Is loafing a word

  • 1
    слоняющийся баз дела

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > слоняющийся баз дела

  • 2
    выгульный двор

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выгульный двор

  • 3
    беспривязное содержание скота

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > беспривязное содержание скота

  • 4
    выгульная площадка

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выгульная площадка

  • 5
    коровник для отдыха коров

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > коровник для отдыха коров

  • 6
    навес для отдыха коров

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > навес для отдыха коров

  • 7
    навес для отдыха коров при беспривязном содержании

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > навес для отдыха коров при беспривязном содержании

  • 8
    социальная леность

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > социальная леность

  • 9
    социальная лень

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > социальная лень

  • 10

    МОЁ (твоё, ваше и т. п.) ДЕЛО


    these forms only


    with быть» (




    это or


    ) or



    1. it concerns me (you


    ), the decision is mine (yours


    ): that’s my (your


    ) business (concern, affair)

    ift my (your


    ) choice
    that’s up to me (you


    (2nd and 3rd persons only) have it your (own) way (let him have it his (own) way


    (when addressed to the hearer) as you wish
    suit yourself (-selves).



    HE МОЁ (не твоё и т. п.) ДЕЛО (




    (with 2nd and 3rd persons, often used to express a flat refusal to tell

    s.o. sth.

    or allow


    to interfere in some matter) it does not concern me (you


    ): ift (that’s) none of my (your


    ) business

    ift (that’s) no concern of mine (yours


    ift (that’s) not my (your


    ) concern
    that’s (ift) got nothing to do with me (you


    what’s that (it) to me (to you



    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-114

  • 11
    мое дело



    ; these forms only;


    with быть (




    это or


    ) or

    indep. sent



    1. it concerns me (you


    ), the decision is mine (yours


    ): that’s my (your


    ) business (concern, affair); it’s my (your


    ) choice; that’s up to me (you


    ); [2nd and 3rd persons only] have it your (own) way (let him have it his (own) way


    ); [when addressed to the hearer]

    as you wish; suit yourself (-selves).

    ♦ То, что я пишу о себе, — дело мое. Но пишу и о других, а это не только моё дело (Орлова 1). What I write about myself is my own affair. But what I write about others is not just my affair alone (1a).

    ♦ «Зачем мне говорить с народом? Мне с начальством поговорить надо»… — «Дело ваше… Только я думаю, с народом поговорить никогда не мешает» (Войнович 2). «Why should I talk with the people? I need to talk with my superiors.»…»It’s up to you….It’s just that I think it never hurts to have a talk with the people» (2a).

    ♦ [Платонов:] Не дадите руки, юноша? [Венгерович 2:] Я не подаю милостыни. [Платонов:] Не подаёте? Ваше дело… (Чехов 1). [P.:] So you won’t shake hands, boy? [V.:] I don’t feel all that charitable. [P:] So you won’t shake hands? Have it your own way (1b).

    ♦ «Я в проигрыше, и я кончаю», — сказал он… «Ваше дело», — ответил Коля (Искандер 3). «I’m the loser, and I quit,» he said….»As you wish,» Kolya replied (3a).



    НЕ МОЕ (не твоё и т. п.) ДЕЛО [





    (with 2nd and 3rd persons, often used to express a flat refusal to tell

    s.o. sth.

    or allow


    to interfere in some matter) it does not concern me (you



    it’s (that’s) none of my (your etc) business;

    it’s (that’s) no concern of mine (yours etc);

    it’s (that’s) not my (your etc) concern;

    that’s (it’s) got nothing to do with me (you etc);

    what’s that (it) to me (to you etc)?

    ♦ [Клещ:] А ты слезай с печи-то да убирай квартиру… чего нежишься? [Актёр:] Это дело не твоё… [Клещ:] А вот Василиса придет — она тебе покажет, чьё дело… (Горький: 3). [К.:] You’d better come down off the stove and clean the place up — You’ve been loafing up there long enough. [A.:] That’s none of your business. [K.:] Wait till Vassilissa comes in-she’ll show you whose business it is (3b).

    ♦ За три года тюрьмы Таджихон всё ещё не привыкла к тому, что забота о народном хозяйстве страны теперь не её дело (Гинзбург 1). After three years in prison she [Tadjikhon] had not yet got used to the idea that the nation’s economy was no longer her concern (1a).

    ♦…Он [Очкин] взял в руки бутылку с остатками вина и повертел её в руках. «Тут на двоих уж, считай, ничего не осталось», — сказал он и с надеждой посмотрел на Николая. «Не твоё дело», — грубо сказал Николай… (Войнович 5). Ochkin picked up the bottle with what was left of the wine, turning it back and forth in his hands. «Look, there’s not enough left there for two,» he said, looking hopefully over at Nikolai. «What’s it to you,» said Nikolai crudely… (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > мое дело

  • 12
    склонность лениться при коллективной работе

    Russian-english psychology dictionary > склонность лениться при коллективной работе

  • 13
    социальная леность

    Russian-english psychology dictionary > социальная леность

  • 14

    1. () swaying, reeling; (

    : ) hesitation; vacillation

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > шатание

  • 15

    1) swaying, reclining (качание); hesitation перен. (колебание)

    2) разг. roaming, loafing (ходьба без цели)

    * * *

    * * *

    swaying, reclining; hesitation vacillation

    * * *









    Новый русско-английский словарь > шатание

  • 16


    swaying, reeling

    roaming, loafing, hanging about, hanging around

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > шатание

  • 17


    1) swaying, reeling; hesitation; vacillation



    roaming, loafing; hanging about / around

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > шатание

  • 18

    1) to take a walk/a stroll

    3) to be idle; to loaf/to lounge about/around

    он то́лько и де́лает, что гуля́ет — all he does is loafing/lounging around

    4) to make merry; to have a good time; to be on the spree

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > гулять

  • 19


    в знач сказ

    мне не́когда — I have no time

    не́когда прохлажда́ться — there’s no time for loafing



    Русско-английский учебный словарь > некогда

  • 20

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > бездельничающий

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • loafing — loaf ing n. having no employment; being idle intentionally. Syn: idleness, idling. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • loafing — index indolent, remiss Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • Loafing — Loaf Loaf, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Loafed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Loafing}.] [G. laufen to run, Prov. G. loofen. See {Leap}.] To spend time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about. Loafing vagabonds. W. Black. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Loafing (ice hockey) — Loafing, Floating, or cherry picking in ice hockey is when a player, the floater (usually a forward), literally loafs spends time in idleness [cite news url = http://www.m title = loaf | publisher = Merriam Webster Online… …   Wikipedia

    • Loafing and Camouflage — Infobox Film name = Loafing and Camouflage director = Nikos Perakis producer = Nikos Perakis writer = Nikos Perakis music = Nicos Mamangakis starring = distributor = released = runtime = 99 min language = Greek budget = followed by = BIOS kai… …   Wikipedia

    • loafing barn — noun or loafing shed : a barn or shed for cattle in which they range at will on a heavy bedding of straw rather than occupy fixed stanchions …   Useful english dictionary

    • loafing shed — noun see loafing barn …   Useful english dictionary

    • loafing — (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Doing nothing useful] Syn. rambling, worthless, futile; see lazy 1 . 2. [Ostensibly employed, but wasting time] Syn. slacking, shirking, evading, letting up, slowing down, slowing up, putting in time, apathetic,… …   English dictionary for students

    • loafing — n. idling, dawdling ləʊf n. mass of bread which is shaped into a rectangular or rounded form and baked in one piece; mass of chopped meat or other food that has been shaped into a rectangular or rounded form; head (British Slang) v. idle,… …   English contemporary dictionary

    • loafing — Idling; avoiding work; loitering. See vagrancy …   Ballentine’s law dictionary

    • loafing — noun having no employment • Syn: ↑idleness, ↑idling • Derivationally related forms: ↑idle (for: ↑idling), ↑idle (for: ↑idleness) …   Useful english dictionary

    Definitions For Loafing


    • Having no employment
    • An amount of bread that has been baked in a long, round, or square shape
    • A dish made from foods (such as chopped meat, eggs, and seasoning) that are pressed together, shaped, and usually baked


    • To spend time relaxing instead of working

    English International (SOWPODS)

    Points in Different Games


    Words with Friends

    The word Loafing is worth 11 points in Scrabble and 14 points in Words with Friends

    Examples of Loafing in a Sentence

    • Slicing a loaf of bread
    • I spent most of the weekend just loafing around the house.
    • The kind of sultry August afternoon that makes you just want to loaf

    Synonyms for Loafing

    бездельничающий, слоняющийся баз дела


    - буханка, каравай; булка, батон; буханка хлеба
    - диал. хлеб
    - = sugar loaf голова сахару
    - кочан (капусты)
    - бездельничанье, ничегонеделание


    - проводить время в безделье; бездельничать; зря терять время; заниматься пустяками; слоняться; шататься без дела (тж. loaf about)
    - образовать кочан (о капусте, салате и т. п.)

    Мои примеры


    loafing area — выгульная площадка; выгульный двор  
    loafing shed — навес для отдыха коров при беспривязном содержании  
    loafing yard — выгульный двор  

    Примеры с переводом

    They spend all day loafing around on street corners.

    Целыми днями они слоняются по улицам.

    I spent most of the weekend just loafing around the house.

    Большую часть выходных я просто слонялся по дому.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    loaf  — буханка, голова, каравай, булка, кочан, бездельничать, слоняться, шататься
    loafer  — бездельник, лодырь, бродяга, мягкий кожаный ботинок

    For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

    The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

    Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

    Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

    Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Well, love is a very loaded word.

    Alchemy is a loaded word, but in some ways, what we are studying is like modern alchemy — efficiently transforming carbon dioxide to more valuable fuels and chemicals is akin to trying to convert lead to gold.

    Алхимия — это громкое слово, но в некотором смысле то, что мы изучаем, подобно современной алхимии — эффективное преобразование углекислого газа в более ценное топливо и химические вещества сродни попытке превратить свинец в золото», — сказал Розенталь.

    The word «education» is a loaded word.

    This last sentence introduces a loaded word that will feature regularly in this book, namely ‘neoliberalism’.

    В последнем предложении вводится теоретически нагруженный термин, который будет регулярно появляться на страницах этой книги, — «неолиберализм».

    It is a loaded word and is too often used in the wrong context.

    Это выражение очень заезжено и часто употребляется в неправильном контексте.

    There are lots of things that claim to be recyclable; it is a meaningless and loaded word.

    Есть много вещей, которые утверждают, что они подлежат вторичной переработке; это бессмысленное и загруженное слово.

    Nowadays feminism is a loaded word.

    Step 4: It’s a loaded word

    «Normal» is a loaded word, of course, and it has been misused throughout history.

    Слово «нормальный» перегружено значением, к тому же, им злоупотребляли на протяжении всей истории.

    I prefer not to use the word «supernatural» to express this element, because it is a loaded word which can carry a variety of connotations.

    Я предпочитаю не использовать слово «сверхъестественное» для выражения этого элемента, поскольку это слово обременено значимостью, которая может иметь различный подтекст.

    When used to describe political rhetoric, an individual or a political party, the term often carries pejorative connotations, and «populism» has become a loaded word to many people.

    Когда используется для описания политической риторики, индивида или политической партии, этот термин часто носит уничижительные коннотации, а «популизм» стал для многих распространенным словом.

    The politically loaded word «privatize» appears nowhere.

    Политического смысла в громогласном объявлении «приватизации» не просматривается.

    ‘Natural’ is a loaded word.

    Perhaps something has occurred in the history of the concept of structure that could be called an «event,» if this loaded word did not entail a meaning which it is precisely the function of structural-or structuralist-thought to reduce or to suspect.

    Вероятно, в истории понятия «структура» произошло нечто такое, что можно было бы назвать «событием», если только не вкладывать в это слово смысл, который структурная — или структуралистская — установка как раз и стремится либо редуцировать, либо поставить под сомнение.

    It’s striking how such an emotionally loaded word, one that undergoes almost no change at all for the first thousand years of its use in the English language, can almost overnight come to mean something so very different, eclipsing its original intent in its entirety.

    Поразительно, как столь эмоционально нагруженное слово, не претерпевшее почти никаких изменений в первое тысячелетие своего существования в английском языке, смогло внезапно получить новое значение, полностью затмившее первоначальный смысл.

    Language, as it is, has no political orientation, either «right» or «left», assert linguists Lars Melin and Mikael Parkvall in their book ‘The loaded word«.

    Язык по сути своей не имеет политической ориентированности — ни «правой», ни «левой», — указывают лингвисты Ларс Мелин и Микаэль Паркваль в книге «Заряженное слово».

    Socialism is a loaded word in the United States — a country where capitalism is the prevailing economic system and the basis for the system of government.

    Социализм-это веское слово в Соединенных Штатах, стране, где капитализм является определение системы.

    The medical profession has used this word in the medical litearature and introduced it into the media deliberately, in order to manipulate how people see others, and have encouraged the use of a judgementally loaded word, to be used and make incorrect inferences in this situation.

    Медики использовали это слово в медицинской литературе и стали применять его в СМИ сознательно, для того чтобы манипулировать тем, как одни люди видят других, и поощряли использование этого слова с обвинительным значением, чтобы его использование способствовало в этой ситуации неправильным выводам.

    In a widely published commentary last weekend, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz wrote that Carter’s «use of the loaded word ‘apartheid,’ suggesting an analogy to the hated policies of South Africa, is especially outrageous.»

    В широко растиражированном в прошлые выходные комментарии профессор Гарварда Алан Дершорвиц написал, что использование Картером «сильного слова«апартеид», проводящего аналогии с политикой ненависти в ЮАР, особенно возмутительно».

    Well, love is a very loaded word.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 26. Точных совпадений: 26. Затраченное время: 43 мс


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    Definitions of loafing

    1. noun

      having no employment

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘loafing’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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    loaf 1


    n. pl. loaves (lōvz)

    1. A shaped mass of bread baked in one piece.

    2. A shaped, usually rounded or oblong, mass of food: veal loaf.

    [Middle English lof, from Old English hlāf, from Proto-Germanic *hlaibaz, perhaps from the same European substrate source as Greek klībanos, krībanos, earthen vessel for baking, tandoor.]

    Word History: Loaf, lord, and lady are closely related words that testify to bread’s fundamental importance in the Middle Ages. Curiously, though bread was a staple food in many Indo-European cultures, loaf and its cognates occur only in the Germanic languages, and lord and lady only in English. Loaf derives from Old English hlāf, «bread, loaf of bread,» related to Gothic hlaifs, Old Norse hleifr, and Modern German Laib, all of which mean «loaf of bread.» Hlāf survives in Lammas, originally Hlāfmaesse, «Loaf-Mass,» the Christian Feast of the First Fruits, traditionally celebrated on August 1. Lord comes from Old English hlāford, a compound meaning «loaf-ward, keeper of bread,» because a lord maintains and feeds his household and offers hospitality. Similarly, lady derives from Old English hlǣfdige, which became lady by 1382. The -dige comes from dæge, «kneader,» and is related to our dough. A lady, therefore, is «a kneader of bread, a breadmaker.» Lord and lady both retain vestiges of their original meanings, although England’s aristocrats have not been elbow deep in flour, let alone dough, for several centuries.

    loaf 2


    intr.v. loafed, loaf·ing, loafs

    To pass time at leisure; idle.

    [Probably back-formation from loafer.]

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    loafing is an acceptable dictionary word for games like scrabble, words with friends, crossword, etc.

    The word ‘loafing’ is made up of 7 letters.


    • (n) having no employment


    Using the word ‘loafing’ in Scrabble will fetch you 11 points while using it in Words with Friends will fetch you 14 points (without taking into consideration the effect of any multipliers).

    Check out the Anagrams of loafing

    Check out the Words which can be formed using the letters of loafing

    Words Ending With ‘loafing’

    There is 1 word which ends with ‘loafing

    Words Starting With ‘loafing’

    There is 1 word which starts with ‘loafing

    Words Containing ‘loafing’

    There is 1 word which contains ‘loafing

    Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘loafing’

    Info Details
    Points in Scrabble for loafing 11
    Points in Words with Friends for loafing 14
    Number of Letters in loafing 7
    More info About loafing loafing
    List of Words Starting with loafing Words Starting With loafing
    List of Words Ending with loafing Words Ending With loafing
    List of Words Containing loafing Words Containing loafing
    List of Anagrams of loafing Anagrams of loafing
    List of Words Formed by Letters of loafing Words Created From loafing
    loafing Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
    loafing Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
    loafing Definition at Dictionary Click Here
    loafing Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
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    • unLove


    from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

    • noun having no employment; being idle intentionally.

    from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

    • verb Present participle of loaf.

    from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

    • noun having no employment


    Sorry, no etymologies found.


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    • Every single day I see him on television as either traveling, vacationing, making commercials or just plain loafing.

      What Obama’s reading on the Vineyard

    • When it was suggested that fourteen or fifteen hours ‘work per day could scarcely be called loafing, he replied, «Well, for fifteen years I have worked on an average twenty hours a day.»

      The True Citizen, How to Become One

    • He hates to see a big, fat word loafing around with nothing to do, so he throws one in occasionally for exercise, I guess.


    • As for the stale bread «loafing» around your bread bin — you crack me up :D

      At My Table

    • Its slogan: «Shame to the loafer and the drunkard» associates alcohol abuse with unproductiveness «loafing«.

      Making the History of 1989

    • Our original arrangement, before coming out to join the Smithsons, was that the time should be spent in camping, boating, «loafing,» and shooting.

      A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil

    • What Edison in Florida speaks of as «loafing» would be for most of us extreme and healthy activity in the cooler Far North.

      Edison, His Life and Inventions

    • And he was beginning to understand the joys of «loafing,» — so much so indeed that he felt a certain sympathy with the lazy varlet who prefers to stroll aimlessly about the country begging his bread rather than do a stroke of honest work.

      The Treasure of Heaven A Romance of Riches

    • They were simply idling about the beach and «loafing,» as if they had nothing particular to do but gossip with each other as to what meant the outlandish creatures, who had invaded their territory.

      The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land

    • But even when «loafing» as he was this evening, Condy could not rid himself of the thought and recollection of his novel; resting or writing, it haunted him.


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