Is purchaser a word

Other forms: purchasers

If you are a purchaser or «buyer» for a pink elephant factory, you arrange to buy all the pink dye, the elephant molds, and the packaging. You also might just be a «consumer,» buying milk at the store.

Purchasers at large companies may oversee millions or even billions of dollars in deals a year. They are responsible for buying the products — or the stuff needed to make the products — that are to be resold. Another type of purchaser is responsible for maintaining inventories of office supplies or furniture for an office building.

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- покупатель; покупательница

to find ready purchasers — ком. пользоваться хорошим спросом

- юр. приобретатель

Мои примеры


bona fide purchaser — подлинный, настоящий, истинный приобретатель  
to find a purchaser for — находить покупателя для чего-л.  
cash purchaser — покупатель за наличный расчет  
large purchaser — крупный покупатель  
major purchaser — крупный покупатель  
mala fide purchaser — недобросовестный приобретатель; недобросовестный покупатель  
original purchaser — первый владелец автомобиля; первоначальный покупатель  
primary purchaser — первоначальный покупатель; первичный покупатель  
purchaser for settlement — покупатель на срок  
purchaser for value without notice — приобретатель по цене конечного спроса без уведомления  

Примеры с переводом

The car was an expensive purchase.

Этот автомобиль был дорогостоящей покупкой / дорогим приобретением.

I need to purchase a new heavy coat.

Мне нужно купить новое теплое пальто.

France was the No. 1 purchaser of Iraqi oil.

Франция стала самым большим покупателем иракской нефти.

The expense must fall upon the purchaser.

Затраты должны падать на покупателя.

He displayed his recent purchases with pride.

Он с гордостью показал недавние покупки.

He purchased a new suit for a hundred dollars.

Он купил за сто долларов новый костюм.

The surface was so slick that the wheels couldn’t gain purchase.

Поверхность была настолько скользкой, что колёса не могли найти с ней сцепление.

The CD player is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase.

Гарантия на CD-плеер действует в течение одного года с даты покупки.

The ice made it impossible for the car’s wheels to gain a purchase on the road.

Из-за гололёда колёсам было невозможно добиться сцепления с дорогой.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Meaning purchaser

What does purchaser mean? Here you find 17 meanings of the word purchaser. You can also add a definition of purchaser yourself




Organization or entity, often employer or union, that contracts with the dental benefit organization to provide dental benefits to an enrolled population.





a person who buys something compare buyerCheck pronunciation: purchaser





c. 1300, from Anglo-French, Old French porchaceor, agent noun from porchacier (see purchase (v.)).





Definition One who buys something.





A staff member of the University or any other person or organisation authorised to undertake procurement activities on behalf of the University.





Under trademark law, the person who ultimately buys a good or service associated with the use of a particular mark is a purchaser. The test of trademark infringement is purchaser’s confusion. Howeve [..]





A purchaser generally means a person or firm contracting with a seller for services or merchandise to be provided or delivered for a named individual. It is someone who provides something of value, su [..]





(n) a person who buys





Within the context of export controls, the purchaser is that person abroad who has entered into the export transaction with the applicant to purchase the commodities or technical data for delivery to [..]





The person buying a vehicle.





«Purchaser» means an actual or prospective purchaser of a condominium unit pursuant to a sale.





Anyone who enters the market as a buyer of a good, service, futures contract, call, or put.





In trademark law, the person who ultimately buys a good or service associated with the use of a particular mark. Although consumer confusion is the test of whether or not a trademark has been infringe [..]





Any individual, employer or organization that purchases health insurance and includes intermediaries.





This is another name for the Buyer of a property.










A person who buys a property (buyer). is a dictionary written by people like you and me.
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

pur•chase /ˈpɜrtʃəs/USA pronunciation  
v., -chased, -chas•ing, n. 
v. [+ object]

  1. to get or obtain by the payment of money or its equivalent;
    buy:enough money to purchase a house.
  2. to be enough to buy:[not: be + ~ -ing]Ten dollars will purchase two tickets.
  3. to get or obtain by effort, sacrifice, flattery, etc.:His loyalty can’t be purchased.


  1. acquisition;
    getting or obtaining by the payment of money or its equivalent:[uncountable]Mail in a proof of purchase.
  2. something purchased or bought:[countable]made a few purchases.

pur•chas•a•ble, adj. 
pur•chas•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(pûrchəs),USA pronunciation v., -chased, -chas•ing, n. 

  1. to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent;
  2. to acquire by effort, sacrifice, flattery, etc.
  3. to influence by a bribe.
  4. to be sufficient to buy:Twenty dollars purchases a subscription.
  5. Lawto acquire (land or other property) by means other than inheritance.
  6. Mechanicsto move, haul, or raise, esp. by applying mechanical power.
  7. Mechanicsto get a leverage on;
    apply a lever, pulley, or other aid to.
  8. [Obs.]to procure, acquire, or obtain.


  1. to buy something.


  1. acquisition by the payment of money or its equivalent;
    buying, or a single act of buying.
  2. something that is purchased or bought.
  3. something purchased, with respect to value in relation to price;
    buy:At three for a dollar they seemed like a good purchase.
  4. Lawthe acquisition of land or other property by means other than inheritance.
  5. acquisition by means of effort, labor, etc.:the purchase of comfort at the price of freedom.
  6. Mechanics, Buildinga lever, pulley, or other device that provides mechanical advantage or power for moving or raising a heavy object.
  7. Mechanicsan effective hold or position for applying power in moving or raising a heavy object;
  8. any means of applying or increasing power, influence, etc.
  9. the annual return or rent from land.
  10. a firm grip or grasp, footing, etc., on something.
  11. [Obs.]booty.
  • Anglo-French purchas (Old French porchas), derivative of the verb, verbal
  • Latin prō pro1) + chacer to chase1; (noun, nominal) Middle English
  • Anglo-French purchacer to seek to obtain, procure (Old French pourchacier), equivalent. to pur- (
  • (verb, verbal) Middle English purchasen bef. 1150

purchas•er, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged get, obtain, procure. See buy. 
    • 15.See corresponding entry in Unabridged winch, capstan.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged sell.

Purchaser‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Translation for «purchaser» to russian

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Translation examples

  • покупатель

Information about the purchaser

Информация о покупателе

• Age restrictions on purchase;

∙ ограничение возраста покупателей;

Total at purchasers prices

Итого, в ценах покупателей

319. Transport and purchasing:

319. Перевозчики и покупатели:

Economy of ultimate purchaser

Страна конечного покупателя

Role (supplier/purchaser/seller)

Роль (поставщик/покупатель/

6120 Licence for selected purchasers

Лицензия для отдельных покупателей

B. Purchaser-specified requirements

Требования, определяемые покупателем



The purchaser used a credit card.

Покупатель использовал кредитку.

Any luck finding that purchaser?

— Повезло с информацией по покупателю?

We agreed on a purchase price.

Мы согласились с ценой покупателя.

This is Mr Field, the prospective purchaser.

Это мистер Филд, потенциальный покупатель.

But… the «innocent purchaser» doctrine holds.

Но… доктрина «невиновного покупателя» имеет место.

The same buyer purchased half the block.

Какой-то покупатель скупил половину квартала.

The government does not regard me as a purchaser.

Государство не считает меня покупателем.

I took a look at the data purchase patterns.

Я посмотрел на поведение покупателей.

Asks the future purchaser of a vibrator. You want to borrow mine, Lou?

Спросил будущий покупатель вибратора.

They came in posing as buyers trying to purchase the store.

Они пришли, изобразив покупателей магазина.

When the licence was once purchased, whether the purchaser drank much or drank little, his tax would be the same.

Раз разрешение приобретено, будет ли покупатель пить много или мало, налог с него останется тем же самым.

The tax is finally paid by the last purchaser or consumer.

Пошлина оплачивается в коне чном счете последним покупателем или потребителем.

To a goblin, the rightful and true master of any object is the maker, not the purchaser.

С точки зрения гоблина, истинный полноправный хозяин каждой вещи тот, кто ее создал, а не покупатель.

Nobody buys it but in order to sell it again; and with regard to it there is in ordinary cases no last purchaser or consumer.

Все покупают их только для того, чтобы снова продать, и по отношению к ним не существует в обычных случаях последнего покупателя или потребителя.

The registration of mortgages, and in general of all rights upon immovable property, as it gives great security both to creditors and purchasers, is extremely advantageous to the public.

Нотариальное засвидетельствование закладных и всех вообще сделок относительно недвижимой собственности чрезвычайно выгодно обществу, поскольку обеспечивает права как кредиторов, так и покупателей.

In other parts of Europe, after it was found convenient to secure tenants both against heirs and purchasers, the term of their security was still limited to a very short period; in France, for example, to nine years from the commencement of the lease.

В других частях Европы, после того как было признано необходимым обеспечить права арендаторов от произвола наследников и покупателей земли, такие гарантии ограничивались очень кратким сроком: во Франции, например, девятью годами с начала аренды.

But it will be most likely to buy cheap, when by the most perfect freedom of trade it encourages all nations to bring to it the goods which it has occasion to purchase; and, for the same reason, it will be most likely to sell dear, when its markets are thus filled with the greatest number of buyers.

Но наибольшие шансы покупать дешево она будет иметь в том случае, если наиболее полной свободой торговли будет поощрять все народы привозить к ней товары, которые ей надо покупать, и по той же причине у нее будут наибольшие шансы продавать дорого, когда ее рынки будут таким же образом привлекать наибольшее число покупателей.

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