Is lustful a word

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    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > lustful

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    Персональный Сократ > lustful

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lustful

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > lustful

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    lustful похотливый

    English-Russian short dictionary > lustful

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    НБАРС > lustful

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lustful

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    похотливый, сладострастный, чувственный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > lustful

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    * * *

    (a) похотливый

    * * *

    похотливый, сладострастный, чувственный

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    [lust·ful || ‘lʌstfʊl]

    * * *



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    Новый англо-русский словарь > lustful

  • 10

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > lustful

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    [‘lʌstf(ə)l], [-ful]


    похотливый, сладострастный, чувственный


    Англо-русский современный словарь > lustful

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    English-Russian smart dictionary > lustful

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    a похотливый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. licentious (adj.) fast; incontinent; lecherous; lewd; libertine; licentious; randy; salacious

    2. prurient (adj.) bestial; carnal; concupiscent; goatish; horny; hot; lascivious; libidinous; lickerish; passionate; prurient; ruttish; rutty; satyric; sensual; sexual; wanton

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > lustful

  • 14

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > похотливый

  • 15

    1. a имеющий рога; рогатый

    2. a мозолистый; грубый, жёсткий, ороговевший

    3. a спец. роговой

    4. a сл. сексуально возбуждённый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. like cow’s horn (adj.) bony; cartilaginous; hard; horn-rim; like cow’s horn; made of horn; tough

    2. lustful (adj.) aroused; carnal; eager; in need; lascivious; lecherous; lustful; passionate; sexually excited

    English-Russian base dictionary > horny

  • 16

    1. a горячий, жаркий

    2. a тех. накалённый, перегретый

    hot snare — раскалённая петля, прижигательная петля

    3. a горячий, страстный

    4. a разгорячённый, возбуждённый; раздражённый

    5. a страстно увлекающийся

    6. a в состоянии творческого подъёма, вдохновения

    hot dog! — ай да он!; вот это да!; вот это здорово!

    7. a горячий, напряжённый

    hot battle — жаркий бой, ожесточённое сражение

    8. a спорный, вызывающий ожесточённые споры; жгучий, злободневный

    hot pepper — острый или жгучий перец, перец стручковый

    9. a свежий, недавний; только что полученный или прибывший

    hot copy — последнее сообщение, сенсационное известие

    hot tip — сведения из первых рук, самая свежая информация

    10. a преследующий, идущий по пятам

    11. a разг. близкий к цели

    12. a острый, пряный,

    13. a жгучий

    14. a яркий, резкий, кричащий

    15. a сладострастный, похотливый, чувственный

    16. a скабрёзный, похабный

    hot dancer — танцовщица в притоне; исполнительница непристойных танцев

    17. a возбуждающий, волнующий, страстный

    18. a физ. высокорадиоактивный

    hot laboratory — «горячая» лаборатория, лаборатория для исследования высокоактивных веществ

    19. a сл. скоростной, высокоскоростной

    20. a постояннодействующий, поддерживаемый в постоянной готовности

    21. a сл. украденный, незаконно приобретённый или хранимый; контрабандный

    hot cockles — детская или деревенская игра «жучок»

    22. a сл. усиленно разыскиваемый полицией; скрывающийся от правосудия

    23. a сл. отличный, замечательный; привлекательный

    24. a сл. счастливый, удачный

    25. a сл. пользующийся успехом, популярный

    26. a сл. модный, быстро раскупаемый, ходовой

    27. a сл. смешной, нелепый

    28. a сл. невероятный, невозможный

    29. adv горячо, жарко

    30. adv горячо, страстно

    31. v разг. разогревать, подогревать, нагревать

    hot up — разогревать, нагревать

    32. v разг. разжигать, раздувать; усиливать

    33. v разг. оживлять, вливать новую жизнь

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. angry (adj.) agitated; angry; excitable; furious; indignant; irascible; passionate; vehement; violent

    2. ardent (adj.) ardent; baking; blistering; boiling; broiling; burning; fiery; flaming; heated; red-hot; scalding; scorching; sizzling; sultry; sweltering; sweltry; torrid; warm; white-hot

    3. charged (adj.) charged; electrified; live

    4. contraband (adj.) banned; contraband

    5. feverish (adj.) fevered; feverish; flushed; pyretic

    6. lustful (adj.) aroused; concupiscent; goatish; lascivious; libidinous; lickerish; lustful; prurient; ruttish; rutty; satyric; sensual

    7. marvelous (adj.) divine; dreamy; glorious; groovy; hunky-dory; marvelous; nifty; peachy; ripping; sensational; super; swell; terrific; wonderful

    8. spicy (adj.) acrid; biting; peppery; piquant; pungent; sharp; spicy; strong

    Антонимический ряд:

    apathetic; biting; bland; bleak; calm; chilling; chilly; cold; cool; dead; distant; freezing; frigid; indifferent; insensitive; rigid

    English-Russian base dictionary > hot

  • 17

    1. v шотл. трястись

    2. v шотл. бормотать; заикаться; говорить заплетающимся языком

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. more ardent (adj.) fierier; more ardent; more baking; more blistering; more boiling; more broiling; more burning; more heated; more red-hot; more scalding; more scorching; more sizzling; more sweltering; more sweltry; more torrid; more white-hot; sultrier; torrider

    2. more feverish (adj.) more fevered; more feverish; more pyretic

    3. more lustful (adj.) more concupiscent; more goatish; more lascivious; more libidinous; more lickerish; more lustful; more passionate; more prurient; more ruttish; more satyric; ruttier

    4. more marvelous (adj.) dreamier; groovier; more divine; more glorious; more hunky-dory; more marvelous; more ripping; more sensational; more super; more terrific; more wonderful; niftier; peachier; sweller

    English-Russian base dictionary > hotter

  • 18

    a сладострастный, похотливый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. carnal (adj.) bawdy; bodily; carnal; earthly; fleshly; immoral; orgiastic; sensual; sexual; voluptuous; wanton

    2. indecent (adj.) indecent; lurid; obscene; smutty

    3. licentious (adj.) fast; incontinent; lecherous; lewd; libertine; licentious; randy; salacious

    4. lustful (adj.) concupiscent; goatish; hot; libidinous; lickerish; lustful; passionate; prurient; ruttish; rutty; satyric

    English-Russian base dictionary > lascivious

  • 19

    1. n подверженный страстям

    2. a страстный, пылкий

    3. a влюблённый,

    4. a неистовый, необузданный

    5. a вспыльчивый, горячий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. excitable (adj.) animated; earnest; ecstatic; emotional; enthusiastic; excitable; excited; fervid; intense

    2. impassioned (adj.) ardent; blazing; burning; dithyrambic; fervent; fiery; flaming; glowing; hot-blooded; impassioned; overheated; perfervid; red-hot; torrid; white-hot

    3. irascible (adj.) choleric; cranky; cross; hasty; hotheaded; hot-headed; hot-tempered; irascible; ireful; peppery; quick-tempered; ratty; short-tempered; temperish; tempestuous; testy; tetchy; touchy

    4. lustful (adj.) concupiscent; erotic; goatish; hot; lascivious; libidinous; lickerish; lustful; prurient; ruttish; rutty; satyric

    Антонимический ряд:

    calm; cold; collected; cool; dispassionate; dull; frigid; impassive; lethargic; phlegmatic; stolid

    English-Russian base dictionary > passionate

  • 20

    1. a похотливый

    2. a редк. зудящий

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. disagreeable (adj.) beastly; disagreeable; disgusting; horrid; nasty; obscene; offensive; revolting; unclean

    2. lustful (adj.) concupiscent; goatish; hot; lascivious; libidinous; lickerish; lustful; passionate; ruttish; rutty; satyric

    English-Russian base dictionary > prurient


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Lustful — Lust ful, a. 1. Full of lust; excited by lust. Spenser. Tillotson. [1913 Webster] 2. Exciting lust; characterized by lust or sensuality. Lustful orgies. Milton. [1913 Webster] 3. Strong; lusty. [Obs.] Lustful health. Sackville. Syn: sensual;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lustful — O.E. lustfull wishful, desirous, having an eager desire; see LUST (Cf. lust) (n.) + FUL (Cf. ful). Specifically of sexual desire from 1570s. Related: Lustfully; lustfulness. Middle English also had lustsome, which was used in a sense of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • lustful — index dissolute, hot blooded, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, obscene, prurient, salacious, suggestive (risqué) …   Law dictionary

  • lustful — lascivious, libidinous, lecherous, wanton, lewd, *licentious, libertine Analogous words: *carnal, fleshly, sensual, animal: *immoral, unmoral, amoral Contrasted words: pure, modest, decent, *chaste: *moral, virtuous …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • lustful — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ filled with lust; lecherous. DERIVATIVES lustfully adverb lustfulness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • lustful — [lust′fəl] adj. 1. filled with or characterized by lust 2. Archaic lusty; vigorous lustfully adv. lustfulness n …   English World dictionary

  • lustful — [[t]lʌ̱stfʊl[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Lustful means feeling or expressing strong sexual desire. He can t stop himself from having lustful thoughts …   English dictionary

  • lustful — adjective 1. vigorously passionate • Syn: ↑lusty, ↑concupiscent • Similar to: ↑passionate • Derivationally related forms: ↑concupiscence (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • lustful — lustfully, adv. lustfulness, n. /lust feuhl/, adj. 1. full of or motivated by lust, greed, or the like: He was an emperor lustful of power. 2. having strong sexual desires; lecherous; libidinous. 3. Archaic. lusty. [bef. 900; ME, OE; see LUST,… …   Universalium

  • lustful — See lustful, lusty …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • lustful — adj wishful, desirous; gelustful desirable …   Old to modern English dictionary

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Mr. Randy Cruickshank MD

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(30 votes)

Lustful sentence example

«Speaking of my ways …» Sasha said, his gaze turning lustful . It was not the hard, fast, lustful connection he felt with his first mate, but a deeper connection.

What is an example of being lustful?

An example of lust is what you might feel when you see a really attractive person of the opposite sex. An example of lust is when you feel a very strong desire to buy a sleek new car. … A feeling of strong desire, especially of a sexual nature. Seeing Kim fills me with a passionate lust.

What is a lustful expression?

Lustful means feeling or expressing strong sexual desire.

Is lustful a noun or adjective?

Lustful is an adjective. The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

What is a lustful person called?

Use lascivious to describe a person’s behavior that is driven by thoughts of sex. … Latin-based lascivious and the Old English word lust both share the same Indo-European root las- «to be eager, wanton.» The much older word lust originally meant «desire, pleasure» and over time developed to mean sexual desire.

16 related questions found

What is lustful thinking?

Lustful thoughts are more than attraction. They are based in a strong desire to have sex with someone and they feel more like a craving than a sense of love or admiration. One of the key ways to tell lust from love is that lust is about satisfying your desires.

Is Justful a word?

adjective. Just, righteous; rightful.

What does Tharki mean in English?

The Urdu Word ٹھرکی Meaning in English is Lustful. The other similar words are Nafs Parast, Mast, , Kaami and Tharki. The synonyms of Lustful include are Lascivious, Lewd, Libidinous, Sensual and Wanton.

How do adverbs list?

abnormally absentmindedly accidentally actually adventurously afterwards almost always annually anxiously arrogantly awkwardly bashfully beautifully bitterly bleakly blindly blissfully boastfully boldly bravely briefly brightly briskly broadly busily calmly carefully carelessly cautiously certainly cheerfully clearly …

What does Tarki mean?

Tarki (Kumyk: Таргъу, Tarğu; Russian: Тарки́), formerly also spelled Terki and Terkee and also known as Tarku, is an urban locality (an urban-type settlement) under the administrative jurisdiction of Sovetsky City District of the City of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan, Russia, located on the Tarkitau Mountain.

What is the meaning of Rapchik?

It is said mostly upon seeing a sexually attractive women. Meaning. ‘Rapchik’ is combination of two words, ‘Rap’ and ‘chik’. Chik means plant sap. Hope It Help You !

How do you spell lasciviousness?

: filled with or showing sexual desire : lewd, lustful lascivious acts/thoughts arrested for lewd and lascivious assault …

What word is just?

just adverb (EXACTLY)

What is the verb of just?

justify. (transitive) To provide an acceptable explanation for. (transitive) To be a good, acceptable reason for; warrant. (transitive) To arrange (text) on a page or a computer screen such that the left and right ends of all lines within paragraphs are aligned.

What does just mean in law?

The literal meaning of the term ‘just’ is fair, impartial, evenhanded, candid, or reasonable. It can also mean right or fair according to law. The term can be defined in a wider sense to mean ethically, morally and legally correct or right; lawful.

How do I stop lustful thinking?

Here are some approaches that might work for you.

  1. Stop tempting yourself. Learn to stop seeking out things which make you lustful. …
  2. Learn respect for yourself and others. …
  3. Avoid drugs and alcohol. …
  4. Acknowledge your needs. …
  5. Look for alternative philosophies.

What is the crime of lechery?

Lechery is a behavioral pattern that includes: Inordinate indulgence in sexual activity. Unrestrained and promiscuous sexuality. Immoderate indulgence of sexual desire.

What is an act of lasciviousness?

Concept: the act of making a physical contact with the body of another person for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification other than, or without intention of, sexual intercourse. … It is distinguished from Attempted Rape in that there is no intent to have sexual intercourse with the victim.

What is considered lewd and lascivious definition?

The legal term “lewd and lascivious” typically refers to a crime which occurs when an adult has sexual contact with an underage child. … However, under California law, anyone involved in sexual activity with a person under the age of 18 may be prosecuted, including another minor.

What is another word for lasciviousness?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for lasciviousness, like: lewdness, lust, lustfulness, lechery, wantonness, desire, carnality, prurience, pruriency and lubricity.

Is ghanta a Gaali?

Ghanta | As if

It’s used like a sarcastic ‘yeah sure‘. Some agrue that this slang has a rather vulgar double meaning. It is considered to be Mumbai’s version of the Engish expression ‘balls! ‘

Is Titch a word?

(UK, colloquial) A very small person; a small child; a small amount.

What does ghanta mean in slang?

While the literal translation of ghanta is “bell”, it has become a common slang term in India. It expresses disbelief and is close in comparison to the phrase “yeah, right!” It can also be used when calling out someone’s lies. So, when used in that context, ghanta can also mean “nonsense” or “rubbish”.

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— / —


You weak, foul, lustful, vainglorious man.

Вы слабый, отвратительный, похотливый, тщеславный человек.




Russian men are foul-mouthed and threatening, the women lustful and seductive, and its spies are extremely fond of chess.

Мужчины в России агрессивные и много ругаются, женщины — сладострастные и соблазнительные, а шпионы обожают шахматы.



You weak, foul, lustful, vainglorious man.
Вы слабый, отвратительный, похотливый, тщеславный человек.

Russian men are foul-mouthed and threatening, the women lustful and seductive, and its spies are extremely fond of chess.
Мужчины в России агрессивные и много ругаются, женщины — сладострастные и соблазнительные, а шпионы обожают шахматы.

I would not recommend lustful hand placed upon.
Я бы не советовал похотливым рукам.

Hey, the Lord is not pleased with lustful thoughts, man.
Эй, Бог не очень благосклонен к похотливым желаниям.

For money, she gave her body to the depraved and lustful.
За деньги она отдавалась развратным и похотливым мужчинам.


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Example Sentences

He looked at her with lustful eyes.

a chronically lustful college jock who was always chasing after girls

Recent Examples on the Web

But when the duo injected female urine into the water, things took a more lustful turn, and the males quickly seized the females in an amorous grip.

Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 30 Mar. 2010

The interplay sizzles between the two actors as the choreography works viewers into a lustful lather.

Odie Henderson,, 9 Feb. 2023

This hair oil is a rich symphony of avocado, castor, argan, amla, jojoba and other herbal oils that will transform your hair into a wonderfully lustful complexion.

Grooming Playbook, The Salt Lake Tribune, 20 Dec. 2022

The track starts with a prayer, then transitions into the chronology of Kendrick and Sherane’s lustful relationship.

Okla Jones, Essence, 21 Oct. 2022

Khilji is portrayed as half-mad, lustful, and a committed carnivore, stereotypes of the Indian Muslim brought to life.

Samanth Subramanian, The New Yorker, 10 Oct. 2022

Their violent, lustful chemistry instantly manifests.

Randall Colburn,, 19 Sep. 2022

This two-kilometer-long island close to Rome was once a prison, with lustful Roman women and anti-fascists among its detainees over the years.

Silvia Marchetti, CNN, 11 Aug. 2022

An observant Doc quietly warns Cameron not to cast his lustful eye on Mel because she’s taken.

Sara Netzley,, 20 July 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘lustful.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of lustful was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near lustful

Cite this Entry

“Lustful.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on lustful

Last Updated:
22 Feb 2023
— Updated example sentences

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  • #1


How can I describe a man who’s always thinking of having sex with a woman or many different women? I think «lustful» but it’s a big word. Can I say:

He’s lustful, always wanting to sleep with women.

Thanks a lot

  • Greyfriar

    • #2

    Idiomatically we would probably say «He’s got sex on the brain; he’s sex mad; he’s a pervert.»


    • #3

    A man who is mad about women? How is that a perversion? He may have an abnormal and possibly unhealthy drive, but that doesn’t make him a pervert. That would require stealing knickers from clothes lines, or more vile habits.

    But these I can agree with: «He’s got sex on the brain» and «He’s sex mad».


    • #4

    «Sex on the brain» and «sex mad» are colloquial.
    At the other end of the spectrum of formality we find clinical terms like «libidinous» or «lascivious».
    More synonyms—most beginning with the letter L—at this online thesaurus.


    • #5

    Folk are very insular due to living on this, my island home. To them anyone who spends all his time thinking about having sex with one or many women (OP) is morally corrupt, that is a pervert. Also described as such in many dictionaries.

    london calling

    • #6

    Folk are very insular due to living on this, my island home. To them anyone who spends all his time thinking about having sex with one or many women (OP) is morally corrupt, that is a pervert. Also described as such in many dictionaries.

    The Isle of Wight is Victorian in more than one way, I see.:D I wouldn’t describe a man with sex on the brain as a pervert either.


    • #7

    Idiomatically we would probably say «He’s got sex on the brain; he’s sex mad; he’s a pervert.»

    I was about to ask but I wanted to wait and see if I could get some more input from other friends here. Then they came. I am not a native speaker and I’m here to learn, but FYI, the word pervert in Chinese is a very strong word meaning a man, usually who conducts abnormal behaviors to harass women, like a woman molester or a pedophile.

    • #8

    “He’s a lusty fellow/guy. All he thinks about is the next woman he’s going to get into bed”. It’s a bit old-fashioned and usually said in fun. :)


    • #9

    I think «pervert» is the wrong word to use there: it has distinct connotations of something nasty.

    For me, «lecherous» might work, or if you want something colloquial, «randy». :)


    • #11

    If you wanted to impress your English-speaking friends, you could say he was ‘concupiscent’.:)


    • #12

    If you want to sound neutral, i.e. not judgmental, you might say that «He has a strong sex-drive». I think «pervert» would give someone the wrong idea.

    But it depends who you’re talking to and how you feel about this person’s disposition. Do you approve or disapprove of him?
    Depending on the guy’s age, this may be very normal behaviour — certainly not perverted as far as I understand the word «lustful». Do you mean he forces himself on unwilling women or girls, Silver?


    • #13

    «Lustful» seems to be the leading word in the frequency contest of the Google Ngram Viewer.
    «Lusty»—although it clearly contains the word «lust»—is ambiguous, because it has other, nonsexual meanings:
    healthy, vigorous, hearty, robust, enthusiastic, rousing (that’s «rousing», not «arousing»;))—
    these are the synonyms given in my dictionary.


    • #14

    But it depends who you’re talking to and how you feel about this person’s disposition. Do you approve or disapprove of him?
    Depending on the guy’s age, this may be very normal behaviour — certainly not perverted as far as I understand the word «lustful». Do you mean he forces himself on unwilling women or girls, Silver?

    Thanks a lot, Veli, both for the help you’ve offered and your questions.

    First, I want to say «I’m totally disagree with such behaviors; I disapprove of him totally», I think respecting women is always ahead of other things, no matter what type of woman she is. I mean many men have the wrong impression that women like sex more than men do nowadays. I don’t think so. But I am talking about men now, they are always looking for sex everywhere. Massage parlors here are always for men. If you use APPs, you see porn pictures everywhere, also looking for sex. When talking with men, always sex. This really disagrees with me. I’m not saying that I don’t want or like sex, but just not like that.

    Second, I don’t mean «he forces himself on unwilling women», this to me, which is illegal and I might use «rape» or «molest» to describe, this is against the law here, and I believe everywhere.

    Always thinking of taking sexual advantage of women. I’d like to give you some examples:

    1)Some women like hanging out with friends in bars, sometimes they go alone and they drink too much and sleep on the ground, they become pick-ups.
    2)Using App to chat with girls and induce them to have sex.

    Anyway, I’m not a feminist but I think it’s just wrong to do so. So I used «lustful», I know the word is very «big», «full of lust», so I guess, in all probability, we don’t say in in our daily lives. Greyfriar’s suggestion is good, though. :)


    • #15

    «Lustful» sounds to me vaguely approving, in a vigorous, healthy 18th century way. Think Tom Jones, fornicating his way around England.

    Your friend seems to have no scruples at all when it comes to satisfying his sexual appetite. There must be more colloquial ways of saying that, but I’ll leave it to others.

    • #16

    … but that doesn’t make him a pervert. That would require stealing knickers from clothes lines, or more vile habits.

    :thumbsup::D I like this wording — vile habits.

    The fellow’s got a

    one-track mind

    . All he ever thinks of is sex.

    • #17

    I was about to ask but I wanted to wait and see if I could get some more input from other friends here. Then they came. I am not a native speaker and I’m here to learn, but FYI, the word pervert in Chinese is a very strong word meaning a man, usually who conducts abnormal behaviors to harass women, like a woman molester or a pedophile.

    Ciao Silver,

    same here.

    • #18

    Greyfriar I consider ‘pervert’ a bit overstated too.

    A pervert here in Italy is someone who subjugate people to satisfy his/her sexual-drives.

    Hope my explanation is clear.



    • #19

    In #13, I pointed out the high frequency of «lustful» in Google Books, but since then I have thought it sounds old-fashioned,
    harking back to a time when everyone agreed on which misdeeds constituted the Seven Deadly Sins.
    As velisarius (#15) suggested, perhaps the 18th century.
    In modern, non-slang, non-clinical language, I would describe that guy as over-sexed.

    Silverobama’s original question referred to a man who thinks about sex all the time.
    That’s one kind of person.
    Another kind talks about or alludes to sex frequently in speech.
    A third type acts on those sexual thoughts, forcing himself on women, etc.
    Maybe some of the terms cited above could be sorted out according to these three categories.

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2018

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