Is professionalism a word

Asked by: Ms. Lora Kunze DDS

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as «the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person«; and it defines a profession as «a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation.»

Is there a word called professionalism?

Professionalism is based on the word professional, which is commonly used as an adjective to describe someone who works in this way—someone who shows professionalism. Professionalism is shown by people who take their work seriously and respect the people they work with.

What is professionalism simple words?

The skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job wellMerriumWebster,n.d. “’Professionalism’ is commonly understood as an individual’s adherence to a set of standards, code of conduct or collection of qualities that characterize accepted practice within a …

What is professionalism Webster dictionary?

1 : the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. 2 : the following of a profession (such as athletics) for gain or livelihood.

What words describe professionalism?


  • civility.
  • expertise.
  • rectitude.
  • respectability.
  • competence.
  • probity.
  • steadiness.
  • thoroughness.

26 related questions found

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

  • Professional appearance.
  • Reliable.
  • Ethical behavior.
  • Organized.
  • Accountable.
  • Professional language.
  • Separates personal and professional.
  • Positive attitude.

How do you show professionalism?

Here are 12 ways you can develop and practice professionalism:

  1. Be productive. Use your time productively at work. …
  2. Develop a professional image. …
  3. Take the initiative. …
  4. Maintain effective work habits. …
  5. Manage your time efficiently. …
  6. Demonstrate integrity. …
  7. Provide excellence. …
  8. Be a problem-solver.

What are 10 characteristics of professionalism?

Here are 10 characteristics true professionals possess in the workplace (not in any order of importance).

  • A Neat Appearance. …
  • Proper Demeanor (in Person and Online) …
  • Reliable. …
  • Competent. …
  • Communicator. …
  • Good Phone Etiquette. …
  • Poised. …
  • Ethical.

What are six traits of professionalism?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Be the best. …
  • Be dependable. …
  • Be a teamplayer. …
  • Be respectful. …
  • Be ethical. …
  • be positive. …

How do you use the word professionalism?

Professionalism in a Sentence ?

  1. When the nurse cursed at her patient and gave the wrong medication to him, everyone questioned her professionalism.
  2. Managers expect to see professionalism in the workplace by the employees speaking appropriately and doing their job efficiently.

What is professionalism and why is it important?

Dedication, integrity and responsibility are elements of professionalism that make a person successful in her field. By taking ownership of their roles and duties, professionals make names for themselves and usually find promotion, opportunities and repeat business come easily to them.

Is professionalism a skill?

Communicating effectively and appropriately for the workplace is also an essential part of professionalism. Regardless of the job or industry, professionalism is easy to spot. … This is because professionalism, in and of itself, is not one skill but the blending and integration of a variety of skills.

What is difference between professional and professionalism?

As nouns the difference between professional and professionalism. is that professional is a person who belongs to a profession while professionalism is the status, methods, character or standards expected of a professional or of a professional organization, such as reliability, discretion, evenhandedness, and fair play …

What is professionalism and examples?

Professionalism is skill or behavior that goes beyond what an ordinary person would have or behaving in a more formal or business-like manner. … An example of professionalism is a business person who is dressed in a suit and tie, has good manners and shows good business sense.

What does professionalism look like?

A professional person should aim to be courteous and should at the very least respect the rights, dignity and autonomy of others. A professional person will: Take pride in doing a job well and pay attention to detail. Take personal responsibility for their actions and the consequences.

How do you show professionalism in healthcare?

Examples of Exemplary Professional Conduct

  1. Demonstrates accountability, responsibility, and respect for patients and families, including appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication.
  2. Optimizes comfort and privacy of patients when performing a history and physical exam or a procedure.

What are some professional behaviors?

Examples of professional behavior include, but are not limited to: Showing compassion for others; responding appropriately to the emotional response of patients and family members; demonstrating respect for others; demonstrating a calm, compassionate, and helpful demeanor toward those in need; being supportive and …

What is a professional personality?

Your professional personality is just that: the best way to describe how you work in a professional setting. … Once you have taken a personal inventory, you’ll have a better idea of your work personality and which professional path can help you find the success you’re looking for.

What are professional qualities?

Important professional qualities

  • Willingness to learn. True professionals are always open to learning more and advancing their skill set. …
  • Positive attitude. …
  • Conflict resolution. …
  • Helpfulness. …
  • Integrity. …
  • Calm under stress. …
  • Solution-oriented. …
  • Self-motivated.

What are four characteristics that define professionalism?

Commitment and confidence, responsibility and dependability, honesty and ethics, and appearance and professional presence are central professional characteristics.

What qualities make a good healthcare professional?

Here are 10 traits every great health care professional embodies:

  • Excellent communication skills. These skills include speaking as well as listening. …
  • Emotional Stability. …
  • Empathy. …
  • Flexibility. …
  • Attention to Detail. …
  • Interpersonal Skills. …
  • Physical Endurance. …
  • Problem Solving Skills.

What are your responsibilities as a professional?

Professional responsibility is the area of legal practice that encompasses the duties of attorneys to act in a professional manner, obey the law, avoid conflicts of interest, and put the interests of clients ahead of their own interests.

What is a professional behavior?

Professional behaviour is a form of etiquette in the workplace that is linked primarily to respectful and courteous conduct. … Being conscious of how you treat co-workers and clients, and ensuring a positive workplace attitude can help you to improve your productivity and effectiveness in the workplace.

How do you conduct yourself in a professional manner?

To make sure you always present yourself professionally, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Make sure your attire is consistent with the company culture. …
  2. Make sure you’re well groomed. …
  3. Accessorize appropriately. …
  4. Dress according to the position you want. …
  5. Be mindful of your workspace. …
  6. Behave professionally.

How can I be professional in life?

10 Simple Qualities That Can Help You Achieve Professional Success and Satisfaction in Life

  1. Be authentic.
  2. Be truthful.
  3. Challenge yourself.
  4. Put love first.
  5. Be thoughtful.
  6. Be a good human being.
  7. Practice patience.
  8. Live your dreams.

“Professionality” is not a word. However, it does appear in some instances because people believe adding the “-ality” ending makes more sense than the “ism-” ending. “Professionalism” is the correct word choice, and it’s the one you should stick with.


  • “Professionality” is not correct in formal English.
  • You should say “professionalism” since it is the correct erm.
  • Some dictionaries recognize both, and both will likely become correct as English evolves.

“Professionality” and “professionalism” are synonymous. However, only “professionalism” is correct in English.

You should avoid using the “-ality” suffix when writing formally, as most dictionaries don’t recognize it.

Here are a few examples to show you the differences:

  • Correct: I want his professionalism brought into question. He does not seem to care about this place.
  • Incorrect: You lack professionality. It’s not clear why you talk to us the way you do.

“Professionality” sounds more jarring. Adding the suffix makes the word longer than it needs to be. Most native speakers avoid using it for that reason.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “professionalism” as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.”

It is the most effective term to use. Every dictionary recognizes it, making it the official spelling variation. The “-ism” ending simply makes more sense to native speakers here.

Interestingly, The Cambridge Dictionary recognizes “professionality” and defines it as “the quality of being professional.” However, it’s a fairly new entry, so it’s not quite an official word yet.

Generally, dictionaries add words when they start to gain popularity. As English evolves, it’s possible to see more and more words added. So, there may come a time when it is a word, but that isn’t the case yet.

So, while it may still need time before it’s official, it is slowly gaining popularity. Over the next few years, both words will likely become synonymous.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Professionalisms, as the term itself signifies, are the words
used in a definite trade, profession or calling by people connect­ed
by common interests both at work and at home. They commonly designate
some working process or implement of labour. Professional­isms
are correlated to terms. Terms, as has already been indicated, are
coined to nominate new concepts that appear in the process of, and as
a result of, technical progress and the development of science.

words name anew already-existing concepts, tools or instruments, and
have the typical properties of a special code. The main feature of a
professionalism is its technicality. Professionalisms are spe­cial
words in the non-literary layer of the English vocabulary, whereas
terms are a specialized group belonging to the literary layer of
words. Terms, if they are connected with a field or branch of science
or tech­nique well-known to ordinary people, are easily decoded
and enter the neu­tral stratum of the vocabulary.
Professionalisms generally remain in circulation within a definite
community, as they are linked to a common occupation and common
social interests. The semantic structure of the term is usually
transparent and is therefore easily understood. The se­mantic
structure of a professionalism is often dimmed by the image on which
the meaning of the professionalism is based, particularly when the
features of the object in question reflect the process of the work,
metaphori­cally or metonymically. Like terms, professionalisms do
not allow any polysemy, they are monosemantic.

are some professionalisms used in different trades: tin-fish
(^submarine); block-buster (= a bomb especially designed to destroy

of big buildings); piper (=a specialist who decorates pastry with the
use of a cream-pipe); a midder case (=a midwifery case); outer (=&
knockout blow).

professionalisms, however, like certain terms, become popu­lar
and gradually lose their professional flavour. Thus the word crane
which Byron used in his «Don Juan» … was a verb meaning
4o stretch out the neck like a crane before a dangerous leap’ (in
hunting, in order to ‘look before you leap’). Now, according to Eric
Partridge, it has broad­ened its meaning and is used in the sense
of 4o hesitate at an obstacle, a danger’. By 1860 it was no more a
professionalism used in hunting but had become a colloquial word of
the non-literary stratum and finally, since 1890, entered the
standard English vocabulary.

good craning at it. Let’s go down.» (Galsworthy)

should not be mixed up with jargonisms. Like slang words,
professionalisms do not aim at secrecy. They fulfil a socially useful
function in communication, facilitating a quick and adequate grasp of
the message.

examples of professionalisms as used by a man-of-letters can be found
in Dreiser’s «Financier.» The following passage is an

soon picked up all the technicalities of the situation. A «bull»,
he learned, was one who bought in anticipation of a higher price to
come; and if he was «loaded» up with a «line» of
stocks he was said to be «long». He sold to «realize»
his profit, or if his margins were exhausted he was «wiped out».
A «bear» was one who sold stocks which most frequently he
did not have, in anticipation of a lower price at which he could buy
and sat­isfy his previous sales. He was «short» when he
had sold what he did not own, and he was «covered» when he
bought to satisfy his s^Jes and tcTrealize his profits or to protect
himself against further loss in the case prices advanced instead of
declining. He was in a «corner» when he found that he could
not buy in order to make good the stock he had borrowed for delivery
and the return of which had been demanded. He was then obliged to
settle practically at a price fixed by those to whom he and other
«shorts» had sold:

is seen, each financial professionalism is explained by the author
and the words themselves are in-Jnverted commas to stress their
pe­culiar idiomatic sense and also to,indicate that the words do
not belong to the standard English vocabulary in the meanings they
are used.

are certain fields of human activity which enjoy nation-wide interest
and popularity. This, for example, is the case in Great Britain where
sports and games are concerned. English pugilistic terminology, for
example, has gained particularly wide recognition and therefore is
frequently used in a transferred meaning, thus adding to the gener­al
image-building function of emotive prose. Here is an example of the
use of such professionalisms in fiction,

Knickerbocker met them at the ferry giving one a right-hander on the
nose and the other an uppercut with his left just to let them know
that the fight was on»

is from a story by O. Henry called «The Duel» in which the
writer depicts two characters who came from the West to conquer New
York. The vocabulary of boxing (right-hander, uppercut), as well as
other professional terms found in the story, like ring, to counter,
to clinch, etc., help to maintain the atmosphere of a fight, which
the story requires.

are used in emotive prose to depict the natural speech of a
character. The skilful use of a professional word will show not only
the vocation of a character, but also his education, breeding,
environment and sometimes even his psychology. That is why, perhaps,
a literary device known as speech-characterization is so abundantly
used in emotive prose. The use of professionalisms forms the most
conspicuous element of this literary device.

interesting article was published in the Canadian Globe and Mail * in
which the author shows how a journalist who mocks at the
profession­alisms in the language of municipal planners, which
render their speech almost incomprehensible, himself uses words and
expressions unintelli­gible to the lay reader, Here is the


was glad to read recently how incomprehensible the language of city
planners is to newspapermen. I decided to call the author of the
ar­ticle and express my appreciation:

I’d like to speak to a reporter of yours named Terrance Wills.»

he on city side or the night rewrite desk?»

not sure. Maybe he’s at his type-writer.»

operator said something under his breath and then connected me to the
third assistant executive city editor. After about 15 minutes of this
I was finally able to communicate directly with Mr. Wills:

was a great story you did on ‘plannerese’, sir,» I told him.
«Where did you get the idea for it?»

I just went to the morgue one day when there weren’t many obits to do
and I got a few clippings. Then I talked with the copy-editor and he
gave me a 32-point italic headline with an overhanging deck»

that good?»

it is. Even a cub knows that. Well I wrote a couple of takes and got
it in the box just before the deadline for the second night final

that hard to do?» I asked. My head was beginning to ache.

Sure, I guess. Listen, I’d like to discuss this with you fur­ther
but I’m on the rewrite desk and my legman is going to be calling in a
scoop any minute now. Good-bye.»

sat there with the phone in my hand, thankful that in this complex
age the journalists are still preserving simple English.

Professionalism Meaning

Professionalism is a person’s abilities, competence, and behavior in a particular profession. It aims for higher standards, more remarkable performance, and better connections with clients and co-workers. Business professionalism entails honoring commitments, producing excellent work, and holding yourself up as an expert.


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It aims to develop a courteous attitude when interacting with people at the workplace. It is a style of conduct typically designed to be composed, in control, impartial, and generous. It combines several traits, not just academic proficiency or polite behavior. A professional must possess specialized knowledge in their chosen subject.

Table of contents
  • Professionalism Meaning
    • Professionalism In The Workplace Explained
    • Characteristics
    • Examples
    • Importance
    • Difference Between Profession And Professionalism
    • Professionalism vs Ethics vs Personalism
    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    • Recommended Articles
  • Professionalism is a person’s skills, knowledge, and conduct in a particular profession. It strives for more significant standards, spectacular performance, and improved relationships with customers and employees.
  • Supporting an inclusive culture, leading by example, cultivating a feeling of accountability, and coordinating one’s actions and values with those of the organization are all ways to foster it.
  • Important elements are reliability, competence, communication, appearance, and accountability. Managing emotions at the workplace is also among its key features.

Professionalism In The Workplace Explained

Professionalism at work exemplifies when a worker performs to the best of their abilities, especially on challenging days; exhibits the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary for their position; exceeds the requirements of their work, and continually seeks out chances to advance better both the organization and themselves.

  • Professionalism skills ensure a friendly, secure, and inclusive workplace. It’s about fostering an environment where individuals feel valued and a part of something. This involves being a courteous team member, being transparent in our communication, making sure everyone feels included, participating and interacting, and taking the opportunity to get to know co-workers.
  • Professionalism development fosters a culture of inclusivity, setting a solid example, developing a sense of accountability, and aligning the personal behavior and values necessary to the organization. The workplace depends on our capacity to manage emotions rather than allowing them to influence behavior.
  • Employee engagement increases the likelihood that they will act professionally. Additionally, professionalism ethics directly impacts the entire firm’s functioning, resulting in profitability and customer satisfaction.

All of these elements will be noticeable in any profession. However, they vary in degrees in every workplace. The judgment of professionals determines management skills.


True professionals have several crucial traits that apply to almost every industry. Some of them are:

  1. Ethics – Doctors, lawyers, and public accountants must follow a robust code of professional ethics. It would be best if it acted ethically, regardless of whether the business or sector has a formal code.
  2. Reliability – It is also critical to return messages quickly and keep your word when you commit. Meeting expectations necessitates having strong communication skills. Always be cautious while making assumptions.
  3. Competence – Professionals aspire to become experts in their sector, distinguishing themselves from the competition, extending their education by enrolling in classes, attending conferences, and earning relevant professional credentials.
  4. Appearance – When meeting prospects or clients, pay close attention to how you seem and take style cues from their dress. Be careful to adhere to or even exceed your company’s dress code requirements.
  5. Accountability – Professionals are always responsible for their conduct. If there is a mistake, own up to it and try to resolve it. Avoid attempting to blame a co-worker. Instead, accept the need for a compromise when it arises and use the experience to improve.
  6. Communication – One of the essential traits of a professional is effective communication. Communication is listening intently, understanding it effectively, and efficiently expressing a message. Professionals have an excellent grasp of language, which they use to communicate ideas.


Let us understand through the following examples.

Example #1

Suppose Daniel works in a chocolate-making company, a multinational company, in the post of manager. One day, he meets with the company’s potential clients and promises them quality products. He ensures that the company meets the expected market demand on time. His courteous behavior exhibits professionalism, from meeting with the clients to delivering the product. If he fails to fulfill the orders, he takes responsibility and executes them on the next date.

Example #2

In December 2022, Chief Justice’s Commission on Professionalism appointed James S. Perry as co-executive director. January 1, 2023, marks the start of his term. Between November 1999 and August 2017, Melvin Wright served as the organization’s executive director. As of March 2019, Wright was back as executive director.

The Commission’s main duties include upholding its mandate to improve the professionalism of North Carolina’s attorneys. The CJCP is tasked with carrying out this mandate by continuing to pay attention to and support the legal profession to maintain it as a noble calling devoted to client service and the common good.


Its significance can be understood in the following ways:

  • Sets Boundaries – Boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable office behavior are set by it in the workplace. Although most managers encourage a fun and energetic workplace, limits must be set to prevent disputes and misunderstandings.
  • Encourages Individual Growth – A workplace where employees conduct themselves and dress professionally is more successful. Professional clothing codes, for instance, are accepted to enhance professional and personal development at work. This is because professionals who dress and conduct themselves inspire their co-workers to give their clients more excellent services.
  • Increases Respect And Reduces Conflict – Disagreements are likely to occur in a formal business setting. However, employees who act professionally and respect each other’s boundaries rarely get into arguments that can only be settled slowly. The business also advantages diverse situations where business professionals and their clients have a variety of viewpoints and opinions.
  • Foster And Uphold Accountability – Professionally written corporate reports, business strategies, and other communications aid in maintaining the degree of service accountability for businesses. 
  • Builds Self-respect And Those In Authority – Respect for superiors, customers, and co-workers is fostered via it. For example, maintaining a professional tone limits dazzling and improper personal talks that can be considered rude.

Difference Between Profession And Professionalism

While a profession is a career or occupation that allows a person to earn a living, professionalism encompasses every facet of a profession’s practice. Crucial differences between the two are:

Profession Professionalism
It is a field of study or a career. It is a set of accepted behavior at the workplace.  
It is limited and specified to particular fields.   However, it applies to any job.
Examples are medicine, law, and accounting.   Example – showing respect, working on time, and accepting accountability.

Professionalism vs Ethics vs Personalism

While professionalism is a person’s conduct that exhibits honor, honesty, and politeness toward those competing with them in their work area, the morally right and wrong conduct norms refer to ethics. At the same time, personalism holds that personhood is the source of all reality and worth. Some of the critical differences among them are:

Professionalism Ethics Personalism
It is the conduct of the employee within a work environment. It is the moral values set by society and business as a standard of behavior. Personalism is the mentality and behavior of someone self-centered, wants to “win” at any cost, and treats others with disdain and disrespect.  
It focuses on the behavior and demeanor of the employee. It focuses on the differences between right and wrong, good and bad.   It focuses on self-development and growth.
Governs the behavior of professionals at the workplace.   Governs human character. Governs momentarily win.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is professionalism a skill?

Yes, it is a skill that includes the abilities and dispositions required to perform a task successfully. These skills are aptitudes and learned behaviors that assist you in carrying out your duties as effectively as possible. It refers to your demeanor at work, your manner of speaking, your moral character, your work ethic, or the way you handle disagreement.

Which element is considered the hallmark of professionalism?

Accountability is the “hallmark of professionalism” and is fundamental to professional nursing practice.

Where did professionalism begin?

It began in America between the period of 1870 and 1914. It is often called the progressive era in American history. Numerous professions, including social work, medicine, and special education, were organized in the US during this advanced age.

How does professionalism relate to the culture of an organization?

Respect for authority individuals, clients, and fellow employees all develop in a professional setting.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to Professionalism & its meaning. We explain its characteristics, importance & comparison with profession, ethics & personalism. You can learn more about it from the following articles –

  • Customer Churn
  • Job Shadowing
  • Business Ethics

Other forms: professionalisms

When you talk about the methods, characteristics, and attitudes of a person holding a job that requires higher education or advanced training, you’re talking about their professionalism.

The noun professionalism is usually used to describe the type of behavior you would expect from a professional person. For example, showing up to work on time, and focusing on the task at hand. And not fighting with your coworkers (unless you’re a professional wrestler).

Definitions of professionalism

  1. noun

    the expertness characteristic of a professional person

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘professionalism’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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