Is mushrooming a good word to use here

Прирда и экология

The international environment organization ____________ has requested the French government to remove immediately highly toxic waste of French origin from Russia’s territory.

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Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It has not affected my feelings for the place.

Present Perfect Continuous

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The Japanese have learnt how to ______ paper waste into bricks, housing panels, and other construction materials.

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: ______ is mushrooming a good word to use here?

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: Presenter Dorinda Hafner cooks nesting pigeons — a favourite recipe _____ her childhood -when she visits Egypt for her Channel 4 series.

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The aim of the Snack Apple _______ to persuade children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

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The World Bank recently halted funding as a result of intense pressure from ________, following an unfavourable independent review of the project.

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Grass and trees convert carbon dioxides, taken in from air and water, into the __________________ so essential to animal life.

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Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Africa has lost 99 per sent of its black rhinos in the past twenty years.

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In Japan recycling is no whim or fad, but generally accepted part of____________.

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Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Then the Indian government launched Project Tiger, which set up national parks all over the country.

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: Doctors ______ always devising new cures for diseases that kill people.

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Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What operational measures have been introduced to reduce noise disturbance?

Present Perfect Continuous

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In so doing you’re actually falsifying the sort of seaweeds they live on and so on,

and take them down to attractive pools at the bottom of the shore without mowing you’re doing it.

It’s important to think about the animal first, and there are many occasions when

there are cases when it would be very sad if you didn’t, but it’s not the end of the world.

Nothing is so important that you have to get that shot; of course,

I’ve not taken a picture because it would have been too disturbing.

There are people who will alter things deliberately: you don’t pick up sea creatures from the middle of the shore

which may seem unimportant but it is actually changing the natural surroundings to make them prettier.

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Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: How _______ the North Atlantic Drift influence the weather of the British Isles?

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: There are recipes from ________ the world as a regular feature.

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Their bright colors actually provide good camouflage in the dappled light

eat insects and, sometimes, young birds, eggs, or lizards.

The birds use them to reach fruit on branches that are too small to support

their weight, and also to skin their pickings.

In addition to fruit, Toco toucans

of the rain forest canopy.

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Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: ________ thunderstorms common in summer?

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Chefs, wine tasters and other specialists gather together for another round-up of recipes,

plus banana wine to wash it down, and to Zanzibar where visitors can try a lipstick straight from the lipstick tree.

In Mali, Dorinda visits the River Niger to see the hippo, the country’s national symbol,

doctors who prescribe exercises instead of drugs.

Presenter Nicola Hill recently introduced another welcome idea from the medical hotline —

and cook a fine freshwater fish, the captain.

Continuing on Wednesdays until March 23, the programme takes viewers to Tanzania for a four-course meal featuring bananas in every course,

food news, drinks tips and product tastings.

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These iconic birds are very popular pets, and many are captured

which suggests that they are not trying to remain hidden.

They are also familiar commercial mascots known for

hawking stout, cereal, and other products.

However, the birds commonly keep up a racket of vocalization,

to supply demand for this trade.

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: Chocolates, sweets, biscuits and other foods high _____sugar are best avoided during revision, as are sugar-packed cereals on exam mornings.

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Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Why ______ the climate of the British Isles mild?

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Sugary foods ________ a profoundly negative effect on children’s behaviour, including their ability to study and sleep well.

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Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I went off to take my first pictures of sea anemones and starfish.

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Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Today, numbers tripled.

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Выберете правильный ответ: I’ll give you my phone number in order that / in case you need any information.

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Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Poachers still hunt the tiger illegally, but at least it is no longer in danger of extinction.

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And if your main objection _________ fruit is the unpeelable orange, there are also plans for an orange that will practically peel itself.

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Соедините части предложений:

I went off to take my first pictures of

but he bought me an Exacta, which was really quite a good camera for the time.

My father was in the armed forces, so we were always moving

and didn’t have a home base for any length of time.

My father didn’t know anything about photography,

sea anemones and starfish.

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Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:

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The colorful pattern makes monarchs easy to identify—

which larvae eat nearly exclusively.

The distinctive pattern warns predators that the insects are

eat their eggshells and, subsequently, the milkweed plants on which they were placed.

Monarch butterflies begin life as eggs and hatch as larvae that

foul tasting and poisonous.

Monarchs are dependent on milkweed plants,

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It can be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches

mating rituals and courtship displays.

These tail feathers, or coverts, spread out in a distinctive train that is more than 60 percent of the bird’s total body length

their mates according to the size, color, and quality of these outrageous feather trains.

Females are believed to choose

and boast colorful «eye» markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues.

The large train is used in

across the bird’s back and touches the ground on either side.

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Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:

строгий; обязательный, точный

контейнер для пустых бутылок

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Even the great cellist, Dmitri Radovic, admitted to having________ in his stomach before a concert.

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Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Where ________ great floods occur?

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: One young man consented to having his body frozen and placed in a massive capsule in order to preserve it until doctors find a cure for his ________.

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Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: On the other side of the world, the grey whales of Baja California nearly disappeared in the last century.

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Раскройте скобки: Once when we were at sea on a motor boat we were (catch) in a heavy rain.

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The genes that make one natural blue ______ have recently been transferred from bacteria to flowers, so why not to food plants?

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Presenter Nicola Hill recently introduced another welcome idea from the medical hotline —

Nutritionist Amanda Ursell returns on Wednesday to present a third series of the popular programme

that leaves no dishcloth unturned.

Plus, there are recipes from around the world

doctors who prescribe exercises instead of drugs.

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Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: Unfortunately, many people are looking for attractive images.

Present Perfect Continuous

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Many supermarkets now __________ free-range eggs to their customers, instead of eggs from battery hens.

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Вставьте пропущенное слово: What is the ______forecast for tomorrow?

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I’d forget everything I’d revised, often dissolving _________ tears.

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Английский язык (11 класс) — Тест-тренинг

Список вопросов теста (скачайте файл для отображения ответов):

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In an incredibly short space of time, a number of unique species had vanished: the dodo; the giant, black flightless parrot; the giant Mauritian tortoise, ______ rapidly by the Rodrigues tortoise.
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In the face of all this, the indigenous ________ and fauna of Mauritius can be said to be hanging on to its existence by its fingernails.
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It waited there for hundreds of thousands of years for an annihilating invasion of voracious animals for which it was totally unprepared, a cohort of rapacious beasts led by the worst predator in the world, ______ sapiens.
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It’s extremely hot and humid, but you are __________ from the sun by the thick and luxuriant canopy of branches overhead, and the jungle resounds with the calls of exotic birds and the noises of animal life in the undergrowth.
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Not only is Mauritius one of the most densely _________ parts of the globe, but as well as dogs, cats, rats and monkeys have been introduced in that dangerous, unthinking way that man has.
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The dugong, which ________ to throng the reefs, vanished, and all that was left of a unique and harmless fauna was a handful of birds and lizards.
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The majestic peaks rise above the sweet-smelling pine _______; the air is invigoratingly pure, and the streams run with clear water.
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The sun beats down relentlessly; except at the rare oasis, there is no shade — just undulating dunes as far as the eye can _______, peopled only by the occasional mirage.
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Then there are the introduced plants and trees, so that the native vegetation _____jostled and strangled by Chinese guava, wild raspberries, privet and a host of other things.
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There are twenty introduced ________ of birds, there is the sleek and deadly mongoose and, less damaging but still out of place, the hedgehog-like tenrec from Madagascar.
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There, on this speck of volcanic soil in middle of a vast sea, a complete, unique and peaceful world ________ created slowly and carefully.
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With man, of course, came all his familiars: the dog, the rat, the pig, and, in this instance probably one of the worst predators next ________ man, the monkey.
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Breakers crash against the ______ that rise above the shore, throwing spray into the air, while gulls and pelicans circle above the rocks looking for fish in the grey ocean.
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Many wild animals are threatened by extinction due to over-hunting and changes in the environment _________by man.
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Among the simple but far disappearing blessings is the smell of clean fresh air and the good taste ________pure water.
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Birds swoop over the hills in the distance, heading _________Africa.
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During the last 20 years environmental protection has become a vital necessity ______ people.
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How the problem of pollution has been and is being tackled has a great deal to do _____ politics and social initiative.
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One of the great problems grappled _______in the plans for economic and social development is how to harmonize industry and community, plants and people.
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Pollution has to do _______ the giant enterprises which advance industries and abuse natural resources.
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The «green belts» not only provide restful relaxation, they are regarded as important allies in the battle __________air pollution.
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The problems of environment include a wide range of burning issues: nature destruction and pollution, extermination of wild-life _______global scale, endangering human health with industrial wastes.
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The small mammals that inhabit the woods and the fields are gathering food as they prepare ______ hibernation.
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There are the by-products ________massive industrialization confronting all great industrial countries with the most serious problem of environment mankind ever faced, that of pollution.
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What do you think has stimulated man’s interest __________ the problems of environment?
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The leaves are beginning ______ turn golden.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the __________.
A gene may be __________ from a different species in order to increase the nutritional value of the plant, or to make it more resistant to pests and disease.
A large number of consumers object to this and have called _______ clearer labelling of GM products.
According to officials, the planned network of huge dams and irrigation canals will provide water for drinking and agriculture in an area worryingly prone to ________.
After a long day in the town, you really appreciate the fresh air of the ________.
After-shocks registering up to Force 4 at the ___________were felt on the same day in the vicinity of Lake Baikal in Eastern Siberia.
Although beer bottles are still reused they are an exception from the trend of recent decades of not________________.
Although factory farming is still widespread, farmers are aware that consumers are increasingly interested in the living conditions and even the feelings of _________.
Although sugar can improve concentration initially, an overload _______ have the opposite effect.
Although the medical and scientific professions still maintain that __________is necessary for research purposes, there is more public opposition to this than ever before.
An ecosystem can be categorized into its ___________constituents, including minerals, climate, soil, water, sunlight, and all other nonliving elements, and its biotic constituents, consisting of all its living members.
And if your main objection _________ fruit is the unpeelable orange, there are also plans for an orange that will practically peel itself.
Are the potential advantages more important _______ the risks?
As part of its commitment to ________ countries, the World Bank originally gave India a $450 million loan for this vast project.
As the years passed, though, I began to realise that my exam performance was affected by how I ate while studying and, most importantly, what I consumed _______the day of the exam.
At present the average Japanese citizen ___________ about 920 g of waste per day, i.e. more than 330 kg a year.
Australian scientists ________ created a fruit with the convenience of an apple and the taste of a pineapple.
Barnaby spent all his life working on the______, like his father and grandfather before him. (
Because there are no long-term studies to prove the safety of GM foods, their long-term effect on human health is ____________.
Beer bottles and large vine bottles are constantly ____________.
But if you don’t want your food _______about with, can you avoid it?
But _________ we reject alt GM foods?
Caroline has cried ________so many times before that people just don’t believe her any more.
Cosmetics companies who claim not to __________ their products on animals are gaining a large share of the market.
Could I have some water, please? I’ve got a _________ in my throat.
Despite the benefits, however, not everyone is in favour of _______ foods or ‘Frankenfoods’, as the media calls them.
Don’t count your chickens before they____________.
Ecology also called bioecology, bionomics, or environmental biology, study of the relationships between organisms and their ___________.
Ecology emerged in the late 20th century as one of the most popular and most important aspects of __________.
Even the great cellist, Dmitri Radovic, admitted to having________ in his stomach before a concert.
February and March are the months with most snow though it can fall as late as ______ in the Scottish Highlands.
First on the scene was ________ company Iceberg which came up with chocolate-flavoured carrots, made by freezing the vegetables with granules of chocolate sauce.
For recycling to __________ root as a social system, individuals, employers and government must recognize the importance of conserving the environment of our planet Earth.
For those feeling too nervous to eat much, a couple of bananas, some raisins or a fruit smoothie will help them to _________ going through this busy time.
From the helicopter the navigator could see the red cliffs of the Devon ________.
From the helicopter the police had a ________eye view of the accident.
Genetic modification ______ give us easy-peel oranges, cancer-fighting strawberries and blue potatoes.
Grass and trees convert carbon dioxides, taken in from air and water, into the __________________ so essential to animal life.
How appealing _________ you find blue potatoes?
However, critics say that the dam project represents ________and cultural destruction on a scale so massive that the benefits of the project will pale in comparison to the damage it will cause.
I hated exams and I still remember how my mind ________ go blank when faced with a question paper.
I’m afraid you’re flogging a dead________, Collins. The boss will never agree to your proposal.
Ideally, place a jug of water on your _________ desk.
If starchy foods _______ as pasta, rice, potatoes and bread make your child feel sleepy, these are useful allies to enlist at night to promote brain- refreshing sleep.
If they turn up their nose at pure water, you _______ flavour it with a high-juice or no-added- sugar squash.
If you have a school-age child, the following tips _________help them, too.
In addition to certain obligatory recycling, an economic system must ____________which would make it financially advantageous to re-use materials.
In Japan recycling is no whim or fad, but generally accepted part of____________.
In the early decades of the 20th century toilet paper and serviettes were made from old newspapers and magazines, which were bought up by __________ collectors who sold it for reprocessing.
Incredibly, scientists have _______ a gene from a fish to give antifreeze properties to tomatoes and so increase their growing season.
Industry has manifested an interest in the call made by the University of the United Nations Organization for «zero emission», i.e. total __________of the discharge of noxious substances during the manufacturing process.
It is hoped that recent advances in medical research will enable us to ________many of the diseases which currently kill a large number of people in Third World countries.
It is therefore difficult ______ GM soya because we don’t know which products contain it and which don’t.
It ________ make children hyperactive and headachy, then causing energy levels to drop so dramatically that they just want to fall asleep.
I’d forget everything I’d revised, often dissolving _________ tears.
Jane was having a______________ of a time at the party, and could hardly be dragged away.
Juices with lots of _____sugar have a similar effect.
Let sleeping ___________ lie.
Looking at basics, it is easy to see that the whole of our ___________ functions on the principle of constant recycling.
Make hay while the __________.
Many supermarkets now __________ free-range eggs to their customers, instead of eggs from battery hens.
Nowadays the greatest __________ to industrial recycling is the excess of expenditure over income.
One man’s meat is another man’s _________.
One of the problems is that _________ of soya from the US contain both GM and non-GM beans because it’s not thought practical to separate them at their source.
One swallow does not make a_______.
Other measures being examined by the government are a system for resale of the rights to emit noxious substances and the introduction of a tax on the burning of oil, coal, natural gas and other fuels which produce ____________ during combustion.
Plant breeders have a range of mini-vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, _______ they hope will make them popular snack foods with youngsters and a healthier alternative to crisps.
Plants are a vital link in the __________, supporting animal life and contributing to the constant enrichment of the soil.
Problems have arisen over the Indian government’s giant dam project in the ________ Narmada Valley, where many of Rudyard Kipling’s stories are set.
Roger is extraordinarily selfish and possessive — a real ________in the manger.
Science can now create new types of foods _______ means of genetic manipulation.
Scientists are already working on blue roses ______ this technology.
Sea water ___________ to form clouds which fall to earth in the form of rain.
Several cosmetics companies now claim that their products are not __________on animals, a policy which has been found to be popular with consumers.
So try to get your child to drink as _______ unadulterated water as possible, right up to the morning of an exam.
So, if you want to get some vitamin C into your child, use a little freshly _________ juice diluted with plenty of water.
Some highly processed drinks contain additives ________ as tartrazine, a yellow colouring that can aggravate hyper-activity and disrupt concentration.
Some market gardens find labour costs for casual workers so high that they allow the public to ________ the produce themselves.
Studies suggest that children _______ drink plenty of water find it easier to concentrate, retain information and do mental arithmetic, and also get fewer headaches.
Sugary foods ________ a profoundly negative effect on children’s behaviour, including their ability to study and sleep well.
The aim of the Snack Apple _______ to persuade children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
The bulk of waste is therefore burnt and the resultant ___________ used for infill.
The change in the climate of public ______means that using animals for entertainment is also frowned on.
The children watched open-mouthed as the meteor blazed across the evening________.
The critics say that more than 200,000 people will be uprooted and rehoused, and ancient ________cultures will be obliterated.
The dry grass around the swamp sways in the hot breeze, while antelope graze, ever fearful for the predators who may be ________from the shade of the few trees that dot the bush.
The early bird catches the ______________.
The earth’s recycling system is ruined by petroleum hydrocarbons and other pollutants, which harm the environment and which do not ___________ to soil.
The flow of energy through the ecosystem drives the movement of ___________within the ecosystem.
The fundamental source of energy in almost all ecosystems is radiant energy from ________.
The genes that make one natural blue ______ have recently been transferred from bacteria to flowers, so why not to food plants?
The government demanded to remove ___________from this site.
The individual consumer must have a __________ that is based on an awareness of the need to recycle.
The international environment organization ____________ has requested the French government to remove immediately highly toxic waste of French origin from Russia’s territory.
The Japanese have learnt how to ______ paper waste into bricks, housing panels, and other construction materials.
The manufacturer ___________the overall impact of his product on the environment and takes all factors into account from the selection of raw materials to the moment when all consumer value has been exhausted.
The Narmada dam will also offer a major ________of electricity to power-starved regions.
The old man led us all over town on a ___________ chase, and so we never found the house we were looking for.
The term ____________ can imply various methods of reprocessing secondary materials and reusing all sorts of products: household, waste packaging materials, even industrial waste.
The travellers gazed in awe at the________, a beautiful stretch of clear, fresh water surrounded by snow-capped mountains.
The week of exams left Ann exhausted, and she is still rather _________________.
The World Bank recently halted funding as a result of intense pressure from ________, following an unfavourable independent review of the project.
The worldwide drive for saving resources calls __________ new ways to be found of curbing the rate at which the amount of waste increases.
Then there is a cold, dry, biting wind which brings _________ frosts.
There are plans to introduce ______ appealing products: peas which contain more vitamin C and broccoli, strawberries and tomatoes with more of the anti-cancer compound, sulphophane.
There are very few unexplored areas left in the ____________
There have been experiments to use untreated waste for making ____________ and of incinerating rubbish to power the air-conditioning systems in public buildings.
There is a general rule which states that the amount of a country’s waste is proportional to its ____________, implying that a larger amount of rubbish is proof of a higher standard of living.
There is a widespread revulsion against __________such as fox-hunting, and often activists endanger their own lives in an attempt to stop what Oscar Wilde called ‘the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable’.
There is also a great deal of concern for the environment, with fears that GM crops _______ spread their genes by pollination to other plants growing nearby.
There is particular controversy _________soya, a common ingredient in processed foodstuffs.
There’s something strange about that plan of Mary’s. I smell a ____________!
This is why canned fizzy drinks are the last thing that you __________ give them.
Those who live on the ___________ tend to have a less sentimental view of nature than sity-dwellers.
Timing is important here because no one wants to be ________about going to the loo in the middle of things.
Too many cooks spoil the ______________.
Unfortunately Donald doesn’t try to understand grammar rules. He just learns sentences________.
Using animals in scientific experiments and as a primary food source, once considered a human prerogative, is now being questioned __________campaigners.
We _________ also have blue potatoes.
Well, now you can have the _______of both worlds.
When the train doors closed, we were packed like ____________ and could not move an inch.
When you bite _______ an apple, do you ever wish it was a pineapple instead?
Wouldn’t you just love to be a____________ on the wall when Sarah tells him it’s all over?
You never quite know what Ken is up to — he’s rather a dark____________.
Zoos and circuses are sometimes accused of _________, and are losing their popularity.
_________ a day keeps the doctor away.
_________ a result, a spokesperson for Iceland recently announced that the company would buy soya for its own-brand products only from Brazil, where the GM crop isn’t grown.
_________ scientists be allowed to ‘fiddle with’ the genetic structure of plants?
_________is the driest season in Britain.
_____________measuring Force 5 on the Richter scale was yesterday recorded in the town of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy in the Russian Far East.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What is Indian ___________ like?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When are trees covered _________ hoarfrost?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When does _________ drizzle?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______ it often snow?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______frosts very hard?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ________ animal purrs?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: A tidal wave of water and ice ______ heading straight for us and we scrambled up the rocky slopes to safety.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Although crisps _______contain sugar, their fat content makes them hard for a nervous stomach to digest so, if your child’s anxiety tends to manifest itself as tummy ache, avoid them.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: And if children get into the habit ________relying on caffeine to keep them awake while cramming late into the night, they are more likely to feel tired and panicky the next day.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: But suppose you ______dying from an incurable disease now.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: But _____ week into our holiday the island was in the direct path of the hurricane and the hotel staff feared the worst.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Chinese-American chef Martin Van has ______ seen on nearly all the ITV regions in recent years.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Chocolates, sweets, biscuits and other foods high _____sugar are best avoided during revision, as are sugar-packed cereals on exam mornings.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Colas and other tannin or drinks that contain _______ such as coffee and tea might aid concentration in the short term.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Did you ever try to avoid eating some fruit?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Do you like it ________ it is hot?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Doctors ______ always devising new cures for diseases that kill people.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Food Files tell you what goes into the food on your plate, as the programme follows it from farmyard _______ factory and finally to your front door.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: How _______ fruits and vegetables can you name?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If he isn’t ________ your screen right now, he soon will be again.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If only you could postpone death until a cure __________ found!
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If the experiment works, unforeseen problems undoubtedly _________ arise.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If the guide hadn’t shouted at us to get out of the way, the consequences ________ have been tragic.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If your child needs a snack, urge him or her to eat fresh or dried fruits, unsalted nuts, a sandwich, a yoghurt, a bowl of soup, a fresh-fruit smoothie or a ________ of cheese.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: If your child _______ had a good night’s sleep and needs a pick-me-up, a cup of weak tea in the morning may provide a gentle boost.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: In the winter months Britain is __________by polar air.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Just lately he’s _____ seen once a week in the Anglia and Central regions.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Last time she told us ________ the killer bug that lives in hamburgers, asked why we don’t always get a good deal from restaurants.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Latest ideas on the health front are the subject of this new monthly programme ________began in December.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Martin ____ seen preparing dishes with an Oriental touch, assisted each week by a different guest.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Now some people _______ trying to do just that.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: On the day, however, go _____ a high-protein or high-fibre breakfast and high-protein foods such as beans, meat, fish, eggs or cheese, plus vegetables and fruit later on.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: One young man consented to having his body frozen and placed in a massive capsule in order to preserve it until doctors find a cure for his ________.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Presenter Dorinda Hafner cooks nesting pigeons — a favourite recipe _____ her childhood -when she visits Egypt for her Channel 4 series.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Presenter Nicola Hill recently introduced another welcome idea from the medical hotline -doctors _______ prescribe exercises instead of drugs.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Some people _______ denounced this unique experiment with a torrent of angry words.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Such ________ shame for the island, but hurricanes could never put us off going back there.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: The series kicked _____ with reports on noise pollution, doctors who leave Britain, eye surgery, hospital waiting lists and predicting heart attacks by computer.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: The tannins inhibit the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients such ________ iron and calcium.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: The weather of the British _______ often changes but at the same time it is very mild.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: There are recipes from ________ the world as a regular feature.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: There is also a gloomy fear that the world is already overcrowded and that people have to die to make room for those who ________ about to be born.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: There were parts of houses, trees and debris everywhere and a tidal wave ________ destroyed many homes on the island.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: They resent human attempts to molest the natural order of life and ______.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: They were the same _______ doctors used in the United States.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What city is famous ________ its fogs?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What is the weather ________ in your home town?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What is the ______forecast for tomorrow?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ______ the weather like in March?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ________ the temperature in the day time?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ________ the weather like today?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: What __________ your favourite season?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When does it rain cats and ________?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When does winter ________ in Moscow?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When he looked at the charts, he found that the system of abbreviations _______ familiar to him.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When the all clear _____ given at 2 pm we were able to go out and see the devastation.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: When _______ spring begin in your city?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: Which is ________ most unpleasant season in St. Petersburg?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ______ are the two possible meanings of greenest here?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ______ can bone a chicken in 30 seconds or less, create a Chinese banquet before your eyes and tell you all there is to know about Asian cuisine?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ______ is mushrooming a good word to use here?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ______ was transport in Curitiba so bad in the 1970s?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ______ weather is to your taste?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______ life seem to be getting worse or getting better?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______ one point I tried to open the balcony door in our bedroom to catch a glimpse of the hurricane but the winds were so strong I couldn’t move it.
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______ you eat chocolate-flavoured vegetables?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______didn’t the authorities widen the streets of the city?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______kind of noise does purr describe?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _______t things were you made to eat when you were younger?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ________ of them do you like most and least?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ________ often do you eat fruit?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: ________aspects of life are described?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _________ is there no vandalism on the buses in Curitiba?
Вставьте пропущенное слово: _________ the weather usually keep fine in summer?
Вставьте пропущенное слово:Nutritionist Amanda Ursell returns _____ Wednesday to present a third series of the popular programme that leaves no dishcloth unturned.
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Where ________ great floods occur?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: ________ thunderstorms common in summer?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: By what winds ______ the highlands and the mountains in the North affected?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: How _____ authors in 19 century often describe Victorian London?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: How _______ the North Atlantic Drift influence the weather of the British Isles?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: In which parts of Britain ______ grass, flowers and vegetables grow in winter?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: On which continent _______ droughts mostly occur?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What _____ the natives of Suffolk say about the bitter easterly winds?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What _______ the cold winter wind usually bring?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What _______ the weather like in Britain in winter?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Where ________ the highlands and the mountains mainly lie?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Which months _______marked by most snow?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Which ______ the driest season in Britain?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Why ______ the climate of the British Isles mild?
Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: _____ heavy snowfalls occur in Britain?
Выберете правильный ответ: He arrived at the office before the others so that / in case he could start work early.
Выберете правильный ответ: I’ll give you my phone number in order that / in case you need any information.
Выберете правильный ответ: These tools are for / to mending my car.
Закончите высказывание: As hungry as a __________ .
Закончите высказывание: Hunger is the best ___________.
Закончите высказывание: Tastes _________.
Закончите высказывание: Too many cooks spoil the ___________.
Закончите высказывание: His eyes are bigger than his ___________.
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова aggravate
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова average
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова beastly
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова boost
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова consume
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова dreadful
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова drizzle
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова fizz
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова frost
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова misty
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова muddy
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова nibble
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова nutrient
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова oriental
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова season
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова sleet
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова slushy
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова snowstorm
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова thaw
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова to set in
Определите правильные варианты перевода слова unadulterated
Определите правильные варианты перевода словосочетания junk food
Раскройте скобки: Hello, Ann! You (look) very fresh and sunburnt.
Раскройте скобки: And this spell of nasty weather has (be) lasting already for two weeks.
Раскройте скобки: But you know, the weather in our parts (be) very changeable.
Раскройте скобки: Did you (enjoy) fine weather there?
Раскройте скобки: Do you mind my (ask) you a difficult question?
Раскройте скобки: Excuse my (leave) you at such a moment.
Раскройте скобки: He enjoyed (talk) of the pleasures of travelling.
Раскройте скобки: He gave up (smoke) a few years ago.
Раскройте скобки: He keeps (insist) on my going to the south.
Раскройте скобки: How many seasons (be) there in a year?
Раскройте скобки: I avoided (speak) to them about that matter.
Раскройте скобки: I cannot put off (do) this translation.
Раскройте скобки: I don’t mind (wear) this dress.
Раскройте скобки: I’ve just (come) back from the South.
Раскройте скобки: In a few days the weather turned to worse, it started (rain), the temperature fell to seven degrees.
Раскройте скобки: Oh please do stop (laugh) at him.
Раскройте скобки: Once when we were at sea on a motor boat we were (catch) in a heavy rain.
Раскройте скобки: Please forgive my (interfere).
Раскройте скобки: She burst out (cry).
Раскройте скобки: She could not help (smile).
Раскройте скобки: She denied (be) at home that evening.
Раскройте скобки: Sometimes we (enjoy) very nice and warm weather in October.
Раскройте скобки: The weather (be) lovely yesterday.
Раскройте скобки: They went on (talk).
Раскройте скобки: Though David was tired, he went on (walk) in the direction of Dover.
Раскройте скобки: Towards evening it (fall) to 20° but it was still very warm.
Раскройте скобки: Where have you (be)?
Раскройте скобки: Would you mind (come) again in a day or two?
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Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: My father was in the armed forces.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: We had to hide our real feelings.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: We were without electricity.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I became keen very quickly, and learned how to develop and print.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I had no ambition at all to be a photographer then, or even for some years afterwards.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I slowly became aware of how serious it had been.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I tried unsuccessfully to see it happening.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I tried unsuccessfully to see it happening.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I was impressed with how people reacted.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I went off to take my first pictures of sea anemones and starfish.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: I’ve tried from the beginning to produce pictures which are always biologically correct.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It has not affected my feelings for the place.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It has not affected my feelings for the place.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It is actually changing the natural surroundings to make them prettier.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: It’s important to think about the animal first.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: My love of nature goes right back to my childhood.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: Nevertheless, wildlife photographs play a very important part in educating people.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: She taught me the names of wildflowers and got me interested in looking at the countryside.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: So it seemed obvious to go on to do Zoology at university.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: There can be a lot of ignorance in people’s behaviour towards wild animals.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: Unfortunately, many people are looking for attractive images.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: We were on holiday on Providence Island last year.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What are the main treatment methods applied to reduce water pollution?
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What do you think are the responsibilities of nature conservation authorities and voluntary organizations in Britain?
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What operational measures have been introduced to reduce noise disturbance?
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: What operational measures have been introduced to store radioactive wastes?
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: When the all clear was given at 2 pm we were able to go out and see the devastation.
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: Why do you think people should be concerned about protecting environment from pollution and from destruction of natural resources?
Укажите время, в котором стоит сказуемое предложения: You don’t pick up sea creatures from the middle of the shore and take them down to attractive pools at the bottom of the shore.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: But slowly the situation changed.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Since then, the demand for ivory has fallen sharply.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In 1979 there were 1.3 million elephants there.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In India its numbers were around 1,800.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In July 1989, Kenya’s President Moi publicly burnt his country’s stock of ivory.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Suddenly, wildlife is good for the tourist trade.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: The grey whales recovered quickly.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Today, numbers tripled.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Twenty years ago, the tiger was in trouble.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Conservationists warned that the species could be extinct by the end of the century.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Fortunately, the US Marine Mammals Protection Act of 1972 saved them.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Poachers still hunt the tiger illegally, but at least it is no longer in danger of extinction.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Ten years ago, there were only 11 rhinos left in Kenya’s Masai Mara national reserve.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: That same year, Mexico created the world’s first whale sanctuary on the west coast of the Baja.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Africa has lost 99 per sent of its black rhinos in the past twenty years.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: All over the world other rare species continue to receive protection.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: And tourism — provided it takes only pictures and leaves only footprints — is good for the national parks.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: He raised his head slowly and stared at us for a full minute.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: I saw my first tiger in a national park in India, it was a young male and he was drinking at a waterhole.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In Africa, the most important species in danger is the elephant, the world’s largest living land mammal.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In America you can hear the song of the timber wolf, and see the mountain lion in the canyons and high forests.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In Kenya’s vast Tsavo national park, breeding herds of elephants are a common sight.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: In Kenya’s vast Tsavo national park, breeding herds of elephants are a common sight.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: On the other side of the world, the grey whales of Baja California nearly disappeared in the last century.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Poachers still hunt the tiger illegally, but at least it is no longer in danger of extinction.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Ten years later, numbers were down to fewer than 600,000 and still falling.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: The reason is whale-watching, an American craze for tourists.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Then he turned his back on us and disappeared quickly into the jungle.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Then the Indian government launched Project Tiger, which set up national parks all over the country.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Then the Indian government launched Project Tiger, which set up national parks all over the country.
Укажите, какой частью речи является подчеркнутое слово: Today there are perhaps 20,000 and these gentle giants are now worth far more alive than dead.
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Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
Установите соответствия между английскими и русскими эквивалентами:
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    Список вопросов базы знаний

    Вопрос id:955127

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: The series kicked ___ with reports on noise pollution, doctors who leave Britain, eye surgery, hospital waiting lists and predicting heart attacks by computer.

    Вопрос id:955128

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: The tannins inhibit the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients such ___ iron and calcium.

    Вопрос id:955129

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: The weather of the British ___ often changes but at the same time it is very mild.

    Вопрос id:955130

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: There are recipes from ___ the world as a regular feature.

    Вопрос id:955131

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: There is also a gloomy fear that the world is already overcrowded and that people have to die to make room for those who ___ about to be born.

    Вопрос id:955132

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: There were parts of houses, trees and debris everywhere and a tidal wave ___ destroyed many homes on the island.

    Вопрос id:955133

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: They resent human attempts to molest the natural order of life and ___.

    Вопрос id:955134

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: They were the same ___ doctors used in the United States.

    Вопрос id:955135

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What city is famous ___ its fogs?

    Вопрос id:955136

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What is the weather ___ in your home town?

    Вопрос id:955137

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What is the ___forecast for tomorrow?

    Вопрос id:955138

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ___ the weather like in March?

    Вопрос id:955139

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ___ the temperature in the day time?

    Вопрос id:955140

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ___ the weather like today?

    Вопрос id:955141

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: What ___ your favourite season?

    Вопрос id:955142

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: When does it rain cats and ___?

    Вопрос id:955143

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: When does winter ___ in Moscow?

    Вопрос id:955144

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: When he looked at the charts, he found that the system of abbreviations ___ familiar to him.

    Вопрос id:955145

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: When the all clear ___ given at 2 pm we were able to go out and see the devastation.

    Вопрос id:955146

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: When ___ spring begin in your city?

    Вопрос id:955147

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: Which is ___ most unpleasant season in St. Petersburg?

    Вопрос id:955148

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ are the two possible meanings of greenest here?

    Вопрос id:955149

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ can bone a chicken in 30 seconds or less, create a Chinese banquet before your eyes and tell you all there is to know about Asian cuisine?

    Вопрос id:955150

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ is mushrooming a good word to use here?

    Вопрос id:955151

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ was transport in Curitiba so bad in the 1970s?

    Вопрос id:955152

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ weather is to your taste?

    Вопрос id:955153

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ life seem to be getting worse or getting better?

    Вопрос id:955154

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ one point I tried to open the balcony door in our bedroom to catch a glimpse of the hurricane but the winds were so strong I couldn’t move it.

    Вопрос id:955155

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ you eat chocolate-flavoured vegetables?

    Вопрос id:955156

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___didn’t the authorities widen the streets of the city?

    Вопрос id:955157

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___kind of noise does purr describe?

    Вопрос id:955158

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___t things were you made to eat when you were younger?

    Вопрос id:955159

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ of them do you like most and least?

    Вопрос id:955160

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ often do you eat fruit?

    Вопрос id:955161

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___aspects of life are described?

    Вопрос id:955162

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ is there no vandalism on the buses in Curitiba?

    Вопрос id:955163

    Вставьте пропущенное слово: ___ the weather usually keep fine in summer?

    Вопрос id:955164

    Вставьте пропущенное слово:Nutritionist Amanda Ursell returns ___ Wednesday to present a third series of the popular programme that leaves no dishcloth unturned.

    Вопрос id:955165

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Where ___ great floods occur?

    Вопрос id:955166

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: ___ thunderstorms common in summer?

    Вопрос id:955167

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: By what winds ___ the highlands and the mountains in the North affected?

    Вопрос id:955168

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: How ___ authors in 19 century often describe Victorian London?

    Вопрос id:955169

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: How ___ the North Atlantic Drift influence the weather of the British Isles?

    Вопрос id:955170

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: In which parts of Britain ___ grass, flowers and vegetables grow in winter?

    Вопрос id:955171

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: On which continent ___ droughts mostly occur?

    Вопрос id:955172

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What ___ the natives of Suffolk say about the bitter easterly winds?

    Вопрос id:955173

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What ___ the cold winter wind usually bring?

    Вопрос id:955174

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: What ___ the weather like in Britain in winter?

    Вопрос id:955175

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Where ___ the highlands and the mountains mainly lie?

    Вопрос id:955176

    Вставьте пропущенный вспомогательный глагол: Which months ___marked by most snow?

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Dr. Ayla McGlynn

    Score: 4.5/5
    (45 votes)

    It was an advertent expansion on the part of the party whips of all the parties in the House and suddenly we had this mushrooming. Sales of the pep pills were mushrooming, pushing the boundaries of chemical enhancement and medicated relief.

    What do you mean by mushrooming?

    mushroomed; mushrooming; mushrooms. Definition of mushroom (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1a : to well up and spread out laterally from a central source. b : to become enlarged or extended : grow.

    What does rapidly mushrooming mean?

    (ˈmʌʃruːmɪŋ) the act of growing suddenly and rapidly.

    What is the synonym of mushrooming?

    The act or state of mushrooming. increase. proliferation. accumulation. multiplication.

    What do we call mushroom in English?

    A mushroom (also called a toadstool) is the part of a fungus that is like a fruit of a plant. … People who look for mushrooms to eat are called mycophagists, meaning «mushroom eater», while The act of looking for mushrooms is simply called «mushrooming».

    33 related questions found

    Is mushroom a veg?

    Although mushrooms are classified as vegetables, technically they are not plants but part of the kingdom called fungi. … Mushrooms provide the B vitamins riboflavin and niacin, which are especially important for people who don’t eat meat. Most mushrooms are also a good source of selenium and potassium.

    What are the benefits of eating mushroom?

    Mushrooms are a rich, low calorie source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. They may also mitigate the risk of developing serious health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. They’re also great sources of: Selenium.

    How do you use mushrooming in a sentence?

    It had been made by a mushrooming bullet, and the wonder was that the man had lived at all after receiving it. Close at hand, one of the lava-needles vanished in soundless display of mushrooming explosion. The cliffs resembled castle walls rising from the buried city, mushrooming themselves into sudden arrogance.

    What does it mean to be reticent?

    1 : inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech : reserved. 2 : restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance the room has an aspect of reticent dignity— A. N. Whitehead.

    What does the word kahoot mean?

    Cahoot is used almost exclusively in the phrase «in cahoots,» which means «in an alliance or partnership.» In most contexts, it describes the conspiring activity of people up to no good.

    Why is my wick mushrooming?

    Simply, a mushroom wick occurs when the wax of your candle is unable to burn fast enough to keep up with your chosen wick. … The most common reason for mushroom wicking to occur is down to the size of the wick you have opted for. Usually a wick that is too big causes more wax to be sent to the flame than it can handle.

    What is the most popular mushroom?

    1. White Button Mushroom. Characteristics: The most common and mildest-tasting mushroom around. Ninety percent of the mushrooms we eat are this variety.

    What is a mushrooming city?

    (ˈmʌʃruːm taʊn) a town that has grown very quickly. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.

    What are the parts of mushroom?

    Parts of a Mushroom And Their Functions

    • Cap. The cap of the mushroom is the topmost part and gives the fungi its umbrella-like shape. …
    • Gills. The gills are thin, paper-like structures layered side by side that often hang from the underside of the cap. …
    • Spores. …
    • Ring. …
    • Stem. …
    • Volva. …
    • Mycelium. …
    • Hyphae.

    What does mushroom emoji mean?

    ? Meaning – Mushroom Emoji

    The mushroom emoji has different meanings according to context, from something poisonous to dark, damp places or even as a reference to the power up mushroom in the Super Mario Bros. You can use Mushroom Emoji to say «Here have something healthy to eat and regain energy!» or «This is bad!

    Is reticence a bad thing?

    It usually implies a strong negative connotation. Reticent imparts less of a negative feeling. You could be reluctant to be harsh with another person, whereas you might be reticent about speaking up because you are shy.

    What is it called when you don’t talk to anyone?

    Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.

    How do I stop being reticent?

    #TOW — It’s time to overcome being reticent!

    1. Try and find a person you feel good with — that can be anyone, even a family member. …
    2. Communicational skills — work on improving them with that group of people. …
    3. Relaxed — try to be relaxed while with people. …
    4. Friendships — try and make new friendships.

    How do you use excessively?

    Excessively sentence example

    1. For the most part it is excessively dry and barren. …
    2. The climate of the district is liable to extremes, being very cold in the winter and excessively hot in the summer. …
    3. I was still excessively scrupulous about everything I wrote.

    What are the side effects of eating mushroom?

    The physical effects of mushrooms can include:

    • nausea and vomiting.
    • increased heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature.
    • muscle weakness.
    • drowsiness.
    • lack of coordination.
    • dilated pupils.

    What should not be eaten with mushroom?

    Morel Mushrooms + Alcohol

    If one eats these mushrooms even within a couple of days of consuming alcohol, the toxins can prevent the digestion of alcohol. This leads to severe discomfort including vomiting and palpitations.

    Why is mushroom bad for you?

    Wild mushrooms can make a tasty dish, but the toxins in some mushrooms can trigger fatal health issues. Some wild mushrooms also contain high levels of heavy metals and other harmful chemicals. To avoid these dangers, only consume mushrooms from a reliable source.

    Is an egg Veg or non veg?

    Vegetarianism as a diet excludes the consumption of animal flesh, since eggs technically are vegetarian, they do not contain any animal flesh. People who include eggs in their diet, while abstaining from eating chicken, pigs, fish and all the other animals can be called ovo-vegetarian — a vegetarian who eats eggs.

    Is mushroom a non veg food?

    Mushrooms are not from the animal kingdom, Basically, they are fungi. They can be considered vegetarian as it is not an animal or animal-derived product. They are not plants also.

    Is milk a Veg or non veg?

    On the other hand, pro-milk drinkers say that milk is a vegetarian food since it is not procured by killing the animal and does not consist of any animal part. Vegans do not consume any milk or milk based product.

    собирание грибов, быстрое распространение


    - собирание грибов

    Мои примеры


    go mushrooming — пойти за грибами; ходить по грибы; собирать грибы  
    mushrooming cloud — грибовидное облако  
    mushrooming machine — машинка для оформления верхней части шампанской пробки в виде шляпки гриба  
    mushrooming of dislocations — бурное размножение дислокаций  

    Примеры с переводом

    We went mushrooming in the Fall.

    Осенью мы пошли по грибы.

    He goes mushrooming in the spring every year.

    Каждый год весной он ходит по грибы.

    Interest in local history is suddenly mushrooming.

    Интерес к местной истории испытывает неожиданный и быстрый рост.

    Фразовые глаголы

    mushroom out — быстро распространяться, расти как грибы
    mushroom up — расти как грибы, быстро распространяться

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    mushroom  — гриб, выскочка, грибной, грибовидный, собирать грибы

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