Is noisily a word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Jaylan Dooley

Score: 4.7/5
(70 votes)

Noisily is an adverb — Word Type.

What is the noun form of noisily?

The noun form of Noisily is Noise.

What part of speech is the word acoustics?

adjective Also a·cous·ti·cal. pertaining to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sound.

Is Greedy an adverb?

adjective, greed·i·er, greed·i·est. excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious: the greedy owners of the company. having a strong or great desire for food or drink.

Is greed a noun or verb?

A selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions. «His greed was his undoing.»

42 related questions found

What acoustics mean?

1 : of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds acoustic apparatus of the ear acoustic energy : such as. a : deadening or absorbing sound acoustic tile. b : operated by or utilizing sound waves.

What is the noun of acoustic?

acoustics. / (əˈkuːstɪks) / noun. (functioning as singular) the scientific study of sound and sound waves. (functioning as plural) the characteristics of a room, auditorium, etc, that determine the fidelity with which sound can be heard within it.

Is acoustics a singular or plural noun?

In meaning 1, acoustics is followed by a plural verb: The acoustics in here are terrible. In meaning 2, acoustics is followed by a singular verb: Acoustics is the science of sound waves.

What is the adverb of noisily?

noisily ˈnȯi-​zə-​lē adverb. noisiness ˈnȯi-​zē-​nəs noun.

What is the suffix of noisily?

noise – e + y = noisy. (noun) (adj.) The noise from the lawn mower made our afternoon noisy. The suffix -ly added to an adjective changes it to an adverb.

Is noisily a verb or adjective?

noisily adverb — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

Is noisily an adverb of manner?

Examples of adverbs are – slowly, loudly, rapidly, clumsily, diligently, badly, sadly, warmly etc. … Hence the grammatically correct adverb of noisy will be “noisily” . Example in sentence — She chewed with her mouth open, crunching her cereal noisily and glaring at us. Thus, the adverb of “noisy” will be “noisily”.

What is the adjective of Afghanistan?

adjective,noun. adjective, noun. NAmE/ˈæfɡæn/ of or connected with Afghanistan, its people, or their language; a person from Afghanistan.

Is Upstairs an adjective or adverb?

As detailed above, ‘upstairs’ can be an adverb or an adjective. Adverb usage: I’ll take my shoes and put them away the next time I go upstairs. Adverb usage: I hate the people who live upstairs, and I especially hate their piano. Adjective usage: They can sleep in the upstairs bedroom.

What is the suffix of acoustic?

Terms in this set (46) acou. hear. -acoustic, acoumeter.

What does acoustics mean in music?

Acoustic music is music that solely or primarily uses instruments that produce sound through acoustic means, as opposed to electric or electronic means. … Acoustic string instrumentations had long been a subset of popular music, particularly in folk.

What are acoustics used for?

The main application of acoustics is to make the music or speech sound as good as possible. It is achieved by reducing the sound barriers and increasing the factors that help in proper transmission of sound waves.

What is the difference between sound and acoustics?

Acoustics is the branch of physics concerned with the study of sound (mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids). A scientist who works in the field of acoustics is an acoustician. … Acoustics is the science concerned with the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound.

What is the noun of greed?

noun. /ɡrid/ [uncountable] (disapproving) 1a strong desire for more wealth, possessions, power, etc. than a person needs His actions were motivated by greed.

What is the noun form of greed?

greediness. The state of being greedy; greed.

What is the verb form of greed?

Verb. greed (third-person singular simple present greeds, present participle greeding, simple past and past participle greeded)

Asked by: Walton O’Connell

Score: 4.9/5
(46 votes)

Meaning of noisily in English

in a noisy way: A motorcycle started up noisily outside.

What does noisily mean in a sentence?

Noisily meaning

In a noisy manner; in such a way as to create a great deal of noise or sound. They talked noisily and long into the night. adverb.

What type of word is noisily?

Noisily is an adverb — Word Type.

What is the meaning of falling noisily?

in a noisy way: A motorbike started up noisily outside. A group of children played noisily in the garden. See. noisy.

Is the word noisily an adverb?

noisily -​zə-​lē adverb The dogs barked noisily.

40 related questions found

What is opposite of noisily?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for noisily. inaudibly, silently, soundlessly, voicelessly.

What is the suffix of noisily?

noise – e + y = noisy. (noun) (adj.) The noise from the lawn mower made our afternoon noisy. The suffix -ly added to an adjective changes it to an adverb.

What is the root of the word noisily?

noisy Add to list Share. Anything noisy is loud. … Curiously, experts guess that the Latin root of noisy and noise is nausea, «seasickness.»

Is garishly a word?

gar′ish·ly adv. gar′ish·ness n. These adjectives mean tastelessly showy: garish colors; a flashy ring; a gaudy costume; a loud sport shirt; tawdry ornaments. Adv.

Is tidily a real word?

Meaning of tidily in English

in an ordered way, with everything arranged in the right place: Put your clothes away tidily.

What does a noisily mean?

Definitions of noisily. adverb. with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound.

What part of speech is the word noisily?

noisily adverb — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

How do you use noisily in a sentence?

Noisily sentence example

  1. The servants ran noisily about the house and yard, shouting and disputing. …
  2. At this moment that terrible door burst noisily open and banged against the wall. …
  3. Thousands of crows rose above the walls and circled in the air, cawing and noisily flapping their wings.

How can I write noisy in Hindi?


  1. कड़ी
  2. कड़ी
  3. धरन
  4. शहतीर

Is it noisy or nosy?

As adjectives the difference between noisy and nosy

is that noisy is making a noise, especially a loud sound; clamorous; vociferous; turbulent; boisterous; as, the noisy crowd while nosy is prying, inquisitive or curious in other’s affairs; tending to snoop or meddle.

Is more noisy correct?

The comparative form of noisy; more noisy.

How do you spell Gerrish?

English: nickname for an unpredictable, wayward person, from Middle English gerysshe ‘wild’, ‘changeable’. Compare Geary. Possibly an altered spelling of German Gerisch, a variant of Giersch.

How do you spell Garrish?

excessively bright; glaring.

Is garish a negative word?

Garish comes to English from the Old Norse word gaurr, meaning «rough fellow.» It is often used to describe colors, clothing, decorations, and other things that can be elegant and tasteful. Because the word connotes bad taste, however, it is rarely used in a complimentary way.

What is a clamorous person?

Clamorous comes from the Latin root clāmōr, meaning «shout.» If you’re a clamorous person, you’re not just loud, but you’re also kind of aggressive about it.

Is Nosily a adjective?

adjective, nos·i·er, nos·i·est. unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying; meddlesome.

What does adding y to a word mean?

Generalization A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word that creates a new word used as a different part of speech. The suffix -y usually creates adjectives, and the suffix -ly often creates adverbs. Spelling rules for adding endings to words apply when adding -y and -ly.

What is the word for too much noise?

Frequently Asked Questions About loud

Some common synonyms of loud are earsplitting, raucous, stentorian, and strident. While all these words mean «marked by intensity or volume of sound,» loud applies to any volume above normal and may suggest undue vehemence or obtrusiveness.



- шумно, громко; с грохотом

to eat noisily — чавкать

Мои примеры


to celebrate joyously / noisily — шумно отпраздновать, весело отметить  
noisily buxom — шумная и добродушная  
noisily busy — шумный и подвижный  
cry noisily — громко плакать  
eat noisily — чавкать  
breathe heavily and noisily through the nose — сопеть  

Примеры с переводом

He blew his nose noisily.

Он шумно высморкался.

The water bubbles talked so noisily.

Пузыри на воде громко лопались.

The boys charged noisily into the water.

Мальчики с шумом плюхнулись в воду.

I could hear mum venting her frustration by banging the pots noisily.

Я слышал, как мама вымещает своё расстройство, громко стуча кастрюлями.

The old clock ticked noisily.

Старые часы громко тикали.

Hail was noisily impinging upon the car’s exterior.

Снаружи по автомобилю громко стучал град.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

An ice cube plopped noisily into the glass.

Chattering noisily, the crowd began to filter into the auditorium.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

noisiness  — шум, шумливость, громкость



noisy +‎ -ly



noisily (comparative more noisily, superlative most noisily)

  1. in a noisy manner; in such a way as to create a great deal of noise or sound

    They talked noisily and long into the night.

    • 2011 June 4, Phil McNulty, “England 2 — 2 Switzerland”, in BBC[1]:

      Wembley was noisily registering its unrest with Capello and England when Johan Djourou’s foul on Jack Wilshere gave Frank Lampard the opportunity to pull a goal back from the spot before the interval and provide the foundations for a second-half recovery.


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UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈnɔɪzɪli/US:USA pronunciation: IPAUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈnɔɪzəli/

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Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

noisily [ˈnɔɪzɪlɪ]
adv шу́мно

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

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Began [noisy/noisily] signalising — English Only forum
burble noisily — English Only forum
easily if noisily — English Only forum
happily eating mushrooms noisily — English Only forum
he scolded noisily/loudly — English Only forum
talk noisily on the phone — English Only forum
the old car ‘coming’ noisily. [verb or noun?] — English Only forum
type/tap noisily on the keyboard — English Only forum

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