Is reinforce a word

Asked by: Callie Pacocha

Score: 5/5
(7 votes)

verb (used with object), re·in·forced, re·in·forc·ing. to strengthen with some added piece, support, or material: to reinforce a wall.

Is it re enforce or reinforce?

Member Emeritus. In US English, the standard spelling is reinforce, although leading dictionaries list «reenforce» as a variant. It’s always best to use standard spellings.

What does the word reinforce mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support : make stronger or more pronounced reinforce levees reinforce the elbows of a jacket reinforce ideas.

How do you use the word reinforce?

1) We must reinforce the troops at the front. 2) Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes. 3) Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman. 4) A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.

Which word means to strengthen or reinforce?

strengthen, fortify, bolster up, shore up, buttress, prop up, underpin, brace, stiffen, toughen, support, hold up.

18 related questions found

Which word goes with strengthen?

1 buttress, reinforce, fortify, support.

What is the adjective for reinforce?

Reinforced is the adjective form of reinforce, a verb that means «to strengthen.» So a good synonym for reinforced is strengthened.

What is a reinforce opinion?

1 to give added strength or support to. 2 to give added emphasis to; stress, support, or increase.

What is a noun for reinforce?

reinforcement. (uncountable) The act, process, or state of reinforcing or being reinforced. (countable) A thing that reinforces. (plural) Additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action.

What part of speech is the word reinforce?

verb (used with object), re·in·forced, re·in·forc·ing. to strengthen with some added piece, support, or material: to reinforce a wall.

What is the opposite of reinforce?

Opposite of to make physically stronger or harder, especially with additional material. weaken. diminish. topple. collapse.

What does reinforce stereotypes mean?

reinforce a stereotype (=make a stereotype stronger by showing or describing someone in the usual way)Charities for older people must be careful not to reinforce harmful stereotypes.

What does it mean to reinforce skills?

Skill of reinforcement is a tool in the hands of a teacher and involves teachers encouraging students’ responses using verbal praise, accepting their responses or using non-verbal cues like smile, nods, etc. … Meaning & Nature: Reinforcers are events which help students in increasing their rate of correct responding.

What does reimplement mean?

To implement again or differently.

Why is it spelled reinforce?

Oxford Lexico says of reinforce: Origin Late Middle English from French renforcer, influenced by inforce, an obsolete spelling of enforce; the sense of providing military support is probably from Italian rinforzare. Spellings of unstressed vowels are irrelevant, since they’re all reduced anyway.

What is the synonym of reinforce?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for reinforce, like: strengthen, fortify, buttress, bolster, energize, brace, accentuate, reward, support, toughen and emphasise.

What’s the adjective of substitute?

substitutable. Capable of being used as a substitute; valid as a replacement or alternate item. Capable of being substituted.

What is the verb of strategy?

intransitive verb. : to devise a strategy or course of action.

What is the verb of reinforcement?

reinforce. (transitive) To strengthen, especially by addition or augmentation. (transitive) To emphasize or review. (transitive) To encourage (a behavior or idea) through repeated stimulus.

How do you reinforce an idea?

Ways To Stay Creative & Reinforce Your Ideas

  1. Work on your idea any way. …
  2. Start building in a little exploratory away time. …
  3. Watch how others make new ideas happen. …
  4. Do some brainstorming and think about other new ideas. …
  5. Most important, keep the door open.

Why do we need to reinforce ideas?

If something reinforces an idea or opinion, it provides more proof or support for it and makes it seem true: The final technical report into the accident reinforces the findings of initial investigations.

How do you reinforce learning?

Seven Ways to Reinforce Learning

  1. Form a Group. You can form a group with friends or colleagues with similar goals, and schedule regular group discussions about certain learning points, and evaluate and encourage each other. …
  2. Find an Accountability Partner. …
  3. Start a Journal. …
  4. Read and Research. …
  5. Create. …
  6. Share it. …
  7. Live it.

What is an adjective for the word interpret?

/ɪnˈtɜːprətəbl/ /ɪnˈtɜːrprətəbl/ ​if something is interpretable, you can decide that it has a particular meaning and understand and explain it in this way. interpretable data. This finding is not readily interpretable.

What does reinforce mean in social studies?

Social reinforcement refers to reinforcers such as smiles, acceptance, praise, acclaim, and attention from other people. In some cases, simply being in the presence of other people can serve as a natural social reinforcement.

What verb goes with strategy?

Verbs often used with «strategy»: drive, follow, pursue, execute, implement, adopt, abandon, accept, reject, create.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Felicity Greenholt DDS

Score: 4.2/5
(8 votes)

Synonyms & Antonyms of reinforce

  • back,
  • bolster,
  • buttress,
  • corroborate,
  • shore (up),
  • substantiate,
  • support.

What is a antonym for the word reinforce?

Verb. ▲ Opposite of to make physically stronger or harder, especially with additional material. weaken. diminish.

What word means reinforce and strengthen?

buttress, enforce, prop (up), reinforce.

What is the adjective for reinforce?

Reinforced is the adjective form of reinforce, a verb that means «to strengthen.» So a good synonym for reinforced is strengthened.

What is a adjective for substitute?

substitutable. Capable of being used as a substitute; valid as a replacement or alternate item. Capable of being substituted.

43 related questions found

What is an adjective for the word interpret?

/ɪnˈtɜːprətəbl/ /ɪnˈtɜːrprətəbl/ ​if something is interpretable, you can decide that it has a particular meaning and understand and explain it in this way. interpretable data. This finding is not readily interpretable.

What is the synonym of stronger?

adj.healthy, powerful. adj.determined, resolute. adj.distinct, unmistakable. adj.extreme. adj.forceful on the senses.

How do you reinforce something?

to make something stronger, usually by adding more material or another piece: Building codes in California required that steel rods be used to reinforce cinder-block construction. Something that reinforces an idea or opinion provides proof or support: But let me just cite one other fact to reinforce what you’re saying.

What is reinforce definition?

1 : to strengthen by additional material or support : make stronger reinforced with vitamins. 2 : to stimulate (as an experimental animal or a student) by reinforcement also : to encourage (a response) by reinforcement. Other Words from reinforce. reinforceable -​ə-​bəl adjective.

What is a antonym for dispelled?

dispel. Antonyms: collect, recall, summon, convene, congregate, conglomerate, mass, accumulate. Synonyms: disperse, scatter, dissipate, drive away, dismiss.

What is the best synonym for reinforced?


  • braced.
  • buttressed.
  • thickened.
  • banded.
  • stiffened.
  • bolstered.
  • beefed up.
  • built-up.

What is a reinforce opinion?

1 to give added strength or support to. 2 to give added emphasis to; stress, support, or increase.

Why it is called reinforcement?

Pavlov described reinforcement as the strengthening of a pattern of behavior due to an animal receiving a stimulus—a reinforcer—in an appropriate temporal relationship with another stimulus or with a response.»

What does reinforce mean in social studies?

Social reinforcement refers to reinforcers such as smiles, acceptance, praise, acclaim, and attention from other people. In some cases, simply being in the presence of other people can serve as a natural social reinforcement.

How do you reinforce a message?

If you want to reinforce a message, you can say it louder, rephrase and repeat it or give examples of what you expect. You use dog biscuits to reinforce certain behaviors in your dog. Bad experiences will reinforce your fears, good ones your hopes.

What is the part of speech for reinforce?

part of speech: transitive verb. inflections: reinforces, reinforcing, reinforced.

What’s the difference between enforcing and reinforcing?

Skinner made an important distinction between two related terms—reinforcer and reinforcement. In Skinnerian terms, a reinforcer is a stimulus, whereas reinforcement is the effect of this stimulus. … In other words, reinforcement (effect) requires the use of some reinforcer (stimulus) in the learning situation.

What is strong word?

firm, heavy, vigorous, secure, tough, capable, solid, big, forceful, able, steady, tenacious, athletic, substantial, stable, active, robust, durable, energetic, steadfast.

What are three synonyms strong?

synonyms for strong

  • big.
  • capable.
  • firm.
  • heavy.
  • secure.
  • solid.
  • tough.
  • vigorous.

What is the verb of significant?

Word family (noun) significance ≠ insignificance signification (adjective) significant ≠ insignificant (verb) signify (adverb) significantly ≠ insignificantly.

What is the adjective for strategy?

pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of strategy: strategic movements. important in or essential to strategy.

What is the verb of interpretation?

interpret. To explain or tell the meaning of; to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms. applied especially to language, but also to dreams, signs, conduct, mysteries, etc. To apprehend and represent by means of art; to show by illustrative representation.

Which type of reinforcement is most effective?

When used correctly, positive reinforcement can be very effective. 3 Positive reinforcement is most effective when it occurs immediately after the behavior. Reinforcement should be presented enthusiastically and should occur frequently.

What are the main types of reinforcers?

There are two types of reinforcement, known as positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement; positive is whereby a reward is offered on expression of the wanted behaviour and negative is taking away an undesirable element in the persons environment whenever the desired behaviour is achieved.

transitive verb


: to strengthen by additional assistance, material, or support : make stronger or more pronounced

reinforce the elbows of a jacket


: to strengthen or increase by fresh additions

were reinforcing their pitching staff


Example Sentences

The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.

Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.

The levees will need to be reinforced.

The bad weather forecast only reinforces our decision to leave early tomorrow.

Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military.

We do our best to reinforce good conduct in the classroom.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Adderall misuse doesn’t just involve a harmful cycle that reinforces its use because of its rewarding effects.

Habibeh Khoshbouei, Fortune Well, 7 Apr. 2023

The drills may have backfired by reinforcing China’s image as a threat which could hurt China’s foreign relations and result in Taiwan’s allies sending in more delegations.

Brittyn Clennett, ABC News, 6 Apr. 2023

But that same experience has only reinforced what our experience with rogue presidents has taught us is the bedrock of our democracy: No president is above the law.

John Dean, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023

Ductile concrete building elements, required by newer building codes, are more flexible, thanks to steel reinforcing bars at critical locations.

Osman Ozbulut, The Conversation, 4 Apr. 2023

The Russians’ tactics result in heavy losses, reinforcing that need for numerical advantage.

Andrew E. Kramer, New York Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Supporting players like niacinamide and the humectant glycerin help to moisturize and reinforce skin’s protective barrier.

Brian Underwood, Women’s Health, 4 Apr. 2023

Additionally, these platforms allowed these groups to connect with like-minded individuals and form supportive communities, which further reinforced their beliefs.

Leonard Armato, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

Now 38% Off Families of Daniel Tiger fans know that the main appeal of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is the catchy songs that reinforce good habits.

Marisa Lascala, Good Housekeeping, 28 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘reinforce.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


re- + inforce, alteration of enforce

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of reinforce was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near reinforce

Cite this Entry

“Reinforce.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
10 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

The most important thing as a writer is to be understood by the reader. There is no room for errors, whether it is a story in a blog or an article in a magazine. When referencing strength, should you say reenforce or reinforce?

Reinforce is the most common and accepted spelling when about adding strength or force to something, again. But there’s also the thought that even if you write reenforce, it could still pass as an accepted variation of «reinforce,» based on the fact that the word «enforce» also exists. 

There’s an adage that reads, «If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck,» and even though this is something that is often used to identify something when augmenting, you could also use it to check what is the correct word to use. Let’s see if it looks, swims, and quacks like a duck.

reinforce sign spelled in red

What Does Grammar Say About This?

Spelling rules can either make you or break you, but it is important that the message you want to convey be clear and easy to understand. Some of the things that should be analyzed when using unfamiliar words are homophones, affixes, and variant spelling.

Homophone. A homophone is a word with different spelling and meaning as another one, but it has the same pronunciation. With reinforce and reenforce, the sound is pretty much the same. Which can make you wonder if a person can live their whole lives saying a word and never have written it. Is it possible that they mistake the spelling?

Some examples of homophones in the English language are the following:

  • Flower or flour
  • Write or right
  • Meet or meat
  • Peace or piece
  • Reinforce or reenforce

Affix. Words in any language that follows the Greek alphabet know that new words can be derived from existing ones. An affix is a grammatical component in forming a group of words that will change their meaning when added to a root word. In this example, both words have the prefix «re,» which means to do something again. Some examples are the following:

  • Readjust; to adjust again.
  • Reapply; to apply again.
  • Rewrite; to write again.
  • Reinforce; to in force or enforce again.

Variant spelling. Words can have different spellings based on a country, region, or the changes a language has undergone in time. The evolution of a language shows how well people adapt and advance.

Examples of spelling variation between American and British English are the following:

  • math vs. maths
  • trapezoid vs trapezium
  • canceled vs. cancelled
  • center vs. centre

Examples of spelling variation between old and modern English are the following:

  • autour vs. author
  • faute vs. fault
  • neuew vs. nephew
  • thou vs. you

Examples of spelling variation between more and less common usage are the following:

  • among vs. amongst
  • naught vs. nought

Word Vs Word Posts

  • Pronounciation Vs Pronunciation
  • Convertor vs Converter
  • Irradiation Vs Radiation

What’s The Correct Spelling?

The term reinforce is from late Middle English from a combination of French (reinforcer), English (inforce), and Italian (rinforzare). It is a verb that means to strengthen or support something (an object or substance). Some of the uses of this word are in the context of strengthening an idea, feeling, or habit; or strengthening a military force. Some examples can be seen as follows:

  1. All you do is reinforce the notion that school teaches manners and is not valid.
  2. Always having her back only reinforces the idea that she deserves to be treated like that.
  3. If you keep cleaning up after your children, it reinforces the message that they don’t have to do it themselves.
  4. The army was the first part of the militia; next came the air force to reinforce the country’s security.
  5. She needs singing lessons to reinforce her voice after so much time without singing.
  6. Merging the two businesses will reinforce our products in the market.
  7. Adding some cardio and weight training will only reinforce the feeling of health in your life.
  8. The new advertisement strategy for the radio and the TV really helped reinforce our brand.
  9. Leaving the new player for the second half is an excellent idea as it will reinforce their defense.
  10. They make a great couple, and they may end up reinforcing each other.
  11. Schools often reinforce the idea that female students must cover their bodies so as not to distract male students.
  12. Flyers are always available in the reception area to reinforce healthy eating.
  13. If it is Tommy’s turn to bring the hamster home for the weekend, reinforce that it needs to be fed every day.
  14. Once you teach the subject, you can reinforce it by adding activities such as games or repetition drills.
  15. Parents who get jealous of their children reinforce the idea of competition.
  16. If you need any assistance, remember that the HR department is there to reinforce any work rules.
  17. Replacing meals with snacks will reinforce to the child that they don’t have to eat something if they don’t want to.
  18. Giving specific feedback to your employee will reinforce the sense of understanding between the two and not just lecturing in general.
  19. Having the stores reinforce the message that customers can return anything without a receipt is good customer service.
  20. Reinforce the warmth of a room with contrasting colors between the furniture and the walls.

reinforcement word in the dictionary

Why Is It Confusing?

Reenforce is supposed to be a variant of the word reinforce, and it makes a lot of sense. As described above, it is sometimes acceptable to have two versions of a word. When things like this happen, we must look at the root of the problem. Where does «reenforce» or «reinforce» really come from?

If the prefix is removed, you’ll get «enforce» and «inforce.» But are those actual words in English?

Inforce is a phrase that means something in full strength, alluding to military force in large numbers. Or it could also mean something that must be applied, binding. On the other hand, the word enforce is a verb that means to put force on something; to obtain something by obligation; to demand something by force; to urge an argument with energy.

Another thing could happen when you can’t seem to notice when there’s a typo. This is called Typoglicemia, and it talks about the mental process involved when reading texts. Positively, it refers to the fact that people can read jumbled words as long as the first and last letters are in the correct place. This happens because the human brain doesn’t read the letters one by one but as a whole. But in a negative way, it means that you may miss a typo in common words.

Reinforce In Other Contexts

Reinforce Behavior. It is a way to show another person, especially children, how their behavior is accepted in a specific event or situation. It can include things such as praising, rewards, or fun activities.

Reinforce Brick Wall. It is a way to make a brick wall stronger by adding steel bars, hoop iron, and expanded mesh. 

Reinforce Brand. Is the way companies remind their customers what their company stands for. This is done by sending holiday cards to the customers, communicating through social media, and sending quarterly newsletters.

Reinforce Knowledge. There are ways or forms to use to reinforce learning in people, and some of those ways are spaced repetitions, microlearning, gamification, coaching, and enablement.


Having the correct spelling of a word will show the reader that you have a full grasp of the language being used, and having two versions of the same word makes it even better. But always keep in mind that it is better to be safe than sorry, so if there’s an alternative, go with the standard version of it.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

укреплять, усиливать, подкреплять, армировать


- усиливать, укреплять

to reinforce troops at the front — посылать пополнение на фронт
to reinforce the elbows of a jacket — укрепить локти куртки (кожей и т. п.)
he claimed that the media reinforce destructive impulses — он утверждал, что средства массовой информации усиливают /развивают/ инстинкт разрушения

- подкреплять

he reinforced his promise by his word of honour — он не просто обещал, а дал честное слово

- армировать (материалы)
- тех. придавать жёсткость
- редк. получать подкрепление
- подкреплять, закреплять (условный рефлекс, навык; особ. системой поощрений)
- поощрять (особ. подопытное животное)

Мои примеры


a round of steel to reinforce the wooden beam — стальное кольцо для укрепления деревянной балки  
to reinforce concrete — армировать бетон  
to reinforce the insulation — армировать изоляцию  
to reinforce an insulation — упрочнять изоляцию  
to reinforce a tire — армировать шину  
to reinforce a rubber — усиливать каучук  
to reinforce sound — усиливать звук  
reinforce concrete jig — строит. железобетонная матрица  
reinforce a bloc — укреплять блок; укрепить блок  
breech reinforce — утолщенная зацапфенная часть ствола  
reinforce concrete — армировать бетон  

Примеры с переводом

Let’s reinforce good behavior.

Давайте подкреплять хорошее поведение.

The army was reinforced with a fresh group of soldiers.

В армию пришло свежее подкрепление.

Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts.

Докладчик должен уметь подкреплять свои тезисы фактами.

They had to reinforce the center.

Им пришлось укрепить центр.

The bad weather forecast only reinforces our decision to leave early tomorrow.

Плохой прогноз погоды только подкрепляет наше решение уехать завтра пораньше.

The film reinforces the idea that women should be pretty and dumb.

В фильме пропагандируется мысль о том, что женщины должны быть красивыми и тупыми.

We do our best to reinforce good conduct in the classroom.

Мы делаем всё возможное, чтобы восстановить хорошее поведение в классе.

Some critics say that the movie reinforces negative stereotypes about the military.

По словам некоторых критиков, данный фильм подкрепляет негативные стереотипы о военных.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The captain sent out another squad to reinforce the troops.

The levees will need to be reinforced.

Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reinforcement  — усиление, армирование, укрепление, арматура, подкрепление, пополнение
reinforced  — усиленный, армированный
reinforcer  — упрочнитель, усилитель, усиливающий агент, активный наполнитель

Формы слова

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