Is negotiating a word

Asked by: Grady Bernhard

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verb (used with object), ne·go·ti·at·ed, ne·go·ti·at·ing. to arrange for or bring about by discussion and settlement of terms: to negotiate a loan. to manage; transact; conduct: He negotiated an important business deal.

Is there such a word as haggle?

To haggle is to negotiate or argue over something, usually a price.

Does negotiate mean bargain?

To negotiate is defined as to bargain or discuss both sides of an issue until an agreement is reached. … To negotiate the river rapids. verb. To confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement.

How do you use negotiate in a sentence?

Negotiate in a Sentence ?

  1. We sat down to negotiate a deal that would satisfy everyone.
  2. The salesman refused to negotiate on the price of the truck.
  3. Sam likes to negotiate at the flea market, hoping for a better deal. …
  4. We didn’t negotiate with Ashley because she is very stubborn.

What’s the difference between bargaining and negotiating?

Bargaining is a discussion about what the other side wants. Negotiation is a discussion about why they want it. You cannot fully engage the other side in a discussion about what they want until you understand why they want it.

37 related questions found

What does Batna stand for?

The best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) is the course of action that a party engaged in negotiations will take if talks fail, and no agreement can be reached.

What are good negotiation skills?

Here are several key negotiation skills that apply to many situations:

  • Communication. Essential communication skills include identifying nonverbal cues and verbal skills to express yourself in an engaging way. …
  • Active listening. …
  • Emotional intelligence. …
  • Expectation management. …
  • Patience. …
  • Adaptability. …
  • Persuasion. …
  • Planning.

How do you negotiate words?

The customer wanted to negotiate over the price. She has good negotiating skills. We negotiated a fair price. The driver carefully negotiated the winding road.

In which sentence is the word tenacity used correctly?

She fought with tenacity born of desperation. In addition, all her planning and tenacity were paying off. She likes your confidence and tenacity . Still, his tenacity was what had inspired the name, not his size.

How do you ask for a lower price?

Phrases to use when negotiating a lower price

  1. Phrases to use as a buyer… …
  2. Phrase 1 “How Much!” …
  3. Phrase 2 “XYZ are doing it for £50” …
  4. Phrase 3 “I’m sorry but you’ll have to do better than that” …
  5. Phrase 4 “I can’t take that to my boss!” …
  6. Phrase 5 “If you can get the price to X I think I can sell that to my boss/wife/husband”

What’s a good bargain?

Something that is a bargain is good value, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal. At this price the wine is a bargain. Synonyms: good buy, discount purchase, good deal, good value More Synonyms of bargain. countable noun.

What is a good sentence for bargain?

For that price, the suit is a (real) bargain. I got a bargain on the plane tickets. = The plane tickets were a bargain. She likes to hunt for bargains when she shops.

What is a bargain price?

(ˈbɑːɡɪn ˈpraɪs) noun. a low price. There will always be cheaper versions of each tool you require, but do not be taken in by a bargain price, as you get what you pay for.

What are people who bargain called?

also bargain-hunter. Word forms: bargain hunters. countable noun. A bargain hunter is someone who is looking for goods that are value for money, usually because they are on sale at a lower price than normal.

Is haggle a bad word?

Haggling is socially acceptable in specific situations such as purchasing a car, real estate, and flea markets. It is not socially acceptable in commercialized businesses, such as retailers, restaurants, and supermarkets.

Which word is more or less?

Find another word for more-or-less. In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for more-or-less, like: generally, nearly, somewhat, in-general, approximately, close-to, just-about, around, pernelle, almost and practically.

Is tenacity a good quality?

Tenacity is defined as «persistent determination». It is considered a good character trait since a tenacious character will achieve a goal they set despite any difficulties encountered while achieving that goal.

Is tenacity positive or negative?

Tenacious is a mostly positive term. If someone calls you tenacious you’re probably the kind of person who never gives up and never stops trying – someone who does whatever is required to accomplish a goal.

What is the synonym of tenacity?

Some common synonyms of tenacity are courage, mettle, resolution, and spirit.

What is 1point negotiation?

In a negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his or her point of view. By negotiating, all involved parties try to avoid arguing but agree to reach some form of compromise. Negotiations involve some give and take, which means one party will always come out on top of the negotiation.

What’s zapped mean?

zapped; zapping. Definition of zap (Entry 2 of 3) transitive verb. 1a : to get rid of, destroy, or kill especially with or as if with sudden force. b : to hit with or as if with a sudden concentrated application of force or energy.

What does it mean to negotiate a turn?

English language (monolingual) [Non-PRO] English term or phrase: Negotiating curves. When negotiative a curve at an excessive speed, vehicles will roll over. Automobiles will lose traction and slike out of a curve instead of rolling over.

What are the 7 basic rules of negotiating?

Terms in this set (7)

  • Rule #1. Always tell the truth.
  • Rule #2. Use Cash when making purchases.
  • Rule #3. Use walk-away power. Don’t get emotionally attached to the item.
  • Rule #4. Shut up. …
  • Rule #5. Use the phrase: «That isn’t good enough»
  • Rule #6. Go to the authority. …
  • Rule #7. Use the «If I were to» technique. «

What are 5 rules of negotiation?

What are the 5 rules of negotiation?

  • SHUT UP and Listen :
  • Be willing to Walk Away.
  • Shift the Focus Light.
  • Do Not take it Personally.
  • Do Your Homework.

What are the 3 types of negotiation?

There’s three basic styles — three basic default types to negotiation, and each has an advantage. Ultimately the best negotiator incorporates the best of all three. Assertive (aggressive), Accommodator (relationship oriented) and Analyst (conflict avoidant) are the types.

вести переговоры, договариваться, преодолевать, обсуждать условия, реализовать


- ведение переговоров

negotiating priorities — порядок очерёдности обсуждения вопросов на переговорах
negotiating conference — конференция уполномоченных, дипломатическая конференция
at the negotiating table — за столом переговоров

Мои примеры


negotiating edge — преимущество на переговорах  
bidding and negotiating phase — стадия торгов и ведения переговоров  
young player negotiating a hard piece of music — молодой музыкант, справляющийся с трудным опусом  
cross-slope negotiating ability — максимальный крен при движении вдоль ската  
arms-negotiating strategy — стратегия ведения переговоров по вооружению  
in negotiating — на переговорах  
negotiating a bill — пускающий вексель в обращение; пуск векселя в обращение  
negotiating a contract — ведение переговоров о заключении контракта  
negotiating a deal — ведение переговоров по сделке  
negotiating and legal base — договорная и правовая основа  

Примеры с переводом

She has good negotiating skills.

У неё хорошие навыки ведения переговоров.

You’ll need a variety of skills, including leadership and negotiating.

Вам понадобятся самые различные навыки, в том числе умение руководить и вести переговоры.

The president was emphatic that there would be no negotiating with the terrorists.

Президент подчеркнул, что переговоров с террористами не будет.

Neither side is coming to the negotiating table with completely clean hands.

Нельзя сказать, что какая-то из сторон идёт на переговоры с абсолютно чистыми руками.

His first aim is to get the warring parties back to the negotiating table (=discussing something).

Его главная цель состоит в том, чтобы вернуть враждующие стороны за стол переговоров (чтобы что-то обсудить).

There is no formal structure for negotiating pay increases.

Не существует никаких официальных структур для переговоров о повышении заработной платы.

Negotiating a deal can take some fancy footwork (=skill at making deals).

Заключение сделки иногда требует большой изворотливости (т.е. навыка совершения сделок).

He was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso.

Некий пастух видел его, когда тот бодро пробирался по особенно коварному участку горной тропы, ведущей в Сан-Долоросо.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His lawyers are understood to be negotiating a settlement.

…seemingly endless palaver between the negotiating parties…

…a meeting to discuss seating arrangements that was merely a preliminary to the formal negotiating sessions…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

negotiation  — переговоры, согласование, преодоление, обсуждение условий, переуступка
negotiated  — переуступленный

negotiating — перевод на русский

They say there will be no war. They say they’re about to negotiate.

Что войны не будет, что ведутся переговоры…

Well, I’m negotiating with an American actress…

Помимо прочего, я сейчас веду переговоры с одной американкой.

Your son and Unosuke are negotiating at the mayor’s place now.

Переговоры с Уносуке идут прямо сейчас.

To avoid bloodshed, we propose that the French authorities negotiate with us our right to self-determination.

Чтобы избежать кровопролития, мы предлагаем французским властям переговоры касательно нашего права на самоопределение.

Negotiating with the Organians will be time-consuming, captain.

Переговоры с органианами могут занять время.

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Himmler, who will be negotiating with Dulles?

Гиммлер. Кто будет вести переговоры с Даллесом?

Look Governor, you’ve got to negotiate.

Послушайте, комендант, вы должны вести переговоры!

The first rule in a crisis situation: You negotiate first and you attack last.

— Первое правило в кризисных ситуациях начинаешь вести переговоры первым а нападаешь последним

They will now attempt to negotiate for the safety and release of their people.

Сейчас они будут пытаться вести переговоры для безопасности и освобождения своих людей.

Your negotiating skills aren’t bad for a human.

Ваше умение вести переговоры слишком хорошо для человека.

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Joe, do you have any ideas on how to negotiate with them?

Джо, у тебя есть какие-нибудь идеи о том как с ними договориться?

Don’t you think we ought to negotiate?

Вы не думаете, что мы могли бы договориться?

Pop can negotiate.

Отец сможет договориться.

Can we negotiate with a psychopath such as Minos, and if so, will he hold his promises.

Возможно ли в принципе договориться с таким человеком, как Минос, и насколько вообще оправданы подобные переговоры с душевнобольными?

We could still negotiate…

Но мы еще можем договориться.

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So having failed to come to terms with Parliament, you would now negotiate with the king.

Итак, раз вам не удалось договориться с парламентом, …вы пришли торговаться с королем.

I am not bound to negotiate with anyone.

Я не обязан торговаться с кем бы то ни было.

Put the water in Trun’s hands, and Kardis will be forced to negotiate.

Отдадим воду Труну, и Кардису придется торговаться.

I didn’t come here to negotiate with you.

Я пришла сюда не для того, чтобы торговаться.

You can’t argue with me or negotiate or attempt a ploy.

Ты не можешь спорить со мной, торговаться.

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The nobles will negotiate.

Знать будет договариваться.

I’m not here to negotiate or to assist you.

Я здесь не для того, чтобы договариваться с вами или помогать вам.

But I’d remind you, I have the following things to negotiate: An opposition Congress, special interests and a bitchy media.

Но я напомню Вам, сэр, что мне нужно договариваться с оппозицией в Конгрессе, шкурными лоббистами и сволочной прессой.

You don’t negotiate with terrorists

Нельзя договариваться с террористами.

No, I’ll negotiate with him.

Нет, я сам буду договариваться.

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Lets keep our feet on the ground, our immediate aim is to negotiate the piecework contract and the qualifications!

Или разнесите все… Твердо стойте на земле, наша цель — обсудить сдельную!

I want to negotiate.

Это нужно обсудить.

I’d say I’m in a very good position to negotiate.

Я в более выгодном положении и готов всё обсудить.

If you’d like, I’ll negotiate this treaty with her.

Если хотите, я могу это обсудить с вашей мамой.

Hell of a way to negotiate a discount.

Странный способ обсудить скидку.

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And how can I negotiate, when all the data’s missing…

Помимо всего, он мне нужен. Как можно что— то обсуждать, когда нет данных, нет цифр..?

You’re here to negotiate, right?

Я полагаю, что вы здесь, чтобы обсуждать, я прав?

There’s nothing to negotiate here.

— Здесь нечего обсуждать.

There’s nothing to negotiate here.

Здесь нечего обсуждать.

— We’re not negotiating my uterus.

— Мы не будем обсуждать мою матку.

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We wish to negotiate an alliance against the Federation.

Мы хотим заключить союз для противодействия Федерации.

I invited him over to negotiate a truce.

Я пригласила его, чтобы заключить перемирие.

— We can negotiate a treaty.

Возможно, нам удастся заключить какое-то соглашение.

I’d like to negotiate a deal.

Я хотел бы заключить сделку.

To negotiate the harmony of two households — Harmony of households be damned.

Заключить согласие между двумя семьями..

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I thought we might need to negotiate a wee bit.

Я считал, что нам придется немного поторговаться.

— Did you even try and negotiate with them?

Ну а ты, вообще, хоть пробовал с ним поторговаться?

— Well, that’s my going rate. But I’m willing to negotiate.

— Это моя начальная ставка, но я готов поторговаться.

We spare this shithead, might give us a little room to negotiate.

Мы его пощадим будет чем поторговаться.

You need to go back in there, and you need to negotiate.

Тебе надо вернуться и поторговаться

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Tell Frank I want to negotiate with him.

Скажи Фрэнку, что я хочу поговорить с ним.

The old man says both sides are waiting for us to negotiate.

Старик сказал, что с нами хотят поговорить обе стороны.

— We must try to negotiate.

— Мы должны попробовать поговорить.

Anybody else want to negotiate?

Кто-нибудь еще хочет поговорить?

I’m here to negotiate, don’t need table, O. K?

Я пришёл сюда поговорить и мне не нужен столик, понятно?

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  • 1

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > negotiating

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    n ведение переговоров

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. buying (adj.) browsing; buying; in the market; looking; looking to buy; open to; prepared to buy; shopping for; wanting to acquire

    2. clearing (verb) clearing; hurdling; leaping; overleaping; surmounting; vaulting

    3. setting (verb) arranging; concerting; concluding; fixing; setting; settling

    English-Russian base dictionary > negotiating

  • 3

    ведущий переговоры о; ведение переговоров

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > negotiating

  • 4


    ведение переговоров

    negotiating priorities — порядок очерёдности обсуждения вопросов на переговорах

    negotiating conference — конференция уполномоченных, дипломатическая конференция

    НБАРС > negotiating

  • 5


    переговоры; ведение переговоров; обсуждение условий

    Politics english-russian dictionary > negotiating

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > negotiating

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > negotiating

  • 8

    Новый англо-русский словарь > negotiating

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > negotiating

  • 10

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > negotiating

  • 11

    1) ведущий переговоры; 2) заключающий

    English-Russian dictionary of logistics > negotiating

  • 12

    1. (action) ведение переговоров
    2. (action) заключение

    English-Russian project management dictionary > negotiating

  • 13

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > negotiating

  • 14
    negotiating corner

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > negotiating corner

  • 15
    negotiating the corner

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > negotiating the corner

  • 16
    negotiating round

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > negotiating round

  • 17
    negotiating group

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > negotiating group

  • 18
    negotiating rights

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > negotiating rights

  • 19
    negotiating authority

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > negotiating authority

  • 20
    negotiating committee

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > negotiating committee


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Negotiating — Negotiate Ne*go ti*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Negotiated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Negotiating}.] 1. To carry on negotiations concerning; to procure or arrange for by negotiation; as, to negotiate peace, or an exchange. [1913 Webster] Constantinople had… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • negotiating — noun Negotiating is used before these nouns: ↑leverage, ↑position, ↑session, ↑skill, ↑table, ↑tactic, ↑tool …   Collocations dictionary

  • Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing — 1st edition Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing is a non fiction work by well known Canadian author Margaret Atwood. Cambridge University Press first published it in 2002. The book is the result of Atwood speaking at the 2000 Empson… …   Wikipedia

  • negotiating table — noun the negotiating table used to say that people are having formal discussions in order to reach an agreement The two sides in this dispute have returned to the negotiating table. [=they have begun to have discussions again] They came to an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • negotiating table — N SING: usu the N If you say that people are at the negotiating table, you mean that they are having discussions in order to settle a dispute or reach an agreement. We want to settle all matters at the negotiating table, he said… The decision… …   English dictionary

  • negotiating — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. transacting, trading, bargaining, conferring …   English dictionary for students

  • negotiating — nɪ gəʊʃɪeɪtɪŋ n. bartering, discussing, bargaining; act of conducting a negotiation ne·go·ti·ate || nɪ gəʊʃɪeɪt v. conduct negotiations, bargain, deal; arrange, work out, compromise; clear or pass an obstacle …   English contemporary dictionary

  • negotiating table, the — ne|go|ti|at|ing ta|ble, the [ ne gouʃi,eıtıŋ ,teıbl ] noun a time, place, or situation in which people discuss something in order to try to reach an agreement …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • negotiating bank — A bank that purchases drafts drawn by the beneficiary of a negotiation credit …   Black’s law dictionary

  • negotiating bank — A bank that purchases drafts drawn by the beneficiary of a negotiation credit …   Black’s law dictionary

  • the negotiating table — UK US noun [S] MEETINGS ► a situation or place in which people formally discuss something in order to reach an agreement: across/around/at the negotiating table »We were completely unsuccessful at the negotiating table. »Unions are trying to get… …   Financial and business terms

intransitive verb

: to confer with another so as to arrive at the settlement of some matter

Teachers are negotiating for higher salaries.

transitive verb



: to deal with (some matter or affair that requires ability for its successful handling) : manage

negotiated his business deals with remarkable skill


: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise



: to convert into cash or the equivalent value



: to successfully travel along or over

Did you know?

Negotiate comes from Latin negōtiārī, meaning «to carry on business,» and the word shares that meaning. In English, it can also mean «to successfully travel along or over.»


Example Sentences

The customer wanted to negotiate over the price.

She has good negotiating skills.

We negotiated a fair price.

The driver carefully negotiated the winding road.

Recent Examples on the Web

Kircher made good on his $15 million promise and negotiated a master plan with the Forest Service.

oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

His lawyer continued negotiating his shares in the band’s profits and businesses.

Kory Grow, Rolling Stone, 6 Apr. 2023

The efforts failed, after a bipartisan group of lawmakers negotiating the twice-a-decade legislation deemed the move too politically toxic.

Catie Edmondson, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

Italy last week temporarily blocked ChatGPT over data privacy concerns, and European Union lawmakers have been negotiating the passage of new rules to limit high-risk AI products across the 27-nation bloc.

Zeke Miller, Fortune, 5 Apr. 2023

As the Biden Administration undermines the provisions the West Virginia Senator negotiated in return for his vote last year for the Inflation Reduction Act, a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals panel on Monday struck down another permit for the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

The Editorial Board,, 4 Apr. 2023

Investigators believe speed was a factor, and that the driver failed to stop at the intersection’s traffic light or negotiate the turn onto Mission Gorge Road, Lt. Chris Galve said.

David Hernandez, San Diego Union-Tribune, 3 Apr. 2023

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan countered that the government had negotiated in good faith and that the union’s decision was extremely disappointing.

Danica Kirka, ajc, 3 Apr. 2023

This comes after Actors’ Equity and The Broadway League reached an agreement in early December 2022 on a new three-year production contract, which governs Broadway shows and sit-down touring productions, after negotiating since September.

Caitlin Huston, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘negotiate.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from Latin negōtiātus, past participle of negōtiārī «to do business, trade, deal,» derivative of negōtium «work, business, difficulty, annoyance,» from nec «not» + ōtium «free time, leisure, tranquility,» of obscure origin — more at neglect entry 1

The sense «to confer in order to arrive at a settlement» is probably based on Middle French negocier or Italian negoziare, which had developed this sense, not belonging to the Latin source, by the mid-16th century.

First Known Use

circa 1598, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

Time Traveler

The first known use of negotiate was
circa 1598


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“Negotiate.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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