Is looting a word

When the Hindi word “loot” entered the English language in 1788 as a word for plunder and mayhem (as noted by the Oxford English Dictionary), it came into the language to serve an essentially racist function. It was meant to distinguish Europeans from non-Europeans the word’s “Eastern origin” was meant to denote an intrinsic inclination in “natives,” their fundamentally avaricious, unruly character, and which therefore required the brutal civilizing violence of European colonial masters. Europeans could engage in wholesale plunder in the colonies, but this was considered lawful cultural and economic activity, including the massive dispossession and forced migration of Asian and African art into European and American museums. Certainly, when artists and activists point out that Western museums are full of “loot,” they do so in order to strip away the facade of lawful “collecting” that underpins the legitimacy of museum collections.

But looting is not merely lawless or illegitimate activity — the racial character of the word rests in its relationship to the colonial idea that “natives” are unruly as they are without reason it is as such a word emptied of politics. This emptying out of politics from the word “looting” is vital to note. It denies the political consciousness of the oppressed, it denies the ability of the oppressed to form a critique of an oppressive and exploitative order, and it denies the right of the oppressed to take action on their own terms.

When Donald Trump tweeted on May 29 calling for violence against those looting, right in the midst of protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder, the message by the President of the United States was not simply unconscionably thoughtless; it must be regarded as a calculated deployment of the word “looting.We have seen in the days since how that word has triggered a massive militarized state response in many cities across the country protesting Floyd’s murder and the systemic and unrelenting violence against Black lives. In my own city of Providence, some “looting” has led to a nightly curfew, the National Guards have been called in, and helicopters are loudly encircling overhead for a second night in a row.

In this contemporary context, it’s important to understand “looting,” this Indian word in the English language, why it is being deployed here, and the work it has been doing for more than two centuries. To understand this word is to understand that a different set of words could yield very different people-centered responses to the urgent and necessary mandate of ending racism at the heart of the modern world. 

Here is an example of how the term was used in colonial India where it entered the lexicon of imperialism: When the Great Revolt of 1857 took place against the East India Company’s rule in India, one of the largest revolts of the 19th century against the British empire, it started with the mutiny of its Indian soldiers who were immediately called “looters and rapists.Imagery of Indian soldiers looting British residencies went viral in 19th-century terms, in that it became one of the most reproduced images of the revolt in circulation in Britain. This description of the revolt served to justify the extremely bloody reconquest of India that followed, and the denial that this was even a revolt. This refusal of the political consciousness of the people that rose up meant that the violence of imperial rule continued unchecked without substantial debate in Britain until antiracist and anti-colonial struggles rose again in the 20th century.

So here we are again. As the word “looting” fills the news channels and is driving the response of mayors and governors, we need to recognize the imperial racial history of this word. It is a denial of the politics of what is happening, and of the political consciousness of those engaged in not just civil protest, but also civil unrest. Indeed, this is a time of extraordinary precarity that has exposed the historic racial biases that shape poverty, hunger, policing, and death. The word looting prevents us from addressing the unrest as a rational, if angry, critique of this racial order. It prevents us from understanding and responding appropriately to what this is a revolt of the oppressed.

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1) Общая лексика: грабёж, мародёрство, незаконные доходы, разграбление

2) Юридический термин: грабеж, ограбление

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «looting» в других словарях:

  • looting — index burglary, foray, housebreaking, spoliation, theft Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • looting — 1842, verbal noun from LOOT (Cf. loot) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Looting — Plunder redirects here. For other uses, see Plunder (disambiguation). Ransack redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Ransack (Transformers). Looting (Hindi lūṭ, akin to Sanskrit luṭhati, [he] steals; also Latin latro, latronis thief… …   Wikipedia

  • Looting — Loot Loot, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Looted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Looting}.] To plunder; to carry off as plunder or a prize lawfully obtained by war. [1913 Webster] Looting parties . . . ransacking the houses. L. Oliphant. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • looting — noun The act of looting, the act of stealing during a general disturbance. During the looting the looters stole everything they could and then set fire to the buildings …   Wiktionary

  • looting — n. to engage in looting * * * [ luːtɪŋ] to engage in looting …   Combinatory dictionary

  • looting — noun Looting is used before these nouns: ↑spree …   Collocations dictionary

  • Looting (gaming) — Looting in a gaming context, specifically in massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) and MUDs, is the process by which a player character obtains items (or loot) such as in game currency, spells, equipment, or weapons, often from the corpse of …   Wikipedia

  • Looting of the Eastern Mausoleum — In the pre dawn hours of July 8, 1928, the warlord Sun Dianying led his army into the Eastern Mausoleums of the Qing Dynasty in Malanyu, West northwest of Zunhua, Hebei Province. This was the final resting place of the Qing emperors and empresses …   Wikipedia

  • looting — Synonyms and related words: assault, attack, banditry, battering, brigandage, brigandism, butchery, depredation, despoiling, despoilment, despoliation, direption, disorderliness, foraging, foray, forcible seizure, freebooting, killing, laying… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • looting — loot·ing || luːtɪŋ n. act of stealing and plundering luːt n. booty, spoil, plunder; money (Slang) v. plunder, rob and destroy, steal, despoil …   English contemporary dictionary

Asked by: Dr. Missouri Maggio

Score: 4.8/5
(38 votes)

Looting is the act of stealing, or the taking of goods by force, in the midst of a military, political, or other social crisis, such as war, natural disasters, or rioting.

What does looting mean in slang?

Slang. money: You’ll have a fine time spending all that loot. the act of looting or plundering: to take part in the loot of a conquered city. (in a video game) valuable items that can be claimed from a defeated enemy or cache: I was hoping for new armor, but this loot was pretty disappointing. SEE MORE.

What does looting mean in real life?

Looting. Looting also referred to as sacking, plundering, despoiling, despoliation, and pillaging—is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory, or during a catastrophe, such as during war, natural disaster, or rioting.

Is looting illegal?

In Penal Code 463 PC, California law defines the crime of looting as taking advantage of a state of emergency to commit burglary, grand theft or petty theft. Looting can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony and is punishable by up to 3 years in jail.

What does looted mean on TikTok?

On TikTok, ‘looted’ is another word for ‘drippy’ or ‘drip’. If someone looks ‘drip’ or ‘drippy’, it means their style is very fashionable or sexy. So, if someone is ‘looted’, it means they have good style, fashion sense and are cool.

39 related questions found

What is the difference between looting and stealing?

Key Difference: Stealing generally refers to the activity to take away belongings of the other without permission or legal right, whereas looting is a kind of stealing typically during a war, riot, etc. People tend to secure their valuables in order to keep them away from the eyes of thieves.

What means looted?

looted; looting; loots. Definition of loot (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to plunder or sack in war. b : to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption.

What is purloin mean?

steal, pilfer, filch, purloin mean to take from another without right or without detection. steal may apply to any surreptitious taking of something and differs from the other terms by commonly applying to intangibles as well as material things.

What is purloin and example?

Purloin is to steal. When you steal your cousin’s shoes, this is an example of a time when you purloin the shoes. verb. 1. To steal; filch.

What does sanguinary mean in English?

1 : bloodthirsty, murderous sanguinary hatred. 2 : attended by bloodshed : bloody this bitter and sanguinary war— T. H. D. Mahoney. 3 : consisting of blood a sanguinary stream.

What does looted up mean?

Loot is right up there with booty and swag in the family of words for stolen or pillaged things. When used as a verb, loot refers to the act of stealing, like when an angry mob loots the local grocery store during a riot.

Does looting give more XP?

Do looting and fortune give more xp? No. There is no mechanic in vanilla Minecraft that changes the amount of XP you get.

What is the penalty for looting?

Felony looting can lead to up to three years in county jail, up to $10,000 in fines, and up to 240 hours of ordered community service. Unless a judge decides a jail sentence is not justifiable, anyone convicted of looting by burglary or grand theft serves a minimum of 180 days in county jail.

Where did the word loot come from?

The roots of “loot” lie in Anglo-Indian, the argot that developed during the British colonization of the Indian subcontinent. In the language of Hindi, known in colonial times as Hindustani, “lut” referred to the spoils of war pillaged from an enemy.

Which mobs give the most XP?

Top 10 Minecraft Most XP Mob (Minecraft Highest XP Mobs)

  • Blaze. …
  • Evoker. …
  • Guardian. …
  • Baby Zombie.
  • Baby Pig Zombie. …
  • The Ravager. The Ravager is a pretty new enemy in Minecraft. …
  • The Wither. The Wither is one of two bosses in the game. …
  • The Ender Dragon. The Ender Dragon is probably exactly what you were expecting at number 1.

What does fortune do on an AXE?

Fortune on axe will give you more benefits. It will help you collect items like seeds and saplings. It will also help increase the total drops while farming. Fortune on axe increases the drop chances of apples and will help you get more melons from a watermelon.

What ore gives the most XP?

Diamond ores in Minecraft drop the most experience points (up to seven) than any other ore.

What does drop loot mean?

People Are Roasting Themselves By Imagining What Items They’d Drop In A Video Game. … In some games (say Paper Mario), it’s a bit more covert, with the items popping up in menu bars, but in first-person shooters or RPGs like Skyrim, you’ll actually physically loot the corpse of your enemy.

How did looting affect the economy?

The effect of the looting is evident on small and big businesses as well as the economy, increasing unemployment and making it difficult for businesses to recover from their losses. However, there are ripple effects which are not as clear. These include those on the health sector, and by extension the vaccine roll out.

What does Conventicle meaning?

Conventicle comes to us from Latin conventiculum and ultimately from convenire, meaning «to assemble.» Conventiculum means «place of assembly» (it was applied in particular to Roman Christian meetinghouses) or simply «assembly.» The English «conventicle» also originally meant «assembly.» It then developed an …

What is another word for sanguinary?

The words bloody and gory are common synonyms of sanguinary. While all three words mean «affected by or involving the shedding of blood,» sanguinary applies especially to something attended by, or someone inclined to, bloodshed.

What is the difference between sanguine and sanguinary?

Sanguine means “reddish,” “bloody,” or “healthy,” as in a sanguine complexion. Sanguine also means “cheerfully confident or optimistic.” Sanguinary means “bloodthirsty” or “accompanied by bloodshed.”

looting — перевод на русский


As you alteady got yout loot, might as well fotget it.

Вы уже получили свою добычу, давайте все забудем.

Where’d you hide the loot, Malloy?

Так где ты спрятал добычу, Моллой?

Loot recovered, sir.

Получили добычу, сэр.

When they started to pile up the loot from the battles… My heart ached.

Когда они добычу свою привезли, у меня чуть сердце не разорвалось!

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We ought to be tending to the business of looting ships.

Мы должны заняться своим делом — грабить корабли.

Looting is strictly forbidden !

Грабить строжайше запрещаю! Ясно?

Here to loot us again?

Вернулся, чтобы снова грабить нас?

They used their superior weapons to loot and murder.

Они использовали превосходящую силу своего оружия, чтобы грабить и убивать.

— Why? Why do you have to go around killing and looting all the time?

Зачем вам постоянно грабить и убивать?

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Looting, burning!

Мародерство, пожары.

— I’m arresting him for looting.

— Он арестован за мародерство.

The television said they started looting.

По телевизору сказали, уже началось мародерство.

Served briefly in the second gulf war before being Dishonorably discharged for looting.

Служил во время второй войны в заливе, до того как был с позором уволен за мародёрство.

They’ve seen the New Orleans police On the news for looting, for beating on people, For the Danziger bridge shootings.

Они видели репортажи о полиции Нового Орлеана в новостях: мародёрство, избиение граждан, стрельба на мосту Дэнзигер.

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Another thing, there’ll be looting and worse.

И еще одна вещь. Скоро начнутся грабежи и другие вещи похуже.

It’s the looting.

А я говорю, грабежи!

It’s the looting!

Нет, грабежи!

I suggested it might be the looting.

Я предположил, что, вероятно… – Грабежи.

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Him and his rat pack, they think they own the earth… riding around in their white chariots raping and looting… and wearing cuffs on their sleeves.

Он и его кодла думают, что они хозяева на Земле. Разъезжают на белых колымагах, насилуют и мародерствуют. С манжетами на рукавах.

People are looting now?

Люди уже мародёрствуют?

What do you think those people are doing, surviving or looting?

Что эти люди по-твоему делают — выживают или мародёрствуют?

What do you think these people are doing, looting or surviving?

Что эти люди по-твоему делают — мародёрствуют или выживают?

Well, they’re looting.

Мародёрствуют. — Ну конечно.

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I know. They’re trying to loot the town.

— Знаю, они хотели ограбить город.

It’s identical to the one where he hides his loot.

Этот сейф точно такой же, как тот. что вам нужно ограбить.

It’s people grabbing any excuse they can find… to go and loot a store, nothing more.

Эти люди могут найти любое оправдание,… чтобы пойти и ограбить магазин.

You know, people in some parts of the country have been known to loot the local stores.

Вы знаете, люди в некоторых частях страны воспользовались ситуацией, чтобы ограбить местные магазины.

Now remember, before convening at the battle, this party has a quest to loot the temple of Syrinx which needeth completion, so…

Теперь напоминаю, перед участием в битве, ваша партия должна ограбить храм. И возможно…

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Some melancholy burglars give back their loot.

Некоторые грабители возвращают награбленное.

Flint’s secret trove was never found but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy stowed with riches beyond imagination… the loot of a thousand worlds

Никто точно не знал, где Флинт хранил награбленное, но ходили слухи, что он прятал все… в самом далёком и недосягаемом уголке галактики… Планета хранящая несметные богатства, сокровища тысячи миров…

The loot of a thousand worlds?

Награбленное в тысячах миров?

He’s going to make the usual mistakes getting back the hidden loot.

Так что он наделает обычных ошибок, когда станет забирать награбленное.

Are we gonna find the loot?

Мы что, надеемся найти награбленное?

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Years ago, they burned and looted a town of 3000 people.

Годы назад, они сожгли и разграбили город, в котором жило 3000 человек.

…and we’ve seen all these cronies from Wall Street, with the combination to the vaults around the country and they’ve just looted the Treasury and the banks and, and the securities industry dry.

… и мы видели всех этих друзей с Уолл-Стрит, с комбинациями к сейфам хранилищ, по всей стране, и они просто подчистую разграбили Казначейство и банки, и индустрию ценных бумаг.

But nazis looted it in world war ii.

Но нацисты разграбили ее во Второй Мировой.

Led by Roaring Dan Seavey, these brigands looted the Avalon, absconding with several crates of artifacts and claiming the life of Agent David Wolcott.

Ограблен Ревущим Дэном Сиви. эти разбойники разграбили Авалон Взяв с собой несколько ящиков артефактов и покончили с агентом Дэвидом Волкоттом.

Robbers broke into your home, they looted the place, and shot you.

Грабители ворвались в ваш дом, разграбили его. И застрелили вас.

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Our synagogues were looted to send him on his crusades.

Наши синагоги были разграблены, а деньги ушли на крестовый поход.

Within a week, 40 horses stolen 20 coaches burnt, 2 churches looted the salt barn emptied, the Langeals home pillaged!

В течение недели украдено 40 лошадей, сожжено 20 карет. Две церкви разграблены. Солевые амбары пусты.

Each one has been looted.

Они все были разграблены.

So many stores have been looted, people are desperate for the essentials.

Поскольку многие магазины были разграблены, люди отчаянно нуждаются в самом необходимом.

I know some places that haven’t been looted.

Я знаю несколько мест, которые не были разграблены.

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-That’s a lot of loot.

— Это куча денег.

This guy’s got an ass full of loot that he’s ready to dump in our cars.

У него полно денег, и он готов погрузить их в наши машины.

And he realizes this is a way to make a ton of loot.

И он понял, что это путь как заработать кучу денег.

The master had said how they was worth a lot of loot.

Хозяин говорил, что они стоят кучу денег.

Then he goes and hides the loot under a stone.

А потом он взял и спрятал деньги под камень.

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‘Experts’ Want You to Stop Using the Word ‘Looting’ to Describe Robberies in San Francisco

I AGREE! Just not for the same reason. I want to stop using the term because I stick to definitions. It’s all about race for these so-called “experts.”

Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 12:00pm

Our dear Leslie has kept us updated on the pillaging in San Francisco. The local police department described the crimes as “looting.”

Supposed “experts” told ABC 7 News Bay Area the police and people should stop using the word “looting.” Race and Social Justice reporter Julian Glover said the “experts” want this to change since the crimes in question appear to be organized “smash and grab robberies.”

Here’s the thing. I agree they shouldn’t use the word “looting” because of the definition in the California Penal Code.

Looting in the penal code: “theft or burglary…during a ‘state of emergency’, ‘local emergency’, or ‘evacuation order’ resulting from an earthquake, fire, flood, riot or other natural or manmade disaster.”

Also, if you watch the videos, you can tell these people coordinated the robberies. I don’t think this is looting at all. They planned out the robberies.

HOWEVER! This has nothing to do with linguistics. The left always twists definitions to fit their narrative. For example, they are not liberal or progressive!

This has everything to do with them making it about race because that’s their ride or die.

You know what? These experts assume the robbers are black:

To some, the distinction may be small, but Lorenzo Boyd, PhD, Professor of Criminal Justice & Community Policing at the University of New Haven, and a retired veteran police officer, emphasized that words matter.

“Looting is a term that we typically use when people of color or urban dwellers are doing something. We tend not to use that term for other people when they do the exact same thing,” said Boyd.

To be clear, we don’t know the identities or races of the majority of the thieves involved in this crime wave.

Glover brings up Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal because of local protests. I guess people have connected the acquittal with the robberies?

Boyd said: “These types of massive, organized smash and grabs were happening before the Rittenhouse situation, because it happens cyclically. It’s a false equivalency. It’s people trying to politicize crime.”

Um, no one is trying to politicize the crime. Anyone who has followed San Francisco’s downfall (and you would if you read Leslie’s articles!) you would think it was just another day ending in “y” in the Bay Area.

Another person equated looting and race:

Martin Reynolds, Co-executive director of the Robert C. Maynard Institute of Journalism Education thinks back to Hurricane Katrina, when largely Black New Orleans residents were labeled looters for crimes of survival – stealing water, food, and supplies before federal government aid arrived.

“This seems like it’s an organized smash and grab robbery. This doesn’t seem like looting. We’re thinking of scenarios where first responders are completely overwhelmed. And folks, often may be on their own,” he said.

Both experts expressed the importance of media literacy for viewers to critically think about the language used by public officials and the media as we all try to make sense of these complex issues our society is facing.

“People draw their own conclusions, if the terminologies that you use are tethered to people’s understanding of how they have been used in the past,” said Reynolds.

Hurricane Katrina happened in Louisiana. The state’s penal code defines looting the same way as California. So I’m glad Reynolds gave us a perfect example of looting!

The dictionary has a broad definition of looting going by the word “loot.” The essential meaning of loot: “something that is stolen or taken by force.”

One example includes a war scenario. The second example: “The thieves got a lot of loot in the robbery.”

I have a crazy idea. How about we remain consistent and stick to the definitions no matter how we identify politically?


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грабеж, мародерство


- грабёж
- мародёрство; разграбление (городов и т. п.)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The soldiers were looting every house that they came to.

Солдаты грабили каждый дом, который им попадался.

Soldiers swept through the territory, looting, burning, and killing.

Солдаты пронеслись по этой территории, грабя, сжигая и убивая.

The citywide blackouts caused anarchic looting and rioting.

Общегородские отключения электроэнергии стали причиной стихийных грабежей и беспорядков.

Возможные однокоренные слова

loot  — добыча, награбленное, ограбление, грабить, уносить добычу, погромить
looter  — мародер, грабитель

Not long after NPR’s first stories about the Haiti earthquake started appearing, listeners complained about hearing the word «looting.»

«The use of the term ‘looting’ for people desperate to survive is, frankly, insulting,» wrote RJ Bourn of New York City. «It implies widespread opportunism for the sake of gain rather than horrifying hunger, thirst and medical need.»

Another wrote: «The action of securing essential survival food and water during the life and death chaos of a natural disaster is not ‘looting’, it is human need,» said Barbara Goldfeder of Nahcotta, WA.

This is a tough one. What the listeners say makes sense, but it is also true that looting has taken place in Haiti.

«There is nothing pejorative about the word ‘loot,’ » said Didi Schanche, the foreign editor handling Haiti coverage. «There are indeed people who are taking food and water as and where they can find it as a matter of survival, and we’ve mentioned them. But there is nothing eleemosynary about guys taking off with three televisions strapped onto the back of a motorcycle. We use ‘loot’ as it’s defined.»

[Cambridge Online Dictionary definition of looting.]

In every large-scale disaster, no matter where it is, the social codes that allow us to live peacefully often break down when people are tired, hungry, hurt and frustrated. Haiti is no different.

Looting is taking place and NPR should report it, but the issue is one of proportion — how much looting is taking place, how often, where? Why is it being done? What is being taken? And is that the only story that NPR is telling?

In an online commentary on, Anita L. Allen of the University of Pennsylvania Law School wrote: «Taking diapers, infant formula, food and flashlight batteries is a kind of self-help humanitarian relief morality surely allows. Who could let their child or grandmother go hungry in a catastrophic emergency not of one’s own making simply to preserve the ethical rule against stealing?»

So as a moral, if not a legal, issue, it depends on what is being taken and for what reason. In Haiti, based on NPR’s reporting, many people are taking what’s not theirs for humanitarian reasons but some are also taking advantage of the instability. Both reasons need to be reported carefully, sensitively and in context. Here’s NPR’s Haiti coverage.

Wednesday night, All Things Considered led with a piece by Jason Beaubien on how panic and looting, a week after the quake, are escalating. But of the five Haiti stories tentatively slated for news shows on Thursday, not one has to do with looting.

Richter Scale:

Another listener, Mark Powell, insists that in reporting on any earthquake, the phrase «Richter Scale» is no longer operable. It has been replaced by the «Moment Magnitude Scale,» he said.

«The listener is correct,» said Christopher Joyce, a correspondent on the Science Desk. «We use ‘magnitude.’ Richter is obsolete.»

Overall, NPR policy is to avoid using the term Richter Scale, but it has slipped in. On Wednesday, substitute host Rebecca Roberts on Talk of the Nation used the words «Richter Scale,» but then her guest pointed out that the term is outdated.

ROBERTS: Which also gets to the question of — the Richter Scale is not a steady incremental scale, it’s an exponential scale? Can you…

HARRIS: That’s true. Yeah.

ROBERTS: …just explain that a little bit?

HARRIS: Yeah. They — basically, each point on the magnitude scale, they don’t say Richter anymore. That’s sort of a little outmoded but…


NPR also relies on the Associated Press stylebook, which advises:

Earthquake magnitudes are measures of earthquake size calculated from ground motion recorded on seismographs. The Richter scale, named for Dr. Charles F. Richter, is no longer widely used.

Magnitudes are usually reported simply as magnitude 6.7, for example, without specifying the scale being used. The various scales differ only slightly from one another.

In the first hours after a quake, earthquake size should be reported as a preliminary magnitude of 6.7, for example. Early estimates are often revised, and it can be several days before seismologists calculate a final figure.

Magnitudes are measured on several different scales. The most commonly used measure is the moment magnitude, related to the area of the fault on which an earthquake occurs, and the amount the ground slips


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