Is petted a correct word

Table of Contents

  1. Is petted correct grammar?
  2. Do you say pet or petted?
  3. What is the meaning of petted?
  4. Can a person be petted?
  5. Does being pet feel good?
  6. How do you pet someone?
  7. What does it mean when you pet someone?
  8. What is pet slang?
  9. What is the meaning of petting the dog with your finger?
  10. What does petting the dog mean?
  11. What is the meaning of patting?
  12. What is the meaning of pitting?
  13. What is pitted in Tagalog?
  14. How do you use pitted in a sentence?
  15. What is another word for pitted?
  16. What does pitted mean in dates?
  17. What is the opposite of pitting?
  18. What is the opposite of implacable?
  19. What is another word for putting?
  20. What’s another word for against?
  21. What’s a word for when everyone is against you?
  22. What is the opposite word against?
  23. What is the opposite word of insidious?

Is petted a real word? Yes, petted is a real word. In fact, petted is the correct past tense form of to pet.

Do you say pet or petted?

The past tense of “pet” has been “petted” for over 500 years. Fairly recently, “pet” has become regularly used and accepted in informal settings – largely by Americans, rebels that we are; however, in edited text, “petted” holds strong as the correct version.

What is the meaning of petted?

Petting is when two people kiss and touch each other in a sexual way, but without having sexual intercourse.

Can a person be petted?

Senior Member. Yes, you can. However, normally when you pet a person it is understood as something more sexual. There is also “heavy petting” which is definitely sexual.

Does being pet feel good?

The skin is full of nerve endings that respond to mechanical stimuli—often registering pain. In social animals, grooming is a key component in building and maintaining good relationships. Thus, it makes sense that specialized nerve cells evolved to relay a pleasant sensation when activated.

How do you pet someone?

a friendly way of talking to someone, especially a woman or a child: Thank you, pet. If you pet an animal, child, etc., you touch it, him, or her gently and kindly with your hands: Our dog loves to be petted and tickled behind the ears.

What does it mean when you pet someone?

noun. Informal. kissing, caressing, and other sexual activity between partners that does not involve sexual intercourse.

What is pet slang?

PET. Personal Electronic Thingy. showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions (show all 69 definitions)

What is the meaning of petting the dog with your finger?

The middle finger gesture was used in ancient times as a symbol of sexual intercourse, in a manner meant to degrade, intimidate and threaten the individual receiving the gesture. …

What does petting the dog mean?

Petted is to stroke a person or animal with affection. An example of petted is a dog that has been stroked after having followed a command. This dog is being petted.

What is the meaning of patting?

1. to hit (something) lightly with the palm of the hand or some other flat surface. to pat a ball. 2. to slap (a person or animal) gently, esp on the back, as an expression of affection, congratulation, etc.

What is the meaning of pitting?

1 : the action or process of forming pits (as in acned skin, a tooth, or a dental restoration) 2 : the formation of a depression or indentation in living tissue that is produced by pressure with a finger or blunt instrument and disappears only slowly following release of the pressure in some forms of edema.

What is pitted in Tagalog?

The English word “pitted” can be translated as the following word in Tagalog: 1.) ilaban – [verb] to fight for something; to pit more…

How do you use pitted in a sentence?

Pitted sentence example

  1. The staple type has black glaze showing little lustre, and in choice varieties this is curiously speckled and pitted with red.
  2. The surfaces are pitted all over with perforations of two kinds, viz.
  3. In his negotiations with President Kruger one masterful temperament was pitted against another.

What is another word for pitted?

Pitted Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for pitted?

pocked pockmarked
pocky scarred
dented cratered

What does pitted mean in dates?

What is a pitted date? A pitted date is one where the pit has been removed.

What is the opposite of pitting?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for pitting. evening, flattening, leveling.

What is the opposite of implacable?

implacableadjective. incapable of being placated. “an implacable enemy” Antonyms: appeasable, placable, conciliable, mitigable.

What is another word for putting?

What is another word for putting?

laying placing
emplacing plunking
posing deposing
disposing draping
plopping positing

What’s another word for against?

Synonyms of ‘against’

  • beside, abutting, facing, in contact with, on, opposite to, touching, upon.
  • opposed to, anti (informal), averse to, hostile to, in defiance of, in opposition to, resisting, versus.
  • in preparation for, in anticipation of, in expectation of, in provision for.

What’s a word for when everyone is against you?

Pronoia is a neologism coined to describe a state of mind that is the opposite of paranoia. Whereas a person suffering from paranoia feels that persons or entities are conspiring against them, a person experiencing pronoia feels that the world around them conspires to do them good.

What is the opposite word against?

“I wish I was more willing to try new things!”…What is the opposite of against?

favourably disposed to in favor of
supporting of encouraging
encouraging of on the side

What is the opposite word of insidious?

insidious. Antonyms: straightforward, sincere, undesigning, innocuous. Synonyms: wily, treacherous, designing, dangerous, deceitful, sly, crafty, artful.

If you met an adorable puppy yesterday and rubbed its belly and scratched its ears, would you say that you pet the dog, or petted the dog?

Some speakers might use either, and most English users would understand them either way. For written contexts, though, there is a clear difference between these words.

What is the Difference Between Pet and Petted?

In this post, I will compare petted vs. pet and use each of these words in at least one example sentence, so you can see them in their proper context.

I will also demonstrate a mnemonic device that will make it easier to choose either petted or pet, depending on the context of your sentence.

When to Use Pet

pet versus pettedWhat does pet mean? The word pet has a few meanings, but, in this article, I will focus on its use as a verb that means to stroke or caress, usually in regard to a domestic animal.

When you pet a cat, for instance, it is likely to either start purring or bite you, depending on whether or not it wants to be touched at that moment.

Pet is a regular verb. It can be conjugated into various tenses by adding -s, or doubling the T and adding -ing or -ed.

Conjugations of Pet:

  • I/we pet: first person singular and plural present
  • You pet: second person singular and plural present
  • He/she/it pets: third person singular present
  • They pet: third person plural present
  • Petted: simple past
  • Petting: Present participle

Since it is a regular verb, there are no real surprises.

Here are a few ways to use pet in a sentence,

  • Brian enjoyed his date with Angela, but became a little annoyed when she stopped to pet every single dog they saw.
  • “Be careful when you pet our dog Bowser,” said Marianne, “he doesn’t like to have his ears touched.”

When to Use Petted

definition of petted definition of pet definitionWhat does petted mean? As you saw from the chart above, petted is the simple past (and past participle) conjugation of the verb pet.

Some speakers of English use pet as the simple past tense, as well. While this usage is common in many informal contexts, it is not yet accepted as standard in formal writing.

Here are some sentences that use petted as a past tense verb,

  • “I just petted you five minutes ago; let me eat my dinner in peace!” Karen told her cat.
  • After they had petted as many dogs as possible, Brian and Angela left the beach and walked back to their car.
  • Paro is a robot modeled after a baby harp seal. It trills and paddles when petted, blinks when the lights go up, opens its eyes at loud noises and yelps when handled roughly or held upside down. –The New York Times

Trick to Remember the Difference

define petted define petNow, let’s go over a trick to remember pet vs. petted.

  • Pet is a present tense conjugation of this verb.
  • Petted is the main past tense conjugation.

In other words,

  • Use pet in the present.
  • Use petted in the past tense.

Since petted rhymes with other past tense verbs, like headed, bedded, and wedded, it should be simple to remember that petted is a past tense verb, as well.


Is it pet or petted? Pet and petted are two conjugations of a verb that means to stroke or caress.

  • Pet is a present tense conjugation.
  • Petted is the simple past tense version.

Pet is sometimes used in the past tense in informal situations, but for written English, you should stick with petted.

Common Questions: Pet vs. Petted

Is petted a real word? Yes, petted is a real word. In fact, petted is the correct past tense form of to pet.

Is petted a word? Yes, petted is a wordSee above.

What is the past tense of pet? While many think pet is the past tense of pet, it is actually petted. Pet is a regular verb, so it follows the standard conjugation pattern of English verbs.

Do you pat a dog or pet a dog? That depends what you mean? If you were to “pat” a dog, you would touch quickly and gently the dog, usually on the top of the head. If you were to “pet” a dog, you would rub the dog back on forth.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Pet and Petted?
  • 2 When to Use Pet
  • 3 When to Use Petted
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary
  • 6 Common Questions: Pet vs. Petted

The verb pet is usually inflected petted in the past tense and as a past participle. This has been the case for as long as the word has been a verb (about 500 years). The uninflected form (e.g., he pet the cat) is fairly common in informal contexts, especially in the U.S., but it usually gives way to petted in edited writing. Pet is gaining ground, though, and there is some precedent for it in the uninflected verbs let, set, and bet, so it may someday gain broader acceptance. For now, petted remains the safer choice.


Here are examples of petted in texts spanning the last few centuries:

And indeed, some familiar Horses love to be so petted, and will by that means eat twice as much as they would do if they were left to themselves. [A New Treatise on the Diseases of Horses, William Gibson (1754)]

[S]he, provoked at the apparent indifference of her petted darling, positively declared he should come to her, or be sent out of the room. [The Decision: A Novel (1811)]

We agreed, without any more consultation, that we would both go, and that Dora was a little Impostor, who feigned to be rather unwell, because she liked to be petted. [David Copperfield, Charles Dickens (1849)]

The stately donkeys were much petted and patronized, not by children only, but by that class of sight-seer whom the French denominate badaud. [Atlantic Monthly (1890)]

Whenever Truls saw any of them he would come leaping and bounding up, expecting to be given milk and to be petted.[Grass of the Earth, Aagot Raaen (1950)]

When Juneau seemed to understand that this tall stranger would not hurt him and hesitantly let himself be petted, things looked up. [Denver Post (2012)]

Meanwhile, instances of pet as the past tense or past participle are either nonexistent or very rare until the 21st century (re-create two of our historical searches here and here—most or all of the results are scanning errors), and those from this century are mostly from American sources that are not very well edited—for example:

Simon turned to mush as he pet Panda, but he still saved enough venom to spit “excruciating” after she finished singing. [MTV (2008)]

“You’re a good boy. Are you a good boy? Yeah you are,” said Sheriff’s Deputy Jay O’Neil as he pet his partner Thor on the head. [WMTV (2009)]

As she pet the wolf, he slowly opened his mouth as if he was about to speak. [The Werewolf Curse, Heather Citulsky (2010)]

Petted is a word.

I got into a debate with my six year old daughter about this today. It shows up in the online dictionary, , and in an old 1984 Webster dictionary. Petted is definitely a word.

petted is not a word

No it is pronounced pet because petted doesn’t make since when you say you petted the dog. When you say I pet the dog it makes more sense.

I beg to differ, when you say «I pet the dog.» it implies present tense or something you would do now. Using pet in a different way one could say «I was petting the dog.» But for some sentences petted would be appropriate, «The dog was petted yesterday.» is grammatically correct especially when compared to «The dog was pet yesterday.» As you can probably see, the second variation implies present tense but does not agree with the tense implied by yesterday. Lastly, one who really wishes to explore this topic might check any dictionary under the inflected forms of the verb pet.

Fill in the correct word / phrase.
*pocket money *training *button *role model *computer simulation
1. ……………… is used a lot in PC games.
2. You must save your ………………… if you want to buy a new computer.
3. This college offers many courses in teacher …………..
4. Press the ………………… to switch the computer on.
5. This singer is a good ……………….. for teenagers.

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TEST 5 B (Module 5)

*A. Complete the words.  Завершите слова.

e.g. headphones
например, наушники


1. submarines
2. gadgets
3. laptop
4. button
5. assignment


1. подводные лодки
2. гаджеты
3. ноутбук
4. кнопка
5. задание

*B.Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B.  Составьте слова в столбце A со словами в столбце B.

A                       B
e.g. digital C  A. pet
6. mobile       B. car
7. glass         C. camera
8. MP3         D. player
9. flying        E. phone
10. virtual     F. dome


A                                       B
например, цифровой C A. домашний питомец
6. мобильный                  B. машина
7. стеклянный                  C. камера
8. MP3                              D. плеер
9. летающий                    E. телефон
10. виртуальный              F. купол


6 – E, 7 – F, 8 – D, 9 – B, 10 – A.

*C. Fill in the correct word/phrase.  Вставьте правильное слово / фразу.

• training • computer simulation • pocket money • assignment • button • role model
 • подготовка • компьютерное моделирование • карманные деньги • задание • кнопка • образец для подражания

e.g. The students finished their assignment on time.
например, Студенты выполнили задание вовремя.


11. You must save your pocket money if you want to buy a new computer.
12. Computer simulation is used a lot in PC games.
13. Press the button to switch the computer off.
14. That college offers many courses in teacher training.
15. As a famous actress, she is a role model for many teenage girls.


11. Вы должны экономить карманные деньги, если хотите купить новый компьютер.
12. Компьютерное моделирование широко используется в компьютерных играх.
13. Нажмите кнопку, чтобы выключить компьютер.
14. Этот колледж предлагает множество курсов по подготовке учителей.
15. Как известная актриса, она является образцом для подражания для многих девочек−подростков.

*D. Underline the correct form of the verb.  Подчеркните правильную форму глагола.

e.g. I booked my holiday ages ago. I am going / will go to Spain.
например, Я забронировал отпуск давным−давно. Я еду в Испанию.


16. I promise I am going to / will take out the rubbish.
17. Look at those stars in the sky! It’s probably going to / will be a beautiful day tomorrow.
18. I will / am going to order some Chinese food if you want.
19. I want to buy a new DVD so I’ll / ’m going to save my pocket money.
20. Maybe I’ll  / am going to go to the party tonight.


16. Я обещаю, что вынесу мусор.
17. Посмотрите на эти звезды в небе! Вероятно, завтра будет прекрасный день.
18. Я закажу китайскую еду, если хотите.
19. Я хочу купить новый DVD, поэтому я собираюсь экономить карманные деньги.
20. Может, я пойду на вечеринку сегодня вечером.

*E. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.  Напишите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

e.g. If you get a pet, you won’t be (not be) lonely.
например, Если вы завели домашнее животное, вы не будете (не быть) одиноки.


21. If you go to the party, I’m sure you will / `ll have (have) a good time.
22. I will / `ll  buy (buy) you a shirt if I have enough time.
23. If you do not / don’t study (not study), you may fail the exam.
24. If we buy a car, we will not / won’t have (not have to) to travel by bus.
25. If you do not / don’t  sleep (not sleep), you get tired.
26. Whenever it rains (rain), I wear my boots.
27. If you cook (cook) dinner, I’ll make the dessert.
28. If it’s sunny, we will / `ll  go (go) to the zoo.
29. When you run (run) fast, you get hot.
30. If I have a party, I will / `ll  invite (invite) all my friends.


21. Если вы пойдете на вечеринку, я уверен, вы хорошо проведете время.
22. Я куплю тебе рубашку, если у меня будет время.
23. Если вы не будете заниматься, вы можете не сдать экзамен.
24. Если мы купим машину, нам не придется ездить на автобусе.
25. Если вы не спите, вы устаете.
26. Когда идет дождь, я одеваю ботинки.
27. Если ты приготовишь ужин, я приготовлю десерт.
28. Если будет солнечно, мы поедем в зоопарк.
29. Когда ты быстро бежишь, тебе становится жарко.
30. Если у меня вечеринка, я приглашу всех своих друзей.

*F. Choose the correct response. Подберите правильный ответ.

e.g. In the future, we will take holidays on the moon. B   A. I agree. They can’t show affection.
31. I think electric cars are the cars of the future.            B. I don’t think everyone will go there.
32. Some kids get too much pocket money.                     C. You’re right. They are better for the environment, too.
33. In the future, we won’t need to go to school.              D. I don’t agree. It’s better to read real ones.
34. Virtual pets are not much fun.                                     E. That’s true. They spend it on all kinds of gadgets.
35. I think electronic books are best.                                F. I see what you mean, but we’ll still need teachers.


например, В будущем мы будем брать отпуск на Луну. B А. Я согласен. Они не умеют проявлять привязанность.
31. Я думаю, что электромобили − это автомобили будущего. B. Не думаю, что все туда поедут.
32. Некоторые дети получают слишком много карманных денег. C. Вы правы. Они также лучше для окружающей среды.
33. В будущем нам не нужно будет ходить в школу. D. Я не согласен. Лучше читать настоящие.
34. Виртуальные домашние животные − это не очень весело. E. Это правда. Они тратят их на всевозможные гаджеты.
35. Я считаю, что электронные книги лучше всего. F. Я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду, но учителя нам все равно понадобятся.


31 – C, 32 – E, 33 – F, 34 – A, 35 – D.

*G. Read the essay below and choose A, B or C to complete the sentences.   Прочтите эссе ниже и выберите A, B или C, чтобы завершить предложения.

Mobile Phones: Making Life Easier
Most people today cannot imagine their life without a mobile phone. I believe it is one of the most important innovations ever. Thanks to mobile phones, our lives are much easier today.
First of all, if you have a mobile phone you can make phone calls no matter where you are. For example, you can call a friend to let them know that you lost your way or are going to be late. As a result, you feel safer and less stressed.
In addition, we can use mobile phones to send text messages. We can write messages to friends giving them news or sending them birthday wishes. We can even listen to the radio while travelling on a bus or the metro.
However, some people would argue that it has a negative effect on our life. If we use mobile phones all the time, it is bad for our health.
In my opinion, mobile phones have more advantages than disadvantages if we use them correctly. Our lives are better with them and they are here to stay.

Мобильные телефоны: сделать нашу жизнь легче
Большинство людей сегодня не могут представить свою жизнь без мобильного телефона. Я считаю, что это одно из самых важных нововведений за всю историю. Благодаря мобильным телефонам наша жизнь сегодня намного проще.
Прежде всего, если у вас есть мобильный телефон, вы можете звонить по телефону, где бы вы ни находились. Например, вы можете позвонить другу, чтобы сообщить, что вы заблудились или опаздываете. В результате вы чувствуете себя в большей безопасности и меньше подвержены стрессу.
Кроме того, мы можем использовать мобильные телефоны для отправки текстовых сообщений. Мы можем писать друзьям сообщения, сообщая им новости или поздравляя их с днем рождения. Мы даже можем слушать радио, путешествуя в автобусе или метро.
Однако некоторые люди утверждают, что это отрицательно влияет на нашу жизнь. Если мы все время пользуемся мобильными телефонами, это плохо для нашего здоровья.
На мой взгляд, у мобильных телефонов больше преимуществ, чем недостатков, если мы ими правильно пользуемся. С ними наша жизнь лучше, и они имеют право на существование.


e.g. Most people nowadays
   A. cannot live without mobile phones.
   B. imagine life without mobile phones.
   C. live without mobile phones.

36. Thanks to mobile phones, our lives have become
   A. simpler.
   B. more exciting.
   C. more complicated.
37. One of the advantages of mobile phones is that
   A. they play music.
   B. they are cheap.
   C. they let us call people wherever we are.
38. Mobile phones are also used to
   A. send wishes.
   B. send letters.
   C. send bills.
39. The main disadvantage of mobile phones is that
   A. they are expensive.
   B. they are bad for our health.
   C. they create stress.
40. Mobile phones have
   A. no disadvantages.
   B. more disadvantages than advantages.
   C. more advantages than disadvantages.

36 – A, 37 – C, 38 – A, 39 – B, 40 – C.


например, Большинство людей в наши дни
А. не могут жить без мобильных телефонов.
B. представить себе жизнь без мобильных телефонов.
C. живут без мобильных телефонов.
36. Благодаря мобильным телефонам наша жизнь стала
А. проще.
B. более захватывающей.
C. более сложной.
37. Одним из преимуществ мобильных телефонов является то, что
A. они играют музыку.
B. они дешевые.
C. они позволяют нам звонить людям, где бы мы ни находились.
38. Мобильные телефоны также используются для
А. отправки пожеланий.
B. отправки писем.
C. отправки счетов.
39. Основным недостатком мобильных телефонов является то, что
А. они дорогие.
B. они вредны для нашего здоровья.
C. они создают стресс.
40. У мобильных телефонов
А. недостатков нет.
B. недостатков больше, чем достоинств.
C. больше преимуществ, чем недостатков.

*H. Listen to the advertisement and complete the missing information.

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Хотите сократить счет за телефон? У Skype есть ответ − первый в мире телефон, который использует беспроводной Интернет для бесплатных звонков другим пользователям Skype в любой точке мира! Это означает, что вам не обязательно иметь компьютер, и вы можете общаться с людьми, где бы вы ни находились! Более того, вы можете использовать телефоны Skype для звонков на обычные телефоны по всему миру всего за пять пенсов в минуту! Оставайтесь на связи со всеми своими друзьями, храните до 200 контактов на цветном дисплее и точно знайте, кто в сети. Не нужно платить ежемесячно. Всего 24,99 фунтов стерлингов. Заказать сейчас!


Skype: The Phone of the Future • wireless, Internet phone • Make 41) free calls to other Skype users. • You don’t even need a 42) computer! • Calls to ordinary phones cost 43) five pence a minute. • Colour display can keep up to 44) 200 contacts. • No monthly fees. Only 45) £ 24.99.


Skype: Телефон Будущего • беспроводной, Интернет−телефон • Делайте 41) бесплатные звонки другим пользователям Skype. • Вам даже не понадобится 42) компьютер! • Звонки на обычные телефоны стоят 43) пять пенса за минуту. • Цветной дисплей вмещает до 44) 200 контактов. • Без ежемесячной платы. Всего 45) £ 24.99.

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

tempted • intact • consumer • rummage • discarded • condemned • foraging • tuck • landfill • rope
1 I decided not to take that bottle of milk as the packaging didn’t seem … .
2 For scavengers … food is the point of every day interest.
3 … price of the same goods is different in Moscow and other cities.
4 If you … in your bag, you will definitely find the keys.
5 To breed high quality cattle in this climate zone you need a … strategy.
6 You must … the trousers into the boots to keep warmer on such a cold day.
7 I’ve always felt … to trying drawing but never had time for that.
8 Nobody will want a flat next to the city … as the smell is awful.
9 Who can we … in to make dinner for tomorrow’s party?
10 Sam is … to leave school for three days for his misbehavior.

TEST. Module 5. Variant 1.

  1. Fill in the correct word.(5*1=5)
                                                       *dangerous *long *elephants *leopard *wing
    1.A………………can run very fast.
    2. My budgie can’t fly. It’s got a broken…………….
    3.Elephants have got ……………..trunks
    4. African ………………haven’t got small ears.
    5. Some snakes can bite humans. They are……………..
  1. Circle the odd one out.(5*0.2=2.5)
    1 duck-hen-cow-dog
    2 tail-trunk-insect-beak
    3 crocodile-deer-cat-lion
    4 wild animals-farm animals-pets-insects
    5 fur-wings-feathers-bear

3.Complete the names of the animals. (5*1=5)

1 pe_ _ _ _ k
2 r_ _ _ o 
3 g_ _ _ e
4 g _ _ _ f_ _h
5 r_ b_ _ t
4.Choose the correct item. (5*1=5)
1 Dolphins_______________ with one eye open.
                                                          a)sleeps b)doesn’t sleep c)sleep
2 A giraffe_________________eating leaves.
                                                       a)likes b)doesn’t like c) don’tlike
3 Insects_____________an important food for birds and other animals.
                                                      a) to be b)is c)are
4 Bees____________honey.
                                                 a) makes b)make c) makees
5 I _______________dogs are the best pets.
                                                a) think b)thinks c)don’t thinks
5. Underline the correct word. (5*1=5)
1 What pet 
has/have you got?
2 A duck 
is/are a farm animal
3 The rhino likes 
to sit/to eat in the mud.
walk/walks his dog in the park every day.
5 A giraffe has got long 

6. Complete the sentences. Use present simple. (5*1=5)

1. Tom always __________ to school early. (get)

2. I often ______________TV every evening. (watch)

3. Lisa ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

5. Helen ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

7. Write the negative form. (5*1=5)

1. Elephants eat tigers._____________________________________________

2. Bears fly._____________________________________________________

3. I like snakes and spiders._________________________________________

4. She finds monkeys noisy.________________________________________

5. Giraffes live in Europe.__________________________________________

TEST. Module 5. Variant 2.

  1. Fill in the correct word.

fur * paws * farm * jungle * climb.

  1. My cat’s __________is soft and thick.
  2. Tortoise can’t run. It’s got small ___________.
  3. _________ animals make good pets.
  4. Lions live in _____________.
  5. Monkeys can __________ the tree (дерево).

2. Circle the odd one out (5*0.2=2.5).
1 duck-hen-cow-dog
2 tail-trunk-insect-beak
3 deer-crocodile- lion- cat 
4 insects- wild animals- pets-farm animals 
5 wings- feathers- bear- fur

3. Complete the names of the animals (5*1=5).

1. pe_ g _ _ n
2. d_ _ k 
3. g_ _ _ e _ p _ _
4. g _ _ _ f_ _h
5. b_ d_ _ e

4.Choose the correct item. (5*1=5)

1. A cat _______________ milk.
a) likes b)doesn’t like c)like
2. He _________________in Brazil.
a) lives b)doesn’t lives c) don’t live
3. Insects _____________an important food for birds and other animals.
a) to be b)is c)are
4. Monkeys____________ in trees.
a) live b)lives c) doesn’t live
5. Rhinos _______________ plants.
a) eat b) eats c)don’t eats
5. Underline the correct word. (5*1=5)
1. John 
play/plays with his dog every day.
2. A hen 
is/are a farm animal.
3. The rhino likes 
to sit/to eat in the mud.
4. What pet 
has/have you got?

5. A giraffe has got long necks/neck.

6. Complete the sentences. Use present simple. (5*1=5)

1. He always __________ tea in the morning. (drink)

2. We often ______________TV in the evening. (watch)

3. Mary ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

5. Jim ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

7. Write the negative form. (5*1=5)

1. Elephants eat tigers._____________________________________________

2. We work very hard._____________________________________________

3. Tom likes snakes and spiders._____________________________________

4. She likes to play the guitar._______________________________________

5. Giraffes live in America._________________________________________

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