Is missioned a word





a. A special assignment given to a person or group: an agent on a secret mission.

b. A combat operation assigned to a person or military unit.

c. An aerospace operation intended to carry out specific program objectives: a mission to Mars.

2. An ambition or purpose that is assumed by a person or group: felt it was his mission in life to help the poor.


a. A body of persons sent to conduct negotiations or establish relations with a foreign country.

b. The business with which such a body of persons is charged.

c. A permanent diplomatic office abroad.

d. A body of experts or dignitaries sent to a foreign country.


a. A body of persons sent to a foreign land by a religious organization, especially a Christian organization, to spread its faith or provide educational, medical, and other assistance.

b. A mission established abroad.

c. The district assigned to a mission worker.

d. A building or compound housing a mission.

e. An organization for carrying on missionary work in a territory.

f. missions Missionary duty or work.

5. A Christian church or congregation with no cleric of its own that depends for support on a larger religious organization.

6. A welfare or educational organization established for the needy people of a district.

tr.v. mis·sioned, mis·sion·ing, mis·sions

1. To send (someone) on a mission.

2. To organize or establish a religious mission among (a people) or in (an area).


1. Of or relating to a mission.

2. Of or relating to a style of architecture or furniture used in the early Spanish missions of California.

3. often Mission Of or relating to a furniture style originating during the Arts and Crafts Movement and characterized by sturdy, angular, solid wood construction.

[French, from Old French, from Latin missiō, missiōn-, from missus, past participle of mittere, to send off.]

mis′sion·al adj.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. a specific task or duty assigned to a person or group of people: their mission was to irrigate the desert.

2. a person’s vocation (often in the phrase mission in life)

3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a group of persons representing or working for a particular country, business, etc, in a foreign country

4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy)

a. a special embassy sent to a foreign country for a specific purpose

b. US a permanent legation

5. (Ecclesiastical Terms)

a. a group of people sent by a religious body, esp a Christian church, to a foreign country to do religious and social work

b. the campaign undertaken by such a group

6. (Ecclesiastical Terms)

a. the work or calling of a missionary

b. a building or group of buildings in which missionary work is performed

c. the area assigned to a particular missionary

7. (Aeronautics) the dispatch of aircraft or spacecraft to achieve a particular task

8. (Ecclesiastical Terms) a church or chapel that has no incumbent of its own

9. (Social Welfare) a charitable centre that offers shelter, aid, or advice to destitute or underprivileged people

10. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (modifier) of or relating to an ecclesiastical mission: a mission station.

11. South African a long and difficult process

12. (Furniture) (modifier) US (of furniture) in the style of the early Spanish missions of the southwestern US


(tr) to direct a mission to or establish a mission in (a given region)

[C16: from Latin missiō, from mittere to send]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmɪʃ ən)

1. a group or committee of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, establish relations, provide technical assistance, or the like.

2. a specific task that a person or group of persons is sent to perform.

3. a permanent diplomatic establishment abroad; embassy.

4. a group of persons sent by a church to carry on religious work, esp. evangelization in foreign lands, and often to establish schools, hospitals, etc.

5. the place of work of such persons, or the territory of their responsibility.

6. a military operational task, usu. assigned by a higher headquarters: a bombing mission.

7. an aerospace operation designed to carry out the goals of a specific program.

8. an allotted or self-imposed duty or task; calling: one’s mission in life.

9. a place for evangelical and philanthropic work, esp. in a poor urban area.

10. a series of special religious services for increasing religious devotion and for conversion.

11. a church or region with a nonresident minister or priest.


12. of or pertaining to a mission.

13. (usu. cap.) of or designating a style of U.S. furniture of the early 20th century, developed in supposed imitation of the furnishings of Spanish missions in California and characterized by simple, rectilinear shapes and the use of dark, stained oak.

[1590–1600; < Latin missiō a sending off =mitt(ere) to send + -tiō -tion]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


— First denoted sending the Holy Spirit into the world, from Latin mittere, «send.»

See also related terms for sending.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore.
2. In common usage, especially when applied to lower military units, a duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task.
3. The dispatching of one or more aircraft to accomplish one particular task.

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


 a body of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, 1626; such a body sent by a religious community for the conversion of the heathen, 1622—Wilkes.

Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: missioned
Gerund: missioning

I mission
you mission
he/she/it missions
we mission
you mission
they mission
I missioned
you missioned
he/she/it missioned
we missioned
you missioned
they missioned
Present Continuous
I am missioning
you are missioning
he/she/it is missioning
we are missioning
you are missioning
they are missioning
Present Perfect
I have missioned
you have missioned
he/she/it has missioned
we have missioned
you have missioned
they have missioned
Past Continuous
I was missioning
you were missioning
he/she/it was missioning
we were missioning
you were missioning
they were missioning
Past Perfect
I had missioned
you had missioned
he/she/it had missioned
we had missioned
you had missioned
they had missioned
I will mission
you will mission
he/she/it will mission
we will mission
you will mission
they will mission
Future Perfect
I will have missioned
you will have missioned
he/she/it will have missioned
we will have missioned
you will have missioned
they will have missioned
Future Continuous
I will be missioning
you will be missioning
he/she/it will be missioning
we will be missioning
you will be missioning
they will be missioning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been missioning
you have been missioning
he/she/it has been missioning
we have been missioning
you have been missioning
they have been missioning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been missioning
you will have been missioning
he/she/it will have been missioning
we will have been missioning
you will have been missioning
they will have been missioning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been missioning
you had been missioning
he/she/it had been missioning
we had been missioning
you had been missioning
they had been missioning
I would mission
you would mission
he/she/it would mission
we would mission
you would mission
they would mission
Past Conditional
I would have missioned
you would have missioned
he/she/it would have missioned
we would have missioned
you would have missioned
they would have missioned

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. mission - an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious workmission — an organization of missionaries in a foreign land sent to carry on religious work

foreign mission, missionary post, missionary station

NGO, nongovernmental organization — an organization that is not part of the local or state or federal government

2. mission - an operation that is assigned by a higher headquartersmission — an operation that is assigned by a higher headquarters; «the planes were on a bombing mission»

military mission

military operation, operation — activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); «it was a joint operation of the navy and air force»

combat mission — a mission to capture or defend something

search mission — a mission to discover something

search and destroy mission — an operation developed for United States troops in Vietnam; troops would move through a designated area destroying troops as they found them

direct support — a mission requiring one force to support another specific force and authorizing it to answer directly the supported force’s request for assistance

armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine — the military forces of a nation; «their military is the largest in the region»; «the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker»

3. mission — a special assignment that is given to a person or group; «a confidential mission to London»; «his charge was deliver a message»

charge, commission

assignment, duty assignment — a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces); «hazardous duty»

fool’s errand — a fruitless mission

mission impossible — an extremely dangerous or difficult mission

martyr operation, sacrifice operation, suicide mission — killing or injuring others while annihilating yourself; usually accomplished with a bomb

4. mission - the organized work of a religious missionarymission — the organized work of a religious missionary

missionary work

work — activity directed toward making or doing something; «she checked several points needing further work»

dawah, da’wah — missionary work for Islam

5. mission - a group of representatives or delegatesmission — a group of representatives or delegates

delegation, deputation, delegacy, commission

organization, organisation — a group of people who work together

diplomatic mission — a mission serving diplomatic ends

embassy — an ambassador and his entourage collectively

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. assignment, job, labour, operation, work, commission, trip, message (Scot.), task, undertaking, expedition, chore, errand the most crucial stage of his latest peace mission

4. task, work, calling, business, job, office, charge, goal, operation, commission, trust, aim, purpose, duty, undertaking, pursuit, quest, assignment, vocation, errand He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from evil.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. A diplomatic office or headquarters in a foreign country:

2. An assignment one is sent to carry out:

3. An inner urge to pursue an activity or perform a service:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إرْساليَّه دينيَّهبِعْثَهرِسالَهمكان مُكوث الإرْساليَّهمُهِمَّه


miseposláníúkolživotní poslánímisie





küldetésmissziómissziós telep

ætlunarverk, erindiflokkur trúboîaköllun, ætlunarverksendinefndtrúboîsstöî



delegācijamisijamisija, misionāru mītnepārstāvniecībasūtība

misiaživotné poslanie




A. N

2. (= people on mission) → misión f

3. (Rel) (= building) → misión f

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈmɪʃən] n

[evangelist] (= preaching) → mission f

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(= journey)Mission f; mission of inquiryErkundungsreise f; Henry Kissinger’s mission to the Middle EastKissingers Nahostmission



mission statement

n (of company) → (Kurzdarstellung der) Firmenphilosophie f

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈmiʃən) noun

1. a purpose for which a person or group of people is sent. His mission was to seek help.

2. the purpose for which (one feels) one was born. He regards it as his mission to help the cause of world peace.

3. a group of people sent to have political and/or business discussions. a Chinese trade mission.

4. a place where missionaries live.

5. a group of missionaries. a Catholic mission.

ˈmissionaryplural ˈmissionaries noun

a person who is sent to teach and spread a particular religion.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. misión; destino.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

Definitions For Missioned


  • A task or job that someone is given to do
  • A specific military or naval task
  • A flight by an aircraft or spacecraft to perform a specific task

English International (SOWPODS)

Points in Different Games


Words with Friends

The word Missioned is worth 12 points in Scrabble and 14 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Missioned in a Sentence

  • Our mission was to recover the stolen plans.
  • By patient negotiation she succeeded in her mission of averting a strike.
  • A mission to the moon

Asked by: Allison Parker I

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(39 votes)

verb (used without object), mis·sion·ized, mis·sion·iz·ing. verb (used with object), mis·sion·ized, mis·sion·iz·ing. … to conduct missionary work in or among.

What does it mean to Missionize?

intransitive verb. : to carry on missionary work. transitive verb. : to do missionary work among.

What is a Golic?

golic. cold. The building was golic. Submitted by anonymous on February 7, 2016.

Is Missionizing a word?

mis·sion·ize 1. To perform missionary work in or among.

What is call Governor in English?

governor in British English

1. a person who governs. 2. the ruler or chief magistrate of a colony, province, etc.

38 related questions found

Who is called the Governor?

1 : one that governs: such as. a : one that exercises authority especially over an area or group. b : an official elected or appointed to act as ruler, chief executive, or nominal head of a political unit.

What is the real meaning of governor?

noun. 1An official appointed to govern a town or region. ‘The US-approved interim government appointed him governor of the town in January. … ‘Departmental governors, previously appointed, are now elected popularly, as mayors have been since 1988.

What are Missionizing religions?

Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam actively seek converts and this is what makes them missionary, or, more accurately, proselytizing religions. … Only its missionary spirit is different from that associated with the proselytizing creeds.

Why is missionary important?

The most important duty of missionaries to teach people about Jesus Christ, and His great commandment to love God and to love others. … Many missionaries focus on the needs of the communities they are serving and integrate those needs with evangelism.

Who built the CA missions?

In 1769, the Spanish king ordered land and sea expeditions to depart from Mexico to California. He also sent military troops and Franciscan missionaries to the new land. Franciscan priest Father Junipero Serra founded the first mission in 1769.

Did Mike Golic son get drafted?

Michael Louis Golic Jr.

(born September 28, 1989) is a broadcaster with ESPN Radio and was an American football offensive guard. He played college football at Notre Dame. He signed with the Pittsburgh Steelers as an undrafted free agent in 2013.

Who is Mike Golic’s wife?

Golic resides in South Bend, Indiana and Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife Christine. All three of Golic’s children attended Notre Dame. His sons, Mike Jr.

What is the meaning of missionary work?

Missionary work occurs when an individual of faith, who is typically associated with a religion, crosses a culture to share his or her belief with others. Missionaries work to influence, and eventually, convert individuals to their religion or belief system. They also do humanitarian work.

What skills do you need to be a missionary?

Most missionaries are sent by an organization — religious or humanitarian — so the ability to learn the rules, goals and doctrines of that organization is important.

  • Good With People. …
  • Strong Communicator. …
  • Self-Motivated. …
  • Lifelong Learner. …
  • Leader and Follower. …
  • Positive Attitude.

Who is the first missionary in the Bible?

The Apostle Paul was the first missionary to travel to spread the Gospel.

What are the qualities of a missionary?

8 Qualities of a Missionary

  • What does it take to be a missionary? Before we look at what it takes to be a missionary, maybe we should define that person. …
  • Certainty. …
  • Initiative. …
  • Perseverance. …
  • Humility. …
  • Flexibility. …
  • Passion for the Kingdom. …
  • Lifelong Learning.

Who was the first woman missionary in the Bible?

The early Christian texts refer to various women activists in the early church. One such woman was St. Priscilla, a Jewish missionary from Rome, who may have helped found the Christian community at Corinth. She traveled as a missionary with her husband and St Paul, and tutored the Jewish intellectual Apollos.

Who is a monk person?

A monk (/mʌŋk/, from Greek: μοναχός, monachos, «single, solitary» via Latin monachus) is a person who practices religious asceticism by monastic living, either alone or with any number of other monks. … In the Greek language the term can apply to women, but in modern English it is mainly in use for men.

How did Christianity came to Ghana?

The Methodist Church Ghana came into existence as a result of the missionary activities of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, inaugurated with the arrival of Joseph Rhodes Dunwell to the Gold Coast (Ghana) in 1835. Like the mother church, the Methodist Church in Ghana was established by people of Anglican background.

What is the gender of governor?

The obsolete term for a female governor is the female form governess, however the modern term for female officials is the gender-neutral form governor (without the gender-specific suffix -ess) to avoid confusion with other meanings of governess.

What is the main role of a governor?

The governor’s primary responsibilities are to: Serve as the state’s chief executive officer and oversees the functions of the executive branch of government. … Issue executive orders on matters important to the state. Serve as commander-in-chief of the state’s armed forces.

Who appoints the governor?

The Governor of a State shall be appointed by the President by warrant under his hand and seal (Article 155).

Why do they say governor in England?

The term ‘guv’ or ‘governor’ is most commonly used for a reason by manual tradespeople, to denote the person paying their bill, or the person who orders and accepts their work, to distinguish from the tenant, the property’s legal owner, and so on.

What is a synonym for governor?

Synonyms. governor general eparch nabob nawab vicereine satrap proconsul politician military governor viceroy bey. powerlessness unrestraint intemperance indiscipline unskillfulness.


Our mission was to recover the stolen plans.

By patient negotiation she succeeded in her mission of averting a strike.

a mission to the moon

a member of a trade mission

Recent Examples on the Web

The organization’s mission is to bridge communities and people of all ages through the art and culture of ballroom dancing.

Emmett Hall, Sun Sentinel, 24 Mar. 2023

Like so many social media CEOs before him, Shou Zi Chew’s mission was to persuade skeptical lawmakers that his company, TikTok, operates responsibly and within the bounds of the law.

Casey Newton, The Verge, 24 Mar. 2023

Data Privacy Protecting the privacy of the people who use our platform is critical to our mission.

Ana Faguy, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023

The foundation’s mission is to aid the transition of women veterans to civilian life and to honor their service.

David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 23 Mar. 2023

That mission is generally quite successful—allowing burns to heal, scars to fade, and scabs to fall away—except, for some reason, when ink gets involved.

Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic, 22 Mar. 2023

Our latest Global Open Call, in partnership with Levi’s®, seeks to elevate and empower more emerging image makers, thereby furthering our mission to shape a more inclusive world.

Leila Milgrim, Vogue, 22 Mar. 2023

Can that translate into bounce back with Tigers? CONTRASTING PERSONALITIES:Matt Vierling, Nick Maton on mission to help cultivate championship culture Turnbull walked Anthony Volpe in the second inning.

Evan Petzold, Detroit Free Press, 21 Mar. 2023

One mission is to develop players for the parent club, while the other is win games and entertain fans.

Dave Kallmann, Journal Sentinel, 20 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘mission.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Definition of missioned in English Dictionary

  • Глагол (Verb)BFmissionSGmissionsPRmissioningPREmis-
    1. simple past tense and past participle of mission.
    2. Другие примеры
      1. Используется в середине предложения
        • Technically, angle shooting is not cheating. Angle shooters don’t break the rules-they just make it their personal mission to bend them as much as humanly possible.
        • The nearly continuous light curves with micromagnitude precision provided by the space mission Kepler are revolutionising our view of pulsating stars.
        • Our mission is to travel the galaxy and find new worlds. ‎
      2. Используется в завершении предложения
        • At NASA, various brainiacs take hammers and tongs to physics at both the Johnson Space Center and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where supernerds take on the logistics of a rescue mission.
        • NASA has spacewalkers periodically look at their gloves, since the discovery of a cut in a glove used by an astronaut during the last shuttle mission.
    • Часть речи Иерархии (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
      1. Глаголы
        • Глагольных форм
          • Причастия
            • Прошедшие причастия
            • Глагол простые формы последние

        Other Vocabulary

        Слова похожи (Look-Alike Words)

        1. en missioner
        2. en fissioned
        3. en passioned

        Источник: Викисловарь

        Meaning of missioned for the defined word.

        Грамматически, это слово «missioned» является Глаголы, более конкретно, Глагольных форм.

        Определенность: Уровень 1

        Определенный    ➨     Разносторонний

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