the difference between malcontent and discontent. is that malcontent is dissatisfied with current conditions; discontented while discontent is not content; discontented; dissatisfied.

What’s another word for unsatisfied?

Synonyms & Antonyms of unsatisfied

  • aggrieved,
  • discontent,
  • discontented,
  • disgruntled,
  • displeased,
  • malcontent.

What does unfulfillment mean?

1 : failure to fulfill : lack of execution unfulfillment of an obligation. 2 : failure to achieve fulfillment : lack of consummation : dissatisfaction had arrived at this …

What does discontent mean?

: lack of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation : lack of contentment: a : a sense of grievance : dissatisfaction the winter of our discontent— William Shakespeare. b : restless aspiration (see aspiration sense 1a) for improvement.

What does the word dissatisfied mean?

: expressing or showing lack of satisfaction : not pleased or satisfied dissatisfied customers dissatisfied with his response.

What part of speech is malcontent?


part of speech: adjective
part of speech: noun
definition: one who is discontented. synonyms: faultfinder, grouch, grumbler similar words: bellyacher, dissenter, insurgent, negativist, rebel
related words: troublemaker
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature

What does malcontent mean in English?

bitter and almost choking with

Is Malcontently a word?

adjective. not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances. dissatisfied with the existing government, administration, system, etc.

Is a menagerie?

A menagerie is a collection of captive animals, frequently exotic, kept for display; or the place where such a collection is kept, a precursor to the modern zoological garden. The French-language Methodical Encyclopaedia of 1782 defines a menagerie as an “establishment of luxury and curiosity”.

Is a zoo a menagerie?

The main difference between Menagerie and Zoo is that the Menagerie is a form of keeping common and exotic animals in captivity that preceded the modern zoological garden and Zoo is a collection of assorted wild animal species kept for purposes like: study, conservation and, or, commercial exhibition.

Is Menagerie a French word?

Etymology. From French ménagerie, derived from ménager (“to keep house”), household. Housekeeping used to include taking care of domestic animals.

How can you use the word menagerie in a sentence?

Menagerie in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The president expected a menagerie of questions from the group of reporters.
  2. As I walked into the room, I was awed by the woman’s huge menagerie of dolls.
  3. The zoo has a menagerie of exotic animals.

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

He rioted away his whole inheritance.

Он промотал всё своё наследство.

University students rioted in protest at tuition fees.

Студенты университета устроили беспорядки в знак протеста против введения платы за обучение.

Students rioted after their team lost the football game.

Студенты устроили беспорядки после того, как их команда проиграла в футбол.

Возможные однокоренные слова

riot  — бунт, беспорядки, мятеж, буйство, восстание, бунтовать, буйствовать, бесчинствовать
rioter  — бунтовщик, мятежник
rioting  — бунтовать, буйствовать, бесчинствовать, шуметь, предаваться разгулу

Предложения со словом «rioted»

Brook lime and flag iris, plantain and marsh marigolds rioted on the banks.

Прекрасные липы и ирисы, подорожники и болотные ноготки растут на берегах.

Residents in Tembisa rioted for the third consecutive night in an attempt to remove all the aliens from their township.

Жители Тембисы бунтовали три ночи подряд в попытках изгнать пришельцев из своего посёлка.

Dozens of Palestinians reportedly rioted near the entrance to Jericho, throwing stones, burning Israeli flags and slightly wounding three border policemen.

Десятки палестинцев, как сообщают, учинили беспорядки недалеко от въезда в Иерихон: бросали камни, сжигали израильские флаги и причинили легкие травмы трем сотрудникам пограничной полиции.

When he went home on leave he rioted on a large scale-pompously. Jack ashore-with a difference-in externals only.

Отправляясь на родину в отпуск, он устраивал торжественное празднество: так веселится, сойдя на берег, матрос; впрочем, сходство было только поверхностное.

The laid-out vegetable gardens rioted with weeds.

Низина, отведенная под огороды, буйно заросла бурьяном.

Going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were kings.

Поднимаясь по этой реке, вы как будто возвращались к первым дням существования мира, когда растительность буйствовала на земле и властелинами были большие деревья.

On May 31, 15,000 jobless French rioted as rising xenophobia persecuted Belgian workers in the north.

31 мая 15 000 безработных французов взбунтовались, так как растущая ксенофобия преследовала бельгийских рабочих на севере.

As Waddell led a group to disband, and drive out, the elected government of the city, the white mob rioted.

Когда Уодделл возглавил группу, чтобы распустить и изгнать избранное правительство города, белая толпа взбунтовалась.

The angry crowd rioted, injuring dozens.

Разъяренная толпа взбунтовалась, ранив десятки людей.

In March 1863, white longshoremen refused to work with black laborers and rioted, attacking 200 black men.

В марте 1863 года белые грузчики отказались работать с чернокожими рабочими и подняли бунт, напав на 200 чернокожих мужчин.

Tycho became even more inclined to leave when a mob of commoners, possibly incited by his enemies at court, rioted in front of his house in Copenhagen.

Тихо стал еще больше склоняться к отъезду, когда толпа простолюдинов, возможно подстрекаемая его врагами при дворе, устроила бунт перед его домом в Копенгагене.

In Stalin’s native Georgia, massive crowds of pro-Stalin demonstrators rioted in the streets of Tbilisi and even demanded that Georgia secede from the USSR.

В родной Грузии Сталина массовые толпы просталинских демонстрантов бунтовали на улицах Тбилиси и даже требовали выхода Грузии из состава СССР.

The rioting spread throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area, as thousands of people rioted over a six-day period following the announcement of the verdict.

Беспорядки распространились по всему столичному району Лос — Анджелеса, поскольку тысячи людей бунтовали в течение шести дней после оглашения приговора.

In the state of Veracruz, textile workers rioted in January 1907 at the huge Río Blanco factory, the world’s largest, protesting against unfair labor practices.

В штате Веракрус в январе 1907 года Текстильщики устроили бунт на крупнейшей в мире фабрике Рио — Бланко, протестуя против несправедливой практики труда.

That same year the citizens of Ghent rioted when the count of Flanders announced a tournament to be held at their city.

В том же году жители Гента взбунтовались, когда граф Фландрии объявил о проведении турнира в их городе.

When war went badly, prices rose and the sans-culottes – poor labourers and radical Jacobins – rioted; counter-revolutionary activities began in some regions.

Когда война шла плохо, цены росли, и Сан — кюлоты — бедные рабочие и радикальные якобинцы — бунтовали ; в некоторых регионах началась контрреволюционная деятельность.

A mob reported as consisting principally of Irish immigrants rioted in the summer of 1863, with the worst violence occurring in July during the Battle of Gettysburg.

Толпа, состоящая в основном из ирландских иммигрантов, взбунтовалась летом 1863 года, причем самое сильное насилие произошло в июле во время битвы при Геттисберге.

In Kazakhstan on June 19, 1989, young men carrying guns, firebombs, iron bars and stones rioted in Zhanaozen, causing a number of deaths.

В Казахстане 19 июня 1989 года молодые люди с оружием, зажигательными бомбами, железными прутьями и камнями устроили беспорядки в Жанаозене, в результате которых погибло несколько человек.

Others who had settled illegally were not entitled to compensation and frequently rioted.

Другие, которые поселились незаконно, не имели права на компенсацию и часто бунтовали .

The miners rioted and Bentley and his wife Catherine fled for their lives as the hotel was burnt down by the angry mob.

Шахтеры взбунтовались, и Бентли с женой Кэтрин бежали, спасая свою жизнь, когда разъяренная толпа сожгла отель.

In August 2009, parents rioted in China after lead poisoning was found in nearly 2000 children living near zinc and manganese smelters.

В августе 2009 года родители устроили бунт в Китае после того, как отравление свинцом было обнаружено почти у 2000 детей, живущих рядом с цинковыми и марганцевыми заводами.

Much more prepared than in the March 8 assault, the soldiers showed much more courage to take over the rioted island.

Гораздо более подготовленные, чем во время штурма 8 марта, солдаты проявили гораздо больше мужества, чтобы захватить мятежный остров.

Definitions For Rioted


  • A situation in which a large group of people behave in a violent and uncontrolled way
  • A place that is filled with something
  • Someone or something that is very funny


  • To behave in a violent and uncontrolled way

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Rioted is worth 7 points in Scrabble and 7 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Rioted in a Sentence

  • The news about the election caused a riot in the city.
  • A lot of property was damaged in the recent riots.
  • The woods are a riot of color in the autumn.
  • Students rioted after their team lost the football game.


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1. A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people.

2. Law A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose.

3. An unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions.

4. A profusion: The garden was a riot of colors in August.


a. Unrestrained merrymaking; revelry.

b. Debauchery.

6. Slang An irresistibly funny person or thing: Isn’t she a riot?

v. ri·ot·ed, ri·ot·ing, ri·ots


1. To take part in a riot.

2. To live wildly or engage in uncontrolled revelry.

To waste (money or time) in wild or wanton living: «rioted his life out, and made an end» (Tennyson).

[Middle English, from Old French, dispute, from rioter, to quarrel, perhaps from ruire, to roar, from Latin rūgīre.]

ri′ot·er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.





a. a disturbance made by an unruly mob or (in law) three or more persons; tumult or uproar

b. (as modifier): a riot gun; riot police; a riot shield.

2. boisterous activity; unrestrained revelry

3. an occasion of boisterous merriment

4. slang a person who occasions boisterous merriment

5. a dazzling or arresting display: a riot of colour.

6. (Hunting) hunting the indiscriminate following of any scent by hounds

7. archaic wanton lasciviousness

8. run riot

a. to behave wildly and without restraint

b. (of plants) to grow rankly or profusely


9. (intr) to take part in a riot

10. (intr) to indulge in unrestrained revelry or merriment

11. (foll by: away) to spend (time or money) in wanton or loose living: he has rioted away his life.

[C13: from Old French riote dispute, from ruihoter to quarrel, probably from ruir to make a commotion, from Latin rugīre to roar]

ˈrioter n

ˈrioting n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈraɪ ət)


1. a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons.

2. Law. a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons acting together in a violent or tumultuous manner.

3. violent or wild disorder or confusion.

4. a profuse or unrestrained outpouring, display, etc., as of emotions or phenomena.

5. something or someone hilariously funny: You were a riot at the party.

6. unrestrained revelry.

7. loose, wanton living; profligacy.


8. to take part in a violent public disorder or disturbance.

9. to live in a loose or wanton manner; indulge in unrestrained revelry.


10. to spend (money, time, etc.) in riotous living (usu. fol. by away or out).


run riot, to behave with wild abandon.

[1175–1225; (n.) debauchery, revel < Old French riot(e) debate, quarrel; (v.) Middle English < Old French rihoter, to quarrel]

ri′ot•er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


 an unrestrained outburst; an uncontrollable company or assemblage of persons, 1400.

Examples: riot of laughter; of Romans, 1400; of students—Madden; of words.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: rioted
Gerund: rioting

I riot
you riot
he/she/it riots
we riot
you riot
they riot
I rioted
you rioted
he/she/it rioted
we rioted
you rioted
they rioted
Present Continuous
I am rioting
you are rioting
he/she/it is rioting
we are rioting
you are rioting
they are rioting
Present Perfect
I have rioted
you have rioted
he/she/it has rioted
we have rioted
you have rioted
they have rioted
Past Continuous
I was rioting
you were rioting
he/she/it was rioting
we were rioting
you were rioting
they were rioting
Past Perfect
I had rioted
you had rioted
he/she/it had rioted
we had rioted
you had rioted
they had rioted
I will riot
you will riot
he/she/it will riot
we will riot
you will riot
they will riot
Future Perfect
I will have rioted
you will have rioted
he/she/it will have rioted
we will have rioted
you will have rioted
they will have rioted
Future Continuous
I will be rioting
you will be rioting
he/she/it will be rioting
we will be rioting
you will be rioting
they will be rioting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been rioting
you have been rioting
he/she/it has been rioting
we have been rioting
you have been rioting
they have been rioting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been rioting
you will have been rioting
he/she/it will have been rioting
we will have been rioting
you will have been rioting
they will have been rioting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been rioting
you had been rioting
he/she/it had been rioting
we had been rioting
you had been rioting
they had been rioting
I would riot
you would riot
he/she/it would riot
we would riot
you would riot
they would riot
Past Conditional
I would have rioted
you would have rioted
he/she/it would have rioted
we would have rioted
you would have rioted
they would have rioted

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. riot - a public act of violence by an unruly mobriot — a public act of violence by an unruly mob

public violence

violence, force — an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists); «he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one»

race riot — a riot caused by hatred for one another of members of different races in the same community

2. riot - a state of disorder involving group violenceriot — a state of disorder involving group violence


disorder — a disturbance of the peace or of public order

3. riot - a joke that seems extremely funnyriot — a joke that seems extremely funny  

howler, sidesplitter, thigh-slapper, wow, belly laugh, scream

gag, jape, jest, joke, laugh — a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; «he told a very funny joke»; «he knows a million gags»; «thanks for the laugh»; «he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest»; «even a schoolboy’s jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point»

4. riot - a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuityriot — a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

debauch, debauchery, drunken revelry, bacchanalia, saturnalia, bacchanal, orgy

revel, revelry — unrestrained merrymaking

Verb 1. riot — take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot; «Students were rioting everywhere in 1968»

rampage — act violently, recklessly, or destructively

2. riot — engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; «They were out carousing last night»

carouse, roister

jollify, make happy, make merry, make whoopie, racket, wassail, whoop it up, revel — celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities; «The members of the wedding party made merry all night»; «Let’s whoop it up—the boss is gone!»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. disturbance, row, disorder, confusion, turmoil, quarrel, upheaval, fray, strife, uproar, turbulence, commotion, lawlessness, street fighting, tumult, donnybrook, mob violence Twelve inmates have been killed during a riot.

3. laugh, joke, scream (informal), blast (U.S. slang), hoot (informal), lark It was a riot when I introduced my two cousins!

run riot

2. grow profusely, burgeon, luxuriate, spread like wildfire, grow like weeds Virginia creeper ran riot up the walls.

«A riot is at bottom the language of the unheard» [Martin Luther King Jr Where Do We Go From Here?]

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. A quarrel, fight, or disturbance marked by very noisy, disorderly, and often violent behavior:

2. Slang. Something or someone uproariously funny or absurd:


To behave riotously:

Informal: hell (around).

Idioms: blow off steam, cut loose, kick over the traces, kick up one’s heels, let go, let loose, make merry, make whoopee, paint the town red, raise Cain, whoop it up.

phrasal verb
riot away

To spend (money) excessively and usually foolishly:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


dělat výtržnostipouliční bouřevýtržnosti

gøre oprørlave optøjeroprøroptøjer



taka òátt í uppòotiuppòot


폭동폭동을 일으키다

kelti riaušesriaušininkassiautulingaisiautulingassiautulingumas


robiť výtržnosti


ställa till upploppupplopp


nổi loạnsự náo loạn

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= disturbance) → émeute f

to be a riot (= great fun) [party, holiday] → être génial(e) (= very funny) [comedian, film] → être tordant(e)

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



a riot of colour(s) (Brit) or color(s) (US) → eine Farbenexplosion, eine Farbenorgie; a riot of reds and blueseine Explosion von Rot- und Blautönen; a riot of flowersein wildes Blumenmeer



riot act


(Hist) the Riot Actdie Aufruhrakte



Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈraiət) noun

a noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people. The protest march developed into a riot.


to form or take part in a riot. The protesters were rioting in the street.

ˈrioter nounˈriotous adjective

1. starting, or likely to start, a riot. a riotous crowd.

2. very active, noisy and cheerful. a riotous party.

ˈriotously adverbˈriotousness nounrun riot

to behave wildly; to go out of control.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


شَغَب, يُشاغِبُ dělat výtržnosti, výtržnosti gøre oprør, oprør Aufruhr, randalieren εξεγείρομαι, εξέγερση causar disturbios, disturbio mellakka, mellakoida émeute, se soulever pobuna, pobuniti insorgere, tumulto 暴動, 暴動を起こす 폭동, 폭동을 일으키다 oproer maken, rel lage opptøyer, opprør bunt, rozniecić bunt distúrbio, provocar distúrbios бунт, бунтовать ställa till upplopp, upplopp ก่อการจลาจล, การจลาจล ayaklanma, başkaldırmak nổi loạn, sự náo loạn 骚乱

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

riot [ˈraɪət]
n (disturbance) беспоря́дки*mpl,
бесчи́нства ntpl
(of colours, flowers) бу́йство
vi бесчи́нствовать (impf)

to run riot бу́йствовать*(impf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

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rioted and rubbish lay in the streets — English Only forum
rioted in vast size and richness — English Only forum
The flowers rioted, but in a genteel, well-barbered way — English Only forum

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After being provoked by gunfire, the crowd rioted and Serb buildings and cars were targeted.


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Спровоцированные стрельбой люди взбунтовались и напали на здания и автомобили сербов.


In 1949 discontented Baganda rioted and burned down the houses of pro-government chiefs.

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В 1949 году недовольные баганда взбунтовались и сожгли дома проправительственных вождей.

They rioted because of prison conditions and the length of sentences.


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Они взбунтовались в связи с существовавшими в тюрьмах условиями и длительностью приговоров.


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In January 1847, the native Mayans rioted, killing some eighty whites and sacking their houses.

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В январе 1847 года коренные жители майя взбунтовались, в ходе действий восемьдесят испанцев было убито,

а их дома разграблены.

Settlers also rioted in the Tel Rumeideh neighbourhood,

where they entered a grocer’s shop and beat a Palestinian who, as a result, required medical treatment at Aliya Hospital.


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Поселенцы учинили также беспорядки в районе Тель Румейда,

где они ворвались в бакалейный магазин и избили палестинца, которому в результате пришлось обратиться за медицинской помощью в госпиталь Алия.


They rioted so badly a year ago, the guards pulled out, just left them to themselves.

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Год назад они устроили такой бунт, что охранники ушли оттуда, предоставив их самим себе.

Palestinian Arabs»who were found to have broken the boycott… were physically

attacked by their brethren and their merchandise damaged» when Palestinian Arabs rioted in Jerusalem in 1929.

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Палестинские арабы,« которые нарушали бойкот… были физически атакованы своими братьями,

а их товар был поврежден» во время беспорядков палестинских арабов в Иерусалиме в 1929 году.

Regrettably, while the report of the National Committee on Political Reform was being deliberated by the Legislative Assembly,

the supporters of one of the three models of reform rioted, burned and destroyed 80 per cent of the central business district,

which resulted in the loss of eight lives.


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К сожалению, когда Законодательной ассамблеей обсуждался доклад Национального комитета по вопросу о политической

реформе сторонники одной из трех моделей реформы взбунтовались, подожгли и разрушили 80 процентов зданий, расположенных

в центре деловой части города.


Following the incitement by Abbas, hundreds of Arabs rioted in Jerusalem. On 23 October,

a terrorist deliberately drove full-speed onto a Jerusalem train platform, killing two people, and days later a Palestinian terrorist, Moataz Hijazi, shot Rabbi Yehuda Glick.


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Из-за подстрекательства Аббаса сотни арабов устроили в Иерусалиме беспорядки. 23 октября в Иерусалиме террорист

на полной скорости умышленно врезался в трамвайную остановку, задавив насмерть двух человек, а несколько дней спустя палестинский террорист Моатаз Хиджази выстрелил в раввина Иегуду Глика.


On September 9, 1971, two weeks after the killing of George Jackson at San Quentin State Prison,

1,281 of the Attica prison’s approximately 2,200 inmates rioted and took control of the prison, taking 42 staff hostage.

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Сентября 1971 года, через две недели после убийства Джорджа Джексона в тюрьме Сан- Квентин,

более тысячи заключенных тюрьмы Аттика взбунтовались и захватили контроль над тюрьмой, взяв в заложники 42- х сотрудников.

A shortage of manpower also forced UNMIL to discontinue its first effort to start the disarmament programme in

early December 2003 after pro-Taylor militia rioted in Monrovia, 7-10 December 2003,

to demand cash payment for disarming.


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Из-за нехватки людских ресурсов МООНЛ была также вынуждена прервать начатые в первых числах декабря 2003 года усилия по реализации программы разоружения после того, как 7- 10 декабря 2003 года протейлоровски

настроенные отряды самообороны организовали в Монровии беспорядки, требуя материальной компенсации за сдачу оружия.


After Croats rioted in the Drvar municipality in canton 10(see para.

24), UNMIBH signed an agreement with the canton 10 authorities for the inauguration of that canton’s police service.


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После беспорядков, устроенных хорватами в муниципалитете Дрвар в кантоне 10(

см. пункт 24), МООНБГ подписала с властями кантона 10 соглашение об официальном начале работы полицейской службы этого кантона.


The combatants rioted when they were informed that they were scheduled to undergo disarmament,

demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration at a later stage, and during the violence one of them was killed.


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Комбатанты возмутились, когда им сказали, что согласно планам они будут проходить процесс разоружения,

демобилизации, реабилитации и реинтеграции на более позднем этапе, и в ходе этой вспышки насилия один из них был убит.


The Palestinian Authority claimed that the bulldozers were tearing down vineyards, and almond and olive groves. The area was declared a closed military

zone on 10 March after 150 Palestinians rioted there

and clashed with IDF soldiers in an attempt to stop bulldozers from clearing the way for the security road. Jerusalem Post, 12 March.


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Палестинский орган утверждал, что бульдозерами уничтожали виноградники и посадки миндаля и оливковых деревьев. 10 марта этот район был объявлен закрытой военной зоной после того,

как 150 палестинцев устроили там беспорядки и столкнулись с солдатами ИДФ,

попытавшись остановить строительство дороги, предназначавшейся для обеспечения безопасности.» Джерузалем пост», 12 марта.


The Mission has continued to draw the attention of the Government to persistent delays in criminal investigations and in the compilation and transfer of case files to court for appropriate judicial process. On 21 July, 64 former members of the Revolutionary United Front(RUF) and 33 of the so-called West Side Boys,

who had been in detention in Pademba prison for over three years, rioted to protest yet another postponement of their court appearances.


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Миссия продолжает обращать внимание правительства на постоянные задержки с проведением уголовных расследований и с составлением и передачей материалов по делам в суд для возбуждения надлежащего судебного процесса. 21 июля 64 бывших члена Объединенного революционного фронта( ОРФ) и 33 так называемых<< Вестсайдских мальчика>>, которые содержатся в тюрьме Падембы

на протяжении более трех лет, взбунтовались в знак протеста против еще одной отсрочки в их вызове в суд.


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Before the rioting, there were some 70 students and 6 soldiers in the compound.


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До начала беспорядков в комплексе находилось примерно 70 учащихся и шесть военнослужащих.


There were horrible riots yesterday… my only brother may be dead.

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Вчера был ужасный бунт… мой единственный брат может быть уже мертв.

The riot lasted six hours, during which six arrests were made.

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Беспорядки длились шесть часов, в течение которых было произведено шесть арестов.

The Horseneck Riots lasted for 10 years from 1745 to 1755.

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Бунт продолжался 10 лет- с 1745 по 1755 год.

Last month, he and his lunatic gestapo calmed down a riot in Robinson Park.

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В прошлом месяце он со своим невменяемым гестапо подавлял беспорядки в Робинзонском парке.

He covered the 1967 Detroit riots.

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Бунт в Детройте 1967 года.

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We need to make this look like the riot was their idea.

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Нам нужно представить все так, будто беспорядки были их идеей.

At least they stopped the riots.

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Но по крайней мере они остановили бунт.

That student protest turned into a riot.

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LAST NIGHT’S RIOTS 20 people brought to hospital.

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ВЧЕРАШНИЕ БЕСПОРЯДКИ 20 человек доставлено в больницы.

Optional riot nets, lift lights,

overhead air-conditioning; optional horn antenna.


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Дополнительные ОМОН сетки, лифт фары,

накладные кондиционирование; опционально рупорной антенной.


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Crossword clues for rioted

  • Reacted with outrage, as a mob
  • Lost control en masse
  • Burned and looted
  • Went on a crowd-fueled rampage
  • Took part in mob violence
  • Took part in a violent protest
  • Smashed windows and so forth
  • Ran amok in the streets
  • Ran amok in public
  • Protested furiously
  • Overturned cars, perhaps
  • Lost control in a big way
  • Lost control big time
  • Joined the mob?
  • Joined the mob
  • Had an uprising
  • Expressed dissent, perhaps
  • Engaged in unrestrained revelry
  • Didn’t protest peacefully
  • Demonstrated dramatically
  • Brawled in the street (of crowd)
  • Demonstrated, in a dramatic way
  • Went mad
  • Smashed windows, maybe
  • Ran amok en masse
  • Disturbed the peace
  • Joined the mob, maybe
  • Turned to anarchy
  • Ran wild
  • Created a major disturbance
  • Created a rowdydow
  • Took part in a mob scene
  • After port, Edward went wild
  • Went ballistic
  • Went crazy on the streets
  • Was revolting?
  • Took to the streets, in a way
  • Raised Cain
  • Created a disturbance
  • Took to the streets
  • Threw Molotov cocktails, e.g
  • Revolted en masse

The Collaborative International Dictionary


Riot Ri»ot, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Rioted; p. pr. & vb. n.
Rioting.] [OF. rioter; cf. OD. ravotten.]

  1. To engage in riot; to act in an unrestrained or wanton
    manner; to indulge in excess of luxury, feasting, or the
    like; to revel; to run riot; to go to excess.

    Now he exact of all, wastes in delight,
    Riots in pleasure, and neglects the law.

    No pulse that riots, and no blood that glows.


  2. (Law) To disturb the peace; to raise an uproar or
    sedition. See Riot, n.,

  3. —Johnson.



vb. (en-past of: riot)

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