Is reasonable a word

разумный, приемлемый, обоснованный, умеренно


- разумный, благоразумный; рассудительный

reasonable solution — разумное решение
to take a reasonable view of smth. — смотреть на что-л. здраво /благоразумно/
you must (try to) be reasonable — разг. будьте благоразумны, не упрямьтесь; образумьтесь

- обоснованный

reasonable claim [demand] — обоснованная претензия [-ое требование]
reasonable suspicions — небезосновательные /не лишённые основания/ подозрения
reasonable excuse — уважительная причина
the reasonable wishes of the whole people — законные чаяния всего народа
there is a reasonable chance of success — есть основания надеяться на успех, есть шансы на успех
I find it reasonable that he should do so — я считаю, что у него есть основания так поступать
is the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt? — есть ли обоснованные сомнения в виновности подсудимого?

- умеренный; приемлемый, сносный, допустимый

reasonable conditions — тех. нормальные /умеренные/ условия эксплуатации
on reasonable terms — на приемлемых условиях
to be reasonable in one’s desires — быть умеренным /скромным/ в своих желаниях, не требовать невозможного

- разг. недорогой

reasonable price — приемлемая цена, разумная цена
reasonable rent — невысокая квартплата
strawberries are reasonable now — клубника подешевела
Furnished apartment. Reasonable — «Меблированная квартира. Недорого» (объявление)

- разумный, наделённый разумом

reasonable being — разумное существо

Мои примеры


an appallingly insolent reply to a reasonable request — поразительно наглый /оскорбительный/ ответ на разумную просьбу  
reasonable charge — разумная цена  
reasonable demand — разумное требование  
reasonable diligence — разумная мера заботливости  
reasonable doubts about smth. — законные сомнения по поводу чего-л.  
to have reasonable grounds for supposing — иметь разумные основания для предположения  
real / realistic / reasonable hope — разумная, реальная надежда  
reasonable offer — разумное предложение  
fair / moderate / reasonable price — приемлемая, умеренная, справедливая цена  
in a reasonable way — разумным образом  
reasonable request — разумная просьба  

Примеры с переводом

Let’s be reasonable about this.

Давай будем трезво смотреть на это.

It is not reasonable to demand so much from them.

Неразумно столько от них требовать.

It doesn’t listen reasonable to me.

Мне это не кажется разумным.

We have reasonable cause not to believe him.

У нас есть разумные основания ему не верить.

It’s not reasonable to expect perfect weather.

Неразумно рассчитывать, что погода будет идеальной.

The team has a reasonable chance of winning.

Команда имеет реальный шанс на победу.

Cars could be leased at a reasonable rate per month.

Автомобили сдаются в аренду по умеренной цене за месяц.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She offered a reasonable compromise.

It sounded like a reasonable enough excuse to me.

Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him?

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Возможные однокоренные слова

reason  — причина, основание, разум, повод, рассудок, рассуждать, размышлять, аргументировать
reasonably  — разумно, умеренно, достаточно, довольно, приемлемо, сносно
reasoning  — рассуждение, рассуждения, аргументация, мыслящий, способный рассуждать
unreasonable  — неблагоразумный, безрассудный, непомерный, чрезмерный, непомерно высокий
reasonableness  — обоснованность, благоразумие, рассудительность
reasoned  — рассуждать, размышлять, аргументировать, убеждать, уговаривать, доказывать
reasonless  — не наделенный разумом, неразумный, бессмысленный, бессодержательный

Table of Contents

  1. Is Reasonable an adverb?
  2. Is Reasonable a noun?
  3. How would you describe reasonable?
  4. What is a reasonable price?
  5. What is the verb form of reasonable?
  6. Is reasonability a word?
  7. Is reasonableness a word?
  8. How is reasonableness defined?
  9. What is reasonableness check example?
  10. What is another word for validity?
  11. Is validity the same as accuracy?
  12. What is the opposite word of validity?
  13. Which do you think is the closest word to define validity?
  14. How do you use validity in a sentence?
  15. What’s the opposite of valid?
  16. Does valid mean correct?
  17. What does valid mean on TikTok?
  18. What Does not valid mean?
  19. What is the verb form of general?
  20. What is the root word of validity?
  21. What are the 4 types of validity?
  22. How do you describe validity?
  23. What’s the meaning of validity?
  24. What is validity and why is it important?
  25. What is the validity period of Cheque?
  26. How do you measure validity?

1a : being in accordance with reason a reasonable theory. b : not extreme or excessive reasonable requests. c : moderate, fair a reasonable chance a reasonable price. d : inexpensive.

Is Reasonable an adverb?

reasonably adverb (JUDGMENT)

Is Reasonable a noun?

(uncountable) The state or characteristic of being reasonable. (countable) A reasonable action or behaviour.

How would you describe reasonable?

Reasonable describes someone or something that’s sensible and fair, like your teacher who gives reasonable homework assignments — they don’t take you forever to do and they relate to what you are studying. If you’re reasonable, you have good sense and judgment.

What is a reasonable price?

Reasonable Price means a decision reached jointly between a buyer and seller of property, reflecting a judgment influenced by the economic realities of the marketplace and the relative bargaining powers of the parties and is a price that provides the best total value in consideration of availability, delivery time.

What is the verb form of reasonable?

reason. (intransitive) To deduce or come to a conclusion by being rational. (intransitive) To perform a process of deduction or of induction, in order to convince or to confute; to argue. (intransitive) To converse; to compare opinions.

Is reasonability a word?

Reasonability is a legal term. The scale of reasonability represents a quintessential element of modern judicial systems and is particularly important in the context of international disputes and conflicts of laws issues. The earliest recorded use of the term reasonability goes back to Roman times.

Is reasonableness a word?

Meaning of reasonableness in English. the fact of being based on or using good judgment and therefore being fair and practical: The court will determine the reasonableness of the police activity. There was a sweet reasonableness in her voice.

How is reasonableness defined?

/ˈriː.zən.ə.bəl.nəs/ the fact of being based on or using good judgment and therefore being fair and practical: The court will determine the reasonableness of the police activity.

What is reasonableness check example?

A reasonableness test is an auditing procedure that examines the validity of accounting information. For example, an auditor could compare a reported ending inventory balance to the amount of storage space in a company’s warehouse, to see if the reported amount of inventory could fit in there.

What is another word for validity?

What is another word for validity?

soundness force
plausibility reasonableness
substance sustainability
viability authority
believability credibility

Is validity the same as accuracy?

As nouns the difference between validity and accuracy is that validity is the state of being valid, authentic or genuine while accuracy is the state of being accurate; freedom from mistakes, this exemption arising from carefulness; exactness; nicety; correctness.

What is the opposite word of validity?

unacceptable, unreal, wrong, unsound, invalid.

Which do you think is the closest word to define validity?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for validity, like: legality, efficacy, potency, strength, substance, soundness, gravity, cogency, effectiveness, genuineness and legitimacy.

How do you use validity in a sentence?

Validity in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The validity of the suspect’s story was questionable to those who thought he was lying.
  2. Because the validity of the test was 99.9% accurate, they decided to trust it.
  3. Our professor was always encouraging us to search for validity when looking for reputable sources.

What’s the opposite of valid?

valid. Antonyms: weak, invalid, powerless, unsound, unsubstantial, unavailable, inefficient, insufficient, inoperative, obsolete, effete, superseded, inconclusive.

Does valid mean correct?

Well grounded or justifiable, pertinent. I will believe him as soon as he offers a valid answer. Acceptable, proper or correct. An argument is valid if and only if the set consisting of both (1) all of its premises and (2) the contradictory of its conclusion is inconsistent.

What does valid mean on TikTok?

In TikTok terms, “valid” simply means that something is of an amazing standard or looks great.

What Does not valid mean?

– Erroneous or unrecognizable because of a flaw in reasoning or an error in input. Invalid results, for example, might occur if the logic in a program is faulty. invalid; not valid.

What is the verb form of general?

generalize. To speak in generalities, or in vague terms. To infer or induce from specific cases to more general cases or principles. To derive or deduce (a general concept or principle) from particular facts.

What is the root word of validity?

validity (n.) 1540s, from French validité or directly from Late Latin validitatem (nominative validitas) “strength,” from Latin validus (see valid).

What are the 4 types of validity?

The four types of validity

  • Construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it’s intended to measure?
  • Content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure?
  • Face validity: Does the content of the test appear to be suitable to its aims?

How do you describe validity?

Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. If research has high validity, that means it produces results that correspond to real properties, characteristics, and variations in the physical or social world. High reliability is one indicator that a measurement is valid.

What’s the meaning of validity?

: the quality or state of being valid: such as. a : the state of being acceptable according to the law The validity of the contract is being questioned.

What is validity and why is it important?

Validity is important because it determines what survey questions to use, and helps ensure that researchers are using questions that truly measure the issues of importance. The validity of a survey is considered to be the degree to which it measures what it claims to measure.

What is the validity period of Cheque?

3 months

How do you measure validity?

Common methods to assess construct validity include, but are not limited to, factor analysis, correlation tests, and item response theory models (including Rasch model).

Asked by: Ashleigh Bruen

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(36 votes)

REASONABLE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is this word reasonable?

1a : being in accordance with reason a reasonable theory. b : not extreme or excessive reasonable requests. c : moderate, fair a reasonable chance a reasonable price. d : inexpensive.

Is Reasonable a adverb?

1to a degree that is fairly good but not very good The instructions are reasonably straightforward. She seems reasonably happy in her new job. 2in a logical and sensible way We tried to discuss the matter calmly and reasonably. in a fair way He couldn’t reasonably be expected to pay back the loan all at once.

Is the word reasonable an adjective?

just; fair; agreeable to reason. inexpensive.

What is the noun for reasonable?

(uncountable) The state or characteristic of being reasonable. (countable) A reasonable action or behaviour.

21 related questions found

What is the verb form of reasonable?

reason. (intransitive) To deduce or come to a conclusion by being rational. (intransitive) To perform a process of deduction or of induction, in order to convince or to confute; to argue.

What is the part of speech of reasonable?

adjective. agreeable to reason or sound judgment; logical: a reasonable choice for chairman.

Is reasonable a noun or verb?

REASONABLE (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is reasonability a word?

Reasonability is a legal term. The scale of reasonability represents a quintessential element of modern judicial systems and is particularly important in the context of international disputes and conflicts of laws issues. … The earliest recorded use of the term reasonability goes back to Roman times.

What does the word reasonable mean in legal terms?

Just, rational, appropriate, ordinary, or usual in the circumstances. It may refer to reasonable care, cause, compensation, doubt (in a criminal trial), and a host of other actions or activities. … “Reasonable” is also frequently used for tax purposes.

Is truly an adverb?

historical usage of truly

The English adverb truly is obviously composed of the adjective true and the suffix -ly, which is used to form adverbs as well as adjectives (such as friendly ).

Is emphatically an adverb?

EMPHATICALLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is reasonably an adjective or adverb?

Reasonably is an adverb — Word Type.

How do you say reasonable price?

  1. affordable,
  2. bargain-basement,
  3. budget,
  4. cheap,
  5. cheapie,
  6. cheapo,
  7. chintzy,
  8. cut-price.

How do you describe a reasonable person?

If you’re reasonable, you have good sense and judgment. A reasonable decision is rational and thought out, like your mom’s reasonable rule about not eating crumbly foods in her car. When you describe a store’s prices as reasonable, you mean they’re fair — not too high.

What is an example of reasonable?

The definition of reasonable is someone or something that is logical and exhibits good sense. An idea that makes sense to carry out is an example of a reasonable idea. A low priced and inexpensive item is an example of an item that would be described as an item with a reasonable price.

Is reasonability an English word?

noun. The quality or capacity of being reasonable; reasonableness.

Is unreasonableness a word?

The absence of reason: illogicality, illogicalness, irrationality, unreason.

What is another word for reasonably?

In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for reasonably, like: fairly, judiciously, with due restraint, plausibly, soundly, rationally, logically, justly, honestly, wisely and within reason.

What is well grounded mean?

English Language Learners Definition of well-grounded

: having good training in a subject or activity. : well-founded.

What you mean by moderate?

1a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits a moderate drinker. b : calm, temperate Though very much in favor of the measure, he expressed himself in moderate language. 2a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension a family of moderate income.

What’s the difference between reasonable and rational?

Rational individuals displayed more abstract characteristics like logic, emotional suppression, methodical behavior, and analytical thinking. Whereas, reasonable individuals displayed socially conscious characteristics like kindness, honesty, fairness, and interpersonal sensitivity.

Is fiercely an adverb?

FIERCELY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does the foreseeable mean?

1 : being such as may be reasonably anticipated foreseeable problems foreseeable consequences. 2 : lying within the range for which forecasts are possible in the foreseeable future. Other Words from foreseeable More Example Sentences Learn More About foreseeable.

What does reasonableness mean in math?

To be reasonable means to be as much as is appropriate or fair. In math, reasonableness can be defined as checking to verify that the result of the solution or the calculation of the problem is correct or not, be either estimating or by plugging in your result to check it.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

In this place I do not have a soul with whom I can exchange a single reasonable word.

В этом месте нет ни души, с кем я мог бы обменяться хоть одним разумным словом.

«Greater than a thousand meaningless words is a single reasonable word that brings calm to those who are listening.»

«Лучше, чем тысяча бессмысленных заявлений-это одно осмысленное слово, которое, будучи услышанным, Приносит мир».

Interlocutors and themes changed, but the essence remained one: in full possession of reasonable word Socrates was in philosophic ‘recognition of fight’ — in constant search and battle for truth, justice and morality, for proper and human matters.’1

Собеседники и темы бесед менялись, но суть оставалась одна: во всеоружии разумного слова Сократ был в философской разведке боем — постоянном поиске и битве за истину, справедливость и нравственность, за должное в человеческих делах. 1

It’s an ordinary reasonable word!

Другие результаты

Very reasonable words from my point of view.

Very reasonable words from my point of view.

These reasonable words in the environment of anti-reason were heard, breaking through it.

Ведь прозвучали эти разумные слова в среде антиразума, прорывая её.

Try to voluntarily accept your partner’s reasonable words or rigid rules in the company you work for or have business dealings with.

Постарайтесь добровольно подчиниться разумным доводам партнёров или жестким правилам организации, в которой вы работаете (с которой сотрудничаете).

Well, who could object to such reasonable words?

One of my favorites is from Goethe: «One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words

Писатель Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гете считал, что «каждый день человек должен, по меньшей мере, услышать новую песню, прочитать хорошее стихотворение, увидеть красивую картину и, по возможности, произнести пару разумных слов».

The word reasonable can almost always be replaced by ‘OK’.

Afterward, she fellowshiped more to me and I considered her words reasonable.

После этого она продолжила беседовать со мной и я посчитала ее слова разумными.

Strong support was expressed for the inclusion of the word «reasonable» before the word «opportunity» on the ground that it corresponded to a commonly used and well-accepted standard.

В отношении предложения о включении слова «разумная» перед словом «возможность», была выражена решительная поддержка на том основании, что это будет соответствовать широко используемому и общепринятому стандарту.

All things that exist being particulars, it may perhaps be thought reasonable that words, which ought to be conformed to things, should be so too, — I mean in their signification: but yet we find quite the contrary.

Так как все существующие вещи единичны, то могло бы казаться разумным, что такими будут также и слова (я имею в виду их значение), которые должны быть сообразны вещам; однако мы видим совершенно противоположное.

The word «reasonable«, also proposed as a standard, suffered on grounds of its imprecision.

Термин «разумный«, который также предлагается в качестве критерия, страдает неточностью.

The words «reasonable measures» are intended to exclude unjustified demands.

Слова «разумные меры» предназначены для того, чтобы исключить необоснованные требования.

You see, your words sound reasonable, but your face looks angry.

Вот видишь, твои слова звучат разумно, хотя лицо сердито.

The same was true of the word «reasonable«, in model provision 46.

То же соображение относится и к слову «разумного» в тексте типового положения 46.

He dare not commend or condemn the Word as reasonable or unreasonable, scientific or unscientific.

Он не должен решаться на то, чтобы признавать Слово Божье разумным или неразумным, научным или антинаучным.

The word «reasonable» gives added discretion to the Registrar.

Слово «вправе» в указанной редакции порождает дискреционные полномочия регистраторов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 305. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 220 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

reasonable — перевод на русский


Isn’t it more reasonable to hook this up from that angle?

Может, более разумно взглянуть на произошедшее с этой точки зрения?

— That sounds reasonable.

— Вот это звучит разумно.

Reasonable? !

Разумно, говоришь?

Yes that’s very reasonable.

Очень разумно с вашей стороны.

You said they acted reasonable.

Они действовали разумно.

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— Be reasonable, Sully.

— Будь благоразумен, Салли.

— Now, be reasonable, Drake.

— Пожалуйста, будь благоразумен, Дрейк. Я им покажу.

Look, be reasonable.

Послушай, будь благоразумен.

Karl! Karl! Be reasonable.

Будь же благоразумен!

it’s better to be reasonable.

Будь благоразумен!

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All this time I thought I’d been expressing a rational and reasonable concern about the fact that an increasingly large number of people in Downbelow aren’t acting normally.

Всё это время я считал, что выражаю разумное и обоснованное беспокойство о том, что большое и постоянно растущее число людей в Подполье ведёт себя ненормально.

That’s reasonable doubt.

Это обоснованное сомнение.

Reasonable doubt as to whether or not she did it. No evidence of intent, even if she did.

Обоснованное сомнение, сделала она это или нет… ничто не указывает на то, что она это сделала.

«Reasonable doubt.» What does that mean?

«обоснованное сомнение» что это значит?

Reasonable doubt.

Обоснованное сомнение.

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Be reasonable, Colby.

Рассуждайте логично, Колби.

Sounds reasonable.

Звучит логично.

First, promise you’ll be reasonable.

Прежде пообещай мыслить логично.

— Who’s not reasonable?

– Кто мыслит не логично? – Ты.

— Seems reasonable.


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We have to prove that someone else could have committed the crime, then we can establish reasonable doubt.

Мы должны доказать что кто-то другой мог совершить преступление, поэтому мы должны посеять серьёзные сомнения.

This time there wasn’t enough evidence. And it’s reasonable doubt to a jury because the jury never met a child murderer before.

В тот раз улик было недостаточно, а для присяжных это — повод для сомнения.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence tells us, well beyond a reasonable doubt, that Otis Williams is guilty.

Дамы и господа присяжные заседатели, вне всякого сомнения улики указывают на то, что Отис Уильямс виновен.

…We’re also gonna have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she was under the influence.

Мы также должны доказать, вне всякого сомнения, что она была в состоянии алкогольного опьянения.

If you take the time to read them, you’ll see that my assertion that the platform is not only safe but would withstand a category five hurricane is both factually correct and proven beyond reasonable doubt.

Если вы потрудитесь их прочесть, поймёте, что мои утверждения о том, что платформа не только безопасна, но и выдержит ураган пятой степени опасности, и правильны, и доказаны — без тени сомнения.

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Was it reasonable?

Но это же резонно, мой друг.

— That’s reasonable.

Резонно. — Правда?

— Harsh but more than reasonable.

— Сурово, но резонно.

This is reasonable?

Это резонно?

It’s reasonable.


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That’s very reasonable.

Вполне приемлемо.

Er… that sounds perfectly reasonable…

Ммм… Звучит довольно-таки приемлемо…

— That seems reasonable.

-Вполне приемлемо.

Is that rule reasonable enough for you?

Это правило приемлемо для вас?

I’ll be blunt. It’s not what I was hoping for, but the DA’s offer is still pretty reasonable.

Буду честен — я рассчитывал не на это, но предложение окружного прокурора вполне приемлемо.

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Meanwhile, we offer money them at reasonable rates and swallow their kingdom slowly.

А между тем мы предлагаем им деньги под умеренные проценты. и медленно проглатываем их королевство.

No! You are on a reasonable…

— Нет, я даю тебе умеренные…

What the hell does «reasonable» mean?

— Что, чёрт возьми, значит «умеренные»?

Your ad said that your rates were reasonable.

В вашем объявлении говорится, что у вас расценки умеренные.

— It’s very reasonable.

Очень умеренные.

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But he seemed like a reasonable fella.

И все-таки он показался мне разумным человеком.

No, Nora, he was a reasonable guy once.

Нет, Нора, он был разумным человеком.

You seem like a reasonable person.

Вы кажетесь разумным человеком.

Well, I had a simple conversation with a reasonable man and that man wrote me a prescription.

Я любезно пообщался с разумным человеком, и он выписал мне лекарства.

It’s nice to talk to a reasonable man.

Приятно поговорить с разумным человеком.

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Now, be reasonable, Thea.

Ну же, будь рассудительной, Тея.

I have tried to be reasonable.

Я пыталась быть рассудительной.

The truth is I have no interest in being reasonable or generous.

У меня нет желания быть рассудительной или великодушной.

Your daughter was very reasonable.

Ваша дочь была очень рассудительна.

No. I’m not reasonable.

Я не рассудительна.

Показать ещё примеры для «рассудительной»…

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