Is marketplace one word

  • 1

    English-Russian short dictionary > marketplace

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > marketplace

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > marketplace

  • 4




    рынок; базарная площадь



    * * *

    рынок: физическое место (помещение, площадка) рынка.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > marketplace

  • 5



    2) рынок, базар

    Англо-русский современный словарь > marketplace

  • 6

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > marketplace

  • 7

    сфера бизнеса, торговли и экономики

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > marketplace

  • 8

    сфера бизнеса, торговли и экономики

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > marketplace

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > marketplace

  • 10

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > marketplace

  • 11


    1. базарная, рыночная площадь

    НБАРС > marketplace

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > marketplace

  • 13

    (n) мир коммерции; рынок; сфера торговли и экономической активности

    * * *

    * * *

    [‘mɑrkɪtpleɪs /’mɑːk-]
    базарная площадь, рыночная площадь

    * * *

    Новый англо-русский словарь > marketplace

  • 14

    English-Russian media dictionary > marketplace

  • 15

    English-Russian smart dictionary > marketplace

  • 16

      рынок; рыночная площадь; центр обмена идеями

    Англо-русский словарь по рекламе > marketplace

  • 17

    1. n базарная, рыночная площадь

    2. n эк. рынок

    Синонимический ряд:

    store (noun) emporium; farmer’s market; grocery store; market; mart; outlet; shop; store; supermarket

    English-Russian base dictionary > marketplace

  • 18

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > marketplace

  • 19

    English-Russian dictionary of popular words > marketplace

  • 20
    marketplace metrology

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > marketplace metrology


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • marketplace — n. 1. an area in a town where a public market is set up; a {market place}; a {market}[2]. Syn: mart. [WordNet 1.5] 2. The commercial activity whereby good and services are exchanged; as, without competition there would be no market. Syn: market.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • marketplace — [mär′kitplās΄] n. 1. a place, esp. an open place, where goods are offered for sale 2. the world of trade, business, economic affairs, etc.: often used figuratively [the marketplace of ideas] …   English World dictionary

  • marketplace — n. The world of commerce and trade. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • marketplace — late 14c., place where a market is held, from MARKET (Cf. market) (n.) + PLACE (Cf. place) (n.). Figurative use is from 1942 …   Etymology dictionary

  • marketplace — ► NOUN 1) an open space where a market is held. 2) a competitive or commercial arena …   English terms dictionary

  • marketplace — An organized venue, apart from CME, for the trade of securities, commodities or derivative instruments including, but not limited to, futures, options, options on futures or Security Futures Products. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • marketplace — noun (often the marketplace) ADJECTIVE ▪ competitive, crowded ▪ commercial, financial ▪ global, international ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • marketplace — / mɑ:kɪtpleɪs/ noun 1. the open space in the middle of a town where a market is held ● You can park in the marketplace when there is no market. 2. the situation and environment in which goods are sold ● Our salespeople find life difficult in the… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Marketplace — For other uses, see Marketplace (disambiguation). Street markets such as this one in Rue Mouffetard, Paris are still common in France. Resellers and farmers sell fruits and vegetables, but also meat and fish, and other produce …   Wikipedia

  • marketplace — [[t]mɑ͟ː(r)kɪtpleɪs[/t]] marketplaces also market place 1) N COUNT: usu the N in sing The marketplace refers to the activity of buying and selling products. It s our hope that we will play an increasingly greater role in the marketplace and,… …   English dictionary

  • marketplace */ — UK [ˈmɑː(r)kɪtˌpleɪs] / US [ˈmɑrkətˌpleɪs] noun Word forms marketplace : singular marketplace plural marketplaces 1) [countable] a place where people sell goods outside in a town or village market 2) the marketplace economics the activity of… …   English dictionary

What is a Marketplace?

A marketplace is an online store or a platform that facilitates both buyer and seller in many ways. An online marketplace is just like an e-commerce website or mobile app where sellers meet buyers and offer products and services. The website is responsible for all the transactions i.e. payments, transactions and process.

Definition. According to the oxford dictionary, “the marketplace the activity of competing with other companies to buy and sell goods, services, etc.”

However, the owner of the online store doesn’t have the inventory of all the products that he’s presenting. The e-store is just facilitating the transaction by selling the products of other businesses to customers. Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba are very good examples of the online marketplace.

Characteristics of a Marketplace

One of the most interesting features of a marketplace that offers you almost everything at one platform; you just have to download the application on your mobile phone and start using it. Different suppliers are making their products available to the customers on one platform. Instead of offering their products separately at their different respective stores, and they have to manage everything like store management, customer dealing, and delivery.

Types of Marketplaces

Three major types of marketplaces are as follows;

Vertical Marketplace

A vertical marketplace is an online store that sells only one type of product but its sources are different. is a very good example of a vertical store because it offers only jewellery and other related items, but it doesn’t sell clothes, shoes, and electrical stuff at its store.

Since jewelry is a very costly and luxury item. Therefore, has managed to maintain authenticity and guarantee of such high-value products. Tirath Kamdar, CEO and founder of the store, said in one of his interviews that TrueFacet is allotting a separate value identifying number (VIN) to all of its jewellery. That’s how the store is maintaining the authenticity of all of its products.

Horizontal Marketplace

The horizontal marketplace is a store that offers different types of products but they all share the same category characteristics. For example, Panjo is an online store where buyers and customers connect and make the transaction of their vehicles and automobiles.

CEO of Panjo, Chad Billmyer, said that his platform would bring traffic and people would buy and sell their products on his platform because he provides data, infrastructure, and community.

Dote is an example of a horizontal marketplace and it offers only female products of different retailers at one platform. Women don’t have to download the applications of different retailers on their mobile phones separately. Dote would provide them products from all the retailers at a single platform.

Global Marketplace

The global marketplace is a type of store that sells almost everything of different categories and different types. eBay is a very good example of global marketplace stores, where you can buy and sell different types of products. It ranges from the vehicle, clothes, shoes, automobiles, electrical, electronic, etc.

Vice President of seller experience at eBay, Bob Kupbens, said that the reason people buy and sell their products on eBay is that they know that they would get the right price and value of their commodity. He also said that the environment of eBay offers a community and efficient online market environment to its customers.

Advantages of Selling on Marketplace

Some of the advantages of the online marketplace are as follows;

Access to the International Market

Having an e-commerce store provides you with an opportunity to access the international market. Different people across the world would be your target market and they’ll visit your platform. In other words, you won’t be restricted to one market and one country only. If you perform better with your marketing campaign, then you can increase the demand for your products.

Sell Products without having a Store

There is a marketplace that provides you an opportunity to sell you your products and services at a fair price, and you don’t have to worry about acquiring the online store and spend resources on establishing it. Already establish store would manage payment method, advertisement, logistics, and product details for you.


It’s much cheaper to sell your products at a marketplace than owning a store. You don’t have to pay costs like domain and hosting, SEO, copyrights, themes, web design, and other management costs. The marketplace would manage these costs and you’ll have a fully established store.

Credibility and Trustworthy

While starting an online store, it requires a lot of time to establish trust and credibility with your customers because people don’t trust new stores. However, people trust the online marketplace that is already established. If customers don’t like the product they receive, then they can complain about the marketplace. But ordinary stores have trust and credibility issues once you made the payment.

Disadvantages of Selling on Marketplace

Some of the disadvantages of the online marketplace are as follows;

Commission on Sale

You don’t worry about administrative and management costs, but you have to pay a certain percentage of commission on every sale you make. It could be 5%, 10%, 15%, or 20% depending on the type of the marketplace, the percentage of commission rate would vary.

Price Competition

When there are more sellers in the same category as you’re. It is highly probable that they would compete in terms of prices by lowering it to win the market share. Therefore, you have to constantly revise your products’ prices if they aren’t working.

Surrender your Clients’ Contact Details

When you make a deal with any marketplace, then you’ll have to surrender your clients’ detail to the marketplace. In other words, there’s no leverage left. It means that you’ll have to work with them, whether you like it or not in the future.

Lose Everything if You Leave

If you plan to leave the marketplace because of the competitive pricing or other reasons, and you would have to give up your sales history, product description, client data, recommendations, reviews, and statistics. Marketplace will acquire your clients and you’ll be left with nothing.

Control over Your Niche

The product category and niche you have started because of your clients and suppliers, and it becomes profitable later on. When you leave the marketplace, the platform would keep the niche and pressure the suppliers to keep it running. The marketplace has a monopoly over all the operations of the business.

Conflict of Interest

If you have your e-commerce store and a product category and they’re running and operational at the same time. If the marketplace set prices higher or lower than your stores’, then it would damage your brand image, company’s profitability, and customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, you have to check before making any deals to avoid conflict of interest in the future.

Example of Marketplaces


Amazon is one of the world’s biggest marketplaces. If you’re planning to sell your products/services, then you must check out Amazon, because most of the internet searches and transactions happen on this marketplace. It should be a top priority.


It is a French platform targeting the western audience. Fnac is a bitter younger marketplace than others. But it has added a great variety of catalogs of different products on its platform.


Alibaba is also one of the world’s biggest marketplaces. According to an estimate, it has roundabout more than 500 million active clients across the world. The sale volume of its marketplace is much higher. If you’re planning to sell your products/services in some marketplace, then Alibaba is a great choice.

What Next 

Of course, having complete control over suppliers and clients is a great option. But if you’re new in the market and you have a limited budget, then choosing a marketplace and selling your products and services there isn’t bad, because you don’t have to bear so many other expenses.

Group in the Marketplace, Jamaica, from Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Vol. XXII, 1861, p. 176.

Spruce Beer Sellers in Jamaica, from Harper’s Monthly Magazine, Vol. XXII, 1861, p. 176.

A marketplace or market place is a location where people regularly gather for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other goods.[1] In different parts of the world, a marketplace may be described as a souk (from the Arabic), bazaar (from the Persian), a fixed mercado (Spanish), or itinerant tianguis (Mexico), or palengke (Philippines). Some markets operate daily and are said to be permanent markets while others are held once a week or on less frequent specified days such as festival days and are said to be periodic markets. The form that a market adopts depends on its locality’s population, culture, ambient and geographic conditions. The term market covers many types of trading, as market squares, market halls and food halls, and their different varieties. Thus marketplaces can be both outdoors and indoors, and in the modern world, online marketplaces.

Markets have existed for as long as humans have engaged in trade. The earliest bazaars are believed to have originated in Persia, from where they spread to the rest of the Middle East and Europe. Documentary sources suggest that zoning policies confined trading to particular parts of cities from around 3000 BCE, creating the conditions necessary for the emergence of a bazaar. Middle Eastern bazaars were typically long strips with stalls on either side and a covered roof designed to protect traders and purchasers from the fierce sun. In Europe, informal, unregulated markets gradually made way for a system of formal, chartered markets from the 12th century. Throughout the medieval period, increased regulation of marketplace practices, especially weights and measures, gave consumers confidence in the quality of market goods and the fairness of prices. Around the globe, markets have evolved in different ways depending on local ambient conditions, especially weather, tradition, and culture. In the Middle East, markets tend to be covered, to protect traders and shoppers from the sun. In milder climates, markets are often open air. In Asia, a system of morning markets trading in fresh produce and night markets trading in non-perishables is common.

Today, markets can also be accessed electronically or on the internet through e-commerce or matching platforms. In many countries, shopping at a local market is a standard feature of daily life. Given the market’s role in ensuring food supply for a population, markets are often highly regulated by a central authority. In many places, designated market places have become listed sites of historic and architectural significance and represent part of a town’s or nation’s cultural assets. For these reasons, they are often popular tourist destinations.


The term market comes from the Latin mercatus («market place»). The earliest recorded use of the term market in English is in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle of 963, a work that was created during the reign of Alfred the Great (r. 871–899) and subsequently distributed, copied throughout English monasteries. The exact phrase was «Ic wille þæt markete beo in þe selue tun«, meaning «I desire that there be a market in the same town.»[2]


In prehistory[edit]

Markets have existed since ancient times.[3] Some historians have argued that a type of market has existed since humans first began to engage in trade.[4][5] Open air, public markets were known in ancient Babylonia, Assyria, Phoenicia, the Land of Israel, Greece, Egypt and on the Arabian peninsula. However, not all societies developed a system of markets.[6] The Greek historian Herodotus noted that markets did not evolve in ancient Persia.[7]

Across the Mediterranean and Aegean, a network of markets emerged from the early Bronze Age. A vast array of goods were traded, including: salt, lapis lazuli, dyes, cloth, metals, pots, ceramics, statues, spears and other implements. Archaeological evidence suggests that Bronze Age traders segmented trade routes according to geographical circuits.[8] Both produce and ideas travelled along these trade routes.[9]

In the Middle East, documentary sources suggest that a form of bazaar first developed around 3000 BCE.[10] Early bazaars occupied a series of alleys along the length of the city, typically stretching from one city gate to a different gate on the other side of the city. The bazaar at Tabriz, for example, stretches along 1.5 kilometres of street and is the longest vaulted bazaar in the world.[11] Moosavi argues that the Middle Eastern bazaar evolved in a linear pattern, whereas the market places of the West were more centralised.[12] The Greek historian Herodotus noted that in Egypt, roles were reversed compared with other cultures, and Egyptian women frequented the market and carried on trade, while the men remained at home weaving cloth.[13] He also described The Babylonian Marriage Market.[14]

In antiquity[edit]

Ruins of the macellum (market-place) at Leptis Magna, Carthage

In antiquity, markets were typically situated in the town’s centre. The market was surrounded by alleyways inhabited by skilled artisans, such as metal-workers, leather workers and carpenters. These artisans may have sold wares directly from their premises, but also prepared goods for sale on market days.[3]
Across ancient Greece market places (agorai) were to be found in most city states, where they operated within the agora (open space).[15] Between 550 and 350 BCE, Greek stallholders clustered together according to the type of goods carried — fish-sellers were in one place, clothing in another and sellers of more expensive goods such as perfumes, bottles and jars were located in a separate building.[16] The Greeks organised trade into separate zones, all located near the city centre and known as stoa. A freestanding colonnade with a covered walkway, the stoa was both a place of commerce and a public promenade, situated within or adjacent to the agora.[17] At the market-place (agorai) in Athens, officials were employed by the government to oversee weights, measures, and coinage to ensure that the people were not cheated in market place transactions. The rocky and mountainous terrain in Greece made it difficult for producers to transport goods or surpluses to local markets, giving rise to the kapēlos,[18] a specialised type of retailer who operated as an intermediary purchasing produce from farmers and transporting it over short distances to the city markets.[15]

In ancient Rome, trade took place in the forum. Rome had two forums; the Forum Romanum and Trajan’s Forum. Trajan’s Market at Trajan’s forum, built around 100-110CE, was a vast expanse, comprising multiple buildings with shops on four levels. The Roman forum was arguably the earliest example of a permanent retail shopfront.[19] In antiquity, exchange involved direct selling via merchants or peddlers and bartering systems were commonplace. In the Roman world, the central market primarily served the local peasantry. Market stall holders were primarily local primary producers who sold small surpluses from their individual farming activities and also artisans who sold leather-goods, metal-ware and pottery. Consumers were made up of several different groups; farmers who purchased minor farm equipment and a few luxuries for their homes and urban dwellers who purchased basic necessities. Major producers such as the great estates were sufficiently attractive for merchants to call directly at their farm-gates, obviating the producers’ need to attend local markets. The very wealthy landowners managed their own distribution, which may have involved importing and exporting. The nature of export markets in antiquity is well documented in ancient sources and archaeological case studies.[20]

Trajan’s Market, Rome, Italy

At Pompeii multiple markets served the population of approximately 12,000. Produce markets were located in the vicinity of the Forum, while livestock markets were situated on the city’s perimeter, near the amphitheatre. A long narrow building at the north-west corner of the Forum was some type of market, possibly a cereal market. On the opposite corner stood the macellum, thought to have been a meat and fish market. Market stall-holders paid a market tax for the right to trade on market days. Some archaeological evidence suggests that markets and street vendors were controlled by local government. A graffito on the outside of a large shop documents a seven-day cycle of markets; «Saturn’s day at Pompeii and Nuceria, Sun’s day at Atella and Nola, Moon’s day at Cumae … etc.» The presence of an official commercial calendar suggests something of the market’s importance to community life and trade.[21] Markets were also important centres of social life.[22]

In medieval Europe[edit]

In early Western Europe, markets developed close to monasteries, castles or royal residences. Priories and aristocratic manorial households created considerable demand for goods and services — both luxuries and necessities and also afforded some protection to merchants and traders. These centres of trade attracted sellers which would stimulate the growth of the town. The Domesday Book of 1086 lists 50 markets in England, however, many historians believe this figure underestimates the actual number of markets in operation at the time. In England, some 2,000 new markets were established between 1200 and 1349.[23] By 1516, England had some 2,464 markets and 2,767 fairs while Wales had 138 markets and 166 fairs.[24]

From the 12th century, English monarchs awarded a charter to local Lords to create markets and fairs for a town or village. A charter protected the town’s trading privileges in return for an annual fee. Once a chartered market was granted for specific market days, a nearby rival market could not open on the same days.[25] Fairs, which were usually held annually, and almost always associated with a religious festival,[26] traded in high value goods, while regular weekly or bi-weekly markets primarily traded in fresh produce and necessities.[27] Although a fair’s primary purpose was trade, it typically included some elements of entertainment, such as dance, music or tournaments. As the number of markets increased, market towns situated themselves sufficiently far apart so as to avoid competition, but close enough to permit local producers a round trip within one day (about 10 km).[28] Some British open-air markets have been operating continuously since the 12th century.

Loggia del Pesce, Florence, (formerly part of the piazza del Mercato Vecchio) just prior to its demolition in 1880

A pattern of market trading using mobile stalls under covered arcades was probably established in Italy with the open loggias of Mercato Nuovo (1547) designed and constructed by Giovanni Battista del Tasso (and funded by the Medici family); Mercato Vecchio, Florence designed by Giorgio Vasari (1567) and Loggia del Grano (1619) by architect, Giulio Parigi.[29]

Braudel and Reynold have made a systematic study of European market towns between the thirteenth and fifteenth century. Their investigation shows that in regional districts markets were held once or twice a week while daily markets were common in larger cities. Over time, permanent shops began opening daily and gradually supplanted the periodic markets, while peddlers or itinerant sellers continued to fill in any gaps in distribution.

During the Middle Ages, the physical market was characterised by transactional exchange. Shops had higher overhead costs, but were able to offer regular trading hours and a relationship with customers and may have offered added value services, such as credit terms to reliable customers. The economy was primarily characterised by local trading in which goods were traded across relatively short distances.

Beach markets, which were known in north-western Europe, during the Viking period, were primarily associated with the sale of fish.[30] From around the 11th-century, the number and variety of imported goods sold at beach markets began to increase. giving consumers access to a broader range of exotic and luxury goods.[31] Throughout the Medieval period, markets became more international. The historian, Braudel, reports that, in 1600, grain moved just 5–10 miles; cattle 40–70 miles; wool and wollen cloth 20–40 miles. However, following the European age of discovery, goods were imported from afar — calico cloth from India, porcelain, silk and tea from China, spices from India and South-East Asia and tobacco, sugar, rum and coffee from the New World.[32]

Across the boroughs of England, a network of chartered markets sprang up between the 12th and 16th centuries, giving consumers reasonable choice in the markets they preferred to patronise.[33] A study on the purchasing habits of the monks and other individuals in medieval England, suggests that consumers of the period were relatively discerning. Purchase decisions were based on purchase criteria such as the consumer’s perceptions of the range, quality, and price of goods. Such considerations informed decisions about where to make purchases and which markets to patronise.[34]

As the number of charters granted increased, competition between market towns also increased. In response to competitive pressures, towns invested in developing a reputation for quality produce, efficient market regulation and good amenities for visitors such as covered accommodation. By the thirteenth century, counties with important textile industries were investing in purpose built halls for the sale of cloth. London’s Blackwell Hall became a centre for cloth, Bristol became associated with a particular type of cloth known as Bristol red, Stroud was known for producing fine woollen cloth, the town of Worsted became synonymous with a type of yarn; Banbury and Essex were strongly associated with cheeses.[35]

In the market economy, goods are ungraded and unbranded, so that consumers have relatively few opportunities to evaluate quality prior to consumption.[36] Consequently, supervision of weights, measures, food quality and prices was a key consideration. In medieval society, regulations for such matters appeared initially at the local level. The Charter of Worcester, written between 884 and 901 provided for fines for dishonest trading, amongst other things.[37] Such local regulations were codified in 15th century England in what became known as the Statute of Winchester. This document outlines the Assizes for 16 different trades, most of which were associated with markets — miller, baker, fisher, brewer, inn-keeper, tallow-chandler, weaver, cordwainer etc. For each trade, regulations covered such issues as fraud, prices, quality, weights and measures and so on. The assize was a formal codification of prior informal codes which had been practised for many years. The courts of assize were granted the power to enforce these regulations. The process of standardizing quality, prices and measures assisted markets to gain the confidence of buyers and made them more attractive to the public.[38]

A sixteenth century commentator, John Leland, described particular markets as «celebrate,» «very good» and «quik,” and, conversely, as “poore,” “meane,” and “of no price.» Over time, some products became associated with particular places, providing customers with valuable information about the types of goods, their quality and their region of origin. In this way, markets helped to provide an early form of product branding.[39] Gradually, certain market towns earned a reputation for providing quality produce. Today, traders and showmen jealously guard the reputation of these historic chartered markets. An 18th century commentator, Daniel Defoe visited Sturbridge fair in 1723 and wrote a lengthy description which paints a picture of a highly organised, vibrant operation which attracted large number of visitors from some distance away. «As for the people in the fair, they all universally eat, drink and sleep in their booths, and tents; and the said booths are so intermingled with taverns, coffee-houses, drinking-houses, eating-houses, cookshops &c, and all tents too, and so many butchers and higglers from all the neighbouring counties come in to the fair every morning, with beef, mutton, fowls, bread, cheese, eggs and such things; and go with them from tent to tent and from door to door, that there is no want of provision of any kind, either dress’d or undress’d.»[40]

In Asia Minor[edit]

The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, one of the oldest continuously operating market buildings in existence; it houses approximately 3600 retail shops

In the Asia Minor, prior to the 10th century, market places were situated on the perimeter of the city. Along established trade routes, markets were most often associated with the caravanserai typically situated just outside the city walls. However, when the marketplace began to become integrated into city structures, it was transformed into a covered area where traders could buy and sell with some protection from the elements. Markets at Mecca and Medina were known to be significant trade centres in the 3rd century (CE) and the nomadic communities were highly dependent on them for both trade and social interactions.[41] The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is often cited as the world’s oldest continuously operating, purpose-built market; its construction began in 1455.

In Asia[edit]


This section needs expansion with: markets in other Asian countries besides China. You can help by adding to it. (June 2021)

Dating the emergence of marketplaces in China is difficult. According to tradition, the first market was established by the legendary Shennongan or the “Divine Farmer” who arranged for markets to be held at midday.[42] In other ancient sayings, markets originally developed around wells in the town or village centre.[43] Scholars, however, question the reliability of traditional narratives unless backed by archaeological evidence.[44]

The earliest written references to markets dates to the time of Qi Huanggong (ruled 685 to 643 BCE). Qi’s Prime Minister, the great reformer, Guan Zhong, divided the capital into 21 districts (xiang) of which three were dedicated to farmers, three to hand-workers and three to businessmen, who were instructed to settle near the markets.[43] Some of these early markets have been the subject of archaeological surveys. For instance, the market at Yong, the capital of the Qi state, measured 3,000 square metres and was an outdoor market.[45]

According to the Rites of Zhou, markets were highly organized and served different groups at different times of day; merchants at the morning market, every day people at the afternoon market and peddlers at the evening market.[46] The marketplace also became the place were executions were carried out, rewards were published and decrees were read out.[45]

During the Qin empire and the Han dynasty which followed it, markets were enclosed with walls and gates and strictly separated from residential areas.[47] Vendors were arranged according to the type of commodity offered,[48] and markets were strictly regulated with departments responsible for security, weights and measures, price-fixing and certificates.[49]

Over time, specialised markets began to emerge. In Luoyang, during the Tang Dynasty, a metal market was known. Outside the city walls were sheep and horse markets.[50] Marco Polo’s account of 13th century markets specifically mentions a silk market. He was also impressed by the size of markets. According to his account, the ten markets of Hangzhou, primarily a fish market, attracted 40,000 to 50,000 patrons on each of its three trading days each week.[51]

In China, negative attitudes towards mercantile activity developed; merchants were the lowest class of society.[52] High officials carefully distanced themselves from merchant classes. In 627, an edict prohibited those of rank five or higher from entering markets. One anecdote from the time of Empress Wu relates the tale of a fourth rank official who missed out on the opportunity for promotion after he was seen purchasing a steamed pancake from a market.[53]

In Mesoamerica[edit]

In Mesoamerica, a tiered system of traders developed independently. Extensive trade networks predated the Aztec empire by at least hundreds of years.[54] Local markets where people purchased their daily necessities were known as tianguis, while a pochteca was a professional merchant who travelled long distances to obtain rare goods or luxury items desired by the nobility. The system supported various levels of pochteca — from very high status through to minor traders who acted as a type of peddler to fill in gaps in the distribution system.[55] Colonial sources also record Mayan market hubs at Acalan, Champotón, Chetumal, Bacalar, Cachi, Conil, Pole, Cozumel, Cochuah, Chauaca, Chichén Itzá as well as markets marking the edges of Yucatecan canoe trade such as Xicalanco and Ulua.[56] The Spanish conquerors commented on the impressive nature of the local markets in the 15th century. The Mexica (Aztec) market of Tlatelolco was the largest in all the Americas and said to be superior to those in Europe.[57]


There are many different ways to classify markets. One way is to consider the nature of the buyer and the market’s place within the distribution system. This leads to two broad classes of market, namely retail market or wholesale markets. The economist, Alfred Marshall classified markets according to time period. In this classification, there are three types of market; the very short period market where the supply of a commodity remains fixed. Perishables, such as fruit, vegetables, meat and fish fall into this group since goods must be sold within a few days and the quantity supplied is relatively inelastic. The second group is the short period market where the time in which the quantity supplied can be increased by improving the scale of production (adding labor and other inputs but not by adding capital). Many non-perishable goods fall into this category. The third category is the long-period market where the length of time can be improved by capital investment.[58]

Other ways to classify markets include its trading area (local, national or international); its physical format or its produce.

Major physical formats of markets are:

  • Bazaar: typically a covered market in the Middle East
  • Car boot sale — a type of market where people come together to trade household and garden goods; very popular in the United Kingdom
  • Dry market: a market selling durable goods such as fabric and electronics as distinguished from «wet markets»[59][60][61]
  • E-commerce: an online marketplace for consumer products which can be sold anywhere in the world
  • Indoor market of any sort
  • Marketplace: an open space where a market is or was formerly held in a town[62]
  • Market square in Europe: open area usually in town centre with stalls selling goods in a public square
  • Public market in the United States: an indoor, fixed market in a building and selling a variety of goods
  • Street market: a public street with stalls along one or more sides of the street
  • Floating market: where goods are sold from boats, chiefly found in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam
  • Night market: popular in many countries in Asia, opening at night and featuring much street food and a more leisurely shopping experience. In Indonesia and Malaysia they are known as pasar malam
  • Wet market (also known as a public market): a market selling fresh meat, fish, produce, and other perishable goods as distinguished from «dry markets»[59][60][61]

Markets may feature a range of merchandise for sale, or they may be one of many specialist markets, such as:

  • Animal markets (i.e. livestock markets)
  • Antique markets
  • Farmers’ markets, focusing on fresh produce and gourmet food lines (preserves, chutneys, relishes, cheeses etc.) prepared from farm produce[63]
  • Fish markets
  • Flea markets or swap meets, a type of bazaar that rents space to people who want to sell or barter merchandise. Used goods, low quality items, and high quality items at low prices are commonplace
  • Flower markets, such as the Mercado Jamaica in Mexico City and the Bloemenmarkt in Amsterdam
  • Food halls, featuring gourmet food to consume on- and off-premises,[64] such as those at Harrods (London) and Galeries Lafayette (Paris) department stores. In North America, these may be also referred to simply as «markets» (or «mercados» in Spanish), such as the West Side Market in Cleveland, Ponce City Market in Atlanta,[64] and the Mercado Roma in Mexico City.
  • Grey market: where second hand or recycled goods are sold (sometimes termed a green market)
  • Handicraft markets
  • Markets selling items used in the occult (for magic, by witches, etc.)
  • Supermarkets and hypermarkets
  • Livestock market at Schaufschod, 2009

    Livestock market at Schaufschod, 2009

  • Bazaar: Grand Bazaar, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Floating market: Damnoen Saduak floating market in Ratchaburi, Thailand, is a famous tourist attraction.

  • Night market: Shilin Night Market, Taiwan

  • Wet market in Hong Kong

  • Flea market in Germany

  • Wet market in Singapore

  • Fish market Jagalchi Busan

    Fish market Jagalchi Busan

  • Crafts Village Market, Mexico

    Crafts Village Market, Mexico

  • Mallick Ghat Flower Market, Kolkata, India

    Mallick Ghat Flower Market, Kolkata, India

  • Harrods Food Hall, London, England

    Harrods Food Hall, London, England

In literature and art[edit]

Vegetable seller at the market place by Pieter Aertsen, 1567

Markets generally have featured prominently in artworks, especially amongst the Dutch painters of Antwerp from the middle of the 16th century. Pieter Aertsen was known as the «great painter of the market.» Both he and his nephew, Joachim Beuckelaer, painted market scenes, street vendors and merchants extensively.[65] Elizabeth Honig argues that painters’ interest in markets was in part due to the changing nature of the market system at that time. The public began to distinguish between two types of merchant, the meerseniers which referred to local merchants including bakers, grocers, sellers of dairy products and stall-holders, and the koopman, which described a new, emergent class of trader who dealt in goods or credit on a large scale. With the rise of a European merchant class, this distinction was necessary to separate the daily trade that the general population understood from the rising ranks of traders who operated on a world stage and were seen as quite distant from everyday experience.[66]

During the 17th and 18th centuries, as Europeans conquered parts of North Africa and the Levant, European artists began to visit the Orient and painted scenes of everyday life. Europeans sharply divided peoples into two broad groups — the European West and the East or Orient; us and the other. Europeans often saw Orientals as the photographic negative of Western civilisation; the peoples could be threatening- they were «despotic, static and irrational whereas Europe was viewed as democratic, dynamic and rational.»[67] At the same time, the Orient was seen as exotic, mysterious, a place of fables and beauty. This fascination with the other gave rise to a genre of painting known as Orientalism. Artists focussed on the exotic beauty of the land — the markets and bazaars, caravans and snake charmers. Islamic architecture also became favourite subject matter, and the high vaulted market places features in numerous paintings and sketches.[68]

Individual markets have also attracted literary attention. Les Halles was known as the «Belly of Paris», and was so named by author, Émile Zola in his novel Le Ventre de Paris, which is set in the busy 19th century marketplace of central Paris. Les Halles, a complex of market pavilions in Paris, features extensively in both literature and painting. Giuseppe Canella (1788 — 1847) painted Les Halles et la rue de la Tonnellerie. Photographer, Henri Lemoine (1848 — 1924), also photographed Les Halles de Paris.[69]

Around the world[edit]


Markets have been known in parts of Africa for centuries. An 18th century commentator noted the many markets he visited in West Africa. He provided a detailed description of market activities at Sabi, in the Wydah, (now the part of the Republic of Benin):

«Their fairs and markets are regulated with so much care and prudence, that nothing contrary to law is ever committed. All sorts of merchandise here are collected, and those who have brought goods are permitted to take what time they please to dispose of them, but without fraud or noise. A judge, attended by four officers armed, is appointed by the King for the inspection of goods, to hear and determine all grievances, complaints and disputes… The market place is surrounded by butlers and booths, and places of refreshment for the conveniency of the people. They are only permitted to sell certain sorts of meats, pork, goats, beef and dog flesh. Other booths are kept by women who sell maize, millet, rice and corn bread. Other shops sell Pito, a sort of pleasant and wholesome, and very refreshing beer. Palm wine, acqua vita and spirits which they get from the Europeans, are kept in other shops, with restrictions on sale to prevent drunkenness and riots. Here slaves of both sexes are bought and sold, also oxen, sheep, dogs, hogs, shish and birds of all kind. Woollen cloths, linen, silks and calicoes of European and Indian manufacture, they have it in great abundance, likewise hard-ware, china and glass of all sorts; gold in dust and ingots, iron in bars, lead in sheets and everything of European, Asiatic or African production is here found at reasonable prices.»[70]

In the Kingdom of Benin (modern Benin City), he commented on the exotic foods available for sale at a market there:

» Besides the dry merchandise of which the markets of Benin abound, they are also well stocked with eatables, a little particular in kind. Here they expose dogs to sale for eating, of which the negroes are very fond. Roasted monkeys, apes and baboons are every where to be seen. Bats, rats and lizards dried in the sun, palm wine and fruit, form the must luxurious entertainments, and stand continually for sale in the streets.»[71]


The sale of agricultural produce to the formal market is largely controlled by large corporations. Most small, local farmers sell their produce to the informal market, local communities and street vendors.[72] The main wholesale market is the Horticultural market in Gaborone. The government made some attempts to build markets in the north of the country, but that was largely unsuccessful and most commercial buyers travel to Johannesburg or Tshwane for supplies.[73]


Ethiopia is a major producer and exporter of grains and a number of wholesale markets assist with the distribution and export of such products. Important wholesale markets include: Nekemte in the East Welega zone, Jimma in the Jimma zone, Assela and Sagure in the Arsi zone, Bahir Dar and Bure in the Gojjam zone, Dessie and Kombolcha in the Wollo zone, Mekele in the Tigray region, Dire Dawa and Harar in the Oromia region, and Addis Ababa.[74] Some of the major retail markets in Ethiopia include: Addis Mercato in Addis Ababa, the largest open air market in the country; Gulalle and Galan, both in Addis Ababa; Awasa Lake Fish Market in Awasa, the Saturday market Harar, and the Saturday market in Axum.

  • Awasa fish market, Awasa, Ethiopia

    Awasa fish market, Awasa, Ethiopia

  • Adigrat Market, Ethiopia

    Adigrat Market, Ethiopia

  • Konso Sorghum Market, Ethiopia

    Konso Sorghum Market, Ethiopia

  • Street Market, Harar, Ethiopia

    Street Market, Harar, Ethiopia


Ghanaian markets have survived in spite of sometimes brutal measures to eradicate them. In the late 1970s, the Ghanaian government used market traders as a scapegoat for its own policy failures which involved food shortages and high inflation. The government blamed traders for failing to observe pricing guidelines and vilified «women merchants». In 1979, the Makola market was dynamited and bulldozed, but within a week the traders were back selling fruit, vegetables and fish, albeit without a roof over their head.[75]

  • Market between Accra and Cape Coast, Ghana

    Market between Accra and Cape Coast, Ghana

  • Madina Ghana Market

    Madina Ghana Market

  • Market in Anaynui, Ghana

    Market in Anaynui, Ghana

  • Street Outside Makola Market, Accra, Ghana

    Street Outside Makola Market, Accra, Ghana


Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, has several major markets. Wakulima market is one of the region’s largest markets, situated on Haile Selassie Avenue in Nairobi. Other markets in Nairobi are: Kariakor Market
Gikomba Market and Muthurwa market[76] In Mombasa, Kongowea market is also a very large market with over 1500 stalls and covering 4.5 ha.

  • Mombasa Market

    Mombasa Market

  • Wakulima market, Nairobi

    Wakulima market, Nairobi

  • Masai Market, Nairobi

    Masai Market, Nairobi

  • Kilingili Market

    Kilingili Market


In Morocco, markets are known as souks, and are normally found in a city’s Medina (old city or old quarter). Shopping at a produce market is a standard feature of daily life in Morocco.[77] In the larger cities, Medinas are typically made up of a collection of souks built amid a maze of narrow streets and laneways where independent vendors and artisans tend to cluster in sections which subsequently become known for a particular type of produce — such as the silversmith’s street or the textile district. In Tangiers, a sprawling market fills the many streets of the medina and this area is divided into two sections, known as the Grand Socco and the Petit Socco. The term ‘socco’ is a Spanish corruption of the Arabic word for souk, meaning marketplace.[78] These markets sell a large variety of goods; fresh produce, cooking equipment, pottery, silverware, rugs and carpets, leather goods, clothing, accessories, electronics alongside cafes, restaurants and take-away food stalls. The Medina at Fez is the oldest, having been founded in the 9th century.[79] The Medina at Fez has been named a World Heritage site. Today it is the main fresh produce market and is noted for its narrow laneways and for a total ban on motorized traffic. All produce is brought in and out of the marketplace by donkey or hand-cart. In Marrakesh, the main produce markets are also to be found in the Medina and a colourful market is also held daily in the Jemaa el-Fnaa (main square) where roaming performers and musicians entertain the large crowds that gather there. Marrakesh has the largest traditional Berber market in Morocco.

  • Market stalls in Tangiers' medina

    Market stalls in Tangiers’ medina

  • Spice shop in Tangiers' medina

    Spice shop in Tangiers’ medina

  • Market scene, Tangiers

    Market scene, Tangiers

  • Berber woman selling produce at a Moroccan market

    Berber woman selling produce at a Moroccan market

  • Jemaa el-Fnaa at night

    Jemaa el-Fnaa at night


Namibia has been almost entirely dependent on South Africa for its fresh produce. Dominated by rolling plains and long sand dunes and an unpredictable rainfall, many parts of Namibia are unsuited to growing fruit and vegetables. Government sponsored initiatives have encouraged producers to grow fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes and grains[80] The Namibian Ministry of Agriculture has recently launched a system of fresh produce hubs to serve as a platform for producers to market and distribute their produce. It is anticipated that these hubs will assist in curbing the number of sellers who take their produce to South Africa where it is placed on cold storage, only to be imported back into the country at a later date.[81]

  • Market Scene Oshakati Namibia

    Market Scene Oshakati Namibia

  • Street Market in Namibia, Windhoek

    Street Market in Namibia, Windhoek

  • Artisans' Market, Swakopmund

    Artisans’ Market, Swakopmund

  • Artisan's market, d'Okahandja

    Artisan’s market, d’Okahandja

  • Oshakati New market, 2016

    Oshakati New market, 2016


South Africa[edit]

Fresh produce markets have traditionally dominated the South African food chain, handling more than half of all fresh produce. Although large, vertically integrated food retailers, such as supermarkets, are beginning to make inroads into the supply chain, traditional hawkers and produce markets have shown remarkable resilience.[82] The main markets in Johannesburg are: Jozi Real Food Market, Bryanston Organic Market, Pretoria Boeremark specialising in South African delicacies, Hazel Food Market, Panorama Flea Market, Rosebank Sunday Market, Market on Main — a periodic arts market and Neighbourhood Markets.

The Gambia[edit]

The «Gambia is Good» initiative was established in 2004 with a view to encouraging a market for locally grown fresh produce rather than imported ones. The plan was designed to «stimulate local livelihoods, inspire entrepreneurship and reduce the environmental and social cost of imported produce.»[83]

A great deal of the produce trade is carried out informally on street corners and many shops are little more than market booths.[84] However, dedicated open air and covered markets can be found in the larger towns. Notable markets include: the Serekunda Market in Gambia’s largest city, Serekunda, which opens from early morning to late at night 7 days a week and trades in produce, live animals, clothing, accessories, jewellery, crafts, second hand goods and souvenirs; The Albert Market in the capital, Banjul which sells fresh produce, colourful, locally designed fabrics, musical instruments, carved wooden masks and other local products. Other interesting markets include: Bakau Fish Market in Bakau; Tanji Fish Market, Tanji, where brightly painted fishing boats bring in the fish from where it is immediately preserved using traditional methods and prepared for distribution to other West African countries; The Woodcarvers Market in Brikama which boasts the largest concentration of woodcarvers in the country; the Pottery Market in Basse Santa; the Atlantic Road Craft Market at Bakau and the Senegambia Craft Market at Bakau.

  • Vendor at Serekunda Market, The Gambia

    Vendor at Serekunda Market, The Gambia

  • Tanji Fish Market, Tanji, The Gambia

    Tanji Fish Market, Tanji, The Gambia

  • Traditional wood carvings at a market in The Gambia

    Traditional wood carvings at a market in The Gambia


  • Nakawa Market


Produce markets in Asia are undergoing major changes as supermarkets enter the retail scene and the growing middle classes acquire preferences for branded goods. Many supermarkets purchase directly from producers, supplanting the traditional role of both wholesale and retail markets. In order to survive, produce markets have been forced to consider value adding opportunities and many retail markets now focus on ready-to-eat food and take-away food.[85]

East Asia[edit]


In China, the existence of street and wet markets has been known for centuries, however, many of these were restricted in the 1950s and 60s and only permitted to re-open in 1978.[86] The distinction between wholesale and retail markets is somewhat ambiguous in China, since many markets serve both as distribution centres and retail shopping venues. To assist in the distribution of food, more than 9,000 wholesale produce markets operate in China.[87] Some of these markets operate on a very large scale. For example, Beijing’s Xinfadi Wholesale market, currently under renovation, is expected to have a footprint of 112 hectares when complete.[88] The Beijing Zoo Market (retail market) is a collection of 12 different markets, comprising some 20,000 tenant stall-holders, 30,000 employees and more than 100,000 customers daily.[89]

China is both a major importer and exporter of fruit and vegetables and is now the world’s largest exporter of apples.[90] In addition to produce markets, China has many specialised markets such as a silk market, clothing markets and an antiques market. China’s fresh produce market is undergoing major change. In the larger cities, purchasing is gradually moving to online with door-to-door deliveries.

Some of the more important markets in China include:

Wholesale produce market: Xinfadi (wholesale produce market, Beijing) — with an annual turnover volume of 14 million tonnes of meat, fruit and vegetables, it supplies 70 percent of Beijing’s vegetables[91] and Nanzhan (Shenyang, Liaoning) which supplies the northern provinces.[clarification needed]
Retail produce markets: The Fresh Produce Market at Hutong market (Beijing); Xiabu Xiabu market (Beijing), Panjiayuan market (Beijing); Dazhongsi market (Beijing), Tianyi market (Beijing), Beijing Zoo market, Dahongmen market (Fengtai District, Beijing), Sanyuanli market (Beijing), Shengfu Xiaoguan morning market (Beijing), Lishuiqiao seafood farmers’ market (Beijing), Wangjing Zonghe market (Beijing), Chaowai market (Beijing), Zhenbai market (Shanghai’s largest produce market)
  • Hui vendors at Linxia City Market

    Hui vendors at Linxia City Market

  • Beijing silk market

    Beijing silk market

  • Panjiayuan Market, Beijing (exterior)

    Panjiayuan Market, Beijing (exterior)

  • Panjiayuan Market, Beijing (external stallholder)

    Panjiayuan Market, Beijing (external stallholder)

  • Panjiayuan Market, Beijing (interior)

    Panjiayuan Market, Beijing (interior)

  • Dunhuang market

Hong Kong[edit]

Hong Kong relies heavily imports to meet its fresh produce needs. Importers are consequently an important part of the distribution network, and some importers supply directly to retail consumers.[92] Street markets in Hong Kong are held every day except on a few traditional Chinese holidays like Chinese New Year. Stalls opened at two sides of a street are required to have licenses issued by the Hong Kong Government. The various types of street markets include fresh foods, clothing, cooked foods, flowers and electronics. The earliest form of market was a Gaa si (wet market). Some traditional markets have been replaced by shopping centres, markets in municipal service buildings and supermarkets, while others have become tourist attractions such as Tung Choi Street and Apliu Street. The Central Market, Hong Kong is a grade II listed building.

  • Fish Market in Hong Kong

    Fish Market in Hong Kong

  • Tsukiji fish market
  • Kochi Sunday Market
  • Hirome Ichiba
South Korea[edit]

Although the majority of markets in South Korea are wholesale markets, retail customers are permitted to make purchases in all of them. The Gwangjang Market is the nation’s top market and is a popular tourist destination.[93]


Taiwan meets most of its produce needs through local production. This means that the country has a very active network of wholesale and retail markets.[94] According to the Guardian newspaper, Taiwan has «the best night market scene in the world and some of the most exciting street food in Asia.»[95]

  • Fish market in Taipei

    Fish market in Taipei

  • Fish market in Tamsui

    Fish market in Tamsui

  • Fruit market in Taipei

    Fruit market in Taipei

South Asia[edit]

In South Asia, especially Nepal, India and Bangladesh, a Haat (also known as hat) refers to a regular rural produce market, typically held once or twice per week.[96]


The marketing historian, Petty, has suggested that Indian marketplaces first arose during the Chola Dynasty (approx. 850 -1279CE) during a period of favourable economic conditions. Distinct types of markets were evident; Nagaaram (streets of shops, often devoted to specific types of goods; Angadi (markets) and Perangadi (large markets in the inner city districts).[97]

The sub-continent may have borrowed the concept of covered marketplaces from the Middle East around the tenth century with the arrival of Islam. The caravanserai and covered market structures, known as suqs, first began to appear along the silk routes and were located in the area just outside the city perimeter. Following the tradition established on the Arabian peninsula, India also established temporary-seasonal markets in regional districts. In Rajasthan’s Pushkar, an annual camel market was first recorded in the 15th century. However, following the foundation of the Mughal Empire in northern India during the 16th century, this arrangement changed. A covered bazaar or market place became integrated into city structures and was to be found in the city centre.[98] Markets and bazaars were well known in the colonial era. Some of these bazaars appear to have specialised in particular types of produce. The Patna district, in the 17th century, was home to 175 weaver villages and the Patna Bazaar enjoyed a reputation as a centre of trade in fine cloth. When the Italian writer and traveller, Niccolao Manucci, visited there in 1863, he found many merchants trading in cotton and silk in Patna’s bazaars.[99]

In India today, many different types of market serve retail and commercial clients:[100]

(1) Wholesale markets

  • Primary wholesale markets: held once or twice per week, these sell produce from local villages e.g. Rice Bazaar at Thissur in Kerala
  • Secondary wholesale markets (also known as mandis): smaller merchants purchase from primary markets and sell at secondary markets. A small number of primary producers may sell direct to mandis.
  • Terminal markets: Markets that sell directly to the end-user, whether it be the consumer, food processor or shipping agent for export to foreign countries e.g. Bombay Terminal Market

(2) Retail markets

  • Retail markets: spread across villages, towns and cities
  • Fairs: held on religious days and deal in livestock and agricultural produce

In India (and also Bangladesh and Pakistan), a landa bazaar is a type of a bazaar or a marketplace with lowest prices where only secondhand general goods are exchanged or sold. A haat also refers to a bazaar or market in Bangladesh and Pakistan and the term may also be used in India. A saddar refers to the main, central market in a town while a mandi refers to a large marketplace. A Meena Bazaar is a marketplace where goods are sold in an effort to raise money for charity.

  • Magh Mela at Prayaga Sangam Uttar Pradesh India is a fair associated with the Sankranti Hindu festival

    Magh Mela at Prayaga Sangam Uttar Pradesh India is a fair associated with the Sankranti Hindu festival

  • The Bombay Street Market is a terminal market

    The Bombay Street Market is a terminal market

  • Goan sausages being sold at the Mapusa market, Goa, India

    Goan sausages being sold at the Mapusa market, Goa, India

  • New Market, Kolkata, India

  • Annual camel market at Pushkar in Rajasthan, India

    Annual camel market at Pushkar in Rajasthan, India

  • Sadar Bazaar, Agra
  • Gandhi Bazaar
  • Pondy Bazaar (officially named Soundarapandian Angadi) T. Nagar, Chennai
  • Lajpat Nagar market, Delhi
  • Dilli Haat
  • Sadar Bazaar, Delhi
  • Palika Bazaar — an underground market in Delhi
  • Mapusa Friday Market Mapusa, North Goa
Himachal Pradesh[edit]
  • Lakkar Bazaar Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
  • Khwairamband Bazar Imphal, Manipur, India — a market operated entirely by women
  • Bhendi Bazaar
  • Chira Bazaar, Mumbai — known for its jewellery
  • Dava Bazaar also known as Dawa Bazaar
  • Zaveri Bazaar jewellery market
  • Chaura Bazaar, Ludhiana, Punjab
Uttar Pradesh[edit]
  • Ajhuwa Bazaar, Ajhuwa, Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Southeast Asia[edit]

Southeast Asia is noted for its night markets, floating markets and pirate markets (markets that specialise in selling «knock off» copies of designer brands). Some Asian countries have developed unique distribution systems and highly specialised types of market place. Throughout Asia, a wet market refers to a place where fruit, vegetables, fish, seafood and meat products are sold.[101] Throughout much of Asia, produce markets are known as morning markets due to their hours of operation, while night markets specialise in selling non-perishables including clothing, accessories, local artefacts, souvenirs and a wide assortment of personal goods.

Phnom Penh[edit]
  • Central Market, Phnom Penh

In Indonesia, a Pasar pagi is a particular type of wet market, also known as a «morning market» which typically operates from early morning to the afternoon.[102] Pasar malam refers to a night market operated in later hours from late afternoon to night, approximately from 17:00 to 22:00, and only on selected days of a week.

The types of goods being sold is also quite different. Pasar pagi is where many housewives, domestic help, and local folks appear to shop their daily needs, mostly fresh produce. The things which are on sale are usually fresh produce, including fruits, vegetables, spices, fish, meat, eggs, and a variety of perishable products.

Major textile, fashion, and clothing markets in Indonesia are Tanah Abang market in central Jakarta and Pasar Baru in Bandung. Notable markets specializing in traditional batik clothing are, Pasar Klewer in Solo and Pasar Beringharjo in Yogyakarta.[citation needed]

The major pasar pagi in Jakarta are Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua, Pasar Induk Kramat Jati, Pasar Minggu and Pasar Senen. Pasar Minggu specialized on fruits and vegetables, while Pasar Kue Subuh in Senen specialized on selling kue, as they offer a rich variety of traditional Indonesian snack, open every subuh (dawn).[102]

Notable markets in Yogyakarta, include: Pasar Beringharjo, a traditional market; Kranggan Market, a flea market; Pasar Organik Milas, organic and flea market; Malioboro Road, a street market and Yogyakarta Bird Market.

Notable markets in Bali include Pasar Badung central market of Denpasar city, Pasar Seni Sukowati art market specializing in artworks and handicrafts, and Pasar Ubud.

In several cities and towns in Kalimantan and Sumatra, there are floating markets, which is a collection of vendors selling various produce and product on boats. For example, the Siring floating market in Banjarmasin, and Lok Baintan floating market in Martapura, both in South Kalimantan.[citation needed]

  • Pasar Gede central market, Solo

    Pasar Gede central market, Solo


In Malaysia the term Pasar malam refers to a night market which operates from around 17:00 through to approximately 23:00.[103] Pasar pagi morning wet market is also familiar in Malaysia.

In parts of Malaysia, jungle produce markets trade in indigenous fruits and vegetables, all of which are gaining popularity as consumers switch to pesticide-free food products. Some of the more nutritional indigenous produce includes fruits such as dabai (Canarium odontophyllum), kembayau (Dacryodes rostrata f. cuspidata), durian nyekak (Durio kutejensis) and durian kuning (Durio graveolens), letup (Passiflora foetida), kepayang (Pangium edule) and tubu (Pycnarrhena tumetacta) and vegetables such as tengang (Gnetum sp.) and riang batu (Begonia chlorosticia), teh kampung (Leucosyke capitellata and tongkat langit (Musa troglodytarum ).[104]

The main markets in Kuala Lumpur include: Pudu market: rated as KL’s largest wet market by the Lonely Planet Guide;[105] Central Market, Kuala Lumpur; Chow Kit Wet Market; Kampong Bahru Pasar Minggu; China Town; Petaling Jaya SS2; Bangsar Baru and Lorong Tuanka Abdul Rahman.

  • Sapeh player, performing at the Central Market, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Sapeh player, performing at the Central Market, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • Central Market, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (interior)

    Central Market, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (interior)

  • Pasar Seni (Central Market) Kuala Lumpur (exterior)

    Pasar Seni (Central Market) Kuala Lumpur (exterior)

  • Night market at Jalan Alor, Malaysia

    Night market at Jalan Alor, Malaysia


In the Philippines, the word palengke refers to a group of stalls under a covered roof. Locals use palengkes for daily shopping. Public markets are the primary trading centres in cities. In rural districts, public markets are in a state of disrepair.[106] Weekend markets are popular for organic and artisanal foods purchases. In addition, a number of farmers’ markets have sprung up.[107] The Cubao Farmers Market, in Quezon City gained international attention following a feature spot on the cable network program, No Reservations, with Anthony Bourdain in 2009.

  • A Palengke, Danao City Philippines

  • Produce market, Pangasinan

    Produce market, Pangasinan

  • New Pritil Public Market, Manila

    New Pritil Public Market, Manila

  • A palengke in Novaliches, Quezon City

    A palengke in Novaliches, Quezon City


Bangkok’s markets are popular with both locals and visitors. Floating markets can be found in Bangkok and elsewhere. Vendors not only sell fresh produce from boats, but will also cook meals and snacks on their vessels for sale to the public. These floating markets are a popular tourist attraction.

  • Bangkok's Chatuchak Market, one of the largest markets in the world

    Bangkok’s Chatuchak Market, one of the largest markets in the world

  • The Harbour Market, The Riverfront

    The Harbour Market, The Riverfront

  • Entrance to Bobae Tower Market

    Entrance to Bobae Tower Market

  • Suan Lum Night Bazaar

    Suan Lum Night Bazaar

  • Insect vendor in Bangkok

    Insect vendor in Bangkok

West Asia[edit]

In the West Asia, markets are known as bazaars or souks. The earliest bazaars are believed to have originated in Persia, and spread to the rest of the Middle East and Europe from there. Documentary sources suggest that zoning policies confined trading to particular parts of a city from around 3,000 BCE, creating the conditions necessary for the emergence of a bazaar.[108]

In the ancient cities of Iran, three types of bazaar have been identified; periodic bazaars, urban bazaars and local bazaars. Periodic bazaars could be organised anywhere and typically took place in open spaces and traded in specialities such as handicrafts, clothing, livestock and foodstuffs. These took place at regular intervals such as monthly or yearly. Urban bazaars were held in covered public walkways with shops or stores on both sides. Its architecture varied according to local conditions including climate, culture and the economic power of the city in which it was situated. Urban bazaars were places for commercial, social and cultural interactions. Local bazaars, held in specific districts of larger cities, were similar to urban bazaars, but on a smaller scale with fewer shops.[109]

In pre-Islamic Arabia, markets took on two forms, permanent urban markets and temporary, seasonal markets often located in regional districts. Gradually, markets or bazaars gradually became central features of urban towns and were relocated to the city centre. Permanent markets are mentioned frequently in ancient literary sources.[110]


Markets with historical or architectural significance include:

  • Grand Bazaar, Tehran
  • Bazaar of Kashan in Iran
  • Bazaar of Isfahan in Iran — historic site which dates to Saljuqid and Safavid era and is the longest roofed market in the world.[111]
  • Bazaar of Tabriz in Iran — an historic site that originally developed along the ancient silk routes; listed as a World Heritage Site[112]
  • Vakil Bazaar in Shiraz, Iran
  • Isfahan Bazaar, Iran

    Isfahan Bazaar, Iran

  • Bazaar of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

    Bazaar of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

  • Carpet Bazaar of Tabriz, Iran

    Carpet Bazaar of Tabriz, Iran


The Hebrew word for market is shuk (plural: shvakim), and food markets are found in every major city. Famous markets include the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv and Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem.

  • Jaffa Bazaar in 1906

    Jaffa Bazaar in 1906

  • Early-Morning Scene in Mahane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem

    Early-Morning Scene in Mahane Yehuda Market, Jerusalem

  • Entrance Damascus Gate Market

    Entrance Damascus Gate Market

  • Entrance to Nazareth market

    Entrance to Nazareth market

  • Turkish Bazaar, Acre (Akko)

    Turkish Bazaar, Acre (Akko)


Street markets are called pazar in Turkish and usually named after the name of the day since they are only installed at around 05:00 on that specific day and ended on same day around 18:00, in every week. Every district in Turkey has its own open market where people can choose and buy from a very wide range of products, from fresh fruits and vegetables to clothing, from traditional white cheese (which some people may consider feta-like) to household items. In Istanbul area Wednesday Pazar of Fatih district, Tuesday Pazar of Kadıköy and Friday Pazar of Ortaköy are the most famous and crowded open markets of the city.

A market with shops or permanent stalls is called «çarşı» and may include covered streets that are closed at night. Famous examples include the Kapalıçarşı (Grand Bazaar) and Spice Bazaar in Istanbul.

  • Fish market in Istanbul

    Fish market in Istanbul

  • Fish market in Istanbul

    Fish market in Istanbul

  • Fish market in Istanbul

    Fish market in Istanbul

  • Spices in Istanbul

    Spices in Istanbul

  • Olives in Spice Bazaar

    Olives in Spice Bazaar

  • Nuts in Spice Bazaar

    Nuts in Spice Bazaar


Northern Europe[edit]

  • Torvehallerne Market, Copenhagen — specializing in Nordic Foods
  • The inside of the Torvehallerne Market

    The inside of the Torvehallerne Market

  • The outside of the Torvehallerne Market

    The outside of the Torvehallerne Market

  • Market Square, Helsinki
  • Market Square, Kuopio
  • Market Square, Turku
  • Tammelantori, Tampere
  • Markthal Market, Rotterdam
  • Vismarkt, Groningen
  • Fruit and vegetable market by Sybrand van Beest 1652

    Fruit and vegetable market by Sybrand van Beest 1652

  • Cheese market in Alkmaar

    Cheese market in Alkmaar

  • Jumble sale in The Hague

  • Market in Roermond

    Market in Roermond

  • Riga Central Market
  • Smoked fish in Riga Central Market

    Smoked fish in Riga Central Market

Eastern Europe[edit]

  • Christmas market
  • Fish Market at Bucharest by Amadeo Preziosi, 1869

    Fish Market at Bucharest by Amadeo Preziosi, 1869

  • Besarabsky Market
  • Pryvoz Market
  • Seventh-Kilometer Market

Central Europe[edit]

  • Naschmarkt, Vienna — a 16th-century market
Czech Republic[edit]
  • Central Market Hall, Budapest — built in 1897, the largest market in Budapest
  • Grand Market Hall in Budapest by Róbert Nádler, 1898

    Grand Market Hall in Budapest by Róbert Nádler, 1898

  • Market at Besztercebánya by Izsák Perlmutter, 1906

    Market at Besztercebánya by Izsák Perlmutter, 1906

  • Market of Melons, Lajos, by Deák Ébner, n.d.

    Market of Melons, Lajos, by Deák Ébner, n.d.

Western Europe[edit]


With the rise of global trade in the 16th century, Antwerp became the largest market town in Europe.[113]

  • Grote Markt (Antwerp)
  • Gare du Midi, Brusells — Sunday market

Paris was one of the first European cities to implement a system of formal, centralised and covered market places.[114] Les Halles, a vast centralised wholesale market, was known to be in existence at least by the 13th century when it was expanded, and was only demolished in 1971 to make way for an underground shopping precinct. The French system of organised, designated central retail markets was extensively studied by architects in London with a view to emulating the system and ultimately eradicating the informal supply of produce via street vendors.[115]

  • Raspail Market, Paris
  • Flower market, Quai de l'Horloge

    Flower market, Quai de l’Horloge

  • Rue Debelleyme, second-hand market

    Rue Debelleyme, second-hand market

  • Market Saint-Quentin, 2016

    Market Saint-Quentin, 2016

  • Christkindlesmarkt, Nuremberg, (Christmas market), Germany
  • Markthalle IX, Berlin, Germany — built in 1891
  • Striezelmarkt Dresden, Germany
  • Figures On The Market Square In Front Of The Martinikirche Braunschweig, by Cornelis Springer, 1874

    Figures On The Market Square In Front Of The Martinikirche Braunschweig, by Cornelis Springer, 1874

United Kingdom[edit]
Background and licensing[edit]

The majority of retail markets are operated by the public sector and administered by local governments. A small number are operated by private groups or individuals. Traders can be licensed to trade on a single pitch but not at a national level or when trading on private land. This piecemeal licensing system has contributed to declining public confidence in the reputation of markets. A voluntary scheme has been set up by The Market People, backed by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) to address this problem. It provides consumers with traceability of traders and goods as well as the ability to rate and contact the traders. A MarketPASS is issued to an operator or trader, once they have provided proof of identity, insurance and, where required, a hygiene certificate.

A study conducted by the Retail Alliance noted that Britain had 1,124 traditional retail markets, 605 farmers’ markets, 26 wholesale markets and more than 45,700 retail traders and that retail markets had an annual turnover of over £3.5 billion while wholesale markets had turnover of £4.1 billion annually. The data also shows that traditional outdoor street markets continue to dominate the market space, but are in decline.[116] Markets also have significant appeal for tourists and visitors.[117]

Some researchers make a distinction between traditional markets and gentrified markets. Traditional markets which are primarily held outdoors on specific days, focus on high volume produce sold with low margins. In the gentrified market, the focus is on specialty produce, notably organic foods, hyper-local produce, artisanal products, vintage clothing or designer brands. Whereas traditional markets are in decline, gentrified markets represent a major growth opportunity.[118]

  • Old Smithfield Market painting by Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1824

    Old Smithfield Market painting by Jacques-Laurent Agasse, 1824

  • Market Square in Portsmouth, 1853

    Market Square in Portsmouth, 1853

  • London's Leadenhall market (exterior), 1881

    London’s Leadenhall market (exterior), 1881

  • Market Day in Stockport, 1910s

    Market Day in Stockport, 1910s

  • The Market Stall by Henry Charles Bryant, early 20th century

    The Market Stall by Henry Charles Bryant, early 20th century

England’s chartered markets and fairs[edit]

From the 11th century, the English monarchs awarded a charter to local lords to create markets and fairs for a town or village. A charter granted the lords the right to take tolls from vendors and also afforded some protection to a town from rival markets. Once a chartered market was granted for specific market days, a nearby rival market could not open on the same days.[119] Across the boroughs of England, a network of chartered markets sprang up between the 12th and 16th centuries, giving consumers reasonable choice in the markets they preferred to patronise.[120] Gradually these market towns developed a reputation for quality or for trade in specific types of goods. Today, traders and showmen jealously guard these historic charters.

County markets[edit]
  • Covered Market, Oxford, Oxfordshire
  • Covered Market, Preston
  • Leeds Kirkgate Market, Yorkshire
  • Old Market, Bristol Gloucestershire
  • The Old Market, Hove
  • Market Harborough Leicestershire
  • Salisbury chartered market

    Salisbury chartered market

  • Sedbergh chartered market

    Sedbergh chartered market

  • Market Square, Huntingdon

    Market Square, Huntingdon

  • Northampton Market is thought to be England's oldest continuously operating chartered market

    Northampton Market is thought to be England’s oldest continuously operating chartered market

  • Altrincham, Chartered Market

    Altrincham, Chartered Market


Between the 13th century and the Great Fire of 1666, London’s main market was the Stocks Market, «on the site of the fixed pillory where traders were punished who fell foul of the Assize Courts.» The Stocks Market was removed in 1737 as part of Christopher Wren’s plans to rebuild the city. New wholesale markets were erected in strategic locations and these prospered until well into the 19th century with some continuing until modern times. The wholesale markets were highly controlled, closed environments that were minutely regulated and meticulously planned. These included Smithfield Meat Market (built in 1866), Billingsgate Fish Market (constructed in 1875) and Leadenhall Market (completed in 1881). The retail trade was largely serviced by itinerant street sellers or costermongers. In central London, costermongers worked along designated routes, selling door-to-door or by trading from some 36 unauthorised, but highly organised markets situated along major thoroughfares or meeting places such as Whitecross Street, Covent Garden and Leather Lane. In an attempt to regulate street trading, a number of authorised retail markets were built during the 19th century with limited success. Examples of retail markets constructed during this period include: St James, St George’s (Southwark), Carnaby, Hungerford, Randall’s (Poplar, London), Fitzroy, Finsbury, and the People’s Market (Whitechapel), Angela Burdett-Coutts’ Market and Columbia Road Market (now a flower market). Retail markets were less successful than their wholesale counterparts and the number of retail markets declined from 24 in 1800 to 17 in 1840. In reality, London’s working classes generally preferred the convenience of street trading which continued to thrive until the 20th century.[121]

Charles Knight devoted an entire section to markets in his pictorial essay, Pictorial Half-hours of London Topography, (1851) in which he identifies the main wholesale markets as the Corn Market; the Coal Exchange; Billingsgate — the main fish market; Smithfield — a cattle market since at least 1150. Retail meat markets include Newgate; Whitechapel; Newgate; Newport, Oxford; St George’s and Shepherd’s Market in Mayfair. Produce markets included Covent Garden, which Knight considered to be the ‘pre-eminent’ vegetable market; Farringdon Market between Holborn Hill and Fleet Street; Spitalfields — the largest potato market in London; Portman Market, Hungerford Market and Leadenhall Market- a mixed produce and meat market. In addition, the Skin Market at Bermondsey dealt in leather and hay markets were held at Whitechapel, Cumberland Market, Regent’s Park and Smithfield.[122]

Some examples of street markets operating today include Berwick Street Market, Broadway Market, Camden Market, East Street Market, Petticoat Lane and Portobello Road Market. The most popular for food is Borough Market which sell most fresh produce as well as having a bakery.

  • Leadenhall Market from the Illustrated London News,1881

    Leadenhall Market from the Illustrated London News,1881

  • Leadenhall Market (interior), 2006

    Leadenhall Market (interior), 2006

  • Billingsgate Fish Market, circa 1808

    Billingsgate Fish Market, circa 1808

  • Billingsgate Fish Market, interior, 1876

    Billingsgate Fish Market, interior, 1876

  • Petticoat Lane Market, London, 1971

    Petticoat Lane Market, London, 1971

Wholesale markets in London
  • New Covent Garden Market
  • Borough Market
  • Old Billingsgate Market
  • Leadenhall Market
  • Smithfield Market
  • Spitalfields Market
Retail markets in London
  • Bermondsey Market
  • Brick Lane Market
  • Broadway Market
  • Camden Market
  • Chalton Street Market
  • Earlham Street Market
  • Inverness Street Market
  • Islington Farmers’ Market
  • Goodge Place Market
  • Greenwich Market
  • Hungerford Market
  • Leadenhall Market
  • Leather Lane Market
  • Petticoat Lane Market
  • Piccadilly Market
  • Plender Street Market
  • Portobello Road
  • Queen’s Crescent Market
  • Swiss Cottage Market

Southern Europe[edit]


Street markets in Greece are called laikes agores (λαϊκές αγορές) in plural, or laiki agora (λαϊκή αγορά) in singular, meaning «people’s market». They are very common all over Greece, including the capital, Athens. Regular (weekly) morning markets sell mostly fresh produce from farming cooperatives – fruit, vegetables, fish and flowers/plants. Some household items and prepared foods are often available.

Annual street markets (panigyri(a)) occur around churches on the day of their patron saint. These take place in the evenings and have a more festive character, often involving attractions and food stalls. The goods sold range from clothing and accessories to household items, furniture, toys and trinkets. Athens also has several bazaars/enclosed markets.

  • New Market (Nea Agora), Rhodes Island, Greece
  • Central Municipal Market, Athinas Street, Athens — a 19th-century market
  • Campo de’ Fiori, Rome
  • Mercato del Vino Chiatia Classico Gallo Nero — seasonal wine fair, Greve, Chianti[123]
  • Mostra Mercato Internazionale dell’Artigiano — seasonal handicrafts’ market, Fortezza da Basso[124]
  • Mostra Mercato Internazionale dell’Antiquaratio — seasonal antiques’ market, Palazzo Shrozzi
  • Mercato centrale di San Lorenzo, Florence[125]
  • Testaccio Market, Rome
Ancient and historic Italian market places[edit]
  • Trajan’s Market, Rome — ruins of ancient market place
  • Loggia de Mercato Nuovo, Florence, built between 1547 and 1551 by Giovanni Battista del Tasso and is currently under restoration[126]
  • Loggia de Mercado Vecchio, now demolished
  • Loggia del pesce, Mercato Vecchi, before its demolition in the 1880s

    Loggia del pesce, Mercato Vecchi, before its demolition in the 1880s

  • La Via del Fuoco and Mercato Vecchio, painting by Telemaco Signorini, c. 1881

    La Via del Fuoco and Mercato Vecchio, painting by Telemaco Signorini, c. 1881

  • Loggia del Mercato Nuovo in 2008 (exterior)

    Loggia del Mercato Nuovo in 2008 (exterior)

  • Trajan's Market, Rome (ruins)

    Trajan’s Market, Rome (ruins)

  • Entrance to Market place, Pompeii

    Entrance to Market place, Pompeii


In Spain, two types of retail market can be identified; permanent markets and periodic markets. Permanent markets are typically housed in a building dedicated to the use of stallholders and vendors. Periodic markets appear in the streets and plazas on specific days, such as weekends or festival days and most often sell products made by local artisans including leather goods, fashion accessories, especially scarves and costume jewellery. Vendors at periodic markets typically erect tents or canvas awnings to provide some type of temporary cover for themselves and shoppers. Produce markets, farmers’ markets and flea markets are all commonplace. In addition, street vendors are a relatively common sight across most parts of Spain. Street vendors roam around in search of a suitable venue such as a plaza, entrance to a railway station or beach front where they lay their goods out on mats. Products sold by street vendors are of highly variable quality.


The first reliable recorded references to markets in Barcelona date to the 10th century. Barcelona, at that time, was a walled city and the first open-air market was held outside the walls, (in the area now known as Plaça de l’Àngel). A merchant district soon grew up around the market. During the 19th century, numerous covered markets were erected, specifically Santa Caterina Market (1844); San Josep (c. 1840), Llibertat (1875), San Antoni (1882), Barceloneta (1884), Concepció and Hostafrancs (1888), Clot and Poblenou (1889) and Abaceria in Gracia (1892).[127]

Barcelona residents are well served by the city’s 39 produce markets. Every barrio (suburb) has at least one fresh produce market. It is often said that no matter where you find yourself in Barcelona, you are never more than 10 minutes walk from a market. Barcelona’s markets attract some 62 million visits yearly, turnover €950million and employ 7,500 people.[128]

Some of the larger produce markets still in operation include: La Boqueria; Mercat del Born — a modernist construction, Mercat de San Antoni located in the barrio, San Antoni; Mercat de San Andreu in San Andreu; Mercat de Santa Caterina in L’Eixample, Mercat de Ninot, in L’Eixample; Mercat de la Concepció also in L’Eixample; Mercat de la Llibertat in Gràcia; Mercat de Sants in Sants-Montjuich; Mercat de Galvany in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi; Mercat de Vall d’Hebron. In addition, Barcelona offers many non-food markets including the street market, La Flor de Las Ramblas, Dominical de Sant Antoni, Encants de Sant Antoni and Encants Barcelona — Fira de Bellcaire.

  • Main entrance to the Mercat de San Josep, known simply as La Boqueria

    Main entrance to the Mercat de San Josep, known simply as La Boqueria

  • Fruit display at La Boqueria market in Las Ramblas Barcelona

    Fruit display at La Boqueria market in Las Ramblas Barcelona

  • Mercado de Santa Caterina, Barcelona

    Mercado de Santa Caterina, Barcelona

  • Mercat San Antoni, Barcelona

    Mercat San Antoni, Barcelona

  • Street market at Sant Jordi, Mataró

    Street market at Sant Jordi, Mataró

  • La Boqueria

    La Boqueria

  • La Boqueria

    La Boqueria

  • Mercado de la Ribera

The main markets in central Madrid are San Anton Market, San Miguel Market — a gourmet tapas market, Cámera Agraria (Madrid Farmers’ Market) and El Rastro — the largest open air flea market.

  • Mercado de San Miguel (interior)

    Mercado de San Miguel (interior)

  • Night market in December, Madrid

    Night market in December, Madrid

  • Madrid - Mercado de San Anton

    Madrid — Mercado de San Anton


The Mercat or Mercado Central is the main public market in Valencia. Built at the turn of the twentieth century, the building combines Gothic and Art Nouveau architectural features. Popular with both locals and visitors, a distinctive feature is the quality of fresh fish and seafood, which once purchased can be taken to the street stalls around the perimeter of the market who will cook it to order. The Mercado de Colón in Eixample, Valencia is also a very popular fresh produce market.

  • Mercado Central (exterior)

    Mercado Central (exterior)

  • Mercado Central, Valencia (interior)

    Mercado Central, Valencia (interior)

  • Mercado de Colón (exterior)

    Mercado de Colón (exterior)

  • Mercado de Colón (interior)

    Mercado de Colón (interior)


Popular markets in Seville include the Triana market and the Central market housed within the Metropol Parasol complex. In addition, Seville offers many smaller neighbourhood markets such as Mercado de la Calle Feria and Mercado de la Encarnación.

  • Mercado Triana (Triana Market)

    Mercado Triana (Triana Market)

  • Mosaic sign for the Triana Market

    Mosaic sign for the Triana Market

  • Fish vendor at the Mercado Triana

    Fish vendor at the Mercado Triana

  • Mercado Encarnación

    Mercado Encarnación

Southeastern Europe (Balkans)[edit]


In Serbo-Croatian, a farmer’s market is formally known as tržnica, and colloquially as pijaca, plac or pazar depending on region and dialect.

  • Dolac, Zagreb

In Serbo-Croatian, a farmer’s market is formally known as tržnica, and colloquially as pijaca, plac or pazar depending on region and dialect. The markets in large cities are open daily, including Sunday, from around 5 or 6 am to mid-afternoon. In smaller towns, markets often open once a week, on a specific day known as pazarni dan.

  • Kalenić, Belgrade
  • Great Market, Belgrade — Built in around 1854[129]
  • Vračar Square (Square of Flowers), Belgrade

North America[edit]


  • Atwater Market – Montreal, Quebec
  • ByWard Market – Ottawa, Ontario
  • The Forks Market – Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Granville Island – Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Jean Talon Market – Montreal, Quebec
  • Kensington Market – Toronto, Ontario
  • Lonsdale Quay – North Vancouver, British Columbia
  • St. Lawrence Market – Toronto, Ontario
  • Westminster Quay – New Westminster, British Columbia
  • Main Street Markham Farmers’ Market (Seasonal) – Markham, Ontario
  • Stiver Mills Farmers’ Market (Seasonal) — Markham, Ontario
  • Kitchener Farmer’s Market – Kitchener, Ontario
  • St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market – St. Jacobs, Ontario
  • York Farmers Market — Markham, Ontario
  • Downsview Park Farmers Market — Toronto
  • Saint John City Market — Saint John, New Brunswick

Historic markets that have been converted to other uses include:

  • St. Patrick’s Market, Toronto – retail building
  • St. Andrew’s Market, Toronto – demolished 1937 and site of water works and park
  • Public market at place Jacques-Cartier in Montreal, Quebec in 1940

  • Cambridge Farmers Market

    Cambridge Farmers Market

  • City Market, St Johns

    City Market, St Johns

  • St. Jacobs Farmers Market

    St. Jacobs Farmers Market

  • Arctic Market, Inuvik, Canada

    Arctic Market, Inuvik, Canada


Since 2014, gourmet food halls have also sprung up in Mexico City, starting with Mercado Roma. Some traditional markets include:

  • Mercado Jamaica, Mexico City, a traditional market in Mexico City
  • Mercado de Sonora, a traditional market in Mexico City
  • San Juan de Dios Market in Guadalajara
  • Market in Tlatelolco, mural by Diego Rivera

    Market in Tlatelolco, mural by Diego Rivera

  • Churro Stands, like this one in Coyoacán, Mexico City, are a common sight in Latin-America and Spain

    Churro Stands, like this one in Coyoacán, Mexico City, are a common sight in Latin-America and Spain

  • Grocery stalls in San Juan de Dios Market in Guadalajara, Mexico

  • Artesans' Market, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

    Artesans’ Market, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

  • Entrance to Hidalgo Market, Guanajuato

    Entrance to Hidalgo Market, Guanajuato


Puerto Rico[edit]

  • Mercado de las Carnes, a former meat market in Ponce, Puerto Rico

United States[edit]

In the United States, the term public market is often used for a place where vendors or merchants meet at the same location on a regular basis. A public market has a sponsoring entity that has legal and financial responsibility to oversee operations and, sometimes, provides facilities to house the market activity. Public markets may incorporate the traditional market activity – the sale of fresh food from open stalls – and may also offer a wide range of different products. Public markets may incorporate elements of specialized markets such as farmers markets, craft markets, and antique markets. Traditionally public markets in the US were owned and operated by city governments, but this is no longer the case.[130]

According to the Ford Foundation, what distinguishes public markets from other types of related retail activity are three characteristics. Public markets:[130]

  1. have public goals, a defined civic purpose. Typically, these goals include: attracting shoppers to a central business district, providing affordable retailing opportunities to small businesses, preserving farming in the region, and activating or repurposing public space
  2. are located in and/or create a public space in the community, where a wide range of people mix, and are, or aim to be, a heart of the community
  3. are made up of locally owned, independent businesses operated by their owners, not franchises. This gives public markets a local flavor and unique experience.
  • Grand Central Market, New York

  • Gerardi's Farmer Market, New York

    Gerardi’s Farmer Market, New York

List of public markets[edit]
  • Alemany Farmers’ Market[131] – San Francisco, California
  • Boston Public Market – Boston, Massachusetts
  • Broad Street Market – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
  • Brooklyn Flea – Brooklyn, New York
  • Chattanooga Market (2001–present) – Chattanooga, Tennessee
  • Chicago farmers’ markets Chicago, Illinois
  • City Market (Charleston, South Carolina)
  • City Market (Petersburg, Virginia) – Petersburg, Virginia. Built in 1878–79 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places
  • City Market (Savannah, Georgia)
  • Crescent City Farmers Market – New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Cross Street Market – Baltimore, Maryland
  • Dallas Farmers Market – Dallas, Texas
  • Dane County Farmers’ Market – Madison, Wisconsin
  • Dayton Arcade[132] – Dayton, Ohio
  • Eastern Market – Detroit, Michigan
  • Eastern Market – Washington, D.C.
  • Ferry Plaza Farmers Market & Ferry Building Marketplace – San Francisco, California
  • Findlay Market (1855–present) – Cincinnati, Ohio
  • French Market – New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Fulton Fish Market New York, New York
  • Grand Central Market – Los Angeles, California
  • Grand Central Market – New York, New York
  • Haymarket – Boston, Massachusetts
  • Hollins Market – Baltimore, Maryland
  • Indianapolis City Market (1821–present) – Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Italian Market, Philadelphia – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • James Beard Public Market (future) – Portland, Oregon
  • La Marqueta – New York, New York
  • Lancaster Central Market – Lancaster, Pennsylvania
  • Lexington Market (1782–present) – Baltimore, Maryland
  • Los Angeles Farmers Market – Los Angeles, California
  • Maxwell Street Market – Chicago, Illinois
  • Midtown Global Market – Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Milwaukee Public Market (2005–present) – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • North Market – Columbus, Ohio
  • Olvera Street – Los Angeles, California
  • Pike Place Market (1907–present) – Seattle, Washington
  • Ponce City Market – Atlanta, Georgia
  • Portland Public Market (1933–1942) – Portland, Oregon
  • Portland Saturday Market (1974–present) – Portland, Oregon
  • Reading Terminal Market (1893–present) – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • PNC Second Street Market – Dayton, Ohio
  • Soulard Market – St. Louis, Missouri
  • Sweet Auburn Curb Market (1918–present) – Atlanta, Georgia
  • Union Market – Washington, D.C.
  • Union Square Greenmarket – New York, New York
  • West Side Market – Cleveland, Ohio
Lists of markets[edit]
  • List of Farmers Markets in Indiana




The Queen Victoria Market is the city of Melbourne’s central market. Opened in 1878, it is the largest open air market in the southern hemisphere and its largely intact original buildings offer visitors the opportunity to shop among 19th century retail rows and experience a vibrant, working market place.[133] The Queen Victoria Market site has been listed as an historic place by Heritage Victoria and a number of its buildings are listed as notable buildings on the Historic Building Register of Victoria.[134] The site is currently undergoing a site renewal project. It is a Melbourne landmark, popular with both locals and visitors.

Major suburban markets include the Prahran Market, South Melbourne market and the Footscray Market. Periodic farmers’ markets are also very popular in Melbourne.

  • Prahran Market, South Yarra

  • Metropolitan Meat Market, North Melbourne

  • South Melbourne market (exterior)

    South Melbourne market (exterior)


Sydney boasts a number of popular markets. The Rocks market, situated in the Rocks district, near the Sydney Opera House, focuses on crafts, jewellery and leather goods and operates at weekends. Paddy’s Market, near Chinatown, is the produce market and operates Wednesday through to Sunday. Haymarket is one of the main produce markets and is located in Flemington. The Sydney Fish Market, in Pyrmont opens from 7am Wednesday through Saturday. Paddington Markets on Oxford Street sells a range of goods from fresh produce through to clothing.

  • Haymarket fresh produce market, Hay Street, Sydney, NSW

    Haymarket fresh produce market, Hay Street, Sydney, NSW

  • Chinatown Night Market, Sydney, NSW

    Chinatown Night Market, Sydney, NSW

  • Rocks Market in 2007

    Rocks Market in 2007

  • Sydney Fish Market view from Glebe, NSW

    Sydney Fish Market view from Glebe, NSW

  • Fremantle Markets, northwest corner, Perth, WA

    Fremantle Markets, northwest corner, Perth, WA

  • Perth night market, 2012

    Perth night market, 2012

  • Perth Night Noodle Markets

    Perth Night Noodle Markets

  • Adelaide Central Market
  • Adelaide Central Market, 2006

    Adelaide Central Market, 2006

  • Central Court, Adelaide Central Market

    Central Court, Adelaide Central Market

  • Adelaide Central Market Buildings Foundation Stone

    Adelaide Central Market Buildings Foundation Stone

  • Salamanca Market
  • Salamanca Place Market, Hobart, Tasmania

    Salamanca Place Market, Hobart, Tasmania

  • Salamanca Market Hobart Tasmania

    Salamanca Market Hobart Tasmania

  • Salamanca market in Hobart

    Salamanca market in Hobart

  • Salamanca Market May

    Salamanca Market May

Papua New Guinea[edit]

Drawing heavily on the anthropological literature, Benedicktsson argues that a distinct type of Melanesian market that is substantially different to other Asian markets, can be identified. The key characteristics of the PNG market are that it is dominated by producer-sellers, most of whom are women. Prices are set at the start of the day’s trade, and rarely change. Haggling and aggressive selling are rarely practised. At the end of the day’s trade, produce is not cleared, but rather is taken away for the seller’s private consumption or is distributed among kin and close family.[135]

  • Gerehu Markets, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

    Gerehu Markets, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

  • Kerepunu Women at the Market Place of Kalo, 1885

    Kerepunu Women at the Market Place of Kalo, 1885

  • Buin NSP Saturday market, 1978

    Buin NSP Saturday market, 1978

  • GorokaMarket


South America[edit]


  • Mercado Municipal – São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Liberdade street market – São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Mercado Público – Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Mercado Municipal – Uberlândia, Minas Gerais
  • Mercado Modelo – Salvador, Bahia
  • Açai vendor at the Ver-o-Peso Market, Belém, Brazil

    Açai vendor at the Ver-o-Peso Market, Belém, Brazil

  • Fish seller at Belém, Pará, Brazil

    Fish seller at Belém, Pará, Brazil

  • "Vendedor de pequi", fruit seller, a common sight in Brazil

    «Vendedor de pequi», fruit seller, a common sight in Brazil


  • Mercado Central de Santiago, the central market of Santiago de Chile


  • Mercado Modelo, a central fruit and vegetable wholesale market in Montevideo

See also[edit]

  • Artisanal food
  • Bazaar
  • Birmingham Market Police
  • Charter
  • Charter fair
  • Charter Stones
  • Costermonger
  • City of London market constabularies
  • Hawker
  • History of marketing
  • List of Christmas markets (from around the world)
  • Liverpool Markets Police
  • Market hall
  • Market town
  • Marketing
  • Market cross — with list of UK market towns containing a market cross
  • Mercat cross — in Scotland the market cross is known as a mercat cross
  • Merchant
  • Night market
  • Licensed victualler
  • Peddler
  • Retail
  • Souk or souq
  • Street vendor
  • Town privileges
  • Wholesale marketing of food


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  114. ^ Lemoine, B., Les Passages Couverts, Paris: Délégation à l’action artistique de la ville de Paris [AAVP], 1990. ISBN 9782905118219.
  115. ^ Jones, P.T.A., «Redressing Reform Narratives: Victorian London’s Street Markets and the Informal Supply Lines of Urban Modernity,» The London Journal, Vol 41, No. 1, 2006. p. 75, DOI: 10.1179/1749632215Y.0000000013
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  118. ^ Gonzales, S. and Dawson, G., Traditional Markets Under Threat: Why It’s Happening and What Traders Can Do, n.d., circa 2016, pp 21-22; Gonzalez, S. and Waley, P, «Traditional Retail Markets: The New Gentrification Frontier?» Antipode, Vol. 45, no. 4, 2016 pp.965-983
  119. ^ Dyer, C., Everyday Life in Medieval England, London, Hambledon and London, 1994, pp. 283–303
  120. ^ Borsay, P. and Proudfoot, L., Provincial Towns in Early Modern England and Ireland: Change, Convergence and Divergence, [The British Academy], Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 65–66
  121. ^ Jones, P.T.A., «Redressing Reform Narratives: Victorian London’s Street Markets and the Informal Supply Lines of Urban Modernity,» The London Journal, Vol 41, No. 1, 2006. pp 60-81, DOI: 10.1179/1749632215Y.0000000013
  122. ^ Knight, C., Pictorial Half-hours of London Topography, Fleet Street, London, Knight, 1851
  123. ^ Firenze e provincia: Fiesole, le colline il Mugello, il Valdarno e il Chianti, Touring Editore, 2003, p. 167
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  125. ^ Touring Club Italiano, Florence: A Complete Guide to the Renaissance City, Touring Editore, 1999, p. 146
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  128. ^ Barcelona Institute of Markets, Markets: The Barcelona Experience, n.d. c. 2015; p. 8,
  129. ^ Blagojević, M. R., «Basic Typology of the Public Buildings Presented on the Examples Built in Belgrade in the Period Between 1830 -1900,» Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol.1, No 4, 1997 pp. 509 — 524
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  131. ^ «Alemany Farmers’ Market — Real Estate Division». Retrieved 25 December 2016.
  132. ^ «New Arcade Front Page». arcade. 2020-02-21. Retrieved 2020-05-10.
  133. ^ Allom Lovell & Associates [Conservation architects], Queen Victoria Market: Conservation Management Plan [Report for QVM], 2003
  134. ^ «140 Years of Market History | Queen Vic Market». Queen Victoria Market. Retrieved 2019-12-28.
  135. ^ Karl Benediktsson, Harvesting Development: The Construction of Fresh Food Markets in Papua New Guinea, Denmark, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2002, p. 24

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Market.

  • Project for Public Spaces page on public markets

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Что такое маркетплейс?

Дмитрий Колосов

Дмитрий Колосов

26 января 2021


  1. Что представляет собой маркетплейс
  2. Что там продаётся
  3. Как маркетплейсы работают
    1. Структура и характерные особенности
  4. Заработки: как они получают прибыль
  5. Чем он отличается от интернет-магазина
  6. Разновидности маркетплейсов
  7. Выбор маркетплейса
  8. В каких случаях работа с ним выгодна
  9. Как подключиться
  10. Преимущества и недостатки
  11. Полезные рекомендации тем, кто решил начать сотрудничество с маркетплейсом

Сегодня в России и других странах наблюдается максимальный уровень популярности так называемой электронной (цифровой) коммерции – сегмента e-commerce. Согласно данным «Forrester Research», несколько лет назад (в 2017-ом году) половину всех покупок в мире люди предпочитали совершать с помощью маркетплейсов. А по проведённым недавно исследованиям с учётом реальной статистики, уже к 2023 году объёмы торговли в режиме онлайн удастся увеличить в два раза, и общая доля проданных на них товаров в таком случае может составить около 2,4-2,5 триллионов рублей.

Маркетплейс – что это такое, на чём основана его работа? Ответ на данный вопрос интересует многих людей, которые пока ещё не освоили нишу e-commerce и не умеют покупать или продавать товары либо услуги дистанционно, в режиме онлайн. В данной статье читайте полезную информацию о современных маркетплейсах: их типах, принципах деятельности, структуре и прочих основных моментах и ключевых особенностях.

Что представляет собой маркетплейс

Что такое маркетплейс, как объяснить понятие и его содержание простыми словами? Маркетплейс, или маркет плейс (некоторые некорректно читают «маркетпласе» либо «маркет пласе») представляет собой имеющую определённый адрес в интернете торговую площадку. Он является платформой (биржей, витриной), на которой предприниматели могут реализовывать собственную продукцию. То есть market place должен выступать в качестве посредника, налаживающего связь между реализаторами (поставщиками, дистрибьюторами, непосредственно производителями) и потенциальными покупателями.

Факт! С английского языка слово «marketplace» или «marketing place» переводится на русский как «рыночная площадь», «место для рынка». И не стоит путать маркетплейсы с другими понятиями, к примеру, «плейсмент» или «плейлист». Они никакого отношения к торговле не имеют. Написание «market plays» некорректно. А первой площадкой, которая появилась в 95-ом году и в которую изначально обращались онлайн за книгами, является «Амазон».

Что такое маркетплейс?

Маркетплейс отличается от ритейлеров и агрегаторов. Ритейлеры занимаются розничными продажами определённой продукции, например, какого-либо бренда либо марки. Агрегаторы следят за областью e-commerce, собирают различные предложения и предлагают покупателям приобретение тех или иных услуг и продукции. Но агрегатор не занимается реализацией самостоятельно, а направляет потребителей к продавцам, предоставляет возможность выбора лучших вариантов. Покупателю, выбравшему то, что нужно, необходимо пройти по ссылке, вероятно, зарегистрироваться на сайте и лишь потом совершить покупку. В маркетплейсе можно сразу выбрать и купить что-то из огромного ассортимента.

Что продаётся в маркетплейсах

В маркетплейсах на данный момент возможно купить множество абсолютно любых и самых разнообразных актуальных и нужных товаров:

  • для дома: мебель, мелкую и крупную бытовую технику (пылесосы, стиральные машины, кухонные комбайны, блендеры), комплекты постельного белья, сантехнику;
  • продукты питания: кондитерские изделия (торты, пирожные), молочку, напитки, овощи и фрукты, мясо и готовые полуфабрикаты;
  • для дачи, сада и огорода: удобрения, растения, садовый инвентарь;
  • для здоровья: медицинские изделия и приборы, безрецептурные лекарства;
  • электронику: компьютеры, смартфоны, мобильные телефоны и прочие устройства;
  • продукцию узкой направленности или специализации: специальное оборудование, автозапчасти для машин и комплектующие для автомобилей (диски для авто, шины, расходники, аксессуары);
  • для гигиены: мыло, гели для душа;
  • для развлечений и хобби, игры;
  • для дизайна: текстиль, картины;
  • для хобби: книги (романы, детективы и так далее), наборы для творчества;
  • для борьбы с вредителями;
  • для обучения и школы: учебники, канцтовары, тетради, дневники;
  • для строительства, ремонта и работ по отделке – разнообразные отделочные и строительные материалы (доски, профили, обои, краски);
  • для туризма, путешествий и активного отдыха: палатки, раскладные стулья и столы, спортивную одежду;
  • праздничные сувениры и подарки (новогодние и по поводу других праздников): цветы, статуэтки;
  • вещи, одежду: джинсы, шорты, платья, брюки;
  • обувь;
  • косметику, парфюмерию;
  • дорогие товары премиум-категории;
  • нижнее женское бельё, в том числе корректирующее;
  • аксессуары: наручные часы, украшения (в том числе ювелирные изделия), сумки, головные уборы, шарфы;
  • для детей, например, детские мягкие или развивающие игрушки, одежду, подгузники, молочные смеси.

То есть здесь возможно продавать и покупать ходовые и популярные вещи, которые пользуется высоким или растущим спросом среди потребителей – пользователей всемирной сети. Но не так давно появились первые маркетплейсы, которые специализируются на торговле транспортом (автомобилями) и даже недвижимостью.

Что такое маркетплейс?

Продукцию для удобства и быстрого поиска делят на отдельные категории. И чем больше ассортимент, тем крупнее и успешнее маркетплейс, тем сильнее он выделяется на фоне конкурентов, тем выше его рейтинг, тем значительнее товарный оборот и прибыль.

Полезно узнать! Через маркетплейсы товары продают не только крупные фирмы, но и индивидуальные предприниматели, а также самозанятые, например, мастера (физлица), изготавливающие изделия своими руками

Как маркетплейсы работают

Как осуществляется работа маркетплейсов? Они выступают в роли связующих звеньев между поставщиками продукции и покупателями. Основная цель – обеспечение эффективного, выгодного и продуктивного взаимодействия. Некоторые маркетплейсы не занимаются формированием заказов и не отвечают за доставки, а лишь принимают заявки и передают их продавцам. Иногда они гарантируют полноценную маркетинговую поддержку, несут ответственность за аналитику и юзабилити, дают трафик.

Но торговые площадки могут брать на себя различные обязанности: обрабатывать и формировать заказы, предоставлять склады для хранения и распределения товаров, заниматься обслуживанием складских помещений, налаживать общение с клиентами, своими силами или с привлечением посредников осуществлять доставки (по почте, личными курьерами-водителями или курьерскими службами), обеспечить правильно и грамотно логистику, гарантировать продвижение товаров и рекламу.

С покупателями площадки работают практически одинаково: потенциальный заказчик заходит в браузер, ищет сервис по адресу или названию, открывает ресурс. Потом он должен зарегистрироваться (при регистрации осуществляется создание аккаунта). Далее зарегистрированный посетитель сайта в несколько кликов делает и подтверждает заказ, заказывает доставку курьером или иным способом (если наличие опции предусматривается в сервисе), производит оплату понравившимся способом, который ему подходит, и ожидает получения в пункте выдачи, в офисе филиала или в клиентском центре региона (например, города Москва или Московской области), по адресу или в ячейке с назначенным номером (его должен указать маркетплейс).

Что такое маркетплейс?

С поставщиками маркетплейсы работают по-разному. Так, они могут быть лишь своеобразными сервисами-агрегаторами, осуществляющими сбор, отбор и проверку модераторами (модерацию) предложений, чтобы размещать их на сайте. Посетители сайта могут проводить анализ, подбирать и сравнивать размещённые предложения по ценам и прочим параметрам, чтобы потом связываться с продавцами, которые решили торговать на данной площадке, и договариваться с ними (посредством личных сообщений, непосредственно на сайте поставщика либо звонком по указанному в профиле номеру телефона).

В иных случаях маркетплейс не только разрешает торговать на площадке, но и осуществляет маркетинговую поддержку, налаживает взаимодействие с реальными готовыми покупать клиентами, помогает настроить автоматический платёжный функционал. Торговля ведется от лица маркетплейса, а партии товаров находятся и хранятся на складе производителя или поставщика, доставка курьером или прочими методами по адресам также осуществляется последним.

Но иногда marketplace предоставляет склады, а также функцию доставки собственными курьерами или службами, упаковывает заказанные товары и хранит их до востребования. По схеме фулфилмента (простыми словами её можно назвать «всё включено», и при таком варианте все заботы на себя берёт маркетплейс) работают многие известные и лучшие площадки («Беру», «Вайлдберриз» («Wildberries»). А схема розничного ведения торговли и прямых поставок с управлением их цепью без промежуточного хранения на складах площадки называется дропшиппингом.

Что такое маркетплейс?

Интересная информация! Работа каждого маркетплейса выгодна для всех. Покупателям предоставляется огромный выбор вещей, а также услуг. Продавцы могут иметь колоссальную клиентскую базу, осуществлять продажи массово и практически постоянно. А сам маркетплейс получает прибыль в виде комиссий, оплачиваемых поставщиками (продавцами).

Структура и характерные особенности всех маркетплейсов

Большинство маркет-плейсов имеют такую структуру:

  • Каталог всей продукции, которая может размещаться продавцами на сайте сервиса. Часто он делится на разделы и категории, а каждая позиция дополняется описанием и добавлением технических, эксплуатационных и остальных характеристик. Прайс обязателен, список дополняется фото, иногда видео.
  • Блоки (поля) регистрации новых пользователей (как продавцов, так и покупателей) и авторизации уже зарегистрированных.
  • Персональный кабинет продавца – партнёрской организации, которая может решить размещаться и торговать на площадке. Здесь будут размещаться реализуемые товары, которыми поставщик решил торговать (или которые уже заказаны и отправлены). Тут же производится оценка оборота, изучаются данные по осуществляемым продажам.
  • Личный кабинет. Он такой же, как в любом интернет-магазине. Аккаунт пользователь должен заполнить, указав персональные данные (имя с фамилией и отчеством), контакты, адрес проживания для доставки курьером. Здесь можно добавлять единицы в корзину, отслеживать свои заказы и покупки. Он проводит оценку заказов, имеет возможность выбирать способы доставки и оплаты, автоматически осуществлять настройки.
  • Раздел для корпоративных заказчиков.
  • Софт для осуществления управления статистикой, стандартным или расширенным поиском.
  • Системы оплаты: банковскими картами с указанием реквизитов, через СБП, через онлайн-сервис или приложения банков («Сбербанка», например), прием средств в разных платёжных системах («Робокасса» и прочих), перечисления из электронных кошельков, плата бонусами или баллами кэшбэка популярных финансовых компаний.
  • Технические дополнительные модули: отзывов, урегулирования споров, которые идут между покупателями и продавцами, общения участников сделок.

Маркетплейс, на котором идёт постоянная торговля, имеет несколько характерных особенностей:

  • Сторонние продавцы (компании, индивидуальные предприниматели, владельцы частного бизнеса), которые могут размещаться на площадке.
  • Поставки и предложения одинаковых товаров различными поставщиками. Причём продажи идут по разным расценкам: одни компании могут предлагать более низкие цены и реализуют свои товары дешевле, а другие стоимость повышают.
  • Единые для всех компаний-участников правила и порядки доставки, связи с клиентами и заказчиками, оплаты.
  • Здесь происходbn реализация услуг или товаров, иногда предоставляются информационные и инвестиционные возможности.
  • Монетизация (получение прибыли, которую приносит работа сайта) осуществляется за счёт абонентских плат, взимаемых комиссий и процентов от успешно отправленных заказов, размещения рекламных объявлений.

Заработки маркетплейсов: как они получают прибыль

Маркетплейсам удаётся заработать, ничего не производя, а только помогая реализовать товары. Главный доход – комиссии, уплачиваемые продавцами. Но это, конечно, не всё.

Рассмотрим все составляющие, из которых складывается прибыль маркетплейса:

  • Комиссии со всех сделок, которые идут на площадке. Размер комиссии определяется маркетплейсом. Клиент может платить либо по процентной ставке (процент с полученной продавцом прибыли), либо фиксированные суммы за одну транзакцию со счёта заказчика.
  • Размещения платных объявлений, которые могут подать продавцы.
  • Комиссия и оплачиваемые объявления. Объявление возможно добавлять за проценты с продаж.
  • Комиссии за продвижения объявлений: пользователи будут видеть их первыми и часто, поэтому наверняка свяжутся с вами. Это позволит продавать товары активнее, наладить быстрые прибыльные продажи.
  • Платы за лиды – оформление заявок. Клиент, откликающийся на заявку, уплачивает комиссию, причём независимо от того, выбирает ли вторая сторона его в качестве партнёра.
  • Оплата доступа к премиум-аккаунту с определенными привилегиями.
  • Подписки. Клиент может подписаться на рассылку хороших интересных предложений, на расширенные возможности аккаунта категории премиум.

Чем маркетплейс отличается от интернет-магазина

Молодые и начинающие предприниматели интересуются, чем отличаются друг от друга маркетплейсы и классические сайты-магазины, которые существуют в России уже довольно давно. Интернет-магазин может взаимодействовать с одним поставщиком и продавать лишь его продукцию. Пример – магазин косметики «Wmarket». А на маркетплейсе реализуются товары, поставки которых организуют разные компании. Здесь посетители как бы знакомятся с продавцами, а потом заключают сделки купли-продажи по правилам, которые должен установить marketplace.

Что такое маркетплейс?

Рассмотрим в таблице основные моменты и сравнительные характеристики интернет-магазинов и маркетплейсов:

Сравниваемый параметр
Интернет-магазины Маркетплейсы
Обслуживание Отнимает время и силы. Но поддерживать постоянную связь с клиентами возможно посредством внедрения бонусных программ и программ лояльности, проведения акций с участием покупателей, сезонных распродаж. Посредники обслуживают и покупателей, и продавцов, за счёт чего формирует добавочную стоимость.
Позиции в выдаче поисковых систем («Яндекс», «Google») Для попадания в ТОП по запросам в «Yandex» либо «Гугл» нужно прилагать активные усилия (контент, SEO-оптимизация, посещаемость). Первые. Чтобы попасть в ТОП, не нужно ничего делать.
Сотрудники Чтобы успешно запустить сайт и наладить его работу, нужно привлечь менеджера, веб-дизайнера, программиста, бухгалтера, маркетолога и иных специалистов. Формирование штата работников требует вложений. Чтобы успешно продавать, достаточно на площадке разместить контент, то есть выставить свои товары.
География, территории. Масштабировать осуществляемые продажи за пределы конкретной страны (России) довольно сложно, география обычно ограничена. Крупные и давно ведущие работу marketplace налаживают процессы зарубежной международной торговли по всем миру: в Армении, США, Казахстане, Украине, Беларуси, Италии, Китае и прочих государствах планеты.
Реализуемые товары Зависят от разнообразных многих факторов. Сезонные, недорогие, которые используются в быту и пользуются хорошим спросом.
Временные затраты на работы по запуску сайта (проекта) Для шаблонных вариантов – одна неделя, а для уникальных полноценных сайтов – минимальные два месяца. Возможно размещение товаров всего за один день или сутки.

Оба варианта имеют недостатки и достоинства. Формат интернет-магазина считается брендом, визитной карточкой конкретного продавца, показателем его успеха. А маркетплейс – универсальный работающий инструмент, который расширяет активную клиентскую базу (АКБ), позволяет осваивать рынок и занимать его ранее неизведанные ниши, а также выйти на новый международный уровень.

Разновидности маркетплейсов

Маркетплейсы могут осуществлять свою деятельность по разным схемам, с разными типами товаров различных категорий, с различными продавцами.

По тематическим направлениям площадки делятся на:

  • продающие товары: «Ozon», «Вайлдберриз» («Wildberries»), «Беру», «Lamoda» («Ламода»), «Joom», «СДЭК Маркет» («CDEK»), «Амазон» («Amazon»), «Aliexpress», «Goods», «eBay»;
  • поставляющие разного рода услуги;
  • специализирующиеся на информации, например, объявлениях, вакансиях («HeadHunter», «Avito», то есть «Авито»);
  • занимающиеся инвестициями («Kickstarter», «CircleUp»).

По разнообразию товаров, которые реализуют маркетплейсы, они представленных в трёх группах:

  • Вертикальные. Такие marketplace работают с одним типом продукции, поставляемой разными продавцами. Например, это могут быть дорогие часы премиум-класса, музыкальные инструменты. Как правило, каждой позиции каталога присваивается индивидуальный идентификационный номер, который может подтвердить подлинность.
  • Горизонтальные. Здесь будут размещаться товары, которые относятся к одной теме или направленности, например, к рукоделию, хобби, развлечениям. Примеры – «Ярмарка мастеров», «Кворк».
  • Глобальные. На таких маркетплейсах могут размещаться товары из абсолютно любых и самых разнообразных категорий. В данную категорию входят «Ozon», «Wildberries», «Беру», «Алиэкспресс».

В зависимости от участников процесса работы маркетплейса выделяют три бизнес-модели:

  • C2C, иными словами, «customer-to-customer». В данной модели пользователи считаются равными. Участники – физические лица, которые могут договариваться между собой, чтобы экономить денежные средства, расходуемые на покупку, либо зарабатывать деньги и получать прибыль благодаря выгодным сделкам. Пример реализации настоящей модели – «Airbnb».
  • B2C, то есть «business-to-customer». Эта модель в сфере e-commerce считается классической, и здесь физические лица приобретают продукцию либо услуги у юридических лиц. В рамках настоящей модели работают «Беру», «Озон», «Wildberries»  и прочие старейшие и самые известные маркет-площадки.
  • B2B, что означает «business-to-busines». Простыми словами, в данной модели предприниматели взаимодействуют друг с другом, то есть торговать могут только юрлица, которые продают юридическим лицам. Пример реализации такой модели – «Alibaba».

Выбор маркетплейса

Прежде чем подключаться к маркетплейсу «Беру» или любому другому, определитесь с выбором площадки.

Что такое маркетплейс?

Анализируйте такие факторы:

  • Тарифный план: размеры комиссии, тарифы на разные подписки. Так, комиссионные сборы варьируются от 10% до 70% и напрямую влияют на размеры прибыли. Чем комиссия ниже, тем выгоднее размещаться на сервисе marketplace.
  • Частота выплат. Маркет плейсы могут совершать их раз в неделю или в месяц, а также по факту, то есть практически сразу или на следующий рабочий день после оплаты заказа.
  • Сервисы: транспортной доставки по адресам, хранения продукции на складах маркетплейса, общения с клиентами, обработки звонков или сообщений. Некоторые площадки сами выгружают товары и составляют описания, передают ответы на сообщения.
  • Условия доставки, например, определённое максимально допустимое расстояние (в км) от склада, с которого осуществляется отправка грузов, до сортировочного центра, отдела внутреннего распределения или доставки marketplace.
  • Требования к партнёрам. Бесплатно или платно регистрируясь в сервисе, поставщик должен выполнять некоторые условия, например, иметь статус физлица и лицензию на ту или иную деятельность, предоставлять сертификаты.
  • Оплата. Многие площадки являются платёжными агентами и самостоятельно принимают платежи, что избавляет от необходимости работать с онлайн-кассами.
  • Возврат товара. Лучше выбрать площадку, которая осуществляет гарантийное обслуживание.
  • Продажи на других площадках. Иногда в правилах предусмотрен отказ в сотрудничестве, если товары размещены на каких-либо сторонних сайтах. Выбирайте варианты без ограничений, если не согласны с данным условием и хотите использовать разные каналы.
  • Трафик. Чем он больше, тем чаще будут смотреть ваши товары, тем чаще делают заказы.
  • Уровень безопасности: защиты от взломов, соблюдения конфиденциальности.
  • Товарные категории. Узнайте, продаются ли позиции, пользующиеся спросом и реализуемые вами.
  • Особенности выгрузки продукции и создания страниц с товарными единицами. Одни площадки не модерируют описания, а другие требуют заполнения карточек товаров строго по правилам.
  • Наличие приложения, которое можно подключить, чтобы создать дополнительный канал продаж, показать товары удобным способом через мобильное устройство (программу надо просто загрузить на гаджет).

В каких случаях работа с маркет плейсом выгодна

Предпринимателю с сервисом и на самом деле очень выгодно в таких случаях:

  1. Необходимость налаживания потоков заказов. Примерно неделя проходит с даты размещения до первого заказа.
  2. Есть потребность расшириться для охвата большой доли рынка. Но важно вовремя поставлять товары на склады площадки.
  3. Устранение неполадок с отгрузкой со складов и доставкой товаров получателям по адресам. Автоматизация поставок увеличит продажные объёмы в разы.

Не подойдёт вариант при торговле эксклюзивными изделиями и низкомаржинальными товарными единицами, а также при желании отслеживания путей посетителей сайта и движения товаров.

Как подключиться к маркетплейсу

Начинать сотрудничество и совершать продажи через площадку нужно следующим образом по инструкции:

  1. Определить подходящие площадки: «Беру», «Goods», «Озон», «Wildberries» или другие.
  2. Изучить условия работы: доставляет ли маркет плейс товары, помогает ли продвинуть их и направлять получателям ответы на задаваемые вопросы.
  3. Провести маркетинг и исследовать рынок: оценить конкурентов и аудиторию, спрос, наиболее востребованные категории.
  4. Проанализировать выгоду: понять, как часто люди заходят в маркет плейс и делают заказы, насколько активно заказывают конкретные позиции.
  5. Зарегистрироваться, создать и настроить аккаунт.
  6. Предоставить документацию: учредительные обязательные документы, паспорт, сертификаты, лицензию (если нужна), свидетельство ИНН.
  7. Заполнить предложенные карточки товаров: фото, артикулы, характеристики, описания.
  8. Дождаться модерации и одобрения.
  9. Выбрать схему реализации торговли и наладить процесс.
  10. Сделать закупки или изготовить товарные единицы.
  11. Начинайте торговать по оптимальной стоимости.
  12. Продвигайте товар, если он занимает невысокие позиции в поиске по популярности или рейтингу. Проводите акции, осуществляйте разработку чего-то нового и интересного, снижайте цены.

Преимущества и недостатки

Маркетплейсы из-за специфики продаж имеют свои преимущества и недостатки: их положительные и отрицательные стороны следует выяснить заранее, прежде чем начать сотрудничество.

Что такое маркетплейс?

Для начала рассмотрим плюсы:

  • Впечатляющий трафик, почти недостижимый для магазинов среднего и малого бизнеса. При отсутствии трафика продажи вряд ли пойдут успешно и в больших количествах.
  • Постоянные потоки целевой аудитории, заинтересованной в ваших товарах.
  • Реальная вероятность расширения географии реализации продукции.
  • Осуществить запуск просто, легко и быстро. Достаточно собрать контент и разместить его на площадке.
  • Минимизация расходов на рекламирование.
  • Оказаться в топе marketplace быстрее и проще, чем самостоятельно раскрутить свой бренд.
  • Не надо создавать, продвигать и содержать свой сайт.

Теперь анализ существующих минусов, всех недостатков:

  • Зависимость от устанавливаемых действующих правил (порой жёстких).
  • Значительная конкуренция, которая часто является помехой.
  • Небольшие возможности коммуникаций с целевой аудиторией.
  • Проблематичность привлечения клиентуры проведением акций, внедрением гибкой системы скидок и другими подобными инструментами.
  • Необходимость отгрузки на склады маркет плейса больших объёмов товара (или их хранение в собственных помещениях).
  • Низкие наценки на реализуемую продукцию и высокие комиссии для продавцов. Это понижает прибыль.
  • Порчи качественных изделий и кражи. Причём не всегда удаётся вернуть изделия в принудительном или добровольном порядке. Хотя marketplace обычно проверяет всё и ведёт отчётность, порой отследить и найти что-то нереально из-за человеческого фактора и неполадок.

Полезные рекомендации тем, кто решил начать сотрудничество с маркетплейсом

Если вы решили начать выгодно сотрудничать с маркет плейсом и продавать свои товары через интернет, то во избежание проблем и ошибок опытные бизнесмены рекомендуют следовать некоторым советам и учитывать основные важные моменты:

  1. Продумайте процесс работы «от и до», в том числе детали и мелочи, такие как оформление этикеток, обратная связь с клиентами (в чате, в соцсетях «Вконтакте», по email, через каналы «Telegram», в мессенджерах «WhatsApp» и «Viber»), возврат и приёмка не подходящих позиций, общение с авторами, создателями и разработчиками продукции, настройки письменных уведомлений.
  2. Изучите действующее в Российской Федерации законодательство и правовые аспекты, затрагивающие ваши рабочие процессы и касающееся сотрудничества с маркет плейсами. А ещё лучше обратиться за консультацией или получить комментарии юриста, имеющего большой опыт (особенно в области e-commerce). Так, с 2021-ого года вступает в силу несколько обновлений, касающихся маркировки, указания в чеках точных понятных наименований (названий) и прочих особенностей работы.
  3. Тщательно продумайте все основные моменты осуществления коммерческой деятельности. Подберите подходящую систему налогообложения в зависимости от статуса и организационно-правовой формы компании (ООО, ИП, самозанятый человек), регулярно перечисляйте налоги в налоговый орган, позаботьтесь о бухгалтерии и установке контрольно-кассовой техники (отсрочка по подключению онлайн-кассы, предоставленная владельцам бизнеса в связи с пандемией коронавируса, завершается с первого февраля в 2021-ом году, согласно 54-ФЗ), наладьте схему учёта и предусмотрите прочие основные нюансы ведения работы.
  4. Заключите официальный договор с ресурсом и внимательно изучите полный текст, все его пункты и части, чтобы не упустить никаких основных важнейших моментов, а также скрытых условий, которые могут поставить под угрозу ваше дело, стать причиной назначения штрафов и повлечь убытки. Обязательно уделяйте внимание предмету сделки, которую планируете заключить, обязанностям и правам сторон (участников), схеме работы, политике конфиденциальности при обработке персональных данных.
  5. Выбирайте проверенный, имеющий хорошую репутацию, достаточно крупный и известный, давно работающий в РФ маркетплейс, имеющий высокие показатели прибыли, а также занимающий лидирующие позиции и желательно находящийся в топе поисковых систем.
  6. Прежде чем сделать окончательный выбор, можно изучить кейсы (конкретные примеры работы с той или иной площадкой), отзывы и мнения партнёров торговых площадок (в блогах, на тематических сайтах или форумах, в группах социальных сетей), реальные истории. Почитайте и послушайте, что пишут или говорят о том или ином варианте.
  7. Если вы не уверены, что являетесь компетентным и сможете вести работы по развитию бизнеса, а также удобно и эффективно продавать свою продукцию, привлекайте специалистов и экспертов, которые помогут наладить сотрудничество для выгодных оптовых или розничных продаж. Также можно начать посещать специализированные курсы для предпринимателей.
  8. Можно сначала попробовать действовать через площадку, чтобы получить представление и оценить возможности.
  9. Помните: регистрируясь в сервисе, вы подтверждаете, что согласны с условиями, схемами и порядками, которые нельзя нарушать. И если имеются нарушения правил площадки, вас могут заблокировать.

Что такое маркетплейс?

Теперь вам известно, что такое маркет плейс. Вам знакомы все его преимущества и недостатки, выполняемые задачи, основные инструменты построения выгодного сотрудничества с высоким спросом на товары для получения максимальной прибыли без организации магазина.

Если вы согласны и подтверждаете, что marketplace является работающим способом увеличения доходов, то сможете совершать успешные продажи в России или в любой другой точке мира. Подключайтесь к платформе, подписывайтесь на ее полезный функционал, публикации и новости, начинайте торговлю. Вы точно оцените плюсы сервиса и сможете совершать прорыв в ведении бизнеса, чтобы увидеть результаты, заработать тысячи, миллионы или даже миллиарды рублей. Спасибо за внимание!

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1. An open area or square in a town where a public market or sale is set up.

2. The world of business and commerce.

3. A situation or place in which values, opinions, and ideas are put forward for debate or recognition: a marketplace for new ideas; the literary marketplace.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Human Geography) a place where a public market is held

2. any centre where ideas, opinions, etc, are exchanged

3. (Commerce) the commercial world of buying and selling

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmɑr kɪtˌpleɪs)


1. an open area in a town where a market is held.

2. the world of business, trade, and economics.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. marketplace - the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and soldmarketplace — the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold; «without competition there would be no market»; «they were driven from the marketplace»

activity — any specific behavior; «they avoided all recreational activity»

business enterprise, commercial enterprise, business — the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects; «computers are now widely used in business»

black market — an illegal market in which goods or currencies are bought and sold in violation of rationing or controls

gray market, grey market — an unofficial market in which goods are bought and sold at prices lower than the official price set by a regulatory agency

labor market — the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers

monopoly — (economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller; «a monopoly on silver»; «when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like»

monopsony — (economics) a market in which goods or services are offered by several sellers but there is only one buyer

oligopoly — (economics) a market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitors

2. marketplace - an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set upmarketplace — an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up

public square, agora — a place of assembly for the people in ancient Greece

bazar, bazaar — a street of small shops (especially in Orient)

slave market — a marketplace where slaves were auctioned off (especially in the southern United States before the American Civil War)

agora — the marketplace in ancient Greece

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.











thị trường


market place [ˈmɑːrkɪtpleɪs] n

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


السُّوقُ tržiště markedsplads Marktplatz αγορά mercado tori marché tržište marketplace 市場 장터 marktplaats markedsplass rynek mercado рынок marknad ตลาดสินค้า pazar yeri thị trường 商场

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Mentioned in

  • agora
  • agoraphobe
  • agoraphobia
  • agoraphobic
  • allegorist
  • allegory
  • America
  • bazaar
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  • black market
  • business
  • business enterprise
  • bustle
  • buyer’s market
  • buyers’ market
  • carrefour
  • category
  • cater
  • center

References in classic literature

Thinking it a mark of distinction, the Dog grew proud of his bell and went tinkling it all over the marketplace. One day an old hound said to him: Why do you make such an exhibition of yourself?

Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold.»

David Faux for the West Indies, that the vacant shop in the marketplace at Grimworth was understood to have been let to the stranger with a sallow complexion and a buff cravat, whose first appearance had caused some excitement in the bar of the Woolpack, where he had called to wait for the coach.

After parting from the physician, the commander of the Bristol ship strolled idly through the marketplace; until happening to approach the spot where Hester Prynne was standing, he appeared to recognise, and did not hesitate to address her.

Thorpe only lashed his horse into a brisker trot; the Tilneys, who had soon ceased to look after her, were in a moment out of sight round the corner of Laura Place, and in another moment she was herself whisked into the marketplace. Still, however, and during the length of another street, she entreated him to stop.

Her coaches and chaises all went back, and the guards too; and I scoured into the marketplace for shelter.»

They could tell the whole hateful story of it, set forth the inner soul of a city in which justice and honor, women’s bodies and men’s souls, were for sale in the marketplace, and human beings writhed and fought and fell upon each other like wolves in a pit; in which lusts were raging fires, and men were fuel, and humanity was festering and stewing and wallowing in its own corruption.

He is poor and they are rich; his profession that he teaches nothing is opposed to their readiness to teach all things; his talking in the marketplace to their private instructions; his tarry-at-home life to their wandering from city to city.

Nor did she feel safe until she had set a mile or two of by-road between herself and the marketplace, and had crept into a copse, like a hunted animal, to hide and recover breath.

He was one of those men, and they are not the commonest, of whom we can know the best only by following them away from the marketplace, the platform, and the pulpit, entering with them into their own homes, hearing the voice with which they speak to the young and aged about their own hearthstone, and witnessing their thoughtful care for the everyday wants of everyday companions, who take all their kindness as a matter of course, and not as a subject for panegyric.

Late in the afternoon we came to the market- town where we were to alight from the coach—a dull little town with a church-spire, and a marketplace, and a market-cross, and one intensely sunny street, and a pond with an old horse cooling his legs in it, and a very few men sleepily lying and standing about in narrow little bits of shade.

And if our reason did not teach us this and much beyond; if we were such idiots as to close our eyes to that fine mode of training which rears up such men; should we not know that they who among their equals stab and pistol in the legislative halls, and in the counting-house, and on the marketplace, and in all the elsewhere peaceful pursuits of life, must be to their dependants, even though they were free servants, so many merciless and unrelenting tyrants?

Dictionary browser

  • market research
  • market segment
  • market segmentation
  • market share
  • market square
  • market strategist
  • market timing
  • market town
  • market trend
  • market value
  • marketability
  • marketable
  • marketableness
  • market-driven
  • marketeer
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  • marketing board
  • marketing cost
  • marketing manager
  • marketing mix
  • marketing research
  • marketization
  • marketize
  • market-led
  • marketplace
  • market-ripe
  • Marketstead
  • market-test
  • Markham
  • Markham Beryl
  • markhoor
  • markhor
  • Markiewicz
  • marking
  • marking error
  • marking fire
  • marking ink
  • Marking nut
  • marking panel
  • marking team
  • Markis
  • Markisesse
  • markka
  • markman
  • Markoff
  • Markoff chain
  • Markoff process
  • Markov
  • Markov chain
  • Markov process

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  • Marketing Via Phone
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  • marketizing
  • marketplace
  • Marketplace eXtensible Markup Language
  • Marketplace Framework Policy Branch
  • Marketplace price efficiency
  • Marketplace Service Provider
  • Marketplace Services Organization
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  • Markets chapter 1
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  • Markets with asymmetrical information
  • Markets, Audiences, and Publics
  • Markets, Gold
  • Markets, Trade and Institutions Division

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