Is respectfully a word



- почтительно; вежливо

yours respectfully — с уважением, с почтением (в конце письма к вышестоящему лицу)

Мои примеры


knock respectfully — почтительно стучаться; почтительно стучать  
bow one’s head respectfully — склоняться  

Примеры с переводом

I respectfully quest your assistance in this matter.

Я почтительно прошу вашей помощи в этом вопросе.

Corbett entered the room, bowing respectfully.

Корбетт вошёл в комнату, почтительно кланяясь.

The children were remarkably respectful while in the president’s office.

В кабинете президента дети вели себя на удивление вежливо.

Might I respectfully suggest to the Town Council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?

Могу ли я предложить уважаемому городскому совету принять политику «искусного бездействия»? (политический курс, проводимый Великобританией в Афганистане во второй половине девятнадцатого века)

Возможные однокоренные слова

[rɪ’spektf(ə)lɪ], [-fulɪ]


почтительно; вежливо

yours respectfully — с уважением

Англо-русский современный словарь.

Смотреть что такое «respectfully» в других словарях:

  • respectfully — adverb compliantly, courteously, decorously, deferentially, dutifully, humbly, obediently, politely, regardfully, reverenter, reverently, submissively, summisse, unassumingly, verecunde, with all respect, with compliance, with deference, with due …   Law dictionary

  • respectfully — re|spect|ful|ly [ rı spektfəli ] adverb with respect: He bowed respectfully, and started to speak. a. FORMAL used for showing that you are being polite: I must respectfully disagree with what you are saying. b. Respectfully yours AMERICAN… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • respectfully — UK [rɪˈspektf(ə)lɪ] / US [rɪˈspektfəlɪ] adverb a) with respect He bowed respectfully, and started to speak. b) formal used for showing that you are being polite I must respectfully disagree with what you are saying …   English dictionary

  • respectfully —   Me ka mahalo, me ka pono (ending in letters).    ♦ I am, respectfully, o au me ka ha aha a (see also iho7).    ♦ Respectfully yours, me ka mana o nui …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • respectfully — See respectfully, respectively, respectably …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • respectfully — adv. Respectfully is used with these verbs: ↑bow, ↑decline, ↑disagree, ↑listen, ↑nod, ↑submit, ↑suggest …   Collocations dictionary

  • respectfully — respectful ► ADJECTIVE ▪ feeling or showing deference and respect. DERIVATIVES respectfully adverb respectfulness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • respectfully — adverb in a respectful manner might I respectfully suggest to the Town Council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity? • Ant: ↑disrespectfully • Derived from adjective: ↑respectful …   Useful english dictionary

  • respectfully / respectively —    Respectfully means politely and with respect : Mel Pew always dealt respectfully with each and every customer.    Respectively refers to the order in which things are given: I gave Wallace and Linda blue and green socks, respectively, means… …   Confused words

  • respectfully / respectively —    Respectfully means politely and with respect : Mel Pew always dealt respectfully with each and every customer.    Respectively refers to the order in which things are given: I gave Wallace and Linda blue and green socks, respectively, means… …   Confused words

  • respectfully, respectively, respectably — The first of these terms means with respect : He addressed the supervisor respectfully. Respectively means each in the order named : Harry, Ned, and Steve were known as the Ace, the Banker, and the Nightcrawler respectively, Respectably means in… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

Respectfully relates to showing or expressing respect, with respect meaning «the understanding that something is important.» Respectively means «in the order given» and in this case respect is being used to describe how one thing relates to or references another.

Respectfully Meaning

Both respectively and respectfully have respect at their core. But they point to different senses of that word. Respectfully means «in a way that shows or expresses respect,» with respect here meaning «a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way.»


‘Respectively’ means «in the order given,» and connects to the meaning of respect having to do with how something relates to or references another thing, as in «Cathy and Patty like crêpes and hot dogs, respectively.»

Here’s ‘respectfully’ in action:

I must respectfully decline the invitation.

If you have to leave early, do it respectfully.

Respectively Meaning

Respectively means «in the order given,» and connects to the meaning of respect having to do with how something relates to or references another thing, as in «the cars are similar with respect to efficiency and initial cost.» Here are some examples:

Car A and car B have 2 and 4 doors, respectively.

Maples and oaks are members of the Acer and Quercus genuses, respectively.

Tyler and Alex are respectively 8 and 12 years old.

Keep these words straight, and people will respect your command of the English language.

Asked by: Gaylord Torphy

Score: 4.4/5
(29 votes)

The term and catchphrase “Respectfully” is phrase said after a sentence that can be considered disrespectful. Before or after someone says something that can be considered disrespectful, they might add “respectfully”.

What does it mean when you say respectfully?

Respectfully Meaning Respectfully means “in a way that shows or expresses respect,” with respect here meaning “a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way.”

What does respectfully mean Tiktok?

Respectfully means disrespect is at an all time high ? #fyp #RESPECTFULLY. mstami. 22.

What does the respectfully meme mean?

It means the speaker thinks they are not just a pretty face or a beautiful body, but also admires their talent or personality. If they say «I am ‘not’ looking respectfully» they are still expressing attraction, but more directly related to the person’s looks.

Who came up with respectfully?

6. He coined the hashtag #respectfully. Laboy popularized the hashtag #respectfully, and it’s appropriate for just about any scenario.

21 related questions found

What can I say instead of respectfully?

synonyms for respectfully

  • attentively.
  • politely.
  • ceremoniously.
  • considerately.
  • courteously.
  • decorously.
  • regardfully.
  • reverentially.

How do you say respectfully?

5 Tips for Polite and Diplomatic Language

  1. Listen and be understanding. …
  2. Avoid negative words — instead use positive words in a negative form. …
  3. Say the magic word: Sorry. …
  4. Use little words to soften your statements. …
  5. Avoid ‘finger pointing’ statements with the word ‘you’

Where did the word respectfully come from?

respectful (adj.)

1580s, «characterized by respect» (implied in respectfully), from respect (n.) + -ful. The meaning «full of outward civility» is attested by 1680s. Respectfully in conventional subscriptions of letters is attested by 1812.

Is respect a positive word?

Respect, also called esteem, is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important or held in high esteem or regard. It conveys a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities.

Is disrespectfully a word?

adj. Having or exhibiting a lack of respect; rude and discourteous. dis′re·spect′ful·ly adv.

What does respectably mean?

1 : worthy of respect : estimable. 2 : decent or correct in character or behavior : proper. 3a : fair in size or quantity a respectable amount. b : moderately good : tolerable.

How do you use respectively in a sentence?

«Respectively» — How to Use it in Your Writing

  1. Example: “The peak absorption wavelengths of samples A and B were 710 nm and 600 nm, respectively.” …
  2. Example: “The dog and the cat were named Jack and Sam, respectively.”

Which is better sincerely or respectfully?

«Respectfully yours» is reserved for the president (and, for the Army only, the president’s spouse) and the president-elect. «Sincerely» is used in all other cases. For more informal (but still professional) correspondence among military service members, «Respectfully» and «Very Respectfully» are used.

What is the opposite of respectfully?

Opposite of in a manner that is respectful or considerate. disrespectfully. impudently. rudely. disdainfully.

When should you use Respectfully yours?

If you already have a business relationship with the other party, «Best wishes» and «Kindest regards» are appropriate. If the letter is going to someone you respect or is a high-level executive above your own company stature, «Respectfully yours» demonstrates that respect.

Is respectful a feeling?

Respectful is the adjective form of the common word respect, which means a feeling of admiration. So when you behave in a way that’s respectful, you’re doing something to show admiration for another person.

What causes respect?

Confidence and pride in oneself while simultaneously being considerate of others. Aiding someone in need without expectation of reward. Honesty at all times, but especially in a moment of tension. Achieving a goal or holding a societal status that the individual desires.

What is the highest form of respect?

Expectations are the highest form of respect.

What is the difference between respected and respectful?

Yes there is, a respected man is one who commands respect, that is; people respect him. But a respectful man is one who shows respect; he respects people. If someone is respectful, it means that the person has/shows respect to others.

What’s a fancy word for respectful?

courteous, polite, decorous, civil, deferential.

What is the root of respectful?

1540s, «to regard, notice with especial attention,» from French respecter «look back; respect; delay» (16c.), from Latin respectere, frequentative of respicere «look back at, regard, consider,» from re- «back» (see re-) + specere «look at» (from PIE root *spek- «to observe»).

What does respectfully mean at the end of a letter?

What does respectfully mean at the end of a letter? Respectfully means “in a way that shows or expresses respect,” with respect here meaning “a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way.”

How can I be respectful and polite?

Here are 7 simple ways you can teach your girl to be more respectful today:

  1. Listen and be present. …
  2. Be thoughtful of others’ feelings. …
  3. Acknowledge others and say thank you. …
  4. Address mistakes with kindness. …
  5. Make decisions based on what’s right, not who you like. …
  6. Respect physical boundaries. …
  7. Live and let live.

Is with all due respect offensive?

With all due respect is an adverb phrase used to signal that you are about disagree with someone or criticize them. … With all due respect has become an overused phrase, it is now often used sarcastically to mean the exact opposite of what it states.

Is ceremoniously a word?

In accord with prescribed or customary usage; rigidly formal. cer′e·mo′ni·ous·ly adv. cer′e·mo′ni·ous·ness n. ceremonially, ceremoniously — Ceremonially relates to the performance of a procedure; ceremoniously relates to the performer of the procedure.

respectfully — перевод на русский


Battery commander respectfully reports he cannot execute such an order unless it is in writing and signed by the general, over.

При всем уважении, командир батареи выполнит этот приказ, если он будет подписан генералом лично. Отбой.

Respectfully recommend all decks maintain security alert.

При всем уважении, пусть палубы остаются при полной готовности.

We respectfully ask permission to enquire further and…

При всем уважении мы просим разрешения расследовать дальше и—

Respectfully, sir, the former VP is a good man and a decent man.

При всем уважении, сэр. Бывший вице-президент — хороший и порядочный человек.

I respectfully disagree, Major.

При всем уважении, майор, позвольте с вами не согласится.

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I respectfully decline this feeling.

Мне не нужно это чувство. Я уважительно отклоняю это чувство.

Patient but respectful.

Сдержанно и уважительно.

A boy talks respectfully to a girl.

Юноша должен уважительно разговаривать с девушкой.

A respectful lumberjack doesn’t have 7 boys when he serves a King who had a hard time to get a legitimate daughter.

Уважительно ли лесорубу иметь 7 мальчиков, когда он служит королю, которому пришлось нелегко заполучить законную дочь.

‘My other half-sister, Gloria, had realised my intellectual superiority’ SHE GROWLS ..And was quietly respectful to me.’

Вторая моя сводная сестра, Глория, осознала мое интеллектуальное превосходство и уважительно помалкивала.

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There will now be a respectful silence while we feel sorry for ourselves.

Будем вежливо молчать и жалеть себя.

Answer respectfully!

— Отвечай вежливо!

How kind of you to phrase it in that very respectful manner.

Как мило с твоей стороны так вежливо попросить об этом.

I was just comin’ in quiet and respectful.

я просто вошел, тихо и вежливо.

I’m asking you, respectfully, drop the weapon, kneel and put your hands on your head.

Я прошу тебя, вежливо брось оружие, на колени и руки за голову.

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Get her to talk about me… in a respectful way, of course.

Заставьте её говорить обо мне, почтительно, конечно.

People will not treat you respectfully.

Люди не будут относиться к тебе почтительно.

it was tender, respectful, and copied word for word from a German novel.

оно было нежно, почтительно и слово в слово взято из немецкого романа.

I can’t conceal from you that I love you tenderly, passionately and above all, respectfully.

Но я изменился. Я не могу скрыть, что люблю вас нежно, страстно. И что превыше всего, почтительно.

Might I respectfully remind His Grace that we had a deal?

Могу я почтительно напомнить Вашему Величеству, что у нас договор?

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this is the celebration of specialness. when the flag goes by in a few moments, we want all you kids to show mom and dad that we can be respectful to our national flag.

это празднование уникальности когда пойдёт флаг через несколько мгновений мы хотим, чтобы вы, дети, показали бы мамам и папам что мы можем уважать наш национальный флаг.

You must be respectful towards your father and his friends.

Ты должен уважать своего отца и его друзей.

Well, I don’t know… I think if you’re patient, and you’re respectful… when Rhonda’s ready, she’ll, uh… she’ll wave you over.

Даже не знаю, думаю, если будешь терпелив и будешь ее уважать, то, когда Ронда будет готова, она… она даст тебе отмашку.

You have to be respectful of their feelings.

Вы должны уважать их чувства.

And I’m gonna be respectful of your feelings.

И я буду уважать твои чувства.

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My respectful compliments…

Мое почтение…

If I can bring something respectful back they most likely to show the same.

Если смогу передать им ваше почтение… они тоже наверняка его проявят.

Senators, Jedi, I bid you all a most respectful farewell.

Сенаторы, джедай, моё почтение и прощайте.

We’d just had a rousing no-fun run, and in the heat of the moment, I wanted to offer my respectful best wishes.

У нас по плану был воодушевляющий бег без утех, и в самый разгоряченный момент с наилучшими пожеланиями я хотел выразить своё почтение.

Respectfully, your Ladyship, it’s apparent that you do.

Получается, что знаете. Моё почтение, миледи.

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Especially to you, because he’s very respectful of women.

Особенно Вам, потому что он очень уважительно относится к женщинам.

The porn industry isn’t always respectful to women.

Порноиндустрия не всегда уважительно относится к женщинам,

I think John Wayne is real respectful of women.

Мне кажется, что Джон Уэйн очень уважительно относится к женщинам.

I don’t know, I just think he’s probably very respectful of a woman.

Мне кажется, он уважительно относится к женщинам.

Well, now, Annie has made it clear that this is an issue, so from now on, we need to be more respectful of her things.

Ну, теперь, когда Энни нам ясно указала на проблему, мы в дальнейшем будем более уважительно относиться к ее вещам.

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It ain’t respectful.

Эт неуважительно.

It ain’t respectful talking that way about your Ma’s grave!

Неуважительно так о могилке матери твоей говорить!

And they weren’t respectful of you at your…

И они относились к тебе неуважительно во время …

And Clyde certainly wasn’t respectful of me when he hit on me.

И Клайд, относился ко мне совсем неуважительно, когда пытался за мной приударить.

It was brought to my attention that on occasion, I am not respectful of hospital hierarchy.

До моего сведения было доведено, что иногда я неуважителен к иерархии больницы.

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Sir I respectfully decline.

Сэр… Я вынужден отказаться.

I respectfully refuse.

Я вынужден не подчиниться.

Respectfully, I have to disagree.

Вынужден не согласиться.

While I appreciate the Royal Commander’s desire to shield me from your wrath, I respectfully remind him that I am no longer a boy in need of his protection.

Я ценю желание главнокомандующего защитить меня от твоего гнева, но вынужден ему напомнить, что я уже не ребёнок и не нуждаюсь в защите.

I must respectfully disagree.

Я вынужден не согласиться.

Well, sir, since I am no longer wanted or needed here, I respectfully request permission to join a team headed for the Alpha site…

Ну что ж, сэр… поскольку я здесь уже не нужен… прошу разрешить мне… присоединиться к одной из команд для эвакуации на базу Альфа.

— I understand. You don’t have to explain it twice. Colonel, I respectfully request that you order your soldiers to enter these people’s homes and remove the bodies by force if necessary.

Полковник, я убедительно прошу, прикажите солдатам входить в дома и забирать тела силой.

You seem to be the expert at attracting boys so I respectfully ask for your advice.

Ты эксперт по привлечению парней, поэтому я смиренно прошу твоего совета

Sir, I respectfully request that, that exchange not make it onto his files.

Сэр, я очень прошу не заносить этот разговор в его личное дело.

Your Honor… we respectfully ask for time to consider filing a motion to preclude this testimony.

Ваша честь… мы просим время для подачи ходатайства об отклонении вызова этого свидетеля.

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What’s the Difference Between “Respectively” and “Respectfully”?

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These two words both have the “respect” at their core, but mean different things. We’ll explore their differences and show you how to use these words correctly.

Respectively vs Respectfully. Definition, explanation, and examples.

Do you know what “respectively” and “respectfully” mean?
Is It “Respectively” or “Respectfully”?

Respectively means “in the same order already mentioned.” Respectfully means “in a way that expresses respect or high regard.”

  • Michael and Geoffrey are brothers. They are 13 and 15, respectively.
  • He behaved respectfully when his grandparents were around.

Respectfully, the English language makes absolutely zero sense.

Just kidding.

But it can be confusing to make out what two words mean when they have the same root. In this case, the words in question are respectively and respectfully.

Let’s go over their meanings.

Respective definition: Learn the difference between respectively or respectfully.

“Respect” can function as a noun or verb and has multiple definitions. 

What Does “Respectively” Mean?

Respectively is an adverb, which is a part of speech that modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. It means “separate or individually, in the order already stated.”

Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds, 41 and 48 years old respectively, are famous American actors.

In the sentence above, respectively helps show that it is Ryan Gosling who is 41 years old and Ryan Reynolds who is 48.

Respectively helps keep sentences succinct. Without it, you’d have to write something like:

Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds are famous American actors. Ryan Gosling is 41 years old and Ryan Reynolds is 48.

You can also write:

Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds, 41 and 48 years old, are famous American actors.

But you risk leaving the reader questioning which one is 41 and which one is 48.

Respectively can be found in the middle of a sentence (with or without a comma) or at the end of a sentence (always with a comma preceding it).

Carlo and Luca, who play piano and violin respectively, both got scholarships to Julliard.

Mona and Ruth are respectively from France and Spain.

Jordan and Joshua play soccer and baseball, respectively.

What Does “Respectfully” Mean?

Respectfully is also an adverb, but it means “in a way that shows respect.” Respect is a noun that means “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something because of their good qualities or achievements.”

So, to behave respectfully means to behave in a way that conveys high regard or esteem.

They respectfully asked the media to be more accurate in their reporting about the situation.

She always listened respectfully to all my concerns.

The students learned to act respectfully when the principal was around.

Respectfully is often used to end formal letters (or emails). Be careful not to get confused with respectively.



Respectfully yours,

Respectively yours,

There are many word pairs that are confusing for English learners and native speakers alike. Using LanguageTool as your spelling and grammar checker is an easy way to ensure that your writing is free from these types of mistakes. Plus, it can also check for grammar and punctuation errors, and can help rephrase your sentences to better suit your audience.

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Updated on February 12, 2020

Although the words respectfully and respectively are derived from the same root, they have different meanings.


The adverb respectfully means (to act or speak) with respect, courtesy, or high regard. The adjective form is respectful, full of respect.

The adverb respectively means one by one, in the order stated. The adjective form is respective.

Usage Notes

«Respectively means in the order designated or mentioned; respectfully means characterized by or showing respect or deference. Even though, in Shakespeare’s day, respectively apparently meant respectfully, the word in that sense has long been obsolete.»


The adverb respectively is used to indicate segregatory meaning, and also tells us which constituents go with which when there are two parallel coordinate constructions. For example, if there are two sets of conjoins [A] and [B] . . . [C] and [D], respectively makes clear that [A] goes with [C], and [B] goes with [D]. It can be added to the front or end of the second coordinate construction. Some illustrations follow:

  • John, Peter, and Robert play football, basketball, and baseball respectively.
    [= John plays football, Peter plays basketball, and Robert plays baseball.]
  • Arnold and his son were respectively the greatest educator and the greatest critic of the Victorian age.
    [= Arnold was the greatest educator of the Victorian age, and his son was the greatest critic of the Victorian age.]
  • Smith and Jones are going to Paris and to Amsterdam respectively.

The respectively construction is generally limited to formal discourse. In other contexts it smacks of pedantry.»

(Quirk and Greenbaum)


«He looked her right in the eye when he asked a question, listened respectfully as she answered, and never told her she’d be such a pretty girl if only she’d lose a few pounds.»

«At the moment his Majesty appeared, a universal, delighted, enthusiastic smile ought to break out like a rash among the passengers—a smile of love, of gratification, of admiration—and with one accord, the party must begin to bow—not obsequiously, but respectfully, and with dignity.»

«Almost 80 percent of New York’s millennials reside in three counties: New York County, Queens County and Kings County, where Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn respectively are located.»
(Stilwell and Lu)

«I respectfully disagree with you. Francesco, Marta, and Diego were a dentist, an architect, and a surgeon, respectively

Practice Questions

  1. Anne, Dan, and Nan—a sixth grader, a fourth grader, and a third grader  _____— begin every day with one hour of schoolwork.
  2. The best teachers always speak _____ about their students, even when the students are not around.
  3. «John had _____ waited for his mother to finish her remembrances.
  4. «A couple other non-debuts finished right behind Adele, with Justin Bieber and Rihanna locking in the second and third spots _____.»

Answers to Practice Questions

  1. Anne, Dan, and Nan—a sixth grader, a fourth grader, and a third grader respectively—begin every day with one hour of schoolwork.
  2. The best teachers always speak respectfully about their students, even when the students are not around.
  3. «John had respectfully waited for his mother to finish her remembrances.»
  4. «A couple other non-debuts finished right behind Adele, with Justin Bieber and Rihanna locking in the second and third spots respectively

Resources and Further Reading

  • Angelou, Maya. The Heart of a Woman. Random House, 1981.
  • Fielding, Joy. Heartstopper. Atria, 2007.
  • Fiske, Robert Hartwell. The Dimwit’s Dictionary: 5,000 Overused Words and Phrases and Alternatives to Them. Marion Street, 2002.
  • Khari. «Adele, Rihanna and Justin Bieber Reign Supreme in This Week’s Music #Wrapsheet.» The Source, 23 Feb. 2016.
  • Sommer, Sue. The Bugaboo Review: a Lighthearted Guide to Exterminating Confusion about Words, Spelling, and Grammar. New World Library, 2011.
  • Stilwell, Victoria, and Wei Lu. “These Are the 13 Cities Where Millennials Can’t Afford a Home.” Bloomberg Businessweek, 8 June 2015.
  • Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad. Collins Clear-Type, 1869.
  • Quirk, Randolph, and Sidney Greenbaum. A University Grammar of English. Longman, 1985.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I wish they acted more respectfully.

«Мы хотели бы, чтобы к нашей деятельности относились более уважительно.

You will be treated more respectfully.

В этом случае, к вам будут относиться более уважительно.

Any corrections should be generally mentioned to her respectfully and in some form of one-on-one conversation.

Любые исправления должны быть, как правило, упоминается на ее почтительно и в той или иной форме один-на-один разговор.

What you see today has been heavily but respectfully restored.

То, что вы видите сегодня, было сильно, но почтительно восстановлено.

I would strongly but respectfully disagree that it is okay.

Я бы резко, но уважительно бы не согласился что это «ничего».

They respectfully treated and accessed when needed some advice.

К ним почтительно относились и обращались, когда был необходим какой-то совет.

If so — take it respectfully.

Если это так — относитесь к этому уважительно.

Most guests respectfully bow their heads.

Многие недуги почтительно склоняют перед ним свои головы.

He treats everyone equally and respectfully.

Ко всем он относился одинаково трепетно и уважительно».

Each visitor should respectfully behavein relation to others.

Каждый посетитель должен уважительно вести себя по отношению к другим.

He calls you daily and treats you more respectfully.

Только именуют они его по-другому и относятся к ним более уважительно.

Google remains «respectfully disagreed» with the ruling.

Известно, что Google «почтительно не согласилась» с постановлением.

I help people like Prairie tell their stories honestly and respectfully.

Я помогаю таким людям, как Прейри, рассказывать их истории, честно и уважительно.

Balashev respectfully ventured to disagree with the French Emperor.

Балашев почтительно позволил себе не согласиться с мнением фран- цузского императора.

I must respectfully disagree with Mr. Wade on this one.

Полагаю, что я должен уважительно не согласиться с г-н Эль-Эриан по этому вопросу.

We respectfully disagree with such omissions.

Мы хотим скромно заявить, что мы не согласны с подобными упущениями.

I treat her respectfully because she deserves respect.

Она хотела бы, чтобы ее уважали, так как симпатия этого заслуживает».

The chief should behave respectfully towards subordinates.

Начальник должен вести себя корректно по отношению к подчиненным.

I’m afraid we must respectfully decline your request.

We, therefore, respectfully abstain.

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If you kiss the mob boss’s ring, do it respectfully, or full of respect and admiration. But respectively means «in the order given,» so if you have to kiss up to the rest of the mob, make sure to shake hands and high five Jimmy Rags and Tommy Two Face, respectively because Jimmy prefers a handshake, but Tommy loves a good high five.

To show respect is to show how you admire something or someone, to show deference or obedience. Therefore, when you do something respectfully, you’re being polite because you do it full of respect:

Mr. Ruck listened, as he always listened, respectfully. (Henry James)

«So tonight, we are respectfully asking the candidates to try to put aside the talking points,» he says. (Time)

The servants bowed respectfully, and retired in silence. (Bernhard Severin Ingemann)

Respectively, on the other hand, means in a manner that treats several things individually, one by one, in a sequence. It’s a way to keep lists parallel, and it rescues sentences from extra words:

By comparison, Mitalas said fellow Metro League schools Seattle Prep and Lakeside had 70 and 40 turn out, respectively. (Seattle Times)

That’s easier to say than «Seattle Prep had a turn out of 70 and Lakeside had a turn out of 40.» Same goes for this quote from an obituary of actor Cliff Robertson:

His TV performances in «Days of Wine and Roses» and «The Hustler,» for example, were filmed with Jack Lemmon and Paul Newman, respectively. (Washington Post)

Sign your emails «respectfully yours» if you’re full of respect for the person you’re writing to, and save respectively for singling things out. The grammar mob appreciates your attention to these details.


If you’re respectful, you show consideration and regard for someone or something. Be respectful of your neighbors and turn down your disco music when it gets late. Continue reading…


Respectfully describes words and actions that show honor and worth. When people behave respectfully toward one another, they are polite and take the other people’s feelings into consideration. Continue reading…


When two people each have something of their own, it’s their respective thing. In a boxing match, the opponents each start in their respective or individual corners. Continue reading…


Respectively is used to indicate order, like if you said «Michael Phelps and Michael Jordan excelled in swimming and basketball, respectively.» Continue reading…

Translation for «respectfully» to russian

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  • почтительно

21. This recommendation is respectfully not accepted.

21. Эта рекомендация была почтительно отвергнута.

Chile respectfully requests the Court to:

Республика Чили почтительно просит Суд:

The Principality of Liechtenstein respectfully requests the Court:

<<Княжество Лихтенштейн почтительно просит Суд:

Panama respectfully requests the International Tribunal to:

Панама почтительно просит Международный трибунал:

We respectfully request the implementation of the following action priorities.

Мы почтительно просим осуществить следующие приоритетные меры:

We respectfully urge consideration of the two alternatives set out below.

Мы почтительно просим рассмотреть два изложенных ниже варианта.

Specifically, I respectfully request consideration of the following three issues:

Если говорить конкретно, то я почтительно прошу рассмотреть следующие три вопроса:

The Government of Mexico respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare:

<<Правительство Мексики почтительно просит Суд вынести решение и объявить:

Germany respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare that the Italian Republic:

<<Германия почтительно просит Суд вынести решение и объявить, что Итальянская Республика:

The President respectfully suggests that the statement of the representative of South Africa be listened to in silence.

Председатель почтительно просит, чтобы выступление Южной Африки было заслушано в полной тишине.

Request respectfully declined.

Просьба почтительно отклонена.

Then the killer respectfully posed his body.

Потом убийца почтительно положил тело.

People will not treat you respectfully.

Люди не будут относиться к тебе почтительно.

Whwhen I say we respectfully refuse.

Когда я говорю что мы почтительно отклоняемся.

I’m afraid I’m gonna have to respectfully decline.

Но боюсь, что должен его почтительно отклонить.

Do what you have to do, but I am respectfully staying out of it.

Делай, что должен, а я почтительно воздержусь.

Might I respectfully remind His Grace that we had a deal?

Могу я почтительно напомнить Вашему Величеству, что у нас договор?

We’ll just be here until you get back, calmly and respectfully prepping.

Мы будем здесь, пока вы не вернётесь. Будем спокойно и почтительно готовиться.

I respectfully disagree with your opinion, and I didn’t ask for your opinion.

Я почтительно не согласна с твоим мнением, и я не спрашиваю твоего мнения.

And second, since Kleenex has respectfully stayed out of the bottom hygiene market…

Во-вторых, с тех пор, как Kleenex почтительно остались вне рынка нижней гигиены…

The girl broke off at once and stood waiting respectfully.

Девушка тотчас же оборвала и остановилась в почтительном ожидании.

Two severely dressed men sat respectfully before the terminal and waited.

Два сверхторжественно одетых человека в почтительном ожидании сидели перед терминалом.

«You listen respectfully to me in Council,» she said, «yet you seldom heed my advice. Why?»

– Ты почтительно выслушиваешь меня на Совете, – сказала она, – но почти никогда не принимаешь мои советы. Почему?

She met Svidrigailov silently and respectfully, looked with surprise at his wet clothes, but did not say a word.

Она молча и почтительно встретила Свидригайлова, с удивлением оглядела его измокшее платье, но не сказала ни слова.

With that, and expressing my particular respect to the esteemed Avdotya Romanovna, I beg you to accept the respectfully devoted feelings of

При чем, свидетельствуя мое особое почтение уважаемой Авдотье Романовне, прошу принять чувства почтительной преданности

At last, Harry held up his hands, and the portraits fell respectfully silent, beaming and mopping their eyes and waiting eagerly for him to speak.

Наконец Гарри поднял руку и портреты почтительно притихли, улыбаясь, утирая глаза и выжидательно глядя на него.

He sprang back respectfully. Then Harry saw a shining, high heeled black shoe emerging from the inside of the carriage—a shoe the size of a child’s sled—followed, almost immediately, by the largest woman he had ever seen in his life.

Тут же почтительно отпрыгнул назад, и из кареты появилась черная лаковая туфля размером не меньше детских санок, и сразу же за ней изумленным зрителям явилась ее обладательница. Таких великанш Гарри никогда в жизни не видел.

Katerina Ivanovna was terribly glad to see him, first because he was the only “educated man” among all the guests and “as everyone knew, was preparing to occupy a professor’s chair at the local university in two years’ time,” and second because he immediately and respectfully apologized to her for having been unable to attend the funeral, in spite of his wishes.

Катерина Ивановна ужасно обрадовалась ему, во-первых, потому, что он был единственный «образованный гость» из всех гостей и, «как известно, через два года готовился занять в здешнем университете профессорскую кафедру», а во-вторых, потому, что он немедленно и почтительно извинился перед нею, что, несмотря на всё желание, не мог быть на похоронах.

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