Is leafs a word plural

The correct way to spell the plural of ‘leaf’ is ‘leaves’, if you are talking about the definition of leaf as a noun.

Leaves is the grammatically correct way to spell the plural word of the noun leaf

We can use leafs, only if we add the apostrophe which indicates possession as ‘leaf’s’. That is, something belongs to the leaf, however, grammatically speaking the correct way to spell it is leaves, if you are referring to there being more than one leaf. This is because many nouns that end in «f», most of the time have «ves» changed and added towards the end, replacing the «f» ending.

There are however some instances where «leafs» is used when «leaf» is used as a verb (the act of flipping a page). Even though, it is not commonly used, it is still worth noting that in this case it would be appropriate to use to indicate that «she/he leafs through the book».

Examples of how to use the plural tense ‘leaves’ as a noun:

  • Fall has just begun, you can see all the leaves change color

  • It is such a hassle having to pick up all of the leaves on my porch every morning.

The plural tense of «leaf» should be pronounced as «leaves»

However, even though it is grammatically incorrect sometimes we also tend to pronounce it as «leafs», but it should always be spelled out as «leaves».

The plural of the word “leaf” is “leaves.” The NHL team in Toronto is properly the “Maple Leafs.” I suppose what they’re telling us is that they’re multiple avatars of the Maple Leaf symbol, not a bushel of leaves of the botanical variety. My online dictionary gives “leafs” as an acceptable secondary spelling, but I don’t buy it.

What is the plural of the leaf? Is it leaves or leaves?

“Leaf” is the singular form for the foliage that is growing off the twig in a tree, bush, and other plants. The plural of “leaf” is “leaves.” There is no such form as leafs; however, by using an apostrophe, you will the singular possessive form for “leaf.”

singular — — — — — — — — — — — — — -leaf Ex: That leaf is tuning brown.

plural — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -leaves Ex: The leaves on the tree are covered with snow.

singular possessive — — — — — — leaf’s Ex: That leaf’s stem is curling a bit.

plural possessive — — — — — — — — leaves’ Ex: Those leaves’ stems are curling somewhat.

Why we use leaves as plural of leaf?

Answers: We use leaves as plural of leaf, because there is a rule in English grammar that several nouns ending in — f or — fe form their plural by changing -for — fe into ‘v’ and adding — es; as,

Leaf, leaves / thief, thieves / wife, wives / wolf, wolves / shelf, shelves /knife, knives / calf, calve / life, lives / loaf, loaves.

Why is plural form of leaf (leaves)?

«What is the plural of leaf? Is it leafs or leaves?»

Wow! Seventy people have already answered this question! Well, I’ve skimmed through quite a lot of the answers and I think maybe I can actually add something to the conversation. Let’s see…

As many have already explained, when you are referring to a «leaf» that grows on a plant, the plural is «leaves» (just as many other nouns that end with «f» change the «f» to «v» and add «es.»)

Now that we have that obvious answer out of the way, lets think about other uses of «leaf/leaves.» The thing is, we don’t always use “leaf” as a noun.

Leafs vs. Leaves!


This issue is both a pronunciation and a grammar issue.

Leaves has a ‘v’ sound which is just the voiced version of ‘f.’


The grammar is interesting here. Most of the time somebody says ‘leafs’ they’re using it incorrectly.

Leaves is both the plural of the word ‘leaf’ as well as a form of the verb ‘to leave.’

An interesting note is that ‘to leaf’ is also a verb. It means to quickly look through many pages or different papers. One of the forms of this verb is also ‘leafs.’

Example Time!

1) The leaves are falling from the tree

2) Dad leaves for work at 7:00 in the morning.

3) She leafs through the pages of the book to get an idea of what it’s about.

In conclusion

If you forget the rules, it’s probably always ‘leaves.’ We don’t use the word ‘leafs’ very often.

The difference between Leafs and leaves.

As a noun, a leaf is a small, green and flat part of a plant that grows directly from a branch, trunk or root. It is the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration. Its plural is leaves.


As a verb, leaf is to put out new leaves. It may also mean to turn over the pages of a book or the papers in a pile, reading them quickly or casually.

Examples in sentences of both the leafs and leaves

1. He begged to leave after plucking several leaves.

  1. He leafs through a stack of notes.

  2. It leafs immediately it rains.


It is therefore obvious that leafs is a verb of which the ‘s’ used can only be included when talking about pronouns in third person singular form, that is he, she, it or a single name.

Leaves is the plural form of the noun leaf and as such, their usage are different as shown in the above examples.

Leaf and leaves

This is a spelling rule for nouns in English

If the noun ends in an — f or -fe, in the plural it changes to -ves

Singular — F

Plural — VES

Other examples which behave similarly

1 wife — 2 wives

1 wolf — 2 wolves

1 knife — 2 knives

1 life — 2 lives

1 loaf of bread — 2 loaves of bread

Exceptions to the rule

1 roof — 2 roofs

I have a big house, it has 2 roofs.

1 chief — 2 chiefs

There are 2 chiefs in the village

1 chef — 2 chefs

There are 2 chefs in this kitchen

Some nouns can take both endings — both are correct

I scarf — 2 scarfs or 2 scarves

She was wearing 2 scarfs/ scarves because it was so cold

Remember your verb — noun agreement

This knife is sharp

These knives are sharp

This loaf of bread is fresh

These loaves are not fresh

The difference between leafs and leave
Leaf as a noun refers to the wide, narrow, big or small green parts of a plant or a tree, that usually falls down in autumn (fall).


This tree is very big, it has so many levels, so it makes big shadow.

Plural of leaf is leaves, never leafs.

However, it can refer to a verb as well.

When we use leaf as a verb it refers to the growth of the leaves on a plant.


It is springtime. Many trees start to leaf and blossom.

Leaf as a verb can also mean to turn over pages in a book. So if we use the verb for the third person singular (he, she, it) in Present Simple, then the form will be leafs.

Marry leafs the pages of the book so fast, to show her method of skimming and scaning a book.

Leafs or leaves what is the difference

The word LEAF is the green, flat part of a tree or plant, usually hanging below the flower or on the branch.

LEAF is the singular form of the word

LEAVES are the plural form of the word

The word LEAF/ LEAVES are both NOUNS

The word “leafs” is NOT a real word.

You can add an apostrophe to the word leaf, making it «leaf’s», to indicate that is something belonging to the leaf or part of the leaf. Showing ownership

Firstly – use apostrophe “s” when the word is SINGULAR.

I.e., Leaf’s


How are veins important to the leaf’s function?

Secondly – use “s” to make the noun plural, then apostrophe when the word is PLURAL.

I.e., Leaves’


How are veins important to the leaves’ function?

Now you understand it better, I hope?

Now please «leaf» me alone!! 😂😂

Leaf ME ALONE! - Surprised Koala - quickmeme | Memes de animais, Muito  engraçado, Imagens hilárias

I will make it poetic

So the meanings of these two you can easily pick

One day ONE LEAF fell on my feet

I looked up at the tree

and stared at the green LEAVES in glee

I call it Leaves instead of leafs

For it’s the plural of one leaf I see,

You may wonder why not leafs

Coz of the rules of English that you believe

That’s because Leafs in the dictionary does not exist

So Leafs instead of Leaves we should not insist.

-Teacher Love-





What is the difference between leafs and leaves?

Leaf functions as a noun. As a noun, the leaf is the small, green and flat part of a plant that grows from a branch, trunk or root.

The plural form of leaf is leaves.

Leafs is not a plural form of leaf


I saw a caterpillar eating a leaf on a tree.

In Autumn the wind blows and the leaves fall off the tree.

Did you know that leave is used as a verb, but leaves is used as a noun?

Please do not confuse these words:

Leaf — Singular Noun

The caterpillar ate an entire leaf.

Leaves — Plural Noun

I saw the leaves fall off the tree.

Leave — Present tense Verb

Please leave the classroom immediately.

While these words look similar, they have different meanings and can be used in different ways. It is important to learn the differences as the similarity can be confusing.


Leafs is a verb, which is an action word.

It has two meanings.

When a plant or flower leafs, this means it is putting out new leaves.

When someone leafs through a book, it means they are turning the pages quickly.


Leaves is a noun, which is an object word.

Leaves are parts of a plant.

But there is an additional meaning to leaves.

A more advanced meaning of leaves is when someone goes away in third person present tense, for example «John leaves to France tomorrow»


Harry leafs through his book trying to find the right page.

My carrot plant leafs in July, when it is ready for harvest.

Look at all these leaves on the floor, the season must be changing.

Susan leaves to the airport in one hour.


Learn the differences so you do not get mixed up!

Leaf can be used as a noun or verb which means there are different plural and singular forms of these words depending on whether you use the noun or verb.

Definitions and rules:

Leaf as a noun is the green organ borne by trees and plants. There are other definitions of this word but this is the most common one.

Leaf as a verb is usually used to describe someone turning the pages of a book quickly. This is often followed by the word through, i.e. Leaf through.

As a noun the rules for the plural of leaf state that «f» must be changed to «ves». This gives us the word «leaves».

As a verb the third person or plural when used with pronouns like «he», «she», and «it» state that we add an «s» to the word. This gives us the word «leafs».

Some examples:

  • Leaf (Noun — Singular) — I found a beautiful red leaf on the ground today as it’s starting to become Autumn.

  • Leaf (Noun — Plural) — When it starts to get cold in Autumn there are many leaves all over the city.

  • Leaf (Verb — Singular) — I will leaf through the grammar book later to see if I can find the answer.

  • Leaf (Verb — Plural) — He leafs through the same book every day and I don’t know why.

To conclude:

When using the word leaf make sure to know if you need the noun or verb and then determine whether you need the singular or plural.

Leafs or leaves??

«Leaves» has two meanings:

  1. Leaves — verb
    He leaves the apartment building at 1 pm every afternoon for lunch.

  1. Leaves — plural noun form

There are so many leaves falling down in autumn!

Leafs is incorrect — it is NOT an English word

It depends on whether or not you’re using ‘leaves’ as a noun or as a verb



He leaves his desk dirty every single day!


The leaves are turning red, orange and brown now that it’s winter


leave noun

1a: permission to do something

b: authorized especially extended absence from duty or employment

2: an act of leaving : DEPARTURE

leave verb

leaved; leaving

intransitive verb

Plural Nouns: Regular vs. Irregular

Regular plural Nouns vs. Nouns that change spelling when plural

Regular nouns become plural by adding «-s» or «-es.» However, there are many nouns that undergo spelling changes when being made plural. Your question specifically relates to words that end in «-f» or «-fe» In this case, you cannot simply add «-s» or «-es» you must change the «-f» to a «-v» and add «-es.» When you encounter «-fe» you change it to a «-ve» and add «-s.»

Words ending in «-f» «-fe»

So the word «half» becomes «halves.» The word «leaf» becomes «leaves.» The word «hoof» becomes «hooves.» The word «knife» becomes «knives.» The word «wife» becomes «wives.»


Keep in mind that even this rule has exceptions. «Roof,» when made plural is «roofs.»

What is the difference between leaves and leaves?

As nouns the difference between leaf and leave

That leaf is the usually green and flat organ that represents the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants while leave is (cricket) the action of the batsman not attempting to play at the ball or leave can be permission to be absent; time away from one’s work.

Leaf Plural: The plural form of leaf is leaves. Few commuters on buses and trains leaf through magazines or newspapers.

He leafs through all the newspapers in the morning because it is his job to monitors news reports.

Is it correct to say leaves?

The plural of leaf is always leaves. Unfortunately, there is no clever way of knowing which nouns ending f or fe follow which rules. You have to know. (For example, you have to know that leaf becomes leaves, but belief becomes beliefs.)

Why do they call leaves leaves?

It comes from the Proto-Germanic *laubaz, a word for the same exact part of a plant that “leaf” refers to. Leaves is plural for leaf, which to the best of my knowledge have nothing to do with the verb leave.

What are the 3 types of leaves?

Image result

1 There are three basic types of leaf arrangements found in woody trees and shrubs: alternate, opposite, and whorled.

Leaf functions as a noun and a verb so here we have «leafs «which is a third-person verb but leaves is the plural form of leaf which is the small, green, and flat part of a plant that grows directly from a branch, trunk or root.

a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk. Leaves are the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration.

The plant needs a period of dormancy before it leafs and flowers.

many of the trees had lost their leaves!

As nouns the difference between leafs and leaves

is that leafs is (nonstandard) while leaves is or leaves can be .

As verbs the difference between leafs and leaves

is that leafs is (leaf) while leaves is (leave).

Grammatically correct plural of «leaf» is «leaves». This is the rule for all nouns that end with «f», like wife-wives, loaf-loaves, calf-calves, self-selves, shelf-shelves.

«Leafs», however, can be used as a plural of a proper noun, as in «Toronto Maple Leafs» (Canadian ice hockey team). In this case, we write «leafs» because you can simply add a plural ending »-s» to its common noun counterpart, even if it ends with -f (as long as it`s a proper noun).

In the same way, for example, if you started a cooking blog and wanted to name it «Busy wives», you could as well spell it as «Busy wifes». But in other cases, (not as a name/title), plural of «wife» is «wives».

Leafs or leaves what is the difference?

Leaf or leaves what is the difference?

Leaf is a noun. Leaf is a small,green,flat part of a plant that branches out from the trunk of the tree.

Leaves is plural form of leaf.

If you say leafs, you will be making a grammatically error.

The leaves are scattered all over the yard.

That is plural form of leaf.

When we use leaf in a sentence, we can say, i found a leaf in my house.

Leaf and leaves meaning.

Leaf and leaves, are nouns.

Plural of leaf is leaves.

Remember when to use them in sentences.

Its singular meaning one leaf, and plural meaning many leaves.

Leafs or leaves

Leaves” is the correct way of pluralising “leaf”. If you say “leafs”, you will be making a grammatical error. If you want to say “leaf’s”, you can do so when talking about possessions.

what is the difference?

As nouns the difference between leafs and leaves

is that leafs is (nonstandard) while leaves is orleavescan be .

As verbs the difference between leafs and leaves

is that leafs is (leaf) while leaves is (leave).

Examples of Leafs

  • Pick a leaf and look at it.

  • He trembled like a leaf as he said this.

Examples of Leaves

  • Colored leaves on the ground

  • «He leaves the building,» which means that he exits the building.

Conclusion — Leafs or leaves

See the source imageSee the source image

Leave is a derived term for leaf.

Leaf is a synonym for leave.

As nouns, the difference between leaf and leave

is that leaf is the usually green and flat organ that represents the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants while leave is (cricket) the action of the batsman not attempting to play at the ball or leave can be permitted to be absent; time away from one’s work.

As verbs, the difference between leaf and leave

is that leaf is to produce leaves; put forth foliage while leave is to cause or allow (something) to remain as available; to refrain from taking (something) away; to stop short of consuming or otherwise depleting (something) entirely or leave can be to give leave to; allow; permit; let; grant or leave can be (rare) to produce leaves or foliage

Leaf as a noun:

Anything resembling the leaf of a plant.

Leaf as a verb (intransitive):

To produce leaves; put forth foliage.

  1. Leave as a verb (intransitive, obsolete):

    To remain (behind); to stay.

  2. Leave as a verb (transitive, archaic):

    To stop, desist from; to «leave off» (+ noun / gerund).

Leave as a noun:

Permission to be absent; time away from one’s work.


«I’ve been given three weeks’ leave by my boss.»

English spelling can seem completely arbitrary. There are many rules for English spelling that you might know. “I” before “E” except after “C” and “U” always comes after “Q”, among others. However, there are usually exceptions to these rules. English has a long history. Throughout that history, like every other language, English has undergone changes. Sounds shift, words are borrowed, and new words are invented. All of these changes have a story behind them.

The correct plural for leaf is leaves. The word “leaf” has been in the English language since its beginning. Native English words still retain sound changes from the language’s earlier periods.

How Does the Plural for Words Ending in F Work?

In modern English, there are no longer any explicit rules for forming the plural for words ending in the letter “F”. You will now find words that end in F with regular plurals (chief and chiefs) and some that change the final consonant from F to a V (wife and wives). Below, you’ll find a table listing the three classes of word transformations for words ending in F. Those that always change, sometimes change, and never change.

Class 1: Always Change Class 2: Sometimes Change Class 3: Never Change
loaf (loaves) dwarf (dwarves or dwarfs) chief (chiefs)
thief (thieves) half (halves or halfs) safe (safes)
knife (knives) handkerchief (handkerchieves or handkerchiefs) cliff (cliffs)
wife (wives) hoof (hooves or hoofs) belief (beliefs)
life (lives) roof (rooves or roofs) proof (proofs)
leaf (leaves) scarf (scarves or scarfs)
wolf (wolves)
self (selves)
calf (calves)

The Story of Class 1 Words

The most interesting fact about Class 1 words is that they are all native English words (this means that these words were all in English since English split from its ancestor language).

The English language has over 1000 years of history. There were four major periods of English (the following dates are approximate):

  • Old English (~600AD – ~1000AD)
  • Middle English (~1100AD – ~1400AD)
  • Early-Modern English (~1500AD – ~1725AD)
  • Late-Modern English (~1825 – present)

During each of these periods, the English language underwent drastic changes. If you could hear an English speaker from 1000 years ago, you wouldn’t be able to understand what they were saying! Check out my article “How much of the English Language is English?” to learn more about the fascinating history of English throughout the ages!

The period of English that concerns our present question is Old English. The Old English period is the closest to when English first split away from its Germanic ancestor language. This means that, at the time, English of this period was much closer to German than it appears to be now. If you look at any Old English text, you would be forgiven for thinking that it was actually German instead!

In order to understand why the plural of leaf is leaves instead of leafs, we need to talk a bit about Old English sound rules.

Old English Sound Rules

Unlike in Modern English, there were rules in Old English for how a word is pronounced based on the other sounds that appear in the word (linguists call this ‘phonotactics’). For example, the sounds /f/, /θ/, and /s/ at the end of Old English words changed if they appeared between two voiced sounds. (A voiced sound is a sound which vibrates in your throat when you pronounce it. Sounds like the /f/ in finger are voiceless because your voice box does not vibrate while saying it, whereas a sound like the /v/ vegetable is considered voiced because your voice box vibrates while saying it.)

Let’s take a look at an Old English example of this phenomenon.

Singular Plural
þēof þēofas

The word above is the Old English word for “thief”. (If you’re curious about that letter at the beginning [þ], I’ve written a whole article about this cool little letter we’ve lost in modern English. You can check it out here!) While the word looks similar based on its spelling, we now know that, due to Old English sound rules, the pronunciation of this word would be different between the singular and plural.

This means that the final F in þēof would be pronounced the same as the /f/ sound in finger when it is singular. However, when the word is formed as the plural, the final F is pronounced like the /v/ sound in vegetable. This is because the two sounds right before and after the F (/o/ and /æ/) are both vowel sounds (which are always voiced).

During this period of English, there was no letter for the /v/ sound. /f/ and /v/ were both represented by the letter “F” and were considered the same sound. As English continued to grow and change, /f/ and /v/ were split into two different sounds represented by the letters “F” and “V” respectively.

Although we don’t have this sound rule in modern English, the legacy of this rule has been passed down to us through Old English. Words that have been in the English language for over a thousand years carry the mark of this historical rule. The word “leaf” is one of these words.


Of course, as with almost everything, there are exceptions. When you are talking about the leaves of a plant, the plural of leaf is always leaves. However, this isn’t always the case when it comes to stylistic concerns or verbs.

The Verb “to leaf”

One of the exceptions to this rule stems from a completely different word. When you are talking about the foliage on trees and other plants, the plural of these will always be “leaves”.

The third person form of the verb “to leaf” is “leafs”. This verb means “to flip through the pages of a book”.

  • I leafed through the book to find some information.
  • He leafs through magazines while waiting at the doctor’s office.

Another meaning of this verb is “to put out leaves” or “to divide a vegetable into separate leaves”. In this usage, the third person singular form of the verb is also “leafs”.

  • Our tree leafs in spring.
  • She leafs the lettuce by hand for the salad.

Proper Nouns

As you probably already know, proper nouns in English can ignore almost any spelling or pronunciation convention based on the desires of the person creating the name. English allows a lot of creativity when it comes to word creation and people sure do make use of it!

For our present question, an example of an exception to the “leaf/leaves” rule exists in the name for the Canadian hockey team the “Toronto Maple Leafs”

However, the reason for this exception isn’t merely stylistic concern. In English, all proper nouns take the regular plural ending even if the original noun has an irregular ending! Let’s explore this more.

Originally, the name for the hockey team comes from a maple leaf shaped badge worn by Canadian soldiers during World War I. The original owner of the team, Conn Smythe, had served in the war and based on his experiences chose to name his hockey team after these badges.

More than one Maple Leaf badge is referred to as maple leafs. This follows through into the name for the hockey team too. Multiple Maple Leaf players are Maple Leafs.

You can see this exception in the plural for the Beartooth Mountains in Yellowstone National Park. If you were to tell your friend you were going to go hiking next week, you would say you were going to the Beartooths not the Bearteeth.

This is also seen in the usage of family names. If someone had the last name “Goldman”, you would refer to their family as the “Goldmans”, not the “Goldmen”.


Another, relatively humourous, exception comes to us from slang. On the internet, leaf is used as a slang term to refer to a Canadian person.

You sometimes see this being used in forums and on social media where people from different countries are interacting with each other.

Of course, the plural of leaf when used in this context is leafs.

  • Why do leafs always say “eh” when they’re talking?


Hopefully this cleared up any confusion you had surrounding the plural form of leaf.

Whenever you’re talking about the foliage on a plant, the plural will always be leaves. However, there are some exceptions to this as we have seen. When the word is being used as part of a proper noun, or in a slang context. Then this grammatical rule can be broken.

Remember these simple situations and you’ll never confuse the plural for leaf again!

Table of Contents

  1. Is Leafs a real word?
  2. What is Cheque leaf number?
  3. What is correct check or Cheque?
  4. What are the types of Cheque?
  5. What does mean Cheque?
  6. What are the advantages of a Cheque?
  7. What are the uses of Cheque?
  8. What is another name for Cheque?
  9. What is the antonym of Cheque?
  10. How do you use the word Cheque in a sentence?
  11. What is another word for money?
  12. What is a polite way to ask for money?
  13. Which of these words is slang for money?
  14. Is Cheddar a slang word for money?
  15. Is Scratch a slang term for money?
  16. How much money is a ton slang?
  17. Is Green slang for money?
  18. What is the slang word for $100?
  19. What is $1000 bill called?
  20. How do you describe money?
  21. Why is 500 called a monkey?
  22. How much is a gorilla in money?
  23. Why is a pony 25?
  24. How much money is a nicker?
  25. Why do we say quid?
  26. How much money is a bag in slang?
  27. What do British call their money?
  28. What is policy mean?
  29. What is another word for policy?
  30. How do you use the word policy?
  31. What is a policy and procedure?
  32. How do you write a policy?
  33. What is the structure of a policy?
  34. What must a policy contain?
  35. What is a good policy?
  36. What makes a strong policy?
  37. What are the 5 stages of the policy making process?
  38. What does a good policy look like?
  39. What’s the difference between policy and procedure?
  40. What are the 6 steps of policy making?
  41. How do you create a policy and procedure?
  42. What is an example of a procedure?
  43. What is SOP format?
  44. What are the types of policies?
  45. What are the three major types of policies?
  46. What are the three types of policies?
  47. What are the general policies?
  48. What policies should every company have?
  49. What are examples of policies and procedures?
  50. What are policy principles?
  51. What is the goal of policy?
  52. How do you write a policy principle?

leaf. noun. / ˈlēf / plural leaves/ ˈlēvz /

Is Leafs a real word?

As a noun, the leaf is the small, green and flat part of a plant that grows directly from a branch, trunk or root. The plural form of leaf is leaves. Note that leafs is a verb: not a plural noun of a leaf.

What is Cheque leaf number?

Cheque Leaves. Specify the total number of leaves in the Cheque book you are issuing the customer. First Cheque Number. When issuing a Cheque book, you have to capture the number of the first leaf of the Cheque book. You need not specify the first cheque number if cheque book number is auto generated.

What is correct check or Cheque?

Cheque and check appear in British English, and check appears in American English. In British English, cheque refers to a document used to pay from a person’s account. For other contexts, Brits usually use check.

What are the types of Cheque?

Types of Cheques: Know What are the Different Types of Cheques

  • Bearer Cheque.
  • Order Cheque.
  • Crossed Cheque.
  • Open cheque.
  • Post-Dated Cheque.
  • Stale Cheque.
  • Traveller’s Cheque.
  • Self Cheque.

What does mean Cheque?

A cheque, or check (American English; see spelling differences), is a document that orders a bank to pay a specific amount of money from a person’s account to the person in whose name the cheque has been issued.

What are the advantages of a Cheque?

Advantages of making payments by cheque

  • It is more convenient than carrying cash around.
  • Payments can be stopped if necessary.
  • Cheques are safer if crossed.
  • One does not have to count notes and risk making counting mistakes.
  • A cheque can be drawn up anytime.

What are the uses of Cheque?

A Cheque is a document which orders a bank to pay a particular amount of money from a person’s account to another individual’s or company’s account in whose name the cheque has been made or issued. The cheque is utilised to make safe, secure and convenient payments.

What is another name for Cheque?

What is another word for cheque?

draughtUK draftUS
negotiable instrument bank draft
bill of exchange postal order
promissory note letter of credit
banker’s order payment

What is the antonym of Cheque?

What is the opposite of cheque?

cash currency
money ready money

How do you use the word Cheque in a sentence?

  1. I wrote him a cheque for £50.
  2. The cheque was posted to your home address yesterday.
  3. I paid the cheque into my savings account.
  4. Payments can be made by cheque or in cash.
  5. Someone had forged her signature on the cheque.
  6. They sent me a cheque for £100.
  7. He opened the drawer and took out a cheque.

What is another word for money?

What is another word for money?

cash currency
banknote bankroll
bill check
dinars earnings
equities fund

What is a polite way to ask for money?

5 Polite Ways To Ask For Your Money Back

  1. The polite reminder.
  2. Ask for an update on what they used the money For.
  3. Let them pay for the next round.
  4. Ask them to help you out.
  5. Give them flexible terms.

Which of these words is slang for money?

This also became dough, by derivation from the same root), “cabbage”, “clam”, “milk”, “dosh”, “dough”, “shillings”, “frogskins”, “notes”, “ducats”, “loot”, “bones”, “bar”, “coin”, “folding stuff”, “honk”, “lolly”, “lucre”/”filthy “Lucre”, “moola/moolah”, “mazuma”, “paper”, “scratch”, “readies”, “rhino” (Thieves’ cant).

Is Cheddar a slang word for money?

Meaning: Slang term for money. Welfare packages included a hearty lump of cheese – so to receive your cheese meant to receive your benefits. In recent times the etymology of this phrase has developed further – our American friends often describe cash as ‘cheddar’.

Is Scratch a slang term for money?

“Scratch” has many other slang uses, of course. Unfortunately, “scratch” as slang for “money,” which appeared in the early 20th century, is a complete mystery. ‘ Unfortunately, “scratch” as slang for “money,” which appeared in the early 20th century, is a complete mystery. ‘

How much money is a ton slang?

The most widely recognised Cockney rhyming slang terms for money include ‘pony’ which is £25, a ‘ton’ is £100 and a ‘monkey’, which equals £500.

Is Green slang for money?

Green. A reference to the color of American money.

What is the slang word for $100?

Key Takeaways. C-note is slang for $100 bill. The term was derived from the Roman numeral “C” for 100.

What is $1000 bill called?

Grover Cleveland is the President on $1,000 one thousand dollar bill. Last printed in 1940s, the one thousand dollar bill notes were mostly used to transactions between banks, not people. Most expensive $1,000 one thousand dollar bill, called Grand Watermelon – sold at over $2,200,000 million dollars at auction.

How do you describe money?

Money is something (like coins or bills) accepted as a way of measuring value, trading value, and paying for goods and services. Funds describe money set aside for a special purpose. A cent is a coin represenbng one cent. The United States penny is equal to one cent.

Why is 500 called a monkey?

MONKEY. Meaning: London slang for £500. Derived from the 500 Rupee banknote, which featured a monkey. Referring to £500, this term is derived from the Indian 500 Rupee note of that era, which featured a monkey on one side.

How much is a gorilla in money?

Animals, too, figured in the dialogue with 25 quid or dollars known as a ”pony” while $500 was a ”monkey” and $1000 a ”gorilla”.

Why is a pony 25?

Originally Answered: In British slang, why is twenty five pounds known as a “pony”? £25 is known as a pony in slang & it’s believed to have originated during the Raj in India where some old Indian Rupee banknotes carried pictures of animals like pony £25 & monkey £500 on them.

How much money is a nicker?

Nicker is Cockney slang for 1 pound.

Why do we say quid?

Quid is a slang expression for the British pound sterling, or the British pound (GBP), which is the currency of the United Kingdom (U.K.). A quid equals 100 pence, and is believed to come from the Latin phrase “quid pro quo,” which translates into “something for something.”

How much money is a bag in slang?

bag/bag of sand = grand = one thousand pounds (£1,000), seemingly recent cockney rhyming slang, in use from around the mid-1990s in Greater London; perhaps more widely too.

What do British call their money?

Pound sterling

What is policy mean?

Policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization.

What is another word for policy?

Policy Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for policy?

scheme line
procedure programUS
programmeUK strategy
approach blueprint
code plan

How do you use the word policy?

  1. [S] [T] That’s our policy. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] It’s a stupid policy. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] It’s a stupid policy. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] That’s a stupid policy. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] Tom adopted a new policy. ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] It’s a questionable policy. ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] He had decided on a new policy. ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] Honesty is not always the best policy. (

What is a policy and procedure?

Policies and procedures go hand-in-hand but are not interchangeable. A policy is a set of general guidelines that outline the organization’s plan for tackling an issue. A procedure explains a specific action plan for carrying out a policy. Procedures tells employees how to deal with a situation and when.

How do you write a policy?

How to write policies and procedures

  1. Prioritize a policy list. You can’t write every policy at once and some are more important than others, so create a list of policies that need to be done first.
  2. Conduct thorough research.
  3. Write an initial draft.
  4. Validate the procedures.

What is the structure of a policy?

Writing a Policy: Structure and Components

1 A statement of what the organisation seeks to achieve for its clients
2 Underpinning principles, values and philosophies
3 Broad service objectives which explain the areas in which the organisation will be dealing
4 Strategies to achieve each objective

What must a policy contain?

Policy includes statements of rules or standards….Content

  • Use unique and descriptive words.
  • Avoid vague titles.
  • Make the title brief, yet descriptive, for search purposes. Ideally, keep titles less than 64 characters in length.
  • Avoid including the phrases “Iowa State University”, “Iowa State”, “ISU”, or “policy”.

What is a good policy?

Good policy has the following seven characteristics: Endorsed – The policy has the support of management. Relevant – The policy is applicable to the organization. Realistic – The policy makes sense. Attainable – The policy can be successfully implemented.

What makes a strong policy?

Most of all make them understandable and clear. Clarity, transparency and consistency – both internally and with other elements of the policy spectrum – are the features that mark out a good policy document from a bad one.

What are the 5 stages of the policy making process?

Howlett and Ramesh’s model identifies five stages: agenda setting, policy formulation, adoption (or decision making), implementation and evaluation. Let us briefly examine each of these stages.

What does a good policy look like?

Characteristics of a good policy It is written in simple terms and clear language. It has well-defined procedures. The procedures should clearly indicate how instructions in the policy should be carried out. The policy takes into consideration the benefits of the employees, making sure the rules are fair.

What’s the difference between policy and procedure?

Policies set some parameters for decision-making but leave room for flexibility. They show the “why” behind an action. Procedures, on the other hand, explain the “how.” They provide step-by-step instructions for specific routine tasks. They may even include a checklist or process steps to follow.

What are the 6 steps of policy making?

These are agenda building, formulation, adoption, implementation, evaluation, and termination.

How do you create a policy and procedure?

How to Develop Policies and Procedures

  1. Identify need. Policies can be developed:
  2. Identify who will take lead responsibility.
  3. Gather information.
  4. Draft policy.
  5. Consult with appropriate stakeholders.
  6. Finalise / approve policy.
  7. Consider whether procedures are required.
  8. Implement.

What is an example of a procedure?

The definition of procedure is order of the steps to be taken to make something happen, or how something is done. An example of a procedure is cracking eggs into a bowl and beating them before scrambling them in a pan. A manner of proceeding; a way of performing or effecting something.

What is SOP format?

According to Master Control, a standard operating procedure (SOP) template is a document used to describe an SOP in a company. Usually, it is written in a step-by-step format highlighting various aspects that make the company distinct and unique from the rest.

What are the types of policies?


  • ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES. These refer to the overall policies of the organization.

What are the three major types of policies?

Policies are divided into the following types on the basis of levels:

  • Basic Policies.
  • General policies.
  • Departmental Policies.

What are the three types of policies?

Now public policies and their nature are basically of three types – restrictive, regulatory and facilitating policies.

What are the general policies?

The General Policies chapter of the Guidelines is the first to contain specific recommendations to enterprises. As such it is important for setting the tone and establishing common fundamental principles for the specific recommendations in subsequent chapters.

What policies should every company have?

15 Must-Have HR Policies and Forms

  • At-will employment.
  • Anti-harassment and non-discrimination.
  • Employment classifications.
  • Leave and time off benefits.
  • Meal and break periods.
  • Timekeeping and pay.
  • Safety and health.
  • Employee conduct, attendance and punctuality.

What are examples of policies and procedures?

Here are some examples of common workplace policies that could assist your workplace:

  • code of conduct.
  • recruitment policy.
  • internet and email policy.
  • mobile phone policy.
  • non-smoking policy.
  • drug and alcohol policy.
  • health and safety policy.
  • anti-discrimination and harassment policy.

What are policy principles?

The main difference between principle and policy is that a principle is a rule that has to be followed while a policy is a guideline that can be adopted. Principles and policies are obligatory elements in the proper management of a legal system, a government or even an organization.

What is the goal of policy?

Policy is generally directed to achieve four major goals: stabilizing markets, promoting economic prosperity, ensuring business development, and promoting employment. Sometimes other objectives, like military spending or nationalization, are important.

How do you write a policy principle?

A policy must be written in clear, simple language. It must be directive, unambiguous and actionable. It must be devoid of extraneous or distracting material, and it must be structured clearly and consistently with other policies, so that readers get used to where to find things.

When a color-changing leaf first falls from a tree in autumn, it represents a beautiful reminder of the cycles inherent in nature. It’s also a sign that many more soon may fall and you should probably find a rake.

As you gather one leaf after another, what word do you use to identify the growing number? In other words, what is the plural of leaf?

We’ll answer that question and explain the logic behind it. That way, you’ll know both the rule about pluralizing leaf and the grammatical principles behind it.

The Plural Version of the Word Leaf

The plural of leaf is leaves.

Although many English words can change from singular to plural by simply adding an “s” to the end, some follow nonstandard conventions. In many cases, the differences concern spelling or pronunciation. This is particularly true for words ending in “f” or “fe.”

For example, consider the following:

Leaf becomes leaves.

Knife becomes knives.

Scarf becomes scarves.

In these cases, it’s easy to understand why each word’s pluralized version would change. The incorrect versions—leafs, knifes, and scarfs—are more difficult to enunciate because the transition from “f” to “s” is softer. We change the plural endings to “ves” to make the words more distinguished and clear.

At the same time, this treatment has exceptions. There are words ending with “f” or “fe” that are pluralized with just an “s”:

Giraffe becomes giraffes.

Roof becomes roofs.

Sheriff becomes sheriffs.

Why don’t we have the words giraves, rooves, and sherrives? In cases such as these, the reason once again comes down to effective enunciation. The plurals of these words sound clearer with the softer transition from singular to plural.

How to Learn Unusual Pluralization Rules in American English

Our modern language is still always growing and changing even as it has borrowed and secured words from many different roots and languages. That makes our writing and speaking patterns dynamic, but it can also make them a little more tricky to master.

The best way to enhance your writing, proofing, and editing skills is to simply follow guidelines such as those we’ve discussed and then put the principles into practice. For example, you could write five sentences using the singular leaf and then another five using the plural leaves. If you make such a practice a habit, you’ll sense improvement in your spelling and grammar, even if it’s just a few minutes a day.

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Leafs or Leaves, what’s the difference? Nothing is more confusing than two words that sound exactly the same but are spelled differently.

Leafs and Leaves is a set of homonyms that aren’t seen very often but can leave you scratching your head when they do.

Homonyms, which are words that sound alike or are spelled alike, can be confusing, even to veteran writers.

Read on to find out the difference between these two words, and see some examples of how to use them successfully in a sentence.

In the most basic form, the plural of a single foliage leaf is leaves. You can pluck a leaf from a tree, but the tree still has many leaves.

Leaves also has the secondary definition of ‘departing’.

So where does leafs come in? 

To understand leafs, we must first understand the singular form of the word, leaf. 

Leaf doesn’t always refer to the green growths on plants. The secondary definition of leaf is a sheet of paper. 

If you are taking one single piece of parchment from a sketchbook, it can be said that you’re taking a leaf of parchment.

 Someone who leafs through a book is someone rapidly turning the pages, usually only skimming what’s within.

  • Leaf- A single foliage growth on a plant, or a single piece of paper
  • Leaves- The plural of leaf, or to depart
  • Leafs- A verb meaning to rapidly turn pages while skimming for content. 

When to Use Leafs

You will use the word leafs on one occasion. 

As a verb, you can say that someone is leafing through a magazine, while as a noun, a single piece of paper is a leaf. Leafs is the present tense term for searching through a book or other collections of paper. 

When to Use Leaves

There are two different ways to use the word leaves.

The first way is as a verb for departing or going away from. ‘She leaves the room’.

The second way to use leaves is as the plural form of the green protuberances on most plants, a leaf. ‘In the fall, you make rake a pile of leaves‘.

Examples of Leafs in a Sentence

Sometimes it can be helpful to read a word in the context of a sentence, especially an unfamiliar word.

Here are a few examples of the word leafs in a sentence: 

The patient picks up and leafs through the magazine while waiting on the doctor.

She leafs through the stack of papers, looking for the right application.

Mary leafs through the book to find the example she had in mind.

Examples of Leaves in a Sentence

Leaves is a much more commonly used word than leafs, but just to differentiate, here are a few sentences that feature the word leaves:

He leaves the house unattended.

She leaves the red car behind.

Jon raked the leaves for Ms. Adams.

The leaves are falling from the trees.

How to Remember the Difference between Leafs and Leaves

Remembering the difference between leafs and leaves is made easier by the fact that leafs only has one definition.

Anytime you read about someone turning pages, you will use the word leafs.

Any other time you will use leaves. So the best way to remember the difference between the two, is memorizing the single circumstance leafs will be used in!

Test Yourself on Leafs vs Leaves With These Sentences 

Andy has lost his page in his book, so to find it, he _____ through the book looking for a familiar phrase.

When her little brother shook the tree, all the _____ fell on her.

Tony’s favorite fall activity was to jump in a huge pile of _____ that his father ______ behind for him.

Since she had an older copy of the textbook, she _____ through the book before every class to find the right page.

How do you spell leaf in plural form?

noun, plural leaves [leevz].

Is there such a word as Leafs?

The plural of “leaf” is “leaves”, but the plural of “Leaf” is “Leafs”.

Does leaves have an apostrophe?

For a plural word that ends in -s, add only an apostrophe. Ex. The trees’ leaves have all fallen. For a plural word that does not end in –s, add an apostrophe s (-‘s).

What do we use for girls?

While it is usually used to mean “female child,” the word girl is also sometimes used in reference to young adult or adult women, such as in girl bands or a girlfriend. Parents also use the word girls for their daughters of any age.

How do you spell girl?

Correct spelling for the English word “girl” is [ɡˈɜːl], [ɡˈɜːl], [ɡ_ˈɜː_l] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

How would you describe a girl in one sentence?

Affable – She has many friends and is a pleasure to be around. Ambitious – She has a personality that revolves around her goals and improving her situation. Captivating – She is a delightful person; you can’t take your eyes off her. Confident – She trusts her own abilities and knows that she has value.

How do you describe a beautiful girl in one line?

Alluring highly charming or attractive and able to arouse desire or hope. Amazing stunningly beautiful; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities; inspiring awe or admiration. Angelic heavenly; divine; pure; cute; radiant. Appealing attractive; interesting; inviting; charming.

What to say to make her feel special?

Here are 9 nice sweet things to say to a girl:

  • I wish you were a coin.
  • If my days started with a kiss from you then I would never drink coffee.
  • You brighten up my day every time I see you.
  • I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past.

How do you describe a strong woman?

Thankfully, the English language is rich in beautiful and powerful adjectives to describe a strong woman….60 powerful words to describe a strong woman.

accountable educated positive
competent knowledgeable smart
confident mindful spirited
considerate motivated strong

How do you praise a strong woman?

Here are ten compliments that strong women absolutely adore.

  1. 1 Congratulations on your accomplishment.
  2. 2 That was brave of you.
  3. 3 You are an inspiration.
  4. 4 You are kind.
  5. 5 You are so great at…
  6. 6 You are a great listener.
  7. 7 You look lovely (without leering)
  8. 8 Your help was so appreciated.

What makes a woman strong and independent?

Being a strong, independent woman means that you are able to find happiness on your own. You have self-confidence without having to rely on another person or society for validation. It means emotional independence and being able to have healthy relationships with others without falling into co-dependent patterns.

What is a strong woman quote?

“A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.”

What is an inspiring woman?

For me, an inspiring woman is simply a woman who can fill someone with the desire or urge to do something worthwhile. Something that creates a better world. Perhaps a woman, who lives her life free from definitions, constraints and attachment to generally accepted ideals and stereotypes of beauty and success.

What is the most beautiful quote?

Most Beautiful Quotes

  • The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.
  • The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments.

What is a positive quote for the day?

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” “If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.” “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” “Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.”

Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: when it comes to forming a plural form of a noun leaf, many people make the mistake of simply adding the -s ending to it, which results in leafs. That form, however, is incorrect as according to the rule when a singular noun ends in -f or -fe, we need to change it to -v and then add -es, which gives the correct plural form leaves.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: leaves is a word with a long history as it already appeared in Old English after it came from Old Germanic. Leaves is a plural noun and its singular form is leaf. It’s important to notice that we don’t form a plural form only by adding -s to the singular noun, but by changing -f to -v and then adding -es.

Definition of leaves:
1. noun – plural of leaf, refers to a green, usually flat part of a tree or plant; it can also refer to thin paper layers:
The leaves of that plant may look beautiful, but they contain a poisonous substance.
The leaves of that old book are almost completely destroyed so be careful with that.

Expressions with leaves:
Some typical expressions with the word include falling leaves, colorful leaves, and lettuce leaves. The word often goes together with the verbs: turn, fall, appear.
Look at all those beautiful, falling leaves.
The whole park is covered with wonderful, colorful leaves.
Take those lettuce leaves and tear them into the salad bowl.
The summer is almost over and the leaves start to turn.
In such a windy day the leaves are falling everywhere.
It’s finally March and green leaves already appear on the trees.

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✓ Content verified by English professional
Written by: Anna Gąsior
A graduate of methodology and translation studies in Bydgoszcz, Poland. An experienced and engaged high school English teacher by day, and a passionate translator, and copywriter by night. Interested in music, non-fiction books, and cooking. A fan of a healthy lifestyle and sport.

Last updated: July 5, 2022
Published on: April 11, 2017

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