Is pokering a word


poker bar — подъёмная рейка
hot poker — раскалённая кочерга
Old Poker — дьявол
poker game — игра в покер
poker face — бесстрастное, ничего не выражающее лицо; бесстрастное, каменное лицо
poker work — рисунок, выжжённый по дереву
poker-work — рисунок, выжженный по дереву; выжигание по дереву; рисунок по дереву
poker hook — кочерга
coal poker — шуровка
poker back — деформирующий спондилит; болезнь Штрюмпеля; болезнь Бехтерева

poker dice — вид игральных костей ; игра такими костями
poker faced — с ничего не выражающим лицом; с каменным лицом; бесстрастный
poker-faced — ничего не выражающим лицом; бесстрастный; с каменным
poker spine — болезнь Бехтерева — Штрюмпелля — Мари; болезнь Бехтерева-Штрюмпелля-Мари
strip poker — покер с раздеванием
a poker face — каменное лицо
poker worker — выжигатель по дереву; выжигатель по коже
regular poker — настоящий покер
poker drawing — рисунок, выжженный по дереву; выжигание по дереву
do poker-work — выжигать по дереву; выжечь по дереву
poker picture — рисунок, выжженный по дереву
poker-picture — выжжённый по дереву, коже и т. п. рисунок; рисунок, выжженный по дереву
poker-breaker — жена
straight poker — кочерга
poker painting — рисунок, выжженный по дереву; выжигание по дереву
poker-painting — рисунок, выжженный по дереву; выжигание по дереву
poker vibrator — внутренний вибратор; глубинный вибратор; штыковой вибратор
pneumatic poker — пневматический прокалыватель
poker vibration — глубинная вибрация
simplified poker — упрощенный покер

ещё 20 примеров свернуть


Can you play poker?

Вы умеете играть в покер?

Poker is a game of chance.

Покер — это игра случая.

I’m game for a little poker.

Я не прочь поиграть немного в покер.

He plays a mean game of poker.

Он охренительно играет в покер.

Poker is a game of luck and skill.

Покер это игра удачи и мастерства.

He plays poker most every evening.

Он играет в покер почти каждый вечер.

Several fun-filled evenings of poker.

Несколько полных веселья вечеров, проведенных за покером.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He likes to kibitz our poker games.  

Phil dropped $200 playing poker yesterday.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Другие формы слова:

-  poker

I need to check if a string contains any one of the banned words. My requirements are:

  1. Case insensitive which is why I used stripos()
  2. Word should be separated by spaces, for example if banned word is «poker», «poker game» or «game poker match» should come under banned string and «trainpokering great» should come under good string.

I have tried something like below

$string  = "poker park is great";

if (stripos($string, 'poker||casino') === false) 

echo "banned words found";

echo $string;

HamZa's user avatar


14.6k11 gold badges54 silver badges75 bronze badges

asked Dec 16, 2014 at 8:10

Devaki Arulmami's user avatar


Use preg_match to match a regular expression:

$string  = "poker park is great";

if (preg_match("/(poker|casino)/", $string)) {
  echo "banned words found";
} else {
  echo $string;

UPDATE: As suggested in comments and in Mayur Relekar answer, if you want your match to be case-insensitive, you should add an i flag to your regex.
And, if you want to match words (i.e., «poker» should be preceded and followed by a word-boundary, for example a space, a punctuation, or an end-of-file), you should enclose your matching group with b

if (preg_match("/b(poker|casino)b/i", $string)) {

answered Dec 16, 2014 at 8:14

MarcoS's user avatar


17.1k23 gold badges94 silver badges170 bronze badges


MarcoS is right, except that in your case you need to match the exact string and not an unbound string. For this, you need to prefix and suffix b (b is a word delimiter) to the string you want to exactly match.

$string  = "poker park is great";
if (preg_match("/bpokerb/", $string)) {
    echo "banned words found";
} else {
    echo $string;

answered Dec 16, 2014 at 8:39

Mayur Relekar's user avatar


$string  = "park doing great with pokering. casino is too dangerous.";
$needles = array("poker","casino");
foreach($needles as $needle){
  if (preg_match("/b".$needle."b/", $string)) {
    echo "banned words found";
echo $string;

answered Dec 16, 2014 at 8:32

Neo's user avatar


4095 silver badges18 bronze badges


You could use an array and join it

$arr = array('poker','casino','some','other', 'word', 'regex+++*much/escaping()');
$string = 'cool guy';

for($i = 0, $l = count($arr); $i < $l; $i++) {
    $arr[$i] = preg_quote($arr[$i], '/');   // Automagically escape regex tokens (think about quantifiers +*, [], () delimiters etc...)
//print_r($arr); // Check the results after escaping

if(preg_match('/b(?:' . join('|', $arr). ')b/i', $string)) { // now we don't need to fear 
    echo 'banned words found';
} else {
    echo $string;

It uses word boundary and joins the array.

HamZa's user avatar


14.6k11 gold badges54 silver badges75 bronze badges

answered Dec 16, 2014 at 8:16

Amit Joki's user avatar

Amit JokiAmit Joki

57.9k7 gold badges75 silver badges95 bronze badges


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a glossary of poker terms used in the card game of poker. It supplements the glossary of card game terms. Besides the terms listed here, there are thousands of common and uncommon poker slang terms. This is not intended to be a formal dictionary; precise usage details and multiple closely related senses are omitted here in favor of concise treatment of the basics.


ace in the hole
One of the hole cards is an ace[1]
ace-to-five, ace-to-six
Methods of evaluating low hands. See lowball.
To make a play (check, bet, call, raise, or fold) at the required time, compare to in turn.
acting out of turn
A player in poker that either announces their actions or physically plays before their turn (checks, folds etc.). Sometimes players act out of turn intentionally to get a read out of other players. When done intentionally, this is often referred to as «angle shooting.» See angle shooting.[1]
A player’s turn to act; a willingness to gamble; or a bet, along with all the calls of that bet
action button
A marker similar to a kill button, on which a player places an extra forced bet. In a seven-card stud high-low game, the action button is awarded to the winner of a scoop pot above a certain size, signifying that in the next pot, that player will be required to post an amount representing a completion of the bring-in to a full bet.
action card
In Texas hold ’em, and other community card poker games, a card appearing on the board that causes significant betting action because it helps two or more players.
action only
In many cardrooms, with respect to an all-in bet, only a full (or half) bet can be reraised. Anything less than a full (or half) bet is considered to be action only, that is, other players can call the bet but not raise it. Compare with full bet rule and half bet rule.
active players
Any players still involved in the pot. In hand histories often referred to as hero and villain.[2] In side pots, an all-in player may be active in some pots, but not in others.
In a live game, to buy more chips before busting. In tournament play, a single rebuy for which all players are eligible regardless of their stack size. This is usually allowed only once, at the end of the rebuy period. The add-on often offers more chips per dollar invested than the buy-in and rebuys. Compare with rebuy.
To make an obvious play or expose cards in such a way as to deliberately convey an impression to opponents about the advertising player’s style of play.
aggressive, aggression
The tendency for a player to open betting or raise rather than call or check. See main article: aggression. Compare with loose, tight, passive.
aggression factor (AF)
A measure of a player’s aggression, either in a particular betting round or over all betting rounds
A hand that has a very low value against an opponent’s such as «9 high.» In lowball, giving air is when a player lets an opponent who might otherwise fold know that they intend to draw one or more cards, to induce them to call.
A dead hand
When a player bets all of their chips in the current hand. See main article: all-in.
A permitted, but borderline unethical, play
angle shooting
Intentionally using an angle to exploit an opponent such as obscuring the size of their chip stack or acting out of turn. See acting out of turn.
A forced bet required, in some types of poker, of all players before the hand begins. See main article: ante.
ante off
In tournament play, to force an absent player to continue paying antes, blinds, bring-ins, and other forced bets so that the contest remains fair to the other players. Also blind off.
any two cards
An expression used in Texas hold ’em to say that a player’s cards do not matter in a decision


A prefix for (one of) the lowest-ranking possible of any particular made hand on a particular board. For example, the lowest-ranking full house possible for a paired board in hold ’em (i.e. one that would be beaten by any other possible full house) is the baby full house.
A draw requiring two or more rounds to fill; a hand made other than the hand the player intended to make
back in
To enter a pot by checking and then calling someone else’s open on the first betting round. Usually used in games like jackpots, meaning to enter without openers.
back into
To win a pot with a hand that would have folded to any bet
A reraise from a player who previously called in the same betting round
bad beat
To lose a hand where one hand is considerably ahead of the eventual winning hand. See main article: bad beat.
Playing very different hands in the same way, with the aim of making it more difficult for an opponent to gain useful information about the cards a player has.
Also called the house, the person responsible for distributing chips, keeping track of the buy-ins, and paying winners at the end of the game.
The amount of money that a player has to wager for the duration of their poker career; to fund someone’s participation in a game. Compare with staking.
bankroll management
Choosing the correct stakes and game type to avoid exhausting a bankroll during downswings
Not (currently) having the best hand; money on the table but not currently in the pot, which can be bet later in the hand; money in play but not visible as chips in front of a player
Any money wagered during the play of a hand
The opening bet of a betting round
In a fixed limit game, the standard betting amount
betting structure
The complete set of rules regarding forced bets, limits, raise caps, and such for a particular game. See main article: betting.
big bet
The larger of two bet amounts in a fixed limit game. See main article: big bet.
big bet game
A game played with no limit or a pot limit betting structure
big blind
The larger of two forced bets in certain types of poker. See main article: blind.
big blind special
A hand won by the big blind playing very weak pocket cards because there was no raise pre-flop
big full
The best possible full house in community card games. A stronger hand than the underfull.
big stack
A stack of chips that is relatively large for the stakes being played. Also called deep stack. Also the biggest stack at the table. Compare with short stack.
A card, frequently a community card, of no apparent value. Compare with rag, brick, bomb.
A non-standard poker hand of five face cards that outranks a flush
To consistently lose chips through bad play, possibly resulting from tilting
A type of forced bet. See main article: blind.
In the dark
blind defense
To call or raise an opponent’s raise when in the big blind, rather than folding an otherwise weak hand, in order to exploit overly aggressive players.[3]
blind steal
A raise from a late position with a weak hand when all other players have folded, with the intention of winning the blinds and antes.[3]
blind stud
A stud poker game in which all cards are dealt face down. Was popular in California before legal rulings made traditional stud legal there.
blind off, blinded
To ante off
When a player’s stack is reduced by paying ever increasing blinds in tournaments
In community card poker, holding one of the opponent’s outs, typically when the board threatens a straight or straight draw. A blocker is also having a combination of cards that turn your opponent’s outs into your own. Compare with dry ace.
blocking bet
An abnormally small bet made by a player out of position intended to discourage a larger bet by an opponent
A bet made with a hand that is mathematically unlikely to be the best hand, either to make money or to disguise play patterns. See main article: bluff.
bluff catcher
A hand that can only beat a bluff.
bluff induce
To make an action with a strong hand that represents a weak hand with the intention of encouraging your opponent to try to bluff you off of the hand with a big bet. This could be an aggressive or passive action depending on your table image.
The set of community cards in a community card game
The set of face-up cards of a particular player in a stud game
The set of all face-up cards in a stud game
Another name for a full house
bomb pot
A hand where each player agrees to place a predetermined bet amount into the pot before the hand is dealt.
A hand, usually in a game with a blind structure, which is instead played with antes and which goes straight to the second round of betting.
both ways
Both halves of a split pot, often declared by a player who thinks they will win both low and high
bottom dealing
Trick or cheating deal where a card or cards are dealt from the bottom of the deck rather than the top. See main article: bottom dealing.
bottom end
The lowest of several possible straights, especially in a community card game. Also idiot end.
bottom pair, bottom set
In a community card game, a pair (or set) made by matching the lowest-ranking board card with one (or two) in one’s private hand. Compare second pair, top pair.
An aspect of some poker tournaments that rewards players for eliminating other players with a cash prize for each player they eliminate, separate from the tournament payout structure. See main article: bounty.
The chip tray in front of a house dealer, and by extension, the house dealer’s position at the table
boxed card
A card encountered face-up in the assembled deck during the deal, as opposed to one overturned in the act of dealing. Most house rules treat a boxed card as if it does not exist; that is, it is placed aside and not used. Different rules cover cards exposed during the deal.
In a draw poker game, to discard cards that make a made hand in the hope of making a better one. In a jacks-or-better draw game, a player breaking a high pair must keep the discarded card aside, to prove they had openers.
To end a session of play
During a tournament, an intermission
A blank, though more often used in the derogatory sense of a card that is undesirable rather than merely inconsequential,. Also known as a bomb. Compare with rags.
brick and mortar
A brick and mortar casino is a real casino based in a building, as opposed to an online casino. This refers to many real world locations as opposed to their Internet counterparts.
bridge order
Poker is neutral about suits, but in determining the dealer at the start of a game, or in determining the bring in bettor in a stud game, bridge rank rules are used: spades beat hearts beat diamonds beat clubs.
bring in
To open a betting round
A forced bet in stud games. In the first betting round, the holder of the worst (lowest or highest, depending) upcard must post a bring-in bet. The bring-in bet is typically a quarter to a third of a small bet. The bring-in bettor may look at their cards, and place a full bet if they choose.
A 10 through ace straight. Can also include any group of cards from 10 to ace.
A casino employee whose job it is to greet players entering the poker room, maintain the list of persons waiting to play, announce open seats, and various other duties (including brushing off tables to prepare them for new games, hence the name).
To recruit players into a game
In Texas Hold’em, when your hole cards are a 10 and a 2 of any suit. Named after Doyle Brunson, who in 1976 and 1977, won the No Limit Hold ‘Em event at the World Series of Poker with a ten and a two, in both cases completing a full house.
The last finishing position in a poker tournament before entering the payout structure
bubble factor
The factor by which the odds in chips differ from the odds in dollars.[3] See also main article: expected value.
Marker to indicate which player is dealer (or last to act). See button.
A limited wild card. See main article: bug. Compare with wild card.
A player who raises frequently to force out more cautious players, especially one with a large stack for the size of the game[4]
burn card, burn
A card that is removed from the deal to prevent cheating. See main article: burn card.
An uncompleted hand
To lose all of one’s chips
Most commonly a marker that indicates the dealer position at the table, but other specialized buttons exist. See main article: button. Also buck or hat.
The minimum required amount of chips that must be bought to become involved in a game or tournament
buy short
To buy into a game for an amount smaller than the normal buy-in
buy the button
A rule originating in northern California casinos in games played with blinds, in which a new player sitting down with the button to their right (who would normally be required to sit out a hand as the button passed, then post to come in) may choose to pay the amount of both blinds for this one hand (the amount of the large blind playing as a live blind, and the amount of the small blind as dead money), play this hand, and then receive the button on the next hand as if they had been playing all along. See public cardroom rules.
A tactic most often used by late-position players: a raise to encourage the later and button players to fold, thus giving the raiser last position in subsequent betting rounds
buy the pot
Making a bet when no one else is betting so as to force the other players to fold, thus winning the pot uncontested. A specialized version of this is buying the blinds by making a large raise in the first round forcing all other players out of the hand.


To match a bet or raise. See main article: call.
call the clock
A method of discouraging players from taking an excessively long time to act. When someone calls the clock, the player has a set amount of time in which to make up their mind; if they fail to do so, their hand is immediately declared dead. In tournament play, any player can call a clock.
calling station
A player who frequently calls bets, but rarely raises them. A calling station is usually a loose passive player. See main article: calling station.
A limit on the number of raises allowed in a betting round. Typically three or four (in addition to the opening bet). In most casinos, the cap is removed if there are only two players remaining either at the beginning of the betting round, or at the time that what would have otherwise been the last raise is made.
Also, term for the chip, token, or object placed atop one’s cards to show continued involvement with a hand
cap game
Similar to cap above, but refers to a no-limit or pot limit game with a cap on the amount that a player can bet during the course of a hand. Once the cap is reached, all players remaining in the hand are considered all-in.
card protector
In games where all of a player’s cards are facedown, some players use items like specialty chips or glass figures to place on top of their cards to protect them from being accidentally discarded.[5]
Standard playing cards are used. In home games it is common to have two decks with distinct backs, and to shuffle the unused deck while each hand is in progress. Casinos typically use plastic decks that can handle the added wear and tear, as casino players often read their «hole» cards by peeking at the corner rather than lifting the card. Due to cost, home games tend to use paper cards. It is not unusual for paper cards to become bent quickly. Card quality can be preserved for longer if players agree not to bend cards, and proper shuffling techniques are used.
cards speak
See main article: cards speak
case card
The last available card of a certain description
cash game
A game where each hand is played for real money as opposed to tournament play. See main article: ring game.
cash plays
An announcement, usually by a dealer, that a player who has requested to buy chips and can bet the cash they have on the table in lieu of chips until receiving their chips. In many card rooms, it also refers to the policy that $100 bills may remain on the table and are considered to be in play in cash form, rather than converted to chips.
Winning a share of the prize money in a tournament
cashing out
Exchanging chips for cash when leaving a game. Removing money from an online poker site.
To receive needed cards on a draw. Often used with an adjective to further specify, catch perfect, catch inside, catch smooth.
catch up
To successfully complete a draw, thus defeating a player who previously had a better hand
catch perfect
To catch the only two possible cards that will complete a hand and win the pot, often those leading to a straight flush. Usually used in Texas hold ’em. Compare with runner-runner.
center pot
The main pot in a table stakes game where one or more players are all in
To call a bet to see the next card when holding a drawing hand when the pot odds do not merit it
To continue to play a drawing hand over multiple betting rounds, especially one unlikely to succeed
To continue playing with a hand that is not likely the best because one has already invested money in the pot. See sunk cost fallacy.
To bet nothing. See main article: check.
A casino chip
check out
To fold, in turn, even though there is no bet facing the player. In some games this is considered a breach of the rules equivalent to folding out of turn.
Deceptive play whereby a player initially checks with the intention of raising should another player bet. See main article: check-raise.
A small disk or tablet used in place of money. See casino token. Currency is difficult to stack or handle, so most poker games are played with chips, or coin-shaped tokens of uniform size and weight, usually 39mm wide and anywhere from 5 to 16 grams in weight, whose money value is determined by their color. Historically, poker chips were made of bone; however, modern casino chips are often made of clay or a clay composite and are considered the most upscale variety of poker chip; other high-end chips are made of ceramic. Plastic chips are also available, at a wide variety of quality levels.
chip declare
A method of declaring intent to play high or low in a split-pot game with declaration. See declaration.
chip dumping
A strategy whereby one player deliberately loses chips to another player. Where players have agreed to take such action together, this is a form of collusion.
chip leader
The player currently holding the most chips in a tournament (or occasionally a live no limit game)
chip race
An event in tournament poker where chips of a value lower than the minimum required are removed from play. See main article: chip race.
chip up
To exchange lower-denomination chips for higher-denomination chips. In tournament play, the term means to remove all the small chips from play by rounding up any odd small chips to the nearest large denomination, rather than using a chip race.
To steadily accumulate chips in tournament play, typically by winning small pots with minimal risk-taking.
To split a pot because of a tie, split-pot game, or player agreement
To play a game for a short time and cash out. Also hit and run.
A request made by a player for the dealer to make change
An agreement by all players remaining in a tournament to distribute the remaining money in the prize pool according to an agreed-upon formula instead of playing the tournament to completion. Usually occurs at the final table of a large tournament.
chopping the blinds
Ending a hand when all players have folded to the blinds with the blinds being returned to those who paid them. See main article: chopping the blinds.
click raise
Making the minimum raise. Refers to online poker where players click the raise button without specifying the amount of raise.
See main article: closed
coffee housing
Talking in an attempt to mislead other players about the strength of a hand. This is also called speech play.
coin flip
A situation where two players have invested all their money in the pot and have a roughly even chance of winning. Also race.
cold call
To call an amount that represents a sum of bets or raises by more than one player without previously calling or making a bet in the same round. Compare with flat call, overcall.
cold deck
A «stacked» deck (a deck arranged in a preset order, to effect a specific outcome once dealt) which is deceptively switched with the original deck of cards in play, to benefit a player or the dealer. So named because when the deck is put into the game, it has not had a chance to warm up from handling by the players and dealer.
A form of cheating involving cooperation among two or more players. See cheating in poker.
color change, color up
To exchange small-denomination chips for larger ones
combo, combination game
A casino table at which multiple forms of poker are played in rotation
combo draw, combination draw
A hand containing both a flush draw and a straight draw. See draw.
come bet, on the come
A bet or raise made with a drawing hand, building the pot in anticipation of filling the draw
community card
See main article: community card poker
complete hand
See made hand
To raise a small bet up to the amount of what would be a normal-sized bet. See table stakes.
Two or more cards of consecutive or close to consecutive rank
continuation bet
A bet made after the flop by the player who took the lead in betting before the flop (Texas hold ’em and Omaha hold ’em). Also called a c-bet. Compare with probe bet.
A situation in which a player holds the second best hand, so strong considering the circumstances, that they are apt to lose the maximum with it no matter how they play it
The act of counting the cards that remain in the stub after all cards have been dealt, done by a dealer to ensure that a complete deck is being used
See main article: counterfeit. Also duplicate.
A player with whom one is sharing a buy-in, with the intent to split the result after play. To go cow is to make such an arrangement.
In some community card games, to cripple the deck means to have a hand that is virtually impossible for anyone else to catch up to.
crying call
Calling when a player thinks they do not have the best hand
See main article: cut
cut card
A distinctive card, usually stiff solid-colored plastic, held against the bottom of the deck during the deal to prevent observation of the bottom card. While rarely used in home games, the cut card is universal in casino play.[6]
The seat immediately to the right of the button. Name derived from its positional strength, obtaining absolute position when the button folds.[7]


An action taken before receiving information to which the player would normally be entitled. Compare with blind.
dead blind
A blind that is not live, in that the player posting it does not have the option to raise if other players just call. Usually involves a small blind posted by a player entering, or returning to, a game (in a position other than the big blind) that is posted in addition to a live blind equal to the big blind.
dead button
See dead button rule
dead hand
A player’s hand that is not entitled to participate in the deal for some reason, such as having been fouled by touching another player’s cards, being found to contain the wrong number of cards, being dealt to a player who did not make the appropriate forced bets, etc.
dead man’s hand
See main article: dead man’s hand
dead money
The amount of money in the pot other than the equal amounts bet by active remaining players in that pot. Examples of dead money include money contributed to the pot by players who have folded, a dead blind posted by a player returning to a game after missing blinds, or an odd chip left in the pot from a previous deal. For example, eight players each ante $1, one player opens for $2, and gets two callers, making the pot total $14. Three players are now in the pot having contributed $3 each, for $9 «live» money; the remaining $5 (representing the antes of the players who folded) is dead money. The amount of dead money in a pot affects the pot odds of plays or rules of thumb that are based on the number of players. The term «dead money» is also used in a derogatory sense to refer to money put in the pot by players who are still legally eligible to win it, but who are unlikely to do so because they are unskilled, increasing the expected return of other players. This can also be applied to the player himself: «Let’s invite John every week; he’s dead money». The term «dead money» also applies in tournaments, when many casual players enter events with virtually no chance of winning.
To distribute cards to players in accordance with the rules of the game being played
A single instance of a game of poker, begun by shuffling the cards and ending with the award of a pot. Also called a hand (though both terms are ambiguous).
An agreement to split tournament prize money differently from the announced payouts
deal twice
In a cash game, when two players are involved in a large pot and one is all-in, they might agree to deal the remaining cards twice. If one player wins both times they win the whole pot, but if both players win one hand they split the pot. Also, play twice, run it twice.
The person dealing the cards
The person who assumes that role for the purposes of betting order in a game, even though someone else might be physically dealing. Also button. Compare with buck.
dealer’s choice
A version of poker in which the deal passes each game and each dealer can choose, or invent, a new poker game each hand or orbit. See main article: dealer’s choice.
To verbally indicate an action or intention. See declaration.
deep stack
A stack of chips that is relatively large for the stakes being played. Also called a big stack. Compare with short stack.
Making a play that defends the player against a bluff by forcing the suspected bluffer to fold or invest further
A two-spot card (i.e. a two of any suit). Also called a duck, quack, or swan.
Any of various related uses of the number two, such as a $2 limit game, a $2 chip, etc.
A method of evaluating low hands. See main article: deuce-to-seven low.
dirty stack
A stack of chips apparently of a single denomination, but with one or more chips of another. Usually the result of inattention while stacking a pot, but may also be an intentional deception.
To take a previously dealt card out of play. The set of all discards for a deal is called the muck or the deadwood.
dominated hand
A hand that is extremely unlikely to win against another specific hand, even though it may not be a poor hand in its own right. Most commonly used in Texas hold ’em. See also domination.
donk bet
A bet made in early position by a player who did not take the initiative in the previous betting round.
a weak player, also known as fish or donk
door card
In a stud game, a player’s first face-up card
In Texas hold ’em, the door card is the first visible card of the flop.
In draw poker, the sometimes visible card at the bottom of a player’s hand. Players will sometimes deliberately expose this card.
double-ace flush
Under unconventional rules, a flush with one or more wild cards in which they play as aces, even if an ace is already present
double belly buster straight draw
a combination of hole cards and exposed cards in hold ’em or stud games which does not include four connected cards, but where there are two different ranks of card that complete a straight
double-board, double-flop
Any of several community card game variants (usually Texas hold ’em) in which two separate boards of community cards are dealt simultaneously, with the pot split between the winning hands using each board.
Any of several draw poker games in which the draw phase and subsequent betting round are repeated twice
double raise
The minimum raise in a no-limit or pot-limit game, raising by just the amount of the current bet.
double suited
An Omaha hold ’em starting hand where two pairs of suited cards are held
double up, double through
In a big bet game, to bet all of one’s chips on one hand against a single opponent (who has an equal or larger stack) and win, thereby doubling the stack
Betting a smaller amount than the previous round of betting
A card that is dealt face-down
A period during which a player loses more than expected. See also: upswing.
drag light
To pull chips away from the pot to indicate that the player does not have enough money to cover a bet. If their hand wins, the amount is ignored. If not, they must cover the amount out of pocket. This is not allowed at any casino.
draw, drawing hand, come hand
See main article: draw
A drawing hand is when a player has a chance to improve their hand to something considerably stronger, typically a straight or a flush, through drawing the required cards on the flop, on the turn or on the river.[8]
drawing dead
Playing a drawing hand that will lose even if successful
Playing a hand that can never improve beyond the opponent’s hand
drawing live
Not drawing dead; that is, drawing to a hand that will win if successful
drawing thin
Not drawing completely dead, but chasing a draw in the face of poor odds
To fold
Money charged by the casino for providing its services, often dropped through a slot in the table into a strong box. See rake.
To drop one’s cards to the felt to indicate that one is in or out of a game
dry ace
In Omaha hold ’em or Texas hold ’em, an ace in one’s hand without another card of the same suit. Used especially to denote the situation where the board presents a flush possibility, when the player does not in fact have a flush, but holding the ace presents some bluffing or semi-bluffing opportunity and a redraw in case the flush draw comes on the turn or the river. Compare with blocker.
dry board
A measure of texture of the community cards. A board is considered dry when the cards on the table mean that it is unlikely that any player has improved their hand’s strength since before the flop. Compare with wet board.
dry pot
A side pot with no money created when a player goes all in and is called by more than one opponent, but not raised. If subsequent betting occurs, the money will go to the dry pot.
To counterfeit, especially when the counterfeiting card matches one already present in one’s hand


early position
See position.
effective nuts
A hand that is not the actual nut hand but strong enough to be played like it.[2]
effective stack
The smallest stack size among two players, in a heads-up pot the effective stack determines the maximum amount either player can lose.[2]
eight or better
A common qualifier in high-low split games that use ace-5 ranking. Only hands where the highest card is an eight or less can win the low portion of the pot.
One’s mathematical expected value from the current deal, calculated by multiplying the amount of money in the pot by one’s probability of winning. If a split is possible, the equity also includes the probability of winning a split times the size of that split.
expectation, expected value, EV
See main article: expected value. Used in poker to mean profitability in the long run.
exposed card
A card whose face has been deliberately or accidentally revealed to players normally not entitled to that information during the play of the game. Various games have different rules about how to handle this irregularity. Compare with boxed card.


family pot
A deal in which every (or almost every) seated player calls the first opening bet.
Aggressive play. Compare with speeding.
A hand which, when matched against another in a showdown, has an advantage odds-wise over the other. A hand can be called a small or a big favorite depending on how much it is dominating the other. Contrast underdog where the situations are reversed. Favorites are usually used to compare how two hole cards do against two other hole cards pre-flop.
In a casino setting, a second or third table playing the same game as the main table, and from which players move to the main game as players are eliminated. Also called a must-move table.
The cloth covering of a poker table, whatever the actual material. Metonymically, the table itself.
Showing down a hand while all-in (so there is only felt left in front of the player); either betting all-in and getting called or calling all-in.
All players as a collective in a large tournament.
fifth street
The last card dealt to the board in community card games. Also see river.
The fifth card dealt to each player in stud poker.
fill, fill up
To successfully draw to a hand that needs one card to complete it, by getting the last card of a straight, flush, or full house.
final table
The last table in a multi-table poker tournament. The final table is set when a sufficient number of people have been eliminated from the tournament leaving an exact number of players to occupy one table (typically no more than ten players).
first position
The playing position to the direct left of the blinds in Texas hold ’em and Omaha hold ’em, also known as under the gun. The player in first position must act first on the first round of betting.
A weak player. See also donkey.
To chase draws holding a weak hand. Especially when facing aggressive play by another player.
five of a kind
A hand possible only in games with wild cards, or a game with more than one deck, defeating all other hands, comprising five cards of equal rank.
fixed limit, flat limit
See main article: fixed limits.
Any card which becomes briefly exposed by accident to at least one player must be shown to all the players by the dealer during dealing. The card is said to be flashed to all players before being discarded to the muck pile. See also exposed.
Unintentionally showing the bottom of the deck if not using a cut card.
To show one or more downcards from one’s hand.
flat call
A call, in a situation where one might be expected to raise. Also smooth call. Compare with cold call, overcall. See slow play.
Calling a bet with the intention of bluffing on a later betting round.
floorman, floorperson, floor
A casino employee whose duties include adjudicating player disputes, keeping games filled and balanced, and managing dealers and other personnel. Players may shout «floor» to call for a floorperson to resolve a dispute, to ask for a table or seat change, or to ask for some other casino service.
The dealing of the first three face-up cards to the board, refers also to those three cards themselves. Also see turn and river.
flop game
A community card game.
A hand comprising five cards of the same suit. See List of poker hands.
To discard one’s hand and forfeit interest in the current pot. See main article: fold.
fold equity
The portion of the pot one expects to win, on average, by a bet that induces opponents to fold, rather than seeing the showdown. See also equity.
forced bet
See main article: forced bets.
In a casino where more than one table is playing the same game with the same betting structure, one of the tables may be designated the main table, and will be kept full by requiring a player to move from one of the feeder tables to fill any vacancies. Players will generally be informed that their table is a forced-move table to be used in this way before they agree to play there. Also must-move.
forward motion
A house rule of some casinos states that if a player in turn picks up chips from their stack and moves their hand toward the pot (forward motion with chips in hand), this constitutes a commitment to bet (or call), and the player may not withdraw their hand to check or fold. Such a player still has the choice of whether to call or raise. Compare with string bet.
fouled hand
A hand that is ruled unplayable because of an irregularity, such as being found with too many or too few cards, having been mixed with cards of other players or the muck, having fallen off the table. Compare with dead hand.
Four cards of the same suit. A non-standard poker hand in some games, an incomplete drawing hand in most. See main article: four flush.
four of a kind
A hand containing four cards of equal rank. Also quads. See list of poker hands.
Four cards in rank sequence; either an open-ender or one-ender. A non-standard poker hand in some games, an incomplete drawing hand in most. Sometimes four to a straight.
fourth street
The fourth card dealt to the board in community card games. Also turn.
The fourth card dealt to each player in stud.
free card
A card dealt to one’s hand (or to the board of community cards) after a betting round in which no player opened. One is thereby being given a chance to improve one’s hand without having to pay anything.
See main article: freeroll.
The most common form of tournament. There are no rebuys and play continues until one player has all the chips.
full house, full boat, full hand, full
A hand with three cards of one rank and two of a second rank. Also boat or tight. See list of poker hands.
full bet rule
In some casinos, the rule that a player must wager the full amount required in order for their action to constitute a raise. Compare with half bet rule. See public cardroom rules and all in betting.
full ring
A full ring game is a cash game with more than six players involved, typically nine to eleven. This term is normally used in the context of online poker. Compare with shorthanded.


gap hand
In Texas hold ’em, a gap hand is a starting hand with at least one rank separating the two cards. Usually referred to in context of one-gap and two-gap hands.
get away
To fold a strong hand against a supposedly superior hand. Compare with laydown.
going north
To sneak additional chips onto the table so as to have effectively bought in above the table limit
going south
To sneak a portion of chips from the table while the game is underway. Normally prohibited in public card rooms. Also ratholing.
A player who earns a living by making small profits over a long period of consistent, conservative play. Compare with rock.
guts, guts to open
A game with no opening hand requirement
Any of several poker variants where pots accumulate over several hands until a single player wins.
gut shot, gutshot, gutter
See inside straight draw
To enter the pot cheaply by just calling the blind rather than raising. Also limp.


half bet rule
In some casinos, the rule that placing chips equal to or greater than half the normal bet amount beyond the amount required to call constitutes a commitment to raise the normal amount. Compare with full bet rule. See «all in» betting
In tournament play, the act of equalizing the number of hands played at two or more tables by waiting for slower tables to finish each hand before beginning the next hand on every table. This is usually done to ensure an accurate finishing order to distribute prize money.
hand history
The retelling or documentation of a hand played.
When the bottom card of the deck sticks out beyond the others, an unwanted tell that the dealer is dealing from the bottom of the deck.
heads up
Playing against a single opponent
See rush
In hand histories the player from whose perspective the hand is played, as opposed to villain.[2]
hero call
Calling when a player has a relatively weak hand but suspects their opponent may be bluffing
high hand, high
The best hand using traditional poker hand values, as opposed to lowball. Used especially in high-low split games.
high card
A no pair hand, ranked according to its highest-ranking cards
To defeat another player by virtue of high-ranking cards, especially kickers
To randomly select a player for some purpose by having each draw one card, the highest of which is selected (for example, to decide who deals first).
high-low, high-low split
See main article: high-low split
hijack seat
The seat to the right of the cutoff seat, or second to the right of the button. Name derived from its positional strength, obtaining absolute position when the button and the cutoff folds.[7]
hit and run
Cashing out of a ring game shortly after winning a large pot. Considered poor etiquette by most players barring extenuating circumstances.
hole cards, hole
Face-down cards. Also pocket cards
A seat, often preceded by a number relative to the button.
hole cam
A camera that displays a player’s face-down cards (hole cards) to television viewers. Also pocket cam or lipstick cam
To «Hollywood» (used as a verb) refers to acting or talking in an exaggerated way so as to encourage a specific reaction from an opponent during a hand.
home game
A game played at a private venue (usually the home of one of the players), as opposed to a casino or public cardroom.
A player financially backed by someone else. Compare with bankroll and staking
See main article: H.O.R.S.E.


ICM stands for independent chip model, and is defined as the act of assigning a monetary value to a chip stack in tournaments or sit n gos. This value dictates the decision making process especially in push/fold situations.
ignorant end, idiot end
In flop games, a player drawing to, or even flopping, a straight with undercards to the flop has the idiot end of it. A player with 8-9 betting on a flop of A-10-J puts themself at great risk, because many of the cards that complete their straight give credible opponents higher ones.
implied pot odds, implied odds
See main article: implied pot odds
To achieve a better hand than one currently holds by adding or exchanging cards as provided in the rules of the game being played.
in position
A player is said to be in position, if the player is last to act on the flop, turn and river betting rounds. Compare with out of position
in the middle
In a game with multiple blinds, an incoming player may sometimes be allowed to post the blinds in the middle (that is, out of their normal order) rather than having to wait for them to pass.
in the money
To finish high enough in a poker tournament to win prize money
in turn
A player is said to be in turn if that player is expected to act next under the rules.
inside straight
See inside straight draw. Also «belly buster», «gutshot». Compare to outside straight draw
A deal in which players agree to split or reduce a pot (roughly in proportion to the chances of each of them winning) with more cards to come rather than playing out the hand, or a deal where one player makes a side bet against themself with a third party to hedge against a large loss.
irregular declaration
An action taken by a player in turn that is not a straightforward declaration of intent, but that is reasonably interpreted as an action by other players, such as pointing a thumb up to signify a raise. House rules or dealer discretion may determine when such actions are meaningful and binding.
Any of a number of abnormal conditions in play, such as unexpectedly exposed cards, that may call for corrective action. See public cardroom rules
See main article: isolation
«In the money,» see above.


A game of jackpot poker or jackpots, which is a variant of five-card draw with an ante from each player, no blinds, and an opening requirement of a pair of jacks or better.
A large pool of money collected by the house and awarded for some rare occurrence, typically a bad beat.
A 53rd card used mostly in draw games. The joker may usually be used as an ace, or a card to complete a straight or flush, in high games, and as the lowest card not already present in a hand at low. See bug
Money collected by the house. Also vig, vigorish. See rake
A hand with little expected value


See main article: kicker
kill button
In a kill game, a button that shows which player has the kill action. See main article: kill game
kill game, kill pot
See main article: kill game
kill hand
A hand with different betting rules in a kill game. See main article: kill game
A pool of money built by collecting small amounts from certain pots, often used to buy refreshments, cards, and so on. The home-game equivalent of a rake.


A loose aggressive style of play in which a player plays a lot of starting hands and makes many small raises in hopes of out-playing their opponents
a plastic, chip-shaped tokens with text written on them. Most commonly used is a dealer button with either the word «DEALER» or a «D» written on it; this item (also known as the buck) indicates who shall deal next. In a casino setting, lammers are also used to indicate which variant is being used, whose turn it is to pay the blind, etc., and lammers are also a name for «chips» awarded in satellite tournaments as buy-in chips to larger tournaments.[9]
last to act
A player is last to act if all players between the player and the button have folded.
The choice to fold a strong hand in anticipation of superior opposition
The player who makes the last bet or raise in a round of betting is said to have the lead at the start of the next round. Can also be used as a verb meaning to bet out into the pot, to lead into the pot.
Used in tournament play to refer to the size of the blinds that are periodically increased
leg-up, leg-up button
The button used to signify who has won the previous hand in a kill game
A hand that is not likely to be best. Usually used as an action descriptor; call light, three-bet light. See semi-bluff
The minimum or maximum amount of a bet
See fixed limit
limp, limp in
To enter a pot by simply calling a bet instead of raising
A reraise from a player that previously limped in the same betting round. Also backraise
live bet.
A bet posted by a player under conditions that give them the option to raise even if no other player raises first; typically because it was posted as a blind or straddle.
live cards
In stud poker games, cards that will improve a hand that have not been seen among anyone’s upcards, and are therefore presumably still available. In games such as Texas hold ’em, a player’s hand is said to contain live cards if matching either of them on the board would give that player the lead over their opponents. Typically refers to a hand that is weak, but not dominated.
live hand
A hand still eligible to win the pot; one with the correct number of cards that has not been mucked or otherwise invalidated
live game
A game with a lot of action. See also live poker.
live poker
A retronym for poker played at a table with cards, as opposed to video poker or online poker
lock up
To lock up a seat in a cash game means to place a poker chip, player’s card, or other personal effect on the table in front of the seat, to signify that the seat is occupied even though the player may not be present.
To play more hands than the average for the game or for the player normally. See loose/tight play. Compare with tight, aggressive, passive.
The lowest card by rank
The low half of the pot in a high-low split


A measure of the health of a chip stack as a function of the cost to play each round. See main article: M-ratio.
made hand
A hand that does not need improvement to win. Compare with a drawing hand.
A very loose and aggressive player, who bets and raises frequently, and often in situations where it is not good strategy to do so. Opposite of rock.
A person at a poker table that is the focus of attention, often due to their inexperience
match the pot
To bet an amount equal to all the chips in the pot
Internet poker games with stakes so small that real cardrooms could not profit from them, are said to be at the micro-limit level.
middle pair
In a community card game, making a pair with neither the highest nor lowest card of the community cards. See also second pair.
middle position
See position
A deal which is ruined for some reason and must be redealt
missed blind
A required bet that is not posted when it is a player’s turn to do so, perhaps occurring when a player absents themself from the table. Various rules require the missed bet to be made up upon the player’s return.
move in
In a no-limit game, to move in or to go all in means to bet one’s entire stake on the hand in play. See table stakes.
multi-table tournament (MTT)
See Poker tournament
To fold
To discard one’s hand without revealing the cards. Often done after winning without a showdown or at a showdown when a better hand has already been revealed.
The discard pile
multi-way pot
A pot where several players compete for it. Also known as a family pot, although family pot sometimes means a pot where all players participate.


negative freeroll
See main article: negative freeroll.
A player who is unwilling to take risks and plays only premium hands in the top range.
Rules designating that players are allowed to wager any or all of their chips in a single bet. See no-limit
nosebleed stakes
also known as nosebleed, is the highest stakes offered in cash game poker, generally where the blinds are at least $200/$400[10][11]
When a player only has the possibility of a high card and no other hand that will win.
nothing card
In community card poker, a newly revealed community card that does not affect the value of any player’s hand.
nut hand (the nuts)
The nut hand is the best possible hand in a given situation.[2] Players sometimes evaluate hands by ranking them as being the pure nuts, the second nuts or the effective nuts.
nut low
The best possible low hand in high-low split games


Cards that are not of the same suit.
on the button
Being in the dealer position. As the position whose turn to bet comes last, it is the most advantageous and profitable position in poker.
one-chip rule
A call of a previous bet using a chip of a higher denomination than necessary is considered a call unless it is verbally announced as a raise.
one-eyed royals
See main article: one-eyed royals
one-ended straight draw
Four out of the five cards needed for a straight that can only be completed with one specific rank of card, in cases where the needed card rank is either higher or lower than the cards already held as part of the sequence; as opposed to an inside straight draw or an open-ended straight draw.
While A-2-3-4 and A-K-Q-J are the only truly one-ended straight draw possibilities, an open-ended straight draw could be considered one-ended if one of the card ranks needed to complete it would also give an opponent a hand of higher rank than a straight.
To bet first. See main article: open
open-ended straight draw, open-ended
An outside straight draw. Also two-way straight draw or double-ended straight draw
The cards held by a player in a game of jackpots entitling them to open the pot. Splitting openers refers to holding onto one of the openers after discarding it as proof of having the necessary cards to open.
open limp
Being the first person in the pot preflop by calling the big blind.
An optional bet or draw
The right to raise possessed by the big blind if there have been no raises.
A full rotation of the blinds at a table, equal to the number of people at the table.
See main article: out
out of position
A player is said to be out of position, if they are either first to act, or are not last to act in a betting round.
outside straight draw
See main article: outside straight draw. Also two-way straight draw or double-ended straight draw
To make a bet that is more than the size of the pot in a no limit game.
To call a bet after others have called. Compare with cold call, flat call, smooth call
A community card with a higher rank than a player’s pocket pair.
A higher card
In community card games such as Texas hold ’em and Omaha hold ’em, a pocket pair with a higher rank than the highest community card.
An option to increase the stakes in limit games. Players may elect to play or not play overs. Those who choose to play display some sort of token. If, at the beginning of a betting round, only overs players remain in the hand, bets of a predetermined increased limit (or no limit) are allowed. Most often used in lower limit live games as a compromise between aggressive and passive play.


Any royal card. Used mostly in lowball games, where royal cards are rarely helpful.
Two cards of the same rank. See main article: one pair
A style of play characterized by checking and calling. Compare with aggressive, loose, tight
Already complete. A hand is a pat hand when, for example, a flush comes on the first five cards dealt in draw poker. Also see made hand
pay off
To call a bet when the player is most likely drawing dead because the pot odds justify the call.
penny ante
Frivolous, low stakes, or for fun only; a game where no significant stake is likely to change hands.
The best possible cards, in a lowball hand, after those already named.
When the house picks up cash from the dealer after a player buys chips
play the board
In games such as Texas hold ’em, where five community cards are dealt, if the player’s best hand is on the board and the player goes to the showdown they are said to play the board.
pocket aces
Refers to a starting poker hand that contains two Aces. The most common context is a game of Texas hold ’em. Other names for Ace-Ace include American Airlines, bullets, and rockets.
pocket cards
See hole cards
pocket pair
In community card poker or stud poker, when two of a player’s private cards make a pair. Also wired pair
poker face
A blank expression that does not reveal anything about the cards being held.
poker table
A typical poker game will have between two and ten players. A padded table top is preferred to facilitate picking up chips and cards.
when someone’s range is split into either very strong hands or bluffs
See main article: position
position bet
A bet that is made more due to the strength of the bettor’s position than the strength of the bettor’s cards.
To make the required small or big blind bet in Texas hold ’em or other games played with blinds rather than antes.
post dead
To post a bet amount equal to the small and the big blind combined (the amount of the large blind playing as a live blind, and the amount of the small blind as dead money). In games played with blinds, a player who steps away from the table and misses their turn for the blinds must either post dead or wait for the big blind to re-enter the game. Compare with dead blind
post oak bluff
See main article: post oak bluff
See main article: pot
More often in the context of a no limit game; the situation where one can no longer fold because the size of the pot is so large compared to the size of one’s stack.
See main article: pot limit
pot odds
See main article: pot odds
pot sweetener
A small bet not meant to cause an opponent to fold but rather to build up the pot thereby sweetening it.[12]
The time when players already have their pocket cards but no flop has been dealt yet.
probe bet
A bet after the flop by a player who did not take the lead in betting before the flop (and when the player that did take the lead in betting before the flop declined to act). Compare with continuation bet
prop, proposition player
A player who gets paid an hourly rate to start poker games or to help them stay active. Prop players play with their own money, which distinguishes them from shills, who play with the house’s money.
protected pot
A pot that seems impossible to bluff to win because too many players are active in it and the chances of another player either calling to the end or raising beyond measure become an assurance.
protection, protect
See main article: protection
The total prize pool in a poker tournament
To bet all in
put the clock (on someone)
See main article: call the clock
put on
To put someone on a hand is to deduce what hand or range of hands they have based on their actions and knowledge of their gameplay style. See also tells


Four of a kind
qualifier, qualifying low
A qualifying low hand. High-low split games often require a minimum hand value, such as eight-high, in order to award the low half of the pot. In some home games, there are qualifiers for high hands as well.
To win a quarter of a pot, usually by tying the low or high hand of a high-low split game. Generally, this is an unwanted outcome, as a player is often putting in a third of the pot in the hope of winning a quarter of the pot back.


rabbit hunt
After a hand is complete, to reveal cards that would have been dealt later in the hand had it continued. This is usually prohibited in casinos because it slows the game and may reveal information about concealed hands. Also fox hunt
A poor player. See also fish
To make calls based on the hopes of hitting runner-runner, inside, or backdoor draws
A collection of 100 chips of the same denomination, usually arranged in five stacks in a plastic tray.
A plastic tray used for storing a rack of chips
See coin flip
The weakest possible full house that can be made on particular board. A variation of boat.
A low-valued (and presumably worthless) card. Hence ragged — having a low value
The rail is the sideline at a poker table—the (often imaginary) rail separates spectators from the field of play. Watching from the rail means watching a poker game as a spectator. Going to the rail usually means losing all one’s money.
A non-participatory spectator of a poker game
Three or four cards of different suits, especially said of a flop.
Betting a rainbow: to make a bet of one chip of each colour currently in play.
To raise is to increase the size of an existing bet in the same betting round. See main article: raise
See main article: rake. Also juice, vig, vigorish
Rebate or repayment to a player a portion of the rake paid by that player, normally from a non-cardroom, third-party source such as an affiliate. Rakeback is paid in many ways by online poker rooms, affiliates or brick and mortar rooms. Many use direct money payments for online poker play. Brick and mortar rooms usually use rate cards to track and pay their rakeback. See main article: rakeback
rakeback pro
A rakeback pro is a poker player who may not be a winning player but uses rakebacks to supplement their losses and turn them into winnings.
range of hands
The list of holdings that a player considers an opponent might have when trying to deduce their holding. See also put on
To remove a portion of one’s chips from the table while the game is underway. Normally prohibited in public card rooms. Also going south
An amount of chips purchased after the buy-in. In some tournaments, players are allowed to rebuy chips one or more times for a limited period after the start of the game, providing that their stack is at or under its initial level. Compare with add-on
To deal a hand again, possibly after a misdeal
To make one hand and have a draw for a better hand
Second or later draws in a draw game with multiple draws
To represent a hand is to play as if it were held (whether it is or not).
Raise after one has been raised. Also coming over the top
ring game
See main article: ring game
The river or river card is the final card dealt in a poker hand, to be followed by a final round of betting and, if necessary, a showdown. In Texas hold ’em and Omaha hold’em, the river is the fifth and last card to be dealt to the community card board, after the flop and turn. A player losing the pot due only to the river card is said to have been rivered.
A very tight player (plays very few hands and only continues with strong hands).
A bundle of chips held together with a rubber band, or other token signifying an obligatory live straddle. If the player under the gun has the rock, they must use it to post a live straddle. The winner of the pot collects the rock and is obligated to use it in turn.
roll your own
In seven-card stud, when the player has some ability to choose which cards are turned face up.[13]
rolled-up trips
In seven-card stud, three of a kind dealt in the first three cards
An expert player who travels to seek out high-stakes games
royal cards
Royal card are also known as face cards and picture cards. These cards consist of the jack, queen, and king of every suit.
royal flush
A straight flush of the top five cards of any suit. This is generally the highest possible hand.
run it twice, running it twice
A gentleman’s agreement (not allowed in some casinos) where the players (usually two or three) agree to draw each remaining card to come in two different occasions instead of just once after all parties have gone all-in (two flops, turns and river for example for a total of 10 community cards in two sets of five). The winner of one run gets half the pot while the winner of the second run gets the other half. Running it twice is done to minimize bad beats and reduce bankroll swings. Running it twice is a form of insurance.
A hand made by hitting two consecutive cards on the turn and river. Also backdoor. Compare with bad beat and suck out
A prolonged winning streak. A player who has won several big pots recently is said to be on a rush. Also heater


See slow play (poker)
A tournament in which the prize is a free entrance to another (larger) tournament.
scare card
A card dealt face up (either to a player in a game such as stud or to the board in a community card game) that could create a strong hand for someone.
In high-low split games, to win both the high and the low halves of the pot.
second pair
In community card poker games, a pair of cards of the second-top rank on the board. Second pair is a middle pair, but not necessarily vice versa. Compare with bottom pair, top pair
In spread limit poker, to sell a hand is to bet less than the maximum with a strong hand, in the hope that more opponents will call the bet.
In a game with multiple betting rounds, a bet or raise made with a hand that has decent chance of improving, but with the intention of making a better hand fold on the current betting round.[2]

See: semi-bluff

Three of a kind, especially a situation where two of the cards are concealed in the player’s hole cards. Compare with trips
A deck that has been ordered, usually king to ace by suit (spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds). In casinos, it is customary to use a set-up deck when introducing a new deck to the table. The set-up is spread face up for the players to demonstrate that all of the cards are present before the first shuffle. Also called spading the deck
sevens rule
A rule in many A-5 lowball games that requires a player with a seven-low or better after the draw to bet, rather than check or check-raise. In some venues, a violator loses any future interest in the pot; in others they forfeit their interest entirely.
A professional player or someone proficient at the game . See also card sharp
See main article: shill. Compare with proposition player
A slanted container used to hold the cards yet to be dealt, usually used by casinos and in professional poker tournaments. See main article: shoe (cards).
A poker tournament format where the last remaining player of a table goes on to play the remaining players of other tables. Each table plays independently of the others; that is, there is no balancing as players are eliminated.
short buy
In no-limit poker, to buy into a game for considerably less money than the stated maximum buy-in, or less than other players at the table have in play.
short stack
A stack of chips that is relatively small for the stakes being played. Compare with deep stack, big stack
A poker game that is played with six players or fewer, as opposed to a full ring game, which is usually nine or ten players. A tournament where all tables are shorthanded at all times is called a short table tournament.
To bet all in
When, if more than one player remains after the last betting round, remaining players expose and compare their hands to determine the winner or winners. See main article: showdown
showdown value
A poker hand has showdown value, when compared to the opponent’s range of hands, it has a realistic chance of winning at showdown.[2]
side game
A ring game running concurrently with a tournament made up of players who have either been eliminated or opted not to play the tournament.
side pot
A separate pot created to deal with the situation of one player going «all in». See Betting in poker
sit and go
A poker tournament with no scheduled starting time that starts whenever the necessary players have put up their money. Single-table sit-and-gos, with nine or ten players, are the norm, but multi-table games are common as well. Also called sit ‘n gos
slow play
See main article: slow play
slow roll
To delay or avoid showing the winning hand at showdown, it is widely regarded as poor etiquette.
small blind
See main article: blinds
When someone manages to catch a slightly better hand.
smooth call
See flat call
snap call
When a player makes a swift call without any forethought (usually against an all-in) because of the high strength of their hand.
To play a worthless hand misleadingly in draw poker in order to bluff.
The worthless hand in question
To intentionally go easy on a player. Soft play is expressly prohibited in most card rooms, and may result in penalties ranging from forced sit-outs to forfeiture of stakes or winnings.
soft break
Exchanging a large bill or chip into both chips and cash, when a player buys in. The cash is returned to the player and thus not in play.
splash the pot
To throw one’s chips in the pot in a disorderly fashion. Not typically allowed, because the dealer can not tell how much has been bet.
See main article: split and high-low split
split two pair
In community card poker, a two pair hand, with each pair made of one of a player’s hole cards, and one community card.
The range between a table’s minimum and maximum bets
A form of limit poker where the bets and raises can be between a minimum and maximum value. The spread may change between rounds.
squeeze play
A bluff reraise in no limit hold’em with less-than-premium cards, after another player or players have already called the original raise. The goal is to bluff everyone out of the hand and steal the bets.
The total chips and currency that a player has in play at a given moment
To be paid off by an opponent for your full stack value, To «stack» an opponent.
A collection of 20 poker chips of the same denomination, usually arranged in an orderly column
The amount one buys in for and can bet.
Staking is the act of one person putting up cash for a poker player to play with in hopes that the player wins. Any profits are split on a predetermined percentage between the backer and the player. A backed player is often known as a horse. Compare with bankroll
stand pat
In draw poker, playing the original hand using no draws, either as a bluff or in the belief it is the best hand.
starting hand
See main article: starting hand
See main article: steal
A state of anger, mental confusion, or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in poor play. Compare with tilt
stop and go
When a player bets into another player who has previously raised or otherwise shown aggression.
Another version of the stop and go is in tournament poker when a player raises pre-flop with the intention of going all in after the flop regardless of the cards that fall.
straddle bet
See main article: straddle bets
Poker hand: see main article: straight
When used with an amount, indicates that the speaker is referring to the total bet, versus the amount being raised. Also altogether or all day
straight flush
See main article: straight flush
strategy card
A wallet sized card that is commonly used to help with poker strategies in online and casino games.
A street is another term for a dealt card or betting round.
string bet
A call with one motion and a later raise with another, or a reach for more chips without stating the intended amount. String bets are prohibited in public cardroom rules. Compare with forward motion
A structured betting system is one where the spread of the bets may change from round to round.
The remainder of cards that have not been used during the active play of a particular game.
A variant of poker. See main article: stud poker
A card dealt face up in stud poker
subscription poker
Subscription poker is a form of online poker wherein users pay a monthly fee to become eligible to play in real-money tournaments.
suck out
A situation when a hand heavily favored to win loses to an inferior hand after all the cards are dealt. The winning hand is said to have sucked out. Compare with bad beat
Having the same suit. See card suits
suited connectors
See main article: suited connectors
super satellite
A multi-table poker tournament in which the prize is a free entrance to a satellite tournament or a tournament in which all the top finishers gain entrance to a larger tournament.


table stakes
A tight aggressive style of play in which a player plays a small number of strong starting hands, but when in pots plays aggressively.
tainted outs
Cards that improve a hand so that it is better than the other current hands, but simultaneously improve other hands even more. See also outs
tank, in the tank
To take an excessive amount of time to act.
A tell in poker is a detectable change in a player’s behavior or demeanor that gives clues to that player’s assessment of their hand. See main article: tell
How well coordinated the community cards are to one another. This is used to estimate relative hand strength. See also dry board and wet board
third man walking
A player who gets up from their seat in a cash game, after two other players are already away from the table, is referred to as the third man walking. In a casino with a third man walking rule, this player may be required to return to their seat within 10 minutes, or one rotation of the deal around the table, or else their seat in the game will be forfeited if there is a waiting list for the game.
three bet, three betting
To be the first player to put in a third unit of betting. Similarly Four betting, Five betting, etc.
three of a kind
See main article: three of a kind. Also trips, set
To play fewer hands than average for the game or for the player normally. See loose/tight play. Compare with loose, aggressive, passive
Emotional upset, mental confusion, or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in poor play. See main article: tilt. Compare with steam
If playing a poker tournament, a timer is used to count down periods in which the blinds are at certain levels. When the timer reaches 0:00, the blinds go to a higher level.
to go
The amount that a player is required to call in order to stay in the hand.
In a brick and mortar casino, a toke is a tip given to the dealer by the winner of the pot.
top kicker
In community card poker games, top kicker is the best possible kicker to some given hand.
top pair
In community card poker games, top pair is a pair comprising a pocket card and the highest-ranking card on the board. Compare with second pair, bottom pair
top two
A split two pair, matching the highest-ranking two flop cards.
See slow play
A three-spot card (i.e. a three of any suit).
Three of a kind, especially a situation where only one card is from the player’s hole cards. Compare with set[14]
A type of tournament where the blind levels increase much faster than in standard play.
The turn, turn card or fourth street is the fourth of five cards dealt to a community card board, constituting one face-up community card that each of the players in the game can use to make up their final hand. See also flop and river


under the gun
The playing position to the direct left of the blinds in Texas hold ’em or Omaha hold ’em. The player who is under the gun must act first on the first round of betting.
An underdog or dog is a player with a smaller chance to win than another specified player. Frequently used when the exact odds are expressed.
A full house made where the three of a kind has lower-ranking cards than the pair. Compare with big full
When used with a card rank to describe a poker hand, refers to two pair with the named card being the higher pair.
A card that is played face up. See main article: upcard
A period during which a player wins more (or loses less) than expected. See also: downswing
up the ante
Increase the stakes
See raise


value bet
A bet made by a player who wants it to be called (as opposed to a bluff or protection bet). See value
The statistical measure of how far actual results differ from expectation. See main article: variance
vigorish, vig
The rake. See main article: vigorish
In hand histories any opponent as seen from hero’s perspective.[2]
Voluntary put money in pot. Represents the percentage of hands with which a player puts money into the pot pre-flop, without counting any blind postings. VPIP is an excellent measure of how tight or loose a player is.


wake up
To «wake up with a hand» means to discover a strong starting hand, often when there has already been action in front of the player.
A situation where all players fold to the big blind.
To mix the deck by spreading the cards face down on the table and mixing them up.
weak ace
An ace with a low kicker. Also small ace, soft ace, ace-rag
weak player
A player who is easily bullied out of a hand post-flop by any sort of action.
webcam poker
A form of online poker which allows players to watch each other during play via a webcam.
wet board
A wet board is when the cards on the table make it possible for players to have hit strong hands. Compare with dry board
A particularly weak player with a very large stack or bankroll that can be targetted with minimal risk.
A five-high straight (A-2-3-4-5), with the ace playing low. See list of poker hands and lowball (poker)
In deuce-to-seven lowball, the nut low hand (2-3-4-5-7)[15]
wild card
See main article: wild card. Compare with bug
window card
An upcard in stud poker. The first window card in stud is called the door card. In Texas hold’em and Omaha, the window card is the first card shown when the dealer puts out the three cards for the flop.
In Omaha hold ’em, a wrap is a straight draw with nine or more outs[16] comprising two board cards and three or four cards from a player’s hand.

See also[edit]

  • Betting in poker


  1. ^ a b «Poker Terms». PokerVIP.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Acevedo (2019), p. 17–21
  3. ^ a b c PokerStrategy Glossary
  4. ^ Gus Hansen
  5. ^ Daniel Y. Kimberg (2002). Serious Poker. Conjelco. p. 192. ISBN 1886070164.
  6. ^ Allan Kronzek (2008). 52 Ways to Cheat at Poker: How to Spot Them, Foil Them, and Defend Yourself Against Them. Plume. p. 30. ISBN 978-0452289116.
  7. ^ a b Angelo (2007), p. 19–21
  8. ^ Wellshuffled (2009). «Definition of a ‘drawing hand’«. Archived from the original on 2011-07-18. Retrieved 2009-11-01.
  9. ^ Dan Paymar, Donna Harris, and Mason Malmuth (1998). The Professional Poker Dealer’s Handbook. ISBN 1880685183.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
  10. ^ «Nosebleeds Dictionary Entry». Retrieved 2017-05-05.
  11. ^ Pempus, Brian (2011-08-07). «Online Nosebleed Cash-Game Scene Struggling». CardPlayer. Retrieved 2017-05-05.
  12. ^ Pot Sweetener at Retrieved 23 April 2021.
  13. ^ «Roll Your Own Poker — card game rules».
  14. ^ «Poker Terms | How To Play | Official World Series of Poker». Retrieved 2023-03-16.
  15. ^ «Wheel». Upswing Poker. Retrieved 2023-03-16.
  16. ^
  17. ^ Gibson, Walter B. (2013-10-23). Hoyle’s Modern Encyclopedia of Card Games: Rules of All the Basic Games and Popular Variations. Crown. ISBN 978-0-307-48609-7.

Additional references[edit]

  • Acevado, Michael (2019). Modern Poker Theory. D&B Publishing. ISBN 978-190945789 8.
  • Angelo, Tommy (2007). Elements of Poker. BookSurge Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4196-8089-2.
  • The Official Dictionary of Poker by Michael Wiesenberg
  • Dan Kimberg’s Poker Dictionary
  • Gibson, Walter B. (2013-10-23). Hoyle’s Modern Encyclopedia of Card Games: Rules of All the Basic Games and Popular Variations. Crown.ISBN 978-0-307-48609-7

Like any other sub-culture, the poker world has many bits of unique slang. Many of the poker world’s memes are derived from other general internet culture trends. Communities such as 4chan oddly enough tend to lead the way in the memes of today’s internet and, like any other online community, online poker players have picked up on those memes and made them their own. We don’t claim that every bit of poker slang is only poker-specific. That is definitely not the case. But some (such as, say, swongs) are completely poker-specific. Invented by a poker player, used on a poker forum and sustained by the poker community. There are countless terms similarly qualifying as poker-only slang.

So why is this page here? Obviously, a Poker Terms reader could simply browse their way through the site and find all of the terms that are listed here. The problem is, there are many terms that simple don’t interest those who are simply wondering about poker slang and how they can learn as much as they can as quickly as possible. For instance, terms like iMEGA and Doyle Brunson are not considered to be poker slang — but they both have their own pages on Poker Terms.

Without further ado, here is a list of the poker slang (304 terms found) that is currently in the Poker Terms database, ordered alphabetically:


A 3Bet is when a player makes a raise against the first raiser in a hand. (read more)


The term 4Bet refers to the act of making a re-raise raise against a player that 3Bet. (read more)


6max is a slang term used for any poker game where the maximum number of players at the table is limited to six. (read more)

ABC Poker

The term ABC Poker refers to playing basic (read more)

Ace High

The hand of Ace High is one that simply has a high card of ace and nothing else, not even a pair. (read more)

Action Card

An action card is a card that comes on the turn or river that will cause significant betting for two or more players in a hand. (read more)


Airball is a term used by poker player when they have managed to miss their perceived outs in a hand. (read more)


Ajax is poker slang for a starting hand with one ace and one jack. It’s called Ajax because Ace-Jack and the popular cleaner sound very similar. (read more)

All in the Flop Buddy

All in the flop, buddy, is a term that was widely used by a NYC poker player named Alfonse to describe his reasons for playing almost any 2 cards preflop. (read more)

American Airlines

American Airlines is poker slang for pocket aces. Also known as bullets or pocket rockets. It’s the strongest starting hand in poker. (read more)


Ammunition, also known as ammo, is a slang term often used at a poker table when referring to chips. (read more)


An angle is a maneuver in a poker game that is usually legal but ethically questionable. People who employ angles are dubbed ‘angle shooters.’ (read more)

Ante Off

When a player is absent from the table and the antes cause them to go broke it’s referred to as an ante off situation. (read more)


Arsenal is another combat-themed poker metaphor. It is a term used to designate a player’s collection of moves and gears. (read more)


Prahlad Friedman introduced the concept of ‘avoidance’ in a rap song that premiered during an episode of the World Series of Poker on ESPN. (read more)

Back Into a Hand

When a player backs into a hand they are in the pot to make one hand but end up drawing to another. (read more)


Backdoor straights and backdoor flushes are the bane of many poker players’ existence. Making a backdoor hand means you’ve sucked out on an opponent. (read more)


Backers are people who put up the money for others to play in poker games. Backers are usually either poker players themselves or businessmen. (read more)

Bad Beat Story

A bad beat story is a tale of woe about a poker hand in which a player lost when he was, at one point, a statistical favorite to win. (read more)


The term barreling refers to the action of firing bets into a pot on multiple streets. (read more)

Bee Stinger

Bee stinger is a Haligonian term for the act of geting owned in a poker situation, getting sucked out on, or simply losing a poker hand. (read more)


Behind refers to the situation when the given hand is not currently best. (read more)

Big Blind Special

The slang term Big Blind Special refers to when the player on the big blind wins a big hand hand despite having poor cards because nobody raised pre-flop. (read more)

Big Lick

The term Big Lick is a reference to a specific hand in Hold’em, 69 as a play on words from Big Slick and a reference to the sexual act of 69. (read more)

Bing Blang Blaow

Bing Blang Blaow is a celebratory phrase uttered when defeating an opponent an opponent in a hand of online poker. (read more)


A blank is a card that hits no player in a hand. It is the same thing as a blank or air and means that a player’s hand has not improved. (read more)


In Hold’em and Omaha having a card that turns one if your opponent’s outs as one of your own is referred to as a blocker. (read more)


The term bloodbath is clearly meant to evoke a gory, ruinous, disastrous event, like what you might see in a gladiator movie and similar to a bad day in poker. (read more)


A blowup is a psychological or tactical meltdown, a term that usually applies to action which takes place in a poker tournament. (read more)


The word ‘boat’ or the term ‘full boat’ is a slang term for a ‘full house,’ one of the highest ranking hands in most poker games. (read more)

Bonus Whoring

Bonus whoring is is a way to quickly build a bankroll without being a winning player. Bonus whores deposit, clear a bonus, then cash out. (read more)

Bottom End

When you have the bottom end of something in poker, that means you have the worst version, typically referenced to a straight. (read more)


Bounties are prizes in poker tournaments that are awarded to a player who busts a player assigned as the bounty. The bounty money comes out of the prizepool. (read more)


Box refers to the are occupied by a poker dealer. It is a cleared space in the middle of the table where the dealer’s chair, and chip tray are setup. (read more)


A brag in a poker sense is when a poker player boasts of his or her accomplishments in some sort of public forum. (read more)


A break is when play is suspended in a tournament to allow players to rest, eat or go to the bathroom. (read more)


BrokerStars refers to the state of having little or no money in your Pokerstars account. This term was popular when Pokerstars had the biggest games on the net. (read more)

Brown Trout

Brown trout is a phrase that began as a joke on the Two Plus Two message forums. If you hear someone use it at the poker table, you know they read 2p2. (read more)


Buck is a common slang term fo the dealer button, or is used to describe a poker chip with a value of one dollar. (read more)


Bullet describes a bet or a buyin in poker. It is one of many combat-related terms, like ammunition and trigger, that arise in poker slang terms. (read more)


The slang term Bump refers to a player that wishes to raise a bet. (read more)


The term ‘buried’ follows aloing the lines of ‘stuck’ as a more severe way of describing being at a deficit in a poker game or gambling session. (read more)

Buried Pair

Buried Pairs are ‘pairs in the hole’, or two downcards of the same value. It’s a term used in stud poker to differentiate itself from a ‘split pair.’ (read more)


Busted either refers to a draw that failed to hit or when a player loses all his or her chips in a tournament. (read more)

But How Much Did You Lose

But How Much Did You Lose is a classically annoying question asked of poker players by outsiders to the game in the context of a discussion about winning, (read more)

Buy the Button

Buying the button describes two completely different things in poker — a procedure that involves posting both of the antes. Second, a limit hold ’em move. (read more)


Cambodia is a bizarre hand nickname that originated in NYC for the hole cards 74o (74-suited is known as ‘Cambodian Slick’). (read more)


The term Canine is slang for a specific hand for a hand in holdem when someone is dealt any combination of K9. (read more)

Card Dead

Card dead is a way for a poker player to state that he is ‘running bad’ by noticing that he has not recently received many playable poker hands. (read more)


Cardrack is a poker slang term that means someone is experiencing a hot run of cards. Being a cardrack is sort of the opposite of being ‘card dead.’ (read more)

Cards in the Air

‘Cards in the air’ is an expression used to indicate that dealing has or will begun in a poker tournament, i.e. ‘cards in the air at noon.’ (read more)

Cards Speak

Cards speak is a regulation in poker games that outlines the fact that an exposed hand will always ‘play’ or be considered ‘live.’ (read more)

Care Bears

Care Bears is a term used by the unlikeable Eric Molina at the 2006 WSOP to take the place of curse words so that he would not get penalized for swearing. (read more)


The term cashout is used when a player takes their money off of an online poker room or turns in poker chips at the cashier at a casino. (read more)


Catch is referenced in poker as when you hit a card you need on a draw or when you call someone and expose their failed bluff attempt. (read more)


The term chameleon is a reference to a player that changes and varies their style of play from wild to tight at a moment’s notice. (read more)

Check in the Dark

To check in the dark is to check before seeing what the next card is dealt on the board. (read more)

Checked Around

The term Checked Around describes when a hand is in a multi-way pot and all players in the hand check on a given street. (read more)


Chino is a verb that describes the fine art of borrowing money from poker players with no specific way of repaying the loan. (read more)

Chip and a Chair

Chip and a chair is an expression that is somewhat similar to ‘it’s not over until it’s over:’ You can come back to win a poker tournament even with one chip. (read more)


Chirping is what happens after someone wins a pot and suddenly becomes talkative. It is a representation of the mood swings that exist in a poker game. (read more)

Chop the Blinds

When one wants to chop the blinds, it means the hand only has the small and big blinds left and they both decide to kill the hand and take back their blinds. (read more)


Having your opponent in a clamp indicates that your hand is so much stronger than his, it will require nearly super-human strength to escape and win the hand. (read more)

Clicking Buttons

Clicking buttons is meant to denote an instance when an online player seems to be playing erratically—essentially randomly clicking buttons. (read more)


Coffeehousing refers to the act of talking during a poker, hand, usually in an effort to gain information, sometimes in the form of needling. (read more)

Cold Call

When a player makes a cold call, it is when they are faced with a raise and have no money in the pot already and make a call. (read more)

Cold Deck

A cold deck in poker is equivalent to a ‘cooler.’ It refers to a situation in which two hands are forced into an unavoidable clash due to their strength. (read more)

Combo Draw

A combo draw is a hand that has multiple draws to different hands such as both a straight and a flush. (read more)


When you are ‘on the come’ in poker, it refers to the fact that you are drawing; it is also one of the most common bets in a game of craps. (read more)


The comeup is a poker slang term used to describe a positive series of results in a gambling situation that nets an extraordinary profit. (read more)


Completing is a concept that arises in stud games and refers to a bet made after the bring in that is eqal to the amount of the lowest betting limit. (read more)

Computer Hand

Computer Hand is a nickname given to the starting hand Queen-Seven in Texas Hold’em. It derives its name from a computer simulation of starting hands. (read more)

Continuation Bet

A continuation bet is when a player bets out at the flop who was the raiser during the previous round of betting. (read more)

Contributed Rakeback Method

The contributed rakeback method is a way of calculating the amount of rake a player accumulates by only counting the times that player puts money in the pot. (read more)

Cool Million

The term ‘cool million’ is simply an ironic way of referring to one million dollars in a poker situation. Such as, ‘He bought in for a cool million.’ (read more)


Coordinated boards are the opposite of ragged boards in poker. The term ‘coordinated’ refers to community cards that are connected and/or suited. (read more)

Countdown to Busto

The term Countdown to Busto refers to when a player always breaks bankroll management and his or her friends begin a countdown to when they are broke. (read more)


Counterfeited describes a poker situation where a hand that once had value of its own has been rendered null and void due to the board texture. (read more)


The nickname Cowboys is given to pocket Kings (KK) in Texas Hold’em. (read more)


The slang term Crabs is a nickname for the starting hand of 33 in Hold’em, a reference to how a 3 looks like a sideways crab. (read more)


Cracking cards means overcoming a strong hand with a weaker one. It’s often used in conjunction with cracking aces or a pocket pair. (read more)


A cranberry is gambler parlance for a poker chip that is worth twenty-five thousand dollars. It is called a cranberry because of its reddish hue. (read more)

Credit Card Roulette

Credit Card Roulette is a randomized way to gamble on communal costs; it is often used by poker players to determine who picks up the check at a restaurant. (read more)


Crowbar is another term invented by NYC legend Alfonse, in which he would taunt his opponents by stating that he would ‘crowbar’ them, beating them in a hand. (read more)

Crying Call

Crying call refers to a situation where you are likely to be paying off your opponent and less likely to be calling with the best hand. (read more)


A dangler refers to a card in Omaha that is one card that doesn’t work well with the other three cards in a hand. (read more)


The term dark is an action declared by a player first to act after the better round closes but before the next card is revealed. (read more)

Dark Tunnel Bluff

A Dark Tunnel Bluff is a repeated continuation bet on multiple streets based on the belief you have to bet but do so without thinking why. (read more)

Dead Blind

A dead blind is posted when a player returns to a game after leaving the table while the game was still running. (read more)

Dead Button

A dead button is when a player leaves the table as the button is about to placed on him. (read more)

Dead Card

Dead cards refer to cards that would be useful for making a poker hand but have already been exposed or discarded. Dead cards are critical for computing outs. (read more)

Dead Hand

A dead hand is one that has been disqualified from play typically due to a rules infraction. (read more)

Dealt Rakeback Method

The dealt rakeback method is a way of calculating the amount of rake a player accumulates by counting every time that player is dealt a hand in a raked pot. (read more)


Deuce is the preferred, if not unanimously used, term for a ‘two’ in poker. If you say you have a ‘pair of twos’ it is likely that you will be mocked. (read more)


The term ‘dime’ is a classic example of gambler lingo, as it reduces the substantial amount of one thousand dollars to a metaphorical unit of one small coin. (read more)

Dirty Outs

A dirty out is when a player has a given amount of outs but when several of those outs actually might give an opponent a better hand. (read more)

Dirty Stack

A dirty stack is a stack of chips that has mixed denominations within it. (read more)

Dolly Parton

The hand 95 (any suit) is referred to as the Dolly Parton because of her role in the famous 1980s movie 9 to 5. (read more)


Dominated is a term used when one hand is a significant underdog to another hand. (read more)


The title of donator is given to someone who routinely spews his money at the poker tables or generally plays losing poker. (read more)


A oft-used expression on poker forums, the term doomswitched refers to a player running bad. In other words, they’ve been getting unlucky. (read more)

Door Card

Door card, also know as the window card, is the first card visible in a stud hand, or the first card revealed by the dealer as he spreads the flop. (read more)

Double Belly Buster

A Double Belly Buster is a hand with 2 gut-shot straight draws. (read more)

Double Gutter

A double gutter is a draw to eight outs for a straight, It is equivalent to an open-ended, or ‘up-and-down’ straight draw, but looks different. (read more)


Downswings in poker are a series of negative long term results. One losing session does not constitute a downswing, but a net losing result does. (read more)

Drawing Thin

Drawing Thin is a term used to describe when a player is drawing to very few outs. (read more)

Dream Table

Dream table is a phrase poker players employ to describe a table draw in a poker tournament in which they are facing off against especially weak players. (read more)

Dry Board

A dry board in poker refers to a flop that is not a coordinated (and and most likely safe) grouping of cards. (read more)


The hand 22 in Hold’em is referred to as Ducks since the number 2 resembles the profile of a swimming duck. (read more)

Dust Off

The term ‘dust off’ referes to the act of losing money in a poker game or gambling situation in a frivolous or unthinking manner. (read more)


Edge is a concept that is almost as intrinsic to poker playing as ‘EV’ and describes the relationship a player’s possibilities of success in a poker game. (read more)

Face Card

A face card is a card that has a face on it, meaning any King, Queen or Jack. (read more)


Fade, or ‘fade outs’ is a poker term that indicates a player had to dodge many outs in order to win a poker hand. Related to the term ‘hold.’ (read more)

Fifth Street

Fifth Street is the fifth card dealt in a Stud game or the river card in a game of Hold’em or Omaha. (read more)

Fill Up

The slang term Fill Up describes when two pair or a set hits a card — usually when the board pairs — that turns their hand into a full house. (read more)


A fish is an inexperienced poker player. It’s also called the sucker. Made famous by the movie (read more)

Fist Pump

Fist pump is a metaphorical expression for a situation in which you are very happy to be calling or going all in during a poker hand. (read more)


Flag is the slang term for a casino chip that has a value of five thousand dollars. Flags often get stored or exchanged for use in large buyin games. (read more)


Flat, or ‘flatting’ refers to calling a poker bet as opposed to raising. It may also refer to a style of tournament payout structure. (read more)

Flat Tire

The nickname of (read more)

Flop a Set

To flop a set is to hit a third card of its kind while holding a pocket pair. (read more)

Forced Bet

Forced bets are simply antes and blinds, or any kind of bet that is required from each player at the table at random in order to generate action. (read more)

Forward Motion

Forward Motion is a rule held by most casinos constituting any movement of chips towards the pot to be a committing action. (read more)

Four of a Kind

Four of a kind refers to when a player holds all four cards of the same rank. (read more)

Four To A Flush

The term four to a flush refers to when a player has four cards, but not five, towards a flush and is drawing to get the fifth card of that suit. (read more)

Fourth Street

Fourth Street is the fourth card dealt in a game of Stud or the turn card in a game of Hold’em or Omaha. (read more)


When a poker player is in a frenzy, he is usually on tilt for an extended period of time. Degenerate behavior and poor decision making are common. (read more)

G Bucks

Similar to Sklansky Bucks, G Bucks are a more accurate way to estimate your equity after running a certain scenario over and over. (read more)


Gamey, related to the expression ‘running game,’ is a phrase in poker circles meant to indicate that a particular play or action might not be ‘on the level.’ (read more)


The term ‘gapper’ is usually heard in the form of ‘one-gapper,’ ‘double-gapper’ etc. It refers to the space between two hole cards, the opposite of a connector. (read more)


Gears refers to a trait possessed by some poker players who vary their play, as opposed to being stuck playing one particular style or another. (read more)


A gift in poker is similar to a ‘donation’ and refers to a poker play that is so glaringly bad, it amounts to one player simply giving his opponent the pot. (read more)


GodMode is a reference in the poker world to a donkey that always comes up with the nuts. (read more)

Going South

Going South is the generally frowned upon practice of taking money off the table after winning some pots. (read more)


A grinder in poker is someone who plays significantly over-bankrolled while also playing a style that will slowly win them money at a consistent pace. (read more)

Ground Skinner

Ground skinner is the southern poker player’s version of the term ‘walk.’ It simply represents some geographical dialectical flavor in poker slang. (read more)


A Guarantee is used in poker when a casino or online poker room puts out a guaranteed prize pool amount for a tournament. (read more)


The term gypsying refers to a situation in double-limit games where players open by calling the blind. (read more)

Hachem Syndrome

Hachem Syndrome describes the completely unnatural sense of entitlement that some WSOP champions are overcome by in the years following their victory. (read more)

Hand For Hand

The term hand for hand is when a money bubble is approaching and multiple tables will play a hand and wait until all other tables are finished to start next. (read more)


A hanger is a card at the bottom of the deck that sticks out further that the rest and is a sign of cheating. (read more)

He Called Me With Jack High

‘He called me with jack high’ is an infamous quote from the 2004 WSOP directed towards James McManus by homeless poker player Elix Powers. (read more)


The hero in a poker hand is the one you are taking the perspective of while watching it happen either live or in a hand history. (read more)

Hero Call

A hero call is when a player makes a marginal call solely based on a pure read or gut feel. (read more)

High Card

High card refers either to a poker ranking, such as ‘ace-high’ or to the process of dealing out cards in order to give some reward to the highest card. (read more)

High Society

When ordering stacks of high society, you are asking for a stack of the highest denomination of chips at that casino or card room. (read more)

Hit By the Deck

Hit By the Deck is an expression used to indicate that a poker player is experiencing an unusually good run of cards in a short period of time. (read more)


Hold is an expression that indicates that a poker player hand has remained in the lead, usually in a situation where it was vulnerable. (read more)


Hollywood is a verb used to describe the mode of pretending or acting in a poker hand, used both for deception and saving face. (read more)

Idiot End

The ‘idiot-end’ in poker refers to the low end of a straight, also sometimes known as the ‘sucker-end’ or ‘sucker straight.’ (read more)

In The Hunt

When a player says he is ‘in the hunt,’ it means he is still alive in a poker tournament, usually with a reasonable chance of winning. (read more)

In The Money

The term (read more)

It Depends

‘It depends’ reflects the flexibility and numerous variations presented in most poker situations, which are often not cut-and-dried. (read more)

Jackson Five

Jackson Five is a good example of the sort of annoying nicknames Vince Van Patten assigned to random poker hands in his capacity as WPT commentator. (read more)


When a player moves in all of his chips to go (read more)


Juice is synonymous with other terms like ‘rake’ and ‘vig’ and refers to the amount of money a gambling operator withholds from the amount being wagered. (read more)

Kill Button

A Kill Button is a designation given to a player that has to post an over-blind that increases the betting limit. (read more)

Kill Stack

A kill stack is one that’s small in size but represents a large number of chips. (read more)

Knish’s Truck

Knish’s Truck is a reference to the movie Rounders, in which Michael McDermott must resort to finding income by doing truck deliveries for Joey Knish. (read more)


The slang term Kojack is given to the starting hand of King-Jack in Hold’em, a reference to the 1970s cop television show. (read more)


Laydown describes the act of folding a poker hand, usually used to indicate a very difficult fold or a very easy fold. (read more)

Live Ace

A live ace is a type of qualifying low hand in omaha eight-or-better that involves a hole card being duplicated on the board. (read more)

Live One

‘Live one’ is an old-fashioned expression for the fish, the donk, the donator, in a poker game. As a poker term, it is somewhat antiquated. (read more)


A lock is an unbeatable poker hand or, in other forms of gambling, a proposition or wager that is guaranteed to win. (read more)

Lock Lock

‘Lock lock’ is a term that is used most often in games of Omaha eight-or-better when someone has the best possible low and the best possible high hand. (read more)


The term longhanded refers to a poker game played with seven or more (usually 9 or 10) players sitting at the table. (read more)


Makeup is the term used to describe the accumulated losses in a staking arrangement in which past buyins must be recouped before profits are split. (read more)

Master Baiter

In poker, a master baiter is someone who baits other poker players in a masterful manner. (read more)


The word meh is often used on poker forums to communicate apathy and indifference towards a subject matter. (read more)


Definition of the Poker Term Mid-Stakes (read more)


A minraise is simply a raise that is equal to the original bet. It stands out as an unusual play in games of big bet poker, and is often considered weak. (read more)


A misdeal in poker occurs in a poker hand when the deal is corrupted. For instance, when one of the first two cards off the deck is exposed, it is a misdeal. (read more)


A monster poker hand is a hand that has excessively high value. The most obvious examples might be a rolled up hand (trips in stud) or pocket aces. (read more)

Multi-way Pot

A multi-way pot is one where there are three or more players left in the hand vying for the pot. (read more)


Mush is a related term to ‘cooler’ in the William H. Macy sense. It can also be used as a verb to describe the same thing—the generation of bad luck. (read more)


Needling refers to the act of taunting someone during a poker game in an effort to get under his skin and cause him to play worse as a result. (read more)

Negative Expectation

A negative expectation is a poker play that will lose money in the long run. (read more)

Negative Freeroll

A negative freeroll when a player goes all in and can only either tie or lose in the hand. (read more)


The term nitfest is usually mentioned in the context of discussing a poker game where there is limited action or most of the players are especially tight. (read more)


Nosebleed refers to poker games that are extremely high stakes, generally much higher than the most regularly played high stakes poker games. (read more)


When a poker player says he has nothing, he means he doesn’t even have a pair and is playing a high card. (read more)

Number One

‘Number one’ is the term for the best possible hand, a wheel, in 2-7 lowball, consisting of 7,5,4,3,2. Similar, ‘number 2’ consists of 7,6,4,3,2. (read more)

Nut Air

The nut air is when a poker player has the best possible hand on a board without holding a pair or better. (read more)

Nut Low

A nut low hand is the best possible low hand in games of split-pot poker or lowball. In a vacuum, the nut low hand is a wheel. (read more)

Nut No Pair

Nut no pair is a colloquial hand ranking that indicates the best possible cards that do not create a pair with the board in Texad hold ’em. (read more)

Nut Nut

Nut nut is a synonym of ‘lock lock’ and refers to an occurence when someone has the best possible high hand and the best possible low hand in a split-pot game. (read more)


An observer is someone who is watching an online poker game but is not seated at the table, otherwise known as a railbird. (read more)


Omahahahahaha is a slang term for the poker game Omaha. (read more)

One Chip Rule

The one chip rule applies to live poker and states that if a player puts out one chip into the pot after a bet, it is considered a call. (read more)

One Eyed Jack

A one eyed jack is a nickname for the jack of spades and the jack of hearts, which only have one eye showing. (read more)

One Player to a Hand

The one player to a hand rule is meant to define self-interested play in poker games. It is a standard for live poker and exists in a gray area online. (read more)


Opening refers to the act of initiating the betting in a poker game, genereally indicating the first bet made in a poker hand after the blinds. (read more)

Open Shove

The move Open Shove refers to when a player acts first in a hand and shoves all of their chips in (all in) to raise. (read more)


Open-ended straight draws, aka ‘up-and-down straight draws,’ are identical in strength to ‘double-gutters’ and refer to a straight draw that has eight outs. (read more)


Option is the choice given to a player in the big blind (or straddle) to raise the action or check the action during a poker hand. (read more)


An overbet is a bet that is larger than the size of the pot in a poker game. E.g. If the pot has one hundred dollars in it and someone bets a hundred and fifty. (read more)


An overlay occurs when a poker room has to add money into the prize pool for a tournament because not enough players entered to meet the guarantee. (read more)


The term paint is used in poker and refers any card with a picture on it, specifically a King, Queen or Jack. (read more)


Pass is another way of saying ‘fold’ in poker, to give up or laydown a hand. The term has origins in British poker circles. (read more)


Pat is to draw poker what ‘made hand’ is to other forms of poker such as Omaha or Hold ‘Em and refers to a hand that will not improve via drawing cards. (read more)

Perfect Perfect

Catchin ‘perfect perfect’ describes a poker situation in which a person has to catch the exact two specific runner-runner cards to beat his opponent’s hand. (read more)

Plus V

It’s commonplace to hear poker players say ‘plus ev’ in reference to their supposed positive expectation. But ‘plus v’ simply means plus value. (read more)

Poker Face

Poker face is a well-known term used to describe the type of expressionless visage necessary to keep opponents guessing in a poker game. (read more)

Poker Gods

Poker players almost universally will pray and curse the Poker Gods who apparently control the fate and outcome of every poker hand. (read more)

Positional Awareness

The term positional awareness in poker refers to the conscious alertness of where a player sits in a hand and if it is an advantage. (read more)


The word price refers to the cost to a player to make a call on any given street. (read more)

Pumped Up

‘Pumped up,’ or simply ‘pumped,’ refers to a state of having a large bankroll in poker, the opposite of being ‘busto.’ (read more)

Put Me Here

The feature known as Put Me Here is found on most poker sites and moves your position to the one specified by the player while rotating the rest accordingly. (read more)


Pwned is a derivative of owned, a term used to describe one player totally dominating another. (read more)


PZD refers to the process of getting peaced out in a poker situation. It was brought into mainstream consciousness by poker player Cory Carroll. (read more)

Qualifying Low

A qualifying low hand in hi low split games is one that fits the minimum requirements to count as a low hand, such as 8 or better. (read more)


Race is poker slang for a poker situation that is a coinflip, or roughly 50/50 chance for both opponents to win. (read more)


‘Ragged’ describes a flop or a board texture that involves unsuited and non-connected cards; it ithe opposite of a ‘coordinated’ or ‘draw-heavy’ board. (read more)


Rags are crappy cards in poker, they are opposite of ‘premium hands’ or ‘monster hands.’ Examples of ‘rag hands’ in Hold ‘Em are too numerous to list. (read more)


When a poker player is simply watching the action rather than playing, they are known to be ‘railing’ the game, and are often referred to as a railbird. (read more)

Rake Race

A rake race is a competition to see who can accumulate the most paid rake at a rakeback affiliate site and results in a monetary prize. (read more)

Rakeback Pro

A rakeback pro is a player who is not a winning player in terms of win-rate but earns neough rakeback to produce a profit. (read more)


Re-raising is often frustratingly used by amateurs as a synomym for ‘raise.’ A re-raise can only occur in relation to an existing raise. (read more)


A redraw is a made hand that has a draw to an even better hand. (read more)


Reload is a slang term in poker for when a player deposits money into a poker account that they already opened before. (read more)


When you play as if you hold a particular hand, you represent it with your style of play on that hand. (read more)

Results Oriented Thinking

Results oriented thinking is a faulty way of examining the merits of a certain play in poker, often times as a justification of a poor play. (read more)


RiverStars is one of the many nicknames for PokerStars, referring to players being drawn out on the river at a supposed higher frequency than normal. (read more)


Robusto is the hilarious-sounding way to describe being the opposite of ‘busto,’ in other words, having a bankroll or being ‘pumped-up.’ (read more)

Rolled Up

A rolled up hand in stud is the strongest possible starting hand. This applies to both games of stud ‘straight high’ and stud eight or better. (read more)


Rough, of course, is the opposite of ‘smooth,’ a way of describing drawing to a flawed low hand in a game like 2-7 or having a weak razz hand. (read more)

Royal Cards

Royal cards are any that can make up a royal flush, which include any Ace, King, Queen, Jack or Ten. (read more)


‘Run’ is a term that’s similar in concept to a ‘rush’ in poker or gambling, and it is usually expressed as ‘making a run.’ (read more)

Running Like a Kenyan

The phrase ‘running like a Kenyan’ is an expression amongst poker players to brag how they are running great over a long period of time. (read more)


The nickname Sailboats was given to the Hold’em hand 44, a reference to how the number 4 looks like the profile of a boat. (read more)


Sandbagging refers to when a player makes a call with a very good hand to disguise its strength to keep the opponent betting. (read more)

Second Pair

The term second pair means that a player has the second biggest pair possible given the board. (read more)


The term session refers to the duration of time a player begins and ends playing poker. (read more)

Set Under Set

The term set under set refers to when two players show their hands in a Hold’em or Omaha game and one has a higher set than the other. (read more)


A shark is an expert poker player. Sharks prey on amateur players, often called fish or newbies. Sharks exist in poker tournaments and cash games. (read more)


A shill is a casino employee who plays on house money and helps to start and fill games. (read more)

Ship It

Ship it is an expression said by poker players after they have won a pot as a way of saying ‘send the money in the pot my way.’ (read more)

Shot Taker

Shot takers are those who play in games that they are either under-rolled for, or in games that present a very long shot of winning. (read more)

Shuffle Up and Deal

‘Shuffle up and deal’ is the self-explanatory phrase uttered—usually by a tournament director—before a poker tournament begins. (read more)

Sit and Go Madness

Sit and Go Madness is an occasional promotion at Full Tilt Poker where players compete in a leader board for Sit and Go tournaments for a weekend. (read more)

Sklansky Bucks

Sklansky Bucks refers to the equity in a poker hand as opposed to the amount of actual money won. It is a way of analyzing EV as opposed to results. (read more)


Sleeper straddles are defined in contrast to ‘live’ straddles and can be placed from any position at the table, only becoming ‘live’ if the action is folded. (read more)


To slow roll an opponent means to act weak while holding the nuts, taking time to reveal the hand with the express purpose of tilting or insulting an opponent. (read more)


Smooth is a term used to describe drawing to a good hand in a low-oriented game like 2-7 or having a fairly strong low hand in a stud game. (read more)


Snapcall is usually meant as a metaphorical indication that the situation at hand is such an obvious call that it can be done quickly without further thought. (read more)


The term Snowmen is slang for a specific hand for a hand in Hold’em when someone is dealt pocket eights, otherwise 88. (read more)

Sounds Rigged

Instead of saying ‘that’s too bad’ many poker players will use the term ‘sounds rigged’ instead. (read more)

Speed Limit

The term Speed Limit is a nickname given to the starting hand of 55 in Hold’em, a reference to the speed limit on highways. (read more)

Spite Call

Spite calls are made in thin or marginal situations in poker in an attempt to ‘spite’ the person whose bet you are calling. (read more)

Split Pair

Split pair is a seven card stud term that indicates one of the hidden downcards matches the exposed card on third street to make a pair. (read more)


The word ‘stack’ can mean two things in poker—as a noun, the physical block of chips a player holds; as a verb, the action of taking an opponent’s chips. (read more)


Stacking off is a term that means going allin on a poker hand. It may indicate that the player going allin does not have a quality hand. (read more)


Horse is the figurative term for a player who is backed. It is derived from the same notion that someone might have a financial interest in a racing horse. (read more)


Steaming is often a byproduct of tilt, a style of playing poker characterized by frustration, over-aggressive tendencies and a lack of rationality. (read more)


Steamraise refers to a raise made when a player is ‘steaming’ and on tilt. It is a leak in a player’s game if he plays differently when steaming. (read more)


The word step refers to a specialized tournament that leads to another tournament in a specific series that ends in a large prize. (read more)

Stop Loss

A stop loss is when a player set a particular limit to the amount they will lose in a session and if they hit that limit will immediately quit playing. (read more)


Street is the term used to describe a round of action in a poker game, such as the flop, turn and river in games that use community cards. (read more)


Structures refer to the format for a poker tournament. The primary aspects of a tournament structure are time levels, blind jumps and starting chips. (read more)


Stuck is a common poker colloqialism to describe being at a deficit over any time-frame or to be in the midst a losing gambling session. (read more)

Suicide King

A Suicide King is the nickname for the King of Hearts which is depicted with a knife going through his own head. (read more)

Suited Gappers

Suited Gappers are two cards that share the same suit but have a single gap in denomination between them, such as 7s 9s. (read more)

Super Satellite

Super Satellites are a mult-table tournament (MTT) form of satellite poker, usually giving away several seats to the target tournament as opposed to one. (read more)


Superusers are online players who are capable of seeing all the hole cards at a table. The discovery of superusers created a major scandal in online poker, (read more)

Sustainable Rate

The phrase ‘sustainable rate’ refers to the ability (or inability) of a player to maintain the current win-rate over a long period of time. (read more)


Swings are the short term wins and losses that are intrinsic to the gambling experience. In poker, swings are also sometimes referred to as ‘variance.’ (read more)


Swongs are one thing, but… This famous lilholdem954 quote arose from an instant message chat with Peter #1PEN Neff. (read more)


As a Poker Term, ‘table’ means to turn your cards faceup at an appropriate time during a poker hand. Of course it may also refer to a piece of furniture. (read more)

Table Image

Table image describes the way poker players view each other while playing poker. Though it plays a role in online poker, it is more relevant to the live form. (read more)

Table Presence

Table presence is a concept closely related to ‘table image’ and describes the aura a poker player emits at the poker table. (read more)

Table Talk

Table talk refers to any discussion that takes place throughout the process of playing poker at a poker table. It is related to ‘coffeehousing.’ (read more)


Tank refers to the process of being lost in deep thought in the middle of a poker hand, or the time one takes to make a difficult decision. (read more)

Tapping the Glass

Tapping the glass refers to the counter-intuitive approach that frustrated players use to vent, educating weaker players in the process. (read more)


Telegraph is a specific type of poker tell in which a player who hasn’t acted yet gives a clear physical indication of what he intends to do. (read more)


A tell is an indication of hand strength unintentionally given off by an opponent, including physical tells and verbal tells. (read more)


Ten-eight-cious is a term recently coined by Bill Edler to describe the hand T8 (a ten and an eight), particularly when the hand wins. (read more)

Texas Dolly

Texas Dolly is a nickname given to famous poker player Doyle Brunson. (read more)


Texture refers to the composition of a board in Hold ‘Em or Omaha. Terms like ‘ragged’ or ‘coordinated’ refer to board textures. (read more)

The Worst Day of the Year

The worst day of the year is a famous expression to describe the day when a poker player busts out of the World Series of Poker main event. (read more)

Third Streeet

Third street is mostly a stud poker term to indicate the action or conditions present after the first three cards are dealt. Less commonly it refers to a flop. (read more)

Three Bet

Three-betting is a bit of poker slang that is often used as a substitute for ‘re-raise,’ becauseit is useful for distinguishing itself from further raises. (read more)

Top Top

Jamie Gold told his opponent that he had ‘top top,’ top pair, top kicker, during his run at the 2006 World Series of Poker title. (read more)

Tournament Life

Some tournament players cringe when they hear the term ‘tournament life’ while others base their entire game around the concept. (read more)


When you ‘pull the trigger’ in poker, you are usually bluffing on a later street. It is another war-related poker term, related to ‘bullet’ and ‘ammunition.’ (read more)


Underfull is a full house that is not the nut full house, but rather a full house composed of one of the lower cards on board, like 44 on a board of 88743. (read more)


The term unopened in poker refers to when a pot has not been raised during pre-flop activity. (read more)

Up and Down Straight Draw

An Up and Down Straight Draw is a term used for an open ended straight draw. (read more)


Upswings are the opposite of downswings, a net result, usually observed over a long time frame, that have a positive monetary result. (read more)

Value Bet

Value bets in poker are made with the intention of getting paid-off by a worse hand. In essence, it is the opposite of bluffing. (read more)

Vegas and the Fuckin’ Mirage

Vegas and the fuckin’ Mirage is what Mike McDermott says he is thinking about when he wants his opponent to think Mike is ‘pondering a call.’ (read more)

Wake Up

Wake up refers to a situation when the action goes to a poker player who looks at his hole cards to discover a monster hand. (read more)

Walking Chips

When you see someone walking around the tournament area, schmoozing, you might ask him if he has ‘walking chips,’ slang for a big chip stack. (read more)


Wat is a word used on internet message boards in response to a post that makes absolutely no sense. It is short for (read more)

Way Ahead Way Behind

The term Way Ahead Way Behind points to specific points in a hand where a player is either way ahead or way behind. (read more)

Wayne Gretzky

The hand of pocket nines is also known as Wayne Gretzky as he is the most famous athlete to don the number 99. (read more)

Weak Tight

Weak tight describes a losing style of poker playing that is characterized by being overly tight and overly passive. (read more)

Wet Board

A wet board in poker refers to a flop that has a highly coordinated (and potentially dangerous) grouping of cards. (read more)

What Lodden Thinks

What Lodden Thinks is a prop betting game that revolves around guessing what some other person will think about a subject. (read more)


Whiff is an expression that refers to an instance of missing draws in a poker hand. Like if a player has a diamond draw and the river is a black deuce. (read more)

Whoever Invented Chips Was a Genius

Whoever invented chips was a genius is the second part of an expression designed to indicate that chips allow people to forget the value of money. (read more)

Window Card

The window card is synonymous with the ‘door card,’ the first card revealed on a Hold ‘Em or Omaha board, or the first upcard dealt in a stud hand. (read more)

WPT Celebrity Invitational

The WPT Celebrity Invitational is an annual event hosted by the World Poker Tour and Commerce Casino that pits poker players against celebrities. (read more)


Wrap is the term for a straight draw in Omaha that can be filled with three or more card values from the deck. A wrap will have between 9 and 20 outs. (read more)


The acronym YHS stands for Your Hand Sucks and is used on poker forums or within chat boxes. (read more)

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for your help so far.

I will post my updated list below.
Please feel free to make suggestions for editing.
Please feel free to add your language to the list.

If your language has a script that is different from English, and you also know of a way to write your language using English letters, please also include the alternative spelling.

I really do want to hear from as many countries/languages as possible.

In response to a couple of people’s requests for clarification:

Imagine that Poker is now considered a universal language, like Esperanto. «We speak Esperanto.»

It has very few words: Bet, Call, Check, Raise, All-in, Fold.

Everybody in the world understands what it means when somebody pushes all his/her chips/money into the middle of the table!

«We speak Poker» means that we are capable of conversing in the language of the Poker world, but it also means that you can hear the language being spoken and used in this location, and you will be comfortable here.

It is like a sign in a window in a store or an office «We speak Dutch,»
or «We speak German,» or «We speak Russian» or «Se habla Espanol.»

I am *not* looking for «Poker is our language.»
That is not what I mean.
I could have a sign in my window stating «We speak French,» but French is not our language…the sign only means that you can use the language here.

I am not looking for «We understand Poker.»
I want to signify that we are actually *using* the language actively, not just that we can figure out what you mean when you talk.

Again, the idea is to assume that «Poker» is now considered to be a world with its own language.

I want people to know that when you come here, you will be able to speak «Poker» with other people.

If somebody were to ask what you do when you visit this place/this store, you can tell them: «We speak Poker.»

So, «We speak Poker» refers to a capacity, and also an activity, and it tells you what you can expect to find when you come inside the store.

In English, we often use this kind of idiom to indicate that a subject matter has a culture that is unique. Like «We speak Football,» or «We speak Golf,» or «We speak Geek»!

We also have an expression: «Now you are speaking *my* language,» which means we are now conversing about a subject which I find interesting and which I know something about — so I can relate to it better than what we were talking about before.

Also, in English, we may use a nationality’s name as an adjective, but leave out the noun….so the adjective becomes a noun.

For example, «We are eating French tonight» does not mean we will be eating a French person! It just means we will be eating French food.

I suppose that I could have made it say «We speak Pokerish.»
However, that is not really the same, and it does not have the same effect.

It is a sign, a symbol, a slogan.

It may not be grammatically correct, it may not sound familiar or proper.
That is OK.

I still want to know how would you say «We speak Poker» if Poker were a real language, just like you would say «We speak English.»

If you cannot overlook the fact that Poker is not a real language, and therefore you think your translation sounds «stupid» or «lame» or ridiculous….well, that is OK!

I want you to


that it *is* a real language.

When Nike (the shoemaker) published their famous commercial,
«Just do it.» people did not understand it right away, either.

Anyways, thanks for all of the input and feedback so far, I really hope to get more.

Here is the revised list…please add — or correct — whatever you can.

Arabic: نتكلم لغة البوكر
Chinese? 我们都扑克。
Czech: My mluvíme poker.
Danish: Vi indtale poker.
Dutch: Wij spreken Poker.
Estonian: me räägime pokkerit, meie keel on pokker
Finnish: Puhumme pokeria
French: Nous parlons le poker.
German: Wir sprechen Poker, Poker ist unsere Sprache
Italian: Parliamo poker.
Japanese: ポーカーで話してます
Korean: 우리는 부지깽이를 말한다
Norwegian: Vi snakke poker.
Polish: Mówimy poker, Mówimy językiem pokera
Portuguese: Falamos pôquer
Russian: Мы говорим на языке покера (English spelling?)
Serbian: Mi govorimo pokerski (jezik).
Spanish: Hablamos póquer.
Swedish: Vi talar poker.
Tagalog: Nagsasalita kami ng Pusóy
Turkish: poker konuşuruz
Vietnamese: Chúng ta nói kiểu Pô ke

Other languages???

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