Is rig a word

снаряжение, оборудование, оснастка, оснащать, мошенничать, вооружать


- приспособление; устройство; оснастка
- агрегат; оборудование
- мор. парусное вооружение; рангоут и такелаж
- буровая вышка, буровой станок

flame-jet drilling rig — буровой станок термического бурения

- испытательный стенд (тж. test rig)

- тех. деррик-кран
- гребень (между двумя бороздами)
- борозда (на вспаханном поле)
- рядок (посева)
- костюм, одежда; манера одеваться
- внешний вид человека
- амер. разг. упряжка; экипаж с лошадью
- разг. проделка, проказа; плутни
- спекулятивная скупка товаров
- группа скупщиков-спекулянтов

ещё 10 вариантов


- оснащать, вооружать (судно)
- оснащаться, вооружаться (о судне)
- приготовить(ся)

rig for diving! — (приготовиться) к погружению! (команда)

- производить сборку основных узлов самолёта
- укладывать парашют
- переделывать, приспосабливать

a car rigged for manual control — автомобиль, переделанный на ручное управление

- разг. действовать нечестно или исподтишка; добиваться или достигать (чего-л.) обманным путём

to rig an election — фальсифицировать /подтасовывать/ результаты выборов
to rig the market — искусственно повышать или понижать цены или курсы

- (заранее) подстраивать

to rig a quiz program — заранее сообщать ответы участникам телевизионной викторины

Мои примеры


the cut of one’s rig / jib — внешний вид человека  
to fix / rig an election — подтасовывать, фальсифицировать результаты выборов  
to run a /the, one’s/ rig — редк. проказничать, резвиться; разойтись  
to run rigs upon smb. — сыграть с кем-л. шутку; высмеивать кого-л.  

Примеры с переводом

The ship was fully rigged and ready to sail.

Корабль был полностью оснащён и готов к отплытию.

As winter gets near, we have to rig the whole family out with warm clothing.

Приближается зима, нам надо снабдить тёплой одеждой всю семью.

Some investors feel that the market is rigged.

Некоторые инвесторы считают, что рынком манипулируют.

He drives a big rig.

Он управляет большим краном / агрегатом.

Some international observers have claimed the election was rigged.

Некоторые международные наблюдатели утверждают, что выборы были сфальсифицированы.

Two of the largest oil companies have been accused of rigging prices.

Две крупнейшие нефтяные компании были обвинены в ценовом сговоре.

People came to the party rigged out as characters from stories.

Люди пришли на вечеринку в костюмах героев сказок.

We drove the rig down to Baltimore.

Мы поехали на грузовике на юг, в Балтимор.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They rigged the bomb to the ignition

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

rig out — наряжать, снаряжать, экипировать
rig up — строить наспех

Возможные однокоренные слова

rigger  — такелажник, специалист по сборке самолетов
rigging  — такелаж, оснастка, снасти, снаряжение, тряпки, одежда
unrig  — разоружать, расснащивать
rigged  — подстроенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: rig
he/she/it: rigs
ing ф. (present participle): rigging
2-я ф. (past tense): rigged
3-я ф. (past participle): rigged

ед. ч.(singular): rig
мн. ч.(plural): rigs

RIG is a valid scrabble word.

Where did the term rig come from?

That rig is from a 17th century noun meaning “swindle.” The rig in jury-rigged is a 15th century sailing term meaning “to fit out with rigging,” with rigging being the lines and chains used in operating a sailing vessel. In the 18th century, if it was jury-rigged it was a boat: La Couronne … bad bottoms, jury rigged.

Is Jerry a derogatory term?

A nickname for Jeremiah, Jeremy, Jerrold, Gerald, Gerard, and similar male names; also used as a formal male given name. Alternative capitalization of Jerry (derogatory: German). (UK, slang) A chamber pot.

Is Jimmy rigged offensive?

Turns out “jury rigged” was a sailing term that most likely originated near or before the 17th century. The new-age version of this reference would be “jimmy rigged.” This term, according to Urban Dictionary, is a cast off of “jury rigged” and denotes that the fixed-up contraption will most likely not work.

What is the word jerry rigged mean?

: organized or constructed in a crude or improvised manner a jerry-rigged plan a jerry-rigged heating system.

What does Jerry built mean?

built cheaply and unsubstantially

What is a Cheapjack?

The term “cheap Jack” (sometimes “cheapjack”) refers to a seller of cheap or inferior quality goods. The term is also sometimes used as an adjective describing goods of inferior quality or construction.

Is it jerry rigged or jury-rigged?

Jury-rigged means something was assembled quickly with the materials on hand. Jerry-built means it was cheaply or poorly built. Jerry-rigged is a variant of jury-rigged, and it may have been influenced by jerry-built.

What is the female version of Jerry?

♀ Jerry (girl) Geraldine (#1719 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Geri, Gerri, Gerrie, Gerry, Jere, Jeri, Jerri and Jerrie are the prominent varying forms of Jerry ranked in the Top 2000.

Why is a potty called a Jerry?

Apparently the chamber pot was called a Jerry because early on during the wartime years there was a poster campaign about keeping your mouth shut which read “Beware the Jerry under the Bed”. It had a picture of a bedroom with a German soldier hiding under the bed.

Did they poop in chamber pots?

Chamber pots were used by women to collect waste overnight. When they were finished, the contents would be thrown over balcony/out the window with the accompanying words of “garde loo” which is French for “watch out for the water.” Muck-rackers were hired to help keep the streets walk-able.

When was the toilet invented?


Are metal jerry cans legal?

The regulations apply to new gas cans and spouts sold in California starting January 1, 2001. I just learned that the metal kind of gas cans are illegal or at least can’t be sold new in California. According to the state of California only plastic cans may be sold.

How much does a 5 gallon gas can cost?

Compare with similar items

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Can you carry a jerry can in your car?

If you have a truck, you can safely keep a gas container in the bed of the pickup. And, if you have an SUV, you can get a metal Jerry can mount installed on the back of your vehicle. When you’re filling up a container, take it out of your vehicle.

Can a gas can explode from heat?

Explosions typically occur when the vapors inside the gas can come into contact with flames or heat outside the can. Professional or commercial grade gas cans have contained flame arrestors for over 100 years.

Can I keep a gas can in my car?

Do not drive with an empty or full gas can in your vehicle, even if it is located in your trunk. You will be exposed to the fumes and it is a potential fire hazard. If you absolutely need to transport a gas can, tie it to the roof rack of your vehicle and make sure it is empty.

Is it legal to carry petrol in your car?

If you want to store fuel legal guidelines say you have to have the right container. There are only two types you can use, the metal 10-litre and the five-litre plastic can. It is illegal to store petrol in one of these because you are not allowed to carry 20 litres in just one container.

    • See Also:
      • riflery
      • riflescope
      • rifling
      • riflip
      • rift
      • rift saw
      • rift valley
      • Rift Valley fever
      • rift zone
      • rift-sawed
      • rig
      • rig out
      • rig up
      • Rig-Veda
      • Riga
      • rigadoon
      • rigamarole
      • rigatoni
      • rigaudon
      • Rigel
      • Rigel Kentaurus
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Inflections of ‘rig‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

rig /rɪg/USA pronunciation  
v., rigged, rig•ging, n. 
v. [+ object]

    • Naval Termsto fit (a ship, etc.) with ropes, chains, etc.:The new ship was rigged for its first sail.

  1. to furnish with equipment:The truck was rigged with a roof rack.
  2. to assemble, install, or prepare: [~ (+ up) + object]The campers rigged (up) a shelter from tree branches.[+ object (+ up)]rigged a shelter (up) from branches.
  3. to arrange in a dishonest way;
    fix:to rig prices.


  1. Nautical, Naval Terms[countable] the arrangement of the masts, sails, etc., on a ship.
  2. a device or apparatus designed for some purpose:[countable]an oil-drilling rig.
  3. Transport a tractor-trailer truck:[countable]an eighteen-wheel rig.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(rig),USA pronunciation v., rigged, rig•ging, n. 


    1. [Chiefly Naut.]
      • Naval Termsto put in proper order for working or use.
      • Naval Termsto fit (a ship, mast, etc.) with the necessary shrouds, stays, etc.
      • Naval Termsto fit (shrouds, stays, sails, etc.) to the mast, yard, or the like.

    2. to furnish or provide with equipment, clothing, etc.;
      fit (usually fol. by out or up).
    3. to assemble, install, or prepare (often fol. by up).
    4. to manipulate fraudulently:to rig prices.
    5. Nautical, Naval Terms rig down, to place in an inactive state, stowing all lines, tackles, and other removable parts.
    6. rig up, to equip or set up for use.


    1. Nautical, Naval Termsthe arrangement of the masts, spars, sails, etc., on a boat or ship.
    2. apparatus for some purpose;
      gear:a hi-fi rig; Bring your rod and reel and all the rest of your fishing rig.
    3. Also called drill rig. the equipment used in drilling an oil well.
    4. Transportany combination trucking unit in which vehicles are hooked together, as a tractor-trailer.
    5. Transportany kind of truck.
    6. Transporta carriage, buckboard, sulky, or wagon together with the horse or horses that draw it.
    7. Informal Termscostume or dress, esp. when odd or conspicuous, or when designated for a particular purpose:He looks quite nifty in a butler’s rig.
    • Scandinavian; compare Norwegian, Swedish rigg (noun, nominal), rigga (verb, verbal)
    • 1480–90; 1930–35 for def. 4; probably

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

rig /rɪɡ/ vb (rigs, rigging, rigged)(transitive)

  1. to equip (a vessel, mast, etc) with (sails, rigging, etc)
  2. to set up or prepare ready for use
  3. to put the components of (an aircraft, etc) into their correct positions
  4. to manipulate in a fraudulent manner, esp for profit: to rig prices, to rig an election


  1. the distinctive arrangement of the sails, masts, and other spars of a vessel
  2. the installation used in drilling for and exploiting natural oil and gas deposits: an oil rig
  3. apparatus or equipment; gear
  4. chiefly US Canadian an articulated lorry

See also rig out, rig upEtymology: 15th Century: from Scandinavian; related to Norwegian rigga to wrap

rig‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > rig

  • 2

    rig [rɪg]



    осна́стка; па́русное вооруже́ние, ранго́ут и такела́ж



    приспособле́ние, устро́йство; обору́дование

    3) бурова́я вы́шка; бурово́й стано́к

    4) борозда́

    5) вы́езд, упря́жка



    оде́жда, костю́м; мане́ра одева́ться; вне́шний вид челове́ка



    оснаща́ть, вооружа́ть ( судно)

    rig up снаряжа́ть или стро́ить на́спех, из чего́ попа́ло

    rig [rɪg]

    1) проде́лка, уло́вка; плу́тни

    2) моше́нничество; спекуляти́вная ску́пка това́ров



    де́йствовать нече́стно; моше́нничать;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > rig

  • 3

    rig n


    calibration test rig

    тарировочный стенд

    hydraulic test rig


    pneumatic test rig

    стенд для проверки пневмосистемы

    rigging angle

    угол заклинения

    rigging chart

    схема размещения снаряжения

    rigging check


    rigging equipment

    нивелировочное оборудование

    rigging line

    парашютная стропа

    rigging position

    нивелировочное положение

    rigging tolerance

    нивелировочный допуск

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > rig

  • 4
    rig up


    1. = rig out 2

    2. снаряжать наспех, строить из чего попало

    a makeshift bed was rigged up for the sick man — больного устроили на импровизированном ложе

    НБАРС > rig up

  • 5

    RIG, radio interference guard


    RIG, radio-inertial guidance


    RIG, rate integrating gyro

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > RIG

  • 6
    rig up

    rig up а) производить сборку основных узлов (самолета); укладывать такелаж(на судне); Has the boat been properly rigged up with suitable rapes andsails? б) снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало; The first thing to dowhen you’re shipwrecked is to rig up some kind of a shelter.

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > rig up

  • 7

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > rig

  • 8

    Персональный Сократ > rig

  • 9

    1. буровая установка, буровой агрегат, буровая вышка

    2. приспособление; устройство; аппаратура

    3. оборудование; установка || оборудовать; устанавливать

    4. оснастка; снаряжение || оснащать

    submersible pipe alignment rig — погружная установка для центровки труб (для подводной сварки, стыковки труб при строительстве трубопровода или ремонте)

    * * *

    1. буровая установка, буровой агрегат, буровая вышка

    2. приспособление; устройство; аппаратура

    3. оборудование; установка || оборудовать; устанавливать

    4. оснастка; снаряжение || оснащать

    submersible pipe alignment rig — погружная установка для центровки труб (для подводной сварки, стыковки труб при строительстве трубопровода или ремонте)

    * * *

    буровая установка; станок, буровой агрегат



    * * *

    буровая установка, станок, буровой агрегат

    * * *

    3) приспособление; устройство; аппаратура

    5) оборудование; установка || оборудовать

    rig skidded — буровая установка, снятая со скважины;

    to rig down — демонтировать буровую установку;

    — active drilling rig
    — air rig
    — air-controlled drilling rig
    — airlift drilling rig
    — all-hydraulic maneuvered drill rig
    — all-hydraulic rotary drilling rig
    — Arctic drilling rig
    — automatic drilling rig
    — back-in self-propelled workover rig
    — bar rig
    — blasthole drill rig
    — bob-tail rig
    — boring rig
    — bottom-supported drilling rig
    — bucket rig
    — building rig
    — cable rig
    — cable-tool rig
    — Canadian pole-tool rig
    — cantilever mast drilling rig
    — carrier rig
    — carrier-mounted all-hydraulic operated drill rig
    — churn-drilling rig
    — cold weather rig
    — combination drilling rig
    — completion rig
    — consolidated rig
    — convertible propelled drilling rig
    — core-drilling rig
    — crawler drilling rig
    — deep drilling rig
    — derrick rod and tubing rig
    — diamond drilling rig
    — diesel rig
    — diesel-electrical drilling rig
    — diesel-hydraulical drilling rig
    — diesel-mechanical drilling rig
    — diesel-power drilling rig
    — drilling rig
    — drive rig
    — drive-in self-propelled workover rig
    — dual drill rig
    — electrical drilling rig
    — excavator-attachment drilling rig
    — exploratory oil rig
    — fixed drilling rig
    — four boom rig
    — gas electrical rig
    — gas-turbine drilling rig
    — helicopter transportable rig
    — hydraulic crawler drilling rig
    — hydraulic drill rig
    — hydraulic top hammer percussive rig
    — hydro-drill rig
    — jacket-type production rig
    — jackknife rig
    — jackknife drilling rig
    — jack-up drilling rig
    — jack-up service rig
    — jumbo drill rig
    — land drilling rig
    — large-section drilling rig
    — laser blasthole rotary rig
    — light drilling rig
    — maintenance rig
    — makeshift drilling rig
    — marine rig
    — marine drilling rig
    — mast-type drilling rig
    — mat jack-up rig
    — mechanical rig
    — mine rig
    — mobile drilling rig
    — mobile offshore exploring rig
    — mobile production rig
    — modular drilling rig
    — monopod drilling rig
    — multipass big hole rig
    — multiple-drill rig
    — multipurpose top-head drive drilling rig
    — offshore drilling rig
    — offshore exploring rig
    — offshore jack-up service rig
    — offshore mobile exploration rig
    — oil rig
    — packaged rig
    — percussion drilling rig
    — percussive-rotary drill rig
    — pile-mounted drilling rig
    — piling drilling rig
    — pneumatic crawler drill rig
    — portable rig
    — portable drilling rig
    — posthole rig
    — power rig
    — prospecting drilling rig
    — pumping rig
    — quadruple rig
    — raise drill rig
    — raise mining rig
    — reverse rig
    — rod-tool rig
    — rotary rig
    — rotary drilling rig
    — rotary percussive rig
    — rotary well drilling rig
    — seabed drilling rig
    — seabed soil sampling rig
    — seafloor foundation drilling rig
    — self-contained drilling rig
    — self-elevating drilling rig
    — self-propelled drilling rig
    — self-propelled workover rig
    — semiautomatic drilling rig
    — semisubmersible catamaran drilling rig
    — service rig
    — ship drilling rig
    — shothole rig
    — skid rig
    — skid-mounted drilling rig
    — slant drilling rig
    — slim-hole rig
    — small-section drilling rig
    — sound-proof drilling rig
    — spider-web rig
    — split-level rig
    — spring-pole rig
    — spring-pole drilling rig
    — standard rig
    — steam drilling rig
    — stop rig of overshot
    — submersible drilling rig
    — submersible pipe alignment rig
    — surface rig
    — surface hydraulic percussive drill rig
    — test rig
    — three-boom rig
    — top-hammer rig
    — top-head drilling rig
    — track-mounted all-hydraulic drill rig
    — trailer-mounted drilling rig
    — truck-mounted drilling rig
    — turnbuckle rig
    — twin-boom drill rig
    — ultradeep drilling rig
    — unitized drilling rig
    — wash-boring rig
    — well rig
    — well-service rig
    — well-workover rig
    — wildcat drilling rig
    — workover rig

    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > rig

  • 10

    2) оснастка || оснащать

    3) горн. буровой станок

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > rig

  • 11

    1. установка; агрегат; оснастка; оборудование

    2. навесное оборудование

    rig hall — аппаратный зал, зал с оборудованием

    3. копёр

    4. буровая платформа

    5. тягач

    boring rig — буровая установка, буровой станок

    6. буровая установка; буровой станок

    7. буровая вышка

    floating rig — плавучая буровая установка; pl плавсредства, суда технического флота

    8. треножный буровой станок

    9. треножный копёр

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > rig

  • 12

    стенд; стапель; установка, приспособление; собирать, монтировать; оснащать; устанавливать; укладывать ; регулировать

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > rig

  • 13

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > rig

  • 14

    1. n тех. приспособление; устройство; оснастка

    2. n тех. агрегат; оборудование

    rig hall — аппаратный зал, зал с оборудованием

    3. n тех. мор. парусное вооружение; рангоут и такелаж

    4. n тех. буровая вышка, буровой станок

    5. n тех. испытательный стенд

    6. n тех. тех. деррик-кран

    7. n с. -х. гребень

    8. n с. -х. борозда

    9. n с. -х. рядок

    10. n разг. костюм, одежда; манера одеваться

    11. n разг. внешний вид человека

    12. n разг. амер. разг. упряжка; экипаж с лошадью

    13. v оснащать, вооружать

    14. v оснащаться, вооружаться

    15. v приготовить

    16. v производить сборку основных узлов самолёта

    17. v укладывать парашют

    18. v переделывать, приспосабливать

    19. n разг. проделка, проказа; плутни

    to run a rig — проказничать, резвиться; разойтись

    20. n разг. спекулятивная скупка товаров

    21. n разг. группа скупщиков-спекулянтов

    22. v разг. действовать нечестно или исподтишка; добиваться или достигать обманным путём

    23. v разг. подстраивать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. costume (noun) costume; dress; garb; getup; get-up; guise; outfit; setout; turnout

    3. equipment (noun) apparatus; carriage; coach; equipment; gear; heavy equipment; implements; materials; materiel; paraphernalia; semi; tackle; tractor-trailer; vehicle; wagon

    5. equip (verb) accouter; accoutre; apparel; appoint; arm; decorate; equip; fit out; fit up; furnish; gear; outfit; provide; supply; turn out

    English-Russian base dictionary > rig

  • 15

    1. (испытательный) стенд; (экспериментальная) установка

    2. приспособление; устройство; установка

    3. оснастка; снаряжение/ укладывать ; подготавливать

    airborne test rig

    avionics rig

    drop test rig

    forced oscillation rig

    free-to-roll rig

    fuel system rig

    fuel test rig

    ground rig

    iron bird rig

    large-amplitude pitch rig

    lightning rig

    multiple-axis articulating rig

    oil rig

    oscillatory rig

    pitching rig

    rolling rig

    rotary rig

    rotary-balance rig

    rotating rig

    stall rig

    suspension rig

    total-freedom tilt rig

    Авиасловарь > rig

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    boring rig горн. буровой станок rig борозда rig буровая вышка; буровой станок rig выезд, упряжка rig действовать нечестно; мошенничать; to rig the market искусственно повышать или понижать цены rig разг. одежда, костюм, внешний вид человека rig мор. оснастка; парусное вооружение, рангоут и такелаж rig оснащать, вооружать (судно); rig out разг. наряжать; rigged out разодетый; rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало rig тех. приспособление, устройство; оборудование rig разг. проделка, уловка; плутни rig разг. спекулятивная скупка товаров rig оснащать, вооружать (судно); rig out разг. наряжать; rigged out разодетый; rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало rig оснащать, вооружать (судно); rig out разг. наряжать; rigged out разодетый; rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало rig оснащать, вооружать (судно); rig out разг. наряжать; rigged out разодетый; rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало

    English-Russian short dictionary > rig

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    Англо-русский строительный словарь > rig

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    ̈ɪrɪɡ I
    1. сущ.
    1) а) мор. оснастка;
    парусное вооружение, рангоут и такелаж б) обмундирование, экипировка, оборудование, снаряжение (для каких-л. специальных целей) Syn: equipment
    2) а) буровая установка oil rig, oil-drilling rig ≈ нефтяная вышка б) тех. какое-л. приспособление, устройство, механизм Syn: apparatus, device
    3) а) конный экипаж, упряжка Syn: equipage б) преим. амер. любое транспортноне средство, особ. грузовик Syn: lorry
    1., truck II
    4) разг. одежда, платье, внешний вид человека Syn: clothing, dress
    2. гл. оснащать, вооружать (судно) rig out rig up II
    1. сущ.;
    1) проделка, уловка, хитрость;
    плутни Syn: trick, prank
    2) спекулятивная скупка товаров
    2. гл. действовать нечестно;
    добиваться( чего-л.) обманным путем He’s sure to have rigged up some method of beating the other firm to the contract. ≈ Скорее всего, он нашел какой-то нехороший способ заставить ту фирму подписать контракт. rig the market( техническое) приспособление;
    оснастка (техническое) агрегат;
    оборудование (морское) парусное вооружение;
    рангоут и такелаж буровая вышка, буровой станок испытательный стенд (тж. test *) (техническое) деррик-кран( сельскохозяйственное) гребень (между двумя бороздами) (сельскохозяйственное) борозда (на вспаханном поле) (сельскохозяйственное) рядок( посева) (разговорное) костюм, одежда;
    манера одеваться( разговорное) внешний вид человека (американизм) (разговорное) упряжка;
    экипаж с лошадью оснащать, вооружать (судно) оснащаться, вооружаться( о судне) приготовить(ся) — * for diving! (приготовиться) к погружению! (команда) производить сборку основных узлов самолета укладывать парашют переделывать, приспосабливать — a car *ged for manual control автомобиль, переделанный на ручное управление снаряжать, экипировать( разговорное) проделка, проказа;
    плутни — to run a /the, one’s/ * (редкое) проказничать, резвиться;
    разойтись — to run *s upon smb. сыграть с кем-л. шутку;
    высмеивать кого-л. (разговорное) спекулятивная скупка товаров (разговорное) группа скупщиков-спекулянтов( разговорное) действовать нечестно или исподтишка;
    добиваться или достигать( чего-л.) обманным путем — to * an election фальсифицировать /подтасовывать/ результаты выборов — to * the market искусственно повышать или понижать цены, курсы (заранее) подстраивать — to * a quiz program заранее сообщать ответы участникам телевизионной викторины горный кряж, горный хребет;
    гряда гор водораздел гребень горы рубчик( на материи) ;
    толстая кромка край;
    ребро( монеты) спинка( носа) (архитектура) конек;
    коньковый брус — * roof двускатная крыша( горное) сводчатая кровля выработки (сельскохозяйственное) гребень (борозды) ;
    свальная борозда — * buster культиватор для разделки гребней — * planting гребневой посев (метеорология) гребень высокого давления (техническое) прилив
    boring ~ горн. буровой станок
    rig борозда ~ буровая вышка;
    буровой станок ~ выезд, упряжка ~ действовать нечестно;
    to rig the market искусственно повышать или понижать цены ~ разг. одежда, костюм, внешний вид человека ~ мор. оснастка;
    парусное вооружение, рангоут и такелаж ~ оснащать, вооружать (судно) ;
    rig out разг. наряжать;
    rigged out разодетый;
    rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало ~ тех. приспособление, устройство;
    оборудование ~ разг. проделка, уловка;
    плутни ~ разг. спекулятивная скупка товаров
    ~ оснащать, вооружать (судно) ;
    rig out разг. наряжать;
    rigged out разодетый;
    rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало
    ~ оснащать, вооружать (судно) ;
    rig out разг. наряжать;
    rigged out разодетый;
    rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало
    ~ оснащать, вооружать (судно) ;
    rig out разг. наряжать;
    rigged out разодетый;
    rig up снаряжать или строить наспех, из чего попало

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > rig

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    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > rig

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    1) приспособление; устройство; оснастка

    2) агрегат; оборудование


    парусное вооружение; рангоут и такелаж

    3. буровая вышка, буровой станок

    4. испытательный стенд (

    test rig)

    1) костюм, одежда; манера одеваться

    2) внешний вид человека


    разг. упряжка; экипаж с лошадью

    1. 1) оснащать, вооружать ()

    2) оснащаться, вооружаться ()

    3) приготовить(ся)

    2. 1) производить сборку основных узлов самолёта

    2) укладывать парашют

    3. переделывать, приспосабливать

    a car rigged for manual control — автомобиль, переделанный на ручное управление

    4. = rig out 1


    1. проделка, проказа; плутни

    to run a /the, one’s/ rig — проказничать, резвиться; разойтись

    to run rigs upon smb. — сыграть с кем-л. шутку; высмеивать кого-л.

    2. спекулятивная скупка товаров

    3. группа скупщиков-спекулянтов

    1) действовать нечестно исподтишка; добиваться достигать () обманным путём

    to rig an election — фальсифицировать /подтасовывать/ результаты выборов

    2) (заранее) подстраивать

    to rig a quiz program — заранее сообщать ответы участникам телевизионной викторины


    НБАРС > rig


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Ríg — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ríg. Ríg es un Æsir en la mitología nórdica descrito como viejo y sabio, poderoso y fuerte en el poema éddico Rígthula (nórdico antiguo Rígþula Canción de Ríg). Rig vagó a través del mundo y dio vida …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rig — may refer to:* Rig (band), a musical group of the early 1970s *Rig, Afghanistan * Rig, the configuration of sails and other rigging on a sailing vessel * Rigging, in computer animation, grouping the elements of parts such as limbs in a 3D model * …   Wikipedia

  • Rig — Ríg Dans la mythologie nordique, Ríg est le nom que prit le dieu Heimdall pour se dissimuler, lorsqu il partit pour Midgard où il créa les trois classes d humains : Les serfs, Thrall qu il créa lors de son premier voyage à Midgard; les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • rig — /rig/, v., rigged, rigging, n. v.t. 1. Chiefly Naut. a. to put in proper order for working or use. b. to fit (a ship, mast, etc.) with the necessary shrouds, stays, etc. c. to fit (shrouds, stays, sails, etc.) to the mast, yard, or the like. 2.… …   Universalium

  • rig — Ⅰ. rig [1] ► VERB (rigged, rigging) 1) provide (a boat) with sails and rigging. 2) assemble and adjust (the equipment of a sailing boat, aircraft, etc.) in readiness for operation. 3) (often rig up) set up (a device or structure), typically in a… …   English terms dictionary

  • Rig — Rig, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rigged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rigging}.] [Norweg. rigga to bind, particularly, to wrap round, rig; cf. AS. wr[=i]han to cover.] 1. To furnish with apparatus or gear; to fit with tackling. [1913 Webster] 2. To dress; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rig — Rig, n. 1. (Naut.) The peculiar fitting in shape, number, and arrangement of sails and masts, by which different types of vessels are distinguished; as, schooner rig, ship rig, etc. See Illustration in Appendix. [1913 Webster] 2. Dress; esp., odd …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rig — Rig, n. [Cf. {Wriggle}.] 1. A romp; a wanton; one given to unbecoming conduct. [Obs.] Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. A sportive or unbecoming trick; a frolic. [1913 Webster] 3. A blast of wind. [Prov. Eng.] Wright. [1913 Webster] That uncertain season …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • RIG-I — Masse/Länge Primärstruktur 925 Aminosäuren …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • rig — [rig] vt. rigged, rigging [LME riggen < Scand, as in Norw rigga, to bind, splice] 1. a) to fit (a ship, mast, etc.) with sails, shrouds, etc. b) to fit (sails, shrouds, etc.) to a ship s masts, yards, etc. 2. to assemble and adjust the wings,… …   English World dictionary

  • Rig — Rig, v. t. To make free with; hence, to steal; to pilfer. [Obs. or Prov.] Tusser. [1913 Webster] {To rig the market} (Stock Exchange), to raise or lower market prices, as by some fraud or trick. [Cant] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English


He drives a big rig.

the rig of a schooner

Recent Examples on the Web

These are, as the name implies, thinner and more portable devices than the beefiest gaming rigs on the market.

Monica Chin, The Verge, 23 Mar. 2023

The whole rig is towed by a massive Ford F-350.

Brittanie Shey, Chron, 24 Feb. 2023

The entire simulator rig sits behind an even bigger display to show what the flight looks like, including a simulated seaglider port in Narragansett Bay.

Brian Amaral,, 17 Feb. 2023

The frame size affects the comfort, agility, stability, and all-around handling of the rig—arguably more so than the differences between two comparable models from competing brands.

Seb Stott, Outside Online, 15 Feb. 2023

The Santa Rita No. 1 rig sits on the edge of the Austin campus, near the football stadium.

Lawrence Wright, The New Yorker, 6 Feb. 2023

After racing, roll the cars onto the garage’s lift, then move some Technic elements to lift the rig.

Sal Vaglica, Car and Driver, 21 Jan. 2023

The rig tumbles downriver for 10 feet, then the bobber sags beneath the surface and Kiehm rips a hookset.

Paul A. Smith, Journal Sentinel, 2 Jan. 2023

The head rig was also updated with two high-definition cameras providing more shape to the face, higher fidelity and additional information on the motion to tune the final image.

Daron James, Los Angeles Times, 2 Jan. 2023

There’s still a company to run (and potentially sell) and an election to rig.

Milan Polk, Men’s Health, 11 Apr. 2023

Dobbs interviewed former Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who claimed that the businessman, Majed Khalil, worked with Dominion and Smartmatic to rig the 2020 election for Joe Biden.

Alex Weprin, The Hollywood Reporter, 9 Apr. 2023

How long will a deep cycle battery last with a trolling motor? The trick to rigging a boat with the best trolling motor battery is ensuring the system will last for a long day of fishing.

Ric Burnley, Field & Stream, 3 Apr. 2023

For example, Davis’s ruling asserts that the false statements — such as the claim that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for socialist leader Hugo Chávez — harmed the company’s reputation, meaning that the impact on Dominion will not have to be debated at trial.

Jeremy Barr, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

The two organizations are working alongside money transfer company MoneyGram and Circle Internet Financial, issuer of the USDC stablecoin, to rig up a system for sending aid directly to Ukrainian refugees using crypto.

Joel Khalili, WIRED, 15 Mar. 2023

Dominion sued Fox News Networks and parent company Fox Corp in 2021 for $1.6 billion, accusing the television network of spreading lies that Dominion machines were used to rig the 2020 election against Trump.

Tori Otten, The New Republic, 8 Mar. 2023

In 1992, Newt Gingrich told Republican candidates to get the message out that the Democrats were going to rig the Presidential election.

Jill Lepore, The New Yorker, 9 Jan. 2023

The mastermind of the nationwide college admissions bribery scandal is set to be sentenced on Wednesday after helping authorities secure the convictions of a slew of wealthy parents involved in his scheme to rig the selection process at top-tier schools.

Alanna Durkin Richer, Chicago Tribune, 4 Jan. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘rig.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up rig or ríg in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Rig may refer to:

Objects and structures[edit]

  • Rig (fishing), an arrangement of items used for fishing
  • Drilling rig, a structure housing equipment used to drill or extract oil from underground
  • Rig (stage lighting)
  • rig, a horse-drawn carriage together with the horses and harness
  • rig, something that a dog pulls when mushing
  • rig, the configuration of sails and other rigging on a sailing vessel
  • rig, a parachute system in skydiving
  • rig, a transmitter, receiver, or transceiver in amateur radio


  • RIG, the ticker symbol for Transocean, a Swiss offshore drilling company
  • Radio Independents Group, a UK trade organisation
  • Reykjavik International Games, a sport event taking place in Iceland


  • Rig, an alternate name for Bandar Rig, a city in Bushehr Province, Iran
  • Rig District, a district in Bushehr Province, Iran
  • Rig Rural District, a rural district in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran
  • Rig, Gilan, a village in Gilan Province, Iran
  • Rig, Jask, a village in Hormozgan Province, Iran
  • Rig, Lirdaf, a village in Hormozgan Province, Iran
  • Rig castle, in Kashmar County, Iran
  • Rig, an alternate name for Rig-e Bala, a village in South Khorasan Province, Iran
  • Rig, West Virginia, an unincorporated community in the US
  • Pearland Stadium, or The Rig, a stadium in Texas, United States
  • Rio Grande Airport, IATA code: RIG, an airport in Brazil

Other uses[edit]

  • rig (mathematics) or semiring, a structure similar to rings without the requirement that elements should have additive inverses
  • ríg or rí, Irish language word for «king»
  • rig or run rig, a traditional system of land occupation in Scotland
  • Ridgling, or rig, a male animal with one or both testicles undescended
  • rig, to engage in cheating during a game, election, etc.
  • Ríg (Norse god) or Heimdall, the father of mankind in Norse mythology
  • rigging or skeletal animation, grouping the elements of parts such as limbs in an animated 3D computer model
  • Rig (Dead or Alive), a fictional character
  • Spotted estuary smooth-hound, a fish
  • The Rig (TV series), an upcoming series for Amazon Prime Video
  • Gaming rig, a personal computer designed for video games
  • RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, a video game

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Rig
  • All pages with titles containing rig
  • Big Rig (disambiguation)
  • Rigg (disambiguation)
  • Rigger (disambiguation)
  • Rigging (disambiguation)
  • Riggs, a surname
  • Rigveda, in Hinduism, a sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns dedicated to the gods
  • Rigged (book), a 2007 book by author Ben Mezrich



  • enPR: rĭg, IPA(key): /ɹɪɡ/
  • Rhymes: -ɪɡ

Etymology 1[edit]

From Early Modern English rygge, probably of North Germanic origin. Compare Norwegian rigge (to bind up; wrap around; rig; equip), Swedish dialectal rigga (to rig a horse), Faroese rigga (to rig; to equip and fit; to make function). Possibly from Proto-Germanic *rik- (to bind), from Proto-Indo-European *rign-, *reyg- (to bind); or related to Old English *wrīhan, wrīohan, wrēohan, wrēon (to bind; wrap up; cover). See also wry (to cover; clothe; dress; hide).


rig (plural rigs)

  1. (nautical) The rigging of a sailing ship or other such craft.
  2. Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose.

    The climbers each had a different rig for climbing that particular rockface.

  3. (US) A large truck such as a semi-trailer truck.

    Every rig at the truckstop had custom-made mud-flaps.

    • 1967, Tommy Faile (lyrics and music), “Phantom 309”, performed by Red Sovine:

      «Big Joe’s the name,» an’ I told him mine / He said: «The name of my rig is Phantom 309.»

    • 1975, C.W. McCall and Chip Davis (lyrics), “Convoy”, in Black Bear Road, performed by C. W. McCall:

      There’s armored cars, and tanks, and Jeeps
      And rigs of every size.
      Yeah, them chicken coops was full o’bears
      And choppers filled the skies.

  4. The special apparatus used for drilling wells.
  5. (informal) A costume or an outfit.

    My sister and I always made our own rigs for Halloween.

  6. (slang, computing) A personal computer, typically one modified for looks.
    • 2004, Radford Castro, Let Me Play: Stories of Gaming and Emulation (page 104)
      When I saw a special version of Quake running on Voodoo hardware, I knew I would be forking out quite a bit of money on my gaming rig.
  7. An imperfectly castrated horse, sheep etc.
  8. (slang) Radio equipment, especially a citizen’s band transceiver.
  9. (animation) A model outfitted with parameterized controls for animation.
    • 2002 September 20, Steph Greenberg, “Re: CG Mickey Test”, in rec.arts.animation, Usenet[1], message-ID <Xns928EB617492BStephG@>:

      As for the facial stuff, I just didn’t have the time to do a really good facial rig and just worked with the one I had, which was insufficiently flexible to accomplish what needed to be done.

    • 2012, Verónica Orvalho; Pedro Bastos; Frederic Parke; Bruno Oliveira; Xenxo Alvarez, “A Facial Rigging Survey: State of the Art Report”, in EUROGRAPHICS:

      As facial models become more and more complex, it is increasingly difficult to define a consistent rig that can work well for every possible movement.


the arrangement of masts etc.

  • Bulgarian: такелаж (bg) m (takelaž)
  • Esperanto: rigaro, rigo (eo)
  • Finnish: takila (fi), riki (fi)
  • French: grééments m pl
  • German: Takelage (de) f, Takelung (de) f
  • Greek: εξάρτιση (el) f (exártisi), αρματωσιά (el) f (armatosiá)
  • Italian: attrezzatura (it) f, sartiame (it) m, cordame m
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: rigg m
    Nynorsk: rigg m
  • Polish: takielunek (pl) m
  • Portuguese: mastreação f
  • Russian: осна́стка (ru) f (osnástka), такела́ж (ru) m (takeláž)
  • Spanish: aparejo (es) m (nautical)

special equipment or gear

  • Bulgarian: оборудване (bg) n (oborudvane)
  • Catalan: aparell (ca) m
  • Finnish: laitteisto (fi)
  • German: Vorrichtung (de) f, Anlage (de) f, Ausrüstung (de) f, Gerätschaft (de) f
  • Greek: εξοπλισμός (el) m (exoplismós)
  • Italian: apparecchiatura (it) f, attrezzatura (it) f, strumento (it) m
  • Portuguese: aparelhagem (pt) f
  • Russian: устано́вка (ru) f (ustanóvka), снаряжение (ru) n (snarjaženije), оборудование (ru) n (oborudovanije)
  • Scottish Gaelic: rioga m
  • Spanish: aparejo (es) m

the special apparatus used for drilling oil wells

  • Bulgarian: сондажна кула f (sondažna kula)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 鑽機钻机 (zh) (zuànjī)
  • Finnish: öljynporaustorni
  • French: foreuse (fr) f
  • German: Bohrturm (de) m, Bohrinsel (de) m
  • Greek: γεωτρητικός εξοπλισμός m (geotritikós exoplismós)
  • Italian: (please verify) torre di trivellazione f, trivella (it) f, piattaforma di trivellazione f
  • Japanese: リグ (rigu)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: rigg m
    Nynorsk: rigg m
  • Portuguese: perfuratriz f, perfuradora (pt) f
  • Russian: бурова́я вы́шка f (burovája výška)
  • Scottish Gaelic: rioga m

a costume or outfit

  • Bulgarian: облекло (bg) n (obleklo)
  • Esperanto: kostumo
  • Finnish: asu (fi)
  • French: costume (fr) m, tenue (fr) f
  • German: Aufmachung (de) f
  • Greek: ιματισμός (el) m (imatismós)
  • Italian: tenuta (it) f
  • Russian: костю́м (ru) m (kostjúm), снаряже́ние (ru) n (snarjažénije), наряд (ru) m (narjad), прикид (ru) m (prikid) (slang)

model outfitted with parameterized controls for animation

  • Finnish: ranka (fi), rigi (fi) (slang)


rig (third-person singular simple present rigs, present participle rigging, simple past and past participle rigged)

  1. (transitive) To fit out with a harness or other equipment.
    1. (transitive, nautical) To equip and fit (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards.
    2. (transitive, manufacturing) To move (a heavy object) with the help of slings, hoists, block and tackle, levers, or similar equipment.

      To rig such massive equipment requires experienced riggers

  2. (transitive, informal) To dress or clothe in some costume.
  3. (transitive) To make or construct something in haste or in a makeshift manner.

    rig up a makeshift shelter

  4. (transitive) To manipulate something dishonestly for personal gain or discriminatory purposes.

    to rig an election

    • 2013 August 10, Schumpeter, “Cronies and capitols”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:

      Policing the relationship between government and business in a free society is difficult. [] Governments have to find the best people to fill important jobs: there is a limited supply of people who understand the financial system, for example. But governments must also remember that businesses are self-interested actors who will try to rig the system for their own benefit.

  5. (transitive, obsolete) To make free with; hence, to steal; to pilfer.
    • 1557 February 13, Thomas Tusser, A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie., London: [] Richard Tottel, →OCLC; republished London: Reprinted for Robert Triphook, [], and William Sancho, [], 1810, →OCLC:

      Sir Hew is a rigging thy gate or the plow

  6. (transitive, intransitive, animation) To outfit a model with controls for animation.
    • 2012, Verónica Orvalho; Pedro Bastos; Frederic Parke; Bruno Oliveira; Xenxo Alvarez, “A Facial Rigging Survey: State of the Art Report”, in EUROGRAPHICS[2]:

      We can think of rigging a 3D character as a process analogous to setting up the strings that control a puppet.


to fit out with a harness

to manipulate something dishonestly

  • Arabic: please add this translation if you can
  • Armenian: please add this translation if you can
  • Bulgarian: фалшифицирам (bg) (falšificiram)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 操縱操纵 (zh) (cāozòng)
  • Danish: please add this translation if you can
  • Dutch: vervalsen (nl)
  • Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
  • French: truquer (fr), trafiquer (fr)
  • Georgian: please add this translation if you can
  • German: manipulieren (de)
  • Greek: μαγειρεύω (el) (mageirévo), στήνω (el) (stíno)
  • Hebrew: זייף(ziyéf)
  • Hungarian: manipulál (hu), megbundáz (hu)
  • Italian: (election) manipolare (it), (result) truccare (it)
  • Japanese: please add this translation if you can
  • Korean: please add this translation if you can
  • Portuguese: manipular (pt)
  • Romanian: falsifica (ro), truca (ro)
  • Russian: фальсифицировать (ru) (falʹsificirovatʹ)
  • Spanish: manipular (es), trucar (es)
  • Swedish: rigga (sv)
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Turkish: please add this translation if you can
  • Urdu: دھاندلی کرنا(dhāndlī karnā)
  • Vietnamese: please add this translation if you can

Etymology 2[edit]

See ridge.


rig (plural rigs)

  1. (UK, Scotland, dialect) A ridge.

Etymology 3[edit]

Compare wriggle.


rig (plural rigs)

  1. (obsolete) A wanton; one given to unbecoming conduct.
    • 1650, Thomas Fuller, “Of the Clothes and Ornaments of the Jews”, in A Pisgah Sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof; with the History of the Old and New Testament Acted thereon. [], London: William Tegg, published 1869, →OCLC, book IV, section IV (The Habits of Girls, Virgins, Brides, Wives, and Widows amongst the Jews), paragraph 2, page 535:

      Let none condemn them [girls] for rigs, because thus hoiting with boys, seeing the simplicity of their age was a patent to privilege any innocent pastime, and few more years will make them blush themselves into better manners.

  2. A promiscuous woman.
    • 1936, Anthony Bertram, Like the Phoenix

      However, terrible as it may seem to the tall maiden sisters of J.P.’s in Queen Anne houses with walled vegetable gardens, this courtesan, strumpet, harlot, whore, punk, fille de joie, street-walker, this trollop, this trull, this baggage, this hussy, this drab, skit, rig, quean, mopsy, demirep, demimondaine, this wanton, this fornicatress, this doxy, this concubine, this frail sister, this poor Queenie—did actually solicit me, did actually say ‘coming home to-night, dearie’ and my soul was not blasted enough to call a policeman.

  3. (obsolete) A sportive or unbecoming trick; a frolic.
    • 1782, William Cowper, “The Diverting History of John Gilpin, []”, in The Task, a Poem, [], London: [] J[oseph] Johnson; [], published 1785, →OCLC, page 349:

      Away went Gilpin neck or nought, / Away went hat and wig, / He little dreamt when he ſet out / Of running ſuch a rig.

  4. (obsolete) A blast of wind.
    • 1797, Edmund Burke, “Letter III.”, in A Third Letter to a Member of the Present Parliament, on the Proposals for Peace with the Regicide Directory of France, London: [] F[rancis] and C[harles] Rivington, []; sold also by J[ohn] Hatchard, [], →OCLC, page 64:

      This ſanguine little king’s-fiſher (not preſcient of the ſtorm, as by his inſtinct he ought to be) appearing at that uncertain ſeaſon, before the riggs of Old Michaelmas were yet well compoſed, and when the inclement ſtorms of winter were approaching, began to flicker over the ſeas and was buſy in building it’s halcyon neſt as if the angry ocean had been ſoothed by the genial breath of May.


rig (third-person singular simple present rigs, present participle rigging, simple past and past participle rigged)

  1. (intransitive, obsolete) To play the wanton; to act in an unbecoming manner; to play tricks.
    • 1616, George Chapman, The Hymn to Hermes, in The Whole Works of Homer (tr.),
      Rigging and rifling all ways, and no noise / Made with thy soft feet, where it all destroys.
  • See Thesaurus:harlotize

Etymology 4[edit]

From ring (algebraic structure), omitting the letter n to suggest the lack of negatives. Compare structure like a ring but lacking a multiplicative identity.


rig (plural rigs)

  1. (algebra, ring theory) An algebraic structure similar to a ring, but without the requirement that every element have an additive inverse.
    • 2004, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Volume 39, ACM Press, page 81,
      The set of natural numbers N with the usual operations of addition and multiplication is a rig, but not a ring. The set of integers Z is a ring. For a rig/ring (R,0,+,1,−), the set of polynomials R[x] on a generator x with the usual operations of addition and multiplication is also a rig/ring.
    • 2004, Jerzy Marcinkowski (editor), Computer Science Logic: 18th International Workshop, CSL 2004, Proceedings, Springer, LNCS 3210, page 17,
      It follows that for each object A its endomorphisms EndC(A) = C(A,A) has the structure of what is now called a rig, that is to say a (commutative) ring without negatives.
  • (algebraic structure like a ring but without additive inverses): semiring


  • G.R.I., GRI, IrG



From Greek ρήγας (rígas)[1], cognate with the also borrowed Romanian rigă. Ultimately from Latin rex, thus forming a doublet of regj.


rig m (indefinite plural riga)

  1. (rare, card games) king in a pack of playing cards
    Synonyms: mbret, kerr

Derived terms[edit]

  • rigash[2]


  • regj


  1. ^ Orel, Vladimir (1998) Albanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, →ISBN, page 371
  2. ^ Orel, Vladimir (1998), “rigash”, in Albanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, →ISBN, page 371


Etymology 1[edit]

From Old Norse ríkr (rich), from Proto-Germanic *rīkijaz, a derivative of *rīks (king, ruler), itself a borrowing from Proto-Celtic *rīxs, from Proto-Indo-European *h₃rḗǵs.


  • IPA(key): [ˈʁiˀ]
  • Rhymes: -iːˀ


rig (neuter rigt, plural and definite singular attributive rige, comparative rigere, superlative (predicative) rigest, superlative (attributive) rigeste)

  1. rich (having wealth), wealthy, affluent
  2. exuberant, luxuriant
Inflection of rig
Positive Comparative Superlative
Common singular rig rigere rigest2
Neuter singular rigt rigere rigest2
Plural rige rigere rigest2
Definite attributive1 rige rigere rigeste
1) When an adjective is applied predicatively to something definite, the corresponding «indefinite» form is used.
2) The «indefinite» superlatives may not be used attributively.

Etymology 2[edit]

From English rig.


  • IPA(key): [ˈʁɛɡ̊]
  • Rhymes: -eɡ


rig c (singular definite riggen, plural indefinite rigge)

  1. rig (the arrangement of masts etc., the special apparatus used for drilling oil wells)

Etymology 3[edit]

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.


  • IPA(key): [ˈʁɛɡ̊]



  1. imperative of rigge

Old Irish[edit]


  • IPA(key): /ˈr͈ʲiɣ/



  1. first-person singular future conjunct of téit


Old Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Nasalization
also ·rrig
pronounced with /-r(ʲ)-/
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every
possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

Definitions For Rig


  • The act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme
  • A vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses
  • Gear used in fishing
  • A set of clothing (with accessories)
  • Gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise
  • Formation of masts, spars, sails, etc., on a vessel
  • A truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together


  • Equip with sails or masts
  • Connect or secure to
  • Manipulate in a fraudulent manner
  • Arrange the outcome of by means of deceit
  • Equipment or machinery that is used for a particular purpose
  • A large truck that is attached to a trailer
  • The way the sails and masts are arranged on a ship or boat

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Rig is worth 4 points in Scrabble and 5 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Rig in a Sentence

  • He drives a big rig.
  • The rig of a schooner

Synonyms for Rig

Other forms: rigging; rigged; rigs

When you rig something, you connect parts in a way that’s so crazy it just might work. You could rig your jeans by using a paper clip to replace a button that pops.

Rig can also describe deceiving people to achieve a certain outcome. Voting multiple times, purposely miscounting the number of votes a person received, even throwing out certain people’s votes: these are all ways to rig an election. Outraged people say, «The election was fixed!» This doesn’t mean it was repaired; it means it was rigged — fraud played a role in the outcome.

Definitions of rig

  1. verb

    equip with sails or masts

    rig a ship”


    set, set up

  2. verb

    connect or secure to

  3. noun

    formation of masts, spars, sails, etc., on a vessel

  4. noun

    gear (including necessary machinery) for a particular enterprise

  5. noun

    gear used in fishing

  6. noun

    a set of clothing (with accessories)

  7. verb

    manipulate in a fraudulent manner

    rig prices”



  8. verb

    arrange the outcome of by means of deceit

    rig an election”


    set up

  9. noun

    the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme


    cheat, swindle

    see moresee less


    show 8 types…
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    cozenage, scam

    a fraudulent business scheme

    bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, con, con game, confidence game, confidence trick, flimflam, hustle, sting

    (offensive) a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property


    a fraudulent business practice involving some form of pyramid scheme e.g., the chain of distribution is artificially expanded by an excessive number of distributors selling to other distributors at progressively higher wholesale prices until retail prices are unnecessarily inflated


    the act of hiding playing cards in a gambling game so they are available for personal use later


    British slang for a swindle

    shell game, thimblerig

    a swindling sleight-of-hand game; victim guesses which of three things a pellet is under

    sting operation

    a complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care (especially an operation implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals)


    the practice of sending deceptive emails to trick internet users into revealing confidential or personal information

    type of:


    intentional deception resulting in injury to another person

  10. noun

    a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together

  11. noun

    a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses


    carriage, equipage

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    show 24 types…
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    a horse-drawn carriage having four wheels; has an outside seat for the driver and facing inside seats for two couples and a folding top


    light carriage; pulled by a single horse


    an open horse-drawn carriage with four wheels; has a seat attached to a flexible board between the two axles

    buggy, roadster

    a small lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse

    cab, cabriolet

    small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and a folding hood


    a luxurious carriage suitable for nobility in the 16th and 17th century

    chaise, shay

    a carriage consisting of two wheels and a calash top; drawn by a single horse


    a light four-wheel horse-drawn ceremonial carriage


    a closed carriage with four wheels and seats for four passengers

    coach, coach-and-four, four-in-hand

    a carriage pulled by four horses with one driver

    droshky, drosky

    an open horse-drawn carriage with four wheels; formerly used in Poland and Russia


    a horse-drawn carriage in India


    small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and no hood

    hackney, hackney carriage, hackney coach

    a carriage for hire

    hansom, hansom cab

    a two-wheeled horse-drawn covered carriage with the driver’s seat above and behind the passengers


    a four-wheel covered carriage with a roof divided into two parts (front and back) that can be let down separately

    post chaise

    closed horse-drawn carriage with four wheels; formerly used to transport passengers and mail


    a light open horse-drawn carriage with two or four wheels and one seat


    a light four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; has two or four seats


    a light two-wheeled carriage


    a Russian carriage pulled by three horses abreast


    a hackney carriage with four wheels


    an expensive or high-class hackney

    stage, stagecoach

    a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns

    type of:

    horse-drawn vehicle

    a wheeled vehicle drawn by one or more horses

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