Is questionings a word

Asked by: Fernando Raynor Jr.

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(44 votes)

indicating or implying a question: a questioning tone in her voice. characterized by or indicating intellectual curiosity; inquiring: an alert and questioning mind.

Is the word questioning an adjective?

QUESTIONING (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How do you use the word questioning?

Questioning sentence example

  1. His tone was genuinely questioning , and she felt grateful that he was giving her the choice to opt out. …
  2. I opened the door to the questioning looks of the ladies. …
  3. Finally he glanced up and met her questioning gaze.

What is the meaning of questioning someone?

questioning adjective (DOUBTFUL)

(of someone’s expression) expressing doubts about the value or truth of something; showing that you want an answer about something: … «Wouldn’t you?» Graham replied with a questioning look.

What is a questioning look?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishques‧tion‧ing /ˈkwestʃənɪŋ/ adjective DON’T THINK SO/DOUBT ITa questioning look or expression shows that you have doubts about something or need some information Mrs Carson gave Ruth a questioning look.

18 related questions found

What is the questioning method?

This method is one in which you narrow your topic by focusing on a question you have about the topic. The question will have to be complex enough to deserve a thoughtful answer. It is generally not a question with a simple factual answer, although people may have already expressed many opinions on the matter.

Can questioning be a tone?

indicating or implying a question: a questioning tone in her voice. characterized by or indicating intellectual curiosity; inquiring: an alert and questioning mind.

What is a legal questioning?

The second part of a claim is the discovery phase, which is made up of exchanging documents and asking questions to the parties of the lawsuit. … During the Discovery phase, the parties have the right to ask one another questions under oath through their lawyer. This is called Questioning in Alberta.

What are the types of questioning?

Let’s start with everyday types of questions people ask, and the answers they’re likely to elicit.

  • Closed questions (aka the ‘Polar’ question) …
  • Open questions. …
  • Probing questions. …
  • Leading questions. …
  • Loaded questions. …
  • Funnel questions. …
  • Recall and process questions. …
  • Rhetorical questions.

What is adjective for questioning?

inquiring, inquisitive, nosy. (or nosey), snoopy.

What is it called when someone asks a lot of questions?

inquisitive. adjective. asking a lot of questions about things, especially things that people do not want to talk about.

How do you describe someone who questions?

A questioner is someone who asks questions, especially in an official or formal capacity.

What is effective questioning in the classroom?

Effective questioning involves using questions in the classroom to open conversations, inspire deeper intellectual thought, and promote student-to-student interaction. Effective questions focus on eliciting the process, i.e. the ‘how’ and ‘why,’ in a student’s response, as opposed to answers which just detail ‘what.

What happens after questioning?

What happens after Questioning? Your lawyer will debrief you after your Questioning to discuss any issues that have come up that need to be addressed. Sometimes you may be asked to provide additional information if you cannot answer a question that you should be able to answer.

What is a questioning in Court?

The direct examination or examination-in-chief is one stage in the process of adducing evidence from witnesses in a court of law. Direct examination is the questioning of a witness by the party who called him or her, in a trial. … This prevents a lawyer from feeding answers to a favorable witness.

How do you prepare for questioning?

Use these guidelines when developing questions:

  1. Plan your questions. …
  2. Know your purpose. …
  3. Open conversation. …
  4. Speak your listener’s language. …
  5. Use neutral wording. …
  6. Follow general questions with specific ones. …
  7. Focus your questions so they ask one thing at a time. …
  8. Ask only essential questions.

Is confused a tone?

bewildered, confused, lost in thought; preoccupied. characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. completely puzzled or confused; perplexed. sarcastic, having a biting or sarcastic tone.

How do you describe sad tone of voice?

If you’re about to cry, you might speak in a quavering voice. … When someone’s voice quavers, it becomes unsteady, a little like a stutter. You can describe such a voice as quavering.

Is pride a tone?

The tone of Pride and Prejudice is often critical and even biting. While Pride and Prejudice is popularly considered a love story, the narrator’s attitude toward various characters and events is often sarcastic.

What are the 4 types of questions?

In English, there are four types of questions: general or yes/no questions, special questions using wh-words, choice questions, and disjunctive or tag/tail questions.

What are the three questioning techniques?

Using Questioning Techniques

  • Learning: ask open and closed questions, and use probing questioning.
  • Relationship building: people generally respond positively if you ask about what they do or enquire about their opinions. …
  • Managing and coaching: here, rhetorical and leading questions are useful too.

What is the purpose of questioning?

The primary purpose of questioning should be to find out what students need to be taught next. Another purpose is to teach students to think critically through questioning requiring deeper analysis rather than a simple yes or no or recall of information.

What is the opposite of questioning?

Antonyms: trusting, incurious, unperplexed, trustful. Synonyms: speculative, teasing, wondering(a), inquisitive, sceptical, skeptical, quizzical, doubting, mocking. doubting, questioning, skeptical, scepticaladjective.

Definitions For Questioning


  • A request for information
  • A sentence, phrase, or word that asks for information or is used to test someone’s knowledge
  • A matter or problem that is being discussed : a subject or topic
  • Doubt or uncertainty about something


  • Showing curiosity
  • Perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know)
  • Marked by or given to doubt


  • To ask (someone) questions about something
  • To have or express doubt about (something)

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Questioning is worth 22 points in Scrabble and 26 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Questioning in a Sentence

  • Can I ask you a personal question?
  • I don’t understand the question.
  • Are there any more questions?
  • The reporter questioned her at length on her life as the First Lady.
  • The witness was questioned by the defense.
  • I could tell that she was questioning my decision.

Synonyms for Questioning

Antonyms for Questionings

допрос, вопрошающий


- расспрашивание, выведывание
- допрос

the police called him in for questioning — его вызывали на допрос в полицию


- вопрошающий

she gave him a questioning look — она вопросительно посмотрела на него

Мои примеры


close questioning — подробный допрос  
under questioning — на допросе  
police questioning — полицейский допрос  
custodial questioning — допрос в тюрьме  
judicial questioning — допрос судьей  
legislative questioning — допрос в органе законодательной власти  
self questioning — критическая оценка своих побуждений; самоанализ  
circular questioning — циклический опрос  
questioning technique — техника работы с вопросами; методика опроса  
self-questioning — критическая оценка своих побуждений, поступков; самоанализ  

Примеры с переводом

I could tell that she was questioning my decision.

Я понимал, что она сомневается в правильности моего решения.

Are you questioning what I’m saying?

Вы ставите мои слова под сомнение?

The police have pulled him in for questioning.

Полиция задержала его для допроса.

Increasingly, scientists are questioning the data.

Учёные всё чаще ставят под сомнение эти факты.

The reporter persisted with his questioning.

Журналист не отставал со своими вопросами.

They were detained by the police for questioning.

Они были задержаны полицией для допроса.

I thought that was an unacceptable questioning of my integrity.

Я счёл это неприемлемой попыткой поставить под сомнение мою порядочность.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Many teachers are now questioning the necessity of formal exams.

…the boy, and two others who are known to be his comrades, are wanted for questioning by the police…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

question  — вопрос, сомнение, проблема, дело, спрашивать, сомневаться, допрашивать
questionable  — сомнительный, подозрительный, пользующийся плохой репутацией
questioner  — корреспондент, интервьюер, тот, кто спрашивает
questionless  — бесспорный, несомненный, бесспорно, несомненно
unquestioning  — беспрекословный, полный, не задающий вопросов, несомненный
questioningly  — вопросительно, вопрошающе

Do your questionings always work like that or was that to please me?

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Какой? Твои допросы всегда так проходят или ты устроил это для меня?

I beg your indulgence for daring to voice these questionings.


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Я прошу Вашего снисхождения за то, что осмелился во всеуслышание поднять эти вопросы.


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Однако честные колебания и искренние сомнения не являются грехом;

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Все эти сомнения и вопросы ума бесполезны.

One of the possible measures is to conduct questionings in separate facilities designed for that purpose.

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Одним средством защиты является проведение допроса в помещениях, специально спроектированных для этого.

But refuse foolish and ignorant questionings, knowing that they generate strife.

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Answers are needed upon the most complex mental questionings, upon most delicate matters of thought.

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Нужны ответы на более сложные умственные запросы, на более утонченную интеллектуальность.

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Делайте все без ропота и споров,

Jesus perceived the disciples’ thoughts, and did not reprove their questionings.

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Иисус знал мысли учеников и не укорял их за вопросы.

All the human rights violations such as searches, questionings and arrests were listed,

typed underground using carbon paper and typewriters, and then distributed.


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В ней фиксировались нарушения прав человека в Советском Союзе:

обыски, допросы, аресты, а потом все это подпольно публиковалось в бюллетенях,

напечатанных на печатной машинке через копирку.


Moreover, the author and his defence lawyer could raise the issues

related to the present claim, including the questionings, during the ongoing court trial.


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Более того, автор и его адвокат могли поднять вопросы,

связанные с настоящим заявлением, включая допросы, в ходе продолжающегося судебного разбирательства.


At the victim’s request, the questionings may be conducted by the same person or persons or by a person of the same gender as the victim.

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По запросу возможно, что допрос выполняется одним и тем же лицом или одними и теми же лицами, или следователем того же пола, что и жертва.

Support persons are allowed to be present during questionings and trial, but their presence may be restricted in some situations.

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Помощник может принимать участие в допросе и судебном разбирательстве, но в некоторых случаях его присутствие могут ограничивать.

After all India with her mentality and method has done a hundred times more in the

spiritual field than Europe with her intellectual doubts and questionings.

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Наконец, Индия с ее ментальностью и ее методом сделала в духовной области в сто раз больше,

чем Европа с ее сомнениями и интеллектуальными вопросами.

And she had hardly recovered from this

shock when she had thrust upon her the anxieties and questionings aroused by the extraordinary career of her eldest son,

which was so rapidly unfolding before her astonished gaze.

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Не успела она оправиться от этого удара, как на нее обрушились тревоги и сомнения, вызванные необычайной жизнью ее старшего сына,

которая столь стремительно разворачивалась перед ее потрясенным взором.

I am here for any questionings on specific guidance that is rolling around in so many of your minds right now,

I know you have so many questions, and your questions will be answered.


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Я здесь по любым вопросам специального консультирования, которые вертятся во многих ваших умах прямо сейчас, я знаю, что у вас много вопросов, и вы получите ответы на ваши вопросы.


Already in the age of thirty years this great

lover of detective stories(as he said himself in one of the questionings) started on the road of criminal road,

first with robbery, then also murders.

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Уже в тридцатилетнем возрасте этот большой любитель детективов(

как он сам о себе сказал на одном из допросов) встал на преступный путь сначала ограблений,

а потом и убийств.

The Pre-Trial Judge may also be requested by the Prosecutor to issue orders for investigative measures, including for instance summonses, warrants, transfer orders,

authorizations to conduct on-site investigations and questionings of witnesses(see articles 11(5)

and 18(2) of the statute and rules 77, 92 and 93 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence);


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Обвинитель может также просить судью предварительного производства издавать приказы в отношении следственных мер, включая, например, судебные повестки, ордера, приказы о переводе,

постановления о проведении расследований и допросе свидетелей( см. статьи 11(

5) и 18( 2) Устава и правила 77, 92 и 93 правил процедуры и доказывания);


The Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure(Chapter 23, Section 12)

clearly regulates how questionings shall be conducted.


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Шведским Судебно- процессуальным кодексом( глава 23, статья 12)

четко регламентируется порядок проведения допроса.


Concerning the problem of the behaviour of law-enforcement services towards minorities,

he said that identity checks and questionings took no account of race, gender or ethnic group.


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Касаясь вопроса об обращении сотрудников правоохранительных органов с представителями меньшинств, гн

Травников говорит, что проверки документов и задержания производятся безотносительно к расе, полу или этническому происхождению.


Translation examples

  • допрос

b. video questioning, out-of-court questioning and separate questioning methods can be incorporated,

b) могут использоваться такие методы, как допрос с применением видеооборудования, допрос вне зала суда и раздельный допрос;

The Palestinian was taken for questioning.

Они подвергли его допросу.

to question citizens;

а) производить допрос граждан;

Record of questioning in general

Протокол допроса в целом

Travis questioned O’Dell.

Трэвис допросила О’Делла.

They’ll question him.

Там его допросят.

He will undoubtedly want to question Crouch himself.

Он, конечно же, захочет сам допросить Крауча.

Say I wish to question him.

Скажи, что я желаю лично его допросить.

All these people persecute me with astounding questions—about you.

Из-за вас меня преследуют странными допросами;

ah, yes. Yes. Good.» He fears the questioning of a Truthsayer , Jessica thought. Who?

Да. Ну… а, да. Да. Так лучше. «Он боится допроса Правдовидицей, – догадалась Джессика. – Но – кого именно?

The king looked sternly on Thorin, when he was brought before him, and asked him many questions.

Когда Торин предстал перед королем, тот грозно посмотрел на карлика и устроил допрос.

He spat and with quick steps went back to the “Crystal Palace,” hastening to question Zamyotov.

Он плюнул и скорыми шагами воротился в «Хрустальный дворец» допросить поскорее Заметова.

she whispered, gazing into his face. “But—but Reg said you were the one who submitted my name for questioning!”

— Вы? — прошептала она, взглянув ему в лицо. — Но… но Редж сказал, что именно вы включили меня в список для допроса!

Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions but answered them very composedly.

И хотя Элизабет сознавала бесцеремонность подобного допроса, она давала хозяйке дома каждый раз исчерпывающие ответы.

The petrified Muggle-borns brought in for questioning sat huddled and shivering on hard wooden benches.

Вызванные для допроса потомки маглов сидели на жестких деревянных скамьях, прижавшись друг к другу и дрожа.

Frank had no telephone, in any case, he had deeply mistrusted the police ever since they had taken him in for questioning about the Riddles’ deaths.

Телефона у Фрэнка не было, да и полиции он сильно не доверял с тех пор, как они таскали его на допросы.

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