Is receipted a word

If you wish to use recept as a verb, you’re a bit late to the party:

Where it is said, that whosoever shall recept the thing stoln willingly and knowingly, he shall be punished as the principal thief; and from this it may be concluded, that recept with us, is properly, when the thing stoln is recepted, and not when the stealer without the theft is receipted; for to as the recepting of the thief, it appears only to be punishable, when letters of intercommuning are published, prohibiting all the leidges to recept or fortifie a malefactor, … — Sir George Mackenzie, The Laws and Customes of Scotland, 1678. EEBO

This usage survived into the 19th c., but today is obsolete: receive is the verb you want. Just as you might conceive of something and produce a concept, you do not *concept a better mousetrap.

Even the noun has undergone changes over the years:

We should at the ministracion and recept of the sacrament, haue good natural bread: but in stede thereof, we haue printed waifers, and suche starched stuffe, as is not pure &; perfecte bread, nor lyke vnto that whych was vsed in the eating of the Lordes holy supper at the first. — John Ponet, Humble and Unfained Confession, 1554. EEBO

Army Medical Department, 7 Nov. 1829.
Sir — I have the honour to acknowledge the recept of your note of the 30th October … — Sydney Monitor, 13 Aug. 1831.

We have just been shown a recept for curing chronic, sore eyes, which is the result of a long and close study of a very distinguished physician lately from Scotland. — Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield IL), 6 Sept. 1858.

Today, it would be reception of the Sacrament, receipt of a letter, and a prescription for curing sore eyes. Since the 1580s, the earlier alternative to recept was recipe, from Middle French récipé, from Latin recipe, ‘take!’, surviving today only in the abbreviation ℞ at a pharmacy.

  • #1

I have a work manual using the words receipted and receipting. Is this actually a verb or is this a mistake? I tried searching for these «words», but the actual word given is receipt as a corolary of verb receive.

  • Kelly B

    • #2

    Hello and welcome,

    Yes, to receipt is to mark a bill paid, or to give a receipt. Edit: I don’t like this usage, because it sounds like business jargon to me, but I don’t know how commonly it is used.


    • #3

    Same here in Britain — and I don’t like it for the same reasons as Kelly.

    Asked by: Miss Mabel West

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    (51 votes)

    adjective. That may be receipted; for which a receipt may be given or is required.

    What does receiptable mean?

    adjective. That may be receipted; for which a receipt may be given or is required.

    What does Receptible mean?

    : capable of receiving or of being received.

    Is Unhealable a word?

    Unhealable meaning

    That cannot be healed.

    Is Receptable a word?

    From Middle French receptable receptacle, container, refuge, shelter, alteration of receptacle receptacle with suffix substitution, probably after receptable (adjective) capable of holding, spacious.

    15 related questions found

    How do you use receptacle in a sentence?

    Receptacle in a Sentence ?

    1. All trash should be placed in the garbage receptacle.
    2. When we walked by the overstuffed trash receptacle, we held our noses to block out the awful odors.
    3. Please place your aluminum cans in the recycling receptacle near the door.

    Is Centurial a word?

    adjective rare Of or pertaining to a century.

    What does Unhealable mean?

    : incapable of being healed.

    How do you use receptive?

    able to absorb liquid (not repellent).

    1. The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas.
    2. He is not very receptive to my suggestions.
    3. She was always receptive to new ideas.
    4. He gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience.
    5. You might find them in a more receptive mood tomorrow.

    What is called receptacle?

    1 : one that receives and contains something : container. 2 [New Latin receptaculum, from Latin] a : the end of the flower stalk upon which the floral organs are borne. b : a structure or tissue (as of a fungus or fern) bearing spores or sporangia.

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    The term “Plug” is an noun which was originated in the south and used to refer to a drug dealer. When someone calls themselves “The Plug” it means they sell or distribute drugs.

    What is another word for repeatable?

    In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for repeatable, like: reproducible, verifiable, unrepeatable, testable and quotable.

    How long is a centenary?

    Centenary is the older word in English, having derived directly from the Latin word centenarium in the 15th century. The English word has had several meanings, including “a weight of 100 pounds” (a meaning that is now obsolete) and “a period of 100 years” (a synonym of century that is also obsolete in modern English).

    What is the meaning of Centurial?

    : relating to 100 years : marking or beginning a century the centurial years 1600 and 1700.

    What do you mean by centenarian?

    : one that is 100 years old or older.

    What is a male plug?

    Definitions of male plug. an electrical device with two or three pins that is inserted in a socket to make an electrical connection. synonyms: plug. types: phone plug, telephone plug. a plug for connecting a telephone.

    What is the purpose of a receptacle?

    Power Receptacles

    Electrical outlets, also known as receptacles, are sockets that are used to establish an electrical connection between an electronic device and power supply.

    What is a closed receptacle?

    As for the «closed» receptacles, those are most likely tamper resistant receptacles. The guards should move out if the way when you plug things in. The guards only move when they are both pushed simultaneously, so make sure you’re inserting the plug straight. If one blade touches first, the guards may not move.

    What is a repeatable process?

    A set of actions that allow for a more efficient use of limited resources and reduce unwanted variation during the development and implementation of various projects.

    Is repeatably a word?

    In a repeatable manner, capable of being repeated.

    Definitions For Receipted


    • A piece of paper on which the things that you buy or the services that you pay for are listed with the total amount paid and the prices for each
    • The act of receiving something
    • Money that a business, bank, or government receives

    English International (SOWPODS)

    Points in Different Games


    Words with Friends

    The word Receipted is worth 14 points in Scrabble and 16 points in Words with Friends

    Examples of Receipted in a Sentence

    • Keep your receipt in case you need to return anything.
    • The form should be completed and returned within 30 days of receipt.
    • Open immediately upon receipt of the package.

    получение, квитанция, приходный, расписываться


    - расписка в получении; квитанция

    receipt for a sum — расписка в получении какой-л. суммы
    receipt of summons — юр. взятие подписки о явке (в суд)
    against receipt — под расписку

    - канц. получение

    on receipt — по получении
    on receipt of a postcard [remittance] — по получении открытки [перевода]
    on receipt of the news — как только стало известно
    we are in receipt of your letter — мы получили ваше письмо

    - pl. денежные поступления; выручка; приход; доход

    receipts and expenditure /expenses/ — приход и расход
    total receipts — общая сумма денежных поступлений, общий приход; общая выручка
    receipts tax — налог с оборота

    - редк. рецепт (особ. кулинарный)
    - радио подтверждение приёма
    - ист., библ. мытница

    place of receipt — ист. странноприимный дом
    Receipt of the Exchequer — ист. казна, фиск; налоговое управление казначейства


    - выдать расписку в получении; расписаться в получении

    to receipt a bill — расписаться на счёте; поставить на счёте штамп «получено»

    Мои примеры


    gross receipt — валовой доход  
    to get a receipt — получить квитанцию  
    to make / write out a receipt — выписать квитанцию  
    to acknowledge receipt of message — подтвердить приём  
    to make out a receipt — выписывать квитанцию  
    voucher for receipt — расписка в получении  
    cargo receipt — расписка в получении груза  
    certificate of receipt — сертификат о получении  
    confirmation of the receipt — подтверждение о получении  
    confirmation of receipt — подтверждение получения  

    Примеры с переводом

    Can you give me a receipt?

    Не могли бы вы дать мне квитанцию?

    Keep your receipt in case you want to bring it back.

    Сохраните чек, на случай если захотите вернуть покупку обратно.

    We are in receipt of your letter.

    Мы получили ваше письмо.

    The clerk handed her the receipt

    Клерк протянул ей квитанцию.

    Just bring it back to the store, together with your receipt.

    Просто отнеси это обратно в магазин, вместе с чеком /квитанцией/.

    The customer acknowledged receipt of a shipment.

    Покупатель подтвердил получение груза.

    We acknowledge (the) receipt of your fax.

    Подтверждаем получение Вашего факса.

    ещё 18 примеров свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    Our company deposits cash receipts every day.

    The form should be completed and returned within 30 days of receipt.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    receipts  — выручка
    receiptor  — лицо, принявшее на хранение описанное имущество

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): receipt
    мн. ч.(plural): receipts

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