Is retaking a word

Unfortunately, retaking the state exam is not possible.


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К сожалению, пересдача государственного экзамена не представляется возможным.


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make the pieces fit together retaking its original form.


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Поиск указанный сайт и сделать уживаются вместе отвоевать свою первоначальную форму.


Thus, the re-mastering and/or retaking of exams is not available for graduates.


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Таким образом, повторное освоение и/ или пересдача экзаменов выпускникам не предоставляется.


This is our only hope of saving the crew and retaking the ship.

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Это единственная надежда спасти команду и захватить корабль.

However, they were unsuccessful in retaking the city.

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Однако тогда им не удалось овладеть городом.

In 1945, the 132nd participated in the retaking of the Philippine Islands.

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Й дивизион в начале 1942 года принимал участие в захвате Филиппин.

On 3 December, soldiers

of the Spanish Legion’s 6th battalion(VI Bandera) arrived, breaking the siege and retaking the airfield.

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Декабря солдаты 6-

го батальона Испанского легиона смогли прорвать осаду Тилуина и отвоевать аэродром.

On the evening of the second day of the battle, Gaddafi’s forces, supported by tanks,

succeeded in retaking part of the military air base.

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Вечером 25 февраля, второго дня боя,

лоялистам при поддержке танков удалось отбить часть базы ВВС.

Tommy succeeded in retaking the bike,

and Mitch agrees to provide security for the Love Fist show.


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Томми удалось вернуть байк Митча

и он просто обязан обеспечить охрану на концерте Love Fist.


By 6 May, FARDC had succeeded in retaking much of the ground lost during the previous week

and had begun to advance against the Mayi-Mayi Cheka elements in Walikale.


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К 6 мая ВСДРК удалось вернуть значительную часть территории, утраченной за предыдущую неделю, после чего они

перешли в наступление на боевиков<< майи- майи>> из группы Чеки в Валикале.


Farnese set about consolidating Spanish control in the south, retaking Antwerp and other major towns.

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Фарнезе сосредоточился на восстановлении испанского контроля над Югом, отбив Антверпен и другие крупные города региона.

Thus Castro responded immediately by sending- in what was called»Maniobra XXXI Aniversario de las FAR»-

materiel and 15,000 elite troops, retaking the initiative from the Soviets.

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Таким образом, Кастро немедленно ответил, послав в Анголу технику и 15 000 отборных войск, назвав это« Маневром имени 31- й годовщины Революционных вооруженных сил»(

Maniobra XXXI Aniversario de las FAR), отвоевав инициативу у Советов.

The ARBiH Fifth Corps immediately went on the offensive,

easily defeating the Autonomists loyal to Fikret Abdić and retaking the town of Velika Kladusa.


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Пятый корпус армии Республики Боснии и Герцеговины немедленно перешел

в наступление, без труда смяв силы сторонников автономии, верных Фикрету Абдичу, и отбив город Велика- Кладуша.


Thus for example, ISIS succeeded in retaking the village of Abu Al-Tababir east of Homs,

while inflicting casualties on the Syrian army following detonation of a car bomb by a suicide bomber.


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Так, например, ИГ удалось снова захватить деревню Абу аль- Табабир к востоку

от Хомса, нанеся сирийским подразделениям урон в результате подрыва террористом- самоубийцей заминированного автомобиля.


Flanked by soldiers, al-Abbadi hailed the retaking of Mosul— where ISIS dealt Iraqi forces a

devastating defeat three years ago— as a historic moment in the battle against the extremists.


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В сопровождении солдат аль- Аббади приветствовал возвращение Мосула, где ИГ нанесло сокрушительное

поражение Ираку три года назад, как исторический момент в битве с экстремистами.


At the same time, following the retaking of the city by Government forces,

it had received some 11,000 displaced persons whom it had tried to assist as best it could.


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В то же время после повторного захвата города правительственными войсками в город прибыло

около 11 000 перемещенных лиц, и он пытался оказать им максимально возможное содействие.


Following the retaking of Château-Thierry by the US,

the women of the town made Stubby a chamois coat on which were pinned his many medals.

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женщины города преподнесли Стабби замшевое пальто, на котором находились его многочисленные медали.

It does not constitute an issue of the CD expansion but a request for retaking a liberated seat.


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Она связана не с проблемой расширения Конференции по разоружению, а с просьбой занять освободившееся место.


The civilian massacres involving

reprisal killings and summary executions following, in recent years, the taking and retaking of particular areas by warring parties;


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Расправы над гражданскими лицами,

включающие репрессивные убийства и суммарные казни после


и повторного захвата в последние годы отдельных районов противоборствующими сторонами;


Listen, you know Grady well enough to call and

find out why I’m retaking the test?

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Слушай, ты достаточно хорошо знаешь Грейди, чтобы позвонить и спросить,

почему я должен заново проходить проверку?

Given that the author was no longer a civil servant, however,

he was offered the possibility of retaking the examination.


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Однако с учетом того обстоятельства, что автор уже не являлся гражданским служащим,

ему была предоставлена возможность пройти экзамен повторно.


While their larger goals of retaking land that they believe to have been taken from them

and ultimately returning to power the Gbagbo regime may be beyond their capacity, the groups remain committed to those goals and violent means of achieving them.


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Хотя их более широкие цели- вернуть землю, которая, как они считают, была отнята у них, и в конечном итоге вернуть к власти режим Гбагбо,- возможно, находятся за пределами их возможностей, эти группы по-прежнему привержены этим целям и насильственным методам их достижения.


This fi ve-axis turn-mill centre with a retaking unit for the complete machining of complex

and high-precision workpieces is well-suited for the individual machining of very small components or for bar-stock machining with a maximum diameter of 32 mm.


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Этот 5- осевой токарно- фрезерный центр с агрегатом возврата для комплексной обработки сложных деталей,

требующих максимальной точности исполнения, предназначен как для единичного исполнения мельчайших деталей, так и для массового производства деталей с максимальным диаметром до 32 мм.


On 20 July,

it was reported that the IDF had warned that retaking Palestinian-controlled cities was not a realistic

option after army war games had shown that the operation would result in several hundred deaths as well as thousands of injuries and would serve no constructive purpose.


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Июля было сообщено, что ИДФ предупредили, что повторный захват находящихся под контролем палестинцев городов- вариант нереальный,

поскольку все проведенные ранее армией военные игры показывают, что в результате такой операции погибнут сотни и будут ранены тысячи людей и она будет бесполезной.


The uncontrolled presence of armed militias has resulted in massive human rights violations, summary executions, forced disappearances, abduction, torture and obstruction of humanitarian aid. A new wave of

violence began on 6 March 2003 with the retaking of the town of Bunia by Ugandan troops.


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Бесконтрольное присутствие вооруженных ополченцев привело к массовым нарушениям прав человека, казням без надлежащего судебного разбирательства, насильственным исчезновениям, похищениям, пыткам и созданию препятствий для поступления гуманитарной

помощи. 6 марта 2003 года, с повторным захватом угандийскими войсками города Буниа, началась новая волна насилия.


Rwanda denies all the reports, which are entirely baseless, transmitted to the Security Council by the Kinshasa Government,

which seeks to implicate the Rwandan defence forces in the retaking of Uvira by the Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie/Goma(RCD/Goma)

on Saturday, 19 October 2002.


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Руанда опровергает все совершенно безосновательные сведения, переданные Совету Безопасности правительством Киншасы,

которое хотело бы обвинить Руандийские силы обороны в захвате города Увира в субботу, 19 октября 2002 года, совершенном Конголезским объединением за

демократию- Гома КОД- Гома.


Summarizing the overwhelming independent eyewitness reports of the developments on the ground, Global Intelligence Update writes»Ethiopia launched an offensive against neighbouring Eritrea on 6 February,

ostensibly aimed at retaking the disputed border area of Badme.


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Резюмируя огромное число сообщений независимых свидетелей о событиях на местах, издание» Глобал интеллидженс апдейт» указывает:» 6 февраля Эфиопия начала наступление на соседнюю Эритрею, по

всей видимости, с целью вновь овладеть спорным пограничным районом Бадме.


In the spring of 504, he led his men to participate in the ongoing siege of Amida,

but soon after left and engaged in an invasion of Persian-held territory, retaking several cities and returning with much booty.

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Весной 504 года он направил свои войска к Амиде, чтобы присоединиться к происходившей в тот момент осаде города,

но вскоре после этого покинул Амиду и приступил к освобождению оккупированных персами территорий, взяв несколько городов, и вернулся с богатыми трофеями.

A counteroffensive launched by Government forces, supported by French contingents and contingents of the Multinational Force(FOMUC) of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community, CEMAC,

resulted in the retaking of the city of Birao on 27 November,

the liberation of Ndélé the same day and later, in December, the liberation of the towns of Sam-Ouandja and Ouanda-Djallé.


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Контрнаступление правительственных сил при поддержке французских подразделений и подразделений Многонациональных сил Центральноафриканского экономического и валютного сообщества( ФОМУК)

позволило вновь взять город Бирао 27 ноября и в тот же день освободить Нделе,

а позднее, в декабре, населенные пункты Ванджиа и Ванда- Джалле.


For example, Tran Thi Chau, who had been involved in a land dispute with the local authorities in Tra Vinh Province, had been arrested on her way to a wedding on 22 April 2010 and later sentenced by the Tra Vinh court to two and

half years’ imprisonment for the alleged crime of retaking her land.


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Например, Тран Ти Чао, которая вступила в земельный спор с местными властями в провинции Чавинь, была арестована по пути на свадьбу 22 апреля 2010 года, а затем приговорена судом провинции Чавинь к двум с половиной годам тюремного заключения за якобы имевшее место правонарушение,

которое состояло в захвате своей земли.



1) Общая лексика: занять, занять или захватить, захватить, снова взять, пересдать

2) Техника: переснимать, переснятый кадр, повторная съёмка

3) Юридический термин: возвратить под стражу, изъять вещь из чужого владения в порядке самопомощи

4) Кино: пересъёмка, съемочный дубль

5) Образование: экзамен, который сдаётся второй раз

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «retake» в других словарях:

  • Retake — Re*take , v. t. 1. To take or receive again. [1913 Webster] 2. To take from a captor; to recapture; as, to retake a ship or prisoners. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • retake — index attach (seize), reclaim, recoup (regain), recover, rescue Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • retake — (v.) mid 15c., to take back, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + TAKE (Cf. take) (v.). Meaning to recapture is recorded from 1640s; sense of to record a second time is attested from 1962 …   Etymology dictionary

  • retake — (izg. ritȇjk) m DEFINICIJA film. ponovno snimanje istoga kadra ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ≃ re + take: snimka, snimiti …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • retake — ► VERB (past retook; past part. retaken) 1) take (a test or examination) again. 2) regain possession of. ► NOUN 1) a test or examination that is retaken. 2) an instance of filming a scene or recording a piece of music again …   English terms dictionary

  • retake — [rē tāk′; ] for n. [ rē′tāk΄] vt. retook, retaken, retaking 1. to take again, take back, or recapture ☆ 2. to photograph again n. 1. a retaking ☆ 2. a film or video scene rephotographed or to be rephotographed …   English World dictionary

  • retake — I UK [ˌriːˈteɪk] / US [ˌrɪˈteɪk] verb [transitive] Word forms retake : present tense I/you/we/they retake he/she/it retakes present participle retaking past tense retook UK [ˌriːˈtʊk] / US [ˌrɪˈtʊk] past participle retaken UK [ˌriːˈteɪkən] / US… …   English dictionary

  • retake — re|take1 [ ,ri teık ] (past tense re|took [ ,ri tuk ] ; past participle re|tak|en [ ,ri teıkən ] ) verb transitive 1. ) to take control of a place again using military force: Soldiers came to retake the village. 2. ) to photograph or record… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • retake — retakes, retaking, retook, retaken (The verb is pronounced [[t]riːte͟ɪk[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]ri͟ːteɪk[/t]].) 1) VERB If a military force retakes a place or building which it has lost in a war or battle, it captures it again. [V n]… …   English dictionary

  • Retake — Re|take 〈[ri:tɛık] n. 15〉 Neu , Nachaufnahme (einer nichtgelungenen Filmszene) [engl., „Neuaufnahme“, eigtl. „wiedernehmen“] * * * Re|take [ri teɪk], das; [s], s <meist Pl.> [engl. retake, zu: to retake = wieder an , ein , aufnehmen] (Film) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • retake — re|take1 [ˌri:ˈteık] v past tense retook [ ˈtuk ] past participle retaken [ ˈteıkən] [T] 1.) to get control of an area again in a war = ↑recapture ▪ an attempt to retake the city 2.) to take an examination again because you have previously failed …   Dictionary of contemporary English

Asked by: Mr. Ignacio Grant

Score: 5/5
(28 votes)

verb (used with object), re·took [ree-took], re·tak·en, re·tak·ing. to take again; take back. to recapture.

What is another word for retake?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for retake, like: recapture, give, reassume, repossess, take back, re-claim, reoccupy, resume, , and null.

What retake means?

1 : to take or receive again. 2 : recapture. 3 : to photograph again.

How do you use retake in a sentence?

This was retaken in 1791 by the Mahrattas. Orihuela was captured by the Moors in 713, and retaken by James I. In November matters were brought to a head by the wagons of a farmer named Bezuidenhout being seized in respect of the non-payment of taxes, and promptly retaken from the sheriff by a party of Boers.

What is the past tense of retake?

Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular present tense retakes, present participle retaking , past tense retook , past participle retaken pronunciation note: The verb is pronounced (riːteɪk ).

43 related questions found

Is retake one word or hyphenated?

verb (used with object), re·took [ree-took], re·tak·en, re·tak·ing. to take again; take back. to recapture.

What is a resit?

: a sitting (as of a legislature) for a second time : another sitting.

Is Retask a word?

To cause to perform a new task; to change the work or mission of.

What does game retake mean?

Retake. When the defenders concede a site to the attackers in order to regroup and coordinate to regain control of the site.

What is another word for redid?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for redid, like: remade, reconstructed, remodeled, revamped, rethought, repeated, duplicated and revised.

What is it called when you redo a test?

retake verb [T] (EXAM)

to take an exam again because you failed it the first time: to retake your driving test/final exams. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

Who created fortnite retakes?

The pioneer behind it was professional Fortnite player FaZe Dubs. The ‘Double Edit Ramp’ gets a bit more difficult since it relies heavily on precision and timing. Moreover, players also need to keep their jump momentum in mind while doing this retake due to the number of side jumps it involves.

Is resit a Scrabble word?

Yes, resit is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is it re sit or resit?

verbverb resits, verb resitting, past participle verb resat/riːˈsat/ Take (an examination) again after failing it. ‘His son, a second-year construction studies student, failed in the summer exams of 2000 and was suspended from resitting examinations for two years. ‘

What does retook control mean?

to take control of a place again using military force. Soldiers came to retake the village. Synonyms and related words. Invading and taking control by force. invade.

How do I retake in Valorant?

How to Retake in Valorant

  1. Weigh up your chances.
  2. Gather up.
  3. Arrange utility.
  4. Timed execution.

What is the verb of real?

realize. (formal, transitive) To make real; to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into the actual; to bring into concrete existence.


 9 049

y  *

глагол произносится

амер.  |ˌriːˈteɪk| no audio   американское произношение слова retake

брит.  |ˌriːˈteɪk| no audio  британское произношение слова retake

существительное произносится

амер.  |ˈriːteɪk| no audio   американское произношение слова retake

брит.  |ˈriːteɪk| no audio  британское произношение слова retake

irregular verb:  p.t. — retook  p.p. — retaken

пересдавать, снова взять, пересъемка, переснятый кадр


- снова взять, занять или захватить

she retook her place at the table — она снова заняла своё место за столом
expectations retook possession of her heart — надежды вновь ожили в её сердце
to retake the kick — повторить удар (футбол)

- кино, фото переснимать


- повторная съёмка; пересъёмка
- переснятый кадр

Мои примеры


an attempt to retake the city — попытка вновь взять город  
to retake into custody — вновь взять под стражу  
to retake a person — возвратить лицо под стражу  
retake into custody — вновь взять под стражу  
retake terrain — захватывать местность  
retake a person — возвратить лицо под стражу  
do a retake — переснимать  
retake an exam — пересдать экзамен  

Примеры с переводом

Students can retake the test.

Студенты могут пересдать тест. / Ученики могут переписать контрольную ещё раз.

Please retake that scene.

Пожалуйста, пересними ту сцену.

We will have to retake the photograph.

Нам придётся переснять эту фотографию.

Only under special circumstances will you be allowed to retake the test.

Только при особых обстоятельствах вы получите разрешение пересдать этот тест.

They helped their party retake the Senate.

Они помогли своей партии вновь завладеть сенатом.

He retook the lead close to the finish line.

Он вернул себе лидерство возле самого финиша.

She retook her place at the bottom of the table.

Она снова заняла свое место в конце стола.

The director called for a retake.

Режиссёр дал команду переснять сцену.

They had to do several retakes before the director was satisfied.

Им пришлось несколько раз переснимать эту сцену, прежде чем режиссёр остался доволен.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: retake
he/she/it: retakes
ing ф. (present participle): retaking
2-я ф. (past tense): retook
3-я ф. (past participle): retaken

ед. ч.(singular): retake
мн. ч.(plural): retakes

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  • Normal — по умолчанию (1);
  • Slow — медленно (0.75);
  • Slowest — очень медленно (0.5).

Близкие по звучанию слова

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Работайте над своей интонацией. Ритм и интонация важны для того, чтобы другие поняли, что вы говорите. Послушайте на Youtube, как говорят носители языка.

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Afghanistan is where much of the al Qaeda journey began. It is the main site where Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and their cohort rose to prominence fighting the Soviets in the 1980s. Afghan territory holds special significance to the group, which is committed to retaking it and re-establishing it as the base of a global movement.

Jack Keane





Retaking is a verb.




I retake

you retake

he/she/it retakes

we retake

you retake

they retake

Present continuous

I am retaking

you are retaking

he/she/it is retaking

we are retaking

you are retaking

they are retaking

Present perfect

I have retaken

you have retaken

he/she/it has retaken

we have retaken

you have retaken

they have retaken

Present perfect continuous

I have been retaking

you have been retaking

he/she/it has been retaking

we have been retaking

you have been retaking

they have been retaking

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I retook

you retook

he/she/it retook

we retook

you retook

they retook

Past continuous

I was retaking

you were retaking

he/she/it was retaking

we were retaking

you were retaking

they were retaking

Past perfect

I had retaken

you had retaken

he/she/it had retaken

we had retaken

you had retaken

they had retaken

Past perfect continuous

I had been retaking

you had been retaking

he/she/it had been retaking

we had been retaking

you had been retaking

they had been retaking

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will retake

you will retake

he/she/it will retake

we will retake

you will retake

they will retake

Future continuous

I will be retaking

you will be retaking

he/she/it will be retaking

we will be retaking

you will be retaking

they will be retaking

Future perfect

I will have retaken

you will have retaken

he/she/it will have retaken

we will have retaken

you will have retaken

they will have retaken

Future perfect continuous

I will have been retaking

you will have been retaking

he/she/it will have been retaking

we will have been retaking

you will have been retaking

they will have been retaking

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would retaking

you would retaking

he/she/it would retaking

we would retaking

you would retaking

they would retaking

Conditional continuous

I would be retaking

you would be retaking

he/she/it would be retaking

we would be retaking

you would be retaking

they would be retaking

Conditional perfect

I would have retaking

you would have retaking

he/she/it would have retaking

we would have retaking

you would have retaking

they would have retaking

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been retaking

you would have been retaking

he/she/it would have been retaking

we would have been retaking

you would have been retaking

they would have been retaking

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you retake
we let´s retake
you retake

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Present Participle


Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.

Synonyms and antonyms of retaking in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «retaking» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of retaking to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of retaking from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «retaking» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

استرداد السيطرة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

chiếm lại

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

திரும்பப் பெற

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Yeniden Alınması

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of retaking


The term «retaking» is regularly used and occupies the 97.751 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «retaking» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of retaking

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «retaking».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «retaking» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «retaking» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about retaking


Famous quotes and sentences with the word retaking.

Afghanistan is where much of the al Qaeda journey began. It is the main site where Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar and their cohort rose to prominence fighting the Soviets in the 1980s. Afghan territory holds special significance to the group, which is committed to retaking it and re-establishing it as the base of a global movement.


Discover the use of retaking in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to retaking and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Can They Do That?: Retaking Our Fundamental Rights in the …

An exposé of the ways in which companies legally compromise employee privacy and freedom shares the stories of such individuals as a man who was denied employment for failing a psychological test that probed his religious beliefs and women …


Retaking the universe: William S. Burroughs in the age of …

Cutting-edge analysis on the life and works of Burroughs covering both his fiction and journals.

Davis Schneiderman, Philip Walsh, 2004


Retaking Rationality: How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Better …

In Retaking Rationality, Richard L. Revesz and Michael A. Livermore argue convincingly that one of the least understood-and most important-causes of our failure to protect the environment has been a misguided rejection of reason.

Richard L. Revesz, Michael A. Livermore, 2011


Retaking: Webster’s Quotations, Facts and Phrases

Cooking is a pleasant diversion. Putting up a retaining wall is a lark.


English Irregular Verbs: Master 250 irregular verbs in English

… Tense Present/Gerund Perfect/Gerund Past retake retaking having retaken
retaken Mode Infinitive Tense Present Perfect Present Continuous Perfect
Continuous retake to have retaken to be retaking to have been retaking Mode
Progressive …


An Insider’s Guide to Getting Into Medical School: Tips They …

You should always plan on retaking the test if your individual science scores are
below 9. The essay portion of the exam is rarely a factor in the admissions
process because the exact rating criteria used to grade this portion of the exam is
not …

Mario Jascalevich, Dr. X., 2005


Wisconsin Statutes, 1923

3 remedies of seller, retaking and resa.le,1 122.16 to 122.25. . removal of goods,
122.13. removal of goods, penalty, removal ot goods, reilling, 1 resale ‘by seller,
122.16 to 12 ‘ resales, 122.09. 7 resales without notice, 122.13. { resales without

Wisconsin, Eugene Edward Brossard


Wisconsin Statutes and Annotations

the performance of any promise, the breach of which is by the contract expressly
made a ground for the retaking of the goods, the seller may retake possession
thereof. Unlss the goods can be retaken without breach of the peace, they shall
be …

Upon written demand delivered personally or by registered mail by the buyer, the
seller shall furnish to the buyer a written statement of the sum due under the
contract and the expense of retaking, keeping and storage. For failure to furnish …


Reports to the General Assembly of Illinois

By bill of clothing purchased, on prisoners, of Buckmaster & Wise, as follows :
692 pairs of pants, $2 00 592 under shirts and drawers, $1 00 , Amounts paid in
searching and retaking escaped convicts from June 10, 1858, to Nov. 30, 1860.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term retaking is used in the context of the following news items.

Retaking Ramadi: The Dilemmas of the Anbar Campaign

On May 17, Islamic State militants seized the key Iraqi city of Ramadi. The capital of Anbar province, its population of around 800,000 inhabitants makes it … «Huffington Post, Jun 15»

Iraq Pins Hopes Of Retaking Ramadi On Newly Trained Sunni Fighters

That defeat underscored growing doubts that the Iraqi military will be able to realize its long-promised goal to retake the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, whose fall to … «International Business Times, Jun 15»

Retaking driving licences: bad idea

Durban — A couple of months ago I started hearing rumours that there was a proposal in the works that the government would require drivers to retake their … «Independent Online, May 15»

Retaking Ramadi: It’s Lose-Lose

Now Iran’s preferred militias are building up in preparation to retake Ramadi. Their presence is likely to further exacerbate sectarian tensions that ISIS has … «Newsweek, May 15»

In 18-nation military exercise in Jordan, troops practice retaking

… interest among all 18 nations for regional stability and this is why we are here.» In a live-fire drill on retaking a border, a B-52 bomber attacked mock targets. «Fox News, May 15»

GSU nursing seniors retaking test won’t graduate

Twenty Grambling State University nursing students will have to retake their exit exam course over the summer at Northwestern State University and pass the … «Monroe News Star, May 15»

Fallouja illustrates Iraq’s challenge in retaking cities from Islamic State

Nowhere is the government’s challenge in retaking its captured cities better demonstrated than here, as Islamic State conducts daily suicide bombings while also … «Los Angeles Times, Apr 15»

After Retaking Iraqi City, Shiite Militias Accused Of Targeting Sunnis

In an unfinished building, noisy with the sound of children, I meet a half-dozen farming families. They’ve been sheltering here in the city of Samarra since they … «NPR, Apr 15»

‘Chaos,’ Charges of Abuses Follow Retaking of Tikrit

But the high-profile retaking of Tikrit and the controversial intervention of U.S. airstrikes have put added scrutiny on the behavior of security forces in the city. «Wall Street Journal, Apr 15»

Retaking the Moral High Ground in the Fight Against Poverty

If a nation has the ways and means to solve a social problem that is devastating millions of its citizens’ lives, but it fails to act, doesn’t that mean resolving the … «The Nation., Mar 15»


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Definitions For Retaking


  • The act of taking something back
  • The act of filming, photographing, or recording something again
  • An examination that a student takes again after failing or doing poorly the first time


  • To take (something) again

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Retaking is worth 13 points in Scrabble and 15 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Retaking in a Sentence

  • They helped their party retake the Senate.
  • He retook the lead close to the finish line.
  • We will have to retake the photograph.
  • The director called for a retake.

Synonyms for Retaking

Definitions of retaking

  1. noun

    the act of taking something back

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘retaking’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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