Is rescheduled one word


  • 1 Is reschedule one word or two?
  • 2 Can you spell reschedule for me?
  • 3 What is the difference between reschedule and rescheduled?
  • 4 How do you reschedule a say?
  • 5 What’s another word for reschedule?
  • 6 Has been rescheduled or is rescheduled?
  • 7 How do you ask someone to reschedule?
  • 8 How do I write a letter to reschedule?
  • 9 How do you thank someone for rescheduling?
  • 10 How do I tell someone to reschedule?
  • 11 How do you apologize to reschedule a meeting?
  • 12 What to say when you need to reschedule an appointment?
  • 13 How do you use reschedule in a sentence?
  • 14 How do you break a date politely?
  • 15 What do you text to a guy who cancels a date?
  • 16 Has been rescheduled sentence?
  • 17 What to say to get out of a date?
  • 18 Is it OK to cancel a date last minute?
  • 19 How do you stop dating a guy?
  • 20 What does it mean if a guy reschedules a date?
  • 21 What’s a good excuse to cancel a date?
  • 22 Why do guys act rude when they like you?
  • 23 What should men avoid?

Is reschedule one word or two?

Reschedule. No need for a hyphen.

Can you spell reschedule for me?

verb (used with object), re·sched·uled, re·sched·ul·ing. to schedule for another or later time: to reschedule a baseball game because of rain.

What is the difference between reschedule and rescheduled?

The difference between postponed and rescheduled: A postponed event: still has the original event date entered and the new date is undecided while a rescheduled event has a new date decided and entered on the event.

What’s another word for reschedule?

What is another word for reschedule?

postpone defer
suspend rearrange
reorganiseUK reorganizeUS
carry over delay
adjourn shelve

Has been rescheduled or is rescheduled?

“Your interview has been rescheduled for next Sunday” is correct. “Your interview has been rescheduled” — not “have.” Because “interview” is a singular noun, you need to use a singular verb.

How do you ask someone to reschedule?

Know What to Say

However, it is effective to say it like this: “As this appointment gets closer, if I see that it might work better for you and our schedule, we might possibly call you about whether this day or time is flexible. Would that be okay?”

How do I write a letter to reschedule?

Dear (Sir/name), I am writing to request a rescheduling of my appointment which was earlier scheduled on (Date) at (Time). Consequently; I apologize for missing the appointment. (Describe in your words).

How do you thank someone for rescheduling?

Thank you for rescheduling my interview. I look forward to meeting with you on Monday. Thank you for rescheduling the interview. I can’t wait to hear more about the position.

How do I tell someone to reschedule?

Use phrases like:

  1. “I understand how important this is…”
  2. “I’m really sorry, but I need to change the schedule…”
  3. “Let’s reschedule this as soon as possible…”
  4. “I’m available next [X DAY] between [X AND X TIME OF DAY]…”
  5. “I’m sorry I can’t make this meeting, but please fill me in on any important notes…”

How do you apologize to reschedule a meeting?

I regret to inform you that we will have to reschedule our upcoming meeting to a later date. While I was very much looking forward to talking with you in person, it is unfortunately not going to be possible on [give meeting date]. Due to [Provide reason for canceling the meeting], I have to be out of town.

What to say when you need to reschedule an appointment?

I am available on [reschedule request date] and [additional reschedule date]. However, if these dates or times do not work for you, please let me know when you might be able to meet. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I look forward to meeting with you on a different date.

How do you use reschedule in a sentence?

Examples of reschedule in a Sentence

She called to reschedule her appointment. The meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday. He rescheduled his college loans. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘reschedule.

How do you break a date politely?

But let’s all be polite about it!

  1. Decide If You Should Text Or Call. Do you want to see the person you’re canceling on again? …
  2. Apologize. Make sure that you begin your text or call with some form of apology. …
  3. Explain. …
  4. Make Up An Excuse (But Only As A Last Resort) …
  5. Set Up A Plan For Your Raincheck (If You Want)

What do you text to a guy who cancels a date?

Here are 3 simple ways to respond to a canceled date:

  • “I was really looking forward to getting together, but I hope we can reschedule soon!”
  • “I hope everything is ok! Hopefully, we can reschedule soon.”
  • “I understand. It sounds like you have a lot going, but I hope we can reschedule soon!”

Has been rescheduled sentence?

The AGM has also been rescheduled due to the foot and mouth crisis. Tomorrow, the delayed team racing is rescheduled to take place. Part of the band ‘s ‘ A Bigger Bang ‘ world tour has been rescheduled to allow the guitarist time to recover.

What to say to get out of a date?

Call and say, “Hi. I’m so sorry to do this, and it’s really embarrassing, actually, but I just don’t think I can afford to go out. I’m trying to be better about these things, and I just looked at my checking account and, to quote Dana Carvey’s Church Lady, It wouldn’t be prudent. ‘ So sorry, again.”

Is it OK to cancel a date last minute?

“[You] should have a good reason to cancel a date last-minute, because otherwise, that’s just rude and inconsiderate,” Chlipala advises. Seriously, just don’t do it. If you find yourself in a position that feels a little flaky, try to figure out the real reason behind why you’re dodging the date.

How do you stop dating a guy?

Avoid being a people-pleaser.

  1. Be brief. You have a right to just say “no” without giving any explanations.
  2. Avoid over-apologizing. You don’t need to apologize for how you feel. …
  3. Be firm. Repeat your “no” if your message isn’t getting across or if the person is trying to change your mind.

What does it mean if a guy reschedules a date?

If it’s your first date, he’s simply not interested in you. Someone who would wait 5 days to reschedule is another way of saying he doesn’t want to go out with you. He’s trying to say it without saying it to spare your feelings. It’s not sparing your feelings but people tend to be cowards like that.

What’s a good excuse to cancel a date?

“Don’t flake out by texting with a postponing excuse like, ‘I have a family thing‘ if you have no intention of seeing them again,” Scott-Hudson says. “Saying ‘I’m sorry to change my mind and I want you to know that it’s not you,’ will go a long way towards freeing up your date’s self-talk about why you backed out.”

Why do guys act rude when they like you?

One of the obvious reasons why a guy may ignore or act disinterested in you is because he feels you are too good for him. He lacks the confidence to approach you or share his feelings with you, fearing you might reject him. He feels that sharing his true feelings might ruin your friendship with him.

What should men avoid?

7 Types of Men You Should Avoid

  • The Selfish Guy. Does the guy you’re dating only seem to care about himself? …
  • The Liar. …
  • The Player. …
  • The Guy Who Strings You Along. …
  • The Guy Who Puts in No Effort. …
  • The Emotionally Unavailable Guy. …
  • The Controlling Guy.

rescheduled — перевод на русский

Well, I might be able to reschedule the review.

Хорошо, я могу перенести брифинг.

You can reschedule your mission for tomorrow.

Мы можете перенести задание на завтра.

Oh, really, Niles, why don’t you just reschedule your party?

Серьёзно, Найлс, почему бы тебе просто не перенести твою вечеринку?

I suggest you cancel the First Minister’s conference and reschedule it at another location.

Я предлагаю отменить конференцию Первого министра и перенести её в другое место.

We can reschedule for Saturday.

Мы можем перенести на субботу.

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— Do you want us to reschedule? — No, no.

— Может лучше перенести встречу?

We have to reschedule.

Нам придётся перенести встречу.

Might have to reschedule.

Наверное, надо перенести встречу.

Reschedule? !

Перенести встречу?

I apologize, but he’s going to have to reschedule.

Прошу прощения, но ему придется перенести встречу.

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They want to know if you’ve decided to reschedule your vasectomy.

Они хотят знать, переносить ли на другое число вазэктомию или нет.

Shall we reschedule?

Э… Будем ли мы переносить?

As you know, associates don’t reschedule meetings without clearance from all the partners.

Младшие сотрудники не могут переносить встречи без одобрения всех партнеров.

No, no, I don’t want to reschedule.

Нет, нет, я не хочу ничего переносить.

Did I reschedule when you asked me to your bedroom to make dreams come true?

Я что просила переносить, когда ты просил меня в кровати осуществить твои мечты.

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Andy, committee meeting rescheduled for 2 pm today.

Энди, собрание комиссии перенесено на сегодня в два.

Actually, the date was rescheduled Because of conflicts.

Вообще-то свидание было перенесено из-за того, что пятница была занята

I’m aware that they’ve been rescheduled.

Я знаю, что оно было перенесено.

That pretrial conference was rescheduled, the motion was moot, and I won that case.

Досудебное регулирование было перенесено, вопрос касательно хадатайства был спорным и я выиграл дело.

Uh, well, because our investor performance was rescheduled, and, uh, we have to be ready.

Потому что наше представление для спонсоров было перенесено и мы должны быть готовы.

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But? I will ask her if we can reschedule.

Я спрошу, можем ли мы это отменить.

Yeah, and I was going to get married, but then you went to rehab for methamphetamine, I was taking a lot of E, and we had to reschedule.

Да я и собиралась выйти за муж, но ты пошел на курс реабилитации для зависимых от метамфетамина, а я как раз его много принимала и всё пришлось отменить.

Sorry you had to wait but I need to reschedule our meeting.

Извини, Диван. Тебе пришлось долго ждать. Но мне пришлось отменить нашу встречу.

But, you know, I-I can reschedule.

Но, знаешь, я могу отменить.

Our young lady arsonist refuses to cooperate with our experiments, and I had to reschedule your appointment — with Councilman Carter.

Наша юная поджигательница отказывается помогать нам в опытах, и мне пришлось отменить вашу встречу с депутатом Картером.

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I mean, you still haven’t rescheduled my meeting with your H.R. guy over at Luthorcorp.

Это значит, вы все еще не отменили мою встречу с вашим человеком в Луторкорп.

Perhaps we should reschedule when Agent Walker is feeling better.

Наверное, нам стоит провести встречу, когда агент Уокер будет чувствовать себя лучше.

Oh, ask me anything you want, but if you’re going to quiz me on state capitals, then I need to reschedule in like a month.

Спросите меня о чём угодно, но если вы будете спрашивать о столицах штатов, давайте отложим встречу примерно на месяц.

— No. Uh, do you want me to reschedule the phase 3 patient meetings today, maybe try to squeeze them in next week, or…

Хотите, чтобы я отменил эту встречу с пациентами для 3 фазы, или попытался сместить их на следующую неделю, или…

Most women would have just rescheduled.

Большинство женщин перенесло бы встречу.

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-Tell him I’ll call to reschedule, yeah.

— Скажи ему, я позвоню переназначить.

Can’t we just reschedule? !

— Мы не можем переназначить?

Well, I can try and reschedule you, but you’re two hours late.

Я могу вам переназначить, но вы опоздали на два часа.

Simon, I need to reschedule.

Саймон, мне нужно переназначить.

Now, look, we’re going to reschedule a hearing.

Мы переназначим слушание.

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They wanna reschedule.

Хотят назначить другое время.

Yeah, I told the family to reschedule.

Да, я сказал семье назначить другое время.

No, just reschedule them.

Нет, просто назначить другое время.

But perhaps, at this juncture… we should consider rescheduling.

Но, видимо, лучше назначить другое время.

We can reschedule, or not do it at all—

Назначим другое время, или вобще отменим…

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Would you ask Sutton if we can reschedule?

Не попросишь Саттона о переносе?

He also knew that it had to be rescheduled because of Gary Lee Walt’s surgery.

Он также был в курсе об ее переносе в связи с операцией Гарри Ли Уолта.

I left you a message this morning about rescheduling today’s appointment.

Сегодня утром я оставила вам сообщение о переносе вашей встречи.

Your wife explained all that when she rescheduled your appointment. My wife?

Ваша жена так и сказала, когда звонила насчёт переноса встречи.

We’ll wait for the hearing to be rescheduled.

Подождем переноса слушаний.

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Let’s just reschedule.

Давай в другое время.

And let’s definitely reschedule.

И давайте вы назначите мне другое время.

Make sure to reschedule that interview. Oh.

Обязательно назначь интервью на другое время.

That’s enough! The sponsor said he’d reschedule the race.

Спонсор сказал, что он назначит гонки на другое время.

When you ditch an appointment, they call to reschedule.

Когда ты не приходишь, они перезванивают и назначают другое время.

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The other sub-items under agenda item 92 could be rescheduled for that morning.

Рассмотрение других подпунктов по пункту 92 повестки дня может быть перенесено на утро того же дня.

It was rescheduled for July 6.

All four shows will be rescheduled for 2019.

Все четыре концерта будут перенесены на 2019 год.

We believe the election should be rescheduled to facilitate a period of consultation to deal with the issues that have arisen in recent weeks.

Мы полагаем, что выборы должны быть перенесены, чтобы облегчить период консультаций по проблемам, которые возникли в последние недели.

Concert was rescheduled from April 13.

(концерт был перенесен с 13-го сентября).

The concert has been rescheduled for 25 June.

It’s being rescheduled right now to start in September.

Это было перенесено прямо сейчас для того, чтобы начаться в сентябре».

The concert was postponed and rescheduled for tonight.

Шоу было отменено и перенесено на сегодня.

Meanwhile, social plans might be changed, cancelled or rescheduled, including sports.

Между тем, социальные планы могут быть изменены, отменены или перенесены, включая спорт.

Wilson said this summer’s dates will be rescheduled.

Уилсон сказал, что даты тура этого лета будут перенесены.

Due to the poor health of the musician, all concerts in 2019 were canceled or rescheduled for other dates.

В связи с ухудшением здоровья музыканта все концерты в 2019 году были отменены или перенесены на другие даты.

Implementation of this commitment has been rescheduled to the second half of the year, subject to the adoption of the constitutional reforms.

Сроки выполнения этого обязательства были перенесены на второе полугодие 1997 года и поставлены в зависимость от проведения конституционных реформ.

However, they were rescheduled for next year, and the schedule for both drills has not been coordinated yet.

Однако они перенесены на будущий год и срок обоих учений еще не согласован.

Agenda item 97 on training and research would be rescheduled to the afternoon of 9 November.

Рассмотрение пункта 97 повестки дня, касающегося подготовки кадров и научных исследований, будет перенесено на вторую половину дня 9 ноября.

Given that this commitment had been rescheduled to the first quarter of 1998, the Mission views its non-implementation with concern.

С учетом того, что срок выполнения этого обязательства был перенесен на первый квартал 1998 года, Миссия с обеспокоенностью отмечает его невыполнение.

The three California shows had previously been rescheduled following his initial prognosis from doctors.

Три калифорнийских шоу ранее были перенесены после первоначального прогноза его лечащих врачей.

He did not have information as to whether the work on the ESCAP library would be rescheduled for 1998-1999.

Он не располагает информацией о том, будут ли работы в библиотеке ЭСКАТО перенесены на 1998-1999 годы.

The meeting for the Asia/Pacific region has been rescheduled for technical reasons for the beginning of 1997.

Проведение совещания для азиатско-тихоокеанского региона было перенесено по техническим причинам на начало 1997 года.

The hearing was rescheduled for 3 November 1986.

Слушание дела было перенесено на З ноября 1986 года.

The North American leg of the tour was postponed and rescheduled for 2011.

Весь североамериканский тур был отложен и перенесен на 2011 год.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Мои примеры


the meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday — собрание было перенесено на вторник  
rescheduled loan — кредит с пересмотренными условиями погашения; отсроченный кредит  

Примеры с переводом

The meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday.

Встреча была перенесена на вторник.

He rescheduled his college loans.

Он изменил график погашения своих кредитов за колледж.

The press conference had to be rescheduled for March 19.

Пресс-конференцию пришлось перенести на девятнадцатое марта.

Reschedule is correct unless the word is broken between two lines. Re- at the end of a sentence and schedule on the next line.

What is noun of reschedule?

/ˌriːˈskedʒuːlɪŋ/ [uncountable, singular] ​the act of changing the time at which something has been arranged to happen, especially so that it takes place later. the rescheduling of a meeting.

What is the difference between reschedule and rescheduled?

Reschedule could, in rare cases perhaps, indicate an event is being pushed earlier in a still-future time. A rescheduled appointment is where you can’t make it to the appointment and instead of leaving it, you arrange another time for the appointment. Something that is postponed is cancelled indefinitely.

How do I write a letter to reschedule an appointment?

Dear [Recipient], I would like to reschedule tomorrow’s appointment to [another date and time] due to [some reason]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please confirm if the new date and time are fine with you, otherwise I’m open to suggestions.

How do you politely ask to reschedule an interview?

Email Template How to Reschedule a Job Interview Hi [Name of Interviewer], I’m really looking forward to the chance to talk with you about [role] with [Company]. Unfortunately, I [reason you need to reschedule the interview]. As a result, I’m wondering if we could reschedule this interview for a later date.

How do you politely reschedule a date?

If you’re calling to cancel and not reschedule, it’s best to keep what you say short and concise. You can consider saying: I just wanted to call and let you know that I’m going to need to reschedule our date. I’m so sorry about doing so last minute, but I’d love to see you another time this week.

How do I reschedule an appointment?


  1. Tell the reader why you must cancel or postpone the appointment. Be sure to identify the particular appointment by date, time, and place.
  2. If you wish to reschedule, propose a new time and/or place, or invite the reader to get in touch with you.
  3. Close on a positive note.

How do you politely ask to reschedule?

How to ask to reschedule a meeting

  1. Firstly, write the email correspondence personally.
  2. Secondly, give notice well in advance.
  3. Thirdly, give a worthy reason and explanation.
  4. Next, suggest another meeting time and date.
  5. Then, end the letter with an apology and with appreciation.
  6. Finally, send the email immediately.

Does it look bad to reschedule an interview?

Calling to reschedule on the day of the interview is bad practice, and is sure to rub the interviewer the wrong way. Unless you have a true emergency, such as a car accident or sudden death in the family, canceling on the day-of will probably cost you the interview.

What do you say when you call to reschedule an appointment?

Say you know they’re busy and you don’t take their time lightly. Tell them why you’re looking forward to meeting with them. Offer a specific new time. If you just ask, “When are you available?” you are making them do the work for your mistake.

What to say to reschedule a date?

How do you politely ask to reschedule an appointment?

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Гонка переносится на следующий гоночный день( вторник или пятница).

However, in cases where the course is rescheduled prior to the start of the first course and the new date


unacceptable to the student,

all fees will




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Тем не менее, в тех случаях, когда дата курса изменена до начала занятий и новая дата является неприемлемой для студента,

все сборы будут возвращены.


In cases where the course is rescheduled prior to the start of the first course

and the new date


unacceptable to the student, all fees will




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В случае переноса курса на дату ранее начала исходного курса,

неприемлемую для студента, производится полное возмещение оплаты.


ODA debt is rescheduled over 30 years, with no principal due for 12 years.


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Для задолженности по займам, предоставленным по линии ОПР, устанавливается 30-

летний срок погашения, при этом в первые 12 лет выплачиваются одни лишь проценты.


Implementation of the system in UNOCI and UNIFIL were rescheduled for the current period.


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Внедрение указанной системы в ОООНКИ и ВСООНЛ было перенесено на текущий период.


At the author’s request, the interrogation was rescheduled to 14 March 2008.


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Бой был перенес на 8 апреля 2017 и состоялся на турнире UFC 210.

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У меня встреча, которую нельзя отложить.



originally scheduled to visit Uzbekistan in October, but the meeting was rescheduled.


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Гани первоначально планировал посетить Узбекистан в октябре, однако визит был отсрочен.


Des McAnuff replaced Mann as director, and filming was rescheduled to December 1994.

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Дэс МакАнуфф заменил Манна, начало съемок перенесли на декабрь 1994.

The repayment of CAES and Red Kite facilities was rescheduled into 2014 as well.

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Выплаты по займам CAES и Red Kite, также были отложены до 2014 года.

The review of UNMEE was rescheduled because of security problems faced by mission international staff members.


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Проведение обзора в МООНЭЭ было перенесено на другое время в связи с проблемами в области безопасности,

с которыми столкнулся международный персонал миссии.


Construction of an airport terminal at the new El Geneina airport was rescheduled for the 2012/13 period owing to the non-completion of the airport by the host Government.


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Строительство воздушного терминала в новом аэропорту Эль- Генейна было перенесено на 2012/ 13 год, поскольку строительство аэропорта не


завершено правительством принимающей страны.


but then postponed again due to a leak in a pipe associated with the launch facility’s fire suppression system.

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но снова возникли технические неполадки- на этот раз из-за утечки в системе подавления огня пускового стола.

in the set-up of the Parliament based on electoral results.


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Проведение запланированных семинаров было перенесено на ноябрь 2010 года в связи с ожидаемыми

изменениями в парламенте после выборов.


In acknowledgement of the difficulties and delays experienced in fully implementing the Guatemala peace accords,


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Учитывая сложности и задержки в осуществлении в полном объеме гватемальских мирных соглашений в 1999 году,

окончательное осуществление основных положений было перенесено на 2004 год.


The draft country programme for Equatorial Guinea had



at the request of the Government, and was rescheduled for presentation at the second regular session.


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Проект страновой программы для Экваториальной Гвинеи



с обсуждения по просьбе правительства, и его представление было перенесено на вторую очередную сессию.


On the first night of the UK leg of the tour on 12 October, a 1,200-capacity stand collapsed, but with no serious injuries;

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Октября, в первую же ночь британского этапа тура, обрушилась трибуна на 1200 человек, серьезных травм тогда никто не получил,

  • 1

    reschedule пересматривать календарный план reschedule вчт. переупорядочивать очередь

    English-Russian short dictionary > reschedule

  • 2

    reschedule v. перепланировать, назначить на другое число

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > reschedule

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > reschedule

  • 4

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > reschedule

  • 5

    1) пересматривать календарный план; изменять график

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > reschedule

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > reschedule

  • 7




    изменять график [расписание, план]; переносить на другое число






    * * *

    1) пересматривать условия долга: продлевать срок долга, конвертировать краткосрочный долг в долгосрочный;
    2) пересмотр распорядка деловых встреч; перенести время встречи.

    * * *

    1) /vt/ изменять график; 2) /in passive/ изменяемый график; 3) /in passive/ перенесенный

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > reschedule

  • 8

    1. переупорядочивать очередь

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > reschedule

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > reschedule

  • 10

    4) Юридический термин: перенос

    13) SAP.тех. отменить планирование, установление новых сроков

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > reschedule

  • 11


    перепланировать, назначить на другое число

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > reschedule

  • 12

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > reschedule

  • 13

    (v) реконструировать долг

    * * *

    перепланировать, назначить на другое число

    * * *

    перепланировать, назначить на другое времяre·sched·ule || rɪ;ː;’skedʒ;ʊ;l /rɪ;ː;’ʃ;edjuː;l

    * * *

    перепланировать, назначить на другое число

    Новый англо-русский словарь > reschedule

  • 14

    1) пересматривать, перестраивать

    2) реконструировать долг (путём пересмотра условий для облегчения положения заёмщика)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > reschedule

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > reschedule

  • 16



    перепланировать, назначить на другое число

    Англо-русский современный словарь > reschedule

  • 17

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > reschedule

  • 18

    Синонимический ряд:

    postpone (verb) continue; extend; intermit; postpone; remit; reprieve; respite; stay; suspend execution

    English-Russian base dictionary > reschedule

  • 19

    переупорядочивать; перепланировать

    English-Russian information technology > reschedule

  • 20

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > reschedule


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

См. также в других словарях:

  • reschedule — re‧sched‧ule [ˌriːˈʆedjuːl ǁ ˈskedʒʊl, dʒl] verb [transitive] 1. FINANCE to make new arrangements for the payment of a debt, loan etc, often because the person, company, or country owing the money cannot pay it back in the time agreed earlier: • …   Financial and business terms

  • reschedule — (v.) 1966, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + SCHEDULE (Cf. schedule) (v.). Related: Rescheduled; rescheduling …   Etymology dictionary

  • reschedule — ► VERB 1) change the time of (a planned event). 2) arrange a new scheme of repayments of (a debt) …   English terms dictionary

  • reschedule — [rē skej′ool, rē skej′əl] vt. rescheduled, rescheduling 1. to schedule again or anew 2. to adjust the terms of (a loan), as by extending the time period over which the borrower may make payments …   English World dictionary

  • reschedule — [[t]ri͟ːʃe̱djuːl, AM ske̱ʤuːl[/t]] reschedules, rescheduling, rescheduled 1) VERB If someone reschedules an event, they change the time at which it is supposed to happen. [V n] Since I ll be away, I d like to reschedule the meeting… [V n for/to …   English dictionary

  • reschedule — UK [ˌriːˈʃedjuːl] / US [ˌrɪˈskedʒəl] verb [transitive] Word forms reschedule : present tense I/you/we/they reschedule he/she/it reschedules present participle rescheduling past tense rescheduled past participle rescheduled 1) to change the time… …   English dictionary

  • reschedule — /ree skej oohl, ool, ooh euhl/; Brit. /ree shed yoohl, shej oohl/, v.t., rescheduled, rescheduling. 1. to schedule for another or later time: to reschedule a baseball game because of rain. 2. (of a loan) to extend the time for repaying, often… …   Universalium

  • reschedule — verb Reschedule is used with these nouns as the object: ↑appointment, ↑debt …   Collocations dictionary

  • reschedule — re|sched|ule [ˌri:ˈʃedju:l US ˈskedʒul, dʒəl] v [T] 1.) to arrange for something to happen at a different time from the one that was previously planned reschedule sth for sth ▪ The press conference had to be rescheduled for March 19. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • reschedule — re|sched|ule [ ri, skedʒəl ] verb transitive 1. ) to change the time when something is planned to happen: Can we reschedule our meeting for Tuesday instead of Monday? 2. ) BUSINESS to arrange to pay back money you owe at a date that is later than …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • reschedule — transitive verb Date: 1965 to schedule or plan again according to a different timetable; especially to defer required payment of (a debt or loan) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

transitive verb

: to schedule or plan again according to a different timetable


: to defer required payment of (a debt or loan)

Example Sentences

She called to reschedule her appointment.

The meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday.

He rescheduled his college loans.

Recent Examples on the Web

The judge said Vallow Daybell has not waived her right to a speedy trial, so the proceeding could not be rescheduled to give her defense team enough time to review the new evidence.

Terry Collins, USA TODAY, 1 Apr. 2023

Fireworks display in East Dundee postponed indefinitely A St. Patrick’s Day weekend fireworks display in East Dundee rescheduled for Saturday, March, 25, is now postponed indefinitely because of the forecast for inclement weather.

Mike Danahey, Chicago Tribune, 23 Mar. 2023

In between Bruins and Celtics home games, there were concerts that needed to be rescheduled, not to mention finding a date that worked for the four schools.

Andrew Mahoney,, 21 Mar. 2023

One event scheduled for next week, the SAT college-entrance exam, has been rescheduled to the first week after spring break.

Howard Blume, Los Angeles Times, 20 Mar. 2023

The original date of the preliminary hearing had been Dec. 16, 2021, and it had been rescheduled to March 10, May 19 and Sept. 7 in 2022 and Feb. 1 in 2023.

Mark Inabinett |, al, 6 Mar. 2023

The hearing was rescheduled for Saturday.

Bill Hutchinson, ABC News, 5 Mar. 2023

Airlines will need 12 to 24 hours of warning to reschedule flights efficiently.

Maren Estrada, BGR, 30 Nov. 2022

All patients will need to reschedule their appointments.

Caleb Stultz, The Courier-Journal, 14 Nov. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘reschedule.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1878, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of reschedule was
in 1878

Dictionary Entries Near reschedule

Cite this Entry

“Reschedule.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on reschedule

Last Updated:
5 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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