Is remember a prefix word

Is there a prefix in Remember?

You can take ‘re’ off ‘remember’ to get an English word, but the combination ‘re + member’ makes no sense in English.

What are words that have prefix in it?

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
contra-, contro- against, opposite contradict, contrast, contrary, controversy
de- down, off, away from devalue, deactivate, debug, degrade, deduce
dis- not, apart, away disappear, disagreeable, disbar, dissect
en- put into, cover with enclose, entangle, enslave, encase

What is the root of remember?

mid-14c., remembren, “keep (something or someone) in mind, retain in the memory,” from Old French remembrer “remember, recall, bring to mind” (11c.), from Latin rememorari “recall to mind, remember,” from re- “again” (see re-) + memorari “be mindful of,” from memor “mindful” (from PIE root *(s)mer- (1) “to remember”).

What is the prefix of memory?

In the 1980s, as capacities of both types of devices increased, the SI prefix G, with SI meaning, was commonly applied to disk storage, while M in its binary meaning, became common for computer memory. In the 1990s, the prefix G, in its binary meaning, became commonly used for computer memory capacity.

What is the adjective for memory?

memoried. (literary) Having a memory (of a given kind). (literary) Memorized, committed to memory. Synonyms: remembering, remembered, memorised, memorized, anamnestic, evocative, redolent, reminiscent.

What can I say instead of in memory of?

What is another word for in memory of?

for as a memorial to
in commemoration of in memoriam
in remembrance of

How do you describe someone with a good memory?

People with good memory, on the other hand, are referred to as eidetic. Eidetic memory or photographic memory would be the correct term. The word you want is memorious.

What is another word for unforgettable?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unforgettable, like: memorable, , exhilarate, enchanting, ingrained, awe-inspiring, amazing, incomparable, captivating, notable and forgettable.

What is the difference between memorable and unforgettable?

Unforgettable implies a more lively or physical experience, while memorable tends towards the more mentally stimulating experiences. Also, the former generally refers to a single moment, while the latter can refer to a longer period of time.

What is the antonym of Unforgettable?

Antonyms of UNFORGETTABLE unmemorable, shed, caducous, normal, ordinary, forgettable, unremarkable, usual.

What is a adverb for unforgettable?

unforgettably ˌən-​fər-​ˈge-​tə-​blē adverb.

What is the meaning of Unforgeable?

Unable to be forged.

What does frigidarium mean?

A frigidarium is a large cold pool at the Roman baths. When entering the bath house, one would go through the apodyterium, where they would store their clothes. After the caldarium and the tepidarium, which used hot water to open the pores of the skin, the frigidarium would be reached.

What is the meaning of forged?

1 : formed by pressing or hammering with or without heat especially : made into a desired shape by heating and hammering forged blades a cold forged sword. 2 : made falsely especially with intent to deceive forged signatures a forged document.

What does Infrangible mean?

1 : not capable of being broken or separated into parts infrangible iron bars.

What means infringement?

1 : to fail to obey or act in agreement with : violate infringe a law. 2 : to go further than is right or fair to another : encroach. Other Words from infringe. infringement -​mənt noun.

What is the meaning of inviolable?

1 : secure from violation or profanation an inviolable law. 2 : secure from assault or trespass : unassailable inviolable borders.

What does the word adamantine mean?

1 : made of or having the quality of adamant. 2 : rigidly firm : unyielding adamantine discipline. 3 : resembling the diamond in hardness or luster.

Is adamantite real?

Adamantite is one of three fictional ores added to the world from smashing altars in Hardmode, alongside Mythril and Orichalcum. The other Hardmode altar ores are all real-life metals.

Is adamantine a diamond?

Diamond is the bestknown adamantine mineral, and its coveted sparkle is an example of this type of non-metallic luster. A diamond’s internal structure of covalently-bound carbon atoms in a three-dimensional matrix causes incident light to refract deeply into the crystal, giving the crystal its characteristic clarity.

Is adamantine stronger than adamantium?

Adamantine is the metal of the gods. James Howlett (12025) has it coating his skeleton. It is stronger than Adamantium, sharper than Adamantium, colored gold instead of silver, and makes up the mace of Hercules in Earth 616 (the main universe).

Can Superman break Vibranium?

Superman can produce Nuclear forces thus he can destroy Vibranium. So can a lot of other Superheroes. While Superman has never been shown directly punching Cap’s Shield, or indeed anything made from Vibranium, he has been shown in the JLA/Avengers crossover, wielding Cap’s Shield and Thor’s Hammer simultaneously.

Can Magneto lift Mjolnir?

Fandom. CAN MAGNETO LIFT THOR’S HAMMER? Yes,magneto can control magnetic fields not metals. So Marvel had revealed that Magneto can lift Thor’s hammer.

Is Stormbreaker stronger than Mjolnir?

In the MCU, Stormbreaker is unequivocally “stronger” than Mjolnir. It was able to effortlessly cut thru Thanos. It deflected a blast from the Infinity Gauntlet. Eitri straight up proclaimed it was and called it a kings weapon.

Who is the weakest avenger?

MCU: 5 Most Powerful Members of the Avengers (& 5 of the Weakest)

  1. 1 Weakest: Captain America.
  2. 2 Strongest: Thor.
  3. 3 Weakest: Winter Soldier.
  4. 4 Strongest: Vision.
  5. 5 Weakest: Falcon.
  6. 6 Strongest: Scarlet Witch.
  7. 7 Weakest: Black Widow.
  8. 8 Strongest: Doctor Strange.

Can Thor fly without Mjolnir?

Originally Answered: Can Thor fly without Mjolnir? Yes, he can, and he did in Thor: Ragnarok. Thor’s powers do not come from his hammer, but from his own body.

Can Thanos lift Mjolnir?

Yes, he did lift Stormbreaker, and in fact, tried to kill Thor with it, but this by no means was an indication that he could wield Mjolnir, as Stormbreaker didn’t have the enchantment that Odin placed on Mjolnir. Thanos never lifted Mjolnir.

Prefixes of remember

  • misremember

    • verb remember incorrectly
      • I misremembered the date

    • More ‘misremember’ Meaning
    • misremember Associated Words
    • misremember Prefix/Suffix Words
    • misremember Related Words

Suffixes of remember

  • remember

    • verb recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
      retrieve; recall; recollect; call back; think; call up.
      • I can’t remember saying any such thing
      • I can’t think what her last name was
      • can you remember her phone number?
      • Do you remember that he once loved you?
      • call up memories
    • verb keep in mind for attention or consideration
      think of.
      • Remember the Alamo
      • Remember to call your mother every day!
      • Think of the starving children in India!

    • More ‘remember’ Meaning
    • remembered Associated Words
    • remembered Prefix/Suffix Words
    • remembered Related Words
  • remembering

    • noun the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered
      • he can do it from memory
      • he enjoyed remembering his father
    • verb recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
      retrieve; remember; recall; recollect; call back; think; call up.
      • I can’t remember saying any such thing
      • I can’t think what her last name was
      • can you remember her phone number?
      • Do you remember that he once loved you?
      • call up memories

    • More ‘remembering’ Meaning
    • remembering Associated Words
    • remembering Prefix/Suffix Words
    • remembering Related Words
  • remember

    • verb recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
      retrieve; recall; recollect; call back; think; call up.
      • I can’t remember saying any such thing
      • I can’t think what her last name was
      • can you remember her phone number?
      • Do you remember that he once loved you?
      • call up memories
    • verb keep in mind for attention or consideration
      think of.
      • Remember the Alamo
      • Remember to call your mother every day!
      • Think of the starving children in India!

    • More ‘remember’ Meaning
    • remembers Associated Words
    • remembers Related Words

Derived words of remember

  • misremember

    • verb remember incorrectly
      • I misremembered the date

    • More ‘misremember’ Meaning
    • misremembered Related Words
  • misremember

    • verb remember incorrectly
      • I misremembered the date

    • More ‘misremember’ Meaning
    • misremembering Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `remember`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `remember`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

What are prefixes and suffixes, as well as infixes? First off,  an affix is an element such as a prefix or suffix that attaches to another word. We attach affixes (prefixes, suffixes, and infixes) to words in order to create new words.

Just by knowing the most common prefixes and suffixes, you can increase your vocabulary without having to learn any new words! Let’s take a look at the chart below.

Remember, prefixes go at the beginning of a word and suffixes at the end of a word.

A quick example of prefixes and suffixes in action

Word Affix (prefix or suffix) New word Example
Verb:  doubt. I doubt you’ll be able to resolve the problem.
Noun: doubt. There are still many doubts, I’m afraid.
Adjectival suffix: –ful. Doubtful. I’m doubtful about your plans.
Adverbial suffix: –ly. Doubtfully. He worked doubtfully.
Adjectival suffix meaning “without” or “not having”: –less. Doubtless. We’re doubtless because we have no idea.  
Prefix meaning “negation”: –un. Undoubted. I am the undoubted champion of the world.
Prefix meaning “negation”: –un + adverbial suffix: ly. Undoubtedly. Undoubtedly, you were right.  

By just knowing prefixes and suffixes, you can increase your vocabulary fivefold! As can be seen from the chart above using the word “doubt” of which we have five new words: doubtful, doubtfully, doubtless, undoubted and undoubtedly.

List of common prefixes

ante- before antenatal, anteroom, antedate,
anti- against, opposing antibiotic, antidepressant, antidote, antifreeze
circum- around circumstance, circumvent, circumnavigate
co- with, together co-worker, co-pilot, co-operation, co-worker
de- off, down, away from devalue, defrost, derail, demotivate, deactivate
dis- opposite of, against disagree, disappear, disintegrate, disapprove
em-, en- cause to, put into embrace, encode, embed, enclose, engulf
epi- upon, close to, after, central point epicentre, episcope, epidermis
ex- former, out of, no longer with ex-president, ex-boyfriend, exterminate
extra- More of, beyond extracurricular, extraordinary, extra-terrestrial
fore- before, beginning forecast, forehead, foresee, foreword, foremost
homo- same, two equal things homosexual, homonuclear, homoplastic
hyper- over, above, excess of hyperactive, hyperventilate
il-, im-, in-, ir- not, to negate, negative impossible, illegal, irresponsible, indefinite
im-, in- into, within insert, import, inside
infra- beneath, below infrastructure, infrared, infrasonic, infraspecific
inter-, intra- between interact, intermediate, intergalactic, intranet
macro- large, big version macroeconomics, macromolecule
micro- small, tiny, petite microscope, microbiology, microfilm, microwave
mid- middle, centre point midfielder, midway, midsummer
mis- wrongly, not correct misinterpret, misfire, mistake, misunderstand
mono- one, singular monotone, monobrow, monolithic
non- not, without nonsense, nonentity, nondescript
omni- all, every, all places omnibus, omnivore, omnipotent
para- beside parachute, paramedic, paradox
post- after,  post-mortem, postpone, post-natal
pre- before, beginning prefix, predetermine, pre-intermediate
re- again, repeat return, rediscover, reiterate, reunite
semi- half,  semicircle, semi-final, semiconscious
sub- under, below submerge, submarine, sub-category, subtitle
super- above, over, above  superfood, superstar, supernatural, superimpose
therm- heat, temperature thermometer, thermostat, thermodynamic
trans- across, beyond transport, transnational, transatlantic
tri- three triangle, tripod, tricycle
un- not, to negate, negative unfinished, unfriendly, undone, unknown
uni- one,  unicycle, universal, unilateral, unanimous
cursos de inglés

Cursos de Inglés — Método Divertido

List of common suffixes

-acy state or quality democracy, accuracy, lunacy, fallacy 
-al the action or process of remedial, denial, trial, criminal,
-ance, -ence state or quality of nuisance, ambience, tolerance
-dom place or state of being freedom, stardom, boredom
-er, -or person or object that does a specified action reader, creator, interpreter, inventor, collaborator, teacher, terminator 
-ism doctrine, belief, theory Judaism, scepticism, escapism, cynicism 
-ist person or object that does a specified action Geologist, protagonist, sexist, scientist, theorist, communist, physicist 
-ity, -ty quality of extremity, validity, enormity, absurdity 
-ment condition, state of being enchantment, argument, agreement
-ness state of being, condition heaviness, highness, sickness, staleness 
-ship position held friendship, hardship, internship, 
-sion, -tion state of being position, promotion, cohesion, creation
-ate become mediate, collaborate, create, mandate
-en become sharpen, strengthen, loosen
-ify, -fy make or become justify, simplify, magnify, satisfy, clarify
-ise, -ize become publicise, synthesise, hypnotise
-able, -ible capable of being edible, fallible, incredible, audible, comprehensible, doable
-al having the form or character of fiscal, thermal, herbal, colonial,  
-esque in a manner of or resembling picturesque, burlesque, grotesque
-ful notable for, possess a skill handful, playful, hopeful, skillful, 
-ic, -ical having the form or character of psychological, hypocritical, methodical, nonsensical, musical
-ious, -ous characterised by pious, jealous, religious, ridiculous, malicious 
-ish having the quality of, being slightly of something squeamish, sheepish, childish, 
-ive having the nature of inquisitive, informative, attentive, native 
-less without, zero  meaningless, hopeless, homeless
-y characterised by dainty, beauty, airy, jealousy, hardly, dandy
-ly related to or quality softly, slowly, happily, crazily, madly, hopefully
-ward, -wards direction, movement towards, afterwards, backwards, inward, downward
-wise in relation to otherwise, likewise, clockwise

How prefixes and suffixes work

‘Affix’ is basically the umbrella term for all prefixes, suffixes, and infixes, (infixes are rare in English but very common in Spanish).

One really needs to understand prefixes (attached to the beginning of the word) and suffixes (attached to the end of the word) in order to speak English really well.

Correct implementation of prefixes and suffixes will allow you to completely alter or change the meaning of a word with ease and without having to change the whole sentence.

Moreover, there are not too many prefixes and suffixes, however, the problem resides in the fact that there is no rule to their correct implementation.

For example, the prefix ‘im’ negates ‘polite’ and not ‘in’, therefore, the correct negation for the adjective ‘polite’ is ‘impolite’.

The prefix ‘im’, just like all other prefixes, must be learned by heart or by memory, but nevertheless, it’s really not difficult to remember! Below, I’ll outline correct affix usage (prefix and suffixes) with examples.

Remember, affixes alter: verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

See also:

Advanced grammar:
  • Articles (a/an, the, zero article)
  • Pronouns: subject, object and possessive
  • Question tags
  • English conditionals
  • Interrogatives in English
  • Determiners
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Reported and direct speech
  • Punctuation: apostrophes, colons, semi-colons, commas, dashes, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, and quotation marks
  • Numbers: cardinal, ordinal, and Roman numbers
  • The verb: “get”
  • ‘Get’ vs. ‘go’ and ‘got’ vs. ‘gotten’
  • Copular verbs
  • Cleft sentences
  • Subjunctive in English
  • Vulgar and taboo in English
  • Ellipsis
  • Split infinitive
  • Emphasis with inversion
  • Gerunds in English
  • To + infinitive
  • Bare infinitive
  • British and American spelling

Этот урок из цикла «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Раздел Словообразование» посвящен английскому глаголу и сегодня будем изучать префиксы глагола в английском языке. Но начинать словообразование глагола лучше с его суффиксов. Ранее мы изучали Суффиксы глагола в английском языке. Ко всем разделам из цикла «Словообразование» предлагаются упражнения, которые помогут вам запомнить использование суффиксов и префиксов как следует.

Префиксы глагола в английском языке

Запомните основные префиксы глагола: un-, dis, mis-, en-, re- (5)

Дополнительные префиксы глагола: out-, over-, under- (3)

Префиксы, в отличие от суффиксов, не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи, но меняют его лексическое значение.

  1. Un-, dis-

Префиксы un- & dis- меняют значение глаголы на отрицательное, либо противоположное.

  • dress – undress (одеться — раздеться)
    lock — unlock (запереть — отпереть)
    like — dislike (нравиться — не нравиться)
    appear — disappear (появиться — исчезнуть)
    agree — disagree (согласиться — не согласиться)
  1. mis — имеет значение “ неправильно, неверно
  • understand — misunderstand (понять — неправильно понять)
    hear — mishear (слышать — расслышать неправильно)
    inform — misinform (информировать — дезинформировать)
    behave — misbehave (вести себя — неправильно себя вести)
  1. en— имеет значение “ делать ” сравните с суффиксом —en
  • circle — encircle- делать круг (окружить)
    large — enlarge – делать большим (увеличить, расширить)
    rich — enrich — сделать богатым (обогатить)
  1. re — имеет значение “ снова, заново ” соответствует русской приставке пере-
  • write — rewrite (писать — переписать)
    read — reread (читать — перечитать)
    appear — reappear (появиться — появиться еще раз)
    construct —reconstruct (строить — перестраивать)

Дополнительные префиксы глагола

  1. out — имеет значение «превзойти в чем-то», “ пере -”
  • do — outdo (превзойти)
    live — outlive (прожить дольше, пережить)
  1. over — означает “ сверх, слишком”, иногда соответствует русскому “пере-”

sleep — oversleep (проспать, спать слишком много)
work — overwork (переработать)

  1.  under — означает “ не довести до конца”, иногда соответствует русскому “недо-”

do — underdo (недожарить)
cook — undercook (недоварить)

* * *

Упражнения на префиксы глаголов


  • to misbelieve – заблуждаться т.е. верить «неверно», «неправильно»
  • to enable— делать «возможным», давать возможность

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимания на выделенные слова. 

  1. I am glad that our library has reopened and I can get books and magazines again.
  2. My friend told me a very interesting story, but I can’t retell it, I don’t remember all the facts.
  3. I was told to rewrite the exercise, because there were still very many mistakes in it.
  4. Many streets in Moscow were renamed after Great October Revolution.
  5. When I recounted the tickets I had bought for our class, I found out that I had lost one.

Упражнение 2. Переведите пары антонимов.

  1. to like – dislike
  2. to agree – disagree
  3. to allow – disallow
  4. to obey – disobey
  5. to approve – disapprove
  6. to respect — disrespect
  7. to prove – disprove (опровергать)
  8. to believe – disbelieve
  9. to colour – discolour
  10. to connect – disconnect
  11. to arrange – disarrange
  12. to appear – disappear
  13. to satisfy – dissatisfy

* * *

Запомните, что префикс en- (также как и суффикс -en) — означает “ делать ”.

Упражнение 3. Догадайтесь, как переводятся глаголы ниже.

  1. to encircle – делать круг т.е. окружить
  2. to enlarge – делать большим, т.е…..
  3. to enrich – ……………….., т.е…………….
  4. to endanger –
  5. to enchain –
  6. to enlighten –
  7. to enslave –

Упражнение 4. Переведите:

to disobey, to disapprove, to undress, to unlock, to untie, to unpack, to disconnect, to dissatisfy, to  rename, to encourage, to discourage, to disrespect, to disorganize, to rebuild, to remarry, to retell, to disqualify, to unwrap, to misbelieve, to replace, to mispronounce, to misspell, to misuse, to rephrase, to enable, to disappoint, to rearrange

* * *

Запомните, что префикс out — означает “ превзойти ” и часто переводится «пере-«.

Упражнение 5. Догадайтесь, как переводятся глаголы ниже.

  1. to outdo –  превзойти
  2. to outspend – превзойти кого-нибудь по уровню расходов
  3. to outlive –
  4. to outlast
  5. to outgrow

* * *

Запомните, что префикс over — означает “ сверх, слишком”, иногда соответствует русскому “пере-”

Запомните, что префикс under — означает “ не довести до конца”, иногда соответствует русскому “недо-”

Упражнение 6. Догадайтесь, как переводятся глаголы ниже.

  1. to overload/ underload — перегрузить/ недогрузить
  2. to overheat/ underheat —
  3. to overcook/ undercook —
  4. to oversleep —
  5. to overvalue/undervalue —
  6. to overwork/underwork —
  7. to overcharge/ undercharge  —

* * *

Упражнение 7. Вставьте глаголы в правильном времени, добавив к ним префиксы.

My friend is always_________ (appoint) by his attempts to speak French.

Once a waiter in Paris_________ (understand) what he wanted and instead of beetroots brought him potatoes. He ____ (like) potatoes but when he asked a waiter to_________ (place) them with beetroots, the waiter smiled, and_________ (turn) with a plate of aubergines.

Then my friend complained that they had _______ (cook) the dish and ______  (agree) to pay the bill. He accused the waiter of_________ (charge) him.

It was just my friend’s awful French again!

* * *

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Упражнение 8. Вставьте глаголы в правильном времени, добавив к ним префиксы.

  1. The student had to _____________ ( read) the book.
  2. All the rubbish must be ________________ ( cycle).
  3. Who did she ______________ (marry)?
  4. I’m sure Rose will _____________ (live) many of us.
  5. The students _______________ (obey) the teacher.
  6. The town is ______________ (circle) by fortified walls.
  7. He ___________ (large) his vocabulary by learning a lot of words.
  8. The parents ____________ (courage) the child and he felt upset.
  9. Teachers sometimes _____________ (understand) students.
  10. He _______________ (dress) and lay on the bed.

* * *

Упражнение 9. Вставьте глаголы в правильном времени, добавив к ним префиксы.

  1. He was … (courage) by his teacher to take part in the Olympiad.
  2. He could enter the house because the door was … (lock).
  3. The building must be … (build).
  4. The usual practice at the History lesson is to … (tell) texts.
  5. When the child … (behave) she was unable to cope with him.
  6. The bridge was built to … (able) trucks to get over the river.
  7. The elderly are usually … (satisfy) with the young.
  8. The student … (hear) the teacher and did the wrong exercise.
  9. The men tried to … (do) each other in their competition.
  10. The old man … (live) everybody in his village.


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Suffixes and Prefixes are described along with the definition, meaning, examples, list, rules, uses, etc. All the concepts will be cleared in this session. There are an ever-increasing number of words in the English language. In addition to enhancing your vocabulary, learning new words can be overwhelming. However, if you know English prefixes and suffixes, you will learn many new words and gain a greater understanding of language.

It’s like learning a code when you master common prefixes and suffixes. Having cracked the code, you can not only spell words more accurately, but also recognize and perhaps even define unfamiliar words as well. Let’s explore Suffixes and Prefixes!

Let’s try to understand the basics of suffix and prefixes with examples.

Suffix and Prefix Basics

The English vocabulary is vast! We all know that, don’t we? But without an extensive stock of vocabulary, how can you improve your skills with the language? Well, expanding your vocabulary is not an easy task; you need to read a lot before your stock of words will reach a certain level.

  • But what if you get some tricks to not only effectively use the language but also expand your vocabulary rapidly?
  • Sounds interesting?
what suffixes and prefixes rule words examples
What suffixes and prefixes rule words examples

Well, this is exactly what you can do with suffix and prefix. So what are they exactly, and how do they function?

The Function of Suffix and Prefix

This is exactly what this post is all about. Thanks to the nature of the English language, just adding two letters before or after a particular word can change the meaning of the original word and create a new word altogether. These extra letters that you can add before or after any particular words are called suffix and prefix. But can you add these letters for every word in the English language?

In this post, we are going to find out all these answers regarding suffix and prefix. Read on as we talk about the definition, rules, and examples of suffix and prefix and how you can use them to expand your vocabulary. So without any further ado, let’s get started.

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What is The Definition Of Suffix And Prefix?

Well, before we move on to the definition of suffix and prefix, you need to understand where they occur in a word? Usually, the suffix and prefix will be added as per the root of every word. Now, the question arises what a root of a word is?

Well, to put it simply, a root of a word is nothing but the shortest base form of a word. For example, if we take the word ‘Video’, the root of the word is ‘vid’. The suffix and prefix will be added to the root of the word. This is how the meaning of the word will be determined after the change.

Suffix and Prefix with Examples

Let’s try to understand suffix and prefix with examples!

what suffixes and prefixes words examples
What suffixes and prefixes words examples

Let’s know about word formation before suffix and prefix.

Define Word Formation

A derivation and composition process results in words in a language. This is known as Word Formation.

Define Suffix: What is Suffix?

Suffixes form new words by adding a prefix to a root word, except they are added at the end of the root word. By adding a suffix to the root word, one can change the meaning of that word slightly, but only a little, not opposite or negative as prefixes do, instead, one can change the class of the word, as in making a verb an adjective. 

Suffix refers to the group of letters that sits after the word and alters the meaning or qualifies the meaning of the original word. Like for example, ‘able’ is a suffix that can be used with the word ‘comfort’, and together they make ‘comfortable’, which qualifies the meaning of the original word.

So, comfort + able = comfortable.

Hence, ‘able’ is a suffix here.

Define Prefix: What is Prefix?

A prefix is a word that is added to the beginning of a root for the formation of a new word. There is no meaning to a prefix word on its own, but when added to a root word it changes its meaning. Prefixes make words negative, indicate opinions, or show repetition.

Prefix denotes the group of letters that sits before a word based on the root and alters or qualifies the meaning of the original word. For example, ‘de’ is a prefix that can be used with the word ‘code’, and together they form the opposite of the original word ‘decode’.

In case of uncomfortable, we see that un + comfortable = uncomfortable.

Here, ‘un’ is a prefix. Are you still not clear about the concept? Let’s take a look at some other examples.

Prefix Examples

Prefix examples are as follows,

  • Non, un, im, in, il, ir = not, opposite = Nonsense, invalid, unhappy, unchanged.
  • Re- = again = redo, replay, revisit.
  • Mis = wrongly, not = misunderstand, misguide.
  • De = reverse, remove = Deconstruct, destruct, detonate.
  • Co, com, con = with, together = Compute, construct, contrive.
  • Dis, dif, di = separation, away = Disbelief, Disown, Disorder, dissect.

Suffix Examples

Suffix examples are as follows,

  • Er, or = showing comparison = Donner, teacher, cheater.
  • Able, Ible = capable = Respectable, Formidable, Credible.
  • D, ed = forming the past tense = Respected, Cheated, Fired, Aggravated.
  • Ing = continuous tense = Running, Eating, Fighting, Working.
  • Ment = State of result = Disappointment, Appointment.
  • Ive = having the quality = Decisive, Creative, Divisive.

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Importance of Prefix & Suffix

You will be able to get through the Verbal Ability section of Competitive exams with ease if you are familiar with the usage of prefixes and suffixes in English. The English section of most government exams is considered a common and important part of the exam. To master the English section one needs to have a good grasp of English vocabulary and word formation. 

It aims therefore to provide knowledge on the formation of words in the English language by using examples to illustrate how prefixes and suffixes work. Additionally, you will be able to download the list of prefixes and suffixes for your own reference. 

Basic Rules for Suffix and Prefix

Always remember that neither suffix nor prefix can be used with every word. So before you use them, you need to keep in mind certain aspects. Below, I am listing them for your better understanding.

Suffix Rules

Rule#1: While using a suffix, you need to understand that sometimes they can have multiple meanings.

  • For example, the suffix ‘er’. Sitting after the word, it can refer to the person who does the activity.
  • Like ‘a dancer, a singer’. Sometimes, they can help establish a comparison as well, like ‘ faster, weaker, lower’.

Rule#2: When the suffix is used, sometimes, it can change the spelling of the word.

  • For example, when the ‘ing’ suffix is used, the spelling of the word is bound to be changed.
  • Like for ‘running. Swimming, fighting’. Another similar example can be ‘iness’ which is often applicable for words ending with ‘y’. In that case, ‘y’ is replaced by ‘I’.

Suffixes are also similar in meaning to many prefixes. In like manner with the suffix, ‘er’ indicates the action performed by a person when added to a word such as Teachers, gardeners, performers, etc. Comparative adjectives and adverbs are also modified by adding the suffix ‘er’. Fast is shortened to faster and soon becomes sooner, etc.

The spelling of the base word can change when a suffix is added. In general, these are the base words ending in y or e. For example, happy becomes happier, costly becomes costlier with the suffix ‘er’, manage become managing, make become making with the suffix ‘ing’.

Prefix Rules

Rule#1: Many prefixes also mean the same. Like for example, un-, in-, and non mean the same as ‘mis’ and ‘ir’.

Rule#2: Sometimes using the prefix changes the spelling by introducing double letters. Like for example, ‘unnatural’ ‘unnoticeable’.

Rule#3: Using the prefix will never alter the root of the original word. This is very important. Like for example, if you take the word ‘Live’ and add the prefix ‘re’, it will be ‘relive’, keeping the root of the word intact.

A hyphen (-) should be used when adding a prefix to a common noun. Examples include Pro-American or Anti-Religion. 

After self- and ex-prefixes, hyphen must be used, for example, self-desirable, self-disciplined, ex-husband, ex-employee etc.

If you add a prefix, you should not change the spelling of the original word or root word; for example: undo, disappear, irrelevant, cooperation, irrational, etc.

When adding a prefix, letters can be repeated.

Prefixes that end with an ‘a’ are used as they are, like atypical, amoral, etc. With prefixes that end with a vowel, the base word will use it as it is.

Following point number 3 (don’t change spelling) is generally recommended even if it results in double consonants after adding the prefix.

The word Uncle begins with a prefix, but it does not have a prefix added to it.

There are many prefixes that can mean the same thing, such as ‘in’, ‘im’, ‘un’ all of these prefixes mean ‘opposite of’ or ‘not’.

List of Suffixes and Prefixes

Suffixes and prefixes lists are tabulated,

Prefixes List

Prefix Meaning Examples
anti- against, antibiotic,
auto- self autobiography
co- with co-operation
de- down decrease
dis- opposite of, disagree, disapprove
ex- former, ex-president,
extra- beyond, extraordinary,
il-, not illegal,
im-, not impossible,
In- not indefinite
ir- not irresponsible,
in- into insert,
inter-, between interact,
micro- small microscope,
mis- wrongly mistake,
mono- one, monotone,
para- beside parachute,
post- after postpone,
pre- before prefix,
re- again react
semi- half semicircle,
super- over superfood,
therm- heat thermodynamics
trans- across, transport,
tri- three triangle
un- against unusual

Suffixes List

Suffix Meaning Examples
-al Related or action annual, criminal
-able able to, remarkable
-dom state freedom
-ence quality ambience
-er in comparison bigger,
-est superlative heaviest
-fy make justify
-ful full of houseful
-ible to form adjective terrible
-ily To form adverb happily,
-ing action driving
-ist Person who acts psychologist
-less without, Fearless, helpless
-ness to express the state hardness
-tion state position
-y to express condition noisy

Why Do You Need To Learn And Practice Suffix And Prefix?

As mentioned earlier as well, learning suffixes and prefixes will not only help you understand the grammatical elements better but will also help you expand your vocabulary too.

prefix and suffix
Prefix and suffix

Keep in mind that suffix and prefix can only be used for certain words. Hence, you need to practice regularly to master the concept. Plus, as for everything related to English grammar, the more you read, the more you will learn. The same can be said for suffix and prefix as well.

  • So, from now on, whenever you will read something in English, try to locate the words that are using suffixes or prefixes.
  • Firstly, it will help you understand the usage better and refer to the points I have mentioned above about using them.
  • Apart from that, you can also note down the words in a copy. This can be a great practice to improve your vocabulary and learn new words.


So, what else would you like to know about suffix and prefix? Should you have any further queries about them, then reach out to us, and we will surely get back to you to the best of our knowledge. Further Study you can refer below:

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