Is queue a british word

Table of Contents

  1. What does the British word queue mean?
  2. Why do the British call a line a queue?
  3. What does the word queuing mean?
  4. Is que an English word?
  5. Why do they call it queue?
  6. Is Cue a real word?
  7. What does right on queue mean?
  8. How do you use queue in a sentence?
  9. What is the meaning of right on the money?
  10. Is Que short for queue?
  11. How many ways can you spell queue?
  12. Who’s faster than Minato?
  13. Who is the richest anime character?
  14. Who is the richest fictional character?
  15. Are Gojos rich?

British and American English – Vocabulary – N – Z

What does the British word queue mean?

line of people who

Why do the British call a line a queue?

Across the United Kingdom, the queue reigns supreme. The word itself is French for a braid or plait, and it’s derived from a Latin word that means “tail.” By the early 19th century, it had come to mean a line of people, but it wasn’t until World War II that the idea of the queue became part of the British identity.

British English American English
to queue to line up
quid buck

What does the word queuing mean?

verb queues, queuing, queueing or queued (intr often foll by up) to form or remain in a line while waiting. computing to arrange (a number of programs) in a predetermined order for accessing by a computer. US and Canadian word: line.

Is que an English word?

Que is one of the most commonly used words in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. It is a multifunctional word, signifying everything from “that” and “which” to “what” or “whom.” One Spanish construction familiar to some English speakers is Que + an adjective, (which means “How” + adjective). Que guapo!

Why do they call it queue?

A queue is a line of people standing behind one another who are waiting for something. So as the meaning suggests, the word queue came from the French word which means “tail”.

Is Cue a real word?

Cue can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, cue can mean a signal or a hint telling another person to do something, like in the following sentences. The actor interpreted the crowd’s applause as his cue to take another bow.

What does right on queue mean?

To be “right on cue” means that some event (an arrival, a comment, etc.) has occurred at the proper time. To “take a cue” means to respond properly to a prompt or suggestion.

How do you use queue in a sentence?

Use “queue” in a sentence | “queue” sentence examples

  1. There was a queue of traffic waiting to turn right.
  2. To what window are you standing in a queue?
  3. By 7 o’clock a long queue had formed outside the cinema.
  4. How long were you in the queue?
  5. I had to join a queue for the toilets.

What is the meaning of right on the money?

exact or correct: Her prediction was right on the money.

Is Que short for queue?

One of the words that people are looking for when they look up que is queue, a word that means “line” (as in, “We waited in the ticket queue.”) Sometimes people are looking for the homonym cue, or “a signal to start or do something” (“The lights just went out—that’s my cue to start the movie.”).

How many ways can you spell queue?

Cue typically refers to a signal that encourages someone to take an action, while queue indicates an ordered line or file. Both cue and queue are pronounced like the letter Q, and are considered to be homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Who’s faster than Minato?

But his attack speed and running speed is just as fast as a normal Jounin. Naruto with this: is as fast as Minato using teleportation. Keep in mind that Naruto “runs”, not “teleports”, so I may say, Naruto “runs” faster than Minato, “moves” just as fast as Minato and “attacks” faster than Minato.

Who is the richest anime character?

The 10 Richest Anime Characters Of All Time, Ranked

  1. 1 Mina Tepes (Dance in the Vampire Bund)
  2. 2 Nagi Sanzenin (Hayata the Combat Butler)
  3. 3 Bulma (Dragon Ball)
  4. 4 Kaguya Shinomiya (Kaguya-Sama: Love is War)
  5. 5 Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
  6. 6 Robert E. O.
  7. 7 Daisuke Kambe (The Millionaire Detective – Balance: Unlimited)

Who is the richest fictional character?

Scrooge McDuck

Are Gojos rich?

Not to mention he is from one of the three main sorcerer families. Yes, Yes he’s rich. And even if he wasn’t, it’d be more so an issue of him not wanting to be rich, as he has an infinite amount of ways to get payed.

Asked by: Retha Balistreri

Score: 5/5
(35 votes)

Etymology of “Queue”

Its first use in the intended meaning (“a line of people”) dates back to 1837. More likely, “queue” comes from Old French “cue” or “coe” — a tail. Compare this to its Latin equivalent — “coda” or “cauda” — with the same meaning.

Who invented queuing?

Who Invented Queuing Theory? Agner Krarup Erlang, a Danish mathematician, statistician, and engineer, is credited with creating not only queuing theory but the entire field of telephone traffic engineering.

Which country invented queuing?

The history of the British queue was founded in the Industrial Revolution, which saw huge numbers of people working in factories where everyone started and finished at the same time, creating crowds waiting to punch in their timecards or grab groceries after clocking out.

When did people start queuing?

Queue, for line of people, came into use in the 19th Century, which implies that the habit had already been established by then.

Is queue a British word?

Okay, it’s certainly true that queue is used relatively rarely in American English: As the Oxford English Dictionary says in its listing for the word, it is a «chiefly British» word. … As James Ball of Buzzfeed UK was quick to point out on Twitter, Obama has actually used the word «queue» a number of times before.

45 related questions found

Is America apologized or British?

Apologize is the standard American English spelling. Apologise is the standard British English spelling.

What do they call a line in England?

Such a group of people is known as a queue (British usage) or line (American usage), and the people are said to be waiting or standing in a queue or in line, respectively. … Occasionally, both the British and American terms are combined to form the term «queue line».

Why is the British que?

Simply put, just wanting to show a bit of respect to each other. Nice, huh? The first notable instances of Britons adhering to the queuing format came from the early 19th century, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. As cities began to grow bigger, larger numbers of people started to gravitate to them for work.

Why is it called a queue?

Queue comes from the Latin cauda, for tail. Outside the United States it means a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn, so if your English friend talks about queuing up for the movies, that means getting in line for a ticket.

At which occasion one should make a queue?

When a lot of people want to do the same thing at the same time, they stand in a line and wait. People wait in queues at the bank. People wait in queues at the post office. People wait in queues at the shop.

Is the United Kingdom a country?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of mainland Europe. It is made up of mainland Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and the northern part of the island of Ireland (Northern Ireland). It has numerous smaller islands.

How do you spell queuing up?

When people queue, they stand in a line waiting for something. Queue up means the same as queue. A queue is a list of computer tasks which will be done in order.

Is Que short for queue?

One of the words that people are looking for when they look up que is queue, a word that means “line” (as in, “We waited in the ticket queue.”) Sometimes people are looking for the homonym cue, or “a signal to start or do something” (“The lights just went out—that’s my cue to start the movie.”).

Why do the British call a line a queue?

“Line” is an extremely old word, dating back as far as the 600s in Old English. … This sense of the word persists in American English, but the British replaced it in the 19th century with “queue,” a French word that originally meant “tail” and has roots in the Latin cauda (tail).

Why is queuing important?

Queuing theory is important because it helps describe features of the queue, like average wait time, and provides the tools for optimizing queues. From a business sense, queuing theory informs the construction of efficient and cost-effective workflow systems.

What does queuing up mean?

: to arrange or form in a queue (see queue entry 1) intransitive verb. : to line up or wait in a queue —often used with up.

Is que an English word?

What else does que mean? The word que is a very common word in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. It variously acts as a type of conjunction or a pronoun meaning “that,” “who,” or “which.”

Why is Gmail queued?

Reasons Your Email Might Be Queued

You’re low on storage space – a queued email may just be a case of running out on storage space. … You may have hit the threshold limit – and this could be any threshold: too many emails sent, size of attached files, or too many outgoing emails.

Where did the British accent come from?

Around the early 1800s that sort of accent became popular in southern England and along our East Coast and was thought to be quite proper and posh. That became Received Pronunciation.

When did British accent start?

Where it began. At the end of the 18th century (1776), whether you were declaring independence from the British crown or swearing loyalty to King George III, your pronunciation would have been about the same. Back in those days, the American and British accents hadn’t yet got distanced.

Is QUEA a word?

No, quea is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Why do Americans say line instead of queue?

The reason stems from the sites system where, if a user wants to watch a video, they have to upload it in a ‘queue’. Before, Americans referred to a queue as a ‘line’ and referred to people queuing as people ‘waiting in line’.


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8 дек. 2019

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Вопрос про Английский (британский вариант)

I came across this sentence
-The check-out girl burst into laughter, as did the man behind me in the queue ( or as I was later to be corrected, ‘in line’ )

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  • Английский (британский вариант)

In Britain we say queue. I don’t know about what they would say in America.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

@sa_ra_ I’m unsure about in America but either make sense in English

  • Японский

Thank you so much😊😊😊💓💓💓
Actually, the sentence was written by an English author so I thought «in line» is an American term.
(I read a book about America which is written by English.

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Is a word "queue" British? And "in line" is American?

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    It depends on whereabouts in Britain. It’s quite common in and around London/South East England, mostly among people under 30.

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    It is generally pronounced as «bee-for» not «buh-for». If that’s what you meant.

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    @GeorgiusAlv: It’s derived from German, but it’s use predates American independence, so, British.

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    Ambos, significa ‘estar en las nubes‘

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    No, it is not used in the UK

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Is queuing a British thing?

Queuing, it’s what the British are renowned for doing – and doing very well. Better than anyone else in the world, if reputation is to be believed. Take the Wimbledon queue. It’s held up as a supreme example of Britain’s prowess when it comes to queuing.

Why is it called queue?

Queue comes from the Latin cauda, for tail. Outside the United States it means a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn, so if your English friend talks about queuing up for the movies, that means getting in line for a ticket.

How do you use the word queue?

Queue in a Sentence 🔉

  1. We stood in the queue for hours waiting to get tickets to the championship game.
  2. Even though I arrived at the post office early, I still had to wait in the queue before I could see a clerk.
  3. The queue to get onto the bus was so long I wondered if I would be able to find a seat.

What does queue mean in English?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a braid of hair usually worn hanging at the back of the head. 2 : a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles. 3a : a sequence of messages or jobs held in temporary storage awaiting transmission or processing.

What is special about the word queue?

Because queue in English is actually a French word. Queue means tail in French, and in French spelling, there are no words starting with Q that do not come with an U, excepted maybe for rare Arabic loan words. Queue in French is also one possible way to call a line-up of people. You can also say une file instead.

What does queue up mean?

1. phrasal verb [usually cont] If you say that people are queuing up to do or have something, you mean that a lot of them want the opportunity to do it or have it. [mainly British]

What does Q stand for in drugs?

a quarter of an ounce of drugs. (Approximately 7 grams.)

What is the difference between cue and queue?

Cue typically refers to a signal that encourages someone to take an action, while queue indicates an ordered line or file. Both cue and queue are pronounced like the letter Q, and are considered to be homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Is Que short for queue?

One of the words that people are looking for when they look up que is queue, a word that means “line” (as in, “We waited in the ticket queue.”) Sometimes people are looking for the homonym cue, or “a signal to start or do something” (“The lights just went out—that’s my cue to start the movie.”).

Is ques a word?

The definition of a ques is a question. An example of a ques is, “How old are you?”

Is Cue a real word?

The noun cue has two meanings: the first is a prompt—verbal or physical—that alerts actors or other performers of an upcoming line or required action. The second definition of cue is the long slender stick used to propel the cue ball (the white one) in the games of pool, billiards, and snooker.

Is Requeue a word?

Is re-enqueue a proper word? Yes, re-enqueue is the proper “word” if enqueue had already been defined in the document with a specific meaning of an activity/task. Say, the glossary lists enqueue .

How do you spell kill?

Kill, execute, murder all mean to deprive of life. Kill is the general word, with no implication of the manner of killing, the agent or cause, or the nature of what is killed (whether human being, animal, or plant): to kill a person.

How do you spell cure?

verb (used with object), cured, cur·ing. to restore to health. to relieve or rid of something detrimental, as an illness or a bad habit.

What does Phewph mean?

1 —used to express relief or fatigue. 2 —used to express disgust at or as if at an unpleasant odor.

What does Phew mean in texting?

thank god that’s over

How do you express worry in text?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  1. I’m (so) worried about..
  2. I’m afraid…
  3. I can’t help thinking…
  4. I can’t stop thinking about it.
  5. I’ve been worried sick about…
  6. It’s been keeping me awake at night.
  7. I’m scared stiff / to death that…
  8. I’m really nervous.

What is a good sentence for relief?

Examples of relief in a Sentence Noun I felt such a sense of relief after I finished my thesis. He expressed relief that the crisis was finally over.

What is an example of relief?

An example of relief is giving money to help those affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Relief is the ease of pain, tension, strain or other discomfort. An example of relief is medication taking away a headache. An example of relief is getting a job after a long period of unemployment.

What is the feeling of relief?

Relief is a positive emotion experienced when something unpleasant, painful or distressing has not happened or has come to an end. Relief is often accompanied with a sigh, which signals emotional transition.

When E.B. White was revising The Elements of Style, one of the most influential guides to English usage in the twentieth century, he famously said, «I hate the guts of English grammar.» Anyone who has studied the language might agree. English is interesting, to say the least – it is filled with idioms, complicated grammatical rules, unusual sentence-level patterns, and homophones. In fact, it is reportedly one of the most difficult foreign languages to learn.

We see examples of grammatical challenges every day – in all industries. In queue management systems, we especially see confusion in how to spell the word queue.

What is the Definition of Queue?

Queue definition, according to the Cambridge Dictionary is «a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something.» Queue definition identifies it can also function as a verb, meaning «to wait in a line of people, often to buy something.» Here are some examples of how to use queue:

  • Are you in the queue for tickets?
  • A long queue of traffic stretched down the road.
  • If you want tickets, you’ll have to join the queue.

Often, a queue is simply referred to as a line. Therefore, we often hear the preceding sentences restructured as follows:

  • Are you in the line for tickets?
  • A long line of traffic stretched down the road.
  • If you want tickets, you’ll have to join the line.

    According to historians, line is considered American English, whereas queue is more common in British English. In any case, the use of either queue or line is commonly accepted.

Where Did the Word Queue Come From?

The word queue stems from the twelfth century and refers to the Old French word cue, coe, or queue, which means «tail.» In the fifteenth century, the term reportedly transitioned to queue, also meaning «tail.» The French term originally comes from the Latin word coda (dialectal variant or alternative form of cauda), which also means «tail.»

Others have referred to a queue as «a braid of hair usually worn [by men] hanging at the back of the head.» This particular usage originated in the eighteenth century. Although typically associated with Native Americans, queue also has military significance. In 1810, William Duane defined queue as follows: «From the French, which signifies tail; an appendage that every British soldier is directed to wear in lieu of a club. Regimental tails were ordered to be nine inches long.»

By 1924, the term had been adopted as a verb, queueing or queuing, defined as «to stand in or join a line.» The plural of queue is queues.

A Common Mistake: Replacing Queue with Que or Cue or Q

Before discussing the most common mistakes in queue usage, let’s take a humor break.

What did the beach say to the tide? Long time, no sea.

Homophones provide ample humor, but they are no joke, especially for those new to the English language. Because of homophones, millions of people often mistake queue for que, cue, or even Q.

A homophone is «a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning or spelling, or both.» Examples of homophones include air/heir, be/bee, there/their/they’re, in/inn, know/no, for/four, and the list goes on.

The alternatives often used for queue, however, have drastically different meanings.

Que: Que, in fact, is not a real word. It is often a common misspelling of queue. This mistake may result from that awkward feeling you get when you type the word and think it can’t possibly have that many vowels – and in a row!

Cue: Cue has multiple definitions. Most commonly it is understood as «a signal for someone to start doing something» or «a word or action in a play or movie that is used as a signal by a performer to begin saying or doing something.» For example, «They started washing up, so that was our cue to leave the party.»

Q: Q is simply a letter in the alphabet – it is not a separate term.

Queueing vs. Queuing

Queue as a verb is queueing. However, many individuals often spell it as queuing. In the English language, both are appropriate, and both are defined as to «arrange or form in a queue.»

Simple uses of the verb include the following:

Once the doors to the store opened, customers started queueing.
It will offer more seating capacity and reduce queueing times.
Multiple people were queueing for the morning bus today.

Queue Management Systems

Today’s industries have adopted the term and developed the concept of queue management systems, specifically in the retail sector. Queue management systems, such as Ombori’s, «help businesses address and improve productivity and turnover, all while improving client satisfaction.» In addition, «they [create] order to [a] waiting line … [spur] the actions needed to render the entire process more effective and streamlined … [and] can eliminate the need for a formal queue altogether.»

Queue management systems allow businesses to meet their goals. As Ombori points out, they have several benefits:

  • They minimize the time customers have to spend waiting in line to enter the premises.
  • They offer customers transparency on waiting times.
  • They optimize staff usage.
  • They reduce stress on staff.
  • They reduce the number of missed appointments.
  • They smooth out peaks and troughs in demand.

Terminology Used in a Queue Management System

The word queue is referred to often when people discuss queue management systems. By nature, it is the key term when navigating through such platforms. Common terms within the industry include queue jumping, queue area, and queue length. Each of these phrases can easily be understood if you replace the word queue with line. 

  • Queue jumping: The act of jumping from one queue to another. This often indicates poor queue management. 
  • Queue area: The place where individuals wait. 
  • Queue length: The number of people currently in a queue or line.

What is a Virtual Queue?

Today, the usage of queue continues to expand. Thanks to a transition in consumer demand, we now have virtual queues

A virtual queue, often referred to as a virtual que, is «a customizable solution that allows stores, offices and other locations to control the number of people within the building and reduce the number of people waiting in line using a virtual queuing system.» Instead of individuals waiting in an actual line for their turn, they can continue conducting business as usual while they wait their turn. Once it is their turn, they are generally notified about the change in their status via their cell phone. 

Additionally, we now see queues on e-commerce platforms. When shopping online, consumers are taken to the checkout page on a website. In some cases, they must wait in a queue to check out. This is common when purchasing tickets for shows or concerts online. Online queue management systems are often used for such purchases, which help control website and app traffic and improve the consumer’s overall experience. 

So, do not let the preponderance of vowels fool you. Even though it is just one syllable, queue is a powerful little word and continues to influence our vocabulary – even in the cyber world.

Blog post author

Andreas is Founder and CEO of Ombori. He is a serial entrepreneur who has founded several companies, starting in his teens. He has a background in cybersecurity, and has worked for companies such as H&M and Nordnet Bank. Andreas is a passionate believer in digital transformation, and is constantly seeking ways in which technology can change the way we work, shop, and live our lives.

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