Is ratchet a word

Recent Examples on the Web

Such exotic grotesques make for an alluringly ratchet, localized mise en scène.

Jon Dolan, Rolling Stone, 7 Apr. 2023

In Fort Worth, workers made mechanic’s tools under the Craftsman brand including sockets, ratchets and wrenches.

Kyle Arnold, Dallas News, 20 Mar. 2023

Whenever the Nicaraguan team had a key hit or got a big strikeout, Gonzalez and his group of a dozen friends in Section 24 banged empty plastic bottles against their seats, twirled wooden ratchets and pointed at their nearby Puerto Rican counterparts.

James Wagner Saul Martinez, New York Times, 13 Mar. 2023

The Fox Defend shorts utilize an adjustable ratchet front for both closure and dialing in the waist fit.

Nikki Rohan, Outside Online, 14 Oct. 2022

But weird like Ozark ratchet weird.

Joseph Goodman |, al, 1 Oct. 2022

Another feature that sets the Lockdown apart is the unique ratchet strap design that allows the hunter to cross the straps and lock them down while still standing on the ground.

Travis Smola, Field & Stream, 20 Mar. 2023

Soon both cars are loaded onto the trucks, where their wheels are secured to the truck beds with ratchet straps to prevent movement.

Los Angeles Times, 6 Feb. 2023

What it’s given us is a one-way ratchet in which bad ideas are adopted and then turned into the laws of the Medes and the Persians.

F.h. Buckley, WSJ, 27 June 2021

Rooney, a local artist of Japanese and Scottish heritage, also took a hybrid approach when devising the production’s taiko sequences, which are aimed at ratcheting up intensity and immersing the audience in time and place.

Celia Wren, Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2023

That prompted Fed Chair Jerome Powell to tell a Senate committee Tuesday that officials will likely raise a key interest rate higher than anticipated and could resume larger hikes as soon as this month after ratcheting down the pace since late last year.

Paul Davidson, USA TODAY, 8 Mar. 2023

At the top of Knopp’s wish list this year: kill a Democratic proposal to ratchet down the annual increase allowed under Oregon’s statewide rent control law to 8%.

oregonlive, 7 Feb. 2023

The state’s carbon cap-and-trade program, designed to ratchet down total emissions while allowing individual companies some flexibility, will tighten its emissions limits.

Daniel Sperling, Fortune, 26 Jan. 2023

The findings — summarized within the CBO’s longer 50-page tome — encapsulate decades of heated debates that have centered around how to ratchet down the country’s extraordinarily high health care spending.

Bob Herman Reprints, STAT, 6 Oct. 2022

Most are going to require a minimum of three people to raise into position and ratchet into place.

Travis Smola, Field & Stream, 20 Mar. 2023

As a result, their cost continues to ratchet steadily higher.

Greg Ip, WSJ, 9 Mar. 2023

Some now want continuous strikes — especially in key sectors like transportation, where some have already announced longer walkouts — which would ratchet up pressure on Mr. Macron but could turn public opinion against them.

Aurelien Breeden, New York Times, 7 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘ratchet.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

The word ratchet has two distinct meanings as a slang term and a formal term. This article will cover how to use the word ratchet in its various contexts, the origin of the word ratchet, synonyms and antonyms, example sentences containing the word ratchet, and translations of ratchet. 

What Does the Word Ratchet Mean?

According to Dictionary, the word ratchet is a slang term that means excellent or exciting. This is a reclamation of the word, which can also be used as an insult meaning trashy or promiscuous. The pronunciation of ratchet is ˈrætʃɪt, and ratchet is two syllables – ratch-et.

Ratchet is a controversial term. While it has been reclaimed in recent years, it has often been used as a derogatory term for many Black women and other women of color. Calling people ratchet does not always have positive connotations, and this former hip-hop slang can still be taken as an insult or considered appropriative.

Ratchet also refers to a type of mechanical device. A mechanism consisting of a pawl comes into contact with the sloping teeth of a toothed wheel or a bar. Therefore, it only allows motion in one direction. The word ratchet can also refer to the pieces of this mechanism. 

Finally, ratchet can mean to increase in intensity.

What Is the Origin of Ratchet?

According to The Free Dictionary, the word ratchet is French in origin. This word comes from the French rochet, which is a variant of the Middle French rocquet, Old French roquet, and Old French rocquet, meaning a blunt lance-head. These terms are of Germanic origin, from the Old High German rocko distaff.

As for the slang term ratchet, this comes from the nickname for Shreveport, Louisiana: Ratchet City. In the late 1990s, rappers from Louisiana began using this term in their songs. This term comes from the pronunciation of the word wretched, implying a low class upbringing.

This word rose to popularity with the 2005 song “Do Da Ratchet” by Rapper Lil Boosie. Many other songs have featured this term, such as Juicy J’s “Bandz a Make Her Dance,” Nicki Minaj’s “Right By Side,” and LL Cool J’s “Ratchet.”

In 2013, a video called “Ratchet Girl Anthem” broke the internet. This comedy video features Emmanuel and Phillip Hudson and has over 45 million views on YouTube. 2012 was called the year of the ratchet, and ratchet culture definitely had its moment in the spotlight in the 2010s.

How Can Ratchet Be Used in a Sentence?

The word ratchet can be used as both a slang term and a regular word. It is important to know how to use this word in each of these specific contexts. See if you can identify how the word ratchet is used in each of the below example sentences.

The investors tried to ratchet up money to pay the employees’ wages, but tension ratcheted up amongst the employees while waiting for their paycheck.

The men judged the seemingly ratchet girl as she walked into the club and got drinks for free, but they did not know that she actually had a Ph.D. in neuroscience and a day job as a surgeon.

The blades of the ratchet were wound too tight on the bobbin, and we had to use a screwdriver and wrenches to loosen it.

What Are Translations of Ratchet?

Nice Translator lists translations of ratchet below. 

  • Malayalam: ruthttuet
  • German: Ratsche
  • Urdu: شافٹ
  • Ukrainian: храповик
  • Marathi: ratchet
  • Welsh: ratchet
  • Basque: ratchet
  • Swedish: ratchet
  • Polish: zapadkowy
  • French: rochet
  • Greek: αναστολεύς
  • Hebrew: מַחגֵר
  • Arabic: اسئلة
  • Croatian: ratchet
  • Russian: храповик
  • Serbian: ракетница
  • Dutch: ratel
  • Turkish: cırcır
  • Estonian: reket
  • Indonesian: roda bergigi searah
  • Finnish: räikkä
  • Latvian: ratchet
  • Kannada: ರಾಟ್ಚೆಟ್
  • Gujarati: રચેટ
  • Slovak: račňa
  • Czech: ráčna
  • Chinese (PRC): 棘轮
  • Spanish: trinquete
  • Hindi: शाफ़्ट
  • Hungarian: racsnis
  • Telugu: రాట్చెట్
  • Chinese (Taiwan): 棘輪
  • Lithuanian: terkšlė
  • Japanese: ラチェット
  • Amharic: Rakheet
  • Portuguese (Portugal): chave catraca
  • Tamil: ராட்செட்
  • Catalan: ratchet
  • Korean: 래칫 휠 장치
  • Thai: วงล้อ
  • Portuguese (Brazil): chave catraca

What Are Synonyms of the Word Ratchet?

Since the word ratchet can be considered slang, it is important to know synonyms of ratchet. Using slang terms is not always acceptable in different circumstances. By looking at the below list from Power Thesaurus, you can learn how to refer to someone or something that is ratchet without using a slang term. 

Beware: many of these words are still considered insulting.

  • base
  • brassy
  • cheap
  • cheap and nasty
  • cheaper
  • cheapest
  • cheapjack
  • cheapo
  • cheesy
  • coarse
  • common
  • contemptible
  • crappy
  • crude
  • crummy
  • despicable
  • dowdy
  • flash
  • flashy
  • garish
  • gaudy
  • gimcrack
  • glitzy
  • inelegant
  • inferior
  • junky
  • loud
  • lousy
  • low-grade
  • low-rent
  • meretricious
  • miserable
  • no-good
  • paltry
  • poor
  • poor-quality
  • pulp
  • rubbishy
  • rude
  • schlocky
  • second-rate
  • shabby
  • shoddy
  • sleazy
  • styleless
  • substandard
  • tacky
  • tasteless
  • tatty
  • tawdry
  • third-rate
  • ticky-tacky
  • trashy
  • trivial
  • trumpery
  • two-bit
  • unfashionable
  • unhandsome
  • unstylish
  • useless
  • valueless
  • vulgar
  • worthless

What Are Antonyms of the Word Ratchet?

Power Thesaurus also lists many opposites of ratchet.

  • admirable
  • alluring
  • appealing
  • attractive
  • beauteous
  • charming
  • chic
  • classy
  • dapper
  • dashing
  • dazzling
  • delightful
  • deluxe
  • dicty
  • divine
  • dressy
  • elegant
  • enticing
  • excellent
  • exclusive
  • expensive
  • exquisite
  • fair
  • fancy
  • fascinating
  • fashionable
  • fine
  • foxy
  • good-looking
  • gorgeous
  • graceful
  • grand
  • handsome
  • high-class
  • high-toned
  • in vogue
  • lovely
  • luxurious
  • magnificent
  • marvelous
  • mod
  • modish
  • natty
  • plush
  • plushy
  • posh
  • ravishing
  • refined
  • ritzy
  • sexy
  • sharp
  • sightly
  • smart
  • snappy
  • snazzy
  • sophisticated
  • spiffy
  • statuesque
  • stunning
  • stylish
  • superior
  • swank
  • swanky
  • swish
  • tony
  • trendy
  • upmarket
  • upper-class
  • upscale
  • well-formed


The word ratchet has three distinct meanings. First, it can be used as an offesnive slang term to refer to something or someone that is trashy or classless. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a certain type of mechanism or as a verb to mean to increase in number or intensity. 


  1. Trashy synonyms – 766 Words and Phrases for Trashy | Power Thesaurus 
  2. Classy synonyms – 527 Words and Phrases for Classy | Power Thesaurus 
  3. Ratchet – definition of ratchet | The Free Dictionary 
  4. Ratchet | 
  5. Ratchet | Nice Translator 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

  • 1

    ratchet gear


    ratchet wheel


    ratchet wrench

    ключ с трещоткой

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > ratchet

  • 2


    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    * * *


    Англо-русский строительный словарь.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > ratchet

  • 3

    ratchet noun 1) храповик, трещотка 2) собачка

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > ratchet

  • 4
    ratchet up

    ratchet up v. углублять, расширять

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > ratchet up

  • 5

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > ratchet

  • 6

    Персональный Сократ > ratchet

  • 7

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > ratchet

  • 8

    1. n тех. храповик, трещотка

    2. n тех. собачка

    Синонимический ряд:

    toothed wheel (noun) catch; cog; cogwheel; free wheel; notched wheel; pawl; sprocket wheel; sprocket wrench; toothed wheel

    English-Russian base dictionary > ratchet

  • 9

    Англо-русский технический словарь > ratchet

  • 10

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > ratchet

  • 11

    English-russian automobile dictionary > ratchet

  • 12

    Англо-русский словарь по робототехнике > ratchet

  • 13

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > ratchet

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > ratchet

  • 15





    «храповик», «храповое колесо»



    * * *

    «храповик», «храповое колесо»:
    1) непреодолимое (неминуемое) движение цены вверх или вниз;
    2) система поощрений; менеджеры компании получат в качестве поощрения дополнительные акции, если она успешно функционирует;



    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > ratchet

  • 16

    1. храповой механизм, храповик; трещотка || снабжать храповым механизмом; приводить в движение или останавливать при помощи храпового механизма

    * * *

    храповой механизм, храповик

    * * *

    1) защёлка; собачка

    2) храповик; храповая шестерня

    — drill ratchet
    — drill rotation ratchet

    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > ratchet

  • 17





    трещотка, храповик


    брит.; = ratchet effect необратимые перемены к худшему, «маховик регресса», неумолимое «храповое колесо»



    а) изменяться постепенно; осуществлять пошаговое продвижение

    б) постепенно изменять; передвигать, фиксируя каждое новое положение

    — ratchet up

    Англо-русский современный словарь > ratchet

  • 18

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > ratchet

  • 19

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > ratchet

  • 20

    1) трещотка; храповик; собачка

    4) приводить в движение, останавливать при помощи храпового механизма

    * * *

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > ratchet


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ratchet — Ratch et ( [e^]t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d {Ratch}, {Rack} the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A mechanism… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ratchet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ratchet puede referirse a: El personaje Ratchet, del universo de los Transformers, capaz de transformarse en una ambulancia. El personaje Ratchet, de la serie de videojuegos Ratchet Clank. Obtenido de Ratchet… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ratchet — A mechanism by which the successful performance of management reflected in growth in the value of a company is rewarded by progressively increasing their share of the equity. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law terms. ratchet …   Law dictionary

  • ratchet — ► NOUN ▪ a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only. ► VERB (ratcheted, ratcheting) 1) operate by means of a ratchet. 2) (ratchet up/down) cause… …   English terms dictionary

  • ratchet — [rach′it] n. [earlier rochet < Fr, lance head, distaff < It rocchetto, bobbin, spindle, dim. of rocca, distaff < Goth * rukka, akin to OHG roccho, spindle, distaff < IE base * ruk(k) , spun yarn] 1. a toothed wheel (in full ratchet… …   English World dictionary

  • Ratchet — A ratchet may refer to: * Ratchet (device), a mechanical device for controlling rotational motion * Socket wrench, a tool that makes use of the above mechanical device * A part of some forceps, to fix the blades of the forceps, such as in… …   Wikipedia

  • ratchet — ▪ I. ratchet ratch‧et 1 [ˈrætʆt] noun [countable] FINANCE an arrangement in which the value of someone s share in a company depends on how well the company performs. This is often done where company managers own a share in the company: • A… …   Financial and business terms

  • ratchet — [[t]ræ̱tʃɪt[/t]] ratchets, ratcheting, ratcheted 1) N COUNT In a tool or machine, a ratchet is a wheel or bar with sloping teeth, which can move only in one direction, because a piece of metal stops the teeth from moving backwards. The chair has… …   English dictionary

  • ratchet — /rach it/, n. 1. a toothed bar with which a pawl engages. 2. (not in technical use) a pawl or the like used with a ratchet or ratchet wheel. 3. a mechanism consisting of such a bar or wheel with the pawl. 4. See ratchet wheel. 5. a steady… …   Universalium

  • ratchet — {{11}}ratchet (n.) 1650s, from Fr. rochet bobbin, spindle, from It. rocchetto spool, ratchet, dim. of rocca distaff, possibly from a Germanic source (Cf. O.H.G. rocko distaff, O.N. rokkr), from P.Gmc. *rukka , from PIE root *rug to spin. Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • ratchet — ratch|et1 [ˈrætʃıt] n [Date: 1600 1700; : French; Origin: rochet, from Old French rocquet point of a spear ] a machine part consisting of a wheel or bar with teeth on it, which allows movement in only one direction ratchet 2 ratchet2 v ratchet up …   Dictionary of contemporary English

When a slang word catches on, students of language often have a difficult time figuring out its meanings and origin. This, I suspect, is because it emerges not like Athene—a fully formed adult released from the mind of Zeus—but like several thousand frog eggs—similar in appearance to one another but bewildering in number and neither well defined nor mature.

Eventually usage of a slang term X will probably coalesce around one or a few more-or-less clearly understood meanings, but in the meantime the only reasonable way to answer questions such as “what does X mean?” is to identify as many of the ways in which the word is being used as you can.

Without attempting to be exhaustive, I took my frog egg search to the least professional-looking authority I could easily find—which turned out to be Caitlin Corsetti’s “Define That: Ratchet” blog post at—and then consulted not Ms. Corsetti but the commenters responding to her post. From them I learned the following things about ratchet.

What does ‘ratchet’ mean, and how is it pronounced?

  • Ratchet [is] used to describe someone means nasty, ghetto or trifling. —Janet

  • Ratchet also means a situation or process that is perceived to be deteriorating or changing steadily in a series of irreversible steps. It is used as a term for something low class or deteriorated. Similar to how we use the term ghetto. —NyxoftheNight

  • Ratchet means: ghetto, stupid, rediculous, cheap —selena

  • I have heard my teen-aged granddaughter use this word in reference to her own hair, and she was completely unable to define it or explain what she meant by it. All she could say was, You know, grandma, it’s just rachet! —cat

  • It’s just simply a mispronunciation of “wretched”. The same people that use it often describe a “ratchet girl” [as] someone that wears torn “stalkings”. —JBW

  • It is a pure homonym that has nothing to do with a ratchet wrench, or “wretched.” It means RAT SHIT. —Becky

  • The first time I asked someone for a definition for this slang, I was told it meant “A woman who’s only good for one thing — getting a nut off … like a ratchet.” —Scott Simpson

  • its not ratchet that people say its ratchid is what they say! two different words —lollipop

  • Racheted is what I keep hearing [people say] —acer

Where does it come from, when was it first used, and who or what popularized it?

  • It originated in the 17th century and is a lesser used meaning of the word that has evolved into a more contemporary meaning. —James

  • Ratchets been around since the XVIII c. annoying people with their terrible racket, so less fortunate husbands soon started to call it to their ghastly wives —moi même

  • It is a derivation of the two words “rat” and “shit” as in the situation is, person is, place is so bad it is as bad or worse than “rat shit.” Totally trash talk. —Lily Bear

  • I think its after nurse Ratched from one flew [over] the cuckoos nest. —carlsjr

  • The term came from Cedar Grove [in] the City of Shreveport Alabama. Popularized by the song, “Do Tha Ratchet” True origin was spun out of slurring the word WRETCHED Now has become a massively overused typo. —Matt

  • watch emanuel & philip hudsons she ratchet video —selena

Is it a «good»/positive word, or «bad»/negative, and has this changed in any way?

  • The current slang use of this word has a very nasty, biting undertone to it. The other comments in this thread alone support the connotations of being undesirable. —cat

  • About 20yrs ago I somehow caught a nickname (ratchet) due to my ability to fix or repair nearly anything. I understood It’s relation to my daily work and eventually I got used to it. I was told by a college girl I should never be ratchet, it completely through me off and I was simply looking at this girl as if she was crazy. —Adam Draughn

The experts above have spoken pretty clearly about what ratchet means, where it came from, and so on. I would only add that Emmanuel N Phillip Hudson uploaded their “Ratchet Girl Anthem” (cited by selena above) to YouTube twice (on January 16, 2012, and April 26, 2012) and that the two versions have accumulated a combined 56.1 million views. With regard to the mystery of the sudden popularity of ratchet, I think we may have a couple of major suspects (if not the actual perpetrators) here.

Lava House and Lil’ Boosie’s «Do tha Ratchet» (cited by Matt above) deserves some attention because it is considerably older than «Ratchet Girl Anthem.» According to LyricWikia, it was released in 2006. The most frequently watched YouTube video for this song was posted on July 26, 2009, and has garnered an impressive 793,000 views despite being a static image accompanied by Lil’ Boosie’s audio track; still, 793,000 isn’t 56.1 million.

As to whether ratchet is meant to be generally understood in a positive or a negative sense, that aspect of the term may well be in flux, just as everything else about it appears to be. In Lil’ Boosie’s world, ratchet is almost an environmental term: It applies to men (including LB himself) and to women, and it describes most of their doings in the neighborhood where he lives. In contrast, the Hudsons use ratchet specifically in connection with women and do not indicate any sympathy for anyone so described.

Speaking as a complete outsider, with no prior knowledge of ratchet as post–Jimmy Cliff slang, I have to say that the term as used by the Hudsons reminds me quite a bit of skanky, which derived from skank (“An unattractive woman; a malodorous woman; =SKAG,” according to Robert Chapman and Barbara Kipfer, Dictionary of American Slang, third edition [1995]). Here is the Chapman & Kipfer entry for skanky:

skanky or skank-o-rama adj 1980s teenagers fr black Nasty; repellant; =GROTTY, SCUZZY, TRASHY: The girls were somewhat skanky, with lank hair and rotten posture—Richard Price/ …you moved, the earth moved. Skank-o-rama—Sassy

Both skanky and ratchet (as used in the Hudsons’ comical YouTube video, anyway) are not gender-neutral terms, though none of the experts expressly makes this point about ratchet.

It will be interesting to see whether the gender connection that «Ratchet Girl Anthem» promotes influences the long-term sense of the word, notwithstanding Lil’ Boosie’s earlier, more broadly applicable sense of the term. The crucial factor here, probably, is the proportion of users who base their knowledge of the term on the Hudsons’ song versus the proportion of those who adopted the term as it was used in the older Shreveport, Louisiana, tradition.

Asked by: Mr. Berta Ward

Score: 4.9/5
(70 votes)

Ratchet is a slang term that can mean “exciting” or “excellent,” often used as a term of empowerment among women. Some may also use ratchet for when they are feeling “bad” in some way. The term has been previously used, however, as an insult characterizing a woman as being “overdramatic” or “promiscuous.”

Whats does ratchet mean Snapchat?

«Unpleasant or vulgar woman» is the most common definition for RATCHET on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. RATCHET. Definition: Unpleasant or vulgar woman.

What rachet means?

1 : a mechanism that consists of a bar or wheel having inclined teeth into which a pawl drops so that motion can be imparted to the wheel or bar, governed, or prevented and that is used in a hand tool (such as a wrench or screwdriver) to allow effective motion in one direction only.

What does ratchet mean in 2020?

Ratchet means nasty, ghetto, or trifling.

Why is ratchet a bad word?

Ratchet is a derogatory slang term in hip hop that, in its original sense, referred to an uncouth woman, and may be a Louisianan regiolect version of the word «wretched» or a variation of the word «ratshit.» The term has since been extended to have broader meanings and connotations and is no longer strictly bound by …

45 related questions found

What does Boujee ratchet mean?

Bougie is the opposite of “ghetto” or “ratchet. Definition: Ratchet usually means to be ghetto, poor, messy, or inelegant. Ratchet usually means to be ghetto, poor, messy, or inelegant.

What planet is ratchet from?

His first appearance was on Planet Veldin, but it is later revealed in the series that Ratchet was originally born on the Lombax home-world of Planet Fastoon in the Polaris Galaxy and later sent to Planet Veldin in the Solana Galaxy by his father to protect him from Emperor Tachyon.

Is rachet a word?

Classist way of calling someone brash and ignorant.

What does ratchet up mean?

phrasal verb. ratchet (something) up. ​to increase, or make something increase, repeatedly and by small amounts.

What’s another word for ratchet?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ratchet, like: rachet, catch, cog, wheel, ratch, sprocket wheel, cogwheel, rachet up, ratchet down, crank and lever.

What is a ratchet used for?

A ratchet is a handle that snaps into one end of a socket by means of a square-drive connector. The other end of the socket fits over a fastener. A mechanism in the ratchet allows the handle to engage and tighten the fastener when you swing it in a clockwise direction and turn freely when you swing it counterclockwise.

What does it mean if someone is promiscuous?

Full Definition of promiscuous

1 : having or involving many sexual partners : not restricted to one sexual partner or few sexual partners. 2 : not restricted to one class, sort, or person : indiscriminate education …

What is a ratchet female?

Ratchet is a slang term that can mean “exciting” or “excellent,” often used as a term of empowerment among women. … The term has been previously used, however, as an insult characterizing a woman as being “overdramatic” or “promiscuous.”

What is rack slang for?

Slang: Vulgar. a woman’s breasts. Slang. a bed, cot, or bunk: I spent all afternoon in the rack. SEE MORE.

Is on a tear meaning?

US, informal. : having great success over a period of time The team has been on a tear in recent weeks.

Is rachet a Scrabble word?

Yes, rachet is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is ratchet culture?

Ratchet culture is the new “it” thing in pop culture where artists like the former Hannah Montana Disney star imitate an actual lived experience of some poor underclass people of color. The bandana rocking, gold grill bling, and twerking she dabbles in for entertainment is a reality that can’t be escaped.

Are Ratchet and Clank friends?

Clank later returned to Ratchet, who had returned to his life as a mechanic, and the two became lifelong friends.

What is the opposite of Boujee?

»poor adj.characteristic, appearance, quality. 4. »unamazing adj.ugliness, quality, characteristic.

How can you tell if a girl is Ratchet?

MAISH: 5 signs she is ratchet and toxic

  1. 1) Party girl Grace. Also Read: …
  2. 2) Endlessly lying Eva. Everything about her is spurious. …
  3. 3) Sexually manipulative Sarah. We all know the type-the woman who does not hesitate to manipulate men sexually to get what she wants. …
  4. 4) Pay my bills Pauline. …
  5. 5) Too good for you Tina.

Is ratchet a girl in Ratchet and Clank?

We’ve know that Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart was going to feature a new, playable female Lombax character for awhile. But developer Insomniac has been cheeky about the identity of Ratchet’s female counterpart, to the point where we’ve gone months without even knowing her name.

What is ratchet Urban Dictionary?

Urban Dictionary: ratchet farmer. Ratchet is a slang term used to describe someone perceived as classless or trashy. The slang word / phrase / acronym ratchet means… . The woman is also loud and obnoxious.

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