Is repeatedly a word

Last Updated: February 6, 2022 | Author: Chase Floyd

Is there such a word as repeatedly?

This adverb implies an ongoing or even constant kind of activity. At the heart of repeatedly is the verb repeat, which has the Latin root repetere, “do or say again,” or “attack again.”

What’s meaning of repeatedly?

Definition of repeatedly

: again and again. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About repeatedly.

What kind of word is repeatedly?

Repeatedly is an adverb – Word Type.

How many times is repeatedly?

If you’d look it up in the dictionary, repeatedly means ‘done in repetition’ or, more simply, ‘done several times‘. An action or instance that happens repeatedly means that it occurs again and again.

What is the synonym of repeatedly?

frequently, often, again and again, over and over, over and over again, time and again, time and time again, time after time, many times, on many occasions, many a time, many times over.

What is the difference between repetitively and repeatedly?

As adverbs the difference between repetitively and repeatedly. is that repetitively is in a repetitive manner while repeatedly is done several times or in repetition.

What is it called when you repeat something over and over again?

To reiterate is to do or say something over and over again, to repeat insistently: to reiterate a refusal, a demand.

Table of Contents

  1. Is Repeatedly an adjective or adverb?
  2. Is repeat a noun?
  3. What is the adverb of repeated?
  4. What is the meaning of word repeatedly?
  5. How many times is repeatedly?
  6. Is repeatably a word?
  7. What is the noun of humble?
  8. What is the verb for humble?
  9. Is humble a noun or verb?
  10. What are two synonyms for humble?
  11. How do you keep a humble attitude?
  12. What is a humble woman?
  13. How do I know if I’m humble?
  14. What is an example of being humble?
  15. What is a humble man?
  16. Is being called humble a compliment?
  17. Who is the most humble person in the world?
  18. Who is the most humble celebrity?
  19. Who is the most kindest celebrity?
  20. Who is the simplest celebrity?
  21. Who is the poorest actor in Hollywood?


Is Repeatedly an adjective or adverb?

This adverb implies an ongoing or even constant kind of activity. At the heart of repeatedly is the verb repeat, which has the Latin root repetere, “do or say again,” or “attack again.”

Is repeat a noun?

repeat. noun. English Language Learners Definition of repeat (Entry 2 of 2) : an occurrence in which something happens or is done again. : something that happens or is done again.

What is the adverb of repeated?

repeatably. In a repeatable manner, capable of being repeated.

What is the meaning of word repeatedly?

: again and again. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about repeatedly.

How many times is repeatedly?

adverb over and over, often, frequently, many times, again and again, time and (time) again, time after time, many a time and oft (archaic or poetic) They have repeatedly denied the allegations.

Is repeatably a word?

If something is repeatable (i.e. it can be done with a high degree of repeatability), it can be done repeatably. Not to be confused with repeatedly, which does not imply that a repeated action is repeatable.

What is the noun of humble?

humiliation. The act of humiliating or humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification. The state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission.

What is the verb for humble?

humbled; humbling/ ˈhəm-​b(ə-​)liŋ / Definition of humble (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to make (someone) humble (see humble entry 1) in spirit or manner. 2 : to destroy the power, independence, or prestige of.

Is humble a noun or verb?

Although humility is a noun, it can also be thought of as an adjective to describe our behavior and a verb resulting in action toward others.

What are two synonyms for humble?


  • demure,
  • down-to-earth,
  • lowly,
  • meek,
  • modest,
  • unassuming,
  • unpretentious.

How do you keep a humble attitude?

To try to cultivate humility, you may want to try one or more of these activities:

  1. Spend time listening to others.
  2. Practice mindfulness, and focus on the present.
  3. Be grateful for what you have.
  4. Ask for help when you need it.
  5. Seek feedback from others on a regular basis.
  6. Review your actions against the language of pride.

What is a humble woman?

adj. 1 conscious of one’s failings. 2 unpretentious; lowly. a humble cottage, my humble opinion. 3 deferential or servile.

How do I know if I’m humble?

Humble people resist the urge of always wanting to be right. They’re willing to admit error when they are wrong, they allow others to save face when they’re right, and they don’t take things personally. They are masters of letting go and moving on. This is their secret to enjoying life.

What is an example of being humble?

Being a parent can be a very humble job, wiping noses, changing diapers, and meeting a child’s every need for years. Letting someone ahead of you in line when you see they are in a hurry is an act of humility. Cleaning the bathroom of your office, even though you own the company, is an example of humility.

What is a humble man?

A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people. He gave a great performance, but he was very humble. Synonyms: modest, meek, unassuming, unpretentious More Synonyms of humble.

Is being called humble a compliment?

Being modest means if someone compliments you, you respond in a positive way and not flaunt your achievement, but also thinking inwardly that you are awesome. Being humble means if someone compliments you, you respond in a positive way and but also say that person B helped you achieve a task.

Who is the most humble person in the world?

14 People Who Are Famously Humble Despite Being Super Rich

  • Mark Zuckerberg.
  • David Green.
  • Warren Buffett.
  • Alexander Lebedev.
  • Carlos Slim Helú The chairman and CEO of Telmex drives himself to work everyday.
  • Amancio Ortega. The founder of Zara is known to dress in simple everyday clothes.
  • Jim C. Walton.
  • Tim Cook.

Who is the most humble celebrity?

To prove this, Bright Side will tell you about 12 celebrities who have a very thrifty mindset, despite the millions in their bank accounts.

  • Tori Spelling.
  • Jennifer Lopez.
  • Julia Roberts.
  • Keanu Reeves.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker.
  • Matthew McConaughey.
  • Kate Middleton. © eastnews, © reuters, © reuters.
  • Halle Berry. © eastnews, © eastnews.

Who is the most kindest celebrity?

20 of the Nicest Celebrities in Hollywood

  • Ed Sheeran. If you couldn’t tell from his soft-hearted song lyrics, Ed Sheeran is definitely one of the nicest celebrities around.
  • Hugh Jackman.
  • George Clooney.
  • Tyra Banks.
  • Jay Leno.
  • David Beckham.
  • Oprah Winfrey.
  • Jennifer Lawrence.

Who is the simplest celebrity?

10 Celebrities Who Actually Chose to Live a Simple Life

  1. Jennifer Lawrence. © J.
  2. Keanu Reeves. © LRNYC / MEGA/EAST NEWS, © PacificCoastNews/EAST NEWS.
  3. Elijah Wood. © Andy Thrasher / flickr.
  4. Sarah Michelle Gellar.
  5. Robert Pattinson.
  6. Mark Zuckerberg.
  7. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds.
  8. Mick Jagger.

Who is the poorest actor in Hollywood?

Actors Who Are Poorer Than You Thought

  • Lindsay Lohan (net worth: $800,000)
  • Chris Tucker (net worth: $5 million)
  • Gary Busey (net worth: $500,000)
  • Nicolas Cage (net worth: $25 million)
  • Stephen Baldwin (net worth: $500,000)
  • Wesley Snipes (net worth: $10 million)
  • Kelly Rutherford (net worth: $1 million)

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

When you think of meditation, it probably conjures up images of a room full of people sitting cross-legged and chanting the same word repeatedly.

Когда вы думаете о медитации, это, вероятно, вызывает в воображении образы комнаты, полной людей, сидящих со скрещенными ногами и повторяющих одно и то же слово.

And he was saying just one word repeatedly «Mumma»

Иногда повторял лишь одно слово, которое ему давалось -«мойра».

I’ve left word repeatedly with the chairman of the joint chiefs.

This type of meditation involves repeating a phrase or word repeatedly.

Этот вид медитации заключается в мысленном повторении какого-либо слова или фразы.

Everyone hears that word repeatedly in their life.

We’re taught that we shouldn’t use the same word repeatedly.

I have recently heard a word repeatedly pronounced by some Canadians: bullying.

Недавно я слышал, как некоторые канадцы неоднократно использовали термин «bullying» (издевательство, запугивание — ред.).

If you say a word repeatedly, it stops sounding like a real word.

Using just one word repeatedly will ensure that you will lose the attention of your audience simply out of boredom!

Повторное использование всего лишь одного слова гарантирует, что вы потеряете внимание аудитории просто из-за скуки!

But after all Gogol used the word repeatedly!

Moreover, the International Law Commission used the word repeatedly in its commentary.

For each word, they students had 40 seconds to either draw the object, or write the word repeatedly.

У них было 40 секунд, в течение которых они могли либо зарисовать предмет, либо несколько раз написать его название.

Now, with regard to Norway, of course you knew that your country had given its solemn word repeatedly to respect the integrity of Norway and Denmark, did you not?

Что касается Норвегии, то, конечно, вам было известно, что ваша страна неоднократно давала свое торжественное слово соблюдать целостность Норвегии и Дании, не так ли?

Другие результаты

Another example could be writing a 500-character page title that repeated the same words repeatedly.

Другим примером может быть написание заголовка страницы из 500 символов, в котором повторяются одни и те же слова.

I read the printed words repeatedly, trying to absorb the information while simultaneously rejecting it.

Я неоднократно перечитывала напечатанный текст, пытаясь как-то переварить информацию, одновременно отвергая ее.

The child echoes some words repeatedly.

Saying these words repeatedly ought to appease your thoughts and open your eyes to the truth that the danger is in your mind.

Повторяя эти слова, вы успокоите разум и увидите собственными глазами, что вся опасность кроется только у вас в голове.

When speaking or writing, one of the best ways to expand your vocabulary and to avoid using the same words repeatedly is to use a thesaurus to find synonyms (words with similar meaning).

Одним из лучших способов расширить свой словарный запас и избежать повторного использования одних и тех же слов при разговоре или в написании является использование тезауруса для поиска синонимов (слов, имеющих аналогичные значения).

by 2 years: says only certain sounds or words repeatedly and can’t use oral language to communicate more than his or her immediate needs

В 2 года многократно говорит только определенные звуки или слова и не может использовать устную речь для общения шире, чем для удовлетворения непосредственных потребностей.

Every player has 90 seconds to create as many nouns as possible from 11 letters in the stack (letters may be used in next words repeatedly).

Каждый игрок имеет 90 секунд в круглом создать как можно больше существительных как можно дальше от 11 букв в общей стека (буквы могут быть использованы более одного раза).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 275. Точных совпадений: 13. Затраченное время: 160 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

repeatedly — перевод на русский


I repeat, demonstrations during holidays are prohibited.

Повторяю, демонстрации во время празднеств запрещены.

Major, I repeat.

Господин майор, я повторяю

I repeat my request.

Я повторяю свою просьбу.

Well, I’m just repeating what you said last night.

Я лишь повторяю то, что ты сказала сегодня ночью.

I’ll repeat what I said.

Повторяю то, что только что сказал:

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In closing, let me repeat. It is for you to decide which of the evidence is in accordance with the facts.

В заключение позвольте мне повторить что вам придется решать, чьи показания соответствуют фактам.

It’s worth repeating.

Это стоит повторить.

— Do you want me to repeat it?

Мне повторить?

But I must ask you to repeat the whole thing again.

Но я должен просить вас повторить все это снова.

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But history repeats itself.

Но история повторяется.

Looks like history is repeating itself.

Да, история повторяется.

But I thought you were working on the theory that he does repeat himself.

Что ж, я думаю, что ваша теория строится на том… что он повторяется.

— The message is repeating, sir.

— Сообщение повторяется, сэр. — Ответ есть?

For this effect, the shape of the figure must be repeated in numerous different sizes, all numbered.

Ради такого эффекта, форма фигуры повторяется в различных размерах, которые затем нумеруются

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— Now you listen to me, that sound was some kind of a message and it’s going to be repeated.

— А теперь вы послушайте меня этот звук был каким-то сообщением и он повторится.

Wait 60 seconds and the whole doggone thing repeats.

Подождите 60 секунд, и вся эта ерунда повторится.

«I hope it won’t be repeated here.»

Пусть это не повторится у нас!

March won’t repeat itself if we go together.

Март не повторится, если мы пойдем вместе.

Now, Miss Simpson, I hope we won’t have a repeat… of yesterday’s out burst of unbridled creativity.

Мисс Симпсон, надеюсь сегодня не повторится… вчерашнее стремление к свободному творчеству.

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You have repeatedly destroyed the creatures and installations of this planet to no purpose!

Ты неоднократно бесцельно уничтожал существа и объекты на этой планете!

Well, I warned him. I warned him repeatedly.

Я предупреждал его, предупреждал неоднократно.

Fertilisation occurs and the eggs develop, repeatedly dividing to produce a capsule full of microscopic grains: spores.

Оплодотворение происходит, и яйцо начинает развиваться неоднократно делясь, чтобы произвести капсулу, полную микроскопических зерен: спор.

Former number 27/12 bumped into Sophie Shafron, repeatedly tried for fraud and theft.

Бывший заключенный N0 2712 шел на встречу с Софи Шапрон, неоднократно судимой за мошенничество, кражи и другие мелкие шалости.

We came very close to killing your wife, but she begged us repeatedly for just one more chance.

Мы были уже близки к тому, чтобы убить вашу жену, но она неоднократно умоляла нас дать ей еще один шанс.

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I’ve had the water tested repeatedly, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Я постоянно провожу анализ воды, и она в абсолютном порядке.

The two repeatedly quarreled and were reconciled.

Эти двое постоянно ссорились и мирились.

This is an age-old question and repeatedly asked

Этот вопрос стар как мир, и его постоянно задают

I repeatedly begged him to take rest I even volunteered to assist him in debates

Я постоянно молил его отдохнуть Я даже помогал ему в дебатах

Everyone hates repeating gossip, but what else is there to do with it?

Всем противно постоянно обсуждать слухи, но что еще можно с ними делать?

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Absurd things that have no reason to be repeated here.

Абсурдные вещи, которые не имеют оснований для их повторения.

I can’t imagine a repeat of the earlier situation.

Не представляю себе повторения ситуации.

And if we take another look around the ever-growing escort around the ship, they’re taking no chances of a repeat of the San Diego incident.

И если мы еще раз внимательно посмотрим… на наш эскорт, то можно с уверенностью… сказать, что они не допустят повторения трагедии в Сан-Диего.

We don’t want a repeat of what happened last night, now do we?

Мы не хотим повторения того, что случилось ночью, так ведь?

I do not want a repeat of Atlantic City.

Я не хочу повторения Атлантик Сити.

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So it’s you who found the body I read the statement you made last night the walk and all, no need to repeat

Итак, вы обнаружили тело? Да. Я читал ваши показания, не будем к ним снова возвращаться.

I’m here to repeat my proposal. I’ll be the happiest of men if you will grant me your hand.

Я пришел снова просить вашей руки и обрести счастье на земле, если вы соблаговолите дать согласие.

Sometimes, instead of taking money, I ask her to repeat the story of how it feels… to fly in the sky.

Иногда вместо оплаты я прошу ее снова рассказать каково же это — летать…

Repeat it to me.

— Расскажи снова.

We think we’re stuck in a fragment in time. We’ve been repeating that fragment over and over.

Мы думаем, что мы зависли в определённом фрагменте времени и мы снова и снова проходим этот отрезок времени.

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What with this symbol repeated twice?

Что, учитывая вот этот символ, повторяющийся дважды?

The endless cycle of nature repeated.

Бесконечно повторяющийся природный цикл.

There’s a repeating pattern.

Это повторяющийся сигнал.

A Repeated Meme is just an idea.

Повторяющийся Стереотип — лишь идея.

So we see here the same visual motif repeating itself.

Итак, мы видим здесь один и тот же повторяющийся визуальный мотив.

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So we must never tire of repeating again and again that people must see a doctor as soon as they notice anything that might be a sign of cancer.

«ак что мы должны неустанно повтор€ть снова и снова, что человеку следует обратитьс€ к доктору, как только он обнаружит что угодно, что может оказатьс€ признаком рака.

Repeat: Positive results.

Повтор: результаты положительные.

the order will simply remain in memory and will be repeated every half hour.

ѕриказ останетс€ у него в пам€ти и будет повтор€тс€ каждые полчаса.

Message repeat.

Повтор сообщения.

They’re going to repeat the interview at 5:00 and at 6:00… and we’re going to have to wait and see… if it helps generate any new information.

ќни повтор€т интервью в 5 и 6 часов. ѕридетс€ подождать, и мы увидим, собиретс€ ли нова€ информаци€.

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Отправить комментарий

неоднократно, повторно, несколько раз


- неоднократно, часто; повторно

I’ve told you repeatedly — я много раз вам говорил

Мои примеры


her compulsion to wash her hands repeatedly — её необъяснимая потребность снова и снова мыть руки  
to differentiate repeatedly — дифференцировать многократно  
repeatedly differentiable function — многократно дифференцируемая функция  
to allege repeatedly — заявлять неоднократно  
contactor closes and opens a circuit repeatedly — контактор коммутирует цепь  
a contactor closes and opens a circuit repeatedly — контактор коммутирует цепь  
cycle round a loop repeatedly — повторять цикл многократно  
allege repeatedly — заявлять неоднократно  
repeatedly differentiable — многократно дифференцируемый  
repeatedly used period — многократно занятое время  

Примеры с переводом

The phone rang repeatedly, but no one answered.

Телефон позвонил несколько раз, но никто не ответил.

His speech was repeatedly interrupted by loud boos.

Его речь несколько раз прерывалась громкими возгласами неодобрения.

He repeatedly asked Bailey for the report.

Он неоднократно просил у Бейли этот отчёт / доклад.

He was probably quite sincere in the assurances he repeatedly gave.

Возможно, он был вполне искренен в своих постоянно повторявшихся заверениях.

Why do you persist in interrupting me when I have repeatedly asked you to stop?

Почему вы все время меня прерываете, хотя я несколько раз просил вас этого не делать?

Graham was repeatedly warned not to work so hard.

Грэма неоднократно предупреждали, что не надо так много работать.

He was paged repeatedly as the flight was boarding.

Пока шла посадка на самолёт, его несколько раз вызывали по громкоговорителю.

Want of firmness has been repeatedly mentioned as his principal failing.

Отсутствие стойкости неоднократно отмечалось как его главный недостаток.

The report revealed that prisoners had been repeatedly tortured.

Доклад показал, что заключённые неоднократно подвергались пыткам.

He made some sexual advances at the woman in his office and groped her repeatedly.

Он сексуально домогался этой женщины у себя в кабинете, и неоднократно её лапал.

The refugees were repeatedly refused entry into (=not allowed in) the country.

Беженцам было неоднократно отказано (т.е. не разрешено) во въезде на территорию страны.

We had to tack repeatedly as we sailed toward the harbor.

Нам приходилось постоянно лавировать, пока мы плыли к гавани.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She had been stabbed in the chest repeatedly.

…I’ve told him repeatedly not to do that….

She had seen herself repeatedly maligned in the newspapers.

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Возможные однокоренные слова


Example Sentences

I’ve told him repeatedly not to do that.

Recent Examples on the Web

My doctor explained that the procedure, called a myomectomy, would involve the removal of fibroids and their associated blood vessels while leaving the uterus intact—or, in my case, repairing a uterus that, after fibroid removal, was repeatedly traumatized.

Anna Holmes, The New Yorker, 1 Apr. 2023

Dominion is suing the network for $1.6 billion, claiming Fox defamed it by repeatedly airing false allegations by then-President Donald Trump and his allies in the weeks after the 2020 election claiming the company’s machines and its accompanying software had switched votes to Democrat Joe Biden.

CBS News, 31 Mar. 2023

In the wake of the election, Trump’s attorneys repeatedly said Dominion manipulated votes to swing the race to President Joe Biden and made other false statements about the company’s ownership.

Stephen Battaglio, Los Angeles Times, 31 Mar. 2023

Last year, however, ProPublica found that workers were repeatedly exposed to asbestos in some of the plants.

Neil Bedi, ProPublica, 31 Mar. 2023

And Cohen himself has claimed repeatedly that Trump directed him and then-Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg to arrange the payments.

Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2023

The real narrative of Wolfish is about a young woman who is repeatedly subjected to threatening experiences with men, and cannot shake her own terror of such encounters.

Colin Dickey, The New Republic, 31 Mar. 2023

The president also has accused the GOP of hypocrisy, pointing out how his party repeatedly had supplied its votes to raise the debt ceiling under President Donald Trump.

Tony Romm And Marianna Sotomayor, Anchorage Daily News, 31 Mar. 2023

Despite running some expensive campaigns, the streamer has repeatedly come up short of taking the Best Picture Oscar since 2019 with contenders like Roma, The Irishman, and last year’s All Quiet on the Western Front all failing to cross the finish line.

Brendan Morrow, The Week, 31 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘repeatedly.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

circa 1718, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of repeatedly was
circa 1718

Dictionary Entries Near repeatedly

Cite this Entry

“Repeatedly.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on repeatedly

Last Updated:
3 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged


Обновлено на

8 окт. 2020

  • Украинский
  • Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

The correct word is «repeatedly». «Repeatelly» is not a word in English.

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В чем разница между repeatelly  и repeatedly ?

  • В чем разница между repetitive и repeated ?


    Repeated is an adjective for anything that happens again. It is also the past tense form of «to repeat», which means to do again.
    «I have ha…

  • В чем разница между reiterate и repeat ?


    To repeat is to say the exact thing again… reiterate is to say something again for emphasis usually the wording is different.

  • В чем разница между continual и repeated ?

  • В чем разница между repeat и replicate ?


    Repeat means to take an action one more time. Replicate means to reproduce or rebuild something in the same way as before. Usually, there is …

  • В чем разница между repeatedly и over and over ?


    he hit his head repeatedly (again and again) against the wall.

    insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different res…

  • В чем разница между repeat и reiterate ?


    Repeat is to do again, and reiterate is to say again.

  • В чем разница между repetitively и repeatedly ?


    It is a subtle difference. «repetitive» means, «in a manner that repeats,» while «repeated» means, «done over again.»

    So a boring piece of …

  • В чем разница между repeated и recurrent ?


    Recurrent is more passive.

    I made repeated attempts to contact you.

    Hurricanes are a recurrent problem in the Caribbean.

  • Что значит repeating?


    Over again 🔁 it keeps going

  • В чем разница между reiterate и repeat ?


    Repeat is more general, it can apply to any action (including speech).

    Reiterate specifically refers to repeating speech (saying the same th…

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  • В чем разница между чайник долго закипает и чайник долго не закипает ?
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  • В чем разница между Стучать у двери и стучать в дверь ?
  • В чем разница между ларёк и Забегаловка ?

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Definitions For Repeatedly


  • Several time

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The word Repeatedly is worth 16 points in Scrabble and 17 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Repeatedly in a Sentence

  • I’ve told him repeatedly not to do that.

Antonyms for Repeatedly





Words that Start with Repeatedly

Words that End with Repeatedly

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Words that Rhyme with Repeatedly

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To do something repeatedly means to do it over and over again. If you text your friend repeatedly during her geometry test, she’ll probably get annoyed and turn her phone off.

If a teacher tells a student, «I’ve told you repeatedly that you need to raise your hand before you speak,» it means that the teacher has said this many times. This adverb implies an ongoing or even constant kind of activity. At the heart of repeatedly is the verb repeat, which has the Latin root repetere, «do or say again,» or «attack again.»

Definitions of repeatedly

  1. “it must be washed

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘repeatedly’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Synonyms of Repeatedly will be presented below each meaning if they are available.

REPEATEDLY has a SCRABBLE points total of 16.


REPEATEDLY has a WORDS WITH FRIENDS points total of 17.


REPEATEDLY has a WORDFEUD points total of 17.


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