Is lifetime all one word

There are many words in English that mean a long time. One could speak of forever, an eternity, an infinity, or a lifetime. Interestingly, all of these words are frequently used figuratively to describe even short durations where nothing interesting is happening, like in the phrase this is taking forever. It would seem English speakers are not a patient group.

Regarding lifetime, should you use it as one word, or as two separate words, as life time? You may have seen both versions in your reading.

The answer is simple and involves the process in English that shortens multi-word phrases into single words for easier use.

In lifetime one word? In this post, I will compare lifetime vs. life time and outline which variation you should use in your writing.

Plus, I will also show you a helpful mnemonic device that makes choosing either lifetime or life time simple

When to Use Lifetime

lifetime versus life time What does lifetime mean? Lifetime is a noun. It means the span of time beginning when a person is born and ending when the person dies. Since some people live longer than others, it is not an exact measurement.

Lifetime is often used figuratively to describe an inordinate length of time, especially if whatever is happening during it is not terribly interesting.

Here are some examples,

  • “This seminar is taking a lifetime,” said a bored attendee. (Figurative)
  • Ghandi spent a lifetime spreading liberty and civil rights wherever he went. (Literal)

Lifetime can also be an adjective, where it describes something that lasts until a person dies, like a prison sentence or an award.

For example,

  • No one was surprised when the ax murderer was handed a lifetime sentence for his crimes.
  • I honored myself with a lifetime achievement award for passing my capstone class in college.

When to Use Life Time

define life time define lifetimeWhat does life time mean? Life time is a two-word variant of the same term.

Over time, the English language compounds many phrases that once began as separate words, resulting in a single word. The same phenomenon has taken place with race car (forming racecar) and smart phone (to form smartphone).

Here’s an example of life time in a sentence,

  • Jaylen thought he would suffer a life time of sorrow after Genieve broke up with him.

In the chart below, you can see the relative usage of life time vs. lifetime in English,

definition of life time definition of lifetime definition

As you can see, lifetime is clearly preferred and has been since at least 1800. The compounding process has been decisive for these words.

Trick to Remember the Difference

For at least the last two centuries, writers have strongly preferred lifetime to life time. You should do the same in your own writing.

Since lifetime is a single word, like its fellow compounds goalpost and bedpost, it’s easy to remember to use it.


Is it life time or lifetime? Lifetime is an adjective and a noun that means the duration of a person’s life. It is a compound of the two-word phrase lifetime, and today, the single word version predominates.

To summarize,

  • Lifetime is one word.
  • Life time is an incorrect spelling.

The word appears to have been compounded at least 200 years ago.


  • 1 What’s the Difference Between Lifetime and Life Time?
  • 2 When to Use Lifetime
  • 3 When to Use Life Time
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

Lifetime is one word which means the total time of a being’s life from the time it is born until it dies. It can also be used to mean a really long amount of time. Lifetime can be used as an adjective or noun.

Though not listed in the dictionary, when it is a noun the plural is lifetimes. One reason it is not recognized may be the fact that no living thing can have two lifetimes, and when speaking about two person’s individual lifetimes, it would be more clear to say lives. However, when using the term in the informal definition of a really long time, one could exaggerate the phrase even more using the plural (e.g., it would take two lifetimes to get that done).

It is used in the phrase of a lifetime. The phrase is preceded by an object or action (e.g., chance of a lifetime). The phrase suggests that the action or object is so unique or special that it only exists once in a very long time, or that the opportunity will not come again in that person’s life and should be realized at that moment.

As an adjective the phrase turns into once in a lifetime. When it is listed after the object it describes, it is four words. When it is used before the object, it is hyphenated.


Your editorial board’s decision to endorse Congressman Cory Gardner for the United States Senate ranks as one of the worst endorsement decisions, not only by the Denver Post but by any serious newspaper, in my lifetime. [Huffington Post]

An estimated 19 percent of women and 2 percent of men have been raped at some point in their lifetimes, typically by someone they knew, a new federal study says. [Washington Times]

It was the trip of a lifetime for Wayne and Theresa Baker, six weeks in Europe to celebrate their retirement. [Brisbane Times]

They will visit museums and military bases, with time for sightseeing and shopping, Burgess said. Scott described the trip as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. [The Southland Times]

“If something is going on we really want to be there for it and it was really just a great experience it was once in a lifetime,” Megan Smith. [News Channel 9]


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Yes « that was a lifetime ago » is better to say because the word « ago » refers to something that has already happened in the past.

Similarly, What constitutes a lifetime?

A lifetime is the entire length of time a person or other living thing is alive. . Things that take up most of the duration of a person’s life are often described using the word lifetime, like a terrible driver’s lifetime ban on holding a driver’s license, or a lifetime achievement award for all of your accomplishments.

Also, What does other side of the world mean? The spot diametrically opposed to a location on Earth is called the antipode. The word comes from Greek and translates to “with feet opposite”. . Red areas are land which have a antipode that is also land.

What is the difference between lifetime and lifelong?

Lifelong is something that lasts the length of your life. “We are going to be lifelong friends.” Lifetime has two meanings, it depends on the way you use it 1. Lifetime means something that lasts for the length of your life. “A reward of a lifetimes work.” 2.

What does a lifetime friend mean?

A lifetime friend is a person you feel so close to that you think you’ll be friends forever. Usually you know each other so well that you are like family. If you are lucky enough, your significant other is also a lifelong friend. Sometimes we feel an instant connection with people, and we seem to know them.

What means antipode?

1 : the parts of the earth diametrically opposite —usually used in plural —often used of Australia and New Zealand as contrasted to the western hemisphere. 2 : the exact opposite or contrary.

Is See you on the other side an idiom?

So to say see you on the otherside means vaguely to stay true to who you are and how you believe… aka…be brave and we will see each other again. It is a common phrase used by anyone with fear trying to remain focused and ordered when facing an issue others might run away from.

What does it mean see you on the other side?

See you on the other side can have a variety of meaning, but the most common meaning is when a speaker is trying to tell his listener that he would see them in the afterlife or the life after death.

Is lifetime a single word?

Lifetime is one word. Life time is an incorrect spelling.

How long is a lifetime?

Takeaway: The average life expectancy in the US is 79.3 years, but if you subtract from that time the tasks we are obligated to do, such as sleep and work, we can be left with as few as 17.5 years.

How do you use lifetime?

Lifetime sentence example

  1. She was close to realizing a lifetime goal. .
  2. It’s almost as if it is a lifetime goal. .
  3. Spending her lifetime with someone who hated her was not what she wanted. .
  4. If Len was right, it might be a lifetime of hiding. .
  5. The sensation intrigued her after a lifetime of rejection and isolation.

What is a once in a lifetime person?

the kind of people you will meet once your whole life.

How do you know you have a lifelong friend?

Rather than talking only about themselves, they will call you to check in on you. They will show up on time and when they are with you, they will give you their full attention. Lifelong friends will lift you up when you’re feeling down, simply by being present with you and reminding you how much you matter to them.

How do you know if you have a lifelong friend?

5 Signs You’ve Found a Lifelong Friend

  1. Things feel natural between you after months apart. Over the years, you get busy and you move, which makes staying in touch with friends more and more difficult. .
  2. You admire them. .
  3. You’ve gotten through rough patches. .
  4. You share values. .
  5. They’d drop everything for you.

What countries are antipodean?

Exact or almost exact antipodes:

  • Christchurch (New Zealand) – A Coruña (Spain)
  • Levin (New Zealand) – Ávila (Spain)
  • Hamilton (New Zealand) – Córdoba (Spain)
  • Hong Kong – La Quiaca (Argentina)
  • Lianyungang (China) – Junín (Argentina)
  • Madrid (Spain) – Weber (New Zealand)

What does Surpine mean?

1a : lying on the back or with the face upward. b : marked by supination. 2 : exhibiting indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity especially : mentally or morally slack.

What does a rainbow’s end mean?

If you say that something is at the end of the rainbow, you mean that people want it but it is almost impossible to obtain or achieve. The promise of a cure–the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow–often makes sensible people do irrational things. See full dictionary entry for rainbow.

Where did the saying See You On The Other Side come from?

Most likely this reference started it’s life out as a reference to the astronauts conversation during the Apollo 8 mission, as they passed behind the moon for the first time: CapCom Gerry Carr spoke to the three astronauts more than 200,000 miles away, « Ten seconds to go.

What does see you on the dark side mean?

The negative, troubled, or antagonistic part of someone or something that is usually kept concealed. My mom is always sweet to my friends, but I’ve seen the dark side of her enough to know mean she can be. Shady deals like this are the dark side of the music industry, unfortunately. See also: dark, of, side.

What does flip side mean slang?

an opposite, reverse, or sharply contrasted side or aspect of something or someone: The flip side of their charitable activities is a desire for publicity.

What does see you down the road mean?

It literally means what you would think it means. It’s a form of « see you later ». People in the circus absolutely hate saying goodbye, because goodbye is final. See you down the road means that although you’re leaving right now, our paths will cross again!

What is the opposite of lifetime?

Opposite of the period of time spanning the birth and death of a sentient being. hereafter. afterlife. heaven. afterworld.

What word rhymes with lifetime?

Words That Rhyme With « Lifetime » :

  • 1 syllable: chime, chyme, climb, clime, crime, cyme, dime, glime, grime, lime, mime, prime, rhyme, rime, slime, stime, thyme, time.
  • 2 syllables: begrime, berhyme, halftime, mistime, onetime, sublime.
  • 3 syllables: anticrime.

How many years do humans sleep in a lifetime?

How many hours does the average person sleep? The average person spends about 26 years sleeping in their life which equates to 9,490 days or 227,760 hours. Surprisingly, we also spend 7 years trying to get to sleep. That’s 33 years or 12,045 days spent in bed!

How many seconds do humans live?

There are approximately 22,075,000 seconds in a lifetime.

Can humans live for 300 years?

There’s No Known Limit To How Long Humans Can Live, Scientists Say. Last October, scientists made a splash when they determined that on average, people can only live for about 115 years.

lifetime — перевод на русский


In their lifetime they were my enemies.

При жизни они были моими врагами.

But then… Everybody has played a dirty trick or two in his lifetime.

Но, с другой стороны, каждый хоть раз в жизни делает это, разве нет?

In an average lifetime, that makes… 250 billion seconds.

В жизни в среднем… 2,5 миллиарда секунд.

You’ll spend the most boring winter in your lifetime, all for your good.

Это будет самая скучная зима в твоей жизни.

You don’t sell the dream of a lifetime.

Мечту о жизни не продают.

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At least a lifetime.

По меньшей мере, целая жизнь.

We’ve got a whole lifetime ahead of ud.

У нас впереди целая жизнь.

You’ve got a whole lifetime to explain that.

У тебя целая жизнь, что это объяснить.

It doesn’t take everybody a whole lifetime to learn the tricks of the trade, you know.

Не у всех же уходит целая жизнь на то, чтобьI обучиться премудростям торговли.

One day with the top down is better than a lifetime in a box.

Один день без башни лучше, чем целая жизнь в коробке.

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I just threw away a lifetime of guilt-free sex and floor seats for every sporting event in Madison Square Garden.

Я только что проспал пожизненный секс без обязательств и лучшие места на все спортивные матчи в Мэдисон Сквер Гарден.

If my boss was here, he’d , like, throw himself on the ground right now and give you a lifetime gift certificate

Если бы здесь был мой босс, он бы бросился перед вами на землю, и подарил бы пожизненный сертификат на бесплатное обслуживание.

Put me down for a lifetime of success

Выдели мне пожизненный успех.

The owner of the cafe promised him a lifetime supply of muffins.

И владелец кафе пообещал ему пожизненный запас кексов.

I wonder how much that would be, a lifetime supply of muffins.

Интересно, а пожизненный запас кексов — это сколько?

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But in a lifetime of interrogatin’ and investigating’… you are probably the biggest and most willing liar I ever met.

Но за все время допросов и расследований,… вероятно, вы самый большой лгун из всех, кого я когда-либо встречал.

Far too many to be cut by the one creature in an ordinary lifetime.

Для одного существа это много за такое короткое время.

— No more plague in our lifetime.

Поверьте, мадам, в наше время чумы больше не будет.

That’s what I studied to be in a prior lifetime.

Да, я изучал химию в прежнее время.

I told her how toilet paper hasn’t changed in my lifetime and probably wouldn’t for the next 50,000 years and she was fascinated, fascinated!

Я сказал ей, что туалетная бумага не изменилась за время, пока я живу и возможно не изменится в следующие 50 000 лет она была очарована, очарована!

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Now, listen, this is an opportunity of a lifetime.

Теперь слушай, это шанс всей жизни.

It’s like chance of a lifetime.

Шанс всей жизни.

This is a chance of a lifetime.

Это шанс всей жизни.

But.. this is a chance of a lifetime.

Но… это шанс всей жизни.

Yes, the opportunity of a lifetime!

Да, шанс всей жизни!

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It all happened what seems like a lifetime ago now.

Кажется, что это произошло целую вечность назад.

The guy stared at me for what seemed like a lifetime, then he burst out laughing, so I started laughing, and within a half an hour

Парень смотрел на меня целую вечность, а потом взорвался смехом. И я стал смеяться вместе с ним.

Sometimes hours can feel like minutes and sometimes a single second can last a lifetime.

Иногда часы могут пролетать как минуты. а иногда секунда длится целую вечность.

I’d like to go home with something from the best fleece fair in the country, since it took me nearly a lifetime to get across that bridge.

Хотелось бы принести домой хоть что-то с лучшего рынка шерсти в стране, раз уж я шел целую вечность через этот мост.

Ian, it’s been a lifetime since we’ve seen each other, but I’ve thought about you every day.

Иан, кажется, что мы не виделись с тобой целую вечность, но я думала о тебе каждый день.

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You could spend a lifetime in here reading.

Тут можно провести всю жизнь, читая.

spending a lifetime on a dime-store shelf watching every other toy be sold.

Провести всю жизнь на полке в грошовом магазине, наблюдая, как продаётся любая другая игрушка.

I could spend a lifetime studying its effects.

Можно провести всю жизнь, изучая это явление.

I’ve searched a lifetime for an answer to that question.

Я всю жизнь провел в поисках ответа на этот вопрос.

I’ve spent a lifetime looking for you… for a chance to say «I love you.»

Я жизнь провел, пытаясь найти тебя… чтобы сказать что люблю тебя.

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I’ve seen a lot of these in my lifetime.

Я много таких повидал на своем веку.

And yet, I’ve seen blood in my lifetime so he tries to take Ravanel, he fails, and he runs away.

А я видывал кровь на своем веку… Он пытается схватить Раванеля, неудача — он убегает.

Hopefully, in our lifetime, you’re gonna see somebody go:

Надеюсь на нашем веку вы увидите кого-то такого:

In whose lifetime?

На чьём же веку?

I mean, I never thought that would happen in my lifetime.

Я даже не мечтала, что это случится на моём веку.

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On the contrary. He’s getting a Lifetime Achievement Award, which is all very hush-hush, so don’t go blurting anything out to him.

Ему присудят Премию за жизненные достижения, это, конечно, большой секрет, так что не проболтайся ему.

When it comes to the end of its lifetime A massive star burns its core All the way past helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen

В конце своей жизни, звезда сжигает все свое топливо — гелий, углерод, азот, водород, до достижения железа, которое не может поддерживать ядреный синтез.

They don’t give lifetime achievement awards to people who do things like that.

Премий за жизненные достижения не дают людям, которые так поступают.

Sweetheart, they only give lifetime achievement awards to people who do things like that.

Милая, они дают премии за жизненные достижения только тем, кто так поступает.

I wanted to begin by congratulating you heartily on your Lifetime Achievement Award.

Я хотел тебя поздравить от всего сердца с твоей Наградой за Жизненные Достижения.

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Are you going to be afraid of Gim Bong Gu for a lifetime and hide in the palace?

До конца жизни будем жить из-за него в страхе?

But the damage I did to them will last a lifetime.

Но раны, нанесенные им мною, будут терзать их до конца жизни.

Ted and me have had enough of aeroplanes to do us a lifetime.

Мы с Тедом до конца жизни наелись самолетами.

Well, that’s still a ways off, and I’ve yet to develop an effective long-term dose… to keep the Wraith elements suppressed for a lifetime.

Ну, до этого еще далеко, а пока мне нужно разработать эффективную долгосрочную дозировку, подавляющую элементы Рейфов до конца жизни.

I’ll straighten this boy out something fierce. Young man, as son as we get home, you’re gonna get the punishment of a lifetime.

Я выбью из этого хулигана всю дурь как только мы вернемся домой ты будешь наказан до конца жизни!

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Table of Contents

  1. What does lifetime mean?
  2. How do you use lifetime?
  3. How would you describe your lifetime?
  4. What is a lifetime experience?
  5. What’s another word for forever?
  6. What is the opposite of forever?
  7. What is another word for living forever?
  8. How do you describe forever?
  9. Does always mean forever?
  10. Does indefinitely mean forever?
  11. Can I live in one word?
  12. Is permanent forever?
  13. What is permanent thing in life?
  14. What is the difference between permanent and forever?
  15. What is the best synonym for permanent?
  16. What is the same of permanent?
  17. Which means same as permanent?
  18. What does irreversible mean?
  19. What is the difference between reversible and irreversible?
  20. What does irreversible change mean?
  21. What are irreversible effects?
  22. What happens if we don’t solve climate change?
  23. What happens if climate change continues?
  24. How many years do we have until climate change is irreversible?
  25. How many more years do we have to live?
  26. How long will the earth live?
  27. How can we save our earth?
  28. Why do we need to protect the earth?
  29. Why is our planet in danger?

Lifetime is an adjective and a noun that means the duration of a person’s life.

What does lifetime mean?

1a : the duration of the existence of a living being (such as a person or an animal) or a thing (such as a star or a subatomic particle) b : life sense 12. 2 : an amount accumulated or experienced in a lifetime a lifetime of regrets.

How do you use lifetime?

Lifetime sentence example

  1. She was close to realizing a lifetime goal.
  2. It’s almost as if it is a lifetime goal.
  3. Spending her lifetime with someone who hated her was not what she wanted.
  4. The sensation intrigued her after a lifetime of rejection and isolation.
  5. If Len was right, it might be a lifetime of hiding.

How would you describe your lifetime?

A lifetime is the entire length of time a person or other living thing is alive. Things that take up most of the duration of a person’s life are often described using the word lifetime, like a terrible driver’s lifetime ban on holding a driver’s license, or a lifetime achievement award for all of your accomplishments.

What is a lifetime experience?

: experience and knowledge gained through living.

What’s another word for forever?

What is another word for forever?

constantly continually
everlastingly interminably
invariably unremittingly
durably ever
immortally infinitely

What is the opposite of forever?

What is the opposite of forever?

short-lived ephemeral
transient ceasing
ending impermanent
momentary temporary
transitory mortal

What is another word for living forever?

What is another word for that will live forever?

immortal eternal
everlasting undying
perpetual enduring
lasting abiding
deathless imperishable

How do you describe forever?

without ever ending; eternally: to last forever. continually; incessantly; always: He’s forever complaining. lasting for an endless period of time: the process of finding a forever home for the dog.

Does always mean forever?

Always and forever are both adverbs. Both words are often used for the same meaning. Forever is the synonym of the word always.

Does indefinitely mean forever?

As adverbs the difference between indefinitely and forever is that indefinitely is for a long time, no end defined while forever is (duration) for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time.

Can I live in one word?

The will to live or Wille zum Leben is a concept developed by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, Will being an irrational “blind incessant impulse without knowledge” that drives instinctive behaviors, causing an endless insatiable striving in human existence, which Nature could not exist without.

Is permanent forever?

permanent Add to list Share. Something that’s permanent is constant and lasting, as opposed to temporary. Think twice about writing in permanent marker or getting a tattoo — both are just about impossible to erase. If you wait around for something permanent to change, you’ll be there for a long time — maybe forever.

What is permanent thing in life?

These were 5 permanent things in life. Yes memories are something that are permanent too. Memories of school, university, friend, near and dear ones are all permanent and never go.

What is the difference between permanent and forever?

As adverbs the difference between permanently and forever is that permanently is in a permanent manner; lastingly while forever is (duration) for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time.

What is the best synonym for permanent?

other words for permanent

  • durable.
  • enduring.
  • long-lasting.
  • perpetual.
  • stable.
  • everlasting.
  • invariable.
  • set.

What is the same of permanent?

Frequently Asked Questions About permanent Some common synonyms of permanent are durable, lasting, and stable. While all these words mean “enduring for so long as to seem fixed or established,” permanent adds usually the implication of being designed or planned to stand or continue indefinitely.

Which means same as permanent?

Synonyms. perpetual unending enduring eonian unchangeable imperishable unceasing abiding aeonian standing ineradicable permanency stable lasting eternal permanence everlasting ageless indissoluble.

What does irreversible mean?

incapable of being reversed

What is the difference between reversible and irreversible?

A reversible process is one in which both the system and its environment can return to exactly the states they were in by following the reverse path. An irreversible process is one in which the system and its environment cannot return together to exactly the states that they were in.

What does irreversible change mean?

A change is called irreversible if it cannot be changed back again. In an irreversible change, new materials are always formed.

What are irreversible effects?

Listen to pronunciation. (eer-ree-VER-sih-bul tok-SIH-sih-tee) Side effects that are caused by toxic substances or something harmful to the body and do not go away.

What happens if we don’t solve climate change?

2.7 billion Heat waves will become more frequent and severe around the world, affecting hundreds of millions—or even billions—of people if we don’t act.

What happens if climate change continues?

The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms.

How many years do we have until climate change is irreversible?

A new model, based on historical climate data, has projected the Earth’s temperature until 2100. Researchers say it can reduce prediction uncertainties by around 50%. They found that we’ll likely cross threshold for dangerous warming (+1.5 C) between 2027 and 2042.

How many more years do we have to live?

If we simply assume that we find ourselves at a random point in human history, then the math tells us with 95% confidence that humans will survive no more than 7.8 million years, but at least another 5,100 years.

How long will the earth live?

This is expected to occur between 1.5 and 4.5 billion years from now. A high obliquity would probably result in dramatic changes in the climate and may destroy the planet’s habitability.

How can we save our earth?

Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth

  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away.
  2. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community.
  3. Educate.
  4. Conserve water.
  5. Choose sustainable.
  6. Shop wisely.
  7. Use long-lasting light bulbs.
  8. Plant a tree.

Why do we need to protect the earth?

Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. They provide raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the foundation of all civilisation and sustain our economies.

Why is our planet in danger?

Climate change driving entire planet to dangerous ‘global tipping point’ Oceans, and the corals that live in them, are under extreme stress from climate change, and could be at the point where too much damage has been done to recover from it.

продолжительность жизни, целая жизнь


- продолжительность жизни; целая жизнь

during smb.’s lifetime — в течение чьей-л. жизни
the chance of a lifetime — возможность, представляющаяся раз в жизни

- физ. время жизни (частицы и т. п.)
- тех. срок эксплуатации (оборудования и т. п.)

a lifetime guarantee — бессрочная гарантия
it is all in a /one’s/ lifetime — ≅ в жизни всякое бывает

Мои примеры


a book that was the produce of a lifetime of study on the subject — книга, которая стала результатом исследований на данную тему, которые длились всю жизнь  
the kind of sapience that comes from a lifetime of experience as an educator — мудрость, которая приходит после того, как всю жизнь проработаешь педагогом  
in one’s lifetime — на своём веку  
it is all in a lifetime — в жизни всякое бывает  
carrier lifetime — срок службы носителей  
effective lifetime — действительный срок службы  
mean lifetime — средний срок службы  
warranty lifetime — гарантийный срок службы  
privacy lifetime — продолжительность сохранения секретности  
once in a lifetime — раз в жизни  
chance of a lifetime — возможность, предоставляющаяся раз в жизни  
cycle lifetime — срок службы в циклах нагружения  

Примеры с переводом

This is the chance of a lifetime!

Такой шанс выпадает раз в жизни!

It would have taken me a lifetime to read all those books.

Мне потребовалась бы вся жизнь, чтобы прочитать все эти книги.

She wrote hundreds of poems during her lifetime.

За свою жизнь она написала сотни стихотворений.

It was the holiday of a lifetime.

Такой отпуск /праздник/ бывает раз в жизни.

It’s the sort of opportunity you see only once in a lifetime.

Такие возможности можно увидеть только раз в жизни.

At college, you’ll build friendships that will last a lifetime.

В колледже вы завяжете дружеские отношения, которые будут длиться всю жизнь.

He improved to 4-0 lifetime against the Dutchman.

За всю карьеру он довел результат в матчах против голландца до четыре — ноль.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Childhood seems a lifetime ago now!

During her lifetime she had witnessed two world wars.

We cannot undo the damage of a lifetime in only 30 days.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): lifetime
мн. ч.(plural): lifetimes




1. The period of time during which an individual is alive.

2. The period of time during which property, an object, a process, or a phenomenon exists or functions.


1. Continuing for a lifetime; lifelong.

2. Occurring or measured over a person’s active career: a lifetime batting average.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Biology)

a. the length of time a person or animal is alive

b. (as modifier): a lifetime supply.

2. the length of time that something functions, is useful, etc

3. (General Physics) physics the average time of existence of an unstable or reactive entity, such as a nucleus, excited state, elementary particle, etc; mean life

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. the time that the life of someone or something continues.


2. for the duration of a person’s life: a lifetime membership.


Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. lifetime — the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death); «the battery had a short life»; «he lived a long and happy life»

period, period of time, time period — an amount of time; «a time period of 30 years»; «hastened the period of time of his recovery»; «Picasso’s blue period»

birth — the time when something begins (especially life); «they divorced after the birth of the child»; «his election signaled the birth of a new age»

demise, dying, death — the time when something ends; «it was the death of all his plans»; «a dying of old hopes»

time of life — a period of time during which a person is normally in a particular life state

eld, age — a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises; «she was now of school age»; «tall for his eld»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun existence, time, day(s), course, period, span, life span, your natural life, all your born days During my lifetime I haven’t got round to much travelling.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



The period during which someone or something exists:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


مُدَّة حَياة الشَّخْص




ævi, lífstíî

življenjska doba

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



modif [membership, subscription, ban] → à vie lifetime achievementlifetime achievement n [performer, artist, writer, professional person] an award for lifetime achievement, a lifetime achievement award → une récompense pour bons et loyaux services
a prize for lifetime achievement in the arts
BUT un prix récompensant de remarquables services rendus dans le domaine des vest life-vest [ˈlaɪfvɛst] adj (US)gilet m de sauvetage

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


[ˈlaɪfˌtaɪm] nvita
a lifetime’s work, the work of a lifetime → il lavoro di tutta una vita
in my lifetime → nel corso della mia vita, durante la mia vita
in a lifetime → nell’arco della vita, in tutta la vita
the chance of a lifetime → un’occasione unica or che capita una sola volta nella vita
it seemed a lifetime → sembrò (che fosse passata) un’eternità or una vita

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(laif) plural lives (laivz) noun

1. the quality belonging to plants and animals which distinguishes them from rocks, minerals etc and things which are dead. Doctors are fighting to save the child’s life.

2. the period between birth and death. He had a long and happy life.

3. liveliness. She was full of life and energy.

4. a manner of living. She lived a life of ease and idleness.

5. the period during which any particular state exists. He had many different jobs during his working life.

6. living things. It is now believed that there may be life on Mars; animal life.

7. the story of a life. He has written a life of Churchill.

8. life imprisonment. He was given life for murder.

ˈlifeless adjective

1. dead. a lifeless body.

2. not lively; uninteresting. The actress gave a lifeless performance.

ˈlifelike adjective

like a living person, animal etc. The statue was very lifelike; a lifelike portrait.

life-and-ˈdeath adjective

serious and deciding between life and death. a life-and-death struggle.

ˈlifebelt noun

a ring or belt filled with air or made of a material which floats, for keeping a person afloat.

ˈlifeboat noun

a boat for saving shipwrecked people.

ˈlifebuoy noun

a buoy intended to support a person in the water till he can be rescued.

ˈlife-cycle noun

the various stages through which a living thing passes. the life-cycle of the snail.

life expectancy

the (average) length of time a person can expect to live.

ˈlifeguard noun

a person employed to protect and rescue swimmers at a swimming-pool, beach etc.

ˈlife-jacket noun

a sleeveless jacket filled with material that will float, for keeping a person afloat.

ˈlifeline noun

a rope for support in dangerous operations or thrown to rescue a drowning person.

ˈlifelong adjective

lasting the whole length of a life. a lifelong friendship.

ˈlife-saving noun

the act or skill of rescuing people from drowning. The boy is being taught life-saving.

ˈlife-size(d) adjective, adverb

(of a copy, drawing etc) as large as the original. a life-sized statue.

ˈlifetime noun

the period of a person’s life. He saw many changes in his lifetime.

as large as life

in person; actually. I went to the party and there was John as large as life.

bring to life

to make lively or interesting. His lectures really brought the subject to life.

come to life

to become lively or interesting. The play did not come to life until the last act.

for life

until death. They became friends for life.

the life and soul of the party

a person who is very active, enthusiastic, amusing etc at a party.

not for the life of me

not even if it was necessary in order to save my life. I couldn’t for the life of me remember his name!

not on your life!

certainly not!. `Will you get married?’ `Not on your life!’

take life

to kill. It is a sin to take life.

take one’s life

to kill oneself.

take one’s life in one’s hands

to take the risk of being killed.

to the life

exactly (like). When he put on that uniform, he was Napoleon to the life.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. toda la vida, curso de la vida;

a. vitalicio-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n vida, toda una vida, período de tiempo vivido

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ lahyf-tahym ]

/ ˈlaɪfˌtaɪm /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


the time that the life of someone or something continues; the term of a life: peace within our lifetime.


for the duration of a person’s life: He has a lifetime membership in the organization.



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Origin of lifetime

First recorded in 1175–1225, lifetime is from the Middle English word liftime.See life, time

Words nearby lifetime

lifestyle guru, lifestyler, life-support, life table, life-threatening, lifetime, life vest, lifeway, lifework, life zone, Liffey Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to lifetime

career, life, period, continuance, course, days, endurance, existence, time, cradle to grave, life span

How to use lifetime in a sentence

  • This is the strongest storm to hit the region in any resident’s lifetime, and the area will be recovering from the storm for a long time.

  • That being said, I don’t think you’re going to see a Republican or a Democrat president, at least in my lifetime, that is anything like this.

  • Seeing an eclipse of the sun by Pluto is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

  • For example, when a virtual gluon splits into two virtual quarks, the quarks’ possible lifetimes can vary.

  • Peter Timmer has seen a lot of change in the farming business over his lifetime.

  • The sad fact is that more than 41 percent of trans people admit making at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime.

  • If you answered seven or more of these correctly, you are eligible for a lifetime supply of Metamucil.

  • Having graduated Juilliard last spring, Alex Sharp is too young to have given the performance of a lifetime.

  • Det. Rafael Ramos spent a lifetime trying to become a police officer, entering the academy at age 38.

  • Each well requires 1,500—2,000 truck trips over the lifetime of the well.

  • This new nexus of print has grown up in the lifetime of four or five generations, and it is undergoing constant changes.

  • I didnt think much of that, but he said afterward, A man may do in an hour what he cant undo in a lifetime.

  • She meets a sympathetic soul, and you come across her pouring into his ear the love and despair of a lifetime.

  • I wonder if I am letting slip through my fingers one of the opportunities that come to a man but once in a lifetime!

  • In contrast to this we have the story of the ghost of a lady of title, who had been in her lifetime Princess Anna of Saxony.

British Dictionary definitions for lifetime


  1. the length of time a person or animal is alive
  2. (as modifier)a lifetime supply

the length of time that something functions, is useful, etc

physics the average time of existence of an unstable or reactive entity, such as a nucleus, excited state, elementary particle, etc; mean life

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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