Is police woman one word

noun, plural po·lice·wom·en. a female member of a police force or body.

How do we call a female police?

A policewoman is a woman who is a member of the police force.

Is police masculine or feminine in French?

Elle est policière. She’s a police officer. ⧫ She’s a policewoman.

Can you say police woman?

There is no such thing as policewoman, firewoman, journeywoman, businesswoman. It’s a masculine noun so it is businessman, Foreman, fireman etc.

What is police called in French?

There are two national police forces called “Police nationale” and “Gendarmerie nationale”.

What do you say police in French?

We called the police. Nous avons appelé la police.

What does COP mean in slang?

Definition of cop (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1 slang : to get hold of : catch, capture also : purchase. 2 slang : steal, swipe.

What do you call a woman inspector?

old-fashioned. : a female inspector especially : a woman who inspects the work of hotel chambermaids and advises the housekeeper of the need for renovation of rooms and replacement of furniture.

Why are you interested in being a police officer?

First one is the reason why you want to work in police. It can be the meaningful purpose of the job, your desire to serve the city or country, or a desire to help end the organized crime, or anything else–even having a steady job and getting a good paycheck at the end of each month.

What is the masculine noun of cow?

A male cow is called a bull, a female is a cow, and a young cow is a calf.

What is the plural form of policeman?

policeman. noun. po·​lice·​man | pə-ˈlēs-mən plural policemen -​mən

What does it mean to nurse someone?

1 : to feed at the breast : suckle. 2 : to take care of (as a young child or a sick person) She nursed me back to health. 3 : to treat with special care or attention Nurse that ankle until it’s all healed.

What cars do police use in France?


  • Peugeot 308.
  • Renault Megane III.
  • Citroën Berlingo II.
  • Renault Scénic III.
  • Renault Trafic II.
  • Police Motorcycle Yamaha FJR1300.
  • Unmarked anti crime unit (Peugeot 308)

What is ambulance in French?

ambulance. More French words for ambulance. la ambulance noun. ambulance. ambulanciers.

What is a font in French?

font → caractère, fonts baptismaux.

Who investigates murders in France?

Criminal Investigations in France

Under French legal system criminal investigations are performed by the judicial police under the authority of the Prosecutor of the Republic or a special judge called Investigating Judge (in French “juge d’instruction”).

What are detectives called in France?

Sûreté (French: ; lit. ‘surety’, but usually translated as “safety” or “security”) is, in many French-speaking countries or regions, the organizational title of a civil police force, especially the detective branch thereof.

Are all French police armed?

Weapons. Where French Municipal officers are equipped with firearms, many are equipped only with pepper spray, batons, and handcuffs, each Municipal Police agency may have different weapons, meaning that some Municipal Police may carry revolvers while others have more modern semi-automatic pistols.

How many DIGs are in Nigeria police?

NPF now has 8-Departments, 8-DIGs, 17-Zonal Commands, 4-FCID Annexes.

Who is Abia State Commissioner of Police?

Michael Ogbizi, Abia state police commissioner, speaks at his office in police headquarters in the city of Umuahia.

Related QnA:

Asked by: Adrienne Williamson

Score: 4.6/5
(23 votes)

The plural form of policewoman is policewomen.

What is the plural of policewomen?

Noun. policewoman (plural policewomen) A female police officer.

What is the masculine noun for policewoman ‘?

Usage notes

The gender-specific terms are policeman for a male police officer and policewoman for a female police officer.

What is female noun of police?

(pəliːswʊmən ) Word forms: plural policewomen. countable noun. A policewoman is a woman who is a member of the police force.

Is policewoman one word or two?

noun, plural po·lice·wom·en. a female member of a police force or body.

18 related questions found

What is the plural of deer?

/ (dɪə) / noun plural deer or deers.

What is the masculine noun of cow?

cow ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌

A male cow is called a bull, a female is a cow, and a young cow is a calf. Their meat is called beef.

What is the female of nephew?

A niece is female, while a nephew is male, with the term nibling used in place of the common, gender-specific terms in some specialist literature.

What type of noun is a police officer?

An officer in a law enforcement agency.

Is English gendered?

English doesn’t really have a grammatical gender as many other languages do. It doesn’t have a masculine or a feminine for nouns, unless they refer to biological sex (e.g., woman, boy, Ms etc). So gendered language is commonly understood as language that has a bias towards a particular sex or social gender.

Is feminine a gender?

Feminine is defined as the female gender. An example of feminine is the female sex. The feminine gender. … Suitable to or characteristic of a woman; womanly.

What is the feminine of hero?

In the sense «the principal character in a story, play, etc.,» a hero is male and a heroine is female: Margaret is the novel’s heroine.

What is the plural form of crutch?

Word forms: plural crutches.

Is Nibling a real word?

Nibling is a gender-neutral term used to refer to a child of one’s sibling as a replacement for «niece» or «nephew». The word is thought to have been coined in the early 1950s, but was relatively obscure for several decades before being revived in recent years.

What is a niece’s daughter called?

a daughter of one’s nephew or niece; grandniece.

What do I call my sister’s son?

A nephew is the son of your sibling. This makes you the aunt or uncle of that nephew. While a mom, dad, sister, and brother are members of an immediate family, a nephew is part of your extended family because he’s the son of a sibling.

What is a female fox called?

Foxes are members of the dog family. A female fox is called a “vixen”, a male fox is called a “dog fox” or a “tod” and baby foxes are called “pups”, “kits” or “cubs”. A group of foxes is called a “skulk” or a “leash”.

What is the female of Lion?

Lions. The head of the family is the pride male. He’s the king of the pride and it’s his job to protect the female lions, called lionesses and their young cubs.

What do you call a female elephant in English?

Within each species, a baby elephant is called a calf. An adult male is called a bull elephant, while an adult female is known as a cow.

Is cow is a common noun?

There are 5 types of noun. Proper noun: It is the name of an individual person, place or organization. It is always written with the first letter in the capital form. … Other examples of common noun are cow, dog, elephant, student etc.

What is a plural of half?

ˈhaf , ˈhäf plural halves ˈhavz , ˈhävz

Which type of noun is grass?

[uncountable] a very common plant with long, narrow, green leaves, that grows wild and in parks and yards, and is eaten by cows, horses, sheep, etc. a blade of grass The dry grass caught fire.

What is the plural of person?

So basically, both person and people can be used as singular nouns, people can be used as a plural noun and persons and peoples are also acceptable plural forms.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Olga Kessler

Score: 4.8/5
(69 votes)

Usage notes

The gender-specific terms are policeman for a male police officer and policewoman for a female police officer.

Is policewoman one word or two?

noun, plural po·lice·wom·en. a female member of a police force or body.

How do we call a female police?

A policewoman is a woman who is a member of the police force.

Is police masculine or feminine in French?

Elle est policière. She’s a police officer. ⧫ She’s a policewoman.

Can you say police woman?

There is no such thing as policewoman, firewoman, journeywoman, businesswoman. It’s a masculine noun so it is businessman, Foreman, fireman etc.

35 related questions found

What is police called in French?

There are two national police forces called «Police nationale» and «Gendarmerie nationale».

What do you say police in French?

We called the police. Nous avons appelé la police.

What does COP mean in slang?

Definition of cop (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1 slang : to get hold of : catch, capture also : purchase. 2 slang : steal, swipe.

What do you call a woman inspector?

old-fashioned. : a female inspector especially : a woman who inspects the work of hotel chambermaids and advises the housekeeper of the need for renovation of rooms and replacement of furniture.

Why are you interested in being a police officer?

First one is the reason why you want to work in police. It can be the meaningful purpose of the job, your desire to serve the city or country, or a desire to help end the organized crime, or anything else–even having a steady job and getting a good paycheck at the end of each month.

What is the masculine noun of cow?

A male cow is called a bull, a female is a cow, and a young cow is a calf.

What is the plural form of policeman?

policeman. noun. po·​lice·​man | pə-ˈlēs-mən plural policemen -​mən

What does it mean to nurse someone?

1 : to feed at the breast : suckle. 2 : to take care of (as a young child or a sick person) She nursed me back to health. 3 : to treat with special care or attention Nurse that ankle until it’s all healed.

What cars do police use in France?


  • Peugeot 308.
  • Renault Megane III.
  • Citroën Berlingo II.
  • Renault Scénic III.
  • Renault Trafic II.
  • Police Motorcycle Yamaha FJR1300.
  • Unmarked anti crime unit (Peugeot 308)

What is ambulance in French?

ambulance. More French words for ambulance. la ambulance noun. ambulance. ambulanciers.

What is a font in French?

font → caractère, fonts baptismaux.

Who investigates murders in France?

Criminal Investigations in France

Under French legal system criminal investigations are performed by the judicial police under the authority of the Prosecutor of the Republic or a special judge called Investigating Judge (in French «juge d’instruction»).

What are detectives called in France?

Sûreté (French: [syʁ. te]; lit. ‘surety’, but usually translated as «safety» or «security») is, in many French-speaking countries or regions, the organizational title of a civil police force, especially the detective branch thereof.

Are all French police armed?

Weapons. Where French Municipal officers are equipped with firearms, many are equipped only with pepper spray, batons, and handcuffs, each Municipal Police agency may have different weapons, meaning that some Municipal Police may carry revolvers while others have more modern semi-automatic pistols.

How many DIGs are in Nigeria police?

NPF now has 8-Departments, 8-DIGs, 17-Zonal Commands, 4-FCID Annexes.

Who is Abia State Commissioner of Police?

Michael Ogbizi, Abia state police commissioner, speaks at his office in police headquarters in the city of Umuahia.


  • #1

Is my theory correct? Thanks…

police : man or woman (common)
policeman : only man
policewoman : only woman

  • The Newt

    • #2

    Is my theory correct? Thanks…

    police : man or woman (common)
    policeman : only man
    policewoman : only woman

    We generally now use «police officer» to refer to an individual, whether male or female. «Police» by itself doesn’t refer to an individual.


    • #3

    Almost. «Police» cannot refer to a single person. The gender-neutral word for a single person who is a member of the police is «police officer.» Colloquially, they can also be called «a cop.»

    «I saw the police were surrounding his house.» There were several police officers surrounding his house. Two were policemen, the third was a policewoman.

    Police is the collective noun for these people.





    Moderator Emeritus

    English UK Southern Standard English

    • #5

    We still in the UK use both «policeman» and «policewoman» to refer to a specific individual whose sex is known, but otherwise the singular term is «police officer» (or just «an officer» if the context has already been established). :)



    Moderato con anima (English Only)

    English (Singapore/UK), basic Chinese

    • #6

    There are also the abbreviations PC and WPC — for (woman) police constable — although I gather the W is being dropped now. (And of course this doesn’t apply to the US.)




    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «policewoman» в других словарях:

    • policewoman — index peace officer Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • policewoman — [pə lēs′woom΄ən] n. pl. policewomen [pə lēs′wim΄in] a female member of a police force …   English World dictionary

    • policewoman */ — UK [pəˈliːsˌwʊmən] / US [pəˈlɪsˌwʊmən] noun [countable] Word forms policewoman : singular policewoman plural policewomen UK [pəˈliːsˌwɪmɪn] / US [pəˈlɪsˌwɪmɪn] a female police officer …   English dictionary

    • policewoman — I policeman, policewoman (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. patrolman or woman, officer (see safety). II (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A member of a law enforcement agency: blue coat, finest, officer, patrolman, patrolwoman, peace officer …   English dictionary for students

    • policewoman — [[t]pəli͟ːswʊmən[/t]] policewomen N COUNT A policewoman is a woman who is a member of the police force …   English dictionary

    • policewoman — policeman, policewoman Both terms are tending to be replaced by the gender neutral term police officer. In the UK, an officer holding the rank of constable is a police constable (PC) or woman police constable (WPC) …   Modern English usage

    • policewoman — noun Date: 1853 a woman who is a member of a police force …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    • policewoman — /peuh lees woom euhn/, n., pl. policewomen. a female member of a police force or body. [1850 55; POLICE + WOMAN] Usage. See woman. * * * …   Universalium

    • policewoman — noun A female police officer …   Wiktionary

    • policewoman — see police officer * * * [pə liːsˌwʊmən] see see police officer …   Combinatory dictionary

    • policewoman — po|lice|wom|an [pəˈli:sˌwumən] n plural policewomen [ ˌwımın] a female police officer …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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    Офицер полиции

    Police officer

    Полицейский является гарантированным сотрудником полиции. В Соединенных Штатах «офицер» является официальным наименованием низшего полицейского звания. Во многих других странах «офицер» — это общий термин, не определяющий определенный ранг, а низший ранг часто «констебль». Во многих других странах нет такого титула, как «полицейский», поскольку использование «офицера» звания юридически зарезервировано только для военнослужащих и, следовательно, неприменимо. Полицейским обычно обвиняют в задержании преступников, предупреждении и выявлении преступлений, защите широкой общественности и поддержании общественного порядка. Полицейские могут быть присягнуты клятвой и иметь право арестовывать людей и задерживать их в течение ограниченного времени наряду с другими обязанностями и полномочиями. Некоторые полицейские также могут быть обучены специальным обязанностям, таким как борьба с терроризмом, надзор, защита детей, защита VIP, гражданское правоприменение и методы расследования в отношении крупных преступлений, в том числе мошенничества, изнасилований, убийств и незаконного оборота наркотиков. A police officer is a warranted employee of a police force. In the United States, «officer» is the formal name of the lowest police rank. In many other countries, «officer» is a generic term not specifying a particular rank, and the lowest rank is often «constable». In many other countries there is no such title as «police officer», as the use of the rank «officer» is legally reserved for military personnel only and thus not applicable. Police officers are generally charged with the apprehension of criminals and the prevention and detection of crime, protection of the general public, and the maintenance of public order. Police officers may be sworn to an oath, and have the power to arrest people and detain them for a limited time, along with other duties and powers. Some police officers may also be trained in special duties, such as counter-terrorism, surveillance, child protection, VIP protection, civil law enforcement, and investigation techniques into major crime, including fraud, rape, murder and drug trafficking.

    Значение слова policewoman в словаре английский языка

    Определение женщины-полицейского в словаре — женщина-полицейский.

    The definition of policewoman in the dictionary is a female police officer.

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    Синонимы и антонимы слова policewoman в словаре английский языка

    Перевод слова «policewoman» на 25 языков

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    Переводы слова policewoman с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «policewoman» на английский языке.

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    kvinnlig polis

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    Тенденции использования слова policewoman




    Слово используется регулярно

    На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «policewoman» в разных странах.

    Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова policewoman

    Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «policewoman».


    На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «policewoman» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «policewoman» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

    Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове policewoman


    Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом policewoman.

    I had a dream to become a mounted policewoman.


    Поиск случаев использования слова policewoman в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову policewoman, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


    Armed and Dangerous: Memoirs of a Chicago Policewoman

    The stories told are sometimes tragic, sometimes funny, often poignant, and always provide the reader with an on the scene feel for life behind the badge.

    Dorothy Uhnak’s no-holds-barred memoir about her life as one of New York’s finest The “original policewoman,” Dorothy Uhnak was the first to write a procedural novel with a female cop as the protagonist.


    Confessions of a Suicidal Policewoman

    Police officers Michael Beckett and Destiny Jones are starting to come to terms with their true feelings for one another when their world suddenly shifts gears.


    The First Policewoman: A History of the Salinas Police …

    Eisemann’s status as a policewoman placed her in conflict. Judge Anthony Brazil
    was crusading against gambling, accusing his police department of not following
    his directions to eliminate the vice from the city. He would play a role in the …


    Francine Fribble, Proofreading Policewoman

    A story that explains the importance of proofreading.

    Justin McCory Martin, 2004


    Policeman Lou and Policewoman Sue

    Two police officers have a quiet day keeping the streets of their town safe by rescuing a lost dog, writing tickets, and helping people to cross the street, but when a theft occurs, they jump into action.


    A Municipal Mother: Portland’s Lola Greene Baldwin, …

    She was the first woman hired by an American municipality to carry out regular enforcement duties. In telling Lola Baldwin’s story, Gloria Myers examines the social and cultural impulses that gave rise to the policewoman idea.


    Handbook of Police Administration

    In. 1905,.Portland,.Oregon,

    James Ruiz, Don Hummer, 2007


    Policing and Gendered Justice: Examining the Possibilities

    Alice Stebbins Wells: The First Woman Sworn in as a «Policewoman» Alice
    Stebbins Wells was appointed as a «policewoman» at the age of 37 by the Los
    Angeles Police Department (LAPD). She petitioned the city’s Police Commission
    to …


    The Circuit: The True Story of a Policewoman‘s Journey from …

    This book is a fascinating account of Jacquieline Davis’ experiences as one of the top operators in a male-dominated profession: the secretive, often dangerous world of covert operations.


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    A video showing an Egyptian policewoman slapping an alleged sexual molester posted on YouTube Sunday has garnered at least 667,649 … «Al-Arabiya, Июл 15»

    Video showing an Egyptian policewoman slapping an alleged …

    A video showing an Egyptian policewoman slapping a man accused of molesting a woman on the streets of Cairo has gone viral. «The Independent, Июл 15»

    Shamed Heartlands Hospital nurse suspended over F-word rant at cop

    A Birmingham nurse has been suspended for attacking a policewoman and telling her: “You just wait if your mum ever has to be cared for by … «Birmingham Mail, Июл 15»

    Ukraine’s president arranges Israel hospital care for policewoman

    As a result, Rambam’s intensive care director, Prof. Yaron Bar, flew to the Ukraine on a rented jet to stabilize the policewoman’s condition and … «Jerusalem Post Israel News, Июл 15»

    Egyptian Policewoman Punished Alleged Sexual Harasser With …

    An Egyptian policewoman cracked down on sexual harassment outside a Cairo cinema during the three-day Muslim holiday this weekend, … «Daily Caller, Июл 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Policewoman [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

    Example Sentences

    Recent Examples on the Web

    In addition to the Tates, two women were also arrested in December: Andrew’s assistant and girlfriend Naghel, a former beauty queen who frequently appeared on his social media; and Luana Radu, a former Bucharest policewoman turned cam model.

    Ioana Erdei, Rolling Stone, 26 Jan. 2023

    Inspector P Rajeshwari, a city policewoman, was recently seen carrying on her shoulder a man found lying unconscious after a heavy downpour.

    Niharika Sharma, Quartz, 11 Nov. 2021

    Whilst looking for love online, decorated policewoman Jill meets Dean, a handsome, charming and self-made businessman from London, with his own range of male grooming products.

    Naman Ramachandran, Variety, 16 Jan. 2023

    Writer Sally Wainwright, who is about as nervy as her flawed but heroic Yorkshire policewoman, never shied away from baring all with the hit police drama.

    Manori Ravindran, Variety, 1 Jan. 2023

    Antena 3 CNN reports that, along with the two brothers, a former policewoman was taken into DIICOT headquarters for questioning.

    Richard Lawler, The Verge, 30 Dec. 2022

    Romanian daily newspaper Gândul reported one of the suspects is a former policewoman.

    Melissa Montoya, Peoplemag, 30 Dec. 2022

    In this Coen brothers comedy classic, policewoman Ed (Holly Hunter) falls for 7-Eleven robber H.I.

    Michael Lee Simpson,, 14 Dec. 2022

    Adding to the disorienting vibe, actors morph from character to character; Lauren Schulke is particularly effective as both a callous policewoman and a sympathetic voice on a college code of conduct board.

    Matthew J. Palm, Orlando Sentinel, 23 Sep. 2022

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘policewoman.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1853, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of policewoman was
    in 1853

    Dictionary Entries Near policewoman

    Cite this Entry

    “Policewoman.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on policewoman

    Last Updated:
    28 Mar 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged




    A woman who is a member of a police force.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



    n, pl -women

    (Law) a female police officer

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


    (pəˈlisˌwʊm ən)

    n., pl. -wom•en.

    a woman who is a member of a police force.


    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



    A member of a law-enforcement agency:

    The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



    kvindelig politibetjent






    여자 경찰관



    kvinnlig polis


    nữ cảnh sát


    [pəˈliːsˌwʊmən] N (policewomen (pl)) → mujer f policía

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (pəˈliːs) noun plural

    the men and women whose job is to prevent crime, keep order, see that laws are obeyed etc. Call the police!; The police are investigating the matter; (also adjective) the police force, a police officer.


    to supply (a place) with police. We cannot police the whole area.

    police dog

    a dog trained to work with policemen (in tracking criminals, finding drugs etc).

    poˈliceman, poˈlicewoman nouns

    a member of the police.

    police station

    the office or headquarters of a local police force. The lost dog was taken to the police station.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


    ضَابِطَةُ شُرْطَة policistka kvindelig politibetjent Polizistin αστυνομικίνα policía naispoliisi femme policier policajka poliziotta 婦人警官 여자 경찰관 politieagente politikvinne policjantka mulher polícia, policial женщина-полицейский kvinnlig polis ตำรวจหญิง kadın polis nữ cảnh sát 女警察

    Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

    • I want to speak to a policewoman

    Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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