Is parking lot one word

Is parking lot one word or two?

parking lot ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular parking lot
plural parking lots

Is a parking lot a noun?

noun. an area, usually divided into individual spaces, intended for parking motor vehicles.

How do you spell parking lots?

English Language Learners Definition of parking lot US : an area outside a building for parking cars, trucks, etc.

Is parking lot a British word?

A: Yes, “car park” is the usual term in the UK for what is referred to as a “parking lot” in the US, though “car park” is not unknown to Americans, nor “parking lot” to the British.

What is parking lot in project management?

meeting management technique

How are parking lots used in meetings?

As subjects come up that don’t relate directly to the topic under discussion, they are added to the group’s parking lot. The parking lot should be reviewed as part of closing the meeting. For each item on the parking lot, the leader checks whether the topic still needs to be discussed. If not, the item is removed.

What is parking lot tool?

This is a classic business tool used to keep meetings and workshops focused on track. During discussions, questions will often emerge that are important but not fully relevant to the focus at the moment. These questions or issues are “parked” on a flipchart, to be addressed and answered later.

How do you layout a parking space?

Basic best practices are to:

  1. Eliminate dead-end parking areas, so there’s always a flow-through of traffic along aisles (the driving lanes facilitating access to parking spots)
  2. Locate aisles and rows of parking parallel to the long dimension of the site.
  3. Orient parking on each side of an aisle.

Which angle parking is best?

45 to 60 degrees

What is the car parking size?

As per CMDA regulations, the minimum size of a car parking space is 2.5 m (8’2”) wide and 5 m (16’4”) long.

What is the most efficient parking lot layout?

The most efficient arrangement is usually for aisles to be parallel to the longest side of the lot. This results in a 20 percent increase in lot capacity. Cross aisles are necessary in large parking areas. Generally, it is recommended to provide a cross aisle for every 30 spaces.

What is a good parking ratio?

While the most common office building parking ratio is currently around 4 (spots per 1,000 sq. ft.), many tenants have been asking for ratios of 5 or 6.

Which type of parking is best?

Straight in parking is also much faster than angled parking since two lanes of traffic can be accommodated. If the cars are able to move in and out, and through the parking lot lanes faster than this will lead to less congestion. Unfortunately, straight parking spaces do take up more square footage.

What angle are parking spaces?

45 degrees and 60 degrees

What angle is diagonal parking?

Angled parking spaces feature spots tilting at two angles – 60 degrees and 45 degrees. The 60-degree parking lot model requires a turn of about 60 degrees to enter the slightly angled parking space.

What are the 4 types of parking?

Here are a few points about the different types of parking.

  • Angle Parking: In this type of parking, cars are parked at an angle.
  • Perpendicular Parking:
  • Parallel Parking:
  • Illegal Parking:
  • Lot Parking:
  • Bay Parking:
  • Between two Vehicles:

What kind of parking is only ever used in parking lots?

Angle parking is especially widespread in parking lots, where vehicles are designated to go one way. Perpendicular parking is similar to angle parking, but requires greater care in turning.

What is the most difficult type of parking?

34% of drivers find parallel parking the most difficult parking technique. 8% of drivers admit to bumping the car in front or behind while parallel parking. Drivers say finding a parking space is the 15th most stressful thing in life.

What is the easiest form of parking?

Angle parking is similar to perpendicular parking, except the cars are aligned in an angle. Normally the angle is aligned with the direction cars approach the parking space. It makes it a lot easier to drive into the parking space in contrast to perpendicular parking, where the parking space is at a 90 degree angle.

What are the methods of parking studies?

The most common parking surveys conducted are in-out survey, fixed period sampling and license plate method of survey.

  • 4.1 In-out survey. In this survey, the occupancy count in the selected parking lot is taken at the beginning.
  • 4.2 License plate method of survey. This results in the most accurate and realistic data.

What is parking study?

Parking Studies. Parking Studies. Studies must be conducted to collect the required information about the capacity and use of existing parking facilities. In addition, information about the demand for parking is needed.

How many types of parking studies are there?

All vehicles are counted at the beginning of the survey. Then after a fixed time interval that may vary between 15 minutes to i hour, the count is again taken. Here there are chances of missing the number of vehicles that were parked for a short duration….4.1. 1 Numerical Example.

45 6 4
50 4 1
55 3 3
60 2 5

What is parking and its types?

1. Congestion Parking takes considerable street space leading to the lowering of the road capacity. Common type of parking accidents occur while driving out a car from the parking area, careless opening of the doors of parked cars, and while bringing in the vehicle to the parking lot for parking.

What is a turn around maneuver?

Turn around (three-point turn) Turn around between kerbs using forward and reverse gears. You will be expected to: Complete the turn without touching the kerbs. Complete all relevant performance checks during the manoeuvre (e.g. observing, scanning and shoulder checks, and signalling).

What is the angle park?

Angle Park is the premier race track in South Australia situated on Angle Road (Off South Road). See our racing calendar for race meetings. The track has a sand surface and a cable lure system. There are full TAB facilities and bookmakers on site. Angle Park meetings receive Sky Channel coverage.

How do you construct a 45 degree angle park?

How to Do 45-Degree Parking

  1. Find an empty 45 degree angle parking space.
  2. Slow to a crawling speed and use your car’s turn signals to indicate to other cars and pedestrians that you are planning to park.
parking lot

автостоянка, парковка

Англо-русский современный словарь.

Смотреть что такое «parking lot» в других словарях:

  • Parking lot — (called a car park in Australia and the UK) is a cleared area that is more or less level and is intended for parking vehicles. Usually, the term refers to a dedicated area that has been provided with a durable or semi durable surface. In most… …   Wikipedia

  • parking lot — parking lots N COUNT A parking lot is an area of ground where people can leave their cars. [AM] A block up the street I found a parking lot. (in BRIT, use car park) …   English dictionary

  • parking lot — ☆ parking lot n. an area, often paved, for parking a number of motor vehicles …   English World dictionary

  • parking lot — n AmE an open area for cars to park in British Equivalent: car park …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • parking lot — parking ,lot noun count AMERICAN * an area or building where people can park their cars. British car park …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • parking lot — noun a lot where cars are parked (Freq. 6) • Syn: ↑car park, ↑park, ↑parking area • Derivationally related forms: ↑park (for: ↑park) …   Useful english dictionary

  • parking lot — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms parking lot : singular parking lot plural parking lots American a car park …   English dictionary

  • parking lot — noun a) An open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use. Should we park in that parking lot, or in the garage up the street? b) A major thruway blocked by stop and go traffic. They paved paradise and put up a parking… …   Wiktionary

  • parking lot — noun Parking lot is used before these nouns: ↑attendant Parking lot is used after these nouns: ↑dirt, ↑mall, ↑shopping centre, ↑station, ↑supermarket …   Collocations dictionary

  • Parking Lot Brawl — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un Parking Lot Brawl (reyerta en el parking) consiste en que dos luchadores de lucha libre profesional pelean en un parking con libertad para hacer lo que quieran. Una variación es el Iron Circle Match (combate en el …   Wikipedia Español

  • parking lot — parking garage, large area where you are allowed to park your car (usually for money) …   English contemporary dictionary



parking lot — стоянка автомобилей
parking lots — места стоянки автомобилей
heated parking lot — теплая стоянка для автомобилей; теплая стоянка автомобилей
tiered parking lot — многоярусная автостоянка
concrete parking lot — открытая автомобильная стоянка с бетонным покрытием
off-street parking lot — площадка для внеуличной стоянки автомобилей

Автоматический перевод

автостоянка, стоянка, стоянка автомобилей, парковочное место, автомобильная стоянка, стоянка для автомобилей, Парковочная площадка, Парковочная стоянка

Перевод по словам

park  — парк, заповедник, парковать, оставлять
lot  — лот, много, партия, масса, много, намного, гораздо, дробить на участки


Restrict the use of this parking lot.

Ограничьте пользование этой стоянкой.

No skating is allowed in the parking lot.

На стоянке не разрешается кататься на скейтборде.

Our car was vandalized in the parking lot.

Наш автомобиль изуродовали на этой стоянке.

The baseball field neighbors a parking lot.

По соседству с бейсбольным полем находится автостоянка.

We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot

Мы бросили старую машину на пустой автостоянке.

The parking lot is right in front of the building.

Парковка находится прямо перед зданием.

Builders blighted the land with malls and parking lots.

Застройщики испоганили эту землю торговыми центрами и парковками.

His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot.

Ночью его новый «Мерседес» поцарапали ключами на стоянке.

The old factory was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.

Старый завод снесли, чтобы освободить место для новой парковки.

The driver carefully jockeyed the truck into a narrow space in the crowded parking lot.

Водитель осторожно завёл грузовик в узкий свободный промежуток на переполненной стоянке.

The new SUV is particularly unhandy and difficult to maneuver in parking lots and narrow streets.

Новый внедорожник особенно громоздок и сложен в маневрировании на парковках и узких улочках.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The parking lot spans 3 acres  

A bus shuttled people from the parking lot to the dock.  

A shuttle takes people from the parking lot to the airport.  

Students converged in the parking lot to say goodbye after graduation.  

It took us 10 minutes to navigate through the parking lot to the exit.  

…an affray broke out in the parking lot when someone shouted a racial slur…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.


  • #1

The bookstore is very big and there is

a parking lot/space/place

beside it.

Do a parking lot, space, and place refer to the same thing? And which should I use here? Thanks.

    • #2

    The bookstore is very big and there is

    a parking lot/space/place

    beside it.

    Do a parking lot, space, and place refer to the same thing? And which should I use here? Thanks.

    As it is a very big bookshop, I would say «parking lot». This is American English.


    • #3

    Thanks, Scrivener.
    But what are the differences among them? My entree again?


    • #4

    In AE a parking lot has room for many cars. A parking space accommodates a single car. A parking place is
    not idiomatic. We would sometimes say, «I found a place to park» but not «I found a parking place».

    Correction: There is an idiomatic use of ‘a parking place’, but it is out of date. It would have been used to
    describe a place where high school students would go to park their (parents’) cars and ‘pet’, or hug, kiss, etc.
    This has nothing at all to do with the conventional use of the verb park.


    • #5

    Thanks, cuchuflete, for the clear and clear-cut answer.


    • #6

    Hi quietdandelion

    In BrE we would say «car park» for parking lot.

    «Parking space», as cuchu says, is a space for one car — within a car park, or at the side of a road, for example.

    «Parking place» also exists over here, with the meaning «dedicated parking space». A disabled person, for example, might apply to the council to have a disabled parking place painted on the road outside his/her house. I would say «parking place» has a slightly ‘official’ flavour, though, unlike the other expressions.



    • #7

    I agree with loob.
    Parking lot is AE, in BE it’s called a car park. Both refer to an area or building for parking multiple cars.
    A parking space or place is for an individual car, whether on the road or in a car park.
    «The car park is completely full, I can’t find a space anywhere.»

    These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

    парковка f

    стоянка f

    автостоянка f

    паркинг m

    парковочное место

    парковочного места

    парковочной площадке

    Parking Lot


    парковочном месте

    парковочных мест



    He noticed that our parking lot was always full.

    «Мы выяснили, что парковка практически всегда заполнена.

    They can review parking lot security camera footage to identify his car.

    Они могут просмотреть записи с камер, расположенных на парковке, чтобы идентифицировать его автомобиль.

    Near the sports arena there is an open parking lot for coaches and a parking lot for a TV bus.

    Возле спортивной арены расположена открытая стоянка для автобусов спортсменов и стоянка для телевизионного автобуса.

    Local authorities found the car shortly after midnight in a parking lot.

    Вскоре, после полуночи, на стоянке местные власти нашли машину.

    Those streets are, especially during the weekends, nothing but a huge parking lot.

    Эти улицы, особенно в выходные дни, не что иное, как огромная автостоянка.

    Plumer Square is now a parking lot.

    В настоящее время на её месте находится автостоянка Mulry Square.

    People greeted me in the parking lot Monday morning.

    Жители городка ужаснулись, когда пришли на стоянку утром в понедельник.

    I’ve seen white Mercedes in the parking lot.

    Где-то я здесь видел на нашей парковке белый «мерин».

    We drove around the parking lot and didn’t find a space.

    Объехали всю территорию вокруг, парковку не нашли.

    You could wash an employee’s car in the parking lot during lunch one day.

    Вы можете дать распоряжение помыть автомобиль вашего подчиненного на парковке во время ланча.

    The roof of the building serves as a parking lot for trucks.

    Крыша здания служит автостоянкой для большегрузных автомобилей.

    An altercation in the parking lot led to the shooting.

    Ночной конфликт на парковке привел к стрельбе.

    You do not have to go to the parking lot.

    Вам не обязательно идти на парковку.

    Now this parking lot is a new thing.

    А вот по поводу парковок — это что-то новое.

    The suspects, later found to be under the influence of drugs, came to a stop in a middle school parking lot.

    Подозреваемые, находившиеся под воздействием наркотиков, остановились на стоянке возле школы.

    When we arrived, I was surprised to find a large and crowded parking lot.

    Подъехав к собору, мы были приятно удивлены наличию большой и свободной парковки.

    Other employees attempted to flee on foot but were captured in the parking lot.

    Некоторые сотрудники пытались бежать пешком, но были схвачены на стоянке.

    Please be attentive and vigilant in the parking lot.

    Будьте бдительны и внимательны при парковке.

    The vehicle must be parked in the parking lot according to the information signs and horizontal markings.

    Транспортное средство на автостоянку должно быть помещено в соответствии с требованиями дорожных знаков и горизонтальных обозначений.

    It has good access roads and a parking lot.

    Имеет хорошие подъездные пути и парковку.

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    parking lot (plural parking lots)

    1. (Canada, US, Philippines, Malaysia) An open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use.

      Should we park in that parking lot, or in the garage up the street?

    2. (US, figuratively, humorous) A road blocked by stop-start traffic.

      The 101 was a parking lot again today.


    open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use

    • Afrikaans: parkeerplek, parkering
    • Albanian: autopark (sq) m, parking m
    • Arabic: مَوْقِف سَيَّارَات‎ m (mawqif sayyārāt), مَوْقِف‎ m (mawqif)
    • Armenian: ավտոկայանատեղի (hy) (avtokayanatełi)
    • Basque: aparkaleku
    • Belarusian: аўтастая́нка f (aŭtastajánka), стая́нка f (stajánka), парко́ўка f (parkóŭka), па́ркінг m (párkinh)
    • Breton: parklec’h (br) m, park-kirri m
    • Bulgarian: па́ркинг m (párking)
    • Burmese: ယာဉ်ရပ် (my) (yanyrap)
    • Catalan: aparcament m, pàrquing m
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 停車場停车场 (zh) (tíngchēchǎng)
    • Cornish: park kerri m
    • Czech: parkoviště (cs) n
    • Danish: parkeringsplads (da) c
    • Dutch: parkeerplaats (nl) f, parkeerterrein (nl) n
    • Esperanto: parkejo
    • Estonian: parkla (et)
    • Finnish: pysäköintialue (fi), parkkipaikka (fi)
    • French: parking (fr) m, parc de stationnement (fr) m, (Canada) stationnement (fr) m
    • Galician: aparcadoiro (gl) m, aparcamento (gl) m, estacionamento (gl) m
    • Georgian: სადგომი (sadgomi), ავტოსადგომი (avṭosadgomi)
    • German: Parkplatz (de) m (area), Parkhaus (de) n (building)
    • Greek: χώρος στάθμευσης m (chóros státhmefsis), πάρκινγκ (el) n (párkingk), στάθμευση (el) f (státhmefsi)
    • Greenlandic: biilinut uninngatitsivik
    • Hebrew: חַנְיוֹן (he) m (khanyón)
    • Hindi: कार पार्क m (kār pārk)
    • Hungarian: parkolóhely (hu), parkoló (hu)
    • Icelandic: bílastæði (is) f
    • Irish: carrchlós m
    • Italian: posteggio (it) m, parcheggio (it) m
    • Japanese: 駐車場 (ja) (ちゅうしゃじょう, chūshajō), パーキング (pākingu), カーパーク (kāpāku)
    • Kazakh: автотұрақ (avtotūraq)
    • Khmer: ទីចតរថយន្ត (tii cɑɑt rŭət yŭən)
    • Korean: 주차장(駐車場) (ko) (juchajang), 차마당 (chamadang) (North Korea)
    • Kyrgyz: автотурук (avtoturuk)
    • Lao: ບ່ອນໄວ້ລົດ (bǭn wai lot), ບ່ອນຈອດ (bǭn chǭt)
    • Latvian: stāvvieta f, stāvlaukums m
    • Lithuanian: stovėjimo aikštelė f
    • Macedonian: паркиралиште n (parkiralište)
    • Manx: carrlann f, pairk charr f, pairk ghleashtan f
    • Maori: tūnga waka
    • Mongolian:
      Cyrillic: please add this translation if you can
    • Moore: yalsg zĩiga
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: parkeringsplass m
    • Persian: پارکینگ (fa) (pârking)
    • Polish: parking (pl) m
    • Portuguese: estacionamento (pt) m
    • Romanian: parcare (ro) f, parking n, parcaj (ro) n
    • Russian: автостоя́нка (ru) f (avtostojánka), стоя́нка (ru) f (stojánka), стоя́нка для маши́н f (stojánka dlja mašín), парко́вка (ru) f (parkóvka), па́ркинг (ru) m (párking)
    • Scots: car pairk, pairkin lot
    • Scottish Gaelic: pàirc-chàraichean f
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: паркѝралӣште n
      Roman: parkìralīšte (sh) n
    • Slovak: parkovisko n
    • Slovene: parkirišče n
    • Spanish: aparcamiento m, parking (es), estacionamiento m, parqueadero m, parqueo (es) m
    • Swedish: parkeringsplats (sv) c, parkering (sv) c, bilparkering (sv)
    • Thai: ที่จอดรถ (tîi-jɔ̀ɔt-rót), สถานที่จอดรถ (sà-tǎan-tîi jòt rót)
    • Turkish: durguluk (tr), park yeri (tr), otopark (tr)
    • Ukrainian: автостоя́нка f (avtostojánka), парко́вка f (parkóvka), па́ркінг m (párkinh)
    • Uyghur: ماشىنا مەيدانى(mashina meydani)
    • Uzbek: avtoturargoh
    • Vietnamese: bãi giữ xe, bãi đậu xe, bãi đỗ xe
    • Welsh: maes parcio m

    See also[edit]

    • car park (Britain, Ireland, Australia, Singaporean, Malaysian)
    • garage
    • parkade
    • parking garage
    • parking structure

    parking lot — перевод на русский

    /ˈpɑːkɪŋ lɒt/

    He had it coming, but next time will you please do it in the parking lot?

    Он сам нарвался, но следующий раз разбирайтесь на парковке.

    Tacy, I was talking to a fellow in the parking Lot.

    Тейси, я тут с одним типом поговорил на парковке.

    She said she was having a drink, that you waited for her in the parking lot, that she was too drunk to drive home and that you’d get her a room.

    Мама сказала, что она выпивала в баре отеля, ты дождался ее на парковке, заявил, что она много выпила, что ей нельзя за руль и снял ей номер.

    All right, all right, I’ll meet you in the parking lot.

    Ладно, приятель, встретимся на парковке.

    I’d look for a blue Galaxy in the parking lot of the Chalet Swiss bowling alleys.

    Я бы поискал голубую Галакси на парковке боулинг-клуба Чалет Свисс.

    Показать ещё примеры для «на парковке»…

    -In the parking lot. -Let’s go.

    На стоянке. – Тогда пошли.

    I was using this camper as a trick room in the parking lot.

    Я обслуживала клиента в прицепном фургоне на стоянке.

    Louis Palo was killed in the parking lot in Las Vegas.

    Луи Пало был убит на стоянке в Лас-Вегасе.

    You’ll find your car safe and sound in the parking lot of the bus station in Jacksonville, Florida.

    Найдешь свою машину в целости и сохранности на стоянке автобусной станции в Джексонвилле, во Флориде.

    Down there in the parking lot, in front of the hotel.

    Там, внизу, на стоянке перед отелем.

    Показать ещё примеры для «на стоянке»…

    There was a woman who had been turning tricks in a camper… in the parking lot.

    Там была девка, которая ублажала клиентов в прицепном фургончике на автостоянке.

    If this guy’s here tomorrow, why don’t we bury him in the parking lot?

    Джерри. Раз уж этот парень здесь с самого утра, почему бы не похоронить его на автостоянке?

    And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot.

    Ты тоже поймешь, чего я стою… Когда я дождусь тебя на автостоянке.

    I’ll wait here… or in the ladies’ room.. or maybe out in the parking lot.

    Я тут подожду… или в туалете… или на автостоянке.

    Three blocks over in the parking lot.

    В трех кварталах, на автостоянке.

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    It’s a parking lot now but this is where that family got slaughtered a few years ago.

    Теперь это автостоянка… Это то самое место, где четыре года назад вырезали целую семью.

    There is no address, it’s a parking lot.

    Нет, здесь нет номеров, это автостоянка.

    The nudity, the parking lot, I admit it. It was— — It was-

    Раздевание, автостоянка — я признаю это было… это было… это было ошибкой.

    I mean, why not the parking lot or her house?

    Я имею ввиду, почему не автостоянка или ее дом?

    This is the faculty parking lot at Mountainside High yesterday at 5:00 P.M…. no cars.

    Это автостоянка преподавательского состава в школе Маунтинсайд вчера в 5:00 вечера машин нет.

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    I’ll check the parking lot.

    Я проверю автостоянку.

    Would you drag me across the parking lot and put me in the trunk of your car?

    Протащила бы меня через автостоянку и засунула бы в багажник своей машины?

    So, a pickup truck is seen racing through a well-lit, empty parking lot.

    Значит, грузовой автомобиль-пикап, видели мчащимся сквозь пустую автостоянку.

    Uh, okay—okay, you have to go through the parking lot.

    Ну, ладно. Хорошо. Вы должны пройти через автостоянку.

    You don’t mean the parking lot, do you?

    Ты имеешь ввиду не автостоянку,не так ли?

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    He must’ve hit your car in the parking lot while he was leaving.

    Наверное, он стукнул твою машину на парковке, когда уезжал.

    It’s hot out, so I break into a car in the parking lot, hot-wire it and crank the AC to keep myself cool.

    Мне нужно прилечь. На улице жарко. Я забрался в машину на парковке, завел ее проводами и включил кондиционер, чтобы охладиться.

    Sean pulled over in a parking lot so I could throw up.

    Шон поставил машину на парковке, чтобы меня вырвало.

    No one remembers seeing her car in the parking lot.

    Никто не помнит ее машину на парковке

    Police spotted one in a parking lot outside an abandoned shipyard in Newport Harbor.

    Полиция обнаружила одну машину на парковке рядом с заброшенным портом в Ньюпорт Харбор.

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    I got a notice that they’re tearing down my building, putting up a fancy parking lot.

    Я получил извещение, что они хотят снести мой дом… и возвести на его месте какой-то фантастический паркинг.

    Gomez Parking Lot.

    Паркинг Гомес.

    I’m at the Pavilion parking lot on University.

    Эм.. Я на паркинг площади за Университетом

    I mean, host a car wash in the parking lot to help raise awareness?

    Ну там, поработать мойщиком машин на паркинге — для повышения вашего уровня осведомлённости?

    You have a camera on the parking lot?

    Есть видеокамера на паркинге?

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    Get one from the parking lot. We’ve got to get that plane out of there.

    Возьми один с автостоянки Нам надо, наконец, достать самолет.

    I’m not leavin’ this motherfuckin’ parking lot… till I find my wallet.

    Я не уйду с автостоянки, пока не найду чёртов бумажник!

    I followed her here from the parking lot.

    Я проследил за ней с автостоянки.

    That’s the guy from the parking lot.

    Это тот парень с автостоянки.

    There are dudes drilling in the middle of a parking lot.

    Парни пробурили середину автостоянки.

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    So, tell me. What type of parking lot could you reliably expect to be unattended for an hour or so at a time?

    Скажите, где бы вы спокойно оставили машину без присмотра на часок-полтора?

    Found it at a motel parking lot off east grand.

    -Сообщили, что нашли машину Джексон. Нашли у мотеля на Ист Гранд.

    Maybe it would be best if you wait in the parking lot.

    Может, будет лучше, если вы подождете в машине?

    They were preparing Olivia to say goodbye. And my husband was trying to calm my mother in the parking lot because she lost it.

    Оливию готовили к прощанию, мой муж пытался успокоить мою мать в машине, потому что она билась в истерике.

    you do that,sir,and i will have you arrested before you hit the parking lot.

    Если Вы сделаете это, сэр, я арестую Вас прежде, чем Вы доберетесь до своей машины.

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    Is the parking lot possum back?

    Парковочный опоссум вернулся?

    Let me tell you what it is that attracts me to the parking lot business, yours in particular.

    Я скажу, чем меня привлекает парковочный бизнес. Особенно ваш.

    I’ve studied your books, and, you’re not just in the parking lot business anymore.

    Я изучил вашу бухгалтерию, теперь у тебя, не только парковочный бизнес.

    Joe’s office was under the car ramp that took the cars up to the parking lot on the roof.

    Офис Джо находился под наклонным въездом для машин, который вел их к парковочному месту на крыше.

    Turns out it was a parking lot entrance ticket from the Kapiolani Rec Center.

    Выяснилось, что это был парковочный талон из клуба Капиолани.

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    Отправить комментарий

    The airport offers three parking lots near the departure and arrival halls.


    context icon

    В аэропорту есть три автостоянки рядом с залами прилета и вылета.


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    Мы также имеем 100 бесплатных стоянок.

    Facility management premises related to the property and underground parking lots.


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    Связанные с имуществом хозяйственные помещения и подземные автостоянки.


    The building is neat, with 17 dwellings, garages and parking lots.

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    Здание аккуратный, с 17 жилых домов, гаражей и паркингов.

    Paid parking lots near the hotel, long-term


    also for buses.


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    Платные автопарковки недалеко от гостиницы, долговременные парковки также для автобусов.


    Garage, numerous parking lots, home automation system, jacuzzi, cinéma, Gym.


    context icon

    Имеется гараж, многочисленные парковочные места, система бытовой автоматики,

    джакузи, кинозал, спортзал и пр.


    context icon


    For instance, in one of the parking lots I noticed a sad thoughtful»calf.


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    Так, на одной из автостоянок я увидела грустного, задумчивого« теленочка».


    More distant, long-term parking lots are a much cheaper option.


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    Длительная парковка в более отдаленных местах обходится значительно дешевле.


    These parking lots are accessible from Friday 2:00AM until Monday 8:00AM.

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    Парковка открыта с 2. 00 ночи пятницы до 8. 00 утра понедельника.

    Seater chair lifts, 5 parking lots at the lifts, a sports center, a congress hall.

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    Шестиместных кресельных подъемника, 5 автостоянок у подъемников, спортивный центр, конгресс-холл.

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    Building of waste treatment facilities, parking lots, roads duplicate.


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    Строительство очистных сооружений, автостоянок, дублирующих автодорог.


    Some devices are equipped with parking lots, where you can use regular coupons.


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    Некоторые паркинги оборудованы устройствами, где можно использовать обычные талоны.


    Facilities include swimming pool, bars and restaurants, parking lots, playground for kids.


    context icon

    В комплексе есть бассейн, бар и ресторан, парковка, детская площадка для детей,


    The apartment is reachable from the train station and the parking lots with vaporetto line 2.


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    Квартира доехать от железнодорожного вокзала и стоянки с линия 2.


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    Чайковской, крытого бассейна, спортивных залов, автостоянок.


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    Для гостей оборудована бесплатная парковка и гардероб.


    We ensure the access to the Internet, the cable TV and parking lots.


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    Мы предоставляем доступ в Интернет, кабельное телевидение и парковка.



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    Платные паркинги не оплачиваются посредством парковочных часов.


    There are enough parking lots, so the reservations are not necessary.


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    Being present in the parking lots with leaflets will dissuade people from panicking and stealing.


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    Присутствие на стоянках с листовками отговорит людей от паники и воровства.


    There also are a swimming pool, a bar, a restaurant and parking lots.

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    В отеле есть бассейн с баром, ресторан и парковка.

    For all those who decided to visit

    Nadarzyn by car there are nearly 7,000 parking lots.


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    Всех, кто хочет достичь Надажина автомобилем,


    : an area used for the parking of motor vehicles

    Example Sentences

    Recent Examples on the Web

    Investigators say a man and woman, who had been in a relationship, were talking in the parking lot.

    William Thornton |, al, 11 Apr. 2023

    The majority of license plates in the parking lot are from neighboring states.

    Story Hinckley, The Christian Science Monitor, 10 Apr. 2023

    Schott suffered a broken arm in the attack, which took place over a stretch of the campus parking lot as Schott attempted to evade his assailants.

    Dan Carson, Chron, 7 Apr. 2023

    Taylor acknowledged that police officers have difficult jobs and can make mistakes, but pointed to the sheer amount of evidence available, including surveillance footage of the parking lot showing Garcia’s car didn’t leave its spot when the hit-and-run occurred.

    Perry Vandell, The Arizona Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

    After Brinkman parked the car, Smith and the other man got out of the Camaro and placed themselves on top of it, with Smith sitting on the trunk, officials said, adding Brinkman then pulled out of the parking lot and accelerated the car down Mastodon Trail.

    Quinlan Bentley, The Enquirer, 7 Apr. 2023

    There’s also a large-scale development planned along the Mystic River on parking lots behind the Schrafft Center.

    Catherine Carlock,, 5 Apr. 2023

    Parking is available in the parking lot behind the museum.

    Ana Rocío Álvarez Bríñez, The Courier-Journal, 31 Mar. 2023

    Kendall, at the end of season three, on the dirt ground of that parking lot, kind of unburdens himself of this terrible secret he’s been carrying around, that’s been eating him alive from the inside.

    Josh Wigler, The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Mar. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘parking lot.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1924, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of parking lot was
    in 1924

    Dictionary Entries Near parking lot

    Cite this Entry

    “Parking lot.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on parking lot

    Last Updated:
    13 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Англо-русский перевод PARKING LOT


    место стоянки автотранспорта


    car park

    English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon.

         Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике.

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