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  1. The comparative form of mild; more mild.

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From mild (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

mild /maɪld/USA pronunciation  
adj., -er, -est. 

  1. gentle or soft in feeling, manner, etc.:a mild disposition.
  2. not severe or extreme;
    temperate:a mild winter.
  3. not sharp in taste or smell:a mild cheese.
  4. moderate in strength, degree, or force:a mild drug; a mild fever.

mild•ly, adv.: He spoke mildly to us.
mild•ness, n. [uncountable]the relative mildness of the infection.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(mīld),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, n. 

  1. amiably gentle or temperate in feeling or behavior toward others.
  2. characterized by or showing such gentleness, as manners or speech:a mild voice.
  3. not cold, severe, or extreme, as air or weather:mild breezes.
  4. not sharp, pungent, or strong:a mild flavor.
  5. not acute or serious, as disease:a mild case of flu.
  6. gentle or moderate in force or effect:mild penalties.
  7. soft;
    pleasant:mild sunshine.
  8. moderate in intensity, degree, or character:mild regret.
  9. British Termscomparatively soft and easily worked, as soil, wood, or stone.
  10. [Obs.]kind or gracious.


  1. British Termsbeer that has a blander taste than bitter.
  • bef. 900; Middle English, Old English milde; cognate with German mild; akin to Greek malthakós soft

mildly, adv. 
mildness, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged soft, pleasant. See gentle. 
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged temperate, moderate, clement.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged bland.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged forceful.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged severe.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged harsh.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

mild /maɪld/ adj

  1. (of a taste, sensation, etc) not powerful or strong; bland
  2. gentle or temperate in character, climate, behaviour, etc
  3. not extreme; moderate
  4. feeble; unassertive


  1. Brit draught beer, of darker colour than bitter and flavoured with fewer hops

Etymology: Old English milde; compare Old Saxon mildi, Old Norse mildr

ˈmildly adv ˈmildness n

milder‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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  • 1
    person of Mediterranean origin

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > person of Mediterranean origin

  • 2
    берегите природу-мать вашу

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > берегите природу-мать вашу

  • 3
    более мягкие меры наказания будут достаточными

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > более мягкие меры наказания будут достаточными

  • 4
    менее суровое наказание

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > менее суровое наказание

  • 5
    менее суровые меры

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > менее суровые меры

  • 6
    отправиться в теплые края

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > отправиться в теплые края

  • 7
    смягчение наказания

    1) General subject: clemency, clemo , commutation, milder sentence

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > смягчение наказания

  • 8

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > урабанисты

  • 9
    не мешать

    Не мешать

    Volatile treatment permitted the formation of difficult to remove deposits. (Обработка летучими не мешала образованию трудноудаляемых отложений.)

    Sometimes a milder disturbance occurs, evidenced by noise and unsteady operation, but these disturbances usually do not preclude operating the compressor. (… не мешают работе компрессора)

    Не может — cannot; is not, is beyond

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > не мешать

  • 10

    рус Легкое когнитивное расстройство

    eng Mild cognitive disorder. A disorder characterized by impairment of memory, learning difficulties, and reduced ability to concentrate on a task for more than brief periods. There is often a marked feeling of mental fatigue when mental tasks are attempted, and new learning is found to be subjectively difficult even when objectively successful. None of these symptoms is so severe that a diagnosis of either dementia (F00-F03) or delirium (F05.-) can be made. This diagnosis should be made only in association with a specified physical disorder, and should not be made in the presence of any of the mental or behavioural disorders classified to F10-F99. The disorder may precede, accompany, or follow a wide variety of infections and physical disorders, both cerebral and systemic, but direct evidence of cerebral involvement is not necessarily present. It can be differentiated from postencephalitic syndrome (F07.1) and postconcussional syndrome (F07.2) by its different etiology, more restricted range of generally milder

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F06.7

  • 11

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением алкоголя

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairment of cogn

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F10.7

  • 12

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением опиоидов

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairment of cogn

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F11.7

  • 13

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением каннабиоидов

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairment of

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F12.7

  • 14

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением седативных или снотворных средств

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting imp

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F13.7

  • 15

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением кокаина

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairment of cogn

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F14.7

  • 16

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением других стимуляторов (включая кофеин)

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants, including caffeine. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F15.7

  • 17

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением галлюциногенов

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairment o

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F16.7

  • 18

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением табака

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairment of cogn

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F17.7

  • 19

    рус Резидуальные и отсроченные психотические расстройства, вызванные употреблением летучих растворителей

    eng Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents. Residual and late-onset psychotic disorder. A disorder in which alcohol- or psychoactive substance-induced changes of cognition, affect, personality, or behaviour persist beyond the period during which a direct psychoactive substance-related effect might reasonably be assumed to be operating. Onset of the disorder should be directly related to the use of the psychoactive substance. Cases in which initial onset of the state occurs later than episode(s) of such substance use should be coded here only where clear and strong evidence is available to attribute the state to the residual effect of the psychoactive substance. Flashbacks may be distinguished from psychotic state partly by their episodic nature, frequently of very short duration, and by their duplication of previous alcohol- or other psychoactive substance-related experiences. Alcoholic dementia NOS. Chronic alcoholic brain syndrome. Dementia and other milder forms of persisting impairme

    Classification of Diseases (English-Russian) > F18.7

  • 20

    conditions In the low-arctic region, as compared to high Arctic, conditions are somewhat mitigates.

    A summertime is more extended and milder, with a July mean between 15 and 200C .

    Near the limit of existence trees can grow only under especially favorable conditions, and are therefore restricted to valleys of rivers, south-facing and well-drained slopes, sheltered depressions or calcareous soil .

    Русско-английский словарь по этологии (поведению животных) > условия

См. также в других словарях:

  • Milder — ist der Nachname folgender Persönlichkeiten: Anna Pauline Milder Hauptmann (1785–1838), deutsche Opernsängerin Egon Milder (1942–1975), deutscher Fußballspieler Joakim Milder (* 1965), schwedischer Jazz Saxophonist (Tenor, Sopran) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder — Milder, Anna Pauline, verehelichte Hauptmann, Opernsängerin, geb. 13. Dez. 1785 in Konstantinopel, wo ihr Vater bei der österreichischen Gesandtschaft angestellt war, gest. 29. Mai 1838 in Berlin, wurde durch Tomascelli und Salieri in Wien zur… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Milder — Mild Mild (m[imac]ld), a. [Compar. {Milder}; superl. {Mildest}.] [AS. milde; akin to OS. mildi, D. & G. mild, OHG. milti, Icel. mildr, Sw. & Dan. mild, Goth. milds; cf. Lith. melas dear, Gr. ? gladdening gifts.] Gentle; pleasant; kind; soft;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Milder Knöterich — (Persicaria dubia) Systematik Eudikotyledonen Kerneudikotyledonen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder Mauerpfeffer — (Sedum sexangulare) Systematik Ordnung: Steinbrechartige (Saxifragales) Familie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder Zwergknäueling — (Panellus mitis) Systematik Klasse: Ständerpilze (Basidiomycetes) Unterklasse …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder Glanztäubling — Der Milder Glanztäubling (Russula nitida) Systematik Klasse: Ständerpilze (Basidiomycetes) Unterklass …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder, Anna — Milder, Anna. Es gab eine Zeit in Deutschland, und sie liegt noch nicht weit hinter uns, wo diese Sängerin die imposanteste, gefeierteste Erscheinung an unserm Opernhimmel war. Wer von den ältern Theaterfreunden erinnert sich nicht dieser hohen,… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Milder Kamm-Täubling — Systematik Klasse: Ständerpilze (Basidiomycetes) Unterklasse: Hutpilze (Agaricomycetidae) Ordnung: Sprödblättler (Russulales) Famil …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder Wachs-Täubling — Milder Wachstäubling Der Milde Wachstäubling (Russula puellaris) Systematik Klasse: Ständerpilze (Basidiomycetes) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Milder-Hauptmann — Milder Hauptmann, Paul. Anna, geb. 1785 in Constantinopel, Tochter eines k. k. Cabinetscouriers, bildete sich in Wien zur Sängerin, wurde erst bei der kaiserlichen Oper angestellt, verheirathete sich mit dem Juwelier Hauptmann u. ging 1816 an das …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

Предложения со словом «milder»

As a result of it the climate is getting milder and damper.

В результате этого климат становится более мягким и влажным.

He datavised another set of directives into the craft’s computer, and the thrusters fired again, a shorter, milder burst this time.

Он ввел в компьютер другой набор директив, и импульсные двигатели заработали мягче.

The sooner this purge is allowed to take place, the milder it will be, and the sooner Europeans and others will be able to breathe easy again.

Чем раньше мы позволим произойти этой продувке, тем более мягкой она будет и тем скорее европейцы и все остальные снова смогут вздохнуть с облегчением.

The climate here is milder than that of Moscow.

Здешний климат мягче, чем в Москве.

But must the milder method – call it parliamentary or constitutional democracy – break down periodically in disastrous fashion?

Но должен ли более мягкий метод – назвать ли его парламентской или конституционной демократией – время от времени претерпевать катастрофическую ломку?

The St. Petersburg lawyer appeared softer and milder than Putin.

Этот бывший юрист из Санкт — Петербурга казался более мягким по сравнению с Путиным.

Again, Greeks’ suffering will be milder than ours was.

Конечно, грекам будет не так трудно, как нам.

Normally black Himalayan bears are docile creatures, milder than Alsatian dogs.

Гималайские медведи обычно смирные животные, безобиднее немецких овчарок.

He turned for his interests to milder topics.

Его занимали самые мирные предметы.

These are some of the milder verses.

Эти куплеты еще самые скромные!

Let us think of milder matters, he said. Lavender Hill!

Подумаем лучше о чем — нибудь не таком суровом, — сказал он. — Вот, например, Лавандовая гора!

His wife had observed the proceeding with much uneasiness; but he persuaded her to have hers laced also, and she agreed to a milder allowance after some misgiving.

Его жена с тревогой наблюдала за этим, но он стал уговаривать ее тоже приправить кашу, и, поколебавшись немного, она согласилась, только на меньшую порцию.

One of the principal functions of a friend is to suffer (in a milder and symbolic form) the punishments that we should like, but are unable, to inflict upon our enemies.

Одно из главных назначений друга — подвергаться (в смягченной и символической форме) тем карам, что мы хотели бы, да не можем обрушить на врагов.

I am going now to take a turn in the shrubbery, since the air is milder.

Сейчас потеплело, и я хочу прогуляться в саду.

And yet, when the blinding light of the lamp became a degree milder, Rubashov felt relief and even something kindred to gratefulness.

И все же, когда слепящий блеск немного померк, он ощутил облегчение и чуть ли не благодарность.

thefirstwinter after humans did witness the die-off of some cockroaches, but many more moved underground to find warmth until milder temperatures returned.

В первую зиму после исчезновения людей и вправду погибла часть тараканов, но гораздо большая из них ушла под землю, где теплее, пока вернётся более мягкая температура.

‘So you were a member of what they call’ — she tried to find a milder word for it -‘ a gang?’

Так это была… — она смягчила, — ну, как говорится — шайка?

When the nights were milder I used to like to wander through the streets of the town, creeping along by all the darkest corners.

Тихими ночами мне больше нравилось ходить по городу, из улицы в улицу, забираясь в самые глухие углы.

But if you insist you were encouraged, your punishment will be milder.

Но если ты настаиваешь, что был вне себя, твое наказание смягчится.

She may live for some months longer in a milder air than the air of London.

Она может прожить на несколько месяцев дольше в более теплом климате, чем лондонский.

Pavel Nikolayevich felt the hard lump under his jaw and suddenly realized he was not one of the milder cases here.

А Павел Николаевич, ощущая жёсткий комок опухоли под челюстью, вдруг сообразил, что ведь он здесь был не из лёгких.

The wind having changed, the weather had grown milder during the night, and it was as warm and as sunny as in April.

Ветер переменил направление, за ночь погода сделалась мягче, солнце светило, точно в апреле, стояла теплынь.

It was on the south-east coast where the climate was milder.

Он находится на юго — восточном берегу, где климат мягче.

Cambozola is considerably milder than Gorgonzola piccante and features a smooth, creamy texture with a subdued blue flavour.

Cambozola значительно мягче, чем Gorgonzola piccante, и имеет гладкую кремовую текстуру с приглушенным голубым вкусом.

Even though PDD-NOS is considered milder than typical autism, this is not always true.

Хотя PDD — NOS считается более мягким, чем типичный аутизм, это не всегда верно.

While some characteristics may be milder, others may be more severe.

В то время как некоторые характеристики могут быть более мягкими, другие могут быть более серьезными.

This does not necessarily mean that PDD-NOS is a milder disability than the other PDDs.

Это не обязательно означает, что PDD — NOS является более легкой инвалидностью, чем другие PDD.

During that year, Sydney experienced a number of warm winter days, dry gusty winds and another milder dust storm.

В течение этого года Сидней пережил несколько теплых зимних дней, сухой порывистый ветер и еще одну более мягкую пыльную бурю.

Coastal areas are moderated slightly by the Atlantic Ocean, resulting in slightly milder winters and cooler summers in immediate coastal areas.

Прибрежные районы немного смягчаются Атлантическим океаном, что приводит к несколько более мягкой зиме и более прохладному лету в ближайших прибрежных районах.

Once infected further outbreaks may occur but are generally milder.

После заражения могут возникать новые вспышки, но обычно они более мягкие.

Japan announced milder sanctions than the US and EU. These include suspension of talks relating to military, space, investment, and visa requirements.

Япония объявила о более мягких санкциях, чем США и ЕС. Они включают в себя приостановку переговоров, касающихся военных, космических, инвестиционных и визовых требований.

Smaller pipes such as the midwakh or kiseru are used to inhale milder tobaccos such as dokha and kizami or other substances such as cannabis and opium.

Более мелкие трубки, такие как мидвак или кисеру, используются для вдыхания более мягких табаков, таких как докха и кизами, или других веществ, таких как каннабис и опиум.

The second variant is a milder one, caused by a homologous 1298C polymorphism.

Второй вариант — более мягкий, вызванный гомологичным полиморфизмом 1298C.

Milder compared to the 2009 storm, the effect of the dust was still apparent across iconic locations such as the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Более мягкий по сравнению с бурей 2009 года, эффект пыли все еще был заметен в таких знаковых местах, как Сиднейский Оперный театр и Сиднейский мост Харбор — Бридж.

Eastern India’s climate is much milder, experiencing moderately warm days and cool nights.

Климат Восточной Индии гораздо мягче, здесь умеренно теплые дни и прохладные ночи.

In general, milder cases can be controlled for months to years, but severe cases are unrelenting symptomatically and are likely to result in surgical treatment.

В целом, более легкие случаи могут контролироваться в течение месяцев или лет, но тяжелые случаи являются безжалостными симптомами и, вероятно, приведут к хирургическому лечению.

Refined olive oils are suited for deep frying because of the higher smoke point and milder flavour.

Рафинированные оливковые масла подходят для жарки во фритюре из — за более высокой температуры дыма и более мягкого вкуса.

During the opposite phase, La Niña, the jet stream is much further north, therefore winter is milder and drier than normal.

Во время противоположной фазы, Ла — Ниньи, струйный поток находится гораздо дальше к северу, поэтому зима более мягкая и сухая, чем обычно.

It has a milder taste than other game, and has been described as having a mild berry flavor.

Он имеет более мягкий вкус, чем другие игры, и был описан как имеющий мягкий ягодный вкус.

Very young children have limited social interaction and communication skills to begin with, so it can be tricky to diagnose milder cases of autism in toddlers.

Очень маленькие дети с самого начала имеют ограниченные навыки социального взаимодействия и общения, поэтому диагностировать более легкие случаи аутизма у малышей может быть сложно.

The formula combines Vegemite and Kraft cream cheese, spreads more easily and has a considerably less salty and milder taste than the original.

Формула сочетает в себе сливочный сыр Vegemite и Kraft, легче распространяется и имеет значительно менее соленый и более мягкий вкус, чем оригинал.

Its screenplay and plot are a dramatically abridged version of the original book, and all the characters suffer from far milder disabilities than those in the book.

Его сценарий и сюжет — это драматически сокращенная версия оригинальной книги, и все персонажи страдают от гораздо более мягких недостатков, чем те, которые есть в книге.

Further heavy snowfalls occurred as the milder air pushed northwards.

По мере того как более мягкий воздух устремлялся на север, шли новые сильные снегопады.

Wild turkey that has fed predominantly on grass and grain has a milder flavor.

Дикая индейка, питавшаяся преимущественно травой и зерном, имеет более мягкий вкус.

Unlike the milder Gothic fiction of Radcliffe, Sade’s protagonist is brutalized throughout and dies tragically.

В отличие от более мягкого готического вымысла Рэдклиффа, главный герой сада жестоко обращается с собой и трагически умирает.

Gum rosin has a milder odor and lower tendency to crystallize from solutions than wood rosin, and is therefore preferred for flux applications.

Смолистая канифоль имеет более мягкий запах и более низкую склонность к кристаллизации из растворов, чем древесная канифоль, и поэтому предпочтительна для применения в флюсах.

Due to the relatively lower level of proteins in vegetable matter, herbivore manure has a milder smell than the dung of carnivores or omnivores.

Благодаря относительно низкому уровню белков в растительном веществе, навоз травоядных имеет более мягкий запах, чем навоз плотоядных или всеядных животных.

It has been mapped to CIAS1 and is a slightly milder member of the disease family including Muckle–Wells syndrome and NOMID.

Он был сопоставлен с CIAS1 и является несколько более мягким членом семейства заболеваний, включая синдром Макла–Уэллса и НОМИД.

However, IVM is a milder approach to assisted reproduction treatment and an alternative procedure for specific conditions.

Однако ИВМ — это более мягкий подход к лечению вспомогательной репродукции и альтернативная процедура для конкретных условий.

The winter temperatures on the coast are milder due to the warming influence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Stream.

Зимние температуры на побережье более мягкие из — за потепления Атлантического океана и Гольфстрима.

The condition should be distinguished from the more common, and milder, involuntary quivering of an eyelid, known as myokymia.

Это состояние следует отличать от более распространенного и более мягкого непроизвольного дрожания век, известного как миокимия.

I have rephrased this to make it somewhat milder, and to include some more appropriate links, while dropping others to avoid it being TLDR.

Я перефразировал это, чтобы сделать его несколько мягче и включить некоторые более подходящие ссылки, отбросив другие, чтобы избежать того, что это TLDR.

Phosphates are available from a number of other sources that are much milder than TSP.

Фосфаты доступны из ряда других источников, которые намного мягче, чем TSP.

Tsukyu are resource rooms that students with milder problems use part-tie for specialized instruction individually in small groups.

Цукю — это ресурсные комнаты, которые студенты с более легкими проблемами используют частично для специализированного обучения индивидуально в небольших группах.

I may attempt to rewrite a ‘milder’ version, but honestly I can’t find anything wrong with my original version.

Я могу попытаться переписать более мягкую версию, но, честно говоря, я не могу найти ничего плохого в моей первоначальной версии.

In chronic bacterial prostatitis there are bacteria in the prostate, but there may be no symptoms or milder symptoms than occur with acute prostatitis.

При хроническом бактериальном простатите в простате есть бактерии, но могут отсутствовать симптомы или проявляться более слабые симптомы, чем при остром простатите.

The swollen head syndrome in chicken is a milder form of the virus which often come along with coinfections by bacteria.

Синдром опухшей головы у курицы — это более мягкая форма вируса, которая часто сопровождается коинфекциями бактериями.

It was not long before Spanish settlers turned to the hills, where they found rich volcanic soil and a milder climate than that of the lowlands.

Вскоре испанские поселенцы обратились к холмам, где они обнаружили богатую вулканическую почву и более мягкий климат, чем в низинах.

A milder effect may be obtained by using a pair of commas as the delimiter, though if the sentence contains commas for other purposes, visual confusion may result.

Более мягкий эффект может быть получен при использовании пары запятых в качестве разделителя, хотя если предложение содержит запятые для других целей, может возникнуть визуальная путаница.

Local tetanus is generally milder; only about 1% of cases are fatal, but it may precede the onset of generalized tetanus.

Местный столбняк, как правило, более мягкий; только около 1% случаев являются смертельными, но он может предшествовать началу генерализованного столбняка.



adj. mild·er, mild·est

1. Gentle or kind in disposition, manners, or behavior.


a. Moderate in type, degree, effect, or force: a mild pipe tobacco; a mild sedative.

b. Not extreme: a mild winter storm.

c. Warm and full of sunshine; pleasant: a mild spring day; mild weather in June.

3. Not severe or acute: a mild fever.

4. Easily molded, shaped, or worked; malleable: mild steel.

intr.v. mild·ed, mild·ing, milds

Texas & Virginia To diminish or decrease. Used of the wind or a storm. See Note at fair1.

mild′ly adv.

mild′ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (of a taste, sensation, etc) not powerful or strong; bland: a mild curry.

2. gentle or temperate in character, climate, behaviour, etc

3. not extreme; moderate: a mild rebuke.

4. feeble; unassertive


(Brewing) Brit draught beer, of darker colour than bitter and flavoured with fewer hops

[Old English milde; compare Old Saxon mildi, Old Norse mildr]

ˈmildly adv

ˈmildness n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adj. -er, -est.

1. amiably gentle or temperate in feeling, behavior, manner, etc.

2. not cold, severe, or extreme; temperate: a mild winter.

3. not sharp, pungent, or strong: a mild cheese.

4. moderate in intensity, degree, or character; not acute: mild regret.

5. gentle or moderate in force or effect: a mild drug.

6. pliant; malleable: mild metals.

7. Obs. kind or gracious.

[before 900; Middle English, Old English milde; c. Old High German milti; akin to Greek malthakós soft]

mild′ly, adv.

mild′ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. mild — moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme; «a mild winter storm»; «a mild fever»; «fortunately the pain was mild»; «a mild rebuke»; «mild criticism»

moderate — being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; «moderate prices»; «a moderate income»; «a moderate fine»; «moderate demands»; «a moderate estimate»; «a moderate eater»; «moderate success»; «a kitchen of moderate size»; «the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart»

temperate — not extreme in behavior; «temperate in his habits»; «a temperate response to an insult»; «temperate in his eating and drinking»

intense — possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; «intense heat»; «intense anxiety»; «intense desire»; «intense emotion»; «the skunk’s intense acrid odor»; «intense pain»; «enemy fire was intense»

2. mild - humble in spirit or mannermild — humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness; «meek and self-effacing»

humble — marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful; «a humble apology»; «essentially humble…and self-effacing, he achieved the highest formal honors and distinctions»- B.K.Malinowski

3. mild - mild and pleasantmild — mild and pleasant; «balmy days and nights»; «the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth»; «a soft breeze»

clement — (of weather or climate) physically mild; «clement weather»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. gentle, kind, easy, soft, pacific, calm, moderate, forgiving, tender, pleasant, mellow, compassionate, indulgent, serene, easy-going, amiable, meek, placid, docile, merciful, peaceable, forbearing, equable, easy-oasy (slang) He is a mild man, reasonable almost to the point of blandness.
gentle strong, powerful, violent, severe, harsh, unpleasant, unkind

3. temperate, warm, calm, moderate, clement, tranquil, balmy The area is famous for its mild winters.
temperate cold, wild, violent, bitter, rough, fierce, harsh, stormy

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Of a kindly, considerate character:

2. Easily managed or handled:

3. Free from extremes in temperature:

4. Free from severity or violence, as in movement:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.






mildurmildur, vægurmildur; blíîlyndur



neaštrusnešaltasšvelnaus būdošvelnaus skonio

lēnprātīgsliegsmaigsne assrēns







A. ADJ (milder (compar) (mildest (superl)))

1. (= not severe) [winter] → moderado, poco frío; [weather, climate, evening] → templado
it’s very mild for the time of yearno hace mucho frío para esta época del año

B. CPD mild steel N acero con bajo contenido carbónico

C. N (Brit) (= beer) cerveza suave y de color oscuro

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




[weather, winter, day] → doux(douce)
The winters are quite mild → Les hivers sont assez doux.
The weather was mild for December → Le temps était doux pour un mois de décembre.

[person, nature, character] → doux(douce)

(= slight) [reproach, protest, confusion] → léger/ère

[illness] → bénin/igne

[soap, shampoo] → doux(douce)

[curry, cheese, flavour] → doux(douce)

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)

(= gentle) climate, weather, soap, punishment, spring daymild; breeze, criticism, rebukeleicht, sanft; medicineleicht; person, character, eyessanft

(in flavour) taste, cigar, cheese, whiskymild; cigarettesmild, leicht; this cheese has a very mild tasteder Käse ist sehr mild (im Geschmack); mild aleleichtes dunkles Bier

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl))) (climate, punishment, weather) → mite; (character, person, cheese, voice) → dolce; (flavour, taste) → delicato/a, non piccante; (curry) → non piccante; (illness, sedative, beer, cigar) → leggero/a; (effect) → blando/a
it’s mild today → non fa freddo oggi

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(maild) adjective

1. (of a person or his personality) gentle in temper or behaviour. such a mild man.

2. (of punishment etc) not severe. a mild sentence.

3. (of weather especially if not in summer) not cold; rather warm. a mild spring day.

4. (of spices, spiced foods etc) not hot. a mild curry.

ˈmildly adverbˈmildness noun

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


خَفِيفٌ mírný mild mild ήπιος suave mieto doux blag lieve マイルドな 순한 mild mild łagodny suave умеренный blid ซึ่งมีรสชาติอ่อน ılımlı nhẹ 温和的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. [pain] leve, tolerable; moderado-a, indulgente.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj (soap, etc.) suave; (illness) leve

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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