Is other wise one word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Norma Nicolas

Score: 4.9/5
(74 votes)

«Otherwise» is all one word for the meaning I think you’re looking for. I’m going to take an umbrella otherwise I’ll get wet if it rains. Obviously, it’s possible to have «other wise» in a sentence.

Is or otherwise correct?

Definition of ‘or otherwise/and otherwise’

You use or otherwise or and otherwise to mention something that is not the thing just referred to or is the opposite of that thing. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.

How do you use otherwise correctly?

(sentence adverb) You use otherwise to connect two clauses where the second clause shows what would have happened if the first clause hadn’t happened. I missed the bus. Otherwise, I would have been here earlier. If you think or say otherwise, you don’t agree.

When can I use otherwise?

It is used for saying that if one thing does not happen, something else (usually bad) will happen. Otherwise can also be used to suggest that something is true because the situation will be different if it was not true. She must be very intelligent; otherwise, she wouldn’t have solved this puzzle.

How do you punctuate otherwise in a sentence?

In grammar books «otherwise» is a conjunctive adverb and should be at the start of a sentence or after a semicolon, but in dictionaries it comes usually after a comma!

33 related questions found

What kind of word is otherwise?

What are some proper ways to use the word ‘otherwise’? Otherwise is commonly used as an adverb that means ‘or else,’ ‘except that,’ or ‘in another way,’ but it can also be used as an adjective meaning ‘in another scenario.

Do we put comma after otherwise?

Use a comma to set off most conjunctive adverbs (however, otherwise, therefore, similarly, hence, on the other hand, and consequently). But do not use a comma after the conjunctive adverbs then, thus, soon, now, and also.

Is otherwise rude?

Otherwise is defined as in other circumstances, other ways or other respects, or can mean «or else.» If a person is normally nice but is rude only on one particular occasion, this is an example of when you might say he is otherwise very nice except for that occasion.

Do otherwise means?

(C14: from Old English on othre wisan in other manner) The expression otherwise than means in any other way than and should not be followed by an adjective: no-one taught by this method can be other than (not otherwise than) successful; you are not allowed to use the building otherwise than as a private dwelling.

Can you end a sentence with otherwise?

In the above examples, otherwise could also be used at the end of the sentence, e.g. ‘He wouldn’t have passed his test otherwise’. When used to mean in a different or opposite way from what has been mentioned, otherwise is used in final position: ‘I intend to remain here until someone tells me otherwise’.

How use despite in a sentence?

Despite sentence example

  • Despite her fear, she wrapped her arms around him. …
  • He appeared relaxed, despite the danger. …
  • Our vacation was a lot of fun, despite the cold weather. …
  • Despite the water, her mouth was dry and aching almost to the point of pain. …
  • It gave off heat despite the black flames.

How do you use unless otherwise in a sentence?

The phrase «unless otherwise» is usually used in giving instructions to make them more clear. You may smoke unless otherwise instructed. Unless otherwise instructed, please remain seated. Unless you are told otherwise, you may take photographs.

Is most a transition word?

After, afterward, before, then, once, next, last, at last, at length, first, second, etc., at first, formerly, rarely, usually, another, finally, soon, meanwhile, at the same time, for a minute, hour, day, etc., during the morning, day, week, etc., most important, later, ordinarily, to begin with, afterwards, generally …

What is the difference between OR and otherwise?

As adverbs the difference between otherwise and or

is that otherwise is (manner) differently, in another way while or is (obsolete) early (on).

Is if a conjunction word?

If is a conjunction.

How could it be otherwise meaning?

formal used to say that it is impossible for something to be different from the way it is Life in the military is hard – how can it be otherwise?

Which would otherwise in a sentence?

Sentence examples for which would otherwise from inspiring English sources. Both have attracted risk averse private investment which would otherwise not have been made. The recording includes details of army personnel, phone extensions and equipment which would otherwise be confidential.

What is meant by otherwise healthy?

In A, ‘otherwise’ means that the children are healthy in all other ways, except that they have a fever.

What does I didn’t say otherwise mean?

(C14: from Old English on othre wisan in other manner) The expression otherwise than means in any other way than and should not be followed by an adjective: no-one taught by this method can be other than (not otherwise than) successful; you are not allowed to use the building otherwise than as a private dwelling.

Did not say otherwise meaning?

1 adv You use otherwise after stating a situation or fact, in order to say what the result or consequence would be if this situation or fact was not the case.

Are not otherwise meaning?

When you see an English word ending in “wise,” you should understand that ending to mean “way” or “ways.” So, “not otherwise” means not in any other way. Some example sentences: If you are not otherwise occupied at the moment, please come to my cabin. He knew they were meant to be together.

How are you doing otherwise means?

This means, «To do something different means doom» or «If you do something different you/we will be doomed

What is a good transition sentence?

What are the components of good transition sentences? They make an explicit connection between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. Good transitions use specific words. Try to avoid using pronouns like “this” to refer to an entire idea because it is not always clear who or what “this” refers to.

Is but a transition word?

Transition words are words like ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ and ‘because’. They show your reader the relationship between phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs.

  • #1


Can you please clarify me the difference between the «otherwise» and «other wise» ?
I would like to know if using the 2 words can convey different meaning.

Should i write other wise instead of otherwise OR this will convey different meaning ?



  • #2


Can you please clarify me the difference between the «otherwise» and «other wise» ?
I would like to know if using the 2 words can convey different meaning.

Should i write other wise instead of otherwise OR this will convey different meaning ?


«Otherwise» is

all one word

for the meaning I think you’re looking for.

I’m going to take an umbrella otherwise I’ll get wet if it rains.

Obviously, it’s possible to have «other wise» in a sentence. For example:

There are three wise women in this room. There are other wise women in a different room.



Harmless drudge

  • #3

:up: The morpheme ‘-wise’ means way/method/means; ‘otherwise’, like ‘any


‘ is now one word (though they both started life, hundreds of years ago, as two).

(You’ll find ‘-wise’ in a few other words — ‘clockwise’, ‘likewise’, ‘crab-wise’ …. And it’s also used, very informally, to create new adverbs: «There’s no need to ask your sister along to the party. I’m all fixed up, ‘date-wise'» — but you won’t find this in any dictionary [at least, I hope not. :)])


Last edited: Aug 2, 2010

  • #4

I looked up the word «wise» and know that it can be used as a noun meaning «way».
How do you think about this sentence «The other wise is to sleep for about 7 hours a day» ?
Although I think the use of «way» here is more suitable.
Thank you very much !


  • #5

I looked up the word «wise» and know that it can be used as a noun meaning «way».
How do you think about this sentence «The other wise is to sleep for about 7 hours a day» ?
Although I think the use of «way» here is more suitable.
Thank you very much !

It doesn’t mean «way» with the definition «method» or «road». It means more like «similarly to/in the direction of». With this usage it’s always attached to another word, as BobK gave examples of (clockwise, likewise etc).



Harmless drudge

  • #6

:up: ‘t’s always attached to another word’ today, but in old texts I’ve met the expression ‘in similar wise’ (meaning «likewise» or «similarly»).




  • #7

The other wise is to sleep for about 7 hours a day

The other wise is to sleep for about 7 hours a day :cross:
The other way is to sleep for about 7 hours a day :tick:

  • #8

The other wise is to sleep for about 7 hours a day :cross:
The other way is to sleep for about 7 hours a day :tick:

Did you mean my sentence is correct ?



  • #9

What do you think :cross: means?

Last edited: Aug 3, 2010



Harmless drudge

1. иначе, в противном случае, а то; 2. иначе, по-другому; 3. в остальном
(1). Английское наречие otherwise употребляется в условных придаточных предложениях в качестве предупреждения о нежелательной ситуации. Otherwise обычно стоит в начале придаточного, при этом английский эквивалент русского илиor не употребляется:

Don’t spread the news otherwise we won’t be able to benefit by it — Не говори об этом никому, а то мы сами не сможем воспользоваться этой новостью.

Позвони ему, иначе он не придет — Call him otherwise (or else) he won’t come.

Otherwise может употребляться в относительных придаточных после модального глагола или в конце предложения:

The government supports small business which would otherwise find it hard to survive — Правительство оказывает поддержку малому бизнесу, который иначе вряд ли бы выжил.

I am glad I finally decided to come to the party, I would not have met you otherwise — Я рад, что все-таки решился прийти на этот прием, а то я вас не встретил бы.

(2). В значении во всем остальном otherwise употребляется для противопоставления:

Two windows of his study room were lit otherwise the house was dark — Два окна его кабинета были освещены, весь остальной дом был темным.

(3). Русское иначе лишь частично совпадает по значению с otherwise:

Я хочу сделать это иначе — I would do it differently/otherwise.

Словосочетание так или иначе, т. е. в любом случае, соответствует английским сочетаниям in any case, in any event, in some way or other, in either event. Словосочетание не иначе как передается эмфатическими синтаксическими конструкциями:

Это не иначе как он (сделал …) — He was the one who … ; it must be him who…

(4). See else, .

English-Russian word troubles.


Смотреть что такое «otherwise» в других словарях:

  • Otherwise — may refer to: Difference Negative Pseudonym, as in otherwise known as or also known as See also All pages beginning with Otherwise All pages with titles containing Otherwise Otherwise Engaged, comic play by English playwright Simon Gray Otherwise …   Wikipedia

  • Otherwise — Oth er*wise , adv. [Other + wise manner.] [1913 Webster] 1. In a different manner; in another way, or in other ways; differently; contrarily. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Thy father was a worthy prince, And merited, alas! a better fate; But Heaven… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • otherwise — [uth′ər wīz΄] adv. [ME othre wise < OE on othre wisan: see WISE2] 1. in another manner; differently [to believe otherwise] 2. in all other points or respects [an otherwise intelligent person] 3. in other circumstances 4 …   English World dictionary

  • otherwise — • Professor Southern gave us some stimulating reflections about the aims, development, and achievements (or otherwise) of the Honour School of Modern History W. A. Pantin, 1972 • It s the balance of foods you eat that is healthy or otherwise… …   Modern English usage

  • otherwise — index contra Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • otherwise — contracted from O.E. phrase on oðre wisan in the other manner (see OTHER (Cf. other) + WISE (Cf. wise) (n.)), which in M.E. became oþre wise, and mid 14c. oþerwise …   Etymology dictionary

  • otherwise — [adv] in another way; alternatively any other way, contrarily, differently, diversely, elseways, if not, in different circumstances, on the other hand, or else, or then, under other conditions, variously; concept 544 …   New thesaurus

  • otherwise — ► ADVERB 1) in different circumstances; or else. 2) in other respects. 3) in a different way. 4) alternatively. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ in a different state or situation …   English terms dictionary

  • otherwise — oth|er|wise W2S1 [ˈʌðəwaız US ˈʌðər ] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done ▪ You ll have to go now, otherwise you ll miss your bus. ▪ Put your coat on, otherwise you ll get cold. 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • otherwise — 01. You d better wear a helmet when you go roller blading. [Otherwise], you could hurt yourself. 02. I m a little busy right now, so I can t come to the party. [Otherwise] I d come for sure. 03. You d better work on improving your pronunciation;… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • otherwise — oth|er|wise [ ʌðər,waız ] adverb *** Otherwise can be used in the following ways: as a way of showing how a sentence or clause is related to what has already been said: We must hurry; otherwise we ll miss the train. as an ordinary adverb: You re… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


All of the books had been burned or otherwise destroyed.

The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.

Art allows us to express things that we would not be able to express otherwise.

Something must be wrong; otherwise, he would have called.

The test helps identify problems that might otherwise go unnoticed.

One of the boys has a freckle on his cheek. Otherwise, the twins are nearly identical.

I didn’t like the ending, but otherwise it was a very good book.


If conditions were otherwise, I wouldn’t be so worried.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Toe cramps, which happen when the muscles that flex and bend your toes involuntarily contract, are fairly common and can happen any time, even in the middle of the night, waking you up from an otherwise sound sleep.

Marisa Cohen, Good Housekeeping, 12 Apr. 2023

The structure mirrors the content, which traces three related narratives: the history of Waldie’s family; the story of Lakewood and its development as a planned community; and the saga, lithic and otherwise, of the land itself.

Boris Kachka, Los Angeles Times, 11 Apr. 2023

Speaking of which, do read Jeff John Roberts and Yvonne Lau’s exclusive interview with the otherwise-quiet-these-days Zhao, which delves deep into his formative experiences in Canada and China—and even his relationship with his brilliant but remote father.

David Meyer, Fortune, 11 Apr. 2023

Later, courses were combined and otherwise shifted: hors d’oeuvres served before the seated meal; the vegetables with the roast; the cheese with the salad or the fruit; no more than one sweet, and served only at the end.

Miss Manners | Judith Martin, Anchorage Daily News, 11 Apr. 2023

But first came a summer in Gwinnett County, a haven in an industry otherwise shut down.

Gabe Lacques, USA TODAY, 11 Apr. 2023

The Fix-it Clinic will be on hand to help diagnose and repair items that need fixing — electronics, mechanical or otherwise — and keep them out of the landfill.

Laura Groch, San Diego Union-Tribune, 9 Apr. 2023

Many are gray-haired now, and their abusers long dead or otherwise beyond being prosecuted.

oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

These cases prove that, across the board, there is minimal upside — financial, social, or otherwise — in publicly acknowledging your abuser.

Shamira Ibrahim,, 6 Apr. 2023

There’s pop giant Jack Antonoff, roots-rock champion Dan Auerbach, hip-hop mainstay Boi-1da, Kendrick Lamar right-hand Dahi (a rare two hip-hop producers in this category), and R&B favorite D’Mile (nominated in part for his work with Silk Sonic, despite their otherwise absence).

Vulture, 15 Nov. 2022

Social justice movements aside, cycling advocates are celebrating the resurgence of mainstream interest in their otherwise niche sport—and trying to figure out how to keep the momentum going.

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Mescal is getting accolades for Aftersun, thankfully, but that doesn’t make up for the otherwise tepid awards recognition tilted in the A24 vehicle’s direction.

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The new good guys (including Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate) lack character development, but at least Johnson’s intriguingly dark persona stands out in his otherwise forgettable star vehicle.

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The best looks in the otherwise play-it-safe collection were classic Miyake styles.

Thomas Adamson, ajc, 30 Sep. 2022

To shave around 100 pounds from the otherwise 3300-pound GR, the trim replaces the rear bench with a pair of chassis braces.

Mike Sutton, Car and Driver, 14 Sep. 2022

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Notably, the smooth saxophone glided through the robust band, standing out among the otherwise head-banging song.

Griffin Wiles, The Indianapolis Star, 25 June 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘otherwise.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

иначе, в противном случае, иным образом, иной, другой


- иначе, иным способом, иным образом; по-другому

this must be done quite otherwise — это надо сделать совсем по-другому
he could do it no otherwise — он не мог сделать это иначе
they don’t influence him any otherwise than by example — они действуют на него только /не иначе как/ примером

- в других отношениях

the rent is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory — квартирная плата высока, но в остальном /в других отношениях/ дом нас вполне устраивает
an otherwise satisfactory piece of work — во всех других отношениях вполне приемлемая работа
you reminded me of what I would otherwise have forgotten — вы мне напомнили о том, о чём бы я иначе забыл

- или же, в противном случае

go at once, otherwise you will miss the train — отправляйтесь немедленно, иначе опоздаете на поезд
and otherwise — и наоборот
the merits or otherwise of the plan — достоинства или недостатки этого плана


- противоположный; иной, другой

we hoped his behaviour would be otherwise — мы надеялись, что он будет вести себя иначе
their otherwise friends — их друзья в кавычках
his answer could not be otherwise — он не мог ответить иначе

Мои примеры


if conditions were otherwise — если бы условия были другими  
except as otherwise provided — если иное не предусмотрено  
unless otherwise specified — если не задано иное  
unless otherwise mentioned — если не оговорено иное  
if not specified otherwise by the law — если иное не предусмотрено законом  
under otherwise equal conditions — при прочих равных условиях  
except as otherwise noted — за исключением тех случаев, когда указано иначе  
except as otherwise provided in — за исключением тех случаев, когда предусмотрено иное  
otherwise minded — инакомыслящий  
put it otherwise — иными словами; иначе говоря  

Примеры с переводом

Put your coat on, otherwise you’ll get cold.

Наденьте пальто, иначе вы простудитесь. (здесь get cold — простудиться)

Do what I tell you, otherwise you’ll be sorry.

Делай, что я тебе говорю, или пожалеешь.

God saw otherwise.

Бог судил иначе.

I might otherwise have left.

В других обстоятельствах я бы ушёл.

I have otherwise no reason to suspect them.

У меня нет других причин их подозревать.

I went at once; otherwise I should have missed him.

Я тотчас же пошел, иначе я упустил бы его.

Almost thirty thousand women, Irish and otherwise.

Почти тридцать тысяч женщин, ирландок и других национальностей.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.

The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.

We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.

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