Is payed a proper word

What is the proper way to talk about the verb “to pay” in the past tense? Is it paid or payed?

  • The infinitive “to pay” has many meanings, most relating to offering something (most commonly money) to someone else, commonly in return for services or goods.
  • As an irregular verb, “pay” becomes “paid” in most instances rather than adding an “-ed” to the base word.
  • However, there is another form of “to pay” relating to many nautical activities which follows the same conjugation rules except for the past tense, which becomes “payed” rather than “paid.”

When dealing with regular verbs, forming the past tense generally consists of adding “-ed” to the end of the base form or perhaps simply “-d” if the word already ends with an e. For instance, “jump” becomes “jumped,” and “smile” becomes “smiled.” 

However, there are frequent exceptions to the rule in the English language. It is notorious for absorbing verbs from other languages, often bringing along the conjugation rules for the word. The result is irregular verbs, which do not fit the same mold as most English verb transitions and even transition differently from one another. 

“Pay” is an irregular verb with a past tense spelling of “paid.” However, this word is unusual because it has a secret – a twin form of the expression with an alternate conjugation for the past tense, meaning something completely different.

What Does “Pay” Mean?

Most people understand the word “pay” as it relates to commerce. In this situation, it means offering currency, goods, or services in return for something else. 

  • Kalahan dropped a pouch of gold coins on the merchant’s counter to pay for his new sword. 

If Kalahan continues to serve as a monster-slaying mercenary, he will need the best equipment for the job. In this example, he uses gold as his currency, trading it to a vendor for a new blade. 

However, you can offer something in some situations without expecting anything in return. 

  • The entire village gathered to pay their respects when the honorable sage passed away. 

Here, there is no transaction taking place, but the villagers are offering their time and appreciation for this man as a form of tribute. 

  • The bright sun shone outside, making it hard for Billie Joe to pay attention to his teacher, as his mind kept wandering to all the adventures he could be having instead. 

Another offering without a direct return, “paying attention,” refers to offering your focus and consideration to someone. While this targeted concentration could provide benefits since the teacher is providing a lesson, that is not always the case. After all, Billie is paying attention to the beautiful day outside and not gaining anything but a sense of longing. 

  • The detective snapped the silver handcuffs around the criminal’s wrists, then took him to jail to pay for his crimes. 

In this case, the greater part of this payment is not currency, but intangible incarceration time, depending on the jury’s verdict. 

Sometimes, “pay” refers to money received in exchange for services like completing a job. 

  • Once the sailors had their pay, they immediately headed for the nearest pub to make the best use of it. 

How to Conjugate the Infinitive “To Pay”

The base form of “pay” is the infinitive “to pay,” which changes depending on how we use it, generally to compensate for tense, number, and person. Here is the basic conjugation of the verb: 

 Person                                                                                         Past                                                                                              Present                                                                          Future

I                                                                                                       paid                                                                                                pay                                                                                will pay

You                                                                                                 paid                                                                                                pay                                                                               will pay

He/She/It                                                                                    paid                                                                                                pays                                                                             will pay

We                                                                                                 paid                                                                                                 pay                                                                               will pay

They                                                                                             paid                                                                                                 pay                                                                               will pay

You (all)                                                                                      paid                                                                                                 pay                                                                                will pay

The pattern is the same other than the present form of the third-person pronouns. In more complex tenses, the past progressive form is generally “was paying,” and the past perfect form is “has paid,” with a few exceptions for subject/verb agreement. 

Therefore, if someone changed the past tense to “payed,” which may be forgiven considering that is the basic rule of thumb in a regular verb, you would expect this to be a simple misspelling, right? 

Maybe. Or maybe not.  

Graphic showing that the past tense of "to pay" is "paid"

When “Payed” Is a Correct Verb Form

If used when trying to spell the past tense of “to pay” with the above definitions, along with a few similar variations, “payed” would indeed be considered a misspelled word. However, “to pay” has another, less commonly used meaning that, in most cases, is nautical in nature. If that word makes you scratch your head, it means relating to sailors, boats, and similar concerns related to the sea. 

When used this way, the definition often relates to applying a waterproof seal to something, commonly a ship’s deck. It is also appropriate when referring to a gradual slacking of a rope or chain or offering them a bit at a time. 

  • Marlowe could not see the bottom of the pit, so he tied a rope around his waist and gave the coil to Matthew; as he climbed down, his friend payed out that rope.

Because Matthew is letting his friend’s descent guide the amount of rope he is releasing, this is considering paying out the rope. It is interesting to note that the only time you can detect a difference between this form of “pay” and the common usage is in the past tense. 

Otherwise, it would appear thus: 

  • “Matthew, pay out the rope to me as I climb down, okay?”

Here is another example of the past tense of these traditionally nautical meanings in play: 

  • Because the crew did not paye the deck, it soon began to crack and splinter when exposed to the sea and rain. 

Remember, in this case, “pay” means to waterproof the surface, using tar, pitch, or some other sealant to protect it. 

Final Thoughts

Most of the time, if you see “payed” used to express the past tense, it is likely a spelling mistake. These writers are likely trying to convey a transaction and have followed the basic rule for regular verbs, adding “-ed” to the base form. As “pay” is an irregular verb, the past tense form in that scenario should be “paid” instead. 

That being said, “payed” is not always improper, as when referring to a gradual drawing out of rope or the act of waterproof sealing a deck or similar surface. In fact, this instance is often improperly attributed to the form “paid” for its past tense, as that conjugation is far more common and doesn’t “look” wrong to most people. In most cases, this is widely accepted even though it is technically incorrect. 

The two forms play out identically in any other tense, making these considerations irrelevant. 

Further reading: Led or Lead? Began or Begun? Pleaded or Pled?

  • #1

Which form is correct? paid or payed???

I’m asking this because I saw the both of them but paid is used more often. Is it wrong to use payed??? (somebody asked me to search on google «paid surveys» but I typed «payed surveys» — is this a mistake?

eg: Are you payed properly?

Is it wrong?

Last edited: Oct 28, 2007

  • #2

Although the ‘American Heritage Dictionary’ does state that payed is the same as paid, my Microsoft Word 2007 dictionary does not recognise payed as a proper word and indicates it is misspelled.

You should go with paid.


  • #3

Microsoft Word 2003 does the same but for example the dictionary of recognizes payed. so… what is the answer???

sometimes English is so difficult for me as a second language learner. :((

  • #4

You have the answer.

Both are correct, however, paid is more commonly recognised as correct.

If you think this is confusing, wait until you get to learn about lead and lead.

He was lead around by a leash.

He was hit over the head by a lead pipe.



  • #5

^^^^ yeah

He was lead to believe her
If u lead, we will follow
Lead is poisonous
I guess the lead guitar was too loud

  • #6

Which form is correct? paid or payed???

I’m asking this because I saw the both of them but paid is used more often. Is it wrong to use payed??? (somebody asked me to search on google «paid surveys» but I typed «payed surveys» — is this a mistake?

eg: Are you payed properly?

Is it wrong?

Yes, it is without doubt. Did you get any response with refence to your search? I tried and got the word changed to Played.

  • #7

Which form is correct? paid or payed???

I’m asking this because I saw the both of them but paid is used more often. Is it wrong to use payed??? (somebody asked me to search on google «paid surveys» but I typed «payed surveys» — is this a mistake?

eg: Are you payed properly?

Is it wrong?

You may go to the following links.
Urban Dictionary: payed
Payed Definition | Definition of Payed at

  • #8

^^^^ yeah

He was lead to believe her
If u lead, we will follow
Lead is poisonous
I guess the lead guitar was too loud

It should be he was LED to believe her.
Lead is a verb and rhymes with deed.
Led is that verbs past tense.
Lead (the metal) is pronounced like led.

When it comes to the past simple tense of the word pay, it is common to see it as either “paid” or “payed”. It is easy to get these words mixed up or think that one is incorrect, but they are actually both real words. They do, however, have different meanings.

Paid meaning

When the word pay is being used referring to finance or transactions, the proper past tense use is paid. Paid means to use money to purchase a good or service. For example, you paid your bills, or you paid for dinner.

Paid can also refer to more than just money. If you went to a funeral, you paid respects to that person and their family. If you gave someone your attention, you paid attention to them. If something turns out your way after hard work, your work paid off.

Example Sentences
I got paid yesterday, so we can go out tonight.

The ransom was paid to get the stolen information back.

I paid attention during the entire lecture, and surprisingly I learned a lot.

Payed meaning

When the word pay is being used in a nautical sense, the correct past tense use is payed. Payed has two very specific definitions. The first definition of the word is to give slack to a rope; payed out.

The second definition of the word payed comes from the nautical sense. It means to cover with tar. For example, you payed the deck to prevent leaks.

It is highly uncommon for the word payed to be used properly in a sentence. It is a word that has a very limited meaning. In most cases, when you see someone type payed, it is a spelling error.

Example Sentences:
The rope was payed out before I could stop it.

The captain payed out the additional rope for the anchor.

Paid is used more commonly than payed, even in a nautical sense. You can use paid in place of payed, but payed can’t be used in place of paid.

If you are using the word payed to refer to a financial transaction, that is a spelling error. For instance, you shouldn’t say you payed your bills online. In this situation, you would use the word paid for the sentence to be correct.

An easy way to remember the difference between paid and payed is to think of the word pay as the word say. Say is conjugated in the same way that pay is because they are both irregular verbs.

Pay and say both end with ay. In their past tense form, they both also end with aid. The proper past tense of say is said, not sayed. This will help you understand which word is the proper word to use.

Paid Off or Payed Off?

In this situation, we can assume it is referring to a financial transaction. For the sentence to be correct, you would use the word paid. For example, I paid off my car loan.

If the situation is referring to hard work being done and a good reward coming from it, the correct word would also be paid off. For example, all of the hard work he put in paid off big time.

Paid Out or Payed Out?

This one is a little more difficult because they can technically both be right. You would need to really pay attention to the context of the sentence to determine which word is right.

For example:

The insurance finally paid out after my car accident.

The construction working payed out the cable as he installed it.

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

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payed versus paid

What’s the Difference Between Payed and Paid?


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Payed and Paid?
  • 2 Using Payed in a Sentence
  • 3 Using Paid in a Sentence
  • 4 Remembering Payed vs. Paid
  • 5 Outside Examples
  • 6 Quiz: Paid vs. Payed
  • 7 Article Summary

Both of these are legitimate words, but you are only likely to ever encounter one in everyday writing.

Payed is a common misspelling of the past tense form of the verb pay, but it does have its own specific definition (see below)

  • Stop! That thief hasn’t payed for that food! (incorrect spelling – use paid instead)

Paid is the past tense form, and the past participle, of the verb pay. It means to give money in exchange for a good or service.

  • Don’t worry. You don’t owe any money. You already paid in full.

Let’s practice a few ways you can use paid in your sentences to help you avoid making the error of using payed.

Using Payed in a Sentence

When to use payed: When used as the past tense of pay, payed is a spelling error.

For example,

  • I refuse to pay for this hotel room a second time when I already payed online. (incorrect spelling – use paid instead)
  • I payed my rent on time every month last year. (incorrect spelling – use paid instead)

Payed can be a correct spelling, but only in two very narrow definitions. The first definition is to give slack to a rope, in the simple past tense form payed out. The second definition has a nautical origin. It is to cover with tar in the simple past and past participle forms.

As you might imagine, these two meanings are so rare that you will likely never, or almost never, see or use them.

Using Paid in a Sentence

When to use paid: Paid is the simple past tense and past participle form of the verb pay. It means to exchange money for a good or service.

For example:

  • All students who haven’t paid are subject to expulsion.
  • He paid the fine in order to avoid jail time.

There are many idioms and expressions that use the verb pay. A few of those expressions are included below:

  • to pay a king’s ransom: to pay a very large sum of money
    • He paid a king’s ransom for his mansion on the oceanfront.
  • to pay one’s dues: to work hard to achieve success
    • People think the pop singer achieved fame due to her famous parents, but she paid her dues.
  • to pay one’s last respects: to attend the funeral of one who has died
    • I paid my last respects to my deceased cousin last week.
  • to pay an arm and a leg: to pay a lot of money
    • She paid an arm and a leg for an original, signed copy of her favorite novel.
  • to pay a compliment: to praise someone
    • He paid me a compliment the other day, so I think he might finally have stopped hating me.
  • to pay attention (paid attention): give someone or something your attention
    • If you want to succeed, you need to pay attention in class.

These expressions show that pay can refer to more than just money. Also, when using any of these expressions in the past tense, you will use paid, not payed.

Remembering Payed vs. Paid

One way to help you remember which is the correct past tense form of pay is to think of the verb say.

Say is a common irregular verb in English, and it is conjugated in a similar way to pay.

Say and pay both end in ay in their base form. Also, they both end in aid in their past tense form and past participle form, said and paid.

It may help to remember the sentence People always say they’ll pay, but those who’ve said they’ve paid sometimes have lied.

Outside Examples

  • The last Chicago cop facing disciplinary action in the David Koschman case has been paid more than $37,000 for overtime while assigned to desk duty as he fights City Hall’s efforts to suspend him for a year. –Chicago Sun Times
  • It’s government lobbying government, and it’s paid for with taxpayer dollars. –LA Times
  • Rechnitz paid a $48,200 fine for using apartments as illegal hotel rooms — and failing to install a proper sprinkler system and fire alarms. –New York Daily News
  • That Airline Seat You Paid for Isn’t Yours –Wall Street Journal

Quiz: Paid vs. Payed

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct word, either paid or payed.

  • I don’t know why my credit card was declined. I _______________ my bill last month. (correct spelling)
  • He is so famous now that most people don’t remember or don’t realize that he began as a busker performing out on the street. He definitely ___________ his dues. (incorrect spelling)
  • She was a good manager. She always _____________ compliments to her staff. (incorrect spelling)
  • I traveled to the funeral and _________ my last respects. (correct spelling)

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use payed or paid? Always use paid and never payed. Although they look like either version could be correct, only paid is acceptable. Using payed will at best confuse your readers and at worst could make them think your writing is ignorant or unprofessional.

  • Payed is an incorrect version of paid which you shouldn’t use.
  • Paid is the simple past tense and past participle form of pay, meaning to give money for in exchange for something.

It can be hard to remember the correct spelling for irregular verbs. Nevertheless, it is essential to do so to write accurately.

Answers from Quiz

  • paid
  • payed
  • payed
  • paid

  • #1

Hi everyone:
I have a doubt about when to use PAID and when PAYED. I have always been used to PAID but a student asked me about this other form, is it a Brittish form or what? Please, help me.

    • #2

    Paid is the correct usage.

    • #3

    Both forms are to be found in dictionaries. Paid is certainly more common; at least a Google check indicates this.

    I automatically use paid.


    • #4

    Thanks a lot to both of you.


    • #5

    Hello : D

    I never thought I would come across this too. Today I found «payed» being used by a girl in a chat forum. I’m sure she’s an English native speaker so there’s must be some reasons why she used it. As far as I know, at least from what I have heard of, sometimes young people like to use wrong grammars to make it good-looking. In that case I wouldn’t be doubtful. But when I found this thread and have known that someone has come across this word (payed) too, I feel unsure again. So, what’s going on ?


    • #6

    Payed is now considered obsolete according to some dictionaries. However, it is in the Bible (both as paid and payed!), and may be the reason some still spell it the ‘archaic’ way.


    • #7

    Payed is now considered obsolete according to some dictionaries. However, it is in the Bible (both as paid and payed!), and may be the reason some still spell it the ‘archaic’ way.

    So, you mean that it used to be used once in the past ? I mean, used to be


    ? , but now— no?


    • #8

    Archaic does not mean incorrect. Nevertheless, I would stay with paid simply because it has become the accepted spelling, especially in business.

    • #9

    I know I’m probably in the minority, but in the expression «to pay a visit», the past tense I would write as payed a visit, I don’t know why, but it just seems more natural to me. If the standard accepted form is different, then I guess it’s something I am personally at odds with. Every other usage I can think of would be consistent with paid. Maybe the «paid» version seems to much like «purchased/gave money for», so in line with it being a different meaning, my mind has given it the different past tense.


    • #10

    I know I’m probably in the minority, but in the expression «to pay a visit», the past tense I would write as payed a visit, I don’t know why, but it just seems more natural to me. If the standard accepted form is different, then I guess it’s something I am personally at odds with. Every other usage I can think of would be consistent with paid.

    It makes sense. One has a connotation associated with money, and another does not. Good point. :idea:


    • #11

    I know I’m probably in the minority, but in the expression «to pay a visit», the past tense I would write as payed a visit,

    It’s paid a visit for me, Alx:).

    • #12

    Another example I did remember but didn’t mention was when it meant to sort of, hmm how do you explain something without using the word itself? «To pay out a line», like when a boat is leaving and it’s no longer tied to land. I wasn’t going to mention it but when looking in the OED it backed up my suspicion so I decided to mention it.. well it says:

    Inflections: Past tense and past participle paid, (chiefly in nautical senses) payed.

    So I guess that’s the usage to be expected in «to pay out a line».
    However, as it’s noted that the other paid is also well attested with this usage.

    • #13

    I would advise all students to use paid.

    You will rarely, if ever, be wrong.



    • #14

    Ah, thank you for your replies: D

    I would advise all students to use paid.

    You will rarely, if ever, be wrong.

    Yes, I will always use «paid» . But I just want to know how it could become «payed» and you all has helped me.

    Thank you so much !

    • #15

    This is quite fascinating. I had never encountered «payed» before. I’ve just checked two of the leading US dictionaries, Random House and American Heritage. They agree: The past tense of pay is paid, with one exception: When the meaning is «to let out a rope or cable by slackening it», you can take your choice; either paid or payed is correct. In all other uses (paid the bill, paid a visit, etc.), «payed» is obsolete, hence incorrect in contemporary usage.

    • #16

    Most readers would consider «payed» to be an error. While it may have been used at an earlier time in history, and the English language doesn’t have a central body that can decree «this is no longer correct,» to me that’s enough of a reason not to use it.

    • #17

    I know I am relatively late to this thread, but to provide some context for the ambiguity, in French, the verb to pay is «Payer.» It is one of the few verbs that can be conjugated as «paie» or «paye» in the present tense, and is still fully accepted either way. Though I have no official proof that this option is a reason for the ambiguity in English, but I find it rather likely, based on the verbs being cognates, that this is the source of the uncertainty in English.

    • #18

    < Newest discussion has been added to previous thread.
    Please scroll up and read from the top. Cagey, moderator. >

    Can someone explain to me the difference between Payed and Paid?

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2015


    • #19

    These are just variant spellings, nuggets. Our dictionary mentions «payed» as an alternate spelling for «paid». There is no difference in meaning. I ordinarily use «paid». «Payed» looks strange to me.


    • #21

    I think it is clear that paid is the accepted spelling these days. However, we write stayed instead of staid: this struck me as I read Jane Austen writing in the early 19th century who consistently wrote staid. Many other similar words also use —ed: prayed, sprayed, bayed.

    Two other words have —aid: laid and said, although it might be added that said contains a different vowel than say.


    • #22

    we write stayed instead of staid:

    As an aside, after all these years, you have caused the penny to drop — it’s the same word… I had always taken staid and stayed as two separate words:

    staid (adj.) Settled in character; of grave or sedate deportment; dignified and serious in demeanour or conduct; free from flightiness or caprice. a1834 C. Lamb Good Clerk in Misc. Wks. (1871) 386 His whole deportment is staid, modest, and civil. (OED)
    stayed as the pp of to stay. «This is the house where he stayed.»


    • #23

    When I stumbled across this thread my first thought was «payed — boats — deck seams — hot tar». I find the supposed nautical usage reported on various web dictionaries curious. There’s two verbs with nautical application, both of which are in the Wordreference dictionary, but not both in both sections.

    Of the same etymology as all the common meanings of «to pay» we have «to pay out». I’d never write «He payed out the rope», I’d use the commonly-accepted form «He paid out the rope». There’s no justification for using «paid out» for money and «payed out» for rope — it’s the same verb and almost the same sense. It’s perfectly OK for a landlubber up a rock face to pay out some slack in a climbing rope — he doesn’t need to be on a boat.

    The other verb, of completely different etymology (Old French peier), is «to pay»

    (transitive) to caulk (the seams of a wooden vessel) with pitch or tar

    There’s no question here at all. The past form is «payed» as in «He payed the deck seams with tar.» The language loses a little every time a boat maintenance website author confuses the word with the much commoner «to pay» (Old French payer) and writes «paid»

    • #24

    It seems to me that this thread is not about grammar, or even usage, but about spelling. As a previous poster said, «Stick with ‘paid’ and you’ll rarely, if ever, be wrong.» (They’re


    the same, at any rate.)


    • #25

    Isn’t spelling usage in written English?


    • #26

    The language loses a little every time a boat maintenance website author […]

    A very very little, perhaps, Andy. I’ve never heard of that verb pay ~ and was surprised to hear that there’s even such a thing as a ‘boat maintenance website’:confused:


    • #27

    I know I’m probably in the minority, but in the expression «to pay a visit», the past tense I would write as payed a visit, I don’t know why, but it just seems more natural to me. If the standard accepted form is different, then I guess it’s something I am personally at odds with. Every other usage I can think of would be consistent with paid. Maybe the «paid» version seems to much like «purchased/gave money for», so in line with it being a different meaning, my mind has given it the different past tense.

    From what I learned in business, payed is used for cheque and I normal use paid for a visit.

    Sparky Malarky

    • #28

    I have only ever seen payed used by people who have poor grammar and/or spelling skills, who use poor punctuation — or none — and who don’t care about these things.

    I am not saying that there is no proper place for it, but if so, it’s fairly obscure. When I have seen it, it was a mistake. You may run across it frequently because there are a lot of people on the internet who simply don’t care to learn.


    • #29

    I have only ever seen payed used by people who have poor grammar and/or spelling skills, who use poor punctuation — or none — and who don’t care about these things.

    I’m not sure how to take that, Sparky. I thought my grammar and spelling skills were above the British average, and I do care about these things. I used «payed» earlier in the thread and explained why.

    Sparky Malarky

    • #31

    I’m not sure how to take that, Sparky. I thought my grammar and spelling skills were above the British average, and I do care about these things. I used «payed» earlier in the thread and explained why.

    Andy, your grammar and spelling skills are probably above mine.

    What I tried to say — and probably said badly — is that I, personally, have not seen the word used by people who know what they’re doing. Well, except you. Obviously you know what you’re doing, so I have learned something new.

    I do not believe, however, that «payed» is used often in American English by people who are as careful as you. Therefore, I suspect that either (1) it’s a BE/AE difference, or (2) there is a fine distinction I never learned. Based on my experience, I think it’s #1.

    However, I have seen a LOT of people say «payed» who also say «sayed» and «he went» and «you should of seen what judy and i done yesterddy oh my god i though brian was gonna die we payed $10 for the movie it sucked»

    Having seen far too much of that kind of thing, my first impulse is to assume that «payed» is a mistake.


    • #32

    Hi everyone:
    I have a doubt about when to use PAID and when PAYED. I have always been used to PAID but a student asked me about this other form, is it a British form or what? Please, help me.

    «Paid» is used with reference to payments, usually of money or some other store of value.

    «Payed» is still in very common use, at least in AmE,» with reference to nautical lines or ropes. AHD4 defines this use as: Past tense and past participle paid or payed (pd) To let out (a line or cable) by slackening.

    • #33

    However, I have seen a LOT of people say «payed» who also say «sayed» and «he went» and «you should of seen what judy and i done yesterddy oh my god i though brian was gonna die we payed $10 for the movie it sucked»

    Having seen far too much of that kind of thing, my first impulse is to assume that «payed» is a mistake.

    What’s wrong with saying ‘he went’?

    Anyway call it ignorance but I didn’t know until now that ‘payed’ was an incorrect spelling, I always assumed it was one of those variable spellings like ‘spelled’ and ‘spelt’. I preferred ‘payed’ because it’s the less irregular of the two, and I’ll continue to use it in informal settings because I don’t like propagating irregularities. To be perfectly honest I think the English language would be a little better off without all the ‘paids’ and ‘saids’, but then that’s partly the result of coming from (an area of) Scotland where we pronounce ‘said’ as ‘sayed’ so that’s how I’d like to write it. Anyway, rant over, I suppose we must stick to the ‘correct’ usage for now and hope that the ignorance of the youth will eventually restore the more logical ‘payed’ spelling.


    • #34

    Anyway call it ignorance but I didn’t know until now that ‘payed’ was an incorrect spelling, I always assumed it was one of those variable spellings like ‘spelled’ and ‘spelt’. I preferred ‘payed’ because it’s the less irregular of the two, and I’ll continue to use it in informal settings because I don’t like propagating irregularities.

    I must admit I was half-expecting it to be listed as a permissible alternative and was a bit surprised when I looked it up to find that it wasn’t. It does seem to be quite widely used informally in BE and I wouldn’t dream of drawing inferences about anyone’s standard of grammar or spelling skills if I came across it.:eek:

    • #35

    I also have the same question in my mind. I’m confused what to use just like in check deposit or cheque deposit. Well, great to know that I can use both paid and payed!

    Sparky Malarky

    • #36

    What’s wrong with saying ‘he went’?

    Good question. I think I meant to write «he had went.»

    Anyway, now I think I need to get over myself. Working on it.

    Villages in the Eastern Lands have failed to pay proper tribute.

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    The Review Conference should pay proper attention to the implementation of non-proliferation commitments.


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    Обзорная конференция должна уделить надлежащее внимание соблюдению обязательств по нераспространению ядерного оружия.


    Such helpmate will let a mom to pay proper attention to older children and husband.


    context icon

    А еще такая помощница позволит мамочке уделять должное внимание другим близким- старшим деткам и мужу.


    You can not defeat one infectious disease, if you do not pay proper attention to other infections.


    context icon

    Нельзя победить какое-то одно инфекционное заболевание, если не уделять должного внимания другим инфекциям.


    NHRIs should call upon States to pay proper attention to issues of corruption endangering the enjoyment of human rights.


    context icon

    НПЗУ следует обратиться к государствам с призывом уделять должное внимание вопросам коррупции, ставящей под угрозу осуществление прав человека.


    If today we do not pay proper attention to the education of youth,

    tomorrow it may be too late.


    context icon

    Если сегодня мы не уделим должного внимания воспитанию молодежи, то завтра может быть поздно.


    But if you do not pay proper attention to the choice of the disinsection service, you can witness the following unpleasant surprises:

    context icon

    Но если не уделить выбору службы дезинсекции должного внимания, то можно стать свидетелем следующих неприятных сюрпризов:

    A lack of time and money has made it difficult for her to pay proper attention to giving her children high quality food,


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    По ее словам, из-за нехватки времени и денег она не может уделять должное внимание качественному питанию детей.


    The Government does not pay proper attention to the development of strategies for adapting to climate change,

    preserving biodiversity, or managing solid household waste including medical waste.


    context icon

    В Кыргызстане не уделяется достаточное внимание разработке стратегий по адаптации к изменениям климата, по сохранению биоразнообразия,

    по управлению твердыми бытовыми отходами, включая и медицинские отходы.


    The author insists that the financial crisis in Weimar Germany was provoked largely with misguided policies of the social democrats,

    which didn’t want to pay proper attention to problem of a post-war economic reconstruction.


    context icon

    Автор настаивает, что финансовый кризис в Веймарской Германии был спровоцирован во многом непродуманной политикой социал-

    демократов, которые не уделили должного внимания проблеме послевоенного восстановления экономики.


    Some reports have failed to pay proper attention to this direct requirement of the Covenant and,

    as a result, to provide adequate information on the way in which the treatment of accused persons differs from that of convicted persons.


    context icon

    В некоторых докладах не уделяется надлежащего внимания этому прямому требованию Пакта и в результате

    в них не содержится соответствующей информации о том, в каких отношениях обращение с обвиняемыми лицами отличается от обращения с осужденными лицами.


    I appeal to developed countries completely to fulfil their commitment to increase official development assistance, to build up our economic capacities in the areas of processing and

    marketing our commodities, and to pay proper prices for our products and facilitate market access.


    context icon

    Я призываю развитые страны полностью выполнить свои обязательства по увеличению официальной помощи на цели развития, укреплению нашего экономического потенциала в областях переработки и маркетинга наших сырьевых товаров,


    Taking into consideration a special part in Belarus-China trade played by Belarus’s potash fertilizers

    exports the Committee believes the Parties will pay proper attention to the matter

    and find mutually acceptable and beneficial solutions based on long-term interests of the Parties in the above issue.


    context icon

    Комиссия, принимая во внимание особую роль в белорусско- китайской торговле экспорта белорусских

    калийных удобрений, считает, что Стороны будут уделять важное внимание данному вопросу

    и находить взаимоприемлемые и взаимовыгодные решения, исходя из долгосрочных интересов Сторон в данном вопросе.


    Some people will even tell you that they can’t imagine their ceremonies without the


    dishes and while that boils down to personal preference in the end,

    if you want to pay proper respect to the roots of tea’s traditions,

    you should invest in a high-quality set of Chinese teacups.

    context icon

    Некоторые люди даже сказать вам, что они не могут себе их церемоний без надлежащего блюда- и хотя это сводится к личных предпочтений в конце концов,

    если вы хотите платить должного уважения к истокам традиций tea’ s,



    инвестировать в набор высококачественных китайского чашки.

    Moreover, in many instances it was clear that Parties did not pay proper attention to the aspect of the impact of aquaculture on the quality

    of waters that are used as sources for drinking water and for bathing, but instead concentrated primarily on the issue of water quality for fish and invertebrates used in aquaculture, and have not set respective targets in this area.


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    Кроме того, во многих случаях четко видно, что Стороны не обращают должного внимания на такой аспект, как воздействие аквакультуры на качество вод,

    которые используются как источники питьевой воды и для купания, а вместо этого концентрируют внимание на вопросе качества воды для рыб и беспозвоночных, используемых в аквакультуре, и соответствующих целевых показателей в этой области не установили.


    Pay proper attention at your clothing too as it should protect

    skin from exposure to the sun and help prevent skin pigmentation.

    context icon

    Уделяйте больше внимания вашей одежде, так как она должна защищать

    кожу от воздействия солнца и помогать предотвратить появление пигментации кожи.

    No, we can’t do that lt’s

    just… if this was a professional transportjob you know paid proper like it would be a lot easier, but.

    context icon

    Нет, мы не можем этого сделать.-

    During the reporting period, the procedure used to manage potential conflict of interest between the substantial shareholders are effective and

    the Board of Directors paid proper attention conflict between shareholders if there were any.


    context icon

    В течение отчетного периода процедуры управления потенциальными конфликтами интересов у существенных акционеров являются эффективными, а

    конфликтам между акционерами, если таковые были, Совет директоров уделил надлежащее внимание.


    During the reporting period, the procedures used to manage potential conflict of interest among the substantial shareholders were effective,

    and the board of directors paid proper attention to any and all conflicts among shareholders.


    context icon

    В течение отчетного периода процедуры управления потенциальными конфликтами интересов у существенных акционеров являются эффективными, а

    конфликтам между акционерами, если таковые были, Совет директоров уделил надлежащее внимание.


    but did not judge it so grave as to justify depriving the four nations of their right to bring the issue before the General Assembly.


    context icon

    но не считает ее настолько серьезной, для того чтобы лишать четыре государства их права выдвигать вопрос на рассмотрение Генеральной Ассамблеи.


    By paying proper attention to the prevention of corruption,

    the major event may actually serve to demonstrate how a greater level of transparency and integrity can effectively be brought to any major public initiative.


    context icon

    Уделяя должное внимание противодействию коррупции, крупное мероприятие

    фактически служит наглядным примером пользы, которую более высокий уровень открытости, честности и неподкупности может принести любой крупной публичной инициативе.


    Governments, non-governmental organizations and local organizations should act to ensure that the proposed World Trade Organization

    becomes an effective instrument for promoting trade that pays proper attention to the interests of all actors in international trade.


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    Правительствам, неправительственным организациям и местным организациям следует действовать таким образом, чтобы планируемая Всемирная торговая организация

    стала эффективным инструментом поощрения торговли, уделяющим должное внимание интересам всех участников международной торговли.


    Tax auditors overindulge incorrect application of law on the matters of taxation, billing

    operations, cash flow and licensing, they are not paying proper attention to documenting and reviewing of audit materials

    that results in numerous cases of unlawful imposition of additional taxes and financial penalties.


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    Налоговые ревизоры грешат тем, что неправильно применяют нормы действующего законодательства по вопросам налогообложения,

    осуществления расчетных операций и оборота наличности и лицензирования, не уделяют должного внимания оформлению и рассмотрению материалов проверок,

    в результате чего допускаются многочисленные случаи неправомерного доначислении налогов и применении штрафных( финансовых) санкций.


    They should also pay us proper compensation for the human,

    economic, material and ecological damage they have caused.


    context icon

    экономический, материальный и экологический ущерб, причиненный ими.


    They alleged that Merck failed to


    proper rebates to Medicaid and other health care programs and paid illegal remuneration to health care providers.

    context icon

    Информаторы утверждали, что Merck не предоставила надлежащие скидки по бюджетному медицинскому обеспечению граждан и других программам в области здравоохранения и заплатила незаконные вознаграждения поставщикам медицинских услуг.

    If you write scripts for your site yourself you must pay proper attention to their security.


    context icon

    Если Вы пишете скрипты своими руками, то обязательно уделите должное внимание их безопасности.


    And I still can if you would only


    proper respect to the Elders and to me.

    context icon

    И все еще могу, выказав ты должное уважение к Старшим и ко мне.

    The author has considered the essence of that managerial function as well as has

    explained why modern managers should pay proper attention to the issue.


    context icon

    В данной статье мы рассмотрим, в чем заключается суть данной функции управления и

    почему современные управленцы


    уделять этому вопросу должное внимание.


    Specific omissions: Failure to


    proper fees, failure to file


    report, etc.


    context icon

    Конкретные упущения: неуплата надлежащих сборов, непредставление надлежащей отчетности и т. п.


    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    правильное слово

    подходящее слово

    нужное слово

    нужные слова

    «Account» might not be the proper word either.

    In addition to his archaeological contributions, Evans fulfilled a role in the British Empire for which there is no proper word in formal English.

    В дополнение к его археологических взносов, Эванс исполнил роль в Британской империи, для которых не существует правильное слово в формальном английском языке.

    I’m sure you guys have a proper word for that kind of behavior.

    I’m not sure fun’ is the proper word.

    There are search engines which output results in which there is at least one proper word.

    Существуют поисковые системы, которые выводят результаты, в которых есть хотя бы одно нужное слово.

    These grapes were grown here in Georgia, so the proper word would be «delicious.»

    Этот виноград вырос в Джорджии, так что нужное слово — «превосходно».

    The proper word here is stable, because «qualitative» means something else.

    Правильное слово — это стабильное, поскольку «квалифицированное» означает совсем другое.

    The proper word for that idea is anarchism.

    A friend who runs a medium-sized investment trust recently wrote: «The mercurial temperament characteristic of the American people, produced a major transformation in 1958 and ‘exuberant’ would be the proper word for the stock market, at least».

    Один мой друг, управляющий товариществом средних размеров недавно написал мне: «Деятельный нрав, присущий американцам, произвел значительные трансформации в 1958 году и»пышно растущий» будет подходящее слово характеризующее состояние фондового рынка».

    Parenting is not as easy as you may think, because this twenty four hour job requires you to be always ready to teach, support and find a proper word to motivate your child.

    Воспитание ребенка не так просто, как вы думаете, потому что нужно двадцать четыре часа работать и быть всегда готовым учить, поддерживать и найти правильное слово, чтобы мотивировать ребенка.

    In a household, if that is the proper word, where a magazine was edited, and which was visited exclusively by artists, writers, and — for want of a better word — intellectuals, I managed to live in my own private world.

    Дома, если это подходящее слово, где редактировался журнал и который посещали исключительно артисты, писатели и, одним словом, интеллектуалы, я ухитрялся жить в своем собственном личном мире.

    Pastor Brian said «judge is not the proper word if you read the Greek and read it in context.»

    Пастор Брайан сказал «Судья не правильное слово, если вы читали греческий и читать его в контексте.»

    He struggled for a moment, seemingly to find a proper word, and said that the mood in question was a frame of mind I continually lapsed into.

    Какое-то время он колебался, видимо подыскивая подходящее слово и затем сказал, что то настроение, о котором он говорит, являлось рамкой ума, в которую я постоянно впрыгиваю.

    They merely indicate that when the «something» of the experiments is translated into the language of physical theory, the proper word in that language is «atom,» not «nucleus.»

    Они просто показывают, что, когда «что-то» переводится на язык физической теории, правильное слово — это «атом» а не «ядро».

    The proper word is «impetus».

    Was there a proper word for it?

    That is not the proper word.

    «That is the proper word

    «That is the proper word

    I suspect that «surprise» would not be quite the proper word for their reaction.

    Подозреваю, что «удивление» будет слишком мягким словом для их реакции.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 56. Точных совпадений: 56. Затраченное время: 81 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    (= нужно) it is necessary, it is essential

    В более сложных системах необходимо… — In more complicated systems, it is necessary to…

    В подобной ситуации необходимо… — In such a situation, it is necessary to…

    В самом деле, необходимо… — It is in fact necessary to…

    В связи с этим необходимо отметить, что… — In this connection, it should be noted that…

    В то же время необходимо объяснить, что… — At the same time it must be explained that…

    Во многих инженерных приложениях необходимо рассматривать… — In many engineering applications, it is necessary to consider…

    Во многих приложениях это и есть все что необходимо. — In many applications this is all that is required.

    Возникает вопрос, действительно ли обратное (утверждение и т. п.) является необходимым. — A question arises as to whether the converse necessarily holds.

    Вот почему было необходимо (показать и т. п.)… — That is why it has been necessary to…

    Вряд ли здесь необходимо говорить о том, что… — It hardly needs to be stated that…

    Вряд ли необходимо подчеркивать тот факт, что… — It is hardly necessary to stress the fact that…

    Все, что необходимо здесь сказать, это… — All that need be said now is that…

    Все, что необходимо — это заметить, что… — All that is necessary is to observe that…

    Для лучшего понимания процесса необходимо… — In order to have a better understanding of the process, it is necessary to…

    Для последующего нам необходимо одно обобщение (чего-л). — In the sequel we require a generalization of…

    Для этого нам необходима концепция… — For this we require the concept of…

    Еще очень многое необходимо сделать в этой области. — Much remains to be done in this area.

    Заметьте, что необходимо (сделать что-л). — Notice that it is necessary to…

    Здесь необходимо сделать одно предостережение. — A word of warning is necessary here.

    Изредка необходимо… — Occasionally, it is necessary to…

    Имеется один нюанс, о котором здесь необходимо сказать. — There is a subtle point that should be mentioned here.

    На этом этапе необходимо отметить очень важный факт. — At this stage a very important fact must be pointed out.

    Наконец, необходимо допустить, что… — Finally, it must be granted that…

    Нам все еще необходимо решить как (действовать и т. п.)… — We have yet to decide how to…

    Нам необходима некоторая гарантия того, что… — At the very least some assurance is needed that…

    Нам необходимо еще одно условие, чтобы определить… — We need one more condition to determine…

    Нам необходимо еще раз… — Once again it is necessary to…

    Нам необходимо найти число… — We wish to find the number of…

    Нам необходимо одно определение. — We need a definition.

    Нам необходимо найти решение… — We need to determine the solution of…

    Нам необходимо рассмотреть более подробно практические последствия… — We need to consider in more detail the practical implications of…

    Нам необходимы более точные определения, потому что… — More exact definitions are necessary because…

    Не так редко, однако, необходимо… — Not infrequently, however, it is necessary to…

    Необходимо более внимательно изучить данные. — A closer look at the data is called for.

    Необходимо быть осторожным в применениях данной формулы. — One must be careful in using this formula.

    Необходимо внести коренные изменения в… — There has to be a radical change in…

    Необходимо выяснить, действительно ли… — It needs to be ascertained if…

    Необходимо добавить, что… — It should be added that…

    Необходимо заметить, что существуют два способа, которыми… — It should be noted that there are two ways in which…

    Необходимо кратко остановиться на… — Brief mention should be made of…

    Необходимо лишь… — It is merely necessary to…; It is only necessary to…

    Необходимо (— Нужно) ожидать, что… — It is to be expected that…

    Необходимо особенно подчеркнуть, что… — It cannot be too highly stressed that…

    Необходимо особенно тщательно следить за тем, чтобы… — Special care must be used to

    Необходимо отметить, что… — It is to be noted that…

    Необходимо подчеркнуть, что… — It is necessary to stress that…; It should be stressed that…; It must be emphasized that…

    Необходимо понимать, что… — It should be realized that…

    Необходимо понять и выяснить роль процессов, задействованных в… — It is therefore important to understand and appreciate the processes involved in…

    Необходимо понять, что… — It is to be understood that…

    Необходимо проверить… — There is a need to examine…

    Необходимо проследить за… — It is necessary to keep track of…

    Необходимо проявлять большую осторожность в выборе… — Great care must be exercised in selecting…

    Необходимо рассмотреть эту проблему в некоторых деталях. — It is necessary to consider this problem in some detail.

    Необходимо сделать несколько замечаний. — There are a number of points to be made.

    Необходимо сделать следующее замечание. — It should be noted that; It should be pointed out that; A remark is in order

    Необходимо сказать с самого начала, что… — It should be said from the outset that…

    Необходимо следить за тем, чтобы не произошел перегрев… — Care must be exercised to avoid overheating…

    Необходимо учесть… — Account must be taken of…; Proper allowance must be made for…

    Необходимо четко отметить, что… — It must be carefully noted that…

    Необходимо, чтобы… — It is necessary that…; It is essential that…

    Однако модификации необходимы, когда… — Modifications, however, are necessary when…

    Однако необходимо всегда помнить, что… — One should always keep in mind, however, that…

    Однако необходимо заметить, что… — It must be observed, however, that…

    Однако необходимо знать, что понимается под… — It is necessary, however, to know what is meant by…

    Однако необходимо подчеркнуть, что… — But it needs to be stressed that…

    Однако необходимо понимать, что.. i. — However, it must be understood that…

    Однако сначала необходимо… -It is first necessary, however, to…

    Однако часто бывает необходимо… — However, it is frequently necessary to…

    Однако, во-первых, нам необходимо изучить общую теорию… — First, however, we need to study the general theory of…

    Относительно… необходимо сделать пояснение. — A word of explanation is necessary with regard to…

    Очевидно, необходимо, чтобы… — Clearly, it is necessary that…

    Очевидно, нет необходимости (= нам не надо) (нечто проделать). — Clearly, there is no need to…

    Перед тем как вернуться к рассмотрению этих проблем, нам необходимо… — Before returning to these matters, it is necessary to…

    Перед тем как установить только что упомянутые результаты, необходимо (рассмотреть и т. п.)… — Before establishing the results just mentioned it is necessary to…

    Помимо всего, нам необходимо показать, что… — Above all, we need to show that…

    Поэтому необходимо… — For this reason it is necessary to…

    Прежде всего необходимо (вычислить и т. п.)… — It is first of all necessary to…

    При этих обстоятельствах необходимо… — In these circumstances, it is necessary to…

    Производя экспериментальные работы, иногда необходимо… — In the course of experimental work, it is sometimes necessary to…

    С другой стороны, необходимо всегда удостовериться, что… — On the other hand one always has to make sure that…

    С этим обозначением необходимо обращаться аккуратно. — One must be careful with the notation.

    Следовательно в каждом (отдельном) из этих случаев необходимо… — In each of these cases, therefore, it is necessary to…

    Следовательно, необходимо помнить, что… — It should therefore be borne in mind that…

    Следовательно, необходимо развить общий метод для… — It is, therefore, necessary to devise a general method for…

    Таким образом, в принципе необходимо только… — Thus, in principle at least, it is only necessary to…

    Сначала нам необходимо определить, что понимается под… — We need first to define what is meant by…

    Совершенно необходимо, чтобы… — It is important that…

    Тем не менее, необходимо допустить, что… — Nevertheless, it must be admitted that…

    Тем не менее, необходимо уделить внимание… — Nevertheless, attention needs to be paid to…

    То, что нам необходимо, это понятие о… — What is needed is a notion of…

    Удобно, хотя и не необходимо (= не очень нужно),… -It is convenient (though not necessary) to…

    Часто бывает необходимо… — It is frequently necessary to…

    Часто необходимо произвести… — It is frequently necessary to generate…

    Что (действительно) необходимо — это ясное понимание… — What is needed is a clear understanding of…

    Чтобы доказать (3), необходимо только… — То establish (3) we need only to…

    Чтобы достичь цели, необходимо… — То meet this objective, it is necessary to…

    Чтобы не допустить этого, необходимо… — То prevent this it is necessary to…

    Чтобы справиться с подобной ситуацией, нам необходимо… — In order to handle such a situation, we need to…

    Это вполне справедливо, однако необходимо понять, что… — This is quite true, but it should be realized that…

    Это необходимо для существенного понимания… — This is required for a fundamental understanding of…

    Это условие необходимо для… — The condition is required to satisfy…

    Этот результат было необходимо (= нужно) ожидать, исходя из факта… — This result was to be expected from the fact that…

    Онлайн-тестыТестыИностранные языкиАнглийский язык (школьное обучение)вопросы

    46. Choose the proper word: Do you get __________________ well together?

    47. Choose the proper word: Do you pay high __________________?

    48. Choose the proper word: Don’t __________________, do as you are told.

    49. Choose the proper word: Don’t worry about it, calm __________________.

    50. Choose the proper word: Get __________________ touch with me as soon as you arrive.

    51. Choose the proper word: He got in touch with an American College and did a correspondence __________________ with them.

    52. Choose the proper word: He never married and stayed a __________________ all his life.

    53. Choose the proper word: I can’t stand it any longer, I’m fed up __________________ it.

    54. Choose the proper word: I had to sleep on the streets but I didn’t __________________.

    55. Choose the proper word: I want them to stop bothering me but I have to keep a smile even if I’m angry.

    56. Choose the proper word: I’ll keep my fingers crossed __________________ you.

    57. Choose the proper word: In spite of the generation __________________ there were no problems in the family.

    58. Choose the proper word: It is because __________________ work of this standard he has made about $ 9000.

    59. Choose the proper word: It was worse at home. I couldn’t __________________ it any more.

    60. Choose the proper word: Keep an eye __________________ him!

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